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Consecration Of The "Bective" Lodge, Carlisle.
ON Friday , 23 rd ult ., a new lodge was opened and consecrated in Carlisle , its name being the Bective , No . 1532 . There are , therefore , now two lodges in Carlisle , the name of the other being the Union , No . 310 . A number of years ago there were two lodges , but for a long time Carlisle has
oiily l-. ad one lodge of Alasons , so that the " nierrie city " cannot he said to have been taking its position in the county as regards Freemasonry . Wigton , with perhaps 4 , 000 inhabitants , has a lodge of forty brethren , Cockermouth , with a little larger population , a lodgeof nearly the same number , and Whitehaven has long had two lodges . Amongst Alasons , therefore , it has been felt that the county
town , with over thirty thousand inhabitants , was behind the towns i * ii the county with Freemasons' Lodges , nnd i ! hits long been a mailer of surprise that another lodge has not ere this been applied for . A few months ago a few of the members of the old lodge resolved to try to establish a new one , and sent up a petition to the Grand Lodge , and the preliminary and necessary inquiries having been made and
satisfactorily replied to , a warrant was granted by the Grand Lodge , it being one of the first bearing the signature of the new Grand Alaster , the Prince of Wales , and intending members of the new lodge pushed forward their preparations with energy . A capital suite of rooms was secured , and a lease taken of them . They are situated at the top of Mr . C . Ling ' s building in English-street , opposite the Sleel
monununt . The rooms arc five in number , and comprise a spaeicus lodge room , banquetting room , business room , tec , tec They have till been entirely fitted up and decorated anew , ill excellent taste . The lodge room , especially , has b : en artistically and Alasonicnlly decorated , and the whole of th : arrangements are about as perfect as possible . The lodge furniture , too , is very complete and handsome .
At first it had been intended to have the consecration on the 16 th of this month , but Lord Bective , R . W . Provincial Grand Alaster , having fixed for the preliminary provincial meeting for the province to take place at Carlisb on the 23 rd , it was resolved tn hold both affairs together . The result consequently was to make the meeting one of the largest and most important of the kind ever before
held 111 the province , as there would not be many short of one hundred brethren present—an attendance unprecedented iu the province , citlnr at a provincial meeting or the consecration of a lodge . The proceedings commenced with the opening of an emergency lodge , by Bro . Taylor , P . M ., Union Lodge , Carlisle , and P . P . G . D . C . The officers of the Provincial
Grand Lodge were then announced , and were received with the hpnour appertaining to their distinguished position , the W . M . ' s chair being taken ( in the unavoidable absence of tlie Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Alaster , the Earl Bective , M . P ., hy the Right Worshipful Bro . John Whitwell , ALP ., Grand Warden of England , anil Deputy Provincial Grand . Master . The impressive and imposing and very ancient ceremony of the consecration of the new lodge
was then gone through by Bro . Porter , Provincial Grand Senior Warden , of No . 327 , Wigton , in . 1 very prefect and able manner , assisted by Bro . the Rev . F . W . Wicks , of Whitehaven , Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . P . T . Frcem in , Provincial Grand Organist , presiding at the organ with consummate skill and taste . A most efficient choir of brethren took the musical part of the ceremony with great cfTcct .
The installation of the first Alaster of the new lodge then took place , when Bro , James Cook was duly presented , and was declared duly elected by the brethren of the Bective Lodge , lie was then duly installed as Worshipful Master by Bro . Porter , P . AL , P . G . S . W ., and Bro . Gibson , P . AL , Prov . G . Secretary , in their usual masterly manner . After being duly installed by the largest board of Installed
Alasters ever perhaps present at any installation in the province , no fewer than thirty-one being present , the W . AL proceeded to invest his officers , which he did as follows : — Bios . George Potter , S . W . ; James Caddy Alason , J . W . ; the Rev . Joshua Tyson , Chaplain ; William Joblinj , Sec . ; Thomas Hodgson , S . D . ; George Nookes , J . D . ; George Thorpe , Org . Bro . George Hethcrington was unanimously
elected Treasurer , and Bro . Alartin Higgins , Tyler . The Worshipful Alaster then closed the Craft lodge , and the Provincial Grand Officers took their chairs again , and the business of the Provincial Grand Lodge was proceeded with . The Charity Committee had met previously , and their reports were unanimously adopted , and the votes of money for charitable purposes duly confirmed . The motion
of Bro . Dodgson , of Alillom , on the question of establishing an educational organisation for the education of children in the province being sons and daughters of deceased or pi or Alason . i , stands over until next meeting , as does also the motion made by Bro . Alsop , of Whitehaven , as to the desirability of the brethren attending church in procession on the occasion of the provincial meeting .
1 he business of the lodge being finished , it was duly closed , and at about half-past three o ' clock the brethren sat down to the number of nearly fifty to a banquet at the County Hotel , of which little more need be said than that it did every credit to the establishment . As well as everything in season being placed before the guests in most admirable style , the waiting and serving were perfect , and
called forth the laudation of the company . The chair was taken by Bro . Colonel Whitwell , M . P ., R . W . D . P . G . M ., supported right and left by Bro . the Rev . F . W . Wicks , P . G . Chaplain ; Bro . Gibson , P . G . Secretary ; Bro . Talbot , P . G . S . W . ; Bros . Captain Heron Maxwell , the Rev . J . Beeby , P . G . A . Chaplain ; Lemon , P . G . Treas . ;
J . VVhe . itley , P . AL ; W . Carrick . Carlisle ; W . Alsop , P . P . G . Pursuivant ; J . Tyson , J . W ., Whitehaven , Arc . The vice-chair was taken by Bro . James Porter , of Wigton , P . AL , P . G . S . W ., supported by Bros . Kenworthy , P . P . G . J . W . ; Cook , W . AL , Bective Lodge ; Taylor , P . AL , P . P . G . D . C . j Thorpe , Organist , tec Amongst the brethren
Consecration Of The "Bective" Lodge, Carlisle.
present we noticed Bros . Gate , of Wigton , P . AL , P . P . G . R . ; Afc . Alcchan , W . AL , St . John ' s 327 , Wigton ; Quarter-Alaster Sergeant Noakes , 55 U 1 Regiment ; Bain , W . AL , Harriiigton " ; tbe Rev . Joshua Tyson ; Pratchit . Bro . Thope presided at the pianoforte . The toast list comprised the usual'loyal and patriotic toasts until the room was " tyled , " after which the Masonic toasts were given by the
chairman and others . One novelty we noticed which is worthy of notice . Whether it was the fact of its being the anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare , or whether it was owing to the Shakespcrian proclivities of some brother who had a hand in the arrangements did not appear , but , in addition to the regular toast list , there was a Shakespcrian list , each toast being followed by a most
apt quotation from , the great poet . For instance , after the toast of" The Queen " came the quotation from Richard III : —• ' Many years of happy days befall ourjgracious Sovereign , our most loving liege . Until the heavens , envying earth's good hap , add an "immortal title to a crown . " After the toast of the Right Worshipful Grand Alaster was the line from Henry IV . — " A braver place in our heart ' s
love hath no man . " In the course of an excellent speech the chairman alluded to the formation of the new lodge in Carlisle , and expressed his opinion that in a town ofthe size of Carlisle there was quite room for both the lodges . He said they had now nearly 900 Freemasons in the provinee , [ and he hoped their excellent Secretary , Bro . Gibson , would before very long have a thousand members' names
ou his books . After spending au hour or so in a truly Alasonic and agreeable manner , the meeting broke up at half-past six o ' clock , and concluded what was altogether one of the most important and successful Alasonic meetings held in the north for . some time .
Itoughltobe mentioned that the furnishings of tlie lodge were supplied by Bro . G . Kenning , of London , and were very much admired by all the brethren present . The decoration of the hall was done by Bro . Hill , of Carlisle , and is of a very suitable and tasteful character . —Carlisle Journal .
Freemasonry In Trinidad.
At a meeting of the Trinidad Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter , Port of Spain , Trinidad , 126 , on the Registry of the S . G . R . A . C . Scotland , held on the 23 rd of September last , Comp . Paulin Jesse Delisle was re-elected First Principal of the chapter , and the following companions were duly elected lo the following offices : —Hubert St . Ililaire ,
Second Principal ; and Nathaniel Augustus St . Ililaire , Third Principal ; William Hunter , S . E . ; John Edward Lafarguc , S . N . ; Louis Ernest Desroses , Treasurer ; Thomas Muriel , Principal Soj . ; George Downes , Second Soj . ; John Warren , Janitor ; anil they were all duly installed in their respective offices . Comp . Past First Principal James AlacDonald Reid assisted .
At a meeting of the above chapter held on the 24 th of November , 1874 , the following brethren were duly exalted as Royal Arch Masons , namely , The Honourable Michael Maxwell Philip , Her Alajcsty ' s Solicitor-General of Trinidad ; John Arthur I larragin , Warden of the Corwa Ward Union , Trinidad ; Francis Brandon Jones and Arthur Simon Eckstein , Merchants ; I laniilton Wainwright ,
Clerk in the Colonial I lospilal ; Andrew Hamilton , Writing Clerk ; and Comp . John Locke , of the Chapter Union Demcrara , 247 , on the Registry of the S . G . R . A . C . of England , Accountant , Colonial Bank , Trinidad , was duly affiliated as a member of the chapter , he having been first duly instructed in the Alark and Excellent degrees . At the last meeting of the Athole Royal Arch Chapter ,
No . 145 , San Fernando , Irmiilail , under the registry of the S . G . R . A . C . of Scotland , in February last , Robert Guppy , Esq ., jl / . / L , Barrister-at-1-aw , and Past Deputy District Grand Alaster , Trinidad ( E . R . ) , together with Bros . AlcPhail anil Whitney , were duly exalted Royal Arch Masons . At a meeting of a Royal Ark Mariners' lodge , held on
February 20 th , under the Trinidad Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter , 126 , at Alount Aloriah , Port of Spain , Trinidad , Comp . Jesse Delisle , assisted by Comps . II . St . HUaire and L . E . Desroses , proceeded to confer the degree of Royal Ark Mariner upon Comp . James Hubert Rat , a member of the Kilwinning Chapter and W . AI . of the Phcenix Lodge ( E . R . ) , and upon Comps . Lewis Alcazar and Louis
Gonzales , both of lhe Kilwinning Chapter , 126 . At a meeting of the Trinidad Kilwinning Sovereign Prince Rose Croix Chapter , 5 , Port of Spain , Trinidad , on the registry of the Supreme Council of the 33 rd and last Degree of the Ancient , Free , and Accepted Scottish Rite of Scotland , held on December 27 th , 1874 , pursuant to the charter granted by the Supreme Council of
Scotland , 111 . Bro . Joseph Rodriguez , 30 th degree , by virtue of the authority granted to him for that purpose , proceeded to instal the office-bearers of the chapter into their respective offices , namely : Comps . James MacDonahl Reid , Most Wise Sovereign ; Paulin Jesse Delisle , I ligh Prelate j Hubert St . Hilairc , Senior Warden ; Nathaniel Augustus St . Hilairc , Junior Warden ; Louis Ernest Desroses
Treasurer ; William Hunter , Secretary ; George Downes , Master of Ceremonies ; John Edward Lafargue , Chancellor ; and Thomas Edward Alurrel , Inner Guard . At a meeting of the United Brothers Lodge , 251 , Port of Spain , Trinidad , 011 the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Glasgow , held on December 27 th , 1874 , Bro . Robert Knaggs , who had been re-elected , was duly installed as W . AI . ; Bros . Hubert St . Ililaire , as S . W . ; and Jarrel , as
J . W . After the installation the brethren took dinner together at Alount Aloriah . Bros . J . AI . Reed , D . P . G . AL Trinidad ( S . R . ); P . J . Delisle , S . P . G . A 1 . Trinidad ( S . R . ); L . E . Desroses , P . AI . Eastern Star , 3 68 ; Joseph Rodriguez , P . M ., Azilio de la Paz , Bolivia , and several other highly respectable Alasons were present . At a meeting of Lodge Eastern Star , 368 , Port of Spain , Trinidad , held on January nth , 1875 , Bro . Paulin Jesse
Freemasonry In Trinidad.
Delisle , who had been re-elected , was duly installed as R . W . AI . ; Bros . John Knox , as S . W . ; G . W . Sparrock , as J . W . ; Andrew Hamilton , as Secretary ; and all the other office-bearers were also duly installed in their respective offices . After the installation , the brethren retired to the banquetting-hall , where they partook of a substantial repast , prepared under the direction of Bro . Thomas E .
Alurrel for the occasion . Amongst the visitors were Bros . A . S . Eckstein , W . M . ofthe Royal Prince of Wales Lodge ; C . F . Besson , P . AI . United Brothers Lodge , 151 ; James Hubert Rat , W . AI . of the Phoenix Lodge ; Joseph Rodriguez , P . AL of the Lodge Azilio de la Paz ( Bolivia ); Dr . Manuel Alalia Ortiz , P . AL of the Royal Phoenix Lodge ;
and W . D . Bendge , of the Colonial Bank , Trinidad ; John Roberts , of Port of Spain ; and several other distinguished visitors from Venezuela . After dinner , and before the toasts were proposed , a beautiful display of fireworks took place . On resuming , the usual obligatory toasts were drank , and the brethren separated highly gratified .
The following address has been presented to the esteemed and worthy Bro . P . J . Delisle , W . AI . 386 , Trinidad . " Port of Spain , Nov . 1874 . " To the R . W . Bro . P . J . Delisle , W . AL , L . E . S ., No . 3 68 . " Worshipful Sir and Brother , — " Wc , the office-bearers , members , and honorary members of Lodge Eastern Star , No . 3 68 , upon the registry
of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , having learnt , with much concern , that you are about to visit one of the Sister Colonies for the benefit of your health , respectfully take leave to present you this address , in token of our sympathy , and as a tribute of our esteem and affection . " It will no doubt be a source of satisfaction to you to
know that the good wishes we desire to convey to you are shared by our sister lodges , —members of which have hereto attached their names . "The valuable services you have already rendered to the Craft arc well known to us , and have always met with our hearty appreciation : your election as our chief for fourteen years bears witness to this .
" It is our earnest prayer that in your search after health the G . A . U . will guide and watch over you ; and that it will please Him shortly to restore you with renewed strength and vigour to the bosom of your dear family and brethren . " We remain , Worshipful Sir , yours fraternally , "J . Al . REID , D . P . G . AL , Sec , & c .
" ERNEST DESROSES , P . AL , L . E . S ., No . 368 . "CHARLES RENAUD , P . S . AL , L . E . S ., No . 368 . "Jos . RoijiiKiLEz , P . AL , L . E . S ., No . 3 68 ., & c . " Besides these signatures , follow those of 84 brethren of the various Scottish and English lodges in the Island , among them those of Bros . Hon . M . AI . Philip , P . M . of R . P . W ., No . S 67 ; J . Palmer , W . AI ., L . A ., No . 43 8 ; W . RC
Cuthbert , P . AL , L . A ., No . 4 ^ 8 ; Rev . . . Nelson , P . AL , L . A ., No . 438 ; ] as . II . Rat , ' W . AL , R . P . Lodge , No . 911 ; and A . Eckstein , W . AL , R . P . W . Lodge , No . 867 . Bro . Delisle made the following reply : — "To Bros . J . M . Reid , D . P . G . M ., S . R ., & c , & c ; Ernest Desroses , P . AL , L . E . S ., No . ^ 68 ; Charles Renaud , P . S . AL , L . E . S ., No . 3 68 ; Jos . Rodriguez , P . AL , L . E . S ., No . 368 ; and others .
" Dear Brethren , — " I have listened with feelings of the deepest pleasure to the address you have just read to mc , on account of the kindly sentiments for me therein expressed , and because their expression being spontaneous , 1 have every reason to believe them sincere . I thank you for reminding nie of the number of years . 1 have occupied the
post I hold , it makes me push my thoughts further back , and embrace the whole period of my Alasonic career ; this career , chequered though the pavement ot its path has been , has always been cheered by a love for Freemasonry , and I feel truly thankful for the assurance now given mc that the esteem and affection of my brethren is the rich reward of that career . Accept my deep and sincere thanks
for your sympathy with my infirm state of health , and good wishes for my voyage to regain strength , and believe mc that nothing will afford me greater pleasure than to return speedily with renewed health to labour wilh you , and enjoy your society . " 1 remain , dear brethren , very fraternally yours , " P . J . DELISLE . "
District Grand Lodge Of The Punjab.
An emergent meeting of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab assembled at Freemasons' Hall , Lahore , 011 Friday , the 26 th February , 1875 , at 7 . ^ 0 p . m . Present : Bros . G . Daly , P . D . D . G . AI . of Bengal , as D . G . AI . ; AI . A . Saunders , D . G . S . Warden ; W . Alellor , D . G . J . Warden ;
Rev . J . B . Brunesson , B . A ., D . G . Chaplain ; Alajor W . Haddow , D . G . Registrar ; Alajor W . H . Alackesy , D . G . Treasurer ; George Davies , D . G . Secretary ; Captain I- ' red Grundy , D . G . S . Deacon ; James Wilkinson , as D . G . J . Deacon ; Henry T . Tanner , C . E ., D . G . Superintendent of Works ; Captain Lewis W . Taylor , D . G . Organist ; C . W . Calthrop , ALD ., D . G . D . of Ceremonies ;
William Bull , D . G . Pursuivant ; J . W . Lemarchand , J . JDavies , J . B . Tapp , Stewards ; George Read , Tyler ; Leighton , Barrister-at-Law , and R . Keene , Visitors . The following lodges were represented : Himalayan Brotherhood , 459 ; Charity , 5 63 , Hope and Perseverance , 782 ; Wahab , 988 ; Ravee , 1215 ; Indus , 1279 ; Jumna , 1394 ; Alayo , 1413 ; Light in the Himalayahs , 1448 i Sutlej , 144 2 ; St . John the Evangelist , 1483 ; Industry ,
1405 . District Grand Lodge was opened in form at 7 . 3 O 1 prayer being evoked by the D . G . Chaplain . The acting District Grand Alaster informed the brethren that this District Grand Lodge had been assembled for the purpose of Installing R . Wor . Bro . Marmaduke
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Consecration Of The "Bective" Lodge, Carlisle.
ON Friday , 23 rd ult ., a new lodge was opened and consecrated in Carlisle , its name being the Bective , No . 1532 . There are , therefore , now two lodges in Carlisle , the name of the other being the Union , No . 310 . A number of years ago there were two lodges , but for a long time Carlisle has
oiily l-. ad one lodge of Alasons , so that the " nierrie city " cannot he said to have been taking its position in the county as regards Freemasonry . Wigton , with perhaps 4 , 000 inhabitants , has a lodge of forty brethren , Cockermouth , with a little larger population , a lodgeof nearly the same number , and Whitehaven has long had two lodges . Amongst Alasons , therefore , it has been felt that the county
town , with over thirty thousand inhabitants , was behind the towns i * ii the county with Freemasons' Lodges , nnd i ! hits long been a mailer of surprise that another lodge has not ere this been applied for . A few months ago a few of the members of the old lodge resolved to try to establish a new one , and sent up a petition to the Grand Lodge , and the preliminary and necessary inquiries having been made and
satisfactorily replied to , a warrant was granted by the Grand Lodge , it being one of the first bearing the signature of the new Grand Alaster , the Prince of Wales , and intending members of the new lodge pushed forward their preparations with energy . A capital suite of rooms was secured , and a lease taken of them . They are situated at the top of Mr . C . Ling ' s building in English-street , opposite the Sleel
monununt . The rooms arc five in number , and comprise a spaeicus lodge room , banquetting room , business room , tec , tec They have till been entirely fitted up and decorated anew , ill excellent taste . The lodge room , especially , has b : en artistically and Alasonicnlly decorated , and the whole of th : arrangements are about as perfect as possible . The lodge furniture , too , is very complete and handsome .
At first it had been intended to have the consecration on the 16 th of this month , but Lord Bective , R . W . Provincial Grand Alaster , having fixed for the preliminary provincial meeting for the province to take place at Carlisb on the 23 rd , it was resolved tn hold both affairs together . The result consequently was to make the meeting one of the largest and most important of the kind ever before
held 111 the province , as there would not be many short of one hundred brethren present—an attendance unprecedented iu the province , citlnr at a provincial meeting or the consecration of a lodge . The proceedings commenced with the opening of an emergency lodge , by Bro . Taylor , P . M ., Union Lodge , Carlisle , and P . P . G . D . C . The officers of the Provincial
Grand Lodge were then announced , and were received with the hpnour appertaining to their distinguished position , the W . M . ' s chair being taken ( in the unavoidable absence of tlie Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Alaster , the Earl Bective , M . P ., hy the Right Worshipful Bro . John Whitwell , ALP ., Grand Warden of England , anil Deputy Provincial Grand . Master . The impressive and imposing and very ancient ceremony of the consecration of the new lodge
was then gone through by Bro . Porter , Provincial Grand Senior Warden , of No . 327 , Wigton , in . 1 very prefect and able manner , assisted by Bro . the Rev . F . W . Wicks , of Whitehaven , Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . P . T . Frcem in , Provincial Grand Organist , presiding at the organ with consummate skill and taste . A most efficient choir of brethren took the musical part of the ceremony with great cfTcct .
The installation of the first Alaster of the new lodge then took place , when Bro , James Cook was duly presented , and was declared duly elected by the brethren of the Bective Lodge , lie was then duly installed as Worshipful Master by Bro . Porter , P . AL , P . G . S . W ., and Bro . Gibson , P . AL , Prov . G . Secretary , in their usual masterly manner . After being duly installed by the largest board of Installed
Alasters ever perhaps present at any installation in the province , no fewer than thirty-one being present , the W . AL proceeded to invest his officers , which he did as follows : — Bios . George Potter , S . W . ; James Caddy Alason , J . W . ; the Rev . Joshua Tyson , Chaplain ; William Joblinj , Sec . ; Thomas Hodgson , S . D . ; George Nookes , J . D . ; George Thorpe , Org . Bro . George Hethcrington was unanimously
elected Treasurer , and Bro . Alartin Higgins , Tyler . The Worshipful Alaster then closed the Craft lodge , and the Provincial Grand Officers took their chairs again , and the business of the Provincial Grand Lodge was proceeded with . The Charity Committee had met previously , and their reports were unanimously adopted , and the votes of money for charitable purposes duly confirmed . The motion
of Bro . Dodgson , of Alillom , on the question of establishing an educational organisation for the education of children in the province being sons and daughters of deceased or pi or Alason . i , stands over until next meeting , as does also the motion made by Bro . Alsop , of Whitehaven , as to the desirability of the brethren attending church in procession on the occasion of the provincial meeting .
1 he business of the lodge being finished , it was duly closed , and at about half-past three o ' clock the brethren sat down to the number of nearly fifty to a banquet at the County Hotel , of which little more need be said than that it did every credit to the establishment . As well as everything in season being placed before the guests in most admirable style , the waiting and serving were perfect , and
called forth the laudation of the company . The chair was taken by Bro . Colonel Whitwell , M . P ., R . W . D . P . G . M ., supported right and left by Bro . the Rev . F . W . Wicks , P . G . Chaplain ; Bro . Gibson , P . G . Secretary ; Bro . Talbot , P . G . S . W . ; Bros . Captain Heron Maxwell , the Rev . J . Beeby , P . G . A . Chaplain ; Lemon , P . G . Treas . ;
J . VVhe . itley , P . AL ; W . Carrick . Carlisle ; W . Alsop , P . P . G . Pursuivant ; J . Tyson , J . W ., Whitehaven , Arc . The vice-chair was taken by Bro . James Porter , of Wigton , P . AL , P . G . S . W ., supported by Bros . Kenworthy , P . P . G . J . W . ; Cook , W . AL , Bective Lodge ; Taylor , P . AL , P . P . G . D . C . j Thorpe , Organist , tec Amongst the brethren
Consecration Of The "Bective" Lodge, Carlisle.
present we noticed Bros . Gate , of Wigton , P . AL , P . P . G . R . ; Afc . Alcchan , W . AL , St . John ' s 327 , Wigton ; Quarter-Alaster Sergeant Noakes , 55 U 1 Regiment ; Bain , W . AL , Harriiigton " ; tbe Rev . Joshua Tyson ; Pratchit . Bro . Thope presided at the pianoforte . The toast list comprised the usual'loyal and patriotic toasts until the room was " tyled , " after which the Masonic toasts were given by the
chairman and others . One novelty we noticed which is worthy of notice . Whether it was the fact of its being the anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare , or whether it was owing to the Shakespcrian proclivities of some brother who had a hand in the arrangements did not appear , but , in addition to the regular toast list , there was a Shakespcrian list , each toast being followed by a most
apt quotation from , the great poet . For instance , after the toast of" The Queen " came the quotation from Richard III : —• ' Many years of happy days befall ourjgracious Sovereign , our most loving liege . Until the heavens , envying earth's good hap , add an "immortal title to a crown . " After the toast of the Right Worshipful Grand Alaster was the line from Henry IV . — " A braver place in our heart ' s
love hath no man . " In the course of an excellent speech the chairman alluded to the formation of the new lodge in Carlisle , and expressed his opinion that in a town ofthe size of Carlisle there was quite room for both the lodges . He said they had now nearly 900 Freemasons in the provinee , [ and he hoped their excellent Secretary , Bro . Gibson , would before very long have a thousand members' names
ou his books . After spending au hour or so in a truly Alasonic and agreeable manner , the meeting broke up at half-past six o ' clock , and concluded what was altogether one of the most important and successful Alasonic meetings held in the north for . some time .
Itoughltobe mentioned that the furnishings of tlie lodge were supplied by Bro . G . Kenning , of London , and were very much admired by all the brethren present . The decoration of the hall was done by Bro . Hill , of Carlisle , and is of a very suitable and tasteful character . —Carlisle Journal .
Freemasonry In Trinidad.
At a meeting of the Trinidad Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter , Port of Spain , Trinidad , 126 , on the Registry of the S . G . R . A . C . Scotland , held on the 23 rd of September last , Comp . Paulin Jesse Delisle was re-elected First Principal of the chapter , and the following companions were duly elected lo the following offices : —Hubert St . Ililaire ,
Second Principal ; and Nathaniel Augustus St . Ililaire , Third Principal ; William Hunter , S . E . ; John Edward Lafarguc , S . N . ; Louis Ernest Desroses , Treasurer ; Thomas Muriel , Principal Soj . ; George Downes , Second Soj . ; John Warren , Janitor ; anil they were all duly installed in their respective offices . Comp . Past First Principal James AlacDonald Reid assisted .
At a meeting of the above chapter held on the 24 th of November , 1874 , the following brethren were duly exalted as Royal Arch Masons , namely , The Honourable Michael Maxwell Philip , Her Alajcsty ' s Solicitor-General of Trinidad ; John Arthur I larragin , Warden of the Corwa Ward Union , Trinidad ; Francis Brandon Jones and Arthur Simon Eckstein , Merchants ; I laniilton Wainwright ,
Clerk in the Colonial I lospilal ; Andrew Hamilton , Writing Clerk ; and Comp . John Locke , of the Chapter Union Demcrara , 247 , on the Registry of the S . G . R . A . C . of England , Accountant , Colonial Bank , Trinidad , was duly affiliated as a member of the chapter , he having been first duly instructed in the Alark and Excellent degrees . At the last meeting of the Athole Royal Arch Chapter ,
No . 145 , San Fernando , Irmiilail , under the registry of the S . G . R . A . C . of Scotland , in February last , Robert Guppy , Esq ., jl / . / L , Barrister-at-1-aw , and Past Deputy District Grand Alaster , Trinidad ( E . R . ) , together with Bros . AlcPhail anil Whitney , were duly exalted Royal Arch Masons . At a meeting of a Royal Ark Mariners' lodge , held on
February 20 th , under the Trinidad Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter , 126 , at Alount Aloriah , Port of Spain , Trinidad , Comp . Jesse Delisle , assisted by Comps . II . St . HUaire and L . E . Desroses , proceeded to confer the degree of Royal Ark Mariner upon Comp . James Hubert Rat , a member of the Kilwinning Chapter and W . AI . of the Phcenix Lodge ( E . R . ) , and upon Comps . Lewis Alcazar and Louis
Gonzales , both of lhe Kilwinning Chapter , 126 . At a meeting of the Trinidad Kilwinning Sovereign Prince Rose Croix Chapter , 5 , Port of Spain , Trinidad , on the registry of the Supreme Council of the 33 rd and last Degree of the Ancient , Free , and Accepted Scottish Rite of Scotland , held on December 27 th , 1874 , pursuant to the charter granted by the Supreme Council of
Scotland , 111 . Bro . Joseph Rodriguez , 30 th degree , by virtue of the authority granted to him for that purpose , proceeded to instal the office-bearers of the chapter into their respective offices , namely : Comps . James MacDonahl Reid , Most Wise Sovereign ; Paulin Jesse Delisle , I ligh Prelate j Hubert St . Hilairc , Senior Warden ; Nathaniel Augustus St . Hilairc , Junior Warden ; Louis Ernest Desroses
Treasurer ; William Hunter , Secretary ; George Downes , Master of Ceremonies ; John Edward Lafargue , Chancellor ; and Thomas Edward Alurrel , Inner Guard . At a meeting of the United Brothers Lodge , 251 , Port of Spain , Trinidad , 011 the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Glasgow , held on December 27 th , 1874 , Bro . Robert Knaggs , who had been re-elected , was duly installed as W . AI . ; Bros . Hubert St . Ililaire , as S . W . ; and Jarrel , as
J . W . After the installation the brethren took dinner together at Alount Aloriah . Bros . J . AI . Reed , D . P . G . AL Trinidad ( S . R . ); P . J . Delisle , S . P . G . A 1 . Trinidad ( S . R . ); L . E . Desroses , P . AI . Eastern Star , 3 68 ; Joseph Rodriguez , P . M ., Azilio de la Paz , Bolivia , and several other highly respectable Alasons were present . At a meeting of Lodge Eastern Star , 368 , Port of Spain , Trinidad , held on January nth , 1875 , Bro . Paulin Jesse
Freemasonry In Trinidad.
Delisle , who had been re-elected , was duly installed as R . W . AI . ; Bros . John Knox , as S . W . ; G . W . Sparrock , as J . W . ; Andrew Hamilton , as Secretary ; and all the other office-bearers were also duly installed in their respective offices . After the installation , the brethren retired to the banquetting-hall , where they partook of a substantial repast , prepared under the direction of Bro . Thomas E .
Alurrel for the occasion . Amongst the visitors were Bros . A . S . Eckstein , W . M . ofthe Royal Prince of Wales Lodge ; C . F . Besson , P . AI . United Brothers Lodge , 151 ; James Hubert Rat , W . AI . of the Phoenix Lodge ; Joseph Rodriguez , P . AL of the Lodge Azilio de la Paz ( Bolivia ); Dr . Manuel Alalia Ortiz , P . AL of the Royal Phoenix Lodge ;
and W . D . Bendge , of the Colonial Bank , Trinidad ; John Roberts , of Port of Spain ; and several other distinguished visitors from Venezuela . After dinner , and before the toasts were proposed , a beautiful display of fireworks took place . On resuming , the usual obligatory toasts were drank , and the brethren separated highly gratified .
The following address has been presented to the esteemed and worthy Bro . P . J . Delisle , W . AI . 386 , Trinidad . " Port of Spain , Nov . 1874 . " To the R . W . Bro . P . J . Delisle , W . AL , L . E . S ., No . 3 68 . " Worshipful Sir and Brother , — " Wc , the office-bearers , members , and honorary members of Lodge Eastern Star , No . 3 68 , upon the registry
of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , having learnt , with much concern , that you are about to visit one of the Sister Colonies for the benefit of your health , respectfully take leave to present you this address , in token of our sympathy , and as a tribute of our esteem and affection . " It will no doubt be a source of satisfaction to you to
know that the good wishes we desire to convey to you are shared by our sister lodges , —members of which have hereto attached their names . "The valuable services you have already rendered to the Craft arc well known to us , and have always met with our hearty appreciation : your election as our chief for fourteen years bears witness to this .
" It is our earnest prayer that in your search after health the G . A . U . will guide and watch over you ; and that it will please Him shortly to restore you with renewed strength and vigour to the bosom of your dear family and brethren . " We remain , Worshipful Sir , yours fraternally , "J . Al . REID , D . P . G . AL , Sec , & c .
" ERNEST DESROSES , P . AL , L . E . S ., No . 368 . "CHARLES RENAUD , P . S . AL , L . E . S ., No . 368 . "Jos . RoijiiKiLEz , P . AL , L . E . S ., No . 3 68 ., & c . " Besides these signatures , follow those of 84 brethren of the various Scottish and English lodges in the Island , among them those of Bros . Hon . M . AI . Philip , P . M . of R . P . W ., No . S 67 ; J . Palmer , W . AI ., L . A ., No . 43 8 ; W . RC
Cuthbert , P . AL , L . A ., No . 4 ^ 8 ; Rev . . . Nelson , P . AL , L . A ., No . 438 ; ] as . II . Rat , ' W . AL , R . P . Lodge , No . 911 ; and A . Eckstein , W . AL , R . P . W . Lodge , No . 867 . Bro . Delisle made the following reply : — "To Bros . J . M . Reid , D . P . G . M ., S . R ., & c , & c ; Ernest Desroses , P . AL , L . E . S ., No . ^ 68 ; Charles Renaud , P . S . AL , L . E . S ., No . 3 68 ; Jos . Rodriguez , P . AL , L . E . S ., No . 368 ; and others .
" Dear Brethren , — " I have listened with feelings of the deepest pleasure to the address you have just read to mc , on account of the kindly sentiments for me therein expressed , and because their expression being spontaneous , 1 have every reason to believe them sincere . I thank you for reminding nie of the number of years . 1 have occupied the
post I hold , it makes me push my thoughts further back , and embrace the whole period of my Alasonic career ; this career , chequered though the pavement ot its path has been , has always been cheered by a love for Freemasonry , and I feel truly thankful for the assurance now given mc that the esteem and affection of my brethren is the rich reward of that career . Accept my deep and sincere thanks
for your sympathy with my infirm state of health , and good wishes for my voyage to regain strength , and believe mc that nothing will afford me greater pleasure than to return speedily with renewed health to labour wilh you , and enjoy your society . " 1 remain , dear brethren , very fraternally yours , " P . J . DELISLE . "
District Grand Lodge Of The Punjab.
An emergent meeting of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab assembled at Freemasons' Hall , Lahore , 011 Friday , the 26 th February , 1875 , at 7 . ^ 0 p . m . Present : Bros . G . Daly , P . D . D . G . AI . of Bengal , as D . G . AI . ; AI . A . Saunders , D . G . S . Warden ; W . Alellor , D . G . J . Warden ;
Rev . J . B . Brunesson , B . A ., D . G . Chaplain ; Alajor W . Haddow , D . G . Registrar ; Alajor W . H . Alackesy , D . G . Treasurer ; George Davies , D . G . Secretary ; Captain I- ' red Grundy , D . G . S . Deacon ; James Wilkinson , as D . G . J . Deacon ; Henry T . Tanner , C . E ., D . G . Superintendent of Works ; Captain Lewis W . Taylor , D . G . Organist ; C . W . Calthrop , ALD ., D . G . D . of Ceremonies ;
William Bull , D . G . Pursuivant ; J . W . Lemarchand , J . JDavies , J . B . Tapp , Stewards ; George Read , Tyler ; Leighton , Barrister-at-Law , and R . Keene , Visitors . The following lodges were represented : Himalayan Brotherhood , 459 ; Charity , 5 63 , Hope and Perseverance , 782 ; Wahab , 988 ; Ravee , 1215 ; Indus , 1279 ; Jumna , 1394 ; Alayo , 1413 ; Light in the Himalayahs , 1448 i Sutlej , 144 2 ; St . John the Evangelist , 1483 ; Industry ,
1405 . District Grand Lodge was opened in form at 7 . 3 O 1 prayer being evoked by the D . G . Chaplain . The acting District Grand Alaster informed the brethren that this District Grand Lodge had been assembled for the purpose of Installing R . Wor . Bro . Marmaduke