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Historical Notice Of The St. Clairs Of Rosslyn, Grand Master Masons Of Scotland.
power to the said Wilhome and his airis to depute judges ane or mae vnder him and to vse sick amp ill and lairge jurisdictione vpoun ws &
our successors als weal as burghe as land as it sail pleis our souerane lord to grant to him and his airis WILLIAM SCHAW .
Maistir of Wark . Edinburgh Thomas Weir mason in Edr . Andro Symsone Thomas Robertsounwardane Jhone Robesoune theLudgcofDumfermling of and Sanct Androis and
takand the burdmg vpoun him for his bietherene of ye St . Androis mason craft within they Lwdges and for the Commissionnrs efter mentionat
viz Dauid Skowgall Alexan-Haddingtoun der Gilbert & Dauid Spens P . Campbell tak- ' for the Lwdge of Sanct andyeburdying Androis , Andro Alesoun and for [ on . Saw Archibald Angous
Com-J . Vallance missionars for the Lwdge William Aittoun of Dwmfermling & Rot . Baize and J ohne Saw for the Lwdge of Heddingtoun with o ' r hands led on the pen be cause we can nocht write
Achiesoues Heavm Ita est Lanrentms Robesoun George Aittoun Notariuspublicusadpra'iuissa Jo . Fwsetter quisitus de specialibus man-Thomas Pettici wf datisdict . personarum scribere nescien vt aseruerunt testan .
manu mea proprie [ Ita est ] Henricus Banua-Ditnferw / ing [ tyne ] connotariusadpremiss ; i
Robert Pest [ de mandatis ] antedictarum personarum [ scribere nescientium ut aseruerunt teste ] manu mea propria
Charter granted by the Masons of Scotland , in the year 1630 , to SirWilliam St . Clair of Rosslyn . [ Some say probable date May j , 1628 . ] From the Hay MSS . in the Advocates' Library , Edinburgh . Orig inals to be seen in the Grand Lodge of Scotland Hall , Edinburgh .
NO . II . Be it kend till all men be thir present Ires . We the Deacones maisteris and friemen of the maissones and hammermen within the kingdome of Scotland That forsamekill as from aidge to
aidge it hes bene observet amangis ws and owr predecessoris that the Lairds of Rossling lies ever bene patrones and pretectoris of ws it o ' r pmvledgis Ly keas our predecessores hes obey it reverencet ccacknawledget thame as patrones and
protectoris q ' rof they had letters of protcctioun & vtheris richtis grantit be his ma ' ties most no'll progenitors of worthie memorie q'lkis with sindrie vtheris of the Lairds of Rosling liis writis being consumet & brunt in ane flame of tyre within
the castle of Rosling in ane ... The consummatioun and burneing q ' r ' of being clearlie knawin to ws and owr predecessors deacones maisteris and friemen of the saidis vocatiounis , and our protection !! of the saniyn
and priviledg is thereof [ be negligence ] and slouthfullness being liklie to pass liitth of wse q ' rthrow not only wald the Lairds of Rosling lyne out of thair just richt but also our haill craftis wald haif bene destitute of ane patrone
protector & oversear qtihiik wald mgemicr monyfald iniperfectiounes ami corrtiptiotiiies baith amangis our seliis and in our craft and give occasioune to mony persones to conceave evill opinioun of ws and our craft and to leive af
many and grit interpryces of policie q'lkis wald be vndertakin if our grit misbehaveour were suft ' erit to go on w ' t ' out correctioun . For remeid q ' r ' of and for keiping of guid ordour amangis
ws in all tyme cuming and for advancement of . our craft and vocatiounes within his hienes kingdome of Scotland and furdering of policie yairntill The maist pairt uf our predecessoris ibrthemselfis and in name and behalfe of our
Historical Notice Of The St. Clairs Of Rosslyn, Grand Master Masons Of Scotland.
brethrene and craftismen w ' t' advyse and consent of Willianie Schaw maister of wark to heines unq le darrest father of worthie memorie All in ane voce agreit consentit and subscryvet that Willianie Sinclar of Rosling father to S ' r Willianie Sinclar now of Rosling for him self and
his airis sonld purches cc obteine at the hands of his ma ' tie libertie friedome & jurisdictioun upon ws & our predecessoris deacones maisteres & friemen of the saidis vocatiounes as patrones and judges to us and the haill professors y ' r ' of within the said Kingdom q ' r ' of they had power &
commissioun Sua that they and we micht yaireafter acknawledge him and his airis cc as o ' r patrone & judge under our soverane lord without ony kynd of appellation or declinatoure frome thair judgement forever , As the said agriement subscryvet be the said m ' r of wark and
ourpredecessors at maire length [ proportis ] In the qtihiik office privilege & jurisdictioun over ws and our said [ voca ] tioun the said Willianie Sinclar of Rosling ever continewit to his going to Ireland ( j ' r he presently remanes sen the qtihiik [ time ] of his departure furth of this realme thair ar very
mony corruptiounes & iniperfectiounes rysin and ingenuerit baith amangis ourselfis cc in our saidis vocatiounes in defect of ane patrone and oversear over ws and the samyn Sua that the saidis vocatiounes ar altogieter liklie to decay And now for saiftie thairof we hailing full experience of
the efauld guid skill and judgement quhilk the said S ' r Willianie Sinclar now of Rosling lies in our said craft and vocatioun and for reparation of the mines and monyfald corruptiounes and enormities done be unskilfull persones thairintill We all in ane voce haif ratifiet
and approven and be thir presentis ratifies & approves the foresaid former 1 ' re of jurisdtctioun and libertie made and sub ' t be our bretherene and his heines uniq'Ie M ' r of wark for the tyme to the said Willianie Sinclar of rosling father to the said Sir William quhairby he and his airis
ar acknowdedget as our patrone and judge untler o ' r soverane lord over ws cc the haill professors of our said vocatioun w ' t'in this his heines kingdom of Scotlande without any appellation or declinato ' r from thair judgement in ony [ time
hereafter ] forever And further we all in ane voce as said is of new haif maid constitute & ordainit and be thir presentis makis constitutes & ordanes the said S ' r Willianie Sinclar now of Rosling and his airis maill our only patrones protectoris and overscans under our soverane lord to ws iSr
our successors deacones-maisteris and friemen of our saids vocatiounes of maissones hammermen w ' t'in the haill Kingdome of Scotland & of o ' r haill priviledges and jurisdictiounes belonging thairto q ' r'in lie his father and yair predecessoris Lairds of Roslinir haif bene in vse of
of possessioun thir mony aidges bygane With full power to him and thame be thameselfis thair wardanis and deputtis to be constitute be thame to affix and appoj'iit places of meeting for keiping of guid ord'r in the saiil craft alsott and sua oft as neid sail requyre All and sindrie
persones that may be knawin to be subject to the said vocatioun to be callit absentis to amercial transgressors to punish unlawis casualhies and vtheris dewties quhatsomever perteining and belonging or that may fall to be pait be quhatsomever persoue or rersones subject to said
craft to aske crave ressave intromet with and uplift and the samyn to thair awn propper vse to applo deputtis under thame in the said office with clerkis seruandis assisteris and all vtheris ouieiaris and ortL-ne for quhom they sail be haldin ti > answer All ; c sindrie plaintis actiounes cc causes perteining to the said craft and
vocatioun and agaii ' . es quhatsumeve persone or persones professors y ' r ' of to heir discuss decerne cc decyde aclis decreitis ec sentences thairvpouu to pronounce and the samy . i to dew execution to cause be put and gaaiiie , all and sindrie vyeris priviledges liberties and immunities qu ' . iatstimever coiicerniiiL r the said craft to do vse & excerce
and cans be done exercet and keipet sicly ke and als friely in all respects as ony vyeris thair predecessors lies done or micht haif done thamselfis in ony tyme bygane friely quietlie weill and in
peace but ony revocatioun obstacle impediment or againe calling quhatsnmevir . In witness of the q'lk thing to thir "jVenttis w ' tten lie Alexander Aikinheid servitor to Andro Hao wrytter we li . r . f sub ' t thir" |> nts w ' t our hands at
Historical Notice Of The St. Clairs Of Rosslyn, Grand Master Masons Of Scotland.
The Lttdge of The Ludgc of Edinburgh Duiulie William Robert Strachowne Wallace f Thomas Flem- maister decon ing wardane in Andrew Wast and
Ed ' r and Hew Dauid Q u h y i t Forrest w ' t o ' r maisteris in Dunhand is at the die w ' t o ' rhandsat
pen led be the the pen led be the Johne Watt -J notar vnder notar vnder subtsub'd forwso ' r cryveand at our command be- commands
because we can cause we can not not wryt wryt Adow . Hay no- Thomas Robertson Jarius asseruit notorius asseruit i ' Robert
Caldwell in Glasgow with my hand at ye pen Thomas letl b > ' )' e notar Rubert J « hnstone Paters on -s ^ scrywand Mais . . .
' for me because I cannot writ niyselff ' The fudge J . Henry sone Daw id Mesone of Glasgow I noturius asseruit Mais . . .
Johne Boyd deakin f T T . . I 1 Jn . Serveite m r of yet craftis in Stirlinge with my hand at ye pen Rot . Boyd sue of the led be ye notar under mestres " 1 subscrvv and for me
becaus 1 can not wntt J . Honryson notarius I assaruit f I Jon Burne ane of the ni ' r ' s of
Dumfernihnge w ' t my hand at ye . Hew Douok dekin of ; pen led be ye notar vnder ye measounes and- { subscryvaml for me at
vnchtis off' Ayr my command becaus 1 can not writ myself J . Flcnrysone notarius I asseruit
DauacI Robertson ane George Lid [ ell ] decan ° >! e mestcris AudnA . " of squaremeu ancM ^ e , sone r '" ? :, nd hoa
nov quarter-maistir T \ [ ^ V"T e var ; 1 den ot the Seel Le . g of Sunt Androis
The Lttdge of Stirlinge Johne Thomsone James Rond The Luclge if Dumfermtingc . ne of .
They are of great importance in reference to the History of Freemasonry in Scotland . They throw great li ; rht on the prosrress of the Craft .
They show that it was not a mere craft of working men , whilst yet they show that it had not attained the position which it has at the present day .
BREAKFAST . —Ei > rs ' s COCOA . —GUATEITL AS . T COMFORTING . — " By a thorough knowledge of the annual 1 iv . s which ermein the operations of iligottio . i nail nut .. r ; u , i , and by a eaiciul apjilication of tac fine piopeit . es of we : l-.-: e : e-. te . l ocoa , . Mr . Epps lias provided oui b < ea ! e . nst ta ,: es wit ., a ilelicaleiy-rknoured bcvciage which may sso us many heavy ductjrs' bills . " —Civil Scrncc C . iu-l ' ic . . Made sinipiy with foiling Water or Milk . Each packet is labchea"J AMKS Ei'i's & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemist .-, , London . "
lloi . i . owAv ' s Pua . s . —Desirable Possessba . — V > ¦ " a ' . - . out health no amount of wealth , no means of pleasure ; eei t :: e slightest value . It is iiicancdvahie how . small a .:: ¦ - Ui . 'bance of the animal functions beget i wictc . c . acs ,, and how readil y it may be rectified by a lev d ;<> es <; ' ¦ aiue purifying and regulating medicine siren a , t . xse v .-oii . i- ; enowned Pills . Tnese have proved tae l .-e .-t fee , it ij
mankind in every grade , in every land , aad under almavt every chcumstance . Ilolloway ' s Pills puiify U . e blood , rectify digestion , stimulate tiie liver and kidneys , and 1 emulate the bowels ; such are their first effects on ine aidamisnl apparatus , greater far the influence they cxeit in e ;; j : ciliag or neutralizing those talenl poiv . ms which insidiously e :. Uf t he sv-item , and undermine il . AI >\ T .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Historical Notice Of The St. Clairs Of Rosslyn, Grand Master Masons Of Scotland.
power to the said Wilhome and his airis to depute judges ane or mae vnder him and to vse sick amp ill and lairge jurisdictione vpoun ws &
our successors als weal as burghe as land as it sail pleis our souerane lord to grant to him and his airis WILLIAM SCHAW .
Maistir of Wark . Edinburgh Thomas Weir mason in Edr . Andro Symsone Thomas Robertsounwardane Jhone Robesoune theLudgcofDumfermling of and Sanct Androis and
takand the burdmg vpoun him for his bietherene of ye St . Androis mason craft within they Lwdges and for the Commissionnrs efter mentionat
viz Dauid Skowgall Alexan-Haddingtoun der Gilbert & Dauid Spens P . Campbell tak- ' for the Lwdge of Sanct andyeburdying Androis , Andro Alesoun and for [ on . Saw Archibald Angous
Com-J . Vallance missionars for the Lwdge William Aittoun of Dwmfermling & Rot . Baize and J ohne Saw for the Lwdge of Heddingtoun with o ' r hands led on the pen be cause we can nocht write
Achiesoues Heavm Ita est Lanrentms Robesoun George Aittoun Notariuspublicusadpra'iuissa Jo . Fwsetter quisitus de specialibus man-Thomas Pettici wf datisdict . personarum scribere nescien vt aseruerunt testan .
manu mea proprie [ Ita est ] Henricus Banua-Ditnferw / ing [ tyne ] connotariusadpremiss ; i
Robert Pest [ de mandatis ] antedictarum personarum [ scribere nescientium ut aseruerunt teste ] manu mea propria
Charter granted by the Masons of Scotland , in the year 1630 , to SirWilliam St . Clair of Rosslyn . [ Some say probable date May j , 1628 . ] From the Hay MSS . in the Advocates' Library , Edinburgh . Orig inals to be seen in the Grand Lodge of Scotland Hall , Edinburgh .
NO . II . Be it kend till all men be thir present Ires . We the Deacones maisteris and friemen of the maissones and hammermen within the kingdome of Scotland That forsamekill as from aidge to
aidge it hes bene observet amangis ws and owr predecessoris that the Lairds of Rossling lies ever bene patrones and pretectoris of ws it o ' r pmvledgis Ly keas our predecessores hes obey it reverencet ccacknawledget thame as patrones and
protectoris q ' rof they had letters of protcctioun & vtheris richtis grantit be his ma ' ties most no'll progenitors of worthie memorie q'lkis with sindrie vtheris of the Lairds of Rosling liis writis being consumet & brunt in ane flame of tyre within
the castle of Rosling in ane ... The consummatioun and burneing q ' r ' of being clearlie knawin to ws and owr predecessors deacones maisteris and friemen of the saidis vocatiounis , and our protection !! of the saniyn
and priviledg is thereof [ be negligence ] and slouthfullness being liklie to pass liitth of wse q ' rthrow not only wald the Lairds of Rosling lyne out of thair just richt but also our haill craftis wald haif bene destitute of ane patrone
protector & oversear qtihiik wald mgemicr monyfald iniperfectiounes ami corrtiptiotiiies baith amangis our seliis and in our craft and give occasioune to mony persones to conceave evill opinioun of ws and our craft and to leive af
many and grit interpryces of policie q'lkis wald be vndertakin if our grit misbehaveour were suft ' erit to go on w ' t ' out correctioun . For remeid q ' r ' of and for keiping of guid ordour amangis
ws in all tyme cuming and for advancement of . our craft and vocatiounes within his hienes kingdome of Scotland and furdering of policie yairntill The maist pairt uf our predecessoris ibrthemselfis and in name and behalfe of our
Historical Notice Of The St. Clairs Of Rosslyn, Grand Master Masons Of Scotland.
brethrene and craftismen w ' t' advyse and consent of Willianie Schaw maister of wark to heines unq le darrest father of worthie memorie All in ane voce agreit consentit and subscryvet that Willianie Sinclar of Rosling father to S ' r Willianie Sinclar now of Rosling for him self and
his airis sonld purches cc obteine at the hands of his ma ' tie libertie friedome & jurisdictioun upon ws & our predecessoris deacones maisteres & friemen of the saidis vocatiounes as patrones and judges to us and the haill professors y ' r ' of within the said Kingdom q ' r ' of they had power &
commissioun Sua that they and we micht yaireafter acknawledge him and his airis cc as o ' r patrone & judge under our soverane lord without ony kynd of appellation or declinatoure frome thair judgement forever , As the said agriement subscryvet be the said m ' r of wark and
ourpredecessors at maire length [ proportis ] In the qtihiik office privilege & jurisdictioun over ws and our said [ voca ] tioun the said Willianie Sinclar of Rosling ever continewit to his going to Ireland ( j ' r he presently remanes sen the qtihiik [ time ] of his departure furth of this realme thair ar very
mony corruptiounes & iniperfectiounes rysin and ingenuerit baith amangis ourselfis cc in our saidis vocatiounes in defect of ane patrone and oversear over ws and the samyn Sua that the saidis vocatiounes ar altogieter liklie to decay And now for saiftie thairof we hailing full experience of
the efauld guid skill and judgement quhilk the said S ' r Willianie Sinclar now of Rosling lies in our said craft and vocatioun and for reparation of the mines and monyfald corruptiounes and enormities done be unskilfull persones thairintill We all in ane voce haif ratifiet
and approven and be thir presentis ratifies & approves the foresaid former 1 ' re of jurisdtctioun and libertie made and sub ' t be our bretherene and his heines uniq'Ie M ' r of wark for the tyme to the said Willianie Sinclar of rosling father to the said Sir William quhairby he and his airis
ar acknowdedget as our patrone and judge untler o ' r soverane lord over ws cc the haill professors of our said vocatioun w ' t'in this his heines kingdom of Scotlande without any appellation or declinato ' r from thair judgement in ony [ time
hereafter ] forever And further we all in ane voce as said is of new haif maid constitute & ordainit and be thir presentis makis constitutes & ordanes the said S ' r Willianie Sinclar now of Rosling and his airis maill our only patrones protectoris and overscans under our soverane lord to ws iSr
our successors deacones-maisteris and friemen of our saids vocatiounes of maissones hammermen w ' t'in the haill Kingdome of Scotland & of o ' r haill priviledges and jurisdictiounes belonging thairto q ' r'in lie his father and yair predecessoris Lairds of Roslinir haif bene in vse of
of possessioun thir mony aidges bygane With full power to him and thame be thameselfis thair wardanis and deputtis to be constitute be thame to affix and appoj'iit places of meeting for keiping of guid ord'r in the saiil craft alsott and sua oft as neid sail requyre All and sindrie
persones that may be knawin to be subject to the said vocatioun to be callit absentis to amercial transgressors to punish unlawis casualhies and vtheris dewties quhatsomever perteining and belonging or that may fall to be pait be quhatsomever persoue or rersones subject to said
craft to aske crave ressave intromet with and uplift and the samyn to thair awn propper vse to applo deputtis under thame in the said office with clerkis seruandis assisteris and all vtheris ouieiaris and ortL-ne for quhom they sail be haldin ti > answer All ; c sindrie plaintis actiounes cc causes perteining to the said craft and
vocatioun and agaii ' . es quhatsumeve persone or persones professors y ' r ' of to heir discuss decerne cc decyde aclis decreitis ec sentences thairvpouu to pronounce and the samy . i to dew execution to cause be put and gaaiiie , all and sindrie vyeris priviledges liberties and immunities qu ' . iatstimever coiicerniiiL r the said craft to do vse & excerce
and cans be done exercet and keipet sicly ke and als friely in all respects as ony vyeris thair predecessors lies done or micht haif done thamselfis in ony tyme bygane friely quietlie weill and in
peace but ony revocatioun obstacle impediment or againe calling quhatsnmevir . In witness of the q'lk thing to thir "jVenttis w ' tten lie Alexander Aikinheid servitor to Andro Hao wrytter we li . r . f sub ' t thir" |> nts w ' t our hands at
Historical Notice Of The St. Clairs Of Rosslyn, Grand Master Masons Of Scotland.
The Lttdge of The Ludgc of Edinburgh Duiulie William Robert Strachowne Wallace f Thomas Flem- maister decon ing wardane in Andrew Wast and
Ed ' r and Hew Dauid Q u h y i t Forrest w ' t o ' r maisteris in Dunhand is at the die w ' t o ' rhandsat
pen led be the the pen led be the Johne Watt -J notar vnder notar vnder subtsub'd forwso ' r cryveand at our command be- commands
because we can cause we can not not wryt wryt Adow . Hay no- Thomas Robertson Jarius asseruit notorius asseruit i ' Robert
Caldwell in Glasgow with my hand at ye pen Thomas letl b > ' )' e notar Rubert J « hnstone Paters on -s ^ scrywand Mais . . .
' for me because I cannot writ niyselff ' The fudge J . Henry sone Daw id Mesone of Glasgow I noturius asseruit Mais . . .
Johne Boyd deakin f T T . . I 1 Jn . Serveite m r of yet craftis in Stirlinge with my hand at ye pen Rot . Boyd sue of the led be ye notar under mestres " 1 subscrvv and for me
becaus 1 can not wntt J . Honryson notarius I assaruit f I Jon Burne ane of the ni ' r ' s of
Dumfernihnge w ' t my hand at ye . Hew Douok dekin of ; pen led be ye notar vnder ye measounes and- { subscryvaml for me at
vnchtis off' Ayr my command becaus 1 can not writ myself J . Flcnrysone notarius I asseruit
DauacI Robertson ane George Lid [ ell ] decan ° >! e mestcris AudnA . " of squaremeu ancM ^ e , sone r '" ? :, nd hoa
nov quarter-maistir T \ [ ^ V"T e var ; 1 den ot the Seel Le . g of Sunt Androis
The Lttdge of Stirlinge Johne Thomsone James Rond The Luclge if Dumfermtingc . ne of .
They are of great importance in reference to the History of Freemasonry in Scotland . They throw great li ; rht on the prosrress of the Craft .
They show that it was not a mere craft of working men , whilst yet they show that it had not attained the position which it has at the present day .
BREAKFAST . —Ei > rs ' s COCOA . —GUATEITL AS . T COMFORTING . — " By a thorough knowledge of the annual 1 iv . s which ermein the operations of iligottio . i nail nut .. r ; u , i , and by a eaiciul apjilication of tac fine piopeit . es of we : l-.-: e : e-. te . l ocoa , . Mr . Epps lias provided oui b < ea ! e . nst ta ,: es wit ., a ilelicaleiy-rknoured bcvciage which may sso us many heavy ductjrs' bills . " —Civil Scrncc C . iu-l ' ic . . Made sinipiy with foiling Water or Milk . Each packet is labchea"J AMKS Ei'i's & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemist .-, , London . "
lloi . i . owAv ' s Pua . s . —Desirable Possessba . — V > ¦ " a ' . - . out health no amount of wealth , no means of pleasure ; eei t :: e slightest value . It is iiicancdvahie how . small a .:: ¦ - Ui . 'bance of the animal functions beget i wictc . c . acs ,, and how readil y it may be rectified by a lev d ;<> es <; ' ¦ aiue purifying and regulating medicine siren a , t . xse v .-oii . i- ; enowned Pills . Tnese have proved tae l .-e .-t fee , it ij
mankind in every grade , in every land , aad under almavt every chcumstance . Ilolloway ' s Pills puiify U . e blood , rectify digestion , stimulate tiie liver and kidneys , and 1 emulate the bowels ; such are their first effects on ine aidamisnl apparatus , greater far the influence they cxeit in e ;; j : ciliag or neutralizing those talenl poiv . ms which insidiously e :. Uf t he sv-item , and undermine il . AI >\ T .