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MASONIC ASSURANCE COMPANY , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . ESTABLISHED 1868 . THE ADDRESS recently issued by the newly appointed Chairman , BRO . J . RANKIN STEBBING , P . G . D ., may be obtained on application at the offices of the Company . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager . Active Agents will be treated with liberality .
NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED 1845 . Conducted under the official supervision of the State of New York . $ 100 , 000 have been deposited with Trustees in England . Life Assurance only . Purel y Mutual . All Profits annuall y to Policy Holders . Accumulated Funds , December 31 st , 1870 ... , £ 3 , 172 , 244 Surplus over all Liabilities , and Reserve Fund 3 89 , 322 Income for Year 1870 1 , 317 , 271 Bro . M . X . COHEN , SPECIAL AGENT , 76 & 77 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 10 , OLD JEWRY CHAMBERS . Secretary : CHAHI . ES R . GILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
DEATH or INJURY from ACCIDENT , With ¦ the consequent LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , Provided for hy Policy of the Railway Passengers' Assurance Company AGAINST ACC 1 DK . NTS OF ALL KINDS . An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for injury . £ 650 , 000 have been paid as Compensation . One out of every 13 Annual Policy Holders becomine , a claimant each vcar . Fcr particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Ollices . 64 , CoitNiiiLL , and 10 , REOENT STHEET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Jtnie , Doric and Corinthian , KmHematically Arranged fir Worshipful Master , Senior and Junior Wardens . 6 s . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing Cases 6 d . each . BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C .
J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY ENAMELLER , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old enamelled Work repaired ; Country Orders attended to with despatch .
SHEPPARD & Co . PRIME CANADIAN HAMS . ¦ q j > 9 d . a . 113 & 115 , BOROUGH & LONDON BRIDGE , S . E .
LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING SOCIETY , ¦ Enrolled in i 8 < ij , pursuant to Act of Parliament . SHARES , £ 25 each , may be paid in one sum , or hy Monthly Subscriptions < $ f < s . per share . INVESTING MEMBERS receive $ percent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONEY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGE , without Premium , for any term of years . Bro . J ONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric Q ^) , Secretary . Offices : —107 a , Fenchnrch-street , E . C ,
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION ! Haw lo Purchase a House for Viva Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pav . Apply at the Oiliceof the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hotu to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , either forBuildingorGardening purposes , apply at the Ollice of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . How to Invest Money with safely at £ 4 per cent Interest , Apply to the Office of the 1 ) 1 RKBECK BAN K . All sums under £ jo repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from . 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays Irom 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROET , Manager .
rpHE SOUTH-WESTERN INDEX LIST of Furnished and Unfurnished Houses to be let , and of Estates for sale in the South-west of London , is published Monthly by MR . JAS . STEVEN'S , AUCTION EER & ESTATE AGENT , CLAPHAM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those seeking Residences , anil saving much trouble in obtaining information of properties for disposal in the S . W . district . Send post-card with your address , and a copy will be forwarded by . return nost .
» p I-I E LONDO N M IRROR . Published every Saturday ; price 41 I . The object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Educational , Uenevolcnt , and Prudential Institutions of the United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour ol the Public . OUice , 59 , Southampton-row , Russell-sMnaxe , London , W . C .
tiT ^ HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . —The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Couley , ( Jrand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Undies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world , and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American alfairs . Terms i ? 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will be $ 1 . 50 currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason , " 19 S , Fleet-street . ' PI-IE MASONIC TROWEL . ™ A Masonic Journal , published on the isth of every month , by II . G . Revno ' lds , Junr ., Springtield , Illinois , United States of" America . ' Sixteen pnges , large quarto . Circulation : o , ooo monthly . Terms to be obtained , and Subscriptions received at the Freemason Ollice , 19 s , Fleet-street and forwarded free ol charge .
•TIU : TH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . / " ) FFERS nothing extraordinary , but RKALLY Goon Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sulliciently large for anv person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all limes , be very much appreciated .
'TTIE JEWISH CHRONICLE Price Twopence . OITICI-.: 43 l'l . VSHUKY SQUARE , E . C .
TESSELATED CARPETING , 1011 Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four Kcct wide , 3 / 9 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND IIJS , FLEET STREET , E . C .
Bro . WILLIAMS . MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist M DesignedandEngruved ENGRAVER ON M ~ S \ STONE , * WOOD , WOOD . ^^^•>\ # or VELLUM . 8 , Featherstone / ^ S ®^ \ 25 , Acton Street , J 3 uiltliiijjs , Iiol !)( irn / ^^ * ' London , W . C .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Mnjcstv ' s l . aundrv . Those Ladies who have not yet used the Glenlieid Starch , are respectfully solicited to jjive it a ' trial , and , carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more dillicult to make than oilier Starches , hut when this is overcome , they wilt say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the linest Starch ' thev ever used . When you ask for the Glenlieid , see that vou get it ,
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , an & South Coast Railways . r PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort , one of the Best in the Metropolis , the tariff on application to IOSEPI-I H . SPENCER .
THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL A ( SNOW HILL STATION ) BIRMINGHAM . "One of the most elegant , comfortable and economical Hotels in the three kingdoms . —The Field , July 31 , 1869 . " " From experience gained bv repeated visits , we are happy to be able to testify to the exceeding comfort of this Hotel . We have much pleasure in recommending it . "—The Engineer , October 14 , 1 S 70 . " An establishment remarkable for its able managemcnt , Teasonable charges , and general comfort . "—Bell ' s Life , June , 31 , 1871 . Good Accommodation for Lodges , Chapters , Sfc .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . "VX 7 "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st ., E . C . QPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking Rooms . Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . Guildhall Tavern Company ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , Gresham-street , GEORGE CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS" AVENUE , BASINGII ALL-STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newlv decorated , by Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the ' Ereemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will lie found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , Sec , and every attention will be paid to their comfort ami enjoyment liy the new Proprietor ..
The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private DiKing Rooms . " First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Bro . F . HiLFREicH , Proprietor ,
PEEVES , SON and CO ., Printers , Wholesale Stationers , and Account Book Manufacturers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BI . ACKERIARS , LONDON , E . C . Next the " Times " Office . REEVES , SON ancl CO . - * - Publishers . REEVES ^ SON and CO . A ^ Newspaper Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., A Maua / inc Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., A Law Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., •*¦ * " Cnmirurcial Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., xv Show Card Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., v Label Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO . Ornamental and Colour Printers R EEVES , SON and CO ., Bankers' Cheque Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., * " Copper Plate Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Lithographic Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Lithographic Artists . R EEVES , SON and CO ., Map Printers and Colourcrs . REEVES , SON and CO ., Designers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Stereotypers . R EEVES , SON and co ., " Engravers and Die-Sinkers .
REEVES , SON and CO ., offer many advantagesto Manufacturers and all persons requiring large quanties ol Papcrand Printing , as they possess the most approved machinery * as well as every other facility for executing orders entrusted to them in the cheapest and best manner . As PUBLISH KRS , their Ollices are very central , and they render accounts monthly . Printed and Published by the Proprietor , Brother GEORGE KEXX-I SO at his Ollices , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , Fleet-street in the City of London , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the County of . Lancaster , —SATURDAY . J 8 . 18 JJ .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC ASSURANCE COMPANY , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . ESTABLISHED 1868 . THE ADDRESS recently issued by the newly appointed Chairman , BRO . J . RANKIN STEBBING , P . G . D ., may be obtained on application at the offices of the Company . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager . Active Agents will be treated with liberality .
NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED 1845 . Conducted under the official supervision of the State of New York . $ 100 , 000 have been deposited with Trustees in England . Life Assurance only . Purel y Mutual . All Profits annuall y to Policy Holders . Accumulated Funds , December 31 st , 1870 ... , £ 3 , 172 , 244 Surplus over all Liabilities , and Reserve Fund 3 89 , 322 Income for Year 1870 1 , 317 , 271 Bro . M . X . COHEN , SPECIAL AGENT , 76 & 77 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 10 , OLD JEWRY CHAMBERS . Secretary : CHAHI . ES R . GILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
DEATH or INJURY from ACCIDENT , With ¦ the consequent LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , Provided for hy Policy of the Railway Passengers' Assurance Company AGAINST ACC 1 DK . NTS OF ALL KINDS . An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for injury . £ 650 , 000 have been paid as Compensation . One out of every 13 Annual Policy Holders becomine , a claimant each vcar . Fcr particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Ollices . 64 , CoitNiiiLL , and 10 , REOENT STHEET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Jtnie , Doric and Corinthian , KmHematically Arranged fir Worshipful Master , Senior and Junior Wardens . 6 s . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing Cases 6 d . each . BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C .
J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY ENAMELLER , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old enamelled Work repaired ; Country Orders attended to with despatch .
SHEPPARD & Co . PRIME CANADIAN HAMS . ¦ q j > 9 d . a . 113 & 115 , BOROUGH & LONDON BRIDGE , S . E .
LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING SOCIETY , ¦ Enrolled in i 8 < ij , pursuant to Act of Parliament . SHARES , £ 25 each , may be paid in one sum , or hy Monthly Subscriptions < $ f < s . per share . INVESTING MEMBERS receive $ percent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONEY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGE , without Premium , for any term of years . Bro . J ONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric Q ^) , Secretary . Offices : —107 a , Fenchnrch-street , E . C ,
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION ! Haw lo Purchase a House for Viva Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pav . Apply at the Oiliceof the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hotu to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , either forBuildingorGardening purposes , apply at the Ollice of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . How to Invest Money with safely at £ 4 per cent Interest , Apply to the Office of the 1 ) 1 RKBECK BAN K . All sums under £ jo repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from . 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays Irom 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROET , Manager .
rpHE SOUTH-WESTERN INDEX LIST of Furnished and Unfurnished Houses to be let , and of Estates for sale in the South-west of London , is published Monthly by MR . JAS . STEVEN'S , AUCTION EER & ESTATE AGENT , CLAPHAM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those seeking Residences , anil saving much trouble in obtaining information of properties for disposal in the S . W . district . Send post-card with your address , and a copy will be forwarded by . return nost .
» p I-I E LONDO N M IRROR . Published every Saturday ; price 41 I . The object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Educational , Uenevolcnt , and Prudential Institutions of the United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour ol the Public . OUice , 59 , Southampton-row , Russell-sMnaxe , London , W . C .
tiT ^ HE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . —The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Couley , ( Jrand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Undies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world , and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American alfairs . Terms i ? 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will be $ 1 . 50 currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason , " 19 S , Fleet-street . ' PI-IE MASONIC TROWEL . ™ A Masonic Journal , published on the isth of every month , by II . G . Revno ' lds , Junr ., Springtield , Illinois , United States of" America . ' Sixteen pnges , large quarto . Circulation : o , ooo monthly . Terms to be obtained , and Subscriptions received at the Freemason Ollice , 19 s , Fleet-street and forwarded free ol charge .
•TIU : TH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . / " ) FFERS nothing extraordinary , but RKALLY Goon Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sulliciently large for anv person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all limes , be very much appreciated .
'TTIE JEWISH CHRONICLE Price Twopence . OITICI-.: 43 l'l . VSHUKY SQUARE , E . C .
TESSELATED CARPETING , 1011 Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four Kcct wide , 3 / 9 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND IIJS , FLEET STREET , E . C .
Bro . WILLIAMS . MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist M DesignedandEngruved ENGRAVER ON M ~ S \ STONE , * WOOD , WOOD . ^^^•>\ # or VELLUM . 8 , Featherstone / ^ S ®^ \ 25 , Acton Street , J 3 uiltliiijjs , Iiol !)( irn / ^^ * ' London , W . C .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Mnjcstv ' s l . aundrv . Those Ladies who have not yet used the Glenlieid Starch , are respectfully solicited to jjive it a ' trial , and , carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more dillicult to make than oilier Starches , hut when this is overcome , they wilt say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the linest Starch ' thev ever used . When you ask for the Glenlieid , see that vou get it ,
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , an & South Coast Railways . r PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort , one of the Best in the Metropolis , the tariff on application to IOSEPI-I H . SPENCER .
THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL A ( SNOW HILL STATION ) BIRMINGHAM . "One of the most elegant , comfortable and economical Hotels in the three kingdoms . —The Field , July 31 , 1869 . " " From experience gained bv repeated visits , we are happy to be able to testify to the exceeding comfort of this Hotel . We have much pleasure in recommending it . "—The Engineer , October 14 , 1 S 70 . " An establishment remarkable for its able managemcnt , Teasonable charges , and general comfort . "—Bell ' s Life , June , 31 , 1871 . Good Accommodation for Lodges , Chapters , Sfc .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . "VX 7 "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st ., E . C . QPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking Rooms . Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . Guildhall Tavern Company ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , Gresham-street , GEORGE CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS" AVENUE , BASINGII ALL-STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newlv decorated , by Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the ' Ereemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will lie found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , Sec , and every attention will be paid to their comfort ami enjoyment liy the new Proprietor ..
The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private DiKing Rooms . " First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Bro . F . HiLFREicH , Proprietor ,
PEEVES , SON and CO ., Printers , Wholesale Stationers , and Account Book Manufacturers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BI . ACKERIARS , LONDON , E . C . Next the " Times " Office . REEVES , SON ancl CO . - * - Publishers . REEVES ^ SON and CO . A ^ Newspaper Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., A Maua / inc Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., A Law Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., •*¦ * " Cnmirurcial Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., xv Show Card Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., v Label Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO . Ornamental and Colour Printers R EEVES , SON and CO ., Bankers' Cheque Printers . R EEVES , SON and CO ., * " Copper Plate Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Lithographic Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Lithographic Artists . R EEVES , SON and CO ., Map Printers and Colourcrs . REEVES , SON and CO ., Designers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Stereotypers . R EEVES , SON and co ., " Engravers and Die-Sinkers .
REEVES , SON and CO ., offer many advantagesto Manufacturers and all persons requiring large quanties ol Papcrand Printing , as they possess the most approved machinery * as well as every other facility for executing orders entrusted to them in the cheapest and best manner . As PUBLISH KRS , their Ollices are very central , and they render accounts monthly . Printed and Published by the Proprietor , Brother GEORGE KEXX-I SO at his Ollices , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , Fleet-street in the City of London , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the County of . Lancaster , —SATURDAY . J 8 . 18 JJ .