Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Portugal Hotel , Fleetstreet , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Bro . Pulsford , Preceptor . Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Milcend-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction , Union Tavern ,
Airstreet , Regent-st ., at 8 ; Bro . W . Watson , Preceptor . Burgoyne Lodge of Instruction , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' -road , N . W ., at 8 . St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instruction ( 144 ) , Gladstone Tavern , Brompton-road , S . W . United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd's-lane , Brixton , at 7 ; Bro . J . Thomas , P . M .,
Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . St . James ' s Lodge of Instruction , Gregorian Arms Tavern Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , at 8 . Bro . Howes , P . M . Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoria
road , Deptford , at 8 . Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction ( 1278 ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , at 8 ; Bro . Geo . W . Verry , Preceptor . Clapton Lodge of Instruction , White Hart , Clapton , at 7 . 30 j Bro . John Saunders , Preceptor . Royal Standard . Lodge of Instruction ( 1298 ) , The Castle
Tavern , Holloway , at 8 ; Bro . R . Lee , ( P . M . 193 , W . M . 1298 , ) Preceptor . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-road , at S ; Comp . W . West Smith , Preceptor . Westbourne Lodge of Instruction ( 733 ) Horse and Groom , Winsley-street , Oxford-Street , at 8 .
Ubfrcrtisflitcnts . FREDERICK ADLARD , MERCHANT TAILOR AND OUTFITTER , 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . Superior Tourist Suits from £ 2 15 o Black Dress Suits from 3 13 6 Trousers in every variety , all wool , ... 0160
FREDERICK ADLARD , MANUFACTURER OF MASONIC CLOTHING , Inventor of the Masonic Jewel Attacher , ( Registered 5 and 6 Victoria , cap . ioo . 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . "MASONIC J EWEL ATTACHER . —Bro . Adlard , of 225 , High Holborn , W . C , lias invented an attacher , which , from iis simplicity and convenience , has only to he universally known to he universally adopted . It lias long been a subject of complaint that the wearing of the honourable insignia of rank and merit which grace the breasts ot so many of our Brethren ., plays sad havoc with the fabric and material ot the coat to which they are attached . Bro . Adlard ' s invention entirely obviates this , in addition to saving much time and difficulty in the proper arrangement of the jewels , and we have very great pleasure in recommending it , warranted as we are in doing so hy our personal experience . The price ( 7 s . uu \) places it within the reach of all . "Masonic Magazine . Bro . Adlard ' s superior fitting Collars are also well worthy of the attention of the Craft . ™ " Wc have much pleasure in recommending Bro . Adlard ' s Jewel Attacher for its convenience and usefulness . "—Free * mason .
For Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains and Jewellery , go to KIBBLES ' , 22 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches € 2 15 s . Silver Watches X ' 5 s-Timepieces from ys . od . Every article warranted . Plate , Watches , and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free .
QENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT , 81 , City-road , E . C , opposite the F'insbury Schools , and 24 , Southgate-road , De Beauvoir Town , N . Bros . SINCLAIR & SON beg to call the public attention to their Scale of Charges to suit all classes , to any of the Metropolitan Cemeteries , or other places . For further information , see Illustrated Book and Estimates , forwarded on application . No connection with any other establishment .
Jusr Published . Price Sixpence . MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF INITIATION . With Opening and Closing Hymns . Composed b y Bro . EDWIN J . CHOW , Mus : Bac : Cantab : W . M . 279 P . 1 ' ror . G . O . Leicestershire and Rutland , & c . Novi ; LI . O , EWER A : Co ., London ; and may be had from the Composer , De Montfort Terrace , Leicester .
TRY BARKERS' TROUSERS , 13/6 Opposite the New Hospital , DERBY ROAD , BOOTLE , Near Liverpool .
M . A . VERKRUZEN , ( Growers' Agent ) , 'V &^ seT & dl & K Invites attention to his Fine and Extensive Stock of ™&PUREANDSELECTEDGERMANWINES ^| PKp | il \ Including the v ^ 1 $ Np * LIGHT REFRESHING DINNER . ~ SOR . TS , and all Grades up to the Greatest Growths . 0 Certain of these Wines have acquired celebrity for their curative effects in cases of stone and gravel , they act beneficially on the liver and kidneys , counteract constipation , promote skin action , are invaluable in cases of dropsy , rheumatism and gout , tone a » d purify the blood , greatly assist digestion , and diffuse throughout the system , even in the coldest weather , an agreeable sense of gentle warmth . Nothing is so refreshing , nothing gives such zest to a meal . DELICIOUS DINNER DESSERT CLASS . SPARKLING . SORTS . VERY FINE . 1 OHANDKST . HOCK . 1 MOSELLE . From 17 s . ( id . fo 36 s , per doz . 40 s . to 72 s . doz . | 78 s . to 150 s . doz . 30 s . to 78 s . doz . | 30 s . to Cos . doz . Packing and deliver )/ within three miles radius free . WholesaleDepot : 3 , Fell-street , Wood-street , London , E . C . C an also be ordeied through the Trade . Kach bottle bears the name of M . A . VERlvRUZEN as a guarantee . "VERY FIXE CHAMPAGNES , " ( l > v special contract ) 34 s ., 40 s ., 46 s ., 58 s ., 70 s . per dozen , SHERRIES I ' PORTS . I CLARETS . 26 s . to nGs . I 30 s . to 72 s . I 12 s . to 36 s . Other Wines of Superior Quality , at lowest prices ( the Wines may be tasted at tse Depot ) . Detailed Price Current far warded on application . Terms Cash . Cheques crossed "Bank of England . ' Wines for Invalids , specially selected according to the case .
t CHARLES WATSON anel Co ., 30 , Cornhill , r- _ __^^ -- ___-n opposite the Roval Exchange , invite attention to the CORN- YlJllls I ^^^IJ ?^^^^M >\Wmmmw\ i-pi-IE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale and dry , 30 s . per I . ^ N ^ I ¦ * ¦ dozen . Carriage paid . \ - ^ i *\«/>\ ^ / CLARET ids . 22 ? . 28 s . 3 6 s . 42 s . to Five Guineas . \/ ir \ VL /) i \ I SHERRY 22 s . 26 s . 30 s . 36 s . 42 s . 4 8 s . to 84 s . WlNVVsL ^ V JV 7 P . RT 28 s . 34 s . 2 » . 48 s . 54 s . to 120 s . X & K ^ ^ C ^ StSM CHAMI'A ONT . ... 36 s . 42 s . 54 s . 60 s . to 84 s . X ^^ ^ y—>* 2 * - ^ ^ S £ r WHISKY—the Hen Nevis—CHARLES WATSON and Co . ' s Spe- ~ T ^ ^ V // J [/? Jf ci . ilitv , 20 s . per gallon ; the softest and most fascinating Whisky for \ irfi ( j / W J Toddy in the market . —30 , Cornhill . Carriage free within 50 miles . \?> 'SW ( I / Sample Uottles may be had . \^* ' i ff TM 1 E CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per dozen , carriage ^ \ . ^ f - * - paid . 30 , Cornhill . Sample bottles may be had ^ * ^ Established 1798 . Established 1798 . « TVj ESSRS . CHARLES WATSON and Co ., of 30 , Cornhill , pORNHILL SHERRY . —CHARI . ES W . vrso . v and Co ., 30 , Corn-- forwarded us samples of their ' Cornhill Sherry . ' We have ^ hill ( opposite Royal Exchange ) , requests the favour of a visit to taken the opinion of competent judges and veteran wine consumers these old-estahlished cellars , containing a large stock of the linest old upon its merits , and pronounce it d ' ecidccllv the best of the wines at Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the most a similar cost which we have tasted , and a great many came before critical connoisseurs . Descriptive list free . C . W . and Co . appoint us during the process of our analysis . "—Medical Press . Agents , with tirst-class references , in towns where not represented
Second Edition , revised and enlarged , with a Copious Index . Bound in Cloth and Lettered , 10 s . 6 d . UANDY -BOOK FOR INVESTORS . — Second Edition , 53 0 pages . A HISTORY of the National Debt . —Sec Handy-Book for Investors . A REVIEW OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES . —See Handy-Book for Investors . R EVIEW OF INDIAN FINANCES . —See I landy-Book for Investors . J -JISTORY of the BANK OF ENGLAND . — See I landy-Book for Investors . CTOCKBROKERS and the STOCK EX-° CI IAXGE . —See I landy-Book for Investors . UISTORY and STATISTICS of the COX X LOXIES and their Debts . —See Handy-Book for Investors . pOREIGN STATES and their DEBTS . — See Handy-Book for Investors . JJI STORY of JOINT-STOCK COM PANIES . —See Handy-Book for Investors . TJTSTORY of BRITISH RAILWAYS . — See I landy Bodk for Investors . TNDIAN , COLONIAL , and FOREIGN X RAILWAYS . —See I landy-Book for Investors . TJTSTORY and POSITION of JOINTXI STOCK . BANKS . —See Handy-Book for Investors . TJTSTORY and POSITION OF FINANXL CIAL COMPANIES—See Handy-Book for Investors . SHIPPING and MERCANTILE COMPA-^ NIES . —Sec Handy-Book for Investors . TJTSTORY ancl POSITION of INSUXX RANCE AND ASSURANCE COMPANIES . —See Handy-Rook for Investors . PO SITION , PROFITS , and PROSPECTS of x MINING COMPANIES . —See Handy-Book for Investors . THE METALLIFEROUS DISTRICTS of the KINGDOM—See Handy-Book for Investors . jyjTNES in Cornwall , Devon , Shropshire , Isle of Man , and Ireland . —See I landy-Book for Investors . COMPARATIVE PROFITS of INVESTMENTS . —See 1 landy-Book for Investors . Baitlett & Chapman , 3 O . Cornhill , E . C . Bro . CHARLES HEDGELONG , NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLER , 26 , GRAFTON STREET , DUBLIX . AGENT FOR " THE FREEMASON . "
GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet Street , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER . £ s . d . Strong Silver Watches from 1 1 o Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 o Ladies Gold English Levers „ from 9 y o Gents Gold English Levers , from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 015 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitable for Presentation , & c , made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at modera : e prices , by experienced workmen . George Kennings' Ladies' Gold English Levers , unequalled £ 10 1 OS . Country orders will receive prompt attention . Manufactory : 2 , ' 3 & 4 , Little Britain .
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE AND NEWS ROOM , LOMBARD STHEET , LONDON - , E . C . TERMS : £ . s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... ... 3 3 o Members residing and carrying on business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchants , Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 o The Room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-office , Poste Restante , Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & e . ; also copying machines for the use of subscribers . Bro . JOHN II . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ., P . P . J . G . W ., & c , Manager .
THE "EXPRESS " GENERAL STEAM PRINTING OFFICE , T ' RAI'FORD-STREET , HuiME , MANCHESTER , S . W . T 3 RO . MASON begs to state that he can forward PRINTING to any address in the country , carriage paid . 100 Cards 1 (> , 20 , 23 , 30 , and 3 , 'G 5 , 000 1 landbills 12 1 i , 20 o , 25 , o 34 o to 50 o 12 l- ' niieral ( "arils 1 ¦(> , 2 0 ; 24 ditto , 2 6 , 4 6 100 1 ' ostine . Hills ; c , 7 0 , 10 , b , 12 , 6 , 15 , 0 , 20 o 50 , 000 Wake's or l'anlden ' s Annual Circulars " . £ ' 8710 l - 'iMitlcmcn's or Ladies' I'rivale ( ards 50 lor 2 0 ; 100 3 / 6 12 Window Hills 1 , 0 , 16 , 2 6 , 5 o to 7 / 0 5 , 000 Billheads , at per loco 50 , 6 o , ~ 7 b , 10 , 6 Society Rules , 16 p ' . v ^ s 30 , 0 , 35 , 0 , 40 o , 43 o , to 105 / 0 ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Portugal Hotel , Fleetstreet , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Bro . Pulsford , Preceptor . Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Milcend-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction , Union Tavern ,
Airstreet , Regent-st ., at 8 ; Bro . W . Watson , Preceptor . Burgoyne Lodge of Instruction , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' -road , N . W ., at 8 . St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instruction ( 144 ) , Gladstone Tavern , Brompton-road , S . W . United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd's-lane , Brixton , at 7 ; Bro . J . Thomas , P . M .,
Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . St . James ' s Lodge of Instruction , Gregorian Arms Tavern Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , at 8 . Bro . Howes , P . M . Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoria
road , Deptford , at 8 . Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction ( 1278 ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , at 8 ; Bro . Geo . W . Verry , Preceptor . Clapton Lodge of Instruction , White Hart , Clapton , at 7 . 30 j Bro . John Saunders , Preceptor . Royal Standard . Lodge of Instruction ( 1298 ) , The Castle
Tavern , Holloway , at 8 ; Bro . R . Lee , ( P . M . 193 , W . M . 1298 , ) Preceptor . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-road , at S ; Comp . W . West Smith , Preceptor . Westbourne Lodge of Instruction ( 733 ) Horse and Groom , Winsley-street , Oxford-Street , at 8 .
Ubfrcrtisflitcnts . FREDERICK ADLARD , MERCHANT TAILOR AND OUTFITTER , 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . Superior Tourist Suits from £ 2 15 o Black Dress Suits from 3 13 6 Trousers in every variety , all wool , ... 0160
FREDERICK ADLARD , MANUFACTURER OF MASONIC CLOTHING , Inventor of the Masonic Jewel Attacher , ( Registered 5 and 6 Victoria , cap . ioo . 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . "MASONIC J EWEL ATTACHER . —Bro . Adlard , of 225 , High Holborn , W . C , lias invented an attacher , which , from iis simplicity and convenience , has only to he universally known to he universally adopted . It lias long been a subject of complaint that the wearing of the honourable insignia of rank and merit which grace the breasts ot so many of our Brethren ., plays sad havoc with the fabric and material ot the coat to which they are attached . Bro . Adlard ' s invention entirely obviates this , in addition to saving much time and difficulty in the proper arrangement of the jewels , and we have very great pleasure in recommending it , warranted as we are in doing so hy our personal experience . The price ( 7 s . uu \) places it within the reach of all . "Masonic Magazine . Bro . Adlard ' s superior fitting Collars are also well worthy of the attention of the Craft . ™ " Wc have much pleasure in recommending Bro . Adlard ' s Jewel Attacher for its convenience and usefulness . "—Free * mason .
For Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains and Jewellery , go to KIBBLES ' , 22 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches € 2 15 s . Silver Watches X ' 5 s-Timepieces from ys . od . Every article warranted . Plate , Watches , and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free .
QENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT , 81 , City-road , E . C , opposite the F'insbury Schools , and 24 , Southgate-road , De Beauvoir Town , N . Bros . SINCLAIR & SON beg to call the public attention to their Scale of Charges to suit all classes , to any of the Metropolitan Cemeteries , or other places . For further information , see Illustrated Book and Estimates , forwarded on application . No connection with any other establishment .
Jusr Published . Price Sixpence . MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF INITIATION . With Opening and Closing Hymns . Composed b y Bro . EDWIN J . CHOW , Mus : Bac : Cantab : W . M . 279 P . 1 ' ror . G . O . Leicestershire and Rutland , & c . Novi ; LI . O , EWER A : Co ., London ; and may be had from the Composer , De Montfort Terrace , Leicester .
TRY BARKERS' TROUSERS , 13/6 Opposite the New Hospital , DERBY ROAD , BOOTLE , Near Liverpool .
M . A . VERKRUZEN , ( Growers' Agent ) , 'V &^ seT & dl & K Invites attention to his Fine and Extensive Stock of ™&PUREANDSELECTEDGERMANWINES ^| PKp | il \ Including the v ^ 1 $ Np * LIGHT REFRESHING DINNER . ~ SOR . TS , and all Grades up to the Greatest Growths . 0 Certain of these Wines have acquired celebrity for their curative effects in cases of stone and gravel , they act beneficially on the liver and kidneys , counteract constipation , promote skin action , are invaluable in cases of dropsy , rheumatism and gout , tone a » d purify the blood , greatly assist digestion , and diffuse throughout the system , even in the coldest weather , an agreeable sense of gentle warmth . Nothing is so refreshing , nothing gives such zest to a meal . DELICIOUS DINNER DESSERT CLASS . SPARKLING . SORTS . VERY FINE . 1 OHANDKST . HOCK . 1 MOSELLE . From 17 s . ( id . fo 36 s , per doz . 40 s . to 72 s . doz . | 78 s . to 150 s . doz . 30 s . to 78 s . doz . | 30 s . to Cos . doz . Packing and deliver )/ within three miles radius free . WholesaleDepot : 3 , Fell-street , Wood-street , London , E . C . C an also be ordeied through the Trade . Kach bottle bears the name of M . A . VERlvRUZEN as a guarantee . "VERY FIXE CHAMPAGNES , " ( l > v special contract ) 34 s ., 40 s ., 46 s ., 58 s ., 70 s . per dozen , SHERRIES I ' PORTS . I CLARETS . 26 s . to nGs . I 30 s . to 72 s . I 12 s . to 36 s . Other Wines of Superior Quality , at lowest prices ( the Wines may be tasted at tse Depot ) . Detailed Price Current far warded on application . Terms Cash . Cheques crossed "Bank of England . ' Wines for Invalids , specially selected according to the case .
t CHARLES WATSON anel Co ., 30 , Cornhill , r- _ __^^ -- ___-n opposite the Roval Exchange , invite attention to the CORN- YlJllls I ^^^IJ ?^^^^M >\Wmmmw\ i-pi-IE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale and dry , 30 s . per I . ^ N ^ I ¦ * ¦ dozen . Carriage paid . \ - ^ i *\«/>\ ^ / CLARET ids . 22 ? . 28 s . 3 6 s . 42 s . to Five Guineas . \/ ir \ VL /) i \ I SHERRY 22 s . 26 s . 30 s . 36 s . 42 s . 4 8 s . to 84 s . WlNVVsL ^ V JV 7 P . RT 28 s . 34 s . 2 » . 48 s . 54 s . to 120 s . X & K ^ ^ C ^ StSM CHAMI'A ONT . ... 36 s . 42 s . 54 s . 60 s . to 84 s . X ^^ ^ y—>* 2 * - ^ ^ S £ r WHISKY—the Hen Nevis—CHARLES WATSON and Co . ' s Spe- ~ T ^ ^ V // J [/? Jf ci . ilitv , 20 s . per gallon ; the softest and most fascinating Whisky for \ irfi ( j / W J Toddy in the market . —30 , Cornhill . Carriage free within 50 miles . \?> 'SW ( I / Sample Uottles may be had . \^* ' i ff TM 1 E CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per dozen , carriage ^ \ . ^ f - * - paid . 30 , Cornhill . Sample bottles may be had ^ * ^ Established 1798 . Established 1798 . « TVj ESSRS . CHARLES WATSON and Co ., of 30 , Cornhill , pORNHILL SHERRY . —CHARI . ES W . vrso . v and Co ., 30 , Corn-- forwarded us samples of their ' Cornhill Sherry . ' We have ^ hill ( opposite Royal Exchange ) , requests the favour of a visit to taken the opinion of competent judges and veteran wine consumers these old-estahlished cellars , containing a large stock of the linest old upon its merits , and pronounce it d ' ecidccllv the best of the wines at Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the most a similar cost which we have tasted , and a great many came before critical connoisseurs . Descriptive list free . C . W . and Co . appoint us during the process of our analysis . "—Medical Press . Agents , with tirst-class references , in towns where not represented
Second Edition , revised and enlarged , with a Copious Index . Bound in Cloth and Lettered , 10 s . 6 d . UANDY -BOOK FOR INVESTORS . — Second Edition , 53 0 pages . A HISTORY of the National Debt . —Sec Handy-Book for Investors . A REVIEW OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES . —See Handy-Book for Investors . R EVIEW OF INDIAN FINANCES . —See I landy-Book for Investors . J -JISTORY of the BANK OF ENGLAND . — See I landy-Book for Investors . CTOCKBROKERS and the STOCK EX-° CI IAXGE . —See I landy-Book for Investors . UISTORY and STATISTICS of the COX X LOXIES and their Debts . —See Handy-Book for Investors . pOREIGN STATES and their DEBTS . — See Handy-Book for Investors . JJI STORY of JOINT-STOCK COM PANIES . —See Handy-Book for Investors . TJTSTORY of BRITISH RAILWAYS . — See I landy Bodk for Investors . TNDIAN , COLONIAL , and FOREIGN X RAILWAYS . —See I landy-Book for Investors . TJTSTORY and POSITION of JOINTXI STOCK . BANKS . —See Handy-Book for Investors . TJTSTORY and POSITION OF FINANXL CIAL COMPANIES—See Handy-Book for Investors . SHIPPING and MERCANTILE COMPA-^ NIES . —Sec Handy-Book for Investors . TJTSTORY ancl POSITION of INSUXX RANCE AND ASSURANCE COMPANIES . —See Handy-Rook for Investors . PO SITION , PROFITS , and PROSPECTS of x MINING COMPANIES . —See Handy-Book for Investors . THE METALLIFEROUS DISTRICTS of the KINGDOM—See Handy-Book for Investors . jyjTNES in Cornwall , Devon , Shropshire , Isle of Man , and Ireland . —See I landy-Book for Investors . COMPARATIVE PROFITS of INVESTMENTS . —See 1 landy-Book for Investors . Baitlett & Chapman , 3 O . Cornhill , E . C . Bro . CHARLES HEDGELONG , NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLER , 26 , GRAFTON STREET , DUBLIX . AGENT FOR " THE FREEMASON . "
GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet Street , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER . £ s . d . Strong Silver Watches from 1 1 o Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 o Ladies Gold English Levers „ from 9 y o Gents Gold English Levers , from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 015 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitable for Presentation , & c , made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at modera : e prices , by experienced workmen . George Kennings' Ladies' Gold English Levers , unequalled £ 10 1 OS . Country orders will receive prompt attention . Manufactory : 2 , ' 3 & 4 , Little Britain .
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE AND NEWS ROOM , LOMBARD STHEET , LONDON - , E . C . TERMS : £ . s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... ... 3 3 o Members residing and carrying on business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchants , Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 o The Room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-office , Poste Restante , Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & e . ; also copying machines for the use of subscribers . Bro . JOHN II . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ., P . P . J . G . W ., & c , Manager .
THE "EXPRESS " GENERAL STEAM PRINTING OFFICE , T ' RAI'FORD-STREET , HuiME , MANCHESTER , S . W . T 3 RO . MASON begs to state that he can forward PRINTING to any address in the country , carriage paid . 100 Cards 1 (> , 20 , 23 , 30 , and 3 , 'G 5 , 000 1 landbills 12 1 i , 20 o , 25 , o 34 o to 50 o 12 l- ' niieral ( "arils 1 ¦(> , 2 0 ; 24 ditto , 2 6 , 4 6 100 1 ' ostine . Hills ; c , 7 0 , 10 , b , 12 , 6 , 15 , 0 , 20 o 50 , 000 Wake's or l'anlden ' s Annual Circulars " . £ ' 8710 l - 'iMitlcmcn's or Ladies' I'rivale ( ards 50 lor 2 0 ; 100 3 / 6 12 Window Hills 1 , 0 , 16 , 2 6 , 5 o to 7 / 0 5 , 000 Billheads , at per loco 50 , 6 o , ~ 7 b , 10 , 6 Society Rules , 16 p ' . v ^ s 30 , 0 , 35 , 0 , 40 o , 43 o , to 105 / 0 ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION .