Article GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
Bros . James Stevens , W . Beach , W . E . Gumbleton , J . R . Stebbing , J . H . Wynne , Ralph Benson , S . Rosenthal , all supported the original motion , and bore their testimony to the great diligence , skill , and administrative talent , which both Bro . Binckes and Bro . Henry Binckes ,
displayed in discharging their official duties . Bro . Benson however suggested that c £ ioo should be voted to Bro . Binckes , and sBtoo to Bro . H . Binckes . This was carried . Bro . Sabine , P . G . S . who nominated Earl
Percy as Grand Master at the last meeting , now proposed his election , regretting at the same time the cause of his lordship ' s absence . Bro . H . C . Levander , G . M . O . seconded the motion , which was thereupon carried . The Grand Master said he was charged by
Larl Percy to assure Grand Lodge that he deeply regretted his inability to be present . He was so indisposed that he [ had been obliged to obtain leave of absence from the House of Commons , and by the advice of his medical attendant was going to spend a few months in a warmer climate . All
his friends had reason to believe that this would result in his complete restoration to health ; but he ( the Grand Master ) trusted that before his lordshi p left England he would be able at a special Grand Lodge to be installed . As his
lordships locum leneus he should now proceeel to invest the Grand Officers for the year , of whom Earl Percy had approved . The following officers were then appointed , and those of them who were present were invested : —
The Earl of Limerick Dep . G . M . Lord Ferrers S . Grand Warden C . F . Matier J . Grand Warden
Rev . P . H . Newnham ) „ , „ , , . Rev . W . M . Heath ) Grand Ch » V ™ J . R . Stebbing Grand Treasurer Capt . Burgess Grand Registrar F . Binckes Grand Secretary W . Foulsham Grand M . O . L . W . Longstaff Grand S . O . Lawson Grand J . O . Porter Grand S . D . T . Hargreaves Grand J . D . George Neall Grand Sup . of Wks . C . Hammerton Grand Dir . of Cers . Clarence Harcourt Grand Asst . D . of C . J . K . Smith Grand Swd . Bearer J . W . H . Hawton Grand Std . Bearer Williamson Grand J . O . The following brethren were appointed Stewards : —Bros . A . Williams , Funkenstein
Kemp , James W . Smith , Austin and Hilher . The members of the General Board were Bros . Portal , ( G . M . ) , Capt . Burgess , T . Meggy , H . C . Levander , S . Rosenthal , James Stevens , C . Hammerton , J . H . Wynne , T . J . Sabine , F . Davison , and W . E . Gumbleton .
Bro . Morton Edwards , P . M . 11 S , G . J . D ., P . Prov . G . Std ., Somersetshire then brought on the following motion : — " That a Committee be appointed by Grand Mark lodge , consisting of five of its members , to meet an equal number of members of the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners to carry out the
attachment of the Royal Ark Mariners degrees , by an equitable arrangement based upon the treaty [ between the Grand Mark Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , excelled on July 6 th , 1871 , and agreed to be ratified on or before August 1 st , 1871 , but which treaty was not carried out , so as finally to dispose of all differences between the two bodies . "
Bro . James Stevens , P . G . O . moved as an amendment "That the General Board be requested to entertain any communication that ruay be made to them by any brother claiming
to work the Ark Mariner ' s degree , with a view ? o their coming under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge . " Bro . H . C . Levander , G . O ., seconded it . The amendment was carried .
Letters of apology tor absence were received from : —Bros . Magnus Ohren , G . M . O . ; Col . l'Vas . Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex and Surrey ; W . J . Luut , P . G . Insp . Wks . ; C . F . Matier , G . J . W . ; L . W . Longstaff ' , G . S . O . ; Nathaniel H ay croft , G . Chap . ; H . R . Trigg , G . Swd . Br . W . J . Hughan , P . G . M . O ., P . G . J . W . ; w '
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
Foulsham , G . S . O . ; Jas . Porter , G . S . O . ; Geo . Hardy , P . G . S . O . ; Thos . Perkington , Prov . G . M . West Yorkshire ; Fred- Long . G . D . Cers . ; Brockbank , P . G . J . W . ; Irwin , P . j . M . O . Bros . Bigg and Davison were presented with Steward ' s jewels , and Grand Lodge was then
closed . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet and then honoured a good list of toasts . The musical arrangements were very superior . Under the direction of Bro . J ohn Read , Prov . G . Mark Organist , P . M ., P . Z ., 30 ° , & c , Bro . De Lacy , of St . Paul ' s Cathedral ; Bro .
John Hodges , Gentleman of the Chapel Royal ; and Bros . Carter and Mason , of Westminster Abbey , sang some delightful music , which consisted of glees , songs , and duetts . The Grace was Sir Michael Costa ' s " O Lord , we bless Thee , " and the other compositions were , the
National Anthem , " Go , speed thy Flight , " " Anita , " " Come , let us join the Rounelelay , " "Norah , Darling , " "By Celia ' s Arbor , " " All ' s Well , " " Sweetly Blows , " " The Happy Muleteer , " and " Life ' s a Bumper . " The execution of all these pieces met with universal approbation .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Iftasonrii . METROPOLITAN .
EBURY Lonoi : ( No . 1348 . )—This most properous lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Morpeth Arms , Millbank , Bro . John Coutts , P . G . P ., W . M ., in the chair , who in a beautiful , correct , and impressive manner raised Bros . S . Jacobs and H . A . Potter , passed G .
Harvey , and initiated Mr . J . Gildersleeve . Bros . H . Proskauer , 861 ; R . A . D . Bain , 87 ; S . Benjamin , 141 ; E . J . Barnett , 87 ; J . Elliott , ' and R . H . Muftitt , were unanimously elected joining members . There was a large number of members , including nearly all the officers .
Although so young a lodge , yet for good working , splendid hospitality , and other good qualities , it is second to none . The usual number of candidates for joining " and initiation were proposed , and the lodge was closed , liro . Palmer
placed before the brethren one of his superior banquets , which are always good alike and have contributed to the prosperity of the Loelge . The usual and happy harmonious evening was spent . The visitors were Bros . C . Barnett , I . G . 87 , and J . Jeffrey , J . D . 4 . C 3 .
Channel Islands.
Jr . Rsny . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) . —The twenty-fii ' st anniversary meeting of this loelge was held at the Masonic Temple on Thursdaj ' , May 30 II 1 , for the sole purpose of installing the re-elected W . M ., when a large number of brethren assembled to congratulate him on his
successful termination of his twelve months' labour and on thecontinuatioifof his career as a ruler of the Craft , under auspices so favourable , and with the affairs of the lodge in so prosperous a condition and perfect order . Soon after four o clock the lodge was opened by Bro . Joseph Gregir ,
W . M ., supported by Bros . J . Oatley , P . M ., as S . W ., Abraham Viel . P . M ., acting as f . W . ; G . J . Renouf , I . P . M . ; A . Schinitt , ' P . M ., P . Proy . G . S . W ., Sec ; John . Durrell , P . M ., P . G . S . W . ; John . Th . du | ardin , P . M ., P . Proy . G . S . W . ; P . W . Binet , S . D . ; and Jos . Fallot , J . D . & c . The Secretary read the minutes
of the previous proceedings , which were unanimously confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . A . Schmitt took the chair as Installing Master , liro . Renouf presented then Bro . J . Gregg , as W . M . re-elect for installation . The customary enumeration of duties was made and acknowledged—the Ancient
Charges were read and assented to and the ( ) b . ol W . M . delect administered . The lodge was opened in the . third degree when Hro . J . Gregg was placed in the the chair of K . S . The several classes of Fellow Craft and E . Apprentices were in tarn admitted anil the processions , salutations and proclamations were gone through . The
Channel Islands.
following appointments were made , the I . P . M . in each case officiating , and offering appropriate addresses and abservations : —Bros . Ph . Le Sueur , S . W . ; Ph . W . Binet , J . W . ; Js . Durell , Treas . ( elect ) ; Jos . Pallot , S . D . Ph . Blampied , J . D . ; Ph . Pinel , Junr . Dir of Cer . ; H . Du
Jardin , lyler ; Henry E . Le V . dit Durell , Orator and Assistant Secretary ; lastly the W . M . appointed Bro . A . Schmitt , Secretary . The Secretary read the report of the proceedings of the Audit Committee of the lodge , which contained a number of suggestions and
recommendations , which was received , approved and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Secretary also presenteel an elaborate account on the condition of the lodge , comprising the prominent events and prospects within it during the past year . The Secretary earnestly pleaded the noble
and deserving cause of our Masonic Schools , and on his proposition , ' , secone \ ed b y Bro . Jn . Blampied , it was unanimously resolved , " that a further sum of £ 5 5 s . be granted towards the support of the Masonic School for Girls . " There being no other business before the lodge , it was
closed at six o ' clock , in perfect harmony . The brethren adjourned to the banquetting room , and more than fifty sat down to an excellent dinner provided by the Stewards . The W . M . presided having on his right Bros . A . Schmitt , J . Durell , P . W . Benham , P . M . P . G . Treas . ; Ph . Binet ,
P . M . ; H . E . le V . dit Durell , on his left Bros . G . j . Renouf , Jn . Th . du Jardin , } . Oatley , Abr . Vict , 13 . Hastings , P . M . 34 , ( J . R ) . & c . After the usual loyal toasts had been disposed of , that of the brethren absent was offered , and
lastly the Secretary read the names of brethren departeil ( 29 ) and their memory was solemnl y commemorated . Thus a most enjoyable evening was spent , grave and gay alternating . The brethren separated about ten o ' clock .
LINCOLNSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Thursday , the 30 th ult , a Provincial Grand Lodge was held by the Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Lincolnshire , at the Com Exchange , Sleaford , under the auspices of the St . Botolp h ' s Loelge , No . 588 . In the absence
of 1 lis Grace , the Duke of St . Alban ' s , Prov . G . M ., the meeting was presided over by W . Bro . Major Smyth , D . P . G . M ., who was supported by numerous influential brethren of the Province , among whom were : —Bros . E . Locock , P . Prov . G . W , as P . G . S . W . ; Chas . Harrison ,
J . G . W . ; Rev . J . C . Browne , P . G . Chaplain ; C . M . Nesbitt , I' . G . Treasurer ; F . D . Marsden , P . G . Secretary ; M . Crowelen , P . G . S . D . ; W . Watkins , P . G . S . of W . ; S . W . Johnson , P . G . D . ofC . ; [ . M . Ramplen , P . G . S . B . ; G . Y oung ,
P . Prov . S . G . W . ; T . E . Jacobson , P . Prov . D . G . of C ; F . R . Larken , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; W . E . Howlett , P . Prov . G . A . D . of C . ; Thos . H . Olelman , P . G . S . ; W . H . Bailes , P . Prov . S . G . W . West Yorkshire ; E . Binney , P . Prov . G . D . ; and | . II . White , P . Prov . G . ' () .
Among the visitors were : —Bros . Dr . Lynes , l > . Prov . G . Reg . Stafford ; W . M . Wood , Thistle , 87 , S . C . ; J . W . Key worth , Perseverance , 16 4 ; and one brother from the Truth Lodge , 521 ; whose name we were unable to ascertain . The Grand Lodge was opened precisely at one
o ' clock , and reports from the several Committees were read and adopted . Great regret was felt at the absence of W . Bro . W . H . Bradley , S 38 , the indefatigable Secretary of the Charity Committee , who was suffering from a severe attack of illness , which prevented
his attendance . His report , however , read by Bro . Bland , 838 , P . Prov . J . G . D ., showed that Bro . Bradley hail not been idle , and that more than one family had to thank him for his successful endeavours to " relieve the fatherless and widows in their affliction . "
Congratulatory addresses were read and adopted , ti ) Iler Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , on the recovery of His Royal Highness from his late severe illness , testify ing the loyalty of the brethren throughout the Province , and their sympathy with the Royal Family in the hour of their trial . The following officers were duly invested for the ensuing year : —
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
Bros . James Stevens , W . Beach , W . E . Gumbleton , J . R . Stebbing , J . H . Wynne , Ralph Benson , S . Rosenthal , all supported the original motion , and bore their testimony to the great diligence , skill , and administrative talent , which both Bro . Binckes and Bro . Henry Binckes ,
displayed in discharging their official duties . Bro . Benson however suggested that c £ ioo should be voted to Bro . Binckes , and sBtoo to Bro . H . Binckes . This was carried . Bro . Sabine , P . G . S . who nominated Earl
Percy as Grand Master at the last meeting , now proposed his election , regretting at the same time the cause of his lordship ' s absence . Bro . H . C . Levander , G . M . O . seconded the motion , which was thereupon carried . The Grand Master said he was charged by
Larl Percy to assure Grand Lodge that he deeply regretted his inability to be present . He was so indisposed that he [ had been obliged to obtain leave of absence from the House of Commons , and by the advice of his medical attendant was going to spend a few months in a warmer climate . All
his friends had reason to believe that this would result in his complete restoration to health ; but he ( the Grand Master ) trusted that before his lordshi p left England he would be able at a special Grand Lodge to be installed . As his
lordships locum leneus he should now proceeel to invest the Grand Officers for the year , of whom Earl Percy had approved . The following officers were then appointed , and those of them who were present were invested : —
The Earl of Limerick Dep . G . M . Lord Ferrers S . Grand Warden C . F . Matier J . Grand Warden
Rev . P . H . Newnham ) „ , „ , , . Rev . W . M . Heath ) Grand Ch » V ™ J . R . Stebbing Grand Treasurer Capt . Burgess Grand Registrar F . Binckes Grand Secretary W . Foulsham Grand M . O . L . W . Longstaff Grand S . O . Lawson Grand J . O . Porter Grand S . D . T . Hargreaves Grand J . D . George Neall Grand Sup . of Wks . C . Hammerton Grand Dir . of Cers . Clarence Harcourt Grand Asst . D . of C . J . K . Smith Grand Swd . Bearer J . W . H . Hawton Grand Std . Bearer Williamson Grand J . O . The following brethren were appointed Stewards : —Bros . A . Williams , Funkenstein
Kemp , James W . Smith , Austin and Hilher . The members of the General Board were Bros . Portal , ( G . M . ) , Capt . Burgess , T . Meggy , H . C . Levander , S . Rosenthal , James Stevens , C . Hammerton , J . H . Wynne , T . J . Sabine , F . Davison , and W . E . Gumbleton .
Bro . Morton Edwards , P . M . 11 S , G . J . D ., P . Prov . G . Std ., Somersetshire then brought on the following motion : — " That a Committee be appointed by Grand Mark lodge , consisting of five of its members , to meet an equal number of members of the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners to carry out the
attachment of the Royal Ark Mariners degrees , by an equitable arrangement based upon the treaty [ between the Grand Mark Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , excelled on July 6 th , 1871 , and agreed to be ratified on or before August 1 st , 1871 , but which treaty was not carried out , so as finally to dispose of all differences between the two bodies . "
Bro . James Stevens , P . G . O . moved as an amendment "That the General Board be requested to entertain any communication that ruay be made to them by any brother claiming
to work the Ark Mariner ' s degree , with a view ? o their coming under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge . " Bro . H . C . Levander , G . O ., seconded it . The amendment was carried .
Letters of apology tor absence were received from : —Bros . Magnus Ohren , G . M . O . ; Col . l'Vas . Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex and Surrey ; W . J . Luut , P . G . Insp . Wks . ; C . F . Matier , G . J . W . ; L . W . Longstaff ' , G . S . O . ; Nathaniel H ay croft , G . Chap . ; H . R . Trigg , G . Swd . Br . W . J . Hughan , P . G . M . O ., P . G . J . W . ; w '
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
Foulsham , G . S . O . ; Jas . Porter , G . S . O . ; Geo . Hardy , P . G . S . O . ; Thos . Perkington , Prov . G . M . West Yorkshire ; Fred- Long . G . D . Cers . ; Brockbank , P . G . J . W . ; Irwin , P . j . M . O . Bros . Bigg and Davison were presented with Steward ' s jewels , and Grand Lodge was then
closed . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet and then honoured a good list of toasts . The musical arrangements were very superior . Under the direction of Bro . J ohn Read , Prov . G . Mark Organist , P . M ., P . Z ., 30 ° , & c , Bro . De Lacy , of St . Paul ' s Cathedral ; Bro .
John Hodges , Gentleman of the Chapel Royal ; and Bros . Carter and Mason , of Westminster Abbey , sang some delightful music , which consisted of glees , songs , and duetts . The Grace was Sir Michael Costa ' s " O Lord , we bless Thee , " and the other compositions were , the
National Anthem , " Go , speed thy Flight , " " Anita , " " Come , let us join the Rounelelay , " "Norah , Darling , " "By Celia ' s Arbor , " " All ' s Well , " " Sweetly Blows , " " The Happy Muleteer , " and " Life ' s a Bumper . " The execution of all these pieces met with universal approbation .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Iftasonrii . METROPOLITAN .
EBURY Lonoi : ( No . 1348 . )—This most properous lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Morpeth Arms , Millbank , Bro . John Coutts , P . G . P ., W . M ., in the chair , who in a beautiful , correct , and impressive manner raised Bros . S . Jacobs and H . A . Potter , passed G .
Harvey , and initiated Mr . J . Gildersleeve . Bros . H . Proskauer , 861 ; R . A . D . Bain , 87 ; S . Benjamin , 141 ; E . J . Barnett , 87 ; J . Elliott , ' and R . H . Muftitt , were unanimously elected joining members . There was a large number of members , including nearly all the officers .
Although so young a lodge , yet for good working , splendid hospitality , and other good qualities , it is second to none . The usual number of candidates for joining " and initiation were proposed , and the lodge was closed , liro . Palmer
placed before the brethren one of his superior banquets , which are always good alike and have contributed to the prosperity of the Loelge . The usual and happy harmonious evening was spent . The visitors were Bros . C . Barnett , I . G . 87 , and J . Jeffrey , J . D . 4 . C 3 .
Channel Islands.
Jr . Rsny . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) . —The twenty-fii ' st anniversary meeting of this loelge was held at the Masonic Temple on Thursdaj ' , May 30 II 1 , for the sole purpose of installing the re-elected W . M ., when a large number of brethren assembled to congratulate him on his
successful termination of his twelve months' labour and on thecontinuatioifof his career as a ruler of the Craft , under auspices so favourable , and with the affairs of the lodge in so prosperous a condition and perfect order . Soon after four o clock the lodge was opened by Bro . Joseph Gregir ,
W . M ., supported by Bros . J . Oatley , P . M ., as S . W ., Abraham Viel . P . M ., acting as f . W . ; G . J . Renouf , I . P . M . ; A . Schinitt , ' P . M ., P . Proy . G . S . W ., Sec ; John . Durrell , P . M ., P . G . S . W . ; John . Th . du | ardin , P . M ., P . Proy . G . S . W . ; P . W . Binet , S . D . ; and Jos . Fallot , J . D . & c . The Secretary read the minutes
of the previous proceedings , which were unanimously confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . A . Schmitt took the chair as Installing Master , liro . Renouf presented then Bro . J . Gregg , as W . M . re-elect for installation . The customary enumeration of duties was made and acknowledged—the Ancient
Charges were read and assented to and the ( ) b . ol W . M . delect administered . The lodge was opened in the . third degree when Hro . J . Gregg was placed in the the chair of K . S . The several classes of Fellow Craft and E . Apprentices were in tarn admitted anil the processions , salutations and proclamations were gone through . The
Channel Islands.
following appointments were made , the I . P . M . in each case officiating , and offering appropriate addresses and abservations : —Bros . Ph . Le Sueur , S . W . ; Ph . W . Binet , J . W . ; Js . Durell , Treas . ( elect ) ; Jos . Pallot , S . D . Ph . Blampied , J . D . ; Ph . Pinel , Junr . Dir of Cer . ; H . Du
Jardin , lyler ; Henry E . Le V . dit Durell , Orator and Assistant Secretary ; lastly the W . M . appointed Bro . A . Schmitt , Secretary . The Secretary read the report of the proceedings of the Audit Committee of the lodge , which contained a number of suggestions and
recommendations , which was received , approved and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Secretary also presenteel an elaborate account on the condition of the lodge , comprising the prominent events and prospects within it during the past year . The Secretary earnestly pleaded the noble
and deserving cause of our Masonic Schools , and on his proposition , ' , secone \ ed b y Bro . Jn . Blampied , it was unanimously resolved , " that a further sum of £ 5 5 s . be granted towards the support of the Masonic School for Girls . " There being no other business before the lodge , it was
closed at six o ' clock , in perfect harmony . The brethren adjourned to the banquetting room , and more than fifty sat down to an excellent dinner provided by the Stewards . The W . M . presided having on his right Bros . A . Schmitt , J . Durell , P . W . Benham , P . M . P . G . Treas . ; Ph . Binet ,
P . M . ; H . E . le V . dit Durell , on his left Bros . G . j . Renouf , Jn . Th . du Jardin , } . Oatley , Abr . Vict , 13 . Hastings , P . M . 34 , ( J . R ) . & c . After the usual loyal toasts had been disposed of , that of the brethren absent was offered , and
lastly the Secretary read the names of brethren departeil ( 29 ) and their memory was solemnl y commemorated . Thus a most enjoyable evening was spent , grave and gay alternating . The brethren separated about ten o ' clock .
LINCOLNSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Thursday , the 30 th ult , a Provincial Grand Lodge was held by the Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Lincolnshire , at the Com Exchange , Sleaford , under the auspices of the St . Botolp h ' s Loelge , No . 588 . In the absence
of 1 lis Grace , the Duke of St . Alban ' s , Prov . G . M ., the meeting was presided over by W . Bro . Major Smyth , D . P . G . M ., who was supported by numerous influential brethren of the Province , among whom were : —Bros . E . Locock , P . Prov . G . W , as P . G . S . W . ; Chas . Harrison ,
J . G . W . ; Rev . J . C . Browne , P . G . Chaplain ; C . M . Nesbitt , I' . G . Treasurer ; F . D . Marsden , P . G . Secretary ; M . Crowelen , P . G . S . D . ; W . Watkins , P . G . S . of W . ; S . W . Johnson , P . G . D . ofC . ; [ . M . Ramplen , P . G . S . B . ; G . Y oung ,
P . Prov . S . G . W . ; T . E . Jacobson , P . Prov . D . G . of C ; F . R . Larken , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; W . E . Howlett , P . Prov . G . A . D . of C . ; Thos . H . Olelman , P . G . S . ; W . H . Bailes , P . Prov . S . G . W . West Yorkshire ; E . Binney , P . Prov . G . D . ; and | . II . White , P . Prov . G . ' () .
Among the visitors were : —Bros . Dr . Lynes , l > . Prov . G . Reg . Stafford ; W . M . Wood , Thistle , 87 , S . C . ; J . W . Key worth , Perseverance , 16 4 ; and one brother from the Truth Lodge , 521 ; whose name we were unable to ascertain . The Grand Lodge was opened precisely at one
o ' clock , and reports from the several Committees were read and adopted . Great regret was felt at the absence of W . Bro . W . H . Bradley , S 38 , the indefatigable Secretary of the Charity Committee , who was suffering from a severe attack of illness , which prevented
his attendance . His report , however , read by Bro . Bland , 838 , P . Prov . J . G . D ., showed that Bro . Bradley hail not been idle , and that more than one family had to thank him for his successful endeavours to " relieve the fatherless and widows in their affliction . "
Congratulatory addresses were read and adopted , ti ) Iler Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , on the recovery of His Royal Highness from his late severe illness , testify ing the loyalty of the brethren throughout the Province , and their sympathy with the Royal Family in the hour of their trial . The following officers were duly invested for the ensuing year : —