Article REPORTS MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Masonic Meetings.
reason to be proud of its new lodge , and if it continues to prosper in the way it has done since January last , when our esteemed Bro . J . Salmon was installed its second VV . M ., it cannot fail to become a very strong lodge both numerically and financially .
CROYDON . —George Price Lodge ( No . 2096 ) . —The regular meetings of this lodge were resumed on Wednesday , the 28 th ult ., at the Greyhound Hotel , when there were present Bros . J . D . Langton , VV . M . ; H . M . Hobbs , S . W . F . T . R ' dpath , J . W . J . S . Fraser , Sec ; E . Samuel , S . D . ; M . L . Levey , J . D . ; VV . G . Goode , I . G . : W . Lane . Tvler : VV . D . Merritt , acting l . P . M . ;
W . G . Dates and S . O . xenham , Stwds . ; E . C . Holsworth , C . Holden , A . Matthey , and D . Guedalla . Visitors : Bros . F . J . Blake , P . P . G . Reg . Surrey , P . P . G . D . Gloucester , & c . ; Dr . VV . H . M . Smith , W . M . 463 ; Maitland H . Dicker , W . M . 1470 ; F . Knight , 1185 ; R . W . Wilson , 2054 ; F . Carter , 14 ; and T . H . Bentley , 124 S . The minutes of the last meeting and of the emergency
meeting in September last were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Dr . Arthur Matthey and Messrs . David Guedalla and Ernest C . Leaver , and it proving unanimous in their favour , Dr . Matthey and Mr . Guedalla were duly initiated into Freemasonry . The W . M . gave the charge after the initiation . The next business was to elect the W . M ., and Bro . H . M . Hobbs was unanimously elected
Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Joseph Langton was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Lane was reelected Tyler . The acting Immediate Past Master proposed in appropriate terms that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to the VV . M . on his retiring from the chair , and it was carried unanimously . The Audit Committee was then appointed ,
and after " Hearty good wishes " from the visitors the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . In the course of the evening the VV . M . expressed his regret that his year of office had drawn to a close , and assured the brethren of his appreciation of the high Masonic honour conferred on him in appointing him first Master of the George Price Lodge . He also congratulated
the brethren on their choice of VV . M . in Bro . Hobbs , who was instrumental in founding the lodge , and moreover a very hard-working Mason . The Master elect , in response , thanked the brethren for the confidence they had placed in him in electing him
Master for the ensuing year , and assured them that he would to the best of his ability follow in the footsteps of the first Master . The enjoyment of the evening was considerably added to by some capital songs from Bros . Dicker , Bentley , Ridpath , and Guedalla .
i'EMPERANCE LODGE ( No . 169 ) . —A meeting of this lodge vas held on Fridav evening , the i 6 di ult ., at thc Duke of York Tavern , Evelyn-street , Deptford , when there were present Bros . Walters , junr ., VV . M . ; Lazarus , S . W . ; Walter * , senr ., J . W . ; \ V . Block , S . D . ; Borritt , I . U . ; Milbuutn , Preceptor ; and Vallenoweih , Hon . Sec . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes ot the last meeting were read and contirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , Bro . Borritt was examined and entrusted . Thc
lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed by the VV . M ., Bro . Borritt candidate . The ist Section of the 3 rd Lecture was worked bv ihe W . M ., assisted by the brethren . On the second rising , ' Bro . Lazarus was unanimously elected W . M . for the first Friday in the ensuing month . On the third rising , the meeting was adjourneduntil thc 30 th April . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed . A meeting was also held on Friday , the 30 th ult . Present : Bros . Vellenoweth , Hon . Sec ., VV . M . ; W . Block , S . W . ; Belchamber ,
| . W . ; Lazarus , S . D . ; Dale , J . D . ; Borritt , I . G . ; Milbourn , Preceptor ; Walters , and Akehurs ' t . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and raising were rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Akehurst personating candidate . The ist Section of the 3 rd Lecture was worked by Bro . Belchamber , and the 3 rd Section by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Nothing further offering on the third rising , the lodge was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1435 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at thc Porchester Hotel , Leinster . place , Cleveland square , Porchester-terrace , Paddington , W . Present : Bros . W . E . Jameson , W . M . 1584 , W . M . ; A . Hardy , S . W . ; VV . I . Mason , I . W .: G . Read , P . M . < it , Treas . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 , Sec . ; I . Cruttenden , S . D . ; J . R . Allman , J . D . ; O . VV . Battley , I . G . ; F . Chandler , Stwd . ; I . Stephens , W . M . I 4 "S i VV . H . Chalfont , P . M . 14 = 51 Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . 1974 ; J . Smith , A . W . Thompson , M . J . Green , . ( . C . Conway , VV . Robinson , I . H . Wood , J . S . Henrv , VV . Chappie , Capt . H . S . Andrews , C . S . Mote , E . C . Mulvev ' , VV . Matthews , Ii . J . Day , and VV . II .
Wadham . , , . , , , . Thc lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and contirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Chappie candidate . The lodge was called off and nn . The 4 th Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Mulvey , and the 7 th by Uro . Hardy , assisted in each case by Bro . Read . Bro . Hardy was unanimously elected W . M . tor the next meeting , and appointed the ollicers in rotation . A vote of thanks was unanimously carried , to be recorded on the minutes , for the able manner Bro . ( ameson had performed the duties of the chair . After " Hearty good wishes" the lodge was closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —Ihe usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at tlie Criterion , Piccadilly , VV ., on the 29 th ult ., when there were present Bros . I ' . I * . C . Kecble , W . M . ; H . ( . Pellatt , S . W . ; C . F . Fox , J . W . ; I . B . Grieve , S . D . ; J . Ravner , J . D . ; C . Lambert , I . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; R . | . Harnell , acting as Sec ; T . E , Weeks , Tyler ; C . Coring Ii . C . Mulvey , W . S . Lincoln , II . G . Pctt , D . Graham , VV . Ill Toten , A . Gammell , C . Grass ! , | . Woodward , Ii . | . D . Bromley , I . Roue , G . H . Reynolds , | . R . Hnrnell , Frank ( iullifordand ( . ' Mitchell . in due
, The lod ^ e was opened form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . ( . Graham having olfered himself as . 1 candidate for initiation , tlie W . M . was pleased to rehearse the ceremony . Lodge opened in thc Second Degree . Bro . Ii ( 11 . Bromley having offered himself as a candidate to be rj ' is ' eil to ' the Third Degree , he was duly questioned , entrusted , and retired . Lodge opened in thc Third Degree . Thc W . M . rehearsed the Degree of M . M . Lodge resumed to the First Degree . On rising for the first time , liro . R . ( . Harnell proposed that Bro . II . G ~ Pctt lice be a joining member of this lodge of instructionand carrieu
seconded by Bro . W . C . Smith , unanimously , un rising for the second time , liro . VV . C . Smith proposed that Bro . H I Pellatt , S . W ., be W . M . for the ensuing week—seconded by the' I VV and carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his ollicers in rotation . On rising for the third time , Bro . VV . C . Smith proposed that a vote of thai . ks be recorded on thc minutes of this lodge of instruction to Bro . F . F . C . Kceble , W . M ., for the very able and efficient manner in _ which he had carried out tlie duties of the chair for Ihe first time in this lodge of
instruction , and also for his excellent working—seconded by the J . W ., and carried unanimously . The VV . M . made a suitable reply . Notice of motion was given by Bro . VV . C . Smith , Preceptor , that he would make application for the votes of aged Freemasons ( women ) belonging to the lodge of instruction for tlie case of Mrs . Coultman ; whereupon the W . M . rose , and proposed that the votes he given at once to Bro . VV . C . Smith—seconded by the S . W ., and carried unanimously . The votes were accordingly handed to Bro . VV . C . Smith , and he thanked the brethren on behalf of Mrs . Coultman . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , thc lodge was closed .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 162 J ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rd inst ., at the New Market Hotei . Present - Bros . VV . C . Brasher , VV . M . ; Sherer , S . W . ; Gladwell , ( AV . J . W . Jollv , Sec ; VV . ( ollv , S . D . ; F . J . Rumball , J . D . ; S . C . H . Rumball , I . G . ; Smyth , Tiler ; H . J . Lardner , P . M ., Preceptor ; T . T . Phillips , P . M . ; E . Mallett , P . M . ; Simpson , Linnett , Dorling , Howson , Giddings , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The initiation ceremony was admirably worked hy Bro . VV . C . Brasher . The 1 st and 2 nd Sections were well
worked by Bro . F . J . Rumball , and the 3 rd and 5 th by the esteemed Preceptor , assisted by the brethren present . The W . M . having inquired for the good of the Craft , Bro . Lardner , P . M ., proposed that a vote of thanks be entered on the minutes to Bro . VV . C . Brasher for his excellent working of the l > irst Ceremony { or the first time—the same was unanimously adopted , for which the VV . M . expressed his thanks . Bro . Sherer was unanimously elected to preside , and work the Second Ceremony and Sections for thc next meeting . A few chairs vacant , and a hearty reception to brethren in search of Masonic knowledge .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 30 th ult ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . Present : Bros . G . Mason , W . M . ; Musson , S . W . ; Forscutt , J . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gibson , P . M ., Treas . ; C . onghlan , Sec . ; Hayes , S . D . ; Arnold , J . D . ; Hume , I . G . ; Christian , Glover , Roberts , Wombell . Gilbert , Luckhnrst , Coleman , Pope , Clarkson , Vogt , Atkinson , F . Purnell , and Waterhouse . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed , Bro . Roberts candidate . Bro . Pope a candidate to be passed to the Second Degree answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Pope being the candidate . Thc lodge was called off and on . Bros . Wombell and Waterhouse answered the questions leading to the Third Degree . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed . A meeting of the Charitable Association was afterwards held , which proved favourable to Bros . Musson and Coughlan .
CANTERBURY . —Royal Military Lodge ( No . 1449 ) . —A meet , ing was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Masonic Temple , 38 , St . Peter's-strccr . Present : Bros . Blamiers , VV . M . ; Cockersell , S . W . ; Tomblings , J . VV . j R . D . Simms . Sec . ; McClintock , S . D . ; Beckett , J . D . ; Clavdon , I . G .: Passmorc , Stwd . ; and Blake , P . M ., Tyler , The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of last lodge of instruction were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The questions leading from the
Second Degree were put to Bro . Passmore , and correctlv answered . The working tools were explained by Bros . Beckett , Tomblings , Cockersell , Claydon , Simms , and McClintock . Bro . Cockersell very ably gave the charge . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . The lodge was lowered to Ihe Second Degree . The lodge was lowered to thc First Degree . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , or of this lodge in particular , the same was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 185 ) . —This old chapter held its installation meeting at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on the Gth ult . Among those present were Comps . Ellbom , M . E . Z . ; T . IDavis , H ., M . E . Z . elect ; Cleghorne , J . ; Davage , P . Z ., S . E . ; E . A . Harris , S . N . j Staley , P . S . ; Rist , 1 st A . S . ; Harfeld , Treasurer ; Holbrook , P . Z . ; Robinson , P . Z . ; Mander , P . Z .: T . C . Walls , P . G . P . Soj . Middx ., P . Z . ; Davis , P . Z . ; and others .
1 he minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , a brother of the Jordan Lodge was im-Bressively exalted to the Royal Arch Degree by Comp . lavis , P . Z ., who subsequently installed Comp . T . Davis as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Cleghorne as H . ; _ and Comp . Staley as J . ; the three arduous ceremonies being ably performed .
The following investments then took place : Comps . Davage , S . E . ; E . A . Harris , S . N . ; Rist , P . S . ; Kempton , ist A . S . ; Isaacs , and A . S . ; Harfeld , Treasurer ; and Parkinson , Janitor . A Past Principal ' s jewel having been presented to Comp . Ellborn , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet , which was well served . Thc usual toasts followed .
HORNSEY CHAPTER ( No . 890 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ., when there were present Comps . Dr . A . Churchward , M . E . Z . ; Capt . A . Nicols , H . ; Dr . D . S . Skinner , 1 . ; J . Castle Gant , P . Z . ; Dr . VV . H . Kempster , P . ' / .. ; Walter Adlard , P . Z ., S . E . ; Joseph Brandon , S . N . ; A .
K . Kudall , P . b . ; R . P . Laundy , 1 . B . Gumming , and G . S . Smyth . Visitors : | Comps . F . Adlard , P . Z ., P . G . Registrar of Essex ; George Read , P . Z . ; J . T . Pilditch , P . Z . ; E . Shedd , P . Z . ; and T . C . Edmonds , Honorary Member . The chapter was opened in ancient form , and the minutes of the last convocation read and confirmed . A ballot was
taken for Comp . Col . A . Stewart , P . Z . 782 , Grand Superintendent of the Punjab , which proved unanimous in his favour , and theannouncement was received with acclamation . The installation of the Principals was the next business . Comp . Capt . A . Nicols being- a Past First Principal in the Order , was simply inducted into the chair of Z . He then installed Comp . Dr . David S . Skinner into the chair of H .,
and afterwards Dr . Skinner installed his successor , Comp . H . Elivell Dehane , P . M . of many lodges ( and the most active member of the Essex Charity Organisation ) , in the chair of J . The working of these ceremonies received the high approbation of thosedistinguished Royal Arch workers who were present as visitors . A massive gold P . Z . ' s jewel , with a suitable inscription on
the reverse , was then presented to Comp . Dr . A . Churchward , who , in returning thanks , promised as regular and punctual attendance in the future as in the past . A petition from the Hornsey Chapter of Improvement , held at the Porchester Hotel , Cleveland-square , Bayswater , W ., requesting permission to change the day of meeting from Saturday to Friday , was received and granted . The shaplcr was afterwards closed , and the companions
Royal Arch.
adjourned to the banqueting room . Thc dinner was one of the best Bro . Clcmcnv has ever served , and , although thoroughly English , the menu card was printed very artistically in Italian , which caused much amusement . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , and the speeches were of the usual average style , but had thc advantage of being short and to the point .
SIR FRANCIS BURDETT CHAPTER ( No . 1503 ) . —This prosperous chapter met at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 21 st ult . Among those present were Comps . T . C . Walls , P . G . P . Soj . Middx ., P . Z ., M . E . Z . ; W . Taylor , P . P . G . J . Middx ., P . Z ., acting H . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , M . A ., J . ; D . Cama , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . Z . ; Raymond H " . Thrupp , P . G . H . Middx .,
P . Z . ; Dunkley , P . P . G . O . Middx ., 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Letters pleading inability to attend were read from Comps . R . H . Saunders , M . E . Z . elect ; Smiles , J . elect ; T . R . Richnell , S . E . ; and others . Comp . the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders was ably installed into the Second Principal's
chair by Comp . W . Taylor , acting H . The ballot was taken onbehaf of Bro . Porter , 1793 , for exaltation at thc next convocation , and for Comp . Simmonds , 946 , as a joining member , and it proved to be unanimous in each case . A vote of congratulation was passed to Comp . D .
Cama , P . Z ., & c , on his being elected Grand Treasurer of England . A Past Principal ' s jewel having been presented to Comp . T . C . Walls , the chapter was duly closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . The customary toasts followed . Comp . Dunkley during the evening contributed some excellent instrumental and vocal selections .
WOOLWICH . —Union Waterloo Chapter ( No . 13 ) - —A quarterly convocation of the above chapter took place on Wednesday , the 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street . Comp . G . Kenneday presided as Z . ; Comp . T . Ovenden , as H . ; and Comp . Capt . G . Spinks , A . S . C ., as J . The other officers and companions present included Comps . J . Wilkins , P . Z . ; I . Scott Mutch , P . Z . ;
Capt . W . Richey , R . A ., S . N . ; E . West , P . Z ., Treas . ; R . Gooding . S . E . ; A . Woodley , P . S . ; R . Warren , ist A . S . ; G . King , 2 nd A . S . ; C . Wood , J . Johnson , VV . Mclnerny . C . Canning , A . Fenn , H . De Gray , H . Syer , F . A . White , P . Z . 907 ; W . Rees , H . 913 ; Quartermaster A . Willmott , Shropshire Light Infantry , 552 ; and C . Jolly , S . N . 1472 , 013 , & c .
The minutes of the previous convocation being passed , the ballot was taken for Bros . G . Masters , P . M . 13 ; J . Sanderson , S . W . 700 ; and Capt . Brooks , A . S . C . 1536 , and proving satisfactory , the two latter brethren , being in attendance , were exalted in faultless style b y the M . E . Z . and his officers . Comp . West announced his intention of standing Steward for the Boys' School at the next Festival .
and five guineas were voted to his list from the funds of the chapter . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to Comp . De Gray ' s Hotel—the Freemasonopposite the Dockyard Station , where a handsomely served banquet was enjoyed , and the usual loyal , Royal Arch , and chapter toasts were duly honoured .
SUNDERLAND . —De Lambton Chapter ( No 94 ) - —The annual convocation of this chapter took place on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Queenstreet . The installation of Principals for the ensuing year took place as follows : Comp . J . R . Smart , Z ., installed by Comp . M . Frampton , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . ; Comp . J . C . Moor , H ., installed by Comp . R . Hudson , P . Z ., P . G . S . E . ; Comp . E . Sutherst , J ., installed by Comp . G . WanlessP . Z .
, , P . P . G . S . B . The following were appointed as the other officers : Comps . Thomas Henderson , P . Z ., S . E . ; M . Frampton , P . Z ., Treasurer ; J . A . Rainbow , S . N . ; J . Scarborough , P . S . ; C . Cobham and W . Dawson , Asst . S . ; and J . VV . Brown , Janitor . The visiting Principals were Comps . R . Hudson , P . Z . So ; A . T . Mur . ro , P . Z . So , P . G . S . E . ; George Porteus , P . Z . 97 ; J . Mitchinson , Z . 80 ,
F . t-. U . U . ; K . Kinmond , P . Z . So ; M . Douglass , P . Z . 531 , P . G . A . S . ; J . Riseborough , P . Z . 94 , P . P . G . R . ; M . Frampton , P . Z . 94 ; T . Henderson , P . Z . 94 ; W . Wanless , P . Z . ; R . Blake , W . Birch , T . A . Simpson , N . So ; H . E . Crisp , E . So ; I . Scarborough . P . S .: T . G .
Garrick , and A . Groundwater . After the ordinary business had been transacted , the chapter was closed . The members afterwards sat down to a substantial repast in the Freemasons' Hall , the M . E . Z ., Comp . J . R . Smart , Bresiding , and he was supported by Comps . R . Hudson , M . 'ouglass , T . Henderson , and W . Brandt , P . Z .
PRESTON . —Unanimity Chapter ( No . 113 ) . — The annual installation of the above chapter took place on Thursday , 22 nd ult , at the Bull Hotel . Comp . T . R . Jolly was installed in the First Principal ' s chair by Comp . H . W . Johnston , P . Z ., P . G . J . D . West Lancashire ; and thc First Principal then appointed the following his officers for ensuing year : —Comps . De Pennington , P . Z . ; H . Ormandy , jun ., H . ; J . Hayhurst , J . ; and T . Snapc , P . S .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BERWICK-ON-TWEED . — St . Cuthbert ' s Lodge ( No . 192 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was held on the 14 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , Parade , the business being the installation of Bro . A . L . Miller , S . W as W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ceremony was to have taken place in the afternoon and the annual
banquet in the evening , but owing to thc lamented death of Bro . R . Weatherhead , P . M ., the banquet wasabandoned , ?¦ ¦ , ' ' l 0 " adjourned until the evening . Bro . Craik , W . M ., opened the lodge in due form , after which he submitted the following resolution : " The brethren deeply sensible of the loss thev have sustained hv the v «> ru
sudden death of their esteemed Bro . and Past Mastev , Robert Weatherhead , desire to express to Mr . George Weatherhead and family , and to Bro . J . R . Weatherhead , their deep and sincere sympathy with them in their sore bereavement . " Bro . Carr , I . P . M ., seconded the motion , and it was unanimousl y agreed that a copy of the resolution should be forwarded to Mr . G . Weatherhead , and also to Bro . J . K . Weatherhead . Bro . Moor , P . M ., then I occupied the W . M . ' s chair , and the ceremony of installing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Masonic Meetings.
reason to be proud of its new lodge , and if it continues to prosper in the way it has done since January last , when our esteemed Bro . J . Salmon was installed its second VV . M ., it cannot fail to become a very strong lodge both numerically and financially .
CROYDON . —George Price Lodge ( No . 2096 ) . —The regular meetings of this lodge were resumed on Wednesday , the 28 th ult ., at the Greyhound Hotel , when there were present Bros . J . D . Langton , VV . M . ; H . M . Hobbs , S . W . F . T . R ' dpath , J . W . J . S . Fraser , Sec ; E . Samuel , S . D . ; M . L . Levey , J . D . ; VV . G . Goode , I . G . : W . Lane . Tvler : VV . D . Merritt , acting l . P . M . ;
W . G . Dates and S . O . xenham , Stwds . ; E . C . Holsworth , C . Holden , A . Matthey , and D . Guedalla . Visitors : Bros . F . J . Blake , P . P . G . Reg . Surrey , P . P . G . D . Gloucester , & c . ; Dr . VV . H . M . Smith , W . M . 463 ; Maitland H . Dicker , W . M . 1470 ; F . Knight , 1185 ; R . W . Wilson , 2054 ; F . Carter , 14 ; and T . H . Bentley , 124 S . The minutes of the last meeting and of the emergency
meeting in September last were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Dr . Arthur Matthey and Messrs . David Guedalla and Ernest C . Leaver , and it proving unanimous in their favour , Dr . Matthey and Mr . Guedalla were duly initiated into Freemasonry . The W . M . gave the charge after the initiation . The next business was to elect the W . M ., and Bro . H . M . Hobbs was unanimously elected
Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Joseph Langton was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Lane was reelected Tyler . The acting Immediate Past Master proposed in appropriate terms that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to the VV . M . on his retiring from the chair , and it was carried unanimously . The Audit Committee was then appointed ,
and after " Hearty good wishes " from the visitors the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . In the course of the evening the VV . M . expressed his regret that his year of office had drawn to a close , and assured the brethren of his appreciation of the high Masonic honour conferred on him in appointing him first Master of the George Price Lodge . He also congratulated
the brethren on their choice of VV . M . in Bro . Hobbs , who was instrumental in founding the lodge , and moreover a very hard-working Mason . The Master elect , in response , thanked the brethren for the confidence they had placed in him in electing him
Master for the ensuing year , and assured them that he would to the best of his ability follow in the footsteps of the first Master . The enjoyment of the evening was considerably added to by some capital songs from Bros . Dicker , Bentley , Ridpath , and Guedalla .
i'EMPERANCE LODGE ( No . 169 ) . —A meeting of this lodge vas held on Fridav evening , the i 6 di ult ., at thc Duke of York Tavern , Evelyn-street , Deptford , when there were present Bros . Walters , junr ., VV . M . ; Lazarus , S . W . ; Walter * , senr ., J . W . ; \ V . Block , S . D . ; Borritt , I . U . ; Milbuutn , Preceptor ; and Vallenoweih , Hon . Sec . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes ot the last meeting were read and contirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , Bro . Borritt was examined and entrusted . Thc
lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed by the VV . M ., Bro . Borritt candidate . The ist Section of the 3 rd Lecture was worked bv ihe W . M ., assisted by the brethren . On the second rising , ' Bro . Lazarus was unanimously elected W . M . for the first Friday in the ensuing month . On the third rising , the meeting was adjourneduntil thc 30 th April . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed . A meeting was also held on Friday , the 30 th ult . Present : Bros . Vellenoweth , Hon . Sec ., VV . M . ; W . Block , S . W . ; Belchamber ,
| . W . ; Lazarus , S . D . ; Dale , J . D . ; Borritt , I . G . ; Milbourn , Preceptor ; Walters , and Akehurs ' t . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and raising were rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Akehurst personating candidate . The ist Section of the 3 rd Lecture was worked by Bro . Belchamber , and the 3 rd Section by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Nothing further offering on the third rising , the lodge was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1435 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at thc Porchester Hotel , Leinster . place , Cleveland square , Porchester-terrace , Paddington , W . Present : Bros . W . E . Jameson , W . M . 1584 , W . M . ; A . Hardy , S . W . ; VV . I . Mason , I . W .: G . Read , P . M . < it , Treas . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 , Sec . ; I . Cruttenden , S . D . ; J . R . Allman , J . D . ; O . VV . Battley , I . G . ; F . Chandler , Stwd . ; I . Stephens , W . M . I 4 "S i VV . H . Chalfont , P . M . 14 = 51 Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . 1974 ; J . Smith , A . W . Thompson , M . J . Green , . ( . C . Conway , VV . Robinson , I . H . Wood , J . S . Henrv , VV . Chappie , Capt . H . S . Andrews , C . S . Mote , E . C . Mulvev ' , VV . Matthews , Ii . J . Day , and VV . II .
Wadham . , , . , , , . Thc lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and contirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Chappie candidate . The lodge was called off and nn . The 4 th Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Mulvey , and the 7 th by Uro . Hardy , assisted in each case by Bro . Read . Bro . Hardy was unanimously elected W . M . tor the next meeting , and appointed the ollicers in rotation . A vote of thanks was unanimously carried , to be recorded on the minutes , for the able manner Bro . ( ameson had performed the duties of the chair . After " Hearty good wishes" the lodge was closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —Ihe usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at tlie Criterion , Piccadilly , VV ., on the 29 th ult ., when there were present Bros . I ' . I * . C . Kecble , W . M . ; H . ( . Pellatt , S . W . ; C . F . Fox , J . W . ; I . B . Grieve , S . D . ; J . Ravner , J . D . ; C . Lambert , I . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; R . | . Harnell , acting as Sec ; T . E , Weeks , Tyler ; C . Coring Ii . C . Mulvey , W . S . Lincoln , II . G . Pctt , D . Graham , VV . Ill Toten , A . Gammell , C . Grass ! , | . Woodward , Ii . | . D . Bromley , I . Roue , G . H . Reynolds , | . R . Hnrnell , Frank ( iullifordand ( . ' Mitchell . in due
, The lod ^ e was opened form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . ( . Graham having olfered himself as . 1 candidate for initiation , tlie W . M . was pleased to rehearse the ceremony . Lodge opened in thc Second Degree . Bro . Ii ( 11 . Bromley having offered himself as a candidate to be rj ' is ' eil to ' the Third Degree , he was duly questioned , entrusted , and retired . Lodge opened in thc Third Degree . Thc W . M . rehearsed the Degree of M . M . Lodge resumed to the First Degree . On rising for the first time , liro . R . ( . Harnell proposed that Bro . II . G ~ Pctt lice be a joining member of this lodge of instructionand carrieu
seconded by Bro . W . C . Smith , unanimously , un rising for the second time , liro . VV . C . Smith proposed that Bro . H I Pellatt , S . W ., be W . M . for the ensuing week—seconded by the' I VV and carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his ollicers in rotation . On rising for the third time , Bro . VV . C . Smith proposed that a vote of thai . ks be recorded on thc minutes of this lodge of instruction to Bro . F . F . C . Kceble , W . M ., for the very able and efficient manner in _ which he had carried out tlie duties of the chair for Ihe first time in this lodge of
instruction , and also for his excellent working—seconded by the J . W ., and carried unanimously . The VV . M . made a suitable reply . Notice of motion was given by Bro . VV . C . Smith , Preceptor , that he would make application for the votes of aged Freemasons ( women ) belonging to the lodge of instruction for tlie case of Mrs . Coultman ; whereupon the W . M . rose , and proposed that the votes he given at once to Bro . VV . C . Smith—seconded by the S . W ., and carried unanimously . The votes were accordingly handed to Bro . VV . C . Smith , and he thanked the brethren on behalf of Mrs . Coultman . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , thc lodge was closed .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 162 J ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rd inst ., at the New Market Hotei . Present - Bros . VV . C . Brasher , VV . M . ; Sherer , S . W . ; Gladwell , ( AV . J . W . Jollv , Sec ; VV . ( ollv , S . D . ; F . J . Rumball , J . D . ; S . C . H . Rumball , I . G . ; Smyth , Tiler ; H . J . Lardner , P . M ., Preceptor ; T . T . Phillips , P . M . ; E . Mallett , P . M . ; Simpson , Linnett , Dorling , Howson , Giddings , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The initiation ceremony was admirably worked hy Bro . VV . C . Brasher . The 1 st and 2 nd Sections were well
worked by Bro . F . J . Rumball , and the 3 rd and 5 th by the esteemed Preceptor , assisted by the brethren present . The W . M . having inquired for the good of the Craft , Bro . Lardner , P . M ., proposed that a vote of thanks be entered on the minutes to Bro . VV . C . Brasher for his excellent working of the l > irst Ceremony { or the first time—the same was unanimously adopted , for which the VV . M . expressed his thanks . Bro . Sherer was unanimously elected to preside , and work the Second Ceremony and Sections for thc next meeting . A few chairs vacant , and a hearty reception to brethren in search of Masonic knowledge .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 30 th ult ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . Present : Bros . G . Mason , W . M . ; Musson , S . W . ; Forscutt , J . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gibson , P . M ., Treas . ; C . onghlan , Sec . ; Hayes , S . D . ; Arnold , J . D . ; Hume , I . G . ; Christian , Glover , Roberts , Wombell . Gilbert , Luckhnrst , Coleman , Pope , Clarkson , Vogt , Atkinson , F . Purnell , and Waterhouse . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed , Bro . Roberts candidate . Bro . Pope a candidate to be passed to the Second Degree answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Pope being the candidate . Thc lodge was called off and on . Bros . Wombell and Waterhouse answered the questions leading to the Third Degree . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed . A meeting of the Charitable Association was afterwards held , which proved favourable to Bros . Musson and Coughlan .
CANTERBURY . —Royal Military Lodge ( No . 1449 ) . —A meet , ing was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Masonic Temple , 38 , St . Peter's-strccr . Present : Bros . Blamiers , VV . M . ; Cockersell , S . W . ; Tomblings , J . VV . j R . D . Simms . Sec . ; McClintock , S . D . ; Beckett , J . D . ; Clavdon , I . G .: Passmorc , Stwd . ; and Blake , P . M ., Tyler , The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of last lodge of instruction were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The questions leading from the
Second Degree were put to Bro . Passmore , and correctlv answered . The working tools were explained by Bros . Beckett , Tomblings , Cockersell , Claydon , Simms , and McClintock . Bro . Cockersell very ably gave the charge . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . The lodge was lowered to Ihe Second Degree . The lodge was lowered to thc First Degree . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , or of this lodge in particular , the same was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 185 ) . —This old chapter held its installation meeting at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on the Gth ult . Among those present were Comps . Ellbom , M . E . Z . ; T . IDavis , H ., M . E . Z . elect ; Cleghorne , J . ; Davage , P . Z ., S . E . ; E . A . Harris , S . N . j Staley , P . S . ; Rist , 1 st A . S . ; Harfeld , Treasurer ; Holbrook , P . Z . ; Robinson , P . Z . ; Mander , P . Z .: T . C . Walls , P . G . P . Soj . Middx ., P . Z . ; Davis , P . Z . ; and others .
1 he minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , a brother of the Jordan Lodge was im-Bressively exalted to the Royal Arch Degree by Comp . lavis , P . Z ., who subsequently installed Comp . T . Davis as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Cleghorne as H . ; _ and Comp . Staley as J . ; the three arduous ceremonies being ably performed .
The following investments then took place : Comps . Davage , S . E . ; E . A . Harris , S . N . ; Rist , P . S . ; Kempton , ist A . S . ; Isaacs , and A . S . ; Harfeld , Treasurer ; and Parkinson , Janitor . A Past Principal ' s jewel having been presented to Comp . Ellborn , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet , which was well served . Thc usual toasts followed .
HORNSEY CHAPTER ( No . 890 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ., when there were present Comps . Dr . A . Churchward , M . E . Z . ; Capt . A . Nicols , H . ; Dr . D . S . Skinner , 1 . ; J . Castle Gant , P . Z . ; Dr . VV . H . Kempster , P . ' / .. ; Walter Adlard , P . Z ., S . E . ; Joseph Brandon , S . N . ; A .
K . Kudall , P . b . ; R . P . Laundy , 1 . B . Gumming , and G . S . Smyth . Visitors : | Comps . F . Adlard , P . Z ., P . G . Registrar of Essex ; George Read , P . Z . ; J . T . Pilditch , P . Z . ; E . Shedd , P . Z . ; and T . C . Edmonds , Honorary Member . The chapter was opened in ancient form , and the minutes of the last convocation read and confirmed . A ballot was
taken for Comp . Col . A . Stewart , P . Z . 782 , Grand Superintendent of the Punjab , which proved unanimous in his favour , and theannouncement was received with acclamation . The installation of the Principals was the next business . Comp . Capt . A . Nicols being- a Past First Principal in the Order , was simply inducted into the chair of Z . He then installed Comp . Dr . David S . Skinner into the chair of H .,
and afterwards Dr . Skinner installed his successor , Comp . H . Elivell Dehane , P . M . of many lodges ( and the most active member of the Essex Charity Organisation ) , in the chair of J . The working of these ceremonies received the high approbation of thosedistinguished Royal Arch workers who were present as visitors . A massive gold P . Z . ' s jewel , with a suitable inscription on
the reverse , was then presented to Comp . Dr . A . Churchward , who , in returning thanks , promised as regular and punctual attendance in the future as in the past . A petition from the Hornsey Chapter of Improvement , held at the Porchester Hotel , Cleveland-square , Bayswater , W ., requesting permission to change the day of meeting from Saturday to Friday , was received and granted . The shaplcr was afterwards closed , and the companions
Royal Arch.
adjourned to the banqueting room . Thc dinner was one of the best Bro . Clcmcnv has ever served , and , although thoroughly English , the menu card was printed very artistically in Italian , which caused much amusement . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , and the speeches were of the usual average style , but had thc advantage of being short and to the point .
SIR FRANCIS BURDETT CHAPTER ( No . 1503 ) . —This prosperous chapter met at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 21 st ult . Among those present were Comps . T . C . Walls , P . G . P . Soj . Middx ., P . Z ., M . E . Z . ; W . Taylor , P . P . G . J . Middx ., P . Z ., acting H . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , M . A ., J . ; D . Cama , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . Z . ; Raymond H " . Thrupp , P . G . H . Middx .,
P . Z . ; Dunkley , P . P . G . O . Middx ., 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Letters pleading inability to attend were read from Comps . R . H . Saunders , M . E . Z . elect ; Smiles , J . elect ; T . R . Richnell , S . E . ; and others . Comp . the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders was ably installed into the Second Principal's
chair by Comp . W . Taylor , acting H . The ballot was taken onbehaf of Bro . Porter , 1793 , for exaltation at thc next convocation , and for Comp . Simmonds , 946 , as a joining member , and it proved to be unanimous in each case . A vote of congratulation was passed to Comp . D .
Cama , P . Z ., & c , on his being elected Grand Treasurer of England . A Past Principal ' s jewel having been presented to Comp . T . C . Walls , the chapter was duly closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . The customary toasts followed . Comp . Dunkley during the evening contributed some excellent instrumental and vocal selections .
WOOLWICH . —Union Waterloo Chapter ( No . 13 ) - —A quarterly convocation of the above chapter took place on Wednesday , the 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street . Comp . G . Kenneday presided as Z . ; Comp . T . Ovenden , as H . ; and Comp . Capt . G . Spinks , A . S . C ., as J . The other officers and companions present included Comps . J . Wilkins , P . Z . ; I . Scott Mutch , P . Z . ;
Capt . W . Richey , R . A ., S . N . ; E . West , P . Z ., Treas . ; R . Gooding . S . E . ; A . Woodley , P . S . ; R . Warren , ist A . S . ; G . King , 2 nd A . S . ; C . Wood , J . Johnson , VV . Mclnerny . C . Canning , A . Fenn , H . De Gray , H . Syer , F . A . White , P . Z . 907 ; W . Rees , H . 913 ; Quartermaster A . Willmott , Shropshire Light Infantry , 552 ; and C . Jolly , S . N . 1472 , 013 , & c .
The minutes of the previous convocation being passed , the ballot was taken for Bros . G . Masters , P . M . 13 ; J . Sanderson , S . W . 700 ; and Capt . Brooks , A . S . C . 1536 , and proving satisfactory , the two latter brethren , being in attendance , were exalted in faultless style b y the M . E . Z . and his officers . Comp . West announced his intention of standing Steward for the Boys' School at the next Festival .
and five guineas were voted to his list from the funds of the chapter . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to Comp . De Gray ' s Hotel—the Freemasonopposite the Dockyard Station , where a handsomely served banquet was enjoyed , and the usual loyal , Royal Arch , and chapter toasts were duly honoured .
SUNDERLAND . —De Lambton Chapter ( No 94 ) - —The annual convocation of this chapter took place on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Queenstreet . The installation of Principals for the ensuing year took place as follows : Comp . J . R . Smart , Z ., installed by Comp . M . Frampton , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . ; Comp . J . C . Moor , H ., installed by Comp . R . Hudson , P . Z ., P . G . S . E . ; Comp . E . Sutherst , J ., installed by Comp . G . WanlessP . Z .
, , P . P . G . S . B . The following were appointed as the other officers : Comps . Thomas Henderson , P . Z ., S . E . ; M . Frampton , P . Z ., Treasurer ; J . A . Rainbow , S . N . ; J . Scarborough , P . S . ; C . Cobham and W . Dawson , Asst . S . ; and J . VV . Brown , Janitor . The visiting Principals were Comps . R . Hudson , P . Z . So ; A . T . Mur . ro , P . Z . So , P . G . S . E . ; George Porteus , P . Z . 97 ; J . Mitchinson , Z . 80 ,
F . t-. U . U . ; K . Kinmond , P . Z . So ; M . Douglass , P . Z . 531 , P . G . A . S . ; J . Riseborough , P . Z . 94 , P . P . G . R . ; M . Frampton , P . Z . 94 ; T . Henderson , P . Z . 94 ; W . Wanless , P . Z . ; R . Blake , W . Birch , T . A . Simpson , N . So ; H . E . Crisp , E . So ; I . Scarborough . P . S .: T . G .
Garrick , and A . Groundwater . After the ordinary business had been transacted , the chapter was closed . The members afterwards sat down to a substantial repast in the Freemasons' Hall , the M . E . Z ., Comp . J . R . Smart , Bresiding , and he was supported by Comps . R . Hudson , M . 'ouglass , T . Henderson , and W . Brandt , P . Z .
PRESTON . —Unanimity Chapter ( No . 113 ) . — The annual installation of the above chapter took place on Thursday , 22 nd ult , at the Bull Hotel . Comp . T . R . Jolly was installed in the First Principal ' s chair by Comp . H . W . Johnston , P . Z ., P . G . J . D . West Lancashire ; and thc First Principal then appointed the following his officers for ensuing year : —Comps . De Pennington , P . Z . ; H . Ormandy , jun ., H . ; J . Hayhurst , J . ; and T . Snapc , P . S .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BERWICK-ON-TWEED . — St . Cuthbert ' s Lodge ( No . 192 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was held on the 14 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , Parade , the business being the installation of Bro . A . L . Miller , S . W as W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ceremony was to have taken place in the afternoon and the annual
banquet in the evening , but owing to thc lamented death of Bro . R . Weatherhead , P . M ., the banquet wasabandoned , ?¦ ¦ , ' ' l 0 " adjourned until the evening . Bro . Craik , W . M ., opened the lodge in due form , after which he submitted the following resolution : " The brethren deeply sensible of the loss thev have sustained hv the v «> ru
sudden death of their esteemed Bro . and Past Mastev , Robert Weatherhead , desire to express to Mr . George Weatherhead and family , and to Bro . J . R . Weatherhead , their deep and sincere sympathy with them in their sore bereavement . " Bro . Carr , I . P . M ., seconded the motion , and it was unanimousl y agreed that a copy of the resolution should be forwarded to Mr . G . Weatherhead , and also to Bro . J . K . Weatherhead . Bro . Moor , P . M ., then I occupied the W . M . ' s chair , and the ceremony of installing