Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry ' ^ J Instruction 'j )? Scotland l !> 7 OBITUARY : — Iiro . Captain ; UriilfiCS i " Supreme Grand Chapter 1 S 9 Bro . Constable ' s Drawing 189 Consecration of a Lodge at Carlisle 190
Freemasonry in Triniilail 190 Districi Graml Lodge of tlie Punjab 190 Conscration oil a Chapter at Southend-011-Sea 191 The London Masonic Club ' 9 ' Memories ofthe Great Installation 192 The Advantages of Discipline 192 The New Grand Officers 192 West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution 193 The Grand Orient and the Chapitres ' 04 The Prince of Waksand the " Scottish Freemason ' s "
Maga 7 ine . 195 C ORRESPONDENCE : — An Installation Jewel 193 The liarl of Carnarvon on Freemasonry 194 The Father cf the Freemasons 19-I Seamen's Hospital i < M Masonic Notes ar . d Queries 194
Visit ofthe Swedish Deputation to the Girls' School 19 s Koyal Masonic Institution for Boys 195 Koyal Masonic Institution for Girls 19 S POETRY ¦ . — Ode to the Craft 19 S Masonic Tidings 19 ; Lodge Meetings for next week I 9 i Advertisements i . ii iii- iv . v . vi . x .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
^ Craft IStatra .
AIETROPOLITAN . NEW CONCOHD LODGE ( 813 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Thursday , April 15 th . All the work was performed by Bro . Gabb in an excellent manner . The ticket for the Installation of H . R . H . was given to Bro . Sinclair , Treas ., he being the oldest subscribing and initiated member . Bro . Fowkes ,
Crystal Palace Lodge , was the only visitor . The votes of the lodge were solicited antl g iven to Bro . Emmens , P . AL , on behalf of the candidate , Bro . Cooper . At the supper , after the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts , Bro . Emmens , P . G . P ., responded for the Grand Officers . Bro . Cusworth , J . W ., replied on behalf of the charities , particularly for the Boys' School , at whose festival he is a Steward . Bro . Alain ,
P . AI . and S ., responded for the Past Alaster , urging the necessity of attending Lodges of Instruction , and drawing attcnlioti to the ceremonies to bc worked on the 21 st at the New Concord Lodge of Instruction . The S . W . being prevented by domestic affliction from staying to the supper , the Treas . replied for the Officers . Bro . Fowkes , as a visitor , acknowledged the hospitality , also the admirable way in
which the W . AI . carried out all his duties . Some good singing and recitations from Bros . Bay lis , Swales , Salisbury , and Cusworth were much enjoyed , and the Tyler's toast finished an agreeable evening . GUEAT CITV LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held last Saturday tit the City Terminus Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . N . B . Headon ,
P . AI . There was a very large attendance of the brethren , and the officers were nil in their places . Lodge was opened at three o'clock , and the workwas immediately commenced . Assisted by Bro . James Stevens , I . P . M ., and the officers , tie W . AI . performed five initiations , two raisings and seven passings . Alessrs . Wm . Henry Rowe , John Liscombe , Charles Lord , George Goodman , and Thomas Bcnskin
took the First Degree ; Bros . E . Crickmay and Gray , the Third ; and Bros . Whitc , Bristow , Alcasurcs , Hicks , Durrani , AIcNiver , and Fn < mcr the Second . There were several propositions ( or new members ; ami the brethren , after calling off for refreshment at six o ' clock , proceeded with the business of the lodge afterwards ; and when this was entirely completed , adjourned . The whole of the work was , as usual , well performed .
INSTRUCTION . STABILITY LODGE OK INSTRUCTION ( No 217 ) . —The annual festival of Bro . Henry Aluggcridge ' s celebrated Lodge of Instruction was held , according to ancient custom , on the Friday succeeding Grand Festival . As usual , it was very numerously attended , and the large lodg .. room at tin * City Terminus I lotel , as well as the
Great Hall , where the banquet was subsequently spread , w . 'is crowded on the occasion . The character which the lodge has obtained for its correct working was fully maintained . Bro . Aluggcridge presided iu lodge , and after its formnl opening proceeded with the lectures of the Second Degree . Bro . Bailey gave the answers in the ist Section ; Bro . Russell , and ; Bro . Jonas , 3 rd , and
Bro . Scriven 4 th and 5 U 1 , Lodge Board . All these brethren were afterwards congratulated on thcit proficiency , and the readiness with which their replies were given . The following sums were voted to the Alasonic Institutions : —Ten guineas to Gills'School ; fifteen guineas to Boys' School ; ten pounds to Benevolent Institution . Bro . Scriven proposal , and Bro . Jones
seconded , a vote of thanks to Bro . Muggeridge , the Preceptor , which having been carried , Bro . Edward Spooner proposed , and Bro . Thomas James seconded , a vote of condolence and sympathy for the great calamity that has befallen Bro . Aluggeridge , in the death of his son , Bro . Strickland Aluggeridge , the Secretary . Bro . E .
n . Snell , P . G . D ., proposed , and Bro . R . Townend seconded a vote of thanks to the Working Brethren . 25 new members were then elected , and the lodge was closed . There were present among others , Bros . Aluggcridge , W . AL ; Russell , S . W . ; | onas , S . W . ; Scriven , S . D . ; Bailey , J . D . ; Storr , J . D . ; Colonel Burdett , G . M . M . ; E . S Snell , P . G . D . ; E , AI . Hubbuck , P . G . S . ; I . F . Jackson ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . G . S . ; John Bodenham , P . G . Treasurer , Staffordshire ; Larkins , P . G . S . ; Winkfield , D . Crombie , Alorgan , P . G . S . ; T . James , Paddle , Vickers , Birdseye , Gale , Alyres , Henry Alarsh , I lenry Mellon , Copestick , Phythian , F . W . Bryant , Thomas Corgill , Bennie , Crossfield , Batten , Fellows , Kibble , G . Kenning , C Arkell , and a large number of brethren . The visitors were—Bios . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , PAL ;
Goepel , P . AL ; and Scott , P . AL , all of Liverpool . It was nearly nine o'clock before the brethren left . the lodge for the banquet ; at which , however , Bro . Aluggeridge did not take part on account of his recent domestic affliction . This threw a gloom over the whole proceedings of the evening , and the mirth that prevailed was of a very qualified description . Colonel Francis Burdett ,
Provincial Grand Alaster of Aliddlesex , took the chair , supported on his rig ht by Bro . E . S . Snell , Past Grand Deacon . Many of the brethren present were visitors from the country , who had come up for the Installation of the Alost Worship ful Grand Alaster , and availed themselves of the opportunity afforded of witnessing the working of the Stability Lodge . The banquet was admirably
provided by Bro . Spencer , and on the removal of the cloth the musical brethren ( Baxter , Donald King , and Theodore Distin ) rendered grace ( " Not unto us , O Lord" ) in excellent style . The toasts were thin proposed . Colonel Burdett , in proposing the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " said that Alasonry , as Lord Carnarvon mentioned on Wednesday in the Albert Hall , in very few
words bur an excellent speech , consisted of loyalty and charity . He ( the Chairman ) need not say much about loyalty , because every brother was as loyal as could bc desired ; and in following up the principles of loyalty for which they were famous , he would call upon them to honour the toast he now proposed . The toast having been henrtily received , was followed by the " National Anthem . "
Colonel Burdett next proposed 'The M . W . G . M ., the Prince of Wales . " It was a toast which he felt confident would tc drunk that evening with even more enthusiasm than the brethren had ever displayed befoie . Alasons had now actually got His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales as their Grand Alaster . He had taken them by the hand , and now ruled them in a kind and goodly spirit . I lc would
do everything he could for them in his position as Grand Alaster . His appreciation of the Order was manifested by his introduction of two of his brothers into it . In a short time it was to be hoped these brothers would hold a high position in the Craft . They were sure to bc good Alasons , as they took up Freemasonry as enthusiastically as did the Prince of Wales . This was the first time His Royal
Highness s health had been drunk in a body like that since the Installation , and it was therefore with additional pleasure he ( Colonel Burdett ) now proposed it . Colonel Burdett then proposed " The Pro Grand Alaster , the Deputy Grand Alaster , and Grand Officers . " TIK brethren all knew how well the Grand Officers performed their duties , and lately some of them had had very arduous and
difficult duties to perform . They hail , however , carried them out in a most exemplary way , and on Wednesday especially . Nothing could have been better than the arrangements en that occasion . It was for them to uphold the position of the Grand Alaster , and they would best do it by performing their duties in the same satisfactory way as heretofore . He would couple
with this toast the name of an old Grand Officer , who had been a constant member of this Lodge of Instruction for many years , and who was then present , Bro . E . S . Snell , Past Grand Deacon . New song , Bro . Donald King : " Our Song . " Bro . E . S . Snell said he thought it was 28 years ago when he joined this Lodge of Instruction , and he had never felt greater pleasure than when he
was receiving instruction in it . He had the greatest possible regard for Bro . Aluggeridge , its Preceptor , and looked with satisfaction on the wide diffusion of a knowledge of Freemasonry which he had been the means of effecting . The Grand Officers had been spoken of b y Colonel Burdett in a very flattering way , and their performance of their duties had drawn forth great praise .
Bros . Sir Albert Woods and Thomas Fenn had latel y been working like slaves , and they had had the pleasure of seeing their exertions crowned by the most unexampled success . Never had such a scene been witnessed as that of Wednesday previously , and many persons would wonder how a body of men nearly 8 , 000 strong could have acted with such regularity . The truth was
that Sir Albert Woods and Bro . Fenn had managed things so well that this consequence was produced . At the dinner in the evening he received a message from Bro . Wentworth Cole to say he had dismissed the police , locked up the hall , and found there was not a single accident to report . ( Cheers . ) Colonel Burdett proposed " The Lodge of Instruction , anil
Bro . Henry Aluggcridge , " and said he did so with a great deal of pleasure and a great deal of pain . They had all known Bro . Aluggeridge for a very long time , and they all appreciated him . All appreciated his great loss , and regretted his unavoidable absence al the banquet tabic . Bro . Aluggeridge gave a great ileal of time to this Lodge of Instruction , and worked it in a most praiseworthy manner ;
but Bro . Aluggeridge must be very proud of many apt pupils which he had , and of the way they performed their work . Under the melancholy circumstances of the occasion he ( Col . Burdett ) thought it besl not to say any mere . Bro . E . S . 'Sncll , P . G . D ., proposed " The I Icalth of Col . Burdett , " a representative of Grand Lodge of Ireland in Grand Lodge of England , a Past Grand Warden , and Prov . Grand
Alaster of Aliddlesex , who was always ready to take the chair and perform any services he could for Alasonry . Col . Burdett responded in his usual happy and kindly way , and expressed the great gratification it afforded him at any time to be of service to Freemasonry . He then proposed " The Working Brethren , Bros . Wm . Bailey , J . E . Russell , John Jonas , and J . B . Scriven , " and after a song by Bro . T . Distin , "Mine Host , " Bro . Wm , Bailey and J . B . . Scri-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ven replied . Bro J . G . Alarsh proposed "The Sister Lodtr of Instruction , " and Col . Burdett concluded the business < E the evening by proposing " The Alasonic Charities , " aftir which the brethren separated . CHEAT CITY LODGE HF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 1426 ) . The Lod ge of Instruction in connection with the Great City Lodge met on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., nt the lodge
rooms , in , Cheapside , when a very large muster of the Craft were present . Bro . James Stevens , " l . P . M ., took the chair , for the purpose of performing the ceremony of installation . Bro . N , B . I leadon , the W . AI . of the Great City Loilge , was the W . AI . Elect for the occasion . Among other brethren present were the principal officers of the parent lodge , and among the visitors—Bros . J . H .
Grrham , ; LL . D ., P . G . M ., Quebec ; Greene , New York ; Isa-C Watts , Lodge of Fortitude , Plymouth ; Wm . Cole , Loihe of Loyalty , Southampton ; Page , No . 39 , Exeter ; Veni > , No . 49 ; Staley , No . 1216 ; Allen , Islington Lodge ; R . N . Field , W . AI . No . 902 , I lands , Birmingham , anil many other distinguished brethren . The ceremony of installation was most ably performed , and after tbe business of the
lodge was finished the brethren adjourned to Bro . Townend's , Kennan ' s Hotel , Cheapside , and partook of a ' very sumptuous repast . Afterwards the usual 105 'al toasts were honoured , and "The Health of the W . AL , Bto . I leadon , " was most cordially received , the more so as he had put aside an important engagement in order to forward the interests of the lodge , Bro . Win . Cole , by permission of
the W . AL , proposed "The Health of the Installing Alaster , " and referred to many services which had been rendered by that brother to Alasonry in the province of Devonshire and elsewhere . " The Health of the Visitors " was proposed by the W . AL , and in replying , Bro . Graham spoke in terms of unqualified satisfaction of the working of the ceremony he had witnessed that evening , and of the
cordiality with which he had been received , not onl ) in that Lodge of Instruction but in many other lodges with which he had had an opportunity of being connected during the time of his stay in London . He also referred to the grand ceremony which he had witnessed on the previous evening . I le was followed b y Bro . Greene , of New York , who in similar terms expressed his great
appreciation of English Alasonry , as he hail found it carried out both in private lodges and at the Royal Albert Hall the day previously . Bros . Cole , Page , and other brethren also thanked the W . AI . and officers of the Great City Lodge of Instruction for the great treat with which , they had just been favoured . The evening was highly satisfactory , and the catering of Bro . Townend was warmly praised .
PROVINCIAL . ROCHESTER . —GUNDU M ' LODGE ( 1050 ) . —On Wednesday , April 28 , the installation of Bro . G . H . Curcll took place in the presence of a number of distinguished brethren . The ceremony of installation was performed b y P . AL Bro . John Nicholls , in his usual eloquent and impressive manner ; after which the Worshipful Master presented to
the out-going Alaster a very handsome Past Alaster's jewel . The W . AI . then appointed his officers as under— -Treasurer , P . AI . W yles ; Secretary , P . AI . G . Watscn , I . P . AI . Bro . T . Newton ; S . W . Bro . T . Watson ; ) . W . Bro . J . P . Griffin ; S . D . Bro . AI . Barnes ; J . D . Bro . A . Randall ; i . G . Bro . W .
Henderson . Stewards , Bros . Abott and Barnett ; D . C . Bro . F . Newman ; Tyler , Bro . Fearne . After which the brethren to the number of Co partook of a banquet . The usual toasts were well received and responded to . Amongst those present were P . G . S . W . Bro . Page , and Bto . Blakey , Royal Navy .
Scotland .
WISIIAW . —LODGE ST . AIAIIV ' S , COI . TST . SS ( No . 31 ) had a meeting on the ni ght of the 28 th ult ., which was largely attended by the members , in order to celebrate the Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Alastel of the Freemasons of England . The chair was occupied by Bro . Kelso , R . W . AI ., who gave the toast of the evening " II . R . II . the Prince of Wales , " which was responded to
wilh great enthusiasm b y the brethren . Bro . T . Young likewise gave an address in praise of H . R . H ., in the course of which he said , that through the Pope winning a Alarquis Freemasonry had gained a Prince , which was received with great cheering from the brethren . The night was spent in song and sentiment . ALLOA . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 69 . )—A special
meeting of the brethren of Alloa St . John ' s Lodge of Freemasons was held in the Prince of Wales Hotel , on Wednesday , the 28 th April , 28 th April , 1875 , iu honour of the Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Alaster Alason of England . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . G . B . Graham , W . AL , assisted by Bros . John Philp , S . W ., and James Brown , J . W ., and other
office-bearers , and members of the lodge in the apprentice degree , and was thereafter called from labour to refreshment , when the brethren partook of a service of cakeand wine ; the W . M ., G . B . Graham , in the chair . The toasts of " The Queen , and Cralt , " and the " Three Grand Lodges of England , Scotland , and Ireland , " being given from lhe chair , and duly drank in true Alasonic style ,
thereafter the W . AI . called for a special bumper for the toast of the evening , and lhe cause or our meeting here as congregated Alasons . ' 1 he W . AI . said they had assembled for the purpose of doing honour to I lis Roytll Highness , who had that dayi'lkcu installed into the high position of Craft Alasonry , ahd trusted he would 1 e
long spared to wield the sceptre of Alasonic power ; and after a few other appropriate remarks , gave "Long Life and Happiness to our Noble Brother , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Alaster Mason of England , " which was drank amidst great enthusiasm , tic brethren singing " Long Live the Prince of Wales . " Bro . John Philp , S , W ., gave "TheHealth of our Noble Brother , Lord Alar
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry ' ^ J Instruction 'j )? Scotland l !> 7 OBITUARY : — Iiro . Captain ; UriilfiCS i " Supreme Grand Chapter 1 S 9 Bro . Constable ' s Drawing 189 Consecration of a Lodge at Carlisle 190
Freemasonry in Triniilail 190 Districi Graml Lodge of tlie Punjab 190 Conscration oil a Chapter at Southend-011-Sea 191 The London Masonic Club ' 9 ' Memories ofthe Great Installation 192 The Advantages of Discipline 192 The New Grand Officers 192 West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution 193 The Grand Orient and the Chapitres ' 04 The Prince of Waksand the " Scottish Freemason ' s "
Maga 7 ine . 195 C ORRESPONDENCE : — An Installation Jewel 193 The liarl of Carnarvon on Freemasonry 194 The Father cf the Freemasons 19-I Seamen's Hospital i < M Masonic Notes ar . d Queries 194
Visit ofthe Swedish Deputation to the Girls' School 19 s Koyal Masonic Institution for Boys 195 Koyal Masonic Institution for Girls 19 S POETRY ¦ . — Ode to the Craft 19 S Masonic Tidings 19 ; Lodge Meetings for next week I 9 i Advertisements i . ii iii- iv . v . vi . x .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
^ Craft IStatra .
AIETROPOLITAN . NEW CONCOHD LODGE ( 813 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Thursday , April 15 th . All the work was performed by Bro . Gabb in an excellent manner . The ticket for the Installation of H . R . H . was given to Bro . Sinclair , Treas ., he being the oldest subscribing and initiated member . Bro . Fowkes ,
Crystal Palace Lodge , was the only visitor . The votes of the lodge were solicited antl g iven to Bro . Emmens , P . AL , on behalf of the candidate , Bro . Cooper . At the supper , after the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts , Bro . Emmens , P . G . P ., responded for the Grand Officers . Bro . Cusworth , J . W ., replied on behalf of the charities , particularly for the Boys' School , at whose festival he is a Steward . Bro . Alain ,
P . AI . and S ., responded for the Past Alaster , urging the necessity of attending Lodges of Instruction , and drawing attcnlioti to the ceremonies to bc worked on the 21 st at the New Concord Lodge of Instruction . The S . W . being prevented by domestic affliction from staying to the supper , the Treas . replied for the Officers . Bro . Fowkes , as a visitor , acknowledged the hospitality , also the admirable way in
which the W . AI . carried out all his duties . Some good singing and recitations from Bros . Bay lis , Swales , Salisbury , and Cusworth were much enjoyed , and the Tyler's toast finished an agreeable evening . GUEAT CITV LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held last Saturday tit the City Terminus Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . N . B . Headon ,
P . AI . There was a very large attendance of the brethren , and the officers were nil in their places . Lodge was opened at three o'clock , and the workwas immediately commenced . Assisted by Bro . James Stevens , I . P . M ., and the officers , tie W . AI . performed five initiations , two raisings and seven passings . Alessrs . Wm . Henry Rowe , John Liscombe , Charles Lord , George Goodman , and Thomas Bcnskin
took the First Degree ; Bros . E . Crickmay and Gray , the Third ; and Bros . Whitc , Bristow , Alcasurcs , Hicks , Durrani , AIcNiver , and Fn < mcr the Second . There were several propositions ( or new members ; ami the brethren , after calling off for refreshment at six o ' clock , proceeded with the business of the lodge afterwards ; and when this was entirely completed , adjourned . The whole of the work was , as usual , well performed .
INSTRUCTION . STABILITY LODGE OK INSTRUCTION ( No 217 ) . —The annual festival of Bro . Henry Aluggcridge ' s celebrated Lodge of Instruction was held , according to ancient custom , on the Friday succeeding Grand Festival . As usual , it was very numerously attended , and the large lodg .. room at tin * City Terminus I lotel , as well as the
Great Hall , where the banquet was subsequently spread , w . 'is crowded on the occasion . The character which the lodge has obtained for its correct working was fully maintained . Bro . Aluggcridge presided iu lodge , and after its formnl opening proceeded with the lectures of the Second Degree . Bro . Bailey gave the answers in the ist Section ; Bro . Russell , and ; Bro . Jonas , 3 rd , and
Bro . Scriven 4 th and 5 U 1 , Lodge Board . All these brethren were afterwards congratulated on thcit proficiency , and the readiness with which their replies were given . The following sums were voted to the Alasonic Institutions : —Ten guineas to Gills'School ; fifteen guineas to Boys' School ; ten pounds to Benevolent Institution . Bro . Scriven proposal , and Bro . Jones
seconded , a vote of thanks to Bro . Muggeridge , the Preceptor , which having been carried , Bro . Edward Spooner proposed , and Bro . Thomas James seconded , a vote of condolence and sympathy for the great calamity that has befallen Bro . Aluggeridge , in the death of his son , Bro . Strickland Aluggeridge , the Secretary . Bro . E .
n . Snell , P . G . D ., proposed , and Bro . R . Townend seconded a vote of thanks to the Working Brethren . 25 new members were then elected , and the lodge was closed . There were present among others , Bros . Aluggcridge , W . AL ; Russell , S . W . ; | onas , S . W . ; Scriven , S . D . ; Bailey , J . D . ; Storr , J . D . ; Colonel Burdett , G . M . M . ; E . S Snell , P . G . D . ; E , AI . Hubbuck , P . G . S . ; I . F . Jackson ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . G . S . ; John Bodenham , P . G . Treasurer , Staffordshire ; Larkins , P . G . S . ; Winkfield , D . Crombie , Alorgan , P . G . S . ; T . James , Paddle , Vickers , Birdseye , Gale , Alyres , Henry Alarsh , I lenry Mellon , Copestick , Phythian , F . W . Bryant , Thomas Corgill , Bennie , Crossfield , Batten , Fellows , Kibble , G . Kenning , C Arkell , and a large number of brethren . The visitors were—Bios . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , PAL ;
Goepel , P . AL ; and Scott , P . AL , all of Liverpool . It was nearly nine o'clock before the brethren left . the lodge for the banquet ; at which , however , Bro . Aluggeridge did not take part on account of his recent domestic affliction . This threw a gloom over the whole proceedings of the evening , and the mirth that prevailed was of a very qualified description . Colonel Francis Burdett ,
Provincial Grand Alaster of Aliddlesex , took the chair , supported on his rig ht by Bro . E . S . Snell , Past Grand Deacon . Many of the brethren present were visitors from the country , who had come up for the Installation of the Alost Worship ful Grand Alaster , and availed themselves of the opportunity afforded of witnessing the working of the Stability Lodge . The banquet was admirably
provided by Bro . Spencer , and on the removal of the cloth the musical brethren ( Baxter , Donald King , and Theodore Distin ) rendered grace ( " Not unto us , O Lord" ) in excellent style . The toasts were thin proposed . Colonel Burdett , in proposing the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " said that Alasonry , as Lord Carnarvon mentioned on Wednesday in the Albert Hall , in very few
words bur an excellent speech , consisted of loyalty and charity . He ( the Chairman ) need not say much about loyalty , because every brother was as loyal as could bc desired ; and in following up the principles of loyalty for which they were famous , he would call upon them to honour the toast he now proposed . The toast having been henrtily received , was followed by the " National Anthem . "
Colonel Burdett next proposed 'The M . W . G . M ., the Prince of Wales . " It was a toast which he felt confident would tc drunk that evening with even more enthusiasm than the brethren had ever displayed befoie . Alasons had now actually got His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales as their Grand Alaster . He had taken them by the hand , and now ruled them in a kind and goodly spirit . I lc would
do everything he could for them in his position as Grand Alaster . His appreciation of the Order was manifested by his introduction of two of his brothers into it . In a short time it was to be hoped these brothers would hold a high position in the Craft . They were sure to bc good Alasons , as they took up Freemasonry as enthusiastically as did the Prince of Wales . This was the first time His Royal
Highness s health had been drunk in a body like that since the Installation , and it was therefore with additional pleasure he ( Colonel Burdett ) now proposed it . Colonel Burdett then proposed " The Pro Grand Alaster , the Deputy Grand Alaster , and Grand Officers . " TIK brethren all knew how well the Grand Officers performed their duties , and lately some of them had had very arduous and
difficult duties to perform . They hail , however , carried them out in a most exemplary way , and on Wednesday especially . Nothing could have been better than the arrangements en that occasion . It was for them to uphold the position of the Grand Alaster , and they would best do it by performing their duties in the same satisfactory way as heretofore . He would couple
with this toast the name of an old Grand Officer , who had been a constant member of this Lodge of Instruction for many years , and who was then present , Bro . E . S . Snell , Past Grand Deacon . New song , Bro . Donald King : " Our Song . " Bro . E . S . Snell said he thought it was 28 years ago when he joined this Lodge of Instruction , and he had never felt greater pleasure than when he
was receiving instruction in it . He had the greatest possible regard for Bro . Aluggeridge , its Preceptor , and looked with satisfaction on the wide diffusion of a knowledge of Freemasonry which he had been the means of effecting . The Grand Officers had been spoken of b y Colonel Burdett in a very flattering way , and their performance of their duties had drawn forth great praise .
Bros . Sir Albert Woods and Thomas Fenn had latel y been working like slaves , and they had had the pleasure of seeing their exertions crowned by the most unexampled success . Never had such a scene been witnessed as that of Wednesday previously , and many persons would wonder how a body of men nearly 8 , 000 strong could have acted with such regularity . The truth was
that Sir Albert Woods and Bro . Fenn had managed things so well that this consequence was produced . At the dinner in the evening he received a message from Bro . Wentworth Cole to say he had dismissed the police , locked up the hall , and found there was not a single accident to report . ( Cheers . ) Colonel Burdett proposed " The Lodge of Instruction , anil
Bro . Henry Aluggcridge , " and said he did so with a great deal of pleasure and a great deal of pain . They had all known Bro . Aluggeridge for a very long time , and they all appreciated him . All appreciated his great loss , and regretted his unavoidable absence al the banquet tabic . Bro . Aluggeridge gave a great ileal of time to this Lodge of Instruction , and worked it in a most praiseworthy manner ;
but Bro . Aluggeridge must be very proud of many apt pupils which he had , and of the way they performed their work . Under the melancholy circumstances of the occasion he ( Col . Burdett ) thought it besl not to say any mere . Bro . E . S . 'Sncll , P . G . D ., proposed " The I Icalth of Col . Burdett , " a representative of Grand Lodge of Ireland in Grand Lodge of England , a Past Grand Warden , and Prov . Grand
Alaster of Aliddlesex , who was always ready to take the chair and perform any services he could for Alasonry . Col . Burdett responded in his usual happy and kindly way , and expressed the great gratification it afforded him at any time to be of service to Freemasonry . He then proposed " The Working Brethren , Bros . Wm . Bailey , J . E . Russell , John Jonas , and J . B . Scriven , " and after a song by Bro . T . Distin , "Mine Host , " Bro . Wm , Bailey and J . B . . Scri-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ven replied . Bro J . G . Alarsh proposed "The Sister Lodtr of Instruction , " and Col . Burdett concluded the business < E the evening by proposing " The Alasonic Charities , " aftir which the brethren separated . CHEAT CITY LODGE HF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 1426 ) . The Lod ge of Instruction in connection with the Great City Lodge met on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., nt the lodge
rooms , in , Cheapside , when a very large muster of the Craft were present . Bro . James Stevens , " l . P . M ., took the chair , for the purpose of performing the ceremony of installation . Bro . N , B . I leadon , the W . AI . of the Great City Loilge , was the W . AI . Elect for the occasion . Among other brethren present were the principal officers of the parent lodge , and among the visitors—Bros . J . H .
Grrham , ; LL . D ., P . G . M ., Quebec ; Greene , New York ; Isa-C Watts , Lodge of Fortitude , Plymouth ; Wm . Cole , Loihe of Loyalty , Southampton ; Page , No . 39 , Exeter ; Veni > , No . 49 ; Staley , No . 1216 ; Allen , Islington Lodge ; R . N . Field , W . AI . No . 902 , I lands , Birmingham , anil many other distinguished brethren . The ceremony of installation was most ably performed , and after tbe business of the
lodge was finished the brethren adjourned to Bro . Townend's , Kennan ' s Hotel , Cheapside , and partook of a ' very sumptuous repast . Afterwards the usual 105 'al toasts were honoured , and "The Health of the W . AL , Bto . I leadon , " was most cordially received , the more so as he had put aside an important engagement in order to forward the interests of the lodge , Bro . Win . Cole , by permission of
the W . AL , proposed "The Health of the Installing Alaster , " and referred to many services which had been rendered by that brother to Alasonry in the province of Devonshire and elsewhere . " The Health of the Visitors " was proposed by the W . AL , and in replying , Bro . Graham spoke in terms of unqualified satisfaction of the working of the ceremony he had witnessed that evening , and of the
cordiality with which he had been received , not onl ) in that Lodge of Instruction but in many other lodges with which he had had an opportunity of being connected during the time of his stay in London . He also referred to the grand ceremony which he had witnessed on the previous evening . I le was followed b y Bro . Greene , of New York , who in similar terms expressed his great
appreciation of English Alasonry , as he hail found it carried out both in private lodges and at the Royal Albert Hall the day previously . Bros . Cole , Page , and other brethren also thanked the W . AI . and officers of the Great City Lodge of Instruction for the great treat with which , they had just been favoured . The evening was highly satisfactory , and the catering of Bro . Townend was warmly praised .
PROVINCIAL . ROCHESTER . —GUNDU M ' LODGE ( 1050 ) . —On Wednesday , April 28 , the installation of Bro . G . H . Curcll took place in the presence of a number of distinguished brethren . The ceremony of installation was performed b y P . AL Bro . John Nicholls , in his usual eloquent and impressive manner ; after which the Worshipful Master presented to
the out-going Alaster a very handsome Past Alaster's jewel . The W . AI . then appointed his officers as under— -Treasurer , P . AI . W yles ; Secretary , P . AI . G . Watscn , I . P . AI . Bro . T . Newton ; S . W . Bro . T . Watson ; ) . W . Bro . J . P . Griffin ; S . D . Bro . AI . Barnes ; J . D . Bro . A . Randall ; i . G . Bro . W .
Henderson . Stewards , Bros . Abott and Barnett ; D . C . Bro . F . Newman ; Tyler , Bro . Fearne . After which the brethren to the number of Co partook of a banquet . The usual toasts were well received and responded to . Amongst those present were P . G . S . W . Bro . Page , and Bto . Blakey , Royal Navy .
Scotland .
WISIIAW . —LODGE ST . AIAIIV ' S , COI . TST . SS ( No . 31 ) had a meeting on the ni ght of the 28 th ult ., which was largely attended by the members , in order to celebrate the Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Alastel of the Freemasons of England . The chair was occupied by Bro . Kelso , R . W . AI ., who gave the toast of the evening " II . R . II . the Prince of Wales , " which was responded to
wilh great enthusiasm b y the brethren . Bro . T . Young likewise gave an address in praise of H . R . H ., in the course of which he said , that through the Pope winning a Alarquis Freemasonry had gained a Prince , which was received with great cheering from the brethren . The night was spent in song and sentiment . ALLOA . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 69 . )—A special
meeting of the brethren of Alloa St . John ' s Lodge of Freemasons was held in the Prince of Wales Hotel , on Wednesday , the 28 th April , 28 th April , 1875 , iu honour of the Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Alaster Alason of England . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . G . B . Graham , W . AL , assisted by Bros . John Philp , S . W ., and James Brown , J . W ., and other
office-bearers , and members of the lodge in the apprentice degree , and was thereafter called from labour to refreshment , when the brethren partook of a service of cakeand wine ; the W . M ., G . B . Graham , in the chair . The toasts of " The Queen , and Cralt , " and the " Three Grand Lodges of England , Scotland , and Ireland , " being given from lhe chair , and duly drank in true Alasonic style ,
thereafter the W . AI . called for a special bumper for the toast of the evening , and lhe cause or our meeting here as congregated Alasons . ' 1 he W . AI . said they had assembled for the purpose of doing honour to I lis Roytll Highness , who had that dayi'lkcu installed into the high position of Craft Alasonry , ahd trusted he would 1 e
long spared to wield the sceptre of Alasonic power ; and after a few other appropriate remarks , gave "Long Life and Happiness to our Noble Brother , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Alaster Mason of England , " which was drank amidst great enthusiasm , tic brethren singing " Long Live the Prince of Wales . " Bro . John Philp , S , W ., gave "TheHealth of our Noble Brother , Lord Alar