Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Channel Islands.
J . R . Larken Prov . S . G . W . T . E . Jacobson Prov . J . G . W . Rev . J . R . Humble Prov . G . Chap . W . G . Moore Prov . G . Reg . C . M . Nesbitt Prov . G . Treks . F . D . Marsden Prov . G . Sec . H . E . Turner Prov . S . G . D . J . B . Hildred Prov . J . G . D . F . Long Prov . G . S . of W . T . J . Tomlinson Prov . G . D . of C . A . Bates Prov . A . G . D . of C Geo . Jackson Prov . G . S . B . H . P . Wickenson Prov . G . O . J . S . Mossop Prov . G . P .
In accordance with the usual custom of the lodge the Stewards of the Province of the year were elected in behalf of the Home for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , W . Bro . E . Locock , P . Prov . G . W ., being chosen as Steward to represent the Province .
The lodge having been closed in form , a banquet was provided in the Corn Exchange hy Bro . Sharpe , of the Bristol Arms Hotel , to which all did ample justice , and , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being given , a pleasant and profitable evening was spent .
MIDDLESEX . HARROW . —Harrow Lodge ( No . 1310 ) . —On Tuesday 4 th ult , at Railway Hotel , Harrow , the regular meeting of this lodge was held . Bro . W . H . Green , W . M . presided , and in an able , correct , and impressive manner , rendered the beautiful ceremony of initiation to Dr . Thomas R . L .
Hooper , and then to Mr . W . Butler , ( both personal friends . ) Some joining members and candidates for initiation were proposed , and the lodge was closed . The usual well-served banquet followed . There were present during the afternoon Bros . S . Homewood , S . W . ; F .
Harrison , "J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; Capt . G . A . Smith , S . D ., W . M . 619 ; J . Cox , I . G . 3 F . Smith , P . M ., W . S . ; G . Pymm , P . M . ; W . Spells , E . Rawson , J . A . Martin , J . M . Dalj , T . R . L Hooper , W . Butler . The visitors were Bros . G . Allen , 144 ; W . Kindon , 619 , & c .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
GIBRALTAR . One of those gatherings , which , as they arc peculiarly gratifying to old Masons , are none the less interesting and encouraging to younger brethren , took place in the rooms of the Irish Royal Arch Chapter , No 325 , at Gibraltar , on
the evening of the 22 nd June . The occasion which culled forth the demonstration , was the approaching departure from the Rock , of one of the oldest Masons on the station , one who had worthil y and most appropriately earned for himself the title of the Father of the
Royal Arch Chapter , No 325 . To those Masons who know Gibraltar and its Lodges , the name of Brother Ellison must be as familiar as household words , and it was on the retirement of Brother Ellison from the important Government appointment which he had so
long and so ably occupied , and his return to England , that the members of the Chapter 325 desired to express their feelings of respect , gratitude and fraternal affection , by inviting to a farewell banquet and presenting a lasting testimonial to one , who for so many years had been the leading spirit of their community .
Punctually at the hour appointed the Chapter ¦ was opened by the 1 st Principal , Companion Beal , who was supported on his right b y Companion Leslie and on his left by Companion Ellison . Companion Ross guarded the purple veil , Companion Cunningham the blue , ancl Companion Gillmore the scarlet veil . Companion Dallas
occupied his accustomed post as Captain of the Hosts . Companion Holliday was Superintendent of the Tabernacle , Martalini , Prelate , and the indefatigable and ever-verdant Gaby , Principal Sojourner : The members of the Chapter mustered in great force and several visiting brethren from the various Chapters ancl Lodges of the tation , were also present .
Royal Arch.
The minutes of a former meeting , bear ing special reference to the " Ellison Testimojf nial" having been read by the Registrar Companion Johnstone , and confirmed , the 1 st Principal notified that the business of the evening was ( o present Companion Ellison
with the testimonial which had been voted to him . Companion Ellison having been marshalled by two of the Senior Companions to the foot of the dais , 1 st Principal Beal expressed his extreme gratification at being the vehicle of communication through whom the Chapter
placed in the hands of Companion Ellison , the handsome testimonial which had been voted to him , he consielered it a great privilege to be in a position to bestow so pleasing a token on one like Companion Ellison , who for upwards of a quarter of a century had been a constant attendant of the
Chapter and a zealous supporter of all the rites anil ceremonies of the order , and who for no less a period than eleven years had occupied the chair of 1 st Principal , he had worked steabily up to that exalted position , passing through all the various subordinate orriees , and in all displaying zeal ,
intelligence and integrity . Companion Beal concluded a most feeling address , by wishing Comp . Ellison a favourable voyage home , and many years of health and strength to enjoy the wellearned result of long years of faithful service to his Queen and his country . Companion Ellison
having received the testimonial , which consisted of an elaborately chased silver inkstand , on which was engraved the following " Presented by the Members of the R . A . Chapter 325 . I . C . Gio raltar to the Most Excellent Companion James Settle Ellison , who filled the office of 1 st
Principal lor eleven consecutive years , as a mark of esteem for the very efficient and valuable services he rendered to the Chapter and to Masonry in general . " Gibraltar April , 1872—Bro . Ellison was so deeply affected that it was some moments before he could sufficiently master his feelings to respond , he then briefly expressed
how deeply he felt the honour that hail that evening been conferred upon him and how carefully he would treasure the valuable souvenir which had that evening been placed in his hands , not alone for its intrinsic value , but for the many happy recollections which would always be associated with it and which would ever remain fresh and indelible on the tablet of
his memory . If anything could have added to the value of the testimonial , it , was that he had received it from the hands of his good friend and brother mason , Beal , with whom he had worked on the \ most harmonious terms for upwards of
20 years . Comp . Ellison having resumed his seat , the Deputy District Grand Master , Bro . the Rev . Geo . Alton , rose , and said that he experienced the most unalloyed satisfaction in being permitted to take a part in the interesting ceremony ot
the evening . The very important and onerous duties of his position in Gibraltar did not always allow of his visiting the various lodges as much as he would be desirous of doing . Nevertheless , his interest in Masonry was ever the same , and he trusted that in no way was he found wanting
in the discharge of the duties attached to the high Masonic position that he held in the district . He eulogised in most eloquent terms , the past Masonic career of Bro . Ellison ; he had known him for many years ; he had worked with him not merely in the Craft degree , but also in marty
of those which were characterised as the" ineffable , " and in all Bro . Ellison had been a zealous and energetic officer , holding distinguishee ! positions , and ever gaining and retaining the respect and esteem of his brethren . He deplored the departure of Bro . Ellison , as thereby the office
of District Grand Secretary would become vacant , a void which it would be found difficult to fill with another so able and efficient . The Deputy District Grand Master , who spoke with more than his usual eloquence and felicity of expression , concluded a long and most impressive address , by wishing Bro . Ellison a long
continuance of health , and a full enjoyment ot all the honours , Military , Social , and Masonic , which had been conferred upon him . The M . E . Z . of the Calpean Chapter , Comp . Balfour Cockburn , then rose : He feared that after the exhaustive speech of his much esteemed Brother , the Deputy District Grand Master ,
Royal Arch.
there was very little left for him to say ; but as the 1 st Principal of the R . A . Chapter , working under the English Constitution , he could not allow this ^ opportunity to pass without testifying to the unwearied exertions of Comp . Ellison in , the cause of Masonry , and how freely , and
willingly , and cheerfully , he at all times had been ready to give the benefit of his advice and experience to the Calpean Chapter . The English and the Irish Chapters had always been on the most friendly terms with each other , and he trusted that such would ever be the case . It
was too true that Comp . Ellison was about to leave the station , and his absence would throw a gloom over every lodge and chapter in Gibraltar , but there were few clouds which had not a silver lining , and this which now overshadowed them was no exception . Companion Ellison
had lived for so long at Gibraltar , that perhaps when the sunny days of July and August were over in England , he might recollect that Gibraltar was after all not such a bad place , and they might yet hope to see their much esteemed brother winging his way south with the swallows ,
and returning to spend the evening of his life under the shade of the bri ght coloured oleanders and the sweet-scented orange groves of dear old Gib . Companion Balfour Cockburn concluded a most telling speech , by congratulating the 1 st Principal , Companion Beal , on the success
of the evening ' s proceedings , and wishing Comp . Ellison a long continuance of his happy and prosperous career . The chapter having been closed in due form—the Companions sat down to a sumptuous banquet , the enjoyment of which
was much enhanced by the strains of a band composed entirely of brother Masons , who had most kindly volunteered to come and assist to the best of their power in making the evening ' s entertainment pass oft' agreeably to Companion Ellison .
Obituary .
BRO . DANIEL SCURR . Our much esteemed friend , and Bro . Dan Scurr , suddenly departed this life on Saturday evening last at seven o ' clock . There is now one good man and Mason less in this world , and one more in those blest mansions where we shall be eternall y happy with God the Great Architect of the Lniverse .
Bro . Scurr has for some time past been a very great sufferer , and although the state of his health had given premonitions of a sudden decease , yet his family had hopes of his continued stay ; a
fragile constitution sometimes holding out longer than a robust one . Although his bodily health was at a very low ebb , it was full flood with his mental ; he held his lig ht to the last , bright and clear .
In the course of social duties , he was all that could be required of a man . In his Masonic round , he ^ stood second to none ; he was ever ready to give assistance and instruction , and an extensive circle of the ciaft , his friends , and pupils , were delig hted to share his conversation ,
and profit hy the advantage of his great store of Maonic knowledge . At the time of his decease , two brethren were with him , and had been upwards of an hour in Masonic conversation , during which he had given a definition of Faith , and concluded with
the words , ( italicised above ) , he left them to attend to some business , saying he should return in a minute , but in the course of a few seconds , his soul had gone to everlasting life . He appeared to die without a spasm , as though he fell asleep .
"Three years aero this autumnlhadasevereattackot gout , to which I hail been subject 22 years . After being confined to my room uniler treatment two weeks , I was Induced to try your Vegetable Pain Killer , ami in little more than a week was able to be at business . Two years before I had a similar attack' no worse , which , under the best of care laid me up more than four months . —THOS . Perry , Hed Lion Si ] ., London , Nov ., 1 S 68 . —To Perry Davis & Son , London . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
J . R . Larken Prov . S . G . W . T . E . Jacobson Prov . J . G . W . Rev . J . R . Humble Prov . G . Chap . W . G . Moore Prov . G . Reg . C . M . Nesbitt Prov . G . Treks . F . D . Marsden Prov . G . Sec . H . E . Turner Prov . S . G . D . J . B . Hildred Prov . J . G . D . F . Long Prov . G . S . of W . T . J . Tomlinson Prov . G . D . of C . A . Bates Prov . A . G . D . of C Geo . Jackson Prov . G . S . B . H . P . Wickenson Prov . G . O . J . S . Mossop Prov . G . P .
In accordance with the usual custom of the lodge the Stewards of the Province of the year were elected in behalf of the Home for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , W . Bro . E . Locock , P . Prov . G . W ., being chosen as Steward to represent the Province .
The lodge having been closed in form , a banquet was provided in the Corn Exchange hy Bro . Sharpe , of the Bristol Arms Hotel , to which all did ample justice , and , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being given , a pleasant and profitable evening was spent .
MIDDLESEX . HARROW . —Harrow Lodge ( No . 1310 ) . —On Tuesday 4 th ult , at Railway Hotel , Harrow , the regular meeting of this lodge was held . Bro . W . H . Green , W . M . presided , and in an able , correct , and impressive manner , rendered the beautiful ceremony of initiation to Dr . Thomas R . L .
Hooper , and then to Mr . W . Butler , ( both personal friends . ) Some joining members and candidates for initiation were proposed , and the lodge was closed . The usual well-served banquet followed . There were present during the afternoon Bros . S . Homewood , S . W . ; F .
Harrison , "J . W . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; Capt . G . A . Smith , S . D ., W . M . 619 ; J . Cox , I . G . 3 F . Smith , P . M ., W . S . ; G . Pymm , P . M . ; W . Spells , E . Rawson , J . A . Martin , J . M . Dalj , T . R . L Hooper , W . Butler . The visitors were Bros . G . Allen , 144 ; W . Kindon , 619 , & c .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
GIBRALTAR . One of those gatherings , which , as they arc peculiarly gratifying to old Masons , are none the less interesting and encouraging to younger brethren , took place in the rooms of the Irish Royal Arch Chapter , No 325 , at Gibraltar , on
the evening of the 22 nd June . The occasion which culled forth the demonstration , was the approaching departure from the Rock , of one of the oldest Masons on the station , one who had worthil y and most appropriately earned for himself the title of the Father of the
Royal Arch Chapter , No 325 . To those Masons who know Gibraltar and its Lodges , the name of Brother Ellison must be as familiar as household words , and it was on the retirement of Brother Ellison from the important Government appointment which he had so
long and so ably occupied , and his return to England , that the members of the Chapter 325 desired to express their feelings of respect , gratitude and fraternal affection , by inviting to a farewell banquet and presenting a lasting testimonial to one , who for so many years had been the leading spirit of their community .
Punctually at the hour appointed the Chapter ¦ was opened by the 1 st Principal , Companion Beal , who was supported on his right b y Companion Leslie and on his left by Companion Ellison . Companion Ross guarded the purple veil , Companion Cunningham the blue , ancl Companion Gillmore the scarlet veil . Companion Dallas
occupied his accustomed post as Captain of the Hosts . Companion Holliday was Superintendent of the Tabernacle , Martalini , Prelate , and the indefatigable and ever-verdant Gaby , Principal Sojourner : The members of the Chapter mustered in great force and several visiting brethren from the various Chapters ancl Lodges of the tation , were also present .
Royal Arch.
The minutes of a former meeting , bear ing special reference to the " Ellison Testimojf nial" having been read by the Registrar Companion Johnstone , and confirmed , the 1 st Principal notified that the business of the evening was ( o present Companion Ellison
with the testimonial which had been voted to him . Companion Ellison having been marshalled by two of the Senior Companions to the foot of the dais , 1 st Principal Beal expressed his extreme gratification at being the vehicle of communication through whom the Chapter
placed in the hands of Companion Ellison , the handsome testimonial which had been voted to him , he consielered it a great privilege to be in a position to bestow so pleasing a token on one like Companion Ellison , who for upwards of a quarter of a century had been a constant attendant of the
Chapter and a zealous supporter of all the rites anil ceremonies of the order , and who for no less a period than eleven years had occupied the chair of 1 st Principal , he had worked steabily up to that exalted position , passing through all the various subordinate orriees , and in all displaying zeal ,
intelligence and integrity . Companion Beal concluded a most feeling address , by wishing Comp . Ellison a favourable voyage home , and many years of health and strength to enjoy the wellearned result of long years of faithful service to his Queen and his country . Companion Ellison
having received the testimonial , which consisted of an elaborately chased silver inkstand , on which was engraved the following " Presented by the Members of the R . A . Chapter 325 . I . C . Gio raltar to the Most Excellent Companion James Settle Ellison , who filled the office of 1 st
Principal lor eleven consecutive years , as a mark of esteem for the very efficient and valuable services he rendered to the Chapter and to Masonry in general . " Gibraltar April , 1872—Bro . Ellison was so deeply affected that it was some moments before he could sufficiently master his feelings to respond , he then briefly expressed
how deeply he felt the honour that hail that evening been conferred upon him and how carefully he would treasure the valuable souvenir which had that evening been placed in his hands , not alone for its intrinsic value , but for the many happy recollections which would always be associated with it and which would ever remain fresh and indelible on the tablet of
his memory . If anything could have added to the value of the testimonial , it , was that he had received it from the hands of his good friend and brother mason , Beal , with whom he had worked on the \ most harmonious terms for upwards of
20 years . Comp . Ellison having resumed his seat , the Deputy District Grand Master , Bro . the Rev . Geo . Alton , rose , and said that he experienced the most unalloyed satisfaction in being permitted to take a part in the interesting ceremony ot
the evening . The very important and onerous duties of his position in Gibraltar did not always allow of his visiting the various lodges as much as he would be desirous of doing . Nevertheless , his interest in Masonry was ever the same , and he trusted that in no way was he found wanting
in the discharge of the duties attached to the high Masonic position that he held in the district . He eulogised in most eloquent terms , the past Masonic career of Bro . Ellison ; he had known him for many years ; he had worked with him not merely in the Craft degree , but also in marty
of those which were characterised as the" ineffable , " and in all Bro . Ellison had been a zealous and energetic officer , holding distinguishee ! positions , and ever gaining and retaining the respect and esteem of his brethren . He deplored the departure of Bro . Ellison , as thereby the office
of District Grand Secretary would become vacant , a void which it would be found difficult to fill with another so able and efficient . The Deputy District Grand Master , who spoke with more than his usual eloquence and felicity of expression , concluded a long and most impressive address , by wishing Bro . Ellison a long
continuance of health , and a full enjoyment ot all the honours , Military , Social , and Masonic , which had been conferred upon him . The M . E . Z . of the Calpean Chapter , Comp . Balfour Cockburn , then rose : He feared that after the exhaustive speech of his much esteemed Brother , the Deputy District Grand Master ,
Royal Arch.
there was very little left for him to say ; but as the 1 st Principal of the R . A . Chapter , working under the English Constitution , he could not allow this ^ opportunity to pass without testifying to the unwearied exertions of Comp . Ellison in , the cause of Masonry , and how freely , and
willingly , and cheerfully , he at all times had been ready to give the benefit of his advice and experience to the Calpean Chapter . The English and the Irish Chapters had always been on the most friendly terms with each other , and he trusted that such would ever be the case . It
was too true that Comp . Ellison was about to leave the station , and his absence would throw a gloom over every lodge and chapter in Gibraltar , but there were few clouds which had not a silver lining , and this which now overshadowed them was no exception . Companion Ellison
had lived for so long at Gibraltar , that perhaps when the sunny days of July and August were over in England , he might recollect that Gibraltar was after all not such a bad place , and they might yet hope to see their much esteemed brother winging his way south with the swallows ,
and returning to spend the evening of his life under the shade of the bri ght coloured oleanders and the sweet-scented orange groves of dear old Gib . Companion Balfour Cockburn concluded a most telling speech , by congratulating the 1 st Principal , Companion Beal , on the success
of the evening ' s proceedings , and wishing Comp . Ellison a long continuance of his happy and prosperous career . The chapter having been closed in due form—the Companions sat down to a sumptuous banquet , the enjoyment of which
was much enhanced by the strains of a band composed entirely of brother Masons , who had most kindly volunteered to come and assist to the best of their power in making the evening ' s entertainment pass oft' agreeably to Companion Ellison .
Obituary .
BRO . DANIEL SCURR . Our much esteemed friend , and Bro . Dan Scurr , suddenly departed this life on Saturday evening last at seven o ' clock . There is now one good man and Mason less in this world , and one more in those blest mansions where we shall be eternall y happy with God the Great Architect of the Lniverse .
Bro . Scurr has for some time past been a very great sufferer , and although the state of his health had given premonitions of a sudden decease , yet his family had hopes of his continued stay ; a
fragile constitution sometimes holding out longer than a robust one . Although his bodily health was at a very low ebb , it was full flood with his mental ; he held his lig ht to the last , bright and clear .
In the course of social duties , he was all that could be required of a man . In his Masonic round , he ^ stood second to none ; he was ever ready to give assistance and instruction , and an extensive circle of the ciaft , his friends , and pupils , were delig hted to share his conversation ,
and profit hy the advantage of his great store of Maonic knowledge . At the time of his decease , two brethren were with him , and had been upwards of an hour in Masonic conversation , during which he had given a definition of Faith , and concluded with
the words , ( italicised above ) , he left them to attend to some business , saying he should return in a minute , but in the course of a few seconds , his soul had gone to everlasting life . He appeared to die without a spasm , as though he fell asleep .
"Three years aero this autumnlhadasevereattackot gout , to which I hail been subject 22 years . After being confined to my room uniler treatment two weeks , I was Induced to try your Vegetable Pain Killer , ami in little more than a week was able to be at business . Two years before I had a similar attack' no worse , which , under the best of care laid me up more than four months . —THOS . Perry , Hed Lion Si ] ., London , Nov ., 1 S 68 . —To Perry Davis & Son , London . "