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Reports Masonic Meetings.
Hotel , on Wednesday evening , the 14 th ult ., Bro . the Rev . W . Morgan Jones , S . W ., P . P . G . C , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . VV . Bro . Richard Clowes , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . At the late elections for the Masonic Schools there were three candidates from the Province of Essex , viz ., Flora Richardsonone of four orphan children of the
, late Bro . A . Richardson , of Maldon ; Violet Annie Bell , daughter ( one of nine children ) of the late Bro . the Rev . Arthur L'Argent Bell , of Saffron Waldon j and Harry Norman Angier , son Cone of five children ) of the late Bro . Thomas Harry Angie ' r , of Brightlingsea . The two girls were successful . The brethren who represented the Essex
Provincial Charity Committee at the elections were VV . Bros . H . E . Dehane , P . M . 1543 . P . P . G . D . j E , Shedd , P . M . 276 ; Richard Clowes , P . M . and Sec . G 50 , P . P . G . S . W . ; and Fred . Wood , P . M . and Treas . 1000 , P . P . G . S . W . It was announced that Ex . Comp . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C ., had fixed to hold his Prov . Grand Chapter at Colchester on the 3 rd inst .
DEAL . —Lord Warden Lodge ( No . 1096 ) . —On Friday , the 23 rd ult ., Capt . F . E . Hast was installed as W . M . of this lodge , previous to which ceremony Dr . Hulke was initiated . The ceremony was efficiently rendered by Bro . J . VV . Court , retiring W . M ., assisted by Bros . T . J . Usher , P . P . G . R ., and G . Band , P . G . A . P . A very interesting feature was the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel by the
W . M . to the retiring W . M . After the proceedings the W . M . then invested the following officers : Bros . J . W . Court , l . P . M . ; J . S . Huntly , S . W . ; G . Beale , j . W . ; J . M . Ward , Chap . ; G . Band , Treas . ; T . J . Usher , Sec . ; W . Bowles , S . D . ; A . Banger , J . D . ; G . Hart ,
D . C ; F . G . Court , Org . ; E . S . G . Warren , Deputy Org . ; E . Hodgkinson , I . G . ; A . Macintosh and N . G . Frost , Stwds . . Fifty brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet , the VV . M . presiding . The usual Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured .
LEEDS . —Goderich Lodge ( No . i _ u ) . —There was a large and brilliant gathering of West Yorkshire brethren at the usual monthly meeting of this lodge , held on Monday evening last . The W . M ., Bro . A . W . Youings , was surrounded by his officers and a goodly number of the members , whilst R . W . Bro . Tew , P . G . M . West Yorkshire , Bro . Smith , D . P . G . M ., and many Provincial Officers were
on the dais , including Bros . Winn , Beck , Fourness , and Crowe . Each of the remaining seven lodges in the town was represented either by the W . M ., or the principal officers . Bro . Youings raised Bro . Balfour , M . P ., to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., in a manner which won the admiration of all who heard him . Bro . Jacques , P . M ., rendered him useful assistance . Afterwards the R . W . P . G . M ., initiated into the mysteries of Masonry Messrs .
T . Greenwood Leate and Herbert Spinks in his usual impressive manner . These duties were performed to the satisfaction and delight of the crowded lodge room . " Hearty good wishes " were exchanged , and the lodge was closed . Bro . A . Wood , the Steward , had meanwhile prepared a sumptuous banquet , and one of the most pleasant evenings yet spent in this lodge was enjoyed . There was no lack either of speech and song , and right heartily were the good things appreciated .
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Walker Lodge ( No . 1342 ) . —The first meeting of this very popular lodge held under the new W . M ., Bro . H . Spittle , took place on Wednesday , thc 14 th ult ., when there were a large gathering of distinguished brethren present . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed and the ballot taken for Mr . H . D . Spittle and Mr . J . D . Bryden . Mr .
Spittle , being in attendance , was initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry by the W . M ., the charge being given by the S . W ., Bro . J . VV . Mathews . Bro . Dickenson was then passed in a most impressive manner to the F . C Degree , the working tools and charge being given by the S . W ., Bro . Mathews . " Hearty good wishes " were extended from numerous visiting brethren . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the festive
board . In proposing the toast of the evening— "The Initiate "the W . M . dealt on the great pleasure he had experienced that evening , and that the first person that he had initiated into Freemasonry should be his own brother , and exhorted him to steadfastly preserve the landmarks of our noble Order . Several brethren contributed to the harmony of the meeting , which was of a most enjoyable character .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., Iat the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , under the presidency of Bro . J . M . Boyd , W . M . He was supported by Bros . J . L . Shrapnell , W . W . Sandbrook , W . Savage , O . VV . Sanderson , J . B . Mackenzie , Josef Cantor , H . Round . Joseph Fineberg , Albert E . Workman , J . H .
Light , and William H . Ball . The members present were Bros . H . Fineberg , G . H . Croyden Powell , las . J . Monk , J . Close Williams , Charles Couchman , J . Jacobs , Frank Emery , William Calder , John H . Stringer , VV . O . Stone , W . Hogarth , L . G . Schoolcraft , Henry C Arnold , Joseph Bramham , L . Peake , VV . Addis , W . C . Fane , N . F . Burt , John Reay , Samuel Kirkham , Tudor Rogers , Jas .
Boardman , E . Edward , and Eaton Batty . The visitors included Bros . Thomas Carr , J . M . Russell , Jas . Sydney , Thos . Hy . Ryde , F . T . Foulkes , W . M ., W . R . Rawlins , William Strong , Thomas A . Jackson , jun ., Chas . Fabert , Thomas Cavanah , George F . Marler , Isaac De Frece , C . W . Glover , George Scott , Thos . A . Jackson , sen ., lames Laurenson , Chas . Birch , R . W . Crowe , George Hulse ,
Richard Williams , Chas . Heywood , William Davies , John Curtis , J . P . Bryan , and R . Courtneidge . Messrs . Lancaster ( " Private Secretary " company ) , M'Donnell , and Kiernan were initiated , and Bros . Couchman , H . C . Arnold , Schoolcraft , and Williams were raised to the Degree of M . M ., the ceremonies being admirably performed . A choice programme of music after dinner was given by Bros . Stone , Batty , Heywood , Kirkham , | Cantor , Bryan , Burt , Edwards , and Savage . TONBRIDGE . —Medway Lodge ( No . 1678 ) . — A meeting was held on Tuesday evening , the 27 th ult ., at
Reports Masonic Meetings.
the Old Town Hall , when there were present Bros . G . D . Warner , W . M . ; C . H . Hoghen , S . W . ; VV . B . Hughes , J . W . ; S . VV . Shaw , P . M ., Treas . ; A . Gibbs , Sec ; A . Jackson , S . D . ; W . G . Stidolph , J . D . ; D . Cornfoot , i . G . ; VV . T . Boulter , Tyler : J . Abrey , P . M . ; H . Rush ,
T . Pawley , and C F . Wing . Mr . G . Tyler and Mr . B . Wadmore having been initiated , Bro . C . H . Hoghen was elected VV . M ., Bro . S . VV . Shaw , re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . W . T . Boulter , re-elected Tyler . The installation , meeting , jwillj take place on the 25 th inst .
CLEATOR MOOR . —Stirling Lodge ( No . 19 S 9 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 28 th ult ., for the purpose of installing Bro . Henry Ward , S . W ., as VV . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by Bro . Chas . Gowan , W . M ., who discharged the duties of Installing Master in a most impressive manner , ably assisted by Bro . J . J . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . The
following were invested as officers : Bros . J . Bewley , S . W . ; H . Rothey , J . W . ; E . Clarke , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; Chas . Gowan , l . P . M ., Sec ; J . D . Welch , S . D . ; J . M'Harry , J . D . ; J . Dickson , I . G . ; E . Irwin , D . of C . ; J . Caffrey , Tyler ; and G . Watson , J . Leathes , and Thos . Temple , Stwds . The following members and visitors were present : Bros . 1 . F . Kirkconel , P . M ., P . G . J . W . ; A . Benson , VV . H ,
Redfern , I . Frears , J . Boundy , R . Hindmarch , VV . C . Johns , VV . M . 119 ; W . J . Starkey , S . Thos . Studholme , S . W . ; W . J . Tyson , S . D . ; W . J . Moordaff , 371 ; W . S . Ponton , 327 ; T . Atkinson , P . M . 972 , P . P . G . D . of C . ; T . Brakenridge , S . W . ; R . Sheperd , J . J . Wilson , VV . M 1267 ; R . Tyson , P . M . ; I . Parker , H . Hartley , H . P . Armstrong , J . Kitchin , L . Ward , W . M . 1400 ; J . Morton ,
J . Ruberry , Sec . ; Bryce Craig , W . M . 1660 ; H . McKittrick , J . D . ; W . H . Chapman , and others . On the motion given by Bro . C . Gowan , the sum of 10 guineas was voted to the Preparatory School Fund . After other general business , the lodge , with good wishes from the many visitors , was closed in form . Bro . Ward then invited all present to the Queen's Hotel , where an excellent
banquet awaited them , and well worthy of the host and hostess of that hotel . The room was tastefully decorated through the kindness of Bro . J . J . Robinson , P . M . ; the plants on the table were both beautiful and rare . The toast list was a long one , with a smack of poetical fire from the Bards of the " Avon , " the " Doon , " and the " Ayr , " and , with songs and a few capital recitations , a very agreeable evening was spent .
YORK . —Agricola Lodge ( No . 1991 ) . —The installation of Bro . E . Harding as W . M . of this lodge for the ensuing year took place at the lodge room , Marketstreet , on the 26 th ult . Bro . B . Polkinghorrie , I . P . M ., officiated as Installing Master , and visitors were present from the York , Eboracum , and other lodges . At the conclusion of the ceremony the W . M . invested the following officers for thc ensuing year , viz . : Bros . B . Polkinghorne , l . P . M . ; I . Martin , S . W . ; A . M . White , J . W . ; F .
Woolnough , Sec ; VV . P . Bellerby , Treas . ; J . H . Taylor , S . D . ; J . E . Wilkinson , I . D . ; J . Wilson , I . G . ; W . B . Dyson , D . of C ; T . Harding , Stwd . ; and J . Osborne , Tyler . The visitors were hospitably entertained by the brethren of the lodge , and a lengthy toast list was submitted , including "The Health of the Newly-installed VV . M . " and "Success to the Agricola Lodge , " and musical contributions were given by several of the brethren present .
RICHMOND . —Richmond Lodge ( No . 2033 ) . — The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Station Hotel . The chair was occupied by Bro . Charles J . Digby , W . M ., who was supported by Bros . W . R . Phillips , S . W . ; J . P . Houghton , j . W . ; B . E . Blasby , l . P . M . ; VV . Forster Reynolds , P . M ., Treas . ; George C . Rowlands , Sec : E . Dare , S . D .: H .
Sapsworth , J . D . ; H . J . Ireland , D . C .,- J . Marjison , I . G . ; A . Crew , Org . ; T . Fenn , P . G . D ., President of the Board of General Purposes ; and Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., President of the Board of Benevolence . Among the visitors were the following : Bros . Stevens , P . M . 1216 : VV . H . Lee , W . M . 1 S 97 , Prov . Asst . G . Sec . Middx . ; R . W . Forge , P . M . 1703 ; W . R . Williams , l . P . M . 07- ;; H . S .
Hunter , l . P . M . 1321 ; S . Lucas , P . M . 192 ; H . C . Lansdown , 1541 ; A . Tucker , S . W . 1733 ; S . Hunt , 1196 ; F . J . Ruddle , 17 6 S ; C . Clarke , 975 ; VV . Johnson , 199 ; Capt . Stewart Stephens , 754 ; E . Hindle , 176 S ; W . Drewett , J . W . S 89 ; W . R . Parker , I . G . 742 ; S . Blasby , 780 ; and W . W . Lee , 1 S 97 . The lodge having been formally opened , and the minutes
of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Macrae was raised to the Degree of Master Mason . Bro . W . R . Phillips , S . W ., was then presented as VV . M . elect , and was impressively installed into thc chair by Bro . Digby , l . P . M . The newly-installed Master then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . J . P . Houghton , S . W . ; E . Dare , J . W . ; W . Forster Reynolds , Treas . ;
George C . Rowland , Sec ; H . Sapsworth , S . D . ; J . Marjison , J . D . ; A . Crew , I . G . ; Messum , D . C . ; Rainbow , Org . ; Aldin and Covill , Stwds . ; and Fryer , Tyler . The usual addresses were then delivered in a most impressive manner by Bro . Charles J . Digby , I . P . M ., who performed the ceremony of installation in an able and efficient style . Ballot having been taken for Messrs . VV . E . Marsh ,
A . C . Taylor , and A . Walker , they were regularly initiated into Freemasonry by the W . M . The sum of five guineas was unanimously voted from the lodge funds to be placed on the list of Bro . Houghton at the forthcoming Festival of the Girls' School . A similar sum was also voted as a nucleus of a Benevolent Fund in connection with the lodge . There being no further business to be transacted , the lodge
was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . * ' The Queen and thc Craft" was , as usual , the lirst toast proposed by the W . Master , who remarked that his task was both difficult and easy . Difficult from the impossibility of saying anything fresh upon the introduction
of the toast , and easy because of the enthusiastic reception it invariably received . The next toast was "H . R . H , the Prince of VVales , M . W . G . M ., " which having been received with the customary cordiality , the W . Master proposed " The Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master ; the Earl of Lathom ,
Reports Masonic Meetings.
R . W . Deputy Grand Master ; and the rest of the Grand Officers . " The W . M . observed that the brethren were deeply indebted to the Grand Officers , who had done so much to further the interests of thc Craft . They had been honoured that evening with the presence of Bro . Fenn , P . G . W ., who was , as most of them would remember , the Consecrating Officer . He regretted that Bro . Fenn had
been obliged to leave , but they were also honoured with the company of Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., whom they were very pleased to see , and whose name he should couple with the toast . Bro . J oshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., President of the Board of Benevolence , in response , said that Bro . Fenn had desired him to thank the brethren , and to express his regret that
he had been compelled to leave . For himself , he returned his sincere thanks , and he trusted that the Richmond Lodge would continue to prosper . Bro . Digby , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Alaster , " and , in so doing , said that he considered it a privilege to be allowed to propose this toast . His remarks would be brief , for this was a toast that
needed few words to commend it to the brethren . The position of Worshipful Master was one of very great honour , and at thc same time was one of great and grave responsibility , and it , therefore , needed a brother of no inconsiderable skill and ability to carry out the duties to the entire satisfaction of the brethren . In their present VV . Master they had one who was eminently capable of
satisfactorily performing the onerous duties of the chair . He was sure that when the W . M . 's year of office expired he would have done honour to that lodge , and would have filled the chair in a praiseworthy manner , and would have given satisfaction to all . Bro . W . R . Phillips , W . M ., responded , and said that he could not find words to express his thanks to the brethren
for the cordial manner in which his health had been proposed and received , and he only wished that he could hope to deserve the very kind expressions used . He would do all he could to further the cause of Freemasonry , and he hoped that at the end of his year he would see the same feeling of unanimity that now existed in the lodge . He
had now to propose " The Health of the Initiates , " and he was assured that the three brethren initiated that evening would reflect honour on the lodge . As they dipped further into Freemasonry they would find many things that needed explanation , but he strongly advised them to frequent lodges of instruction , where they would receive all the information and assistance desired .
Bros . Marsh , Taylor , and Walker having replied in appropriate terms , The W . M . proposed "The Visitors , " whom he heartily welcomed , and expressed the pleasure he felt at seeing such a large array of visiting brethren . Bro . J . Stevens , P . M . 1216 , on behalf of the visitors , returned his sincere thanks for the reception accorded them .
He wished also to express his admiration of the manner in which the work had been carried out . The programme had been a very long one , but had been gone through in admirable style , the ceremony of raising having been performed in a manner that could hardly be excelled in any lodge . It afforded him a very great amount of pleosure to see the praiseworthy manner in which the ceremony o
installation had been carried out that evening , which was not only a credit to a young lodge like theirs , but would have done credit to a lodge of many years standing . He hoped that under the guidance of the excellent Past Masters the lodge possessed it would continue to progress , for they were carrying out Freemasonry in a manner that reflected the highest credit on the Richmond Lodge .
In proposing "The Health of the l . P . M . and Installing Master and Past Masters , " the W . M . said that any expression he might use would be perfectly inadequate to do ample justice to this toast , and to express the admiration he felt for Bros . Digby and Blasby . The latter brother was the father of the lodge , and had done all he possibly could to further its interests . He had now a very pleasing duty
to perform—it was to present Bio . Digby with the jewel presented by the lodge , and he sincerely trusted that their esteemed l . P . M . would live many years to wear it , and that he would continue to evince the same interest in the welfare of the Richmond Lodge in the future as he had done in the past . Bro . Charles J . Digby , l . P . M ., responded , and said he thanked the brethren from thc bottom of his heart for the
manner in which they had received the toast of his health . It had been very gratifying to him to find that his humble efforts had been appreciated . He heartily thanked them for the jewel presented to him , which , he felt sure , carried with it the good wishes of the brethren . He had endeavoured to the best of his ability to satisfactorily perform the duties he undertook 12 months ago , and , if he had
succeeded , he had his reward in the appreciation of thc members . Bro . Blasby , P . M ., also responded , and , after returning thanks , said that he was highly gratified to see the very satisfactory way in which the W . M . had carried out the duties , and he hoped the brethren would give him their cordial support . "The Officers" was next proposed by the VV . M ., who
commented upon the very efficient manner in which thc officers performed their respective duties , and coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Houghton , S . W ., who intended standing as Steward , on behalf of that lodge , at the forthcoming Festival of the Girls' School . Bro . Houghton , S . W ., having replied in appropriate terms , the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close .
EPPING . —Epping Lodge ( No . 2077 ) . —Thc ordinary monthly meeting of this flourishing young lodge was held on Saturday the ist inst ., at the Cock Hotel . There were present Bros . J . Salmon , W . M . ; Acworth , I . P . M ., Treas . ; J . Woodrow , S . W . ; J . London , J . W . i Fraser , S . D . ; Barns , acting J . D . : Hughes , I . G . ; VV . Dance , Sec ; Parkinson , Tyler ; and a number of members
and visitors . The minutes of the lodge of emergency and ordinary lodge meetings were , read and confirmed , and Bro . Sutton Abbott was duly raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., the work being most impressively performed by the W . M ., who was ably assisted by his Wardens , and others . Bros . Roworth , Odell , Taylor , and Miller were passed to the Degree of F . C . Four gentlemen were proposed for
initiation . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed in due form . The usual banquet followed . The province has
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Reports Masonic Meetings.
Hotel , on Wednesday evening , the 14 th ult ., Bro . the Rev . W . Morgan Jones , S . W ., P . P . G . C , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . VV . Bro . Richard Clowes , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . At the late elections for the Masonic Schools there were three candidates from the Province of Essex , viz ., Flora Richardsonone of four orphan children of the
, late Bro . A . Richardson , of Maldon ; Violet Annie Bell , daughter ( one of nine children ) of the late Bro . the Rev . Arthur L'Argent Bell , of Saffron Waldon j and Harry Norman Angier , son Cone of five children ) of the late Bro . Thomas Harry Angie ' r , of Brightlingsea . The two girls were successful . The brethren who represented the Essex
Provincial Charity Committee at the elections were VV . Bros . H . E . Dehane , P . M . 1543 . P . P . G . D . j E , Shedd , P . M . 276 ; Richard Clowes , P . M . and Sec . G 50 , P . P . G . S . W . ; and Fred . Wood , P . M . and Treas . 1000 , P . P . G . S . W . It was announced that Ex . Comp . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C ., had fixed to hold his Prov . Grand Chapter at Colchester on the 3 rd inst .
DEAL . —Lord Warden Lodge ( No . 1096 ) . —On Friday , the 23 rd ult ., Capt . F . E . Hast was installed as W . M . of this lodge , previous to which ceremony Dr . Hulke was initiated . The ceremony was efficiently rendered by Bro . J . VV . Court , retiring W . M ., assisted by Bros . T . J . Usher , P . P . G . R ., and G . Band , P . G . A . P . A very interesting feature was the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel by the
W . M . to the retiring W . M . After the proceedings the W . M . then invested the following officers : Bros . J . W . Court , l . P . M . ; J . S . Huntly , S . W . ; G . Beale , j . W . ; J . M . Ward , Chap . ; G . Band , Treas . ; T . J . Usher , Sec . ; W . Bowles , S . D . ; A . Banger , J . D . ; G . Hart ,
D . C ; F . G . Court , Org . ; E . S . G . Warren , Deputy Org . ; E . Hodgkinson , I . G . ; A . Macintosh and N . G . Frost , Stwds . . Fifty brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet , the VV . M . presiding . The usual Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured .
LEEDS . —Goderich Lodge ( No . i _ u ) . —There was a large and brilliant gathering of West Yorkshire brethren at the usual monthly meeting of this lodge , held on Monday evening last . The W . M ., Bro . A . W . Youings , was surrounded by his officers and a goodly number of the members , whilst R . W . Bro . Tew , P . G . M . West Yorkshire , Bro . Smith , D . P . G . M ., and many Provincial Officers were
on the dais , including Bros . Winn , Beck , Fourness , and Crowe . Each of the remaining seven lodges in the town was represented either by the W . M ., or the principal officers . Bro . Youings raised Bro . Balfour , M . P ., to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., in a manner which won the admiration of all who heard him . Bro . Jacques , P . M ., rendered him useful assistance . Afterwards the R . W . P . G . M ., initiated into the mysteries of Masonry Messrs .
T . Greenwood Leate and Herbert Spinks in his usual impressive manner . These duties were performed to the satisfaction and delight of the crowded lodge room . " Hearty good wishes " were exchanged , and the lodge was closed . Bro . A . Wood , the Steward , had meanwhile prepared a sumptuous banquet , and one of the most pleasant evenings yet spent in this lodge was enjoyed . There was no lack either of speech and song , and right heartily were the good things appreciated .
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Walker Lodge ( No . 1342 ) . —The first meeting of this very popular lodge held under the new W . M ., Bro . H . Spittle , took place on Wednesday , thc 14 th ult ., when there were a large gathering of distinguished brethren present . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed and the ballot taken for Mr . H . D . Spittle and Mr . J . D . Bryden . Mr .
Spittle , being in attendance , was initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry by the W . M ., the charge being given by the S . W ., Bro . J . VV . Mathews . Bro . Dickenson was then passed in a most impressive manner to the F . C Degree , the working tools and charge being given by the S . W ., Bro . Mathews . " Hearty good wishes " were extended from numerous visiting brethren . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the festive
board . In proposing the toast of the evening— "The Initiate "the W . M . dealt on the great pleasure he had experienced that evening , and that the first person that he had initiated into Freemasonry should be his own brother , and exhorted him to steadfastly preserve the landmarks of our noble Order . Several brethren contributed to the harmony of the meeting , which was of a most enjoyable character .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., Iat the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , under the presidency of Bro . J . M . Boyd , W . M . He was supported by Bros . J . L . Shrapnell , W . W . Sandbrook , W . Savage , O . VV . Sanderson , J . B . Mackenzie , Josef Cantor , H . Round . Joseph Fineberg , Albert E . Workman , J . H .
Light , and William H . Ball . The members present were Bros . H . Fineberg , G . H . Croyden Powell , las . J . Monk , J . Close Williams , Charles Couchman , J . Jacobs , Frank Emery , William Calder , John H . Stringer , VV . O . Stone , W . Hogarth , L . G . Schoolcraft , Henry C Arnold , Joseph Bramham , L . Peake , VV . Addis , W . C . Fane , N . F . Burt , John Reay , Samuel Kirkham , Tudor Rogers , Jas .
Boardman , E . Edward , and Eaton Batty . The visitors included Bros . Thomas Carr , J . M . Russell , Jas . Sydney , Thos . Hy . Ryde , F . T . Foulkes , W . M ., W . R . Rawlins , William Strong , Thomas A . Jackson , jun ., Chas . Fabert , Thomas Cavanah , George F . Marler , Isaac De Frece , C . W . Glover , George Scott , Thos . A . Jackson , sen ., lames Laurenson , Chas . Birch , R . W . Crowe , George Hulse ,
Richard Williams , Chas . Heywood , William Davies , John Curtis , J . P . Bryan , and R . Courtneidge . Messrs . Lancaster ( " Private Secretary " company ) , M'Donnell , and Kiernan were initiated , and Bros . Couchman , H . C . Arnold , Schoolcraft , and Williams were raised to the Degree of M . M ., the ceremonies being admirably performed . A choice programme of music after dinner was given by Bros . Stone , Batty , Heywood , Kirkham , | Cantor , Bryan , Burt , Edwards , and Savage . TONBRIDGE . —Medway Lodge ( No . 1678 ) . — A meeting was held on Tuesday evening , the 27 th ult ., at
Reports Masonic Meetings.
the Old Town Hall , when there were present Bros . G . D . Warner , W . M . ; C . H . Hoghen , S . W . ; VV . B . Hughes , J . W . ; S . VV . Shaw , P . M ., Treas . ; A . Gibbs , Sec ; A . Jackson , S . D . ; W . G . Stidolph , J . D . ; D . Cornfoot , i . G . ; VV . T . Boulter , Tyler : J . Abrey , P . M . ; H . Rush ,
T . Pawley , and C F . Wing . Mr . G . Tyler and Mr . B . Wadmore having been initiated , Bro . C . H . Hoghen was elected VV . M ., Bro . S . VV . Shaw , re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . W . T . Boulter , re-elected Tyler . The installation , meeting , jwillj take place on the 25 th inst .
CLEATOR MOOR . —Stirling Lodge ( No . 19 S 9 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 28 th ult ., for the purpose of installing Bro . Henry Ward , S . W ., as VV . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by Bro . Chas . Gowan , W . M ., who discharged the duties of Installing Master in a most impressive manner , ably assisted by Bro . J . J . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . The
following were invested as officers : Bros . J . Bewley , S . W . ; H . Rothey , J . W . ; E . Clarke , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; Chas . Gowan , l . P . M ., Sec ; J . D . Welch , S . D . ; J . M'Harry , J . D . ; J . Dickson , I . G . ; E . Irwin , D . of C . ; J . Caffrey , Tyler ; and G . Watson , J . Leathes , and Thos . Temple , Stwds . The following members and visitors were present : Bros . 1 . F . Kirkconel , P . M ., P . G . J . W . ; A . Benson , VV . H ,
Redfern , I . Frears , J . Boundy , R . Hindmarch , VV . C . Johns , VV . M . 119 ; W . J . Starkey , S . Thos . Studholme , S . W . ; W . J . Tyson , S . D . ; W . J . Moordaff , 371 ; W . S . Ponton , 327 ; T . Atkinson , P . M . 972 , P . P . G . D . of C . ; T . Brakenridge , S . W . ; R . Sheperd , J . J . Wilson , VV . M 1267 ; R . Tyson , P . M . ; I . Parker , H . Hartley , H . P . Armstrong , J . Kitchin , L . Ward , W . M . 1400 ; J . Morton ,
J . Ruberry , Sec . ; Bryce Craig , W . M . 1660 ; H . McKittrick , J . D . ; W . H . Chapman , and others . On the motion given by Bro . C . Gowan , the sum of 10 guineas was voted to the Preparatory School Fund . After other general business , the lodge , with good wishes from the many visitors , was closed in form . Bro . Ward then invited all present to the Queen's Hotel , where an excellent
banquet awaited them , and well worthy of the host and hostess of that hotel . The room was tastefully decorated through the kindness of Bro . J . J . Robinson , P . M . ; the plants on the table were both beautiful and rare . The toast list was a long one , with a smack of poetical fire from the Bards of the " Avon , " the " Doon , " and the " Ayr , " and , with songs and a few capital recitations , a very agreeable evening was spent .
YORK . —Agricola Lodge ( No . 1991 ) . —The installation of Bro . E . Harding as W . M . of this lodge for the ensuing year took place at the lodge room , Marketstreet , on the 26 th ult . Bro . B . Polkinghorrie , I . P . M ., officiated as Installing Master , and visitors were present from the York , Eboracum , and other lodges . At the conclusion of the ceremony the W . M . invested the following officers for thc ensuing year , viz . : Bros . B . Polkinghorne , l . P . M . ; I . Martin , S . W . ; A . M . White , J . W . ; F .
Woolnough , Sec ; VV . P . Bellerby , Treas . ; J . H . Taylor , S . D . ; J . E . Wilkinson , I . D . ; J . Wilson , I . G . ; W . B . Dyson , D . of C ; T . Harding , Stwd . ; and J . Osborne , Tyler . The visitors were hospitably entertained by the brethren of the lodge , and a lengthy toast list was submitted , including "The Health of the Newly-installed VV . M . " and "Success to the Agricola Lodge , " and musical contributions were given by several of the brethren present .
RICHMOND . —Richmond Lodge ( No . 2033 ) . — The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Station Hotel . The chair was occupied by Bro . Charles J . Digby , W . M ., who was supported by Bros . W . R . Phillips , S . W . ; J . P . Houghton , j . W . ; B . E . Blasby , l . P . M . ; VV . Forster Reynolds , P . M ., Treas . ; George C . Rowlands , Sec : E . Dare , S . D .: H .
Sapsworth , J . D . ; H . J . Ireland , D . C .,- J . Marjison , I . G . ; A . Crew , Org . ; T . Fenn , P . G . D ., President of the Board of General Purposes ; and Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., President of the Board of Benevolence . Among the visitors were the following : Bros . Stevens , P . M . 1216 : VV . H . Lee , W . M . 1 S 97 , Prov . Asst . G . Sec . Middx . ; R . W . Forge , P . M . 1703 ; W . R . Williams , l . P . M . 07- ;; H . S .
Hunter , l . P . M . 1321 ; S . Lucas , P . M . 192 ; H . C . Lansdown , 1541 ; A . Tucker , S . W . 1733 ; S . Hunt , 1196 ; F . J . Ruddle , 17 6 S ; C . Clarke , 975 ; VV . Johnson , 199 ; Capt . Stewart Stephens , 754 ; E . Hindle , 176 S ; W . Drewett , J . W . S 89 ; W . R . Parker , I . G . 742 ; S . Blasby , 780 ; and W . W . Lee , 1 S 97 . The lodge having been formally opened , and the minutes
of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Macrae was raised to the Degree of Master Mason . Bro . W . R . Phillips , S . W ., was then presented as VV . M . elect , and was impressively installed into thc chair by Bro . Digby , l . P . M . The newly-installed Master then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . J . P . Houghton , S . W . ; E . Dare , J . W . ; W . Forster Reynolds , Treas . ;
George C . Rowland , Sec ; H . Sapsworth , S . D . ; J . Marjison , J . D . ; A . Crew , I . G . ; Messum , D . C . ; Rainbow , Org . ; Aldin and Covill , Stwds . ; and Fryer , Tyler . The usual addresses were then delivered in a most impressive manner by Bro . Charles J . Digby , I . P . M ., who performed the ceremony of installation in an able and efficient style . Ballot having been taken for Messrs . VV . E . Marsh ,
A . C . Taylor , and A . Walker , they were regularly initiated into Freemasonry by the W . M . The sum of five guineas was unanimously voted from the lodge funds to be placed on the list of Bro . Houghton at the forthcoming Festival of the Girls' School . A similar sum was also voted as a nucleus of a Benevolent Fund in connection with the lodge . There being no further business to be transacted , the lodge
was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . * ' The Queen and thc Craft" was , as usual , the lirst toast proposed by the W . Master , who remarked that his task was both difficult and easy . Difficult from the impossibility of saying anything fresh upon the introduction
of the toast , and easy because of the enthusiastic reception it invariably received . The next toast was "H . R . H , the Prince of VVales , M . W . G . M ., " which having been received with the customary cordiality , the W . Master proposed " The Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master ; the Earl of Lathom ,
Reports Masonic Meetings.
R . W . Deputy Grand Master ; and the rest of the Grand Officers . " The W . M . observed that the brethren were deeply indebted to the Grand Officers , who had done so much to further the interests of thc Craft . They had been honoured that evening with the presence of Bro . Fenn , P . G . W ., who was , as most of them would remember , the Consecrating Officer . He regretted that Bro . Fenn had
been obliged to leave , but they were also honoured with the company of Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., whom they were very pleased to see , and whose name he should couple with the toast . Bro . J oshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., President of the Board of Benevolence , in response , said that Bro . Fenn had desired him to thank the brethren , and to express his regret that
he had been compelled to leave . For himself , he returned his sincere thanks , and he trusted that the Richmond Lodge would continue to prosper . Bro . Digby , I . P . M ., then proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Alaster , " and , in so doing , said that he considered it a privilege to be allowed to propose this toast . His remarks would be brief , for this was a toast that
needed few words to commend it to the brethren . The position of Worshipful Master was one of very great honour , and at thc same time was one of great and grave responsibility , and it , therefore , needed a brother of no inconsiderable skill and ability to carry out the duties to the entire satisfaction of the brethren . In their present VV . Master they had one who was eminently capable of
satisfactorily performing the onerous duties of the chair . He was sure that when the W . M . 's year of office expired he would have done honour to that lodge , and would have filled the chair in a praiseworthy manner , and would have given satisfaction to all . Bro . W . R . Phillips , W . M ., responded , and said that he could not find words to express his thanks to the brethren
for the cordial manner in which his health had been proposed and received , and he only wished that he could hope to deserve the very kind expressions used . He would do all he could to further the cause of Freemasonry , and he hoped that at the end of his year he would see the same feeling of unanimity that now existed in the lodge . He
had now to propose " The Health of the Initiates , " and he was assured that the three brethren initiated that evening would reflect honour on the lodge . As they dipped further into Freemasonry they would find many things that needed explanation , but he strongly advised them to frequent lodges of instruction , where they would receive all the information and assistance desired .
Bros . Marsh , Taylor , and Walker having replied in appropriate terms , The W . M . proposed "The Visitors , " whom he heartily welcomed , and expressed the pleasure he felt at seeing such a large array of visiting brethren . Bro . J . Stevens , P . M . 1216 , on behalf of the visitors , returned his sincere thanks for the reception accorded them .
He wished also to express his admiration of the manner in which the work had been carried out . The programme had been a very long one , but had been gone through in admirable style , the ceremony of raising having been performed in a manner that could hardly be excelled in any lodge . It afforded him a very great amount of pleosure to see the praiseworthy manner in which the ceremony o
installation had been carried out that evening , which was not only a credit to a young lodge like theirs , but would have done credit to a lodge of many years standing . He hoped that under the guidance of the excellent Past Masters the lodge possessed it would continue to progress , for they were carrying out Freemasonry in a manner that reflected the highest credit on the Richmond Lodge .
In proposing "The Health of the l . P . M . and Installing Master and Past Masters , " the W . M . said that any expression he might use would be perfectly inadequate to do ample justice to this toast , and to express the admiration he felt for Bros . Digby and Blasby . The latter brother was the father of the lodge , and had done all he possibly could to further its interests . He had now a very pleasing duty
to perform—it was to present Bio . Digby with the jewel presented by the lodge , and he sincerely trusted that their esteemed l . P . M . would live many years to wear it , and that he would continue to evince the same interest in the welfare of the Richmond Lodge in the future as he had done in the past . Bro . Charles J . Digby , l . P . M ., responded , and said he thanked the brethren from thc bottom of his heart for the
manner in which they had received the toast of his health . It had been very gratifying to him to find that his humble efforts had been appreciated . He heartily thanked them for the jewel presented to him , which , he felt sure , carried with it the good wishes of the brethren . He had endeavoured to the best of his ability to satisfactorily perform the duties he undertook 12 months ago , and , if he had
succeeded , he had his reward in the appreciation of thc members . Bro . Blasby , P . M ., also responded , and , after returning thanks , said that he was highly gratified to see the very satisfactory way in which the W . M . had carried out the duties , and he hoped the brethren would give him their cordial support . "The Officers" was next proposed by the VV . M ., who
commented upon the very efficient manner in which thc officers performed their respective duties , and coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Houghton , S . W ., who intended standing as Steward , on behalf of that lodge , at the forthcoming Festival of the Girls' School . Bro . Houghton , S . W ., having replied in appropriate terms , the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close .
EPPING . —Epping Lodge ( No . 2077 ) . —Thc ordinary monthly meeting of this flourishing young lodge was held on Saturday the ist inst ., at the Cock Hotel . There were present Bros . J . Salmon , W . M . ; Acworth , I . P . M ., Treas . ; J . Woodrow , S . W . ; J . London , J . W . i Fraser , S . D . ; Barns , acting J . D . : Hughes , I . G . ; VV . Dance , Sec ; Parkinson , Tyler ; and a number of members
and visitors . The minutes of the lodge of emergency and ordinary lodge meetings were , read and confirmed , and Bro . Sutton Abbott was duly raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., the work being most impressively performed by the W . M ., who was ably assisted by his Wardens , and others . Bros . Roworth , Odell , Taylor , and Miller were passed to the Degree of F . C . Four gentlemen were proposed for
initiation . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed in due form . The usual banquet followed . The province has