Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. CONSTABLE'S DRAWING. Page 1 of 1
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Supreme Grand Chapter.
INSTALLATION OF THE PRINCE OF WALES AS GUANO FlIlST PRINCIPAL . The Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Alasons of Eng land was holden on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . The assemblage of Royal Arch Alasons gathered together on the occasion was
larger than has been known hitherto in this Degree . Acting on a natural presumption that as soon as the Alost Worshipful Grand Alaster of England had been installed in that high office he would supplement his position in the Craft by taking the seat which goes as a matter of course with it in the Arch , Freemasons held the belief that His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales would present
himself for Installation as First Grand Principal on Wednesday ; but there was no authoritative announcement made or information given that this would be the case . The paragraph in the daily pi ess the day before that this event would occur was entirely unauthorised ; and though the result proved the accuracy of the intelligence given the information was supplied only on supposition . But on
arriving at the Hall it was evident that His Koyal Highness was expected , for in place of the Zetland Room being prepared for Grand Chapter , as is usually the case , the Temple was arranged for the meeting ; and the many companions who assembled on the assumption that they would sec another installation of the Heir to the British Throne were not likely to bc disappointed . In the clothing and signing )
room the companions were very numerous , and on repairing to the Temple there was found to be a still larger gathering , and the seats , which . were very comfortably and symmetrically disposed , were well filled . The appearance of the Temple at this time was very pleasing , the showy , yet uniform , clothing of the companions , giving an exceedingly picturesque character to the
assembly . It is almost needless to say lhat as a spectacle it was not to be compared to the grand sight of the former Wednesday , because there the immense number of Masons collected together naturally had the advantage of giving a more imposing effect ; but the convocation of last Wednesday , though consisting of about a fortieth part of the same number , was striking even to the eyes of Royal
Arch Freemasons . The Royal Arch Chapter is always more remarkable as a spectacle than the Alasonic Lodge , and its " furniture" partakes much of the character of " stage properties . " The ceremony of exalting a brother into the degree of the Royal Arch is also somewhat dramatic ; but the Royal Arch has , notwithstanding , less members by many thousands than the plain Craft , the
Alason ' s " first love , " and to which he looks with neverfailing affection . The Installation of the Prince of Wales as First Grand Principal , therefore , was attended by fewer Masons than his Installation as Grand Alaster , not because it was of less interest , but because the Royal Arch Companions are so much smaller in number than the Craftsmen , and because the fact that His Royal Highness would
actually come up for Installation was not known among the companions . It is impossible to give the names of all the companions present , but among them we recognised Companions Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , Hugh D . Sandeman , S . Rawson . John Havers , Thomas Fenn , Hyde Pullen , John B . Monckton , Peter de L . Long , Joshua Nunn , the Lord Alayor .
Rev . H . C . Levander , Dr . W . R . Woodman , E . S . Snell , R . J . Spiers , Rev J . Edmund Cox , D . D . ; / E . J . Alclntyre , Q . C . ; C . A . Alurton , Francis Roxburgh , Q . C . ; Joseph C . Parkinson , J . E . Saunders , H . Browse , Benjamin Head , W . Speed , John Hervey , F . Pattison , N . Bradford , J . A . Rucker , R . Wentworth Little , Alajor Creaton , James Lewis Thomas , James Brett , John Boyd , Thomas W . White ,
Griffiths Smith , John Savage , W . Hilton , W . Ough , H . Muggeridge , James Terry , W . H . Noehmer , Robert Gray , Charles Lacey , George Neal , James Glaisher , Joseph Smith , W . Smith , C . E . ; John Coutts , Jeffreys , Alontaguc , H . Garrod , G . K . Lemann , C . F . Hogard , W . Paas , George King , Jun ., D . R . Still , J . K . Stead , II . G . Buss . A . A . Pendlebury , John Hart , T . R . Parker , James Stevens ,
W . Stephens , Collard Aloutrie , J . W . Halsey , Dr . Goldsboro , George Bolton , Colls , Trego , G . A . Smith , W . H . Green , Peter Alatthews , Charles Watson , W . Alann , A . D . Lowenstark , J . H . Bellcrby , and F . Adlard . At the opening of the Grand Chapter , Comp . Havers took the Z . chair ; Comp . S . Rawson , H . ; Comp . H . D . Sandeman , J . ; Comp . John Hervey , S . E . ; Comp . J . E .
Saunders , S . N . ; Comp . J . A . Rucker , P . S . ; Comp . S . L . Tompkins , ist A . ; Comp . E . S . Snell , 2 nd A . ; and Comp . J . C . Parkinson was Sword Bearer . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes of last Convocation , Comp . Havers said he had to inform Grand Chapter that H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of Free and
Accepted Masons of England , was in attendance that evening to be installed and take the chair as Grand Z . of the Order . ( Cheers . ) He would therefore request the Grand Director of Ceremonies to form a deputation of companions to retire and conduct His Royal Highness into Grand Chapter . The deputation , composed of Comps . JE . J . Mclntyre ,
Q . C ; F . Roxburgh , Q . C ; Rev . J . Edmund Cox , D . D . j and F . Pattison , under the conduct of Sir Albert Woods , thereupon retired , and shortly afterwards returned , bringing with them the Prince of Wales and Lord Skelmersdale . As soon as the Prince of Wales entered Grand Chapter , the companions , who stood to receive the pro .
cession , cheered most heartily . His Royal Highness was conducted to the proper point in Grand Chapter , and addressed by Comp , Havers , who said that His Royal Highness baving been elected by the unanimous voice of the Craft lo be their Grand ^ Alaster , he succeeded by right of that tflicc to the possession of the chair of Grand First Prin-
Supreme Grand Chapter.
cipal . In accordance , however , with the laws and constitution of this Order , it was necessary that he should first go through a ceiemony . The Prince of Wales having bowed assent , he was formally constituted Grand Z ., invested , and placed in the chair . The action was received with immense applause . The Prince of Wales then proceeded with the official
appointments for the year , and said that the Earl of Carnarvon , by virtue of his office as Pro Grand-Master , would be Pro Grand First Principal . Lord Skelmersdale would bc Grand 11 . Lord Skelmersdale was then constituted Grand Second Principal , according to ancient form . Lord He Tabley was re-appointed J .
John Hervey S . E . The Marquis of Hamilton ... S . N . The Right Hon . the Lord Alayor P . S . W . Speed ist A . Robert Gray 2 nd A . Samuel Tomkins Treasurer . JE . J . Al'Intyre , Q . C Registrar .
Frederick Alorrell Sword Bearer . S . G . Humphreys Standard Bearer . Dr . W . R . Woodman D . C . C . B . Payne Janitor . On the completion of these appointments , The Prince of Wales said : Companions , it affords me great pleasure to bear this office ; but I regret that my
other engagements will not allow me to stay throughout the business of the evening . I can , however , assure you that it will bc most agreeable to me to come among you on future occasions , and , I may add that I have seized the first opportunity that occurred after my fnstallation as Grand Alaster to come up to Grand Chapter , and take the chair . ( Cheers . ) I return you my best thanks
for your kindness to me on this occasion . His Royal Highness then retired , accompanied by Lord Skelmersdale , the Lord Alayor , and the deputation , amidst renewed hearty cheering . Comp . Havers resumed the Z . chair , and Comp . S . Rawson the H . chair , and the other business was proceeded with .
Comp . Havers said that by an oversight there had been omitted from the agenda paper the election of six members to serve on the committee for the year , but they would now proceed to supply the omission . Comps . J . L . Thomas , P . Z . 13 ; James Brett , 11 . C . Levander , John Boyd , J . E . Saunders , and Joseph Smith were nominated , seconded , and elected as these six members of the Committee of General Purposes , and
Comp . Havers announced that H . R . H . the Prince of Wales had nominated Comp . John Savage , President , and Comps . Bcnj . Head and J . L . Creaton members of the same committee . The following report of the Committee of General Purposes was then brought up by Comp . Sandeman , and ordered to be entered in the minutes . To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Alasons of
England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 20 th January , 1875 , to the 20 th April , 1875 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — To Balance 20 th January £ 526 4 o „ Subsequent Receipts 475 13 o
£ 1 , 001 17 o By Disbursements during the Quarter 191 15 6 „ Balance 810 1 6 £ 1 , 001 17 o which balance is in the hands of Alessrs . Willis , Percival anil Co ., Bankers of the Grant ! Treasurer .
I he committee have likewise to report that they have received the following petitions : — ist . From Comps . Thomas Cooke , junior , as Z , John William Hancock ns II , Robert Bindley as J , and eleven others for a chapter to be attached to the Marmion Lodge , No . 1060 , Tamworth , to bc called " The Alarmion Chapter , " and to meet at the Alasonic Rooms , Tamworth , in
the county of Stafford . 2 nd . From His Grace the Duke of Manchester as Z , Edward Israel Orford as II , John Clark Duncomb as J , and eleven others for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Alerit , No . 44 6 , Stamford , to be called " The Alontagu Chapter , " and to meet at the George Hotel , Stamford , in the County of Northampton .
3 rd . From Comps . John Coutts as Z , William Bourne as H , James Summers as J , and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Ebury Lodge , No . 1348 , Alillbank , to be called "The Ebury Chapter , " and to meet at the Alorpeth Arms Tavern , Ponsonby Street , Alillbank , Westminster . 4 th . From George William Harvey as Z , Alurray
Richard Gissing as H , Charles Broad as J , and ten others for a Chapter to be attached to the Pacific Lodge , 1453 , Reefton , New Zealand , to bc called "The Rcefton Chapter , " and to meet at the Alasonic Hall , Reefton , in the Province of Nelson , in Westland , New Zealand . These petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively
granted , although they have not lost sight of the fact that the Pacific Lodge , No . 1453 , has not been Ihree years in existence . As , however , it is situated in the Province of Nelson , where at present no Chapter exists , the Committee recommend that the accustomed limitation of three years bc not in this case insisted onr . The Alarquis of Ripon having addressed a letter to the Grand Scribe , E ., resigning the Trusteeship of the Funds of Grand Chapter , the Committee recommend that the
Supreme Grand Chapter.
resignation be accepted , and that necessary steps taken for carrying it into effect . It is with very sincere regret that the Committee have to impart to Grand Chapter the melancholy intelligence of the decease , on the 9 th of Alarch last , of the E . Comp . W . Pulteney Scott , who had uninterruptedly presided over them since Afay , 1 S 64 . The Committee desire to record
their deep feeling of sorrow at this sad event , and to express their sense of lhe great loss lloyal Arch Alasonry has sustained thereby , a sentiment which they feel assured will bc unanimously participated in by the Members of Grand Chapter . ( Signed ) HUGH D . SANDEMAN , Capt , Sandeman moved and Comp . Saunders tccondtd
the granting of all the above mentioned chapters , and the motions were carried unanimously . With reference to the Pacific Chapter , he reiterated what he had said on former occasions . The lodge not having been three years in existence , it had been the custom of Grand Chapter not to issue charters for chapters to be attached to them ; but it had been brought to the notice of Grand Chapter ,
especially by himself as having a large experience of Freemasonry abroad , that it would be a dangerous thing not to give a certain degcee of elasticity to this rule . As Royal Arch Freemasons Grand Chapter was in a greal difficulty , inasmuch as brethren might join chapters working under the Grand Chapter of Scotland , and he thought it would be imprudent on the part of Grand Chapter of
England if they made a hard and fast rule and not allow these applicants to join together as a chapter . If they were ivot so allowed they would go over to another constitution . He therefore recommended the granting of this petition . With reference to the paragraph in the report referring to the letter from the Alarquis of Ripon , resigning his trusteeship of the funds of Grand Chapter , he- moved the acceptance of the resignation and that steps bc taken to
fill the vacancy . This having been seconded by Comp . Saunders , and carried , Comp . Sandeman proposed the Earl of Carnarvon and Lord Skelmersdale to fill the vacancies caused by the resignation of the Marquis of Ripon and the death of the Earl of Zetland , subject lo the acceptance of the office by Lords Carnarvon and Skelmersdale .
Comp . John Savage seconded the motion , which was put and carried unanimously . Comp . Sandeman , with reference to the last paragraph in the report as to the late Comp . W . Pulteney Scott , said he should like to add a word to it . Every member of Grand Chapter would gladly sympathise with the Committee in the expression they had put on record of their
very great regret at hearing of the death of one who had so long been connected with Royal Arch Alasonry . Comp . Scott presided over the Committee of General Purposes for nearly eleven years , and the Committee wished to record their feelings of sorrow at losing him . Although they did not come before Grand Chapter with any proposition , the Committee felt that all in Grand Chapter would heartily
sympathise with what they had done that night by putting on permanent record an expression of their sincere regret at the loss of a very loved and esteemed companion ( Hear , hear . ) Comp . John Savage ( President of the Committee of General Purposes ) said that Comp . Scott filled the office so well , and behaved with so much courtesy to every one , that
he was sure Grand Chapter felt that Royal Arch Alasonry had sustained a very serious loss by his death . Comp . Havers said he must add his testimony to what had been already said . He heartily and entirely concurred in what had fallen from Comps . Sandeman and Savage , and he grieved at the loss of such a right-minded and excellent companion .
The resolution was put and carried nem . con . Comp . Sandeman thought that companions would be glad to learn that the Committee of General Purposes had carefully gone over the regulations , the alterations in which were confirmed at last quarterly Convocation , and he believed Grand Scribe E . would announce that they would very shortly be ready for distribution as altered . Comp . John Hervey said they would ; and he thought
it but due to their excellent friend who had just addressed Grand { Chapter to say that he had been good enough to take very great pains in revising the regulations for Grand Chapter , and he ( Comp . Hervey ) was personally deeply indebted to him for the assistance he had given him in the revision of those regulations . ( Hear , hear . ) Grand Chapter was then closed .
Bro. Constable's Drawing.
RESULT OF BALLOT , 5 th AIAY , 1875 , ( Gluts' SCHOOL ) . 133 J . L . Alather , Lime-st ., City . 226 J . Warner , Chancery Lane . 430 Name of purchaser wanted , sold by Bro . Jabez Garrett . 582 Lizzie Downing , Brixton .
776 Name of purchaser wanted , sold by Bro . Robbins . 1006 Wm . Evans , Grove Road , Wallasey , Cheshire . 127 ( 1 N . Gluckstein , 127 , Brixton Road . 1326 Edgar Halestrap , 12 , Little Moorfields . 1512 Name of purchaser wanted , sold by Bro . T . Griffiths , P . AI . 907 . 2156 N . E . Jauralde , 9 , Coleridge Road , Holloway . 2049 Brownrigg Lodge of Unity , 1424 , Chatham .
2395 W . J . Parish , St . Helena . 2603 Chalmers Izctt Paton , 115 , Princes-street , Edinburgh . 2820 John R . Stead , 39 , Great Tower-street , E . C . 308 5 W . Brown , 99 , High-street , Alarylebonc . 3137 Name of purchaser wanted ( sold by Bro . Rigg Shcerness ) . 3231 Edward J . Sears , 14 , Jerrard road , Lewisham . 3623 E . Wilson , 78 , Lime-street , Liverpool . We shall call attention to the subject next week .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter.
INSTALLATION OF THE PRINCE OF WALES AS GUANO FlIlST PRINCIPAL . The Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Alasons of Eng land was holden on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . The assemblage of Royal Arch Alasons gathered together on the occasion was
larger than has been known hitherto in this Degree . Acting on a natural presumption that as soon as the Alost Worshipful Grand Alaster of England had been installed in that high office he would supplement his position in the Craft by taking the seat which goes as a matter of course with it in the Arch , Freemasons held the belief that His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales would present
himself for Installation as First Grand Principal on Wednesday ; but there was no authoritative announcement made or information given that this would be the case . The paragraph in the daily pi ess the day before that this event would occur was entirely unauthorised ; and though the result proved the accuracy of the intelligence given the information was supplied only on supposition . But on
arriving at the Hall it was evident that His Koyal Highness was expected , for in place of the Zetland Room being prepared for Grand Chapter , as is usually the case , the Temple was arranged for the meeting ; and the many companions who assembled on the assumption that they would sec another installation of the Heir to the British Throne were not likely to bc disappointed . In the clothing and signing )
room the companions were very numerous , and on repairing to the Temple there was found to be a still larger gathering , and the seats , which . were very comfortably and symmetrically disposed , were well filled . The appearance of the Temple at this time was very pleasing , the showy , yet uniform , clothing of the companions , giving an exceedingly picturesque character to the
assembly . It is almost needless to say lhat as a spectacle it was not to be compared to the grand sight of the former Wednesday , because there the immense number of Masons collected together naturally had the advantage of giving a more imposing effect ; but the convocation of last Wednesday , though consisting of about a fortieth part of the same number , was striking even to the eyes of Royal
Arch Freemasons . The Royal Arch Chapter is always more remarkable as a spectacle than the Alasonic Lodge , and its " furniture" partakes much of the character of " stage properties . " The ceremony of exalting a brother into the degree of the Royal Arch is also somewhat dramatic ; but the Royal Arch has , notwithstanding , less members by many thousands than the plain Craft , the
Alason ' s " first love , " and to which he looks with neverfailing affection . The Installation of the Prince of Wales as First Grand Principal , therefore , was attended by fewer Masons than his Installation as Grand Alaster , not because it was of less interest , but because the Royal Arch Companions are so much smaller in number than the Craftsmen , and because the fact that His Royal Highness would
actually come up for Installation was not known among the companions . It is impossible to give the names of all the companions present , but among them we recognised Companions Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , Hugh D . Sandeman , S . Rawson . John Havers , Thomas Fenn , Hyde Pullen , John B . Monckton , Peter de L . Long , Joshua Nunn , the Lord Alayor .
Rev . H . C . Levander , Dr . W . R . Woodman , E . S . Snell , R . J . Spiers , Rev J . Edmund Cox , D . D . ; / E . J . Alclntyre , Q . C . ; C . A . Alurton , Francis Roxburgh , Q . C . ; Joseph C . Parkinson , J . E . Saunders , H . Browse , Benjamin Head , W . Speed , John Hervey , F . Pattison , N . Bradford , J . A . Rucker , R . Wentworth Little , Alajor Creaton , James Lewis Thomas , James Brett , John Boyd , Thomas W . White ,
Griffiths Smith , John Savage , W . Hilton , W . Ough , H . Muggeridge , James Terry , W . H . Noehmer , Robert Gray , Charles Lacey , George Neal , James Glaisher , Joseph Smith , W . Smith , C . E . ; John Coutts , Jeffreys , Alontaguc , H . Garrod , G . K . Lemann , C . F . Hogard , W . Paas , George King , Jun ., D . R . Still , J . K . Stead , II . G . Buss . A . A . Pendlebury , John Hart , T . R . Parker , James Stevens ,
W . Stephens , Collard Aloutrie , J . W . Halsey , Dr . Goldsboro , George Bolton , Colls , Trego , G . A . Smith , W . H . Green , Peter Alatthews , Charles Watson , W . Alann , A . D . Lowenstark , J . H . Bellcrby , and F . Adlard . At the opening of the Grand Chapter , Comp . Havers took the Z . chair ; Comp . S . Rawson , H . ; Comp . H . D . Sandeman , J . ; Comp . John Hervey , S . E . ; Comp . J . E .
Saunders , S . N . ; Comp . J . A . Rucker , P . S . ; Comp . S . L . Tompkins , ist A . ; Comp . E . S . Snell , 2 nd A . ; and Comp . J . C . Parkinson was Sword Bearer . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes of last Convocation , Comp . Havers said he had to inform Grand Chapter that H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of Free and
Accepted Masons of England , was in attendance that evening to be installed and take the chair as Grand Z . of the Order . ( Cheers . ) He would therefore request the Grand Director of Ceremonies to form a deputation of companions to retire and conduct His Royal Highness into Grand Chapter . The deputation , composed of Comps . JE . J . Mclntyre ,
Q . C ; F . Roxburgh , Q . C ; Rev . J . Edmund Cox , D . D . j and F . Pattison , under the conduct of Sir Albert Woods , thereupon retired , and shortly afterwards returned , bringing with them the Prince of Wales and Lord Skelmersdale . As soon as the Prince of Wales entered Grand Chapter , the companions , who stood to receive the pro .
cession , cheered most heartily . His Royal Highness was conducted to the proper point in Grand Chapter , and addressed by Comp , Havers , who said that His Royal Highness baving been elected by the unanimous voice of the Craft lo be their Grand ^ Alaster , he succeeded by right of that tflicc to the possession of the chair of Grand First Prin-
Supreme Grand Chapter.
cipal . In accordance , however , with the laws and constitution of this Order , it was necessary that he should first go through a ceiemony . The Prince of Wales having bowed assent , he was formally constituted Grand Z ., invested , and placed in the chair . The action was received with immense applause . The Prince of Wales then proceeded with the official
appointments for the year , and said that the Earl of Carnarvon , by virtue of his office as Pro Grand-Master , would be Pro Grand First Principal . Lord Skelmersdale would bc Grand 11 . Lord Skelmersdale was then constituted Grand Second Principal , according to ancient form . Lord He Tabley was re-appointed J .
John Hervey S . E . The Marquis of Hamilton ... S . N . The Right Hon . the Lord Alayor P . S . W . Speed ist A . Robert Gray 2 nd A . Samuel Tomkins Treasurer . JE . J . Al'Intyre , Q . C Registrar .
Frederick Alorrell Sword Bearer . S . G . Humphreys Standard Bearer . Dr . W . R . Woodman D . C . C . B . Payne Janitor . On the completion of these appointments , The Prince of Wales said : Companions , it affords me great pleasure to bear this office ; but I regret that my
other engagements will not allow me to stay throughout the business of the evening . I can , however , assure you that it will bc most agreeable to me to come among you on future occasions , and , I may add that I have seized the first opportunity that occurred after my fnstallation as Grand Alaster to come up to Grand Chapter , and take the chair . ( Cheers . ) I return you my best thanks
for your kindness to me on this occasion . His Royal Highness then retired , accompanied by Lord Skelmersdale , the Lord Alayor , and the deputation , amidst renewed hearty cheering . Comp . Havers resumed the Z . chair , and Comp . S . Rawson the H . chair , and the other business was proceeded with .
Comp . Havers said that by an oversight there had been omitted from the agenda paper the election of six members to serve on the committee for the year , but they would now proceed to supply the omission . Comps . J . L . Thomas , P . Z . 13 ; James Brett , 11 . C . Levander , John Boyd , J . E . Saunders , and Joseph Smith were nominated , seconded , and elected as these six members of the Committee of General Purposes , and
Comp . Havers announced that H . R . H . the Prince of Wales had nominated Comp . John Savage , President , and Comps . Bcnj . Head and J . L . Creaton members of the same committee . The following report of the Committee of General Purposes was then brought up by Comp . Sandeman , and ordered to be entered in the minutes . To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Alasons of
England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 20 th January , 1875 , to the 20 th April , 1875 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — To Balance 20 th January £ 526 4 o „ Subsequent Receipts 475 13 o
£ 1 , 001 17 o By Disbursements during the Quarter 191 15 6 „ Balance 810 1 6 £ 1 , 001 17 o which balance is in the hands of Alessrs . Willis , Percival anil Co ., Bankers of the Grant ! Treasurer .
I he committee have likewise to report that they have received the following petitions : — ist . From Comps . Thomas Cooke , junior , as Z , John William Hancock ns II , Robert Bindley as J , and eleven others for a chapter to be attached to the Marmion Lodge , No . 1060 , Tamworth , to bc called " The Alarmion Chapter , " and to meet at the Alasonic Rooms , Tamworth , in
the county of Stafford . 2 nd . From His Grace the Duke of Manchester as Z , Edward Israel Orford as II , John Clark Duncomb as J , and eleven others for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Alerit , No . 44 6 , Stamford , to be called " The Alontagu Chapter , " and to meet at the George Hotel , Stamford , in the County of Northampton .
3 rd . From Comps . John Coutts as Z , William Bourne as H , James Summers as J , and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Ebury Lodge , No . 1348 , Alillbank , to be called "The Ebury Chapter , " and to meet at the Alorpeth Arms Tavern , Ponsonby Street , Alillbank , Westminster . 4 th . From George William Harvey as Z , Alurray
Richard Gissing as H , Charles Broad as J , and ten others for a Chapter to be attached to the Pacific Lodge , 1453 , Reefton , New Zealand , to bc called "The Rcefton Chapter , " and to meet at the Alasonic Hall , Reefton , in the Province of Nelson , in Westland , New Zealand . These petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively
granted , although they have not lost sight of the fact that the Pacific Lodge , No . 1453 , has not been Ihree years in existence . As , however , it is situated in the Province of Nelson , where at present no Chapter exists , the Committee recommend that the accustomed limitation of three years bc not in this case insisted onr . The Alarquis of Ripon having addressed a letter to the Grand Scribe , E ., resigning the Trusteeship of the Funds of Grand Chapter , the Committee recommend that the
Supreme Grand Chapter.
resignation be accepted , and that necessary steps taken for carrying it into effect . It is with very sincere regret that the Committee have to impart to Grand Chapter the melancholy intelligence of the decease , on the 9 th of Alarch last , of the E . Comp . W . Pulteney Scott , who had uninterruptedly presided over them since Afay , 1 S 64 . The Committee desire to record
their deep feeling of sorrow at this sad event , and to express their sense of lhe great loss lloyal Arch Alasonry has sustained thereby , a sentiment which they feel assured will bc unanimously participated in by the Members of Grand Chapter . ( Signed ) HUGH D . SANDEMAN , Capt , Sandeman moved and Comp . Saunders tccondtd
the granting of all the above mentioned chapters , and the motions were carried unanimously . With reference to the Pacific Chapter , he reiterated what he had said on former occasions . The lodge not having been three years in existence , it had been the custom of Grand Chapter not to issue charters for chapters to be attached to them ; but it had been brought to the notice of Grand Chapter ,
especially by himself as having a large experience of Freemasonry abroad , that it would be a dangerous thing not to give a certain degcee of elasticity to this rule . As Royal Arch Freemasons Grand Chapter was in a greal difficulty , inasmuch as brethren might join chapters working under the Grand Chapter of Scotland , and he thought it would be imprudent on the part of Grand Chapter of
England if they made a hard and fast rule and not allow these applicants to join together as a chapter . If they were ivot so allowed they would go over to another constitution . He therefore recommended the granting of this petition . With reference to the paragraph in the report referring to the letter from the Alarquis of Ripon , resigning his trusteeship of the funds of Grand Chapter , he- moved the acceptance of the resignation and that steps bc taken to
fill the vacancy . This having been seconded by Comp . Saunders , and carried , Comp . Sandeman proposed the Earl of Carnarvon and Lord Skelmersdale to fill the vacancies caused by the resignation of the Marquis of Ripon and the death of the Earl of Zetland , subject lo the acceptance of the office by Lords Carnarvon and Skelmersdale .
Comp . John Savage seconded the motion , which was put and carried unanimously . Comp . Sandeman , with reference to the last paragraph in the report as to the late Comp . W . Pulteney Scott , said he should like to add a word to it . Every member of Grand Chapter would gladly sympathise with the Committee in the expression they had put on record of their
very great regret at hearing of the death of one who had so long been connected with Royal Arch Alasonry . Comp . Scott presided over the Committee of General Purposes for nearly eleven years , and the Committee wished to record their feelings of sorrow at losing him . Although they did not come before Grand Chapter with any proposition , the Committee felt that all in Grand Chapter would heartily
sympathise with what they had done that night by putting on permanent record an expression of their sincere regret at the loss of a very loved and esteemed companion ( Hear , hear . ) Comp . John Savage ( President of the Committee of General Purposes ) said that Comp . Scott filled the office so well , and behaved with so much courtesy to every one , that
he was sure Grand Chapter felt that Royal Arch Alasonry had sustained a very serious loss by his death . Comp . Havers said he must add his testimony to what had been already said . He heartily and entirely concurred in what had fallen from Comps . Sandeman and Savage , and he grieved at the loss of such a right-minded and excellent companion .
The resolution was put and carried nem . con . Comp . Sandeman thought that companions would be glad to learn that the Committee of General Purposes had carefully gone over the regulations , the alterations in which were confirmed at last quarterly Convocation , and he believed Grand Scribe E . would announce that they would very shortly be ready for distribution as altered . Comp . John Hervey said they would ; and he thought
it but due to their excellent friend who had just addressed Grand { Chapter to say that he had been good enough to take very great pains in revising the regulations for Grand Chapter , and he ( Comp . Hervey ) was personally deeply indebted to him for the assistance he had given him in the revision of those regulations . ( Hear , hear . ) Grand Chapter was then closed .
Bro. Constable's Drawing.
RESULT OF BALLOT , 5 th AIAY , 1875 , ( Gluts' SCHOOL ) . 133 J . L . Alather , Lime-st ., City . 226 J . Warner , Chancery Lane . 430 Name of purchaser wanted , sold by Bro . Jabez Garrett . 582 Lizzie Downing , Brixton .
776 Name of purchaser wanted , sold by Bro . Robbins . 1006 Wm . Evans , Grove Road , Wallasey , Cheshire . 127 ( 1 N . Gluckstein , 127 , Brixton Road . 1326 Edgar Halestrap , 12 , Little Moorfields . 1512 Name of purchaser wanted , sold by Bro . T . Griffiths , P . AI . 907 . 2156 N . E . Jauralde , 9 , Coleridge Road , Holloway . 2049 Brownrigg Lodge of Unity , 1424 , Chatham .
2395 W . J . Parish , St . Helena . 2603 Chalmers Izctt Paton , 115 , Princes-street , Edinburgh . 2820 John R . Stead , 39 , Great Tower-street , E . C . 308 5 W . Brown , 99 , High-street , Alarylebonc . 3137 Name of purchaser wanted ( sold by Bro . Rigg Shcerness ) . 3231 Edward J . Sears , 14 , Jerrard road , Lewisham . 3623 E . Wilson , 78 , Lime-street , Liverpool . We shall call attention to the subject next week .