Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 475 Scotland 475 Provincial Grand Lodgeof Middlesex 476 Supreme Grand Chapter , 478
Freemasonry in New South Wales 479 Labours for Freemasonry 480 Masonic Personalities 4 S 1 Masonic Notes and Queries 481 CORRESPONDENCE . —
Slipshod Terminology 481 Lodge Bye-laws 481 Freemasons and Good Templars 482 Sermon 483 Consecration of a Chapter at Plumstead 483
Consecration of a Lodge at Coatbridge 483 Grand Lodgo of Scotland 483 Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 484 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 484 . Lodge Meetings for next week 4 84 Advertisements 473 474480 4 S 5 486487 4 S 8
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
«* * Craft Ufasottrjr . HAVANT- —Carnarvon Lodge ( No . 804 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the . 3 rd instant , at the Black Dog Inn . The W . M ., Bro . Harrison , presided , and was supported by a fair number of members of the lodge , but , owing to the Bank Holiday Act ,
we regret that only two officers were present . The business of the evening consisted of three initiations , and a raising , at the conclusion of which Bro . H . Martin Green , P . M ., moved , ancl the W . M . seconded , a vote of condolence with
the widow and family of the late Bro . Stebbing , Deputy Prov . Grand Master of Hants and the Isle of Wight . The proposition was carried unanimously , for the loss of so zealous and kind-hearted a Mason as Bro . Stebbinsr has
been severely felt by the members of the Carnarvon Lodge , in common with all English Masons throughout the world . A resolution to purchase a copy of Bro . Hughan ' s " Memorials of the Union " having been passed , the lodge was duly closed .
Dr . i'Ti-oiU ) . —Rot / al Oak Lodge ( No . 8 ; i ) held its regular meeting on Thursday , July 23 rd , at thc White Swan Tavern , 217 , High street , Deptford . Bro . George Andrews , W . M ., presided . There were present Bros . S . O . Lewin , S . W . ; H . J . Tuson , J . W . 5 W . Andrews , P . M ., Treas . ;
F . Walters , P . M ., Secretary J . Woollett , W . S . ; AV . Elgood , VV . O . Lockh ' ead , R . T . Stringer , R . Harman , F . H . Burr , J . Rennie , E . James , J- W . Hadingham . T . Morton , A , Maeers , and others . The visitors were Bros . W . Hammond , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 201 j G . R . Turnbull , 1 . 326 :
L \ Steinhauer , 1326 ; T . W . Richardson , 1201 ; H . W . Elmer , 1275 ; and others , whose names we were unable to ascertain . The heavy agenda paper was relieved by initiating Mr . Alsford . passing Bros . H . W . Elmer , 1275 , and D - Steinhauer , 1326 , to the second degree , raising Bros . A . Maeers , G . R . Turnbull , 1326 , and
T -W . Richardson , 1201 , to the third degree . The work was beautifully rendered and correctl y done , Bro . Fisher , the Organist , aiding in an admirable manner by presiding at the organ . A notice of motion , given by an indefatigable brother , fell through for the want of a seconder . No banquet or refreshment being served , all separated when the lodge was closed .
HAMPTON . —i _ . _ a . _ 7 / Lodge ( No . 1 , 326 ) . —This "ourishinglodge was held on Saturday , July 18 th . '" consequence of Bro . H . A . Dubois , S . W ., and W . M . elect , being unable to get a dispensation to enable him to be W . M . of two lodges , at
one time , he being the W . M . ofthe Era Lod ge , that portion of the minutes ( on his proposi-Jion - relating to his election was not confirmed , - -he other work did not present itself . On the V M ° ' madC b y the Secretar - ' > Rr 0 - F- Walters , M ., and duly seconded , it was unanimousl y
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
resolved that ten guineas ( second amount voted in less than four months ) be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . The lodge was opened and closed by Bro . W . Hammond , W . M ., and adjourned until August . An excellent banquet and dessert followed .
PMUNTON . —Torbay Lodge ( No . 1351 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , , 3 rd inst ., when Bro . J . F . Goodridge , W . M . elect , was installed into the chair by the retiring W . M ., Bro . J , C . C . Filler , assisted by Bro . Rev . R . Bowden , P . M ., P . Prov . G . C , and
a Board of Past Masters consisting of the following brethren , Col . A . Ridgway , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; James Greenfield , P . Prov . GJ . D . ; C . H . Law , P . Prov . G . S . W ., ( Herts . ) - S . Cash , 1358 ; Colston , 328 ; Drake 139 6 ; Goodridge , 797 ; Mold , 414 . The brethren on being admitted
saluted in the usual manner , their newly installed W . M ., who then appointed the following as his officers : —Bros . W . E . Warren , S . W . W . H . Haswell , J . W . ; T . E . Dyer , Treas . ; J . C . C . Filler , I . P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . 11 . Bowden , P . Prov . G . C , Chaplain ; J . Greenfield P . M ., Dir . Cer . ;
J . H . Chinnock , S . D . ¦ T . K . Tozer , J . D .. W . Windrane , I . G . J . Couldrey , and W . Rossiter , Stewards . Bro . Greenfield was also appointed by the brethren to attend the next meeting of the Committee of Petitions as the representative ofthe lodge . Thc lodge having been closed in
antient form , the brethren adjourned to the Esplanade Hotel , where Miss Chudleigh , the manageress , hacl prepared a capital dejeuner . Bro . Goodridge , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers in their usual positions , and after the customary loyal and Masonic toasts had been
given , a proposal was made and liberally responded to , to present the two Immediate Past Masters , Bros . Bowden and Filler , each with a souvenir at the next meeting , to mark the esteem with which they are regarded by the members
of the lodge . In addition to a goodly array of brethren , members of 1 . 358 , the following vkitors attended the lodge , Bros . Colston , P . M . 248 ; Drake , P . M . t ' 39 6 ; Goodridge , W . M . 797 ; Mold , 414 ; Jacob , 4 82 ; Stafford Lind , 797 ; Evans , 797 .
MILLOM . — ll'liilirell Lodge ( No . 1390 ) . —The 2 ist of July , 1874 , will long be remembered among the brethren of the Craft in this town , and may fairly be marked as a " red letter clay " in the annals of the Whitwell Lodge , for on this occasion the founder of the lodge , the worthy
and mueh-rcspected Bro . John Mills , S . W ., P . G . S . B ., was duly installed to the proud and honourable position of W . M . The services rendered by our excellent townsman , not only to the Masonic , but to every other good cause , arc so well known and and recognised in Millom ,
that it is hardly incumbent upon us to enlarge upon them . Suffice it to say that any honour conferred upon Bro . Mills must afford general satisfaction to all who know him , whether in a public or private capacity . It is therefore with feelings of unmingled pleasure that we have to
announce the complete success of all the ceremonial and festive incidents of his installation . The P . M . ' s ^ present were Bro . 11 . Dodgson , P . G . S . B ., W . M . of 995 ; Bro . F . W . Dodgson , P . G . S ., I . P . M . 1390 ' ; Bro . Wcllmore , P . M ., Concord Lodge , Preston ; Bro . John Bell , P . M .
Duke of Lancaster Lodge , Lancaster Bro . W . Whiteside , W . M . Baldwin Lodge , Bolton . Thc brethren assembled at the old lodge room , and , after opening the lodge in the first degree , the minutes of the previous communication having been read , the lodge was duly closed . The
brethren adjourned to their new lodge room , the new Masonic Hall , which has been specially built and arranged for them in the new Public Hall . Within the precincts of this lodge the glorious interest of the Craft was then to be witnessed in all its splendour , losing
nothing from the dignified and becoming demeanour both of the installing officers and the W . M . elect . The ceremony ended , an immediate adjournment to the Station Hotel followed , where Bro . Waiting had provided a ' splendid
banquet , the excellence of which was the theme of universal comment and approval . The new W . M ., of course , presided , supported on the right by P . M . Bro . R . Dodgson , P . M . Bro . Willmore , and on the left b y P . M . Bro . T . Dodg-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
son ; P . M . Bro . Bell ; P . M . Whiteside , __ c . The S . W ., Bro . Meredith , was supported on both sides by many distinguished brethren in the Craft . After the more substantial course had been done full justice to , the new W . M . proposed "The Queen , the Prince and Princess
of Wales , and rest of the Royal Family , " a toast always well received by the Craft , particularly when the close connection of the reigning family with the Masonic Order is so well and happily alluded to as on the present occasion . The toast of the evening , "The Newly Installed
Master , " which was most feelingly and eloquently proposed by Bro . T . Dodgson , and received with an enthusiasm that speaks volumes for the new W . M ., Bro Mills ' s , popularity among the brethren . The cheers burst forth with renewed vigour on the reciting of an acrostic , written by
an absent brother in honour of the event . The toast of " The Visiting Brethren " having been ably responded to by Bro . Dr . Rogers , Guard , ancl Burne , Bro . P . M . Whiteside next favoured the company with a beautiful recitation , after which Bro . Bradly sung the " Death of Nelson "
in excellent style ancl with marked effect , as was testified by every mark of warm appreciation . The visitors were now compelled , by the arrival of the last train , to take their departure ' , and tlie company afterwards broke up , having thoroughly enjoyed a most pleasant , sociable afternoon .
We append a list of officers for the ensuing year : —Bro . Meredith , S . W . ; Br _ . Po .-tkthwaite , J . .: the W . M ., Treasurer ; Bro . W . Crooke , Secretary ; Bro . Waiting , S . D . ; Bro . Bell , J . D . ; Bro . Blakeney , I . G . ; Bro . Bradly , S . S . ; Bro . Lang . J . S .
Scotland .
GLASC . OW . —Provincial Grand Lodgeof Glasgow . —The quarterly communication of this body was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , July 30 th , 1874 . There was a full attendance of members . In the absence of W . M . Neilson , the P . G . M ., who is on the continent , the lodge was opened
by Bro . F . A . Barrow , D . P . G . M . On the dais were the following P . G . Officers , Bros . J . Steel , S . P . G . M . ; J . B . Walker , P . G . I '; A . M . Taggart , M . A ., P . G . Secretary ; G . Sinclair , Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund ; J . Millan , D . of Music ; J . Balfour , P . G . D . C . ; G . Allison ,
P . G . T . ; and J . Gillis , P . G . S . B . Bro . J . Miller , R . W . M . 87 , acting S . W . ; J . McNaught , R . W . M . 27 . 5 , as J . W . The D . l' . G . M . spoke with deep feeling ofthe loss the Masonic body had sustained by the death of our lamented brethren , the late Earl of Dalhousie and Lord 1 .
Murray , paying a well-merited compliment to the memory of each of these noble brothers , dwelling on the debt that Scutch Masonry owed to our P . G . M ., Earl Dalhousie . The minutes of the last P . G . Lodge having been read and confirmed , the P . G . M . spoke of the irregularity of
the installation of the officers of the new lodge , Clydesdale , without the santion of the P . G . M ., and declared the installation null and void . A . report was presented from the P . G . Committee in the case of Steven v . Wallace , the P . G . M . holding it should have been held here ; before
the petition went to G . L . 'Ihe application for a Charter for a new lodge in Spring Course district was rejected , as being inconsistent with the Grand Lodge Laws , ancl also as it was unnecessary to establish a new lodge , as St . Andrew , No . 4 65 , was well able to supply the
requirements of that district . Bro . G . Watson , R . W . M . 73 , inquired if it was the duty of the Deacons or the Wardens to eject a refractory member . The P . G . M . said it was the Wardens' duty . Bro . Weston also inquired if there was not a Charter in existence for holding a Lodge of Instruction
in the province . The P . G . M . said there was , and he should be most happy to see it made use of , and if the brethren were willing to work it properly , he should be most happy to grant it , and he gave them all the assist nice in his power .
The Secretary read a communication lie had received , asking if it was in the power of the Master to refuse to receive a candidate after the lodge had voted that he should be admitted . The P . G . M . held that the Master ' s will was law at the time , but the bt other could appeal if
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 475 Scotland 475 Provincial Grand Lodgeof Middlesex 476 Supreme Grand Chapter , 478
Freemasonry in New South Wales 479 Labours for Freemasonry 480 Masonic Personalities 4 S 1 Masonic Notes and Queries 481 CORRESPONDENCE . —
Slipshod Terminology 481 Lodge Bye-laws 481 Freemasons and Good Templars 482 Sermon 483 Consecration of a Chapter at Plumstead 483
Consecration of a Lodge at Coatbridge 483 Grand Lodgo of Scotland 483 Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 484 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls 484 . Lodge Meetings for next week 4 84 Advertisements 473 474480 4 S 5 486487 4 S 8
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
«* * Craft Ufasottrjr . HAVANT- —Carnarvon Lodge ( No . 804 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the . 3 rd instant , at the Black Dog Inn . The W . M ., Bro . Harrison , presided , and was supported by a fair number of members of the lodge , but , owing to the Bank Holiday Act ,
we regret that only two officers were present . The business of the evening consisted of three initiations , and a raising , at the conclusion of which Bro . H . Martin Green , P . M ., moved , ancl the W . M . seconded , a vote of condolence with
the widow and family of the late Bro . Stebbing , Deputy Prov . Grand Master of Hants and the Isle of Wight . The proposition was carried unanimously , for the loss of so zealous and kind-hearted a Mason as Bro . Stebbinsr has
been severely felt by the members of the Carnarvon Lodge , in common with all English Masons throughout the world . A resolution to purchase a copy of Bro . Hughan ' s " Memorials of the Union " having been passed , the lodge was duly closed .
Dr . i'Ti-oiU ) . —Rot / al Oak Lodge ( No . 8 ; i ) held its regular meeting on Thursday , July 23 rd , at thc White Swan Tavern , 217 , High street , Deptford . Bro . George Andrews , W . M ., presided . There were present Bros . S . O . Lewin , S . W . ; H . J . Tuson , J . W . 5 W . Andrews , P . M ., Treas . ;
F . Walters , P . M ., Secretary J . Woollett , W . S . ; AV . Elgood , VV . O . Lockh ' ead , R . T . Stringer , R . Harman , F . H . Burr , J . Rennie , E . James , J- W . Hadingham . T . Morton , A , Maeers , and others . The visitors were Bros . W . Hammond , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 201 j G . R . Turnbull , 1 . 326 :
L \ Steinhauer , 1326 ; T . W . Richardson , 1201 ; H . W . Elmer , 1275 ; and others , whose names we were unable to ascertain . The heavy agenda paper was relieved by initiating Mr . Alsford . passing Bros . H . W . Elmer , 1275 , and D - Steinhauer , 1326 , to the second degree , raising Bros . A . Maeers , G . R . Turnbull , 1326 , and
T -W . Richardson , 1201 , to the third degree . The work was beautifully rendered and correctl y done , Bro . Fisher , the Organist , aiding in an admirable manner by presiding at the organ . A notice of motion , given by an indefatigable brother , fell through for the want of a seconder . No banquet or refreshment being served , all separated when the lodge was closed .
HAMPTON . —i _ . _ a . _ 7 / Lodge ( No . 1 , 326 ) . —This "ourishinglodge was held on Saturday , July 18 th . '" consequence of Bro . H . A . Dubois , S . W ., and W . M . elect , being unable to get a dispensation to enable him to be W . M . of two lodges , at
one time , he being the W . M . ofthe Era Lod ge , that portion of the minutes ( on his proposi-Jion - relating to his election was not confirmed , - -he other work did not present itself . On the V M ° ' madC b y the Secretar - ' > Rr 0 - F- Walters , M ., and duly seconded , it was unanimousl y
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
resolved that ten guineas ( second amount voted in less than four months ) be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . The lodge was opened and closed by Bro . W . Hammond , W . M ., and adjourned until August . An excellent banquet and dessert followed .
PMUNTON . —Torbay Lodge ( No . 1351 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , , 3 rd inst ., when Bro . J . F . Goodridge , W . M . elect , was installed into the chair by the retiring W . M ., Bro . J , C . C . Filler , assisted by Bro . Rev . R . Bowden , P . M ., P . Prov . G . C , and
a Board of Past Masters consisting of the following brethren , Col . A . Ridgway , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; James Greenfield , P . Prov . GJ . D . ; C . H . Law , P . Prov . G . S . W ., ( Herts . ) - S . Cash , 1358 ; Colston , 328 ; Drake 139 6 ; Goodridge , 797 ; Mold , 414 . The brethren on being admitted
saluted in the usual manner , their newly installed W . M ., who then appointed the following as his officers : —Bros . W . E . Warren , S . W . W . H . Haswell , J . W . ; T . E . Dyer , Treas . ; J . C . C . Filler , I . P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . 11 . Bowden , P . Prov . G . C , Chaplain ; J . Greenfield P . M ., Dir . Cer . ;
J . H . Chinnock , S . D . ¦ T . K . Tozer , J . D .. W . Windrane , I . G . J . Couldrey , and W . Rossiter , Stewards . Bro . Greenfield was also appointed by the brethren to attend the next meeting of the Committee of Petitions as the representative ofthe lodge . Thc lodge having been closed in
antient form , the brethren adjourned to the Esplanade Hotel , where Miss Chudleigh , the manageress , hacl prepared a capital dejeuner . Bro . Goodridge , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers in their usual positions , and after the customary loyal and Masonic toasts had been
given , a proposal was made and liberally responded to , to present the two Immediate Past Masters , Bros . Bowden and Filler , each with a souvenir at the next meeting , to mark the esteem with which they are regarded by the members
of the lodge . In addition to a goodly array of brethren , members of 1 . 358 , the following vkitors attended the lodge , Bros . Colston , P . M . 248 ; Drake , P . M . t ' 39 6 ; Goodridge , W . M . 797 ; Mold , 414 ; Jacob , 4 82 ; Stafford Lind , 797 ; Evans , 797 .
MILLOM . — ll'liilirell Lodge ( No . 1390 ) . —The 2 ist of July , 1874 , will long be remembered among the brethren of the Craft in this town , and may fairly be marked as a " red letter clay " in the annals of the Whitwell Lodge , for on this occasion the founder of the lodge , the worthy
and mueh-rcspected Bro . John Mills , S . W ., P . G . S . B ., was duly installed to the proud and honourable position of W . M . The services rendered by our excellent townsman , not only to the Masonic , but to every other good cause , arc so well known and and recognised in Millom ,
that it is hardly incumbent upon us to enlarge upon them . Suffice it to say that any honour conferred upon Bro . Mills must afford general satisfaction to all who know him , whether in a public or private capacity . It is therefore with feelings of unmingled pleasure that we have to
announce the complete success of all the ceremonial and festive incidents of his installation . The P . M . ' s ^ present were Bro . 11 . Dodgson , P . G . S . B ., W . M . of 995 ; Bro . F . W . Dodgson , P . G . S ., I . P . M . 1390 ' ; Bro . Wcllmore , P . M ., Concord Lodge , Preston ; Bro . John Bell , P . M .
Duke of Lancaster Lodge , Lancaster Bro . W . Whiteside , W . M . Baldwin Lodge , Bolton . Thc brethren assembled at the old lodge room , and , after opening the lodge in the first degree , the minutes of the previous communication having been read , the lodge was duly closed . The
brethren adjourned to their new lodge room , the new Masonic Hall , which has been specially built and arranged for them in the new Public Hall . Within the precincts of this lodge the glorious interest of the Craft was then to be witnessed in all its splendour , losing
nothing from the dignified and becoming demeanour both of the installing officers and the W . M . elect . The ceremony ended , an immediate adjournment to the Station Hotel followed , where Bro . Waiting had provided a ' splendid
banquet , the excellence of which was the theme of universal comment and approval . The new W . M ., of course , presided , supported on the right by P . M . Bro . R . Dodgson , P . M . Bro . Willmore , and on the left b y P . M . Bro . T . Dodg-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
son ; P . M . Bro . Bell ; P . M . Whiteside , __ c . The S . W ., Bro . Meredith , was supported on both sides by many distinguished brethren in the Craft . After the more substantial course had been done full justice to , the new W . M . proposed "The Queen , the Prince and Princess
of Wales , and rest of the Royal Family , " a toast always well received by the Craft , particularly when the close connection of the reigning family with the Masonic Order is so well and happily alluded to as on the present occasion . The toast of the evening , "The Newly Installed
Master , " which was most feelingly and eloquently proposed by Bro . T . Dodgson , and received with an enthusiasm that speaks volumes for the new W . M ., Bro Mills ' s , popularity among the brethren . The cheers burst forth with renewed vigour on the reciting of an acrostic , written by
an absent brother in honour of the event . The toast of " The Visiting Brethren " having been ably responded to by Bro . Dr . Rogers , Guard , ancl Burne , Bro . P . M . Whiteside next favoured the company with a beautiful recitation , after which Bro . Bradly sung the " Death of Nelson "
in excellent style ancl with marked effect , as was testified by every mark of warm appreciation . The visitors were now compelled , by the arrival of the last train , to take their departure ' , and tlie company afterwards broke up , having thoroughly enjoyed a most pleasant , sociable afternoon .
We append a list of officers for the ensuing year : —Bro . Meredith , S . W . ; Br _ . Po .-tkthwaite , J . .: the W . M ., Treasurer ; Bro . W . Crooke , Secretary ; Bro . Waiting , S . D . ; Bro . Bell , J . D . ; Bro . Blakeney , I . G . ; Bro . Bradly , S . S . ; Bro . Lang . J . S .
Scotland .
GLASC . OW . —Provincial Grand Lodgeof Glasgow . —The quarterly communication of this body was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , July 30 th , 1874 . There was a full attendance of members . In the absence of W . M . Neilson , the P . G . M ., who is on the continent , the lodge was opened
by Bro . F . A . Barrow , D . P . G . M . On the dais were the following P . G . Officers , Bros . J . Steel , S . P . G . M . ; J . B . Walker , P . G . I '; A . M . Taggart , M . A ., P . G . Secretary ; G . Sinclair , Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund ; J . Millan , D . of Music ; J . Balfour , P . G . D . C . ; G . Allison ,
P . G . T . ; and J . Gillis , P . G . S . B . Bro . J . Miller , R . W . M . 87 , acting S . W . ; J . McNaught , R . W . M . 27 . 5 , as J . W . The D . l' . G . M . spoke with deep feeling ofthe loss the Masonic body had sustained by the death of our lamented brethren , the late Earl of Dalhousie and Lord 1 .
Murray , paying a well-merited compliment to the memory of each of these noble brothers , dwelling on the debt that Scutch Masonry owed to our P . G . M ., Earl Dalhousie . The minutes of the last P . G . Lodge having been read and confirmed , the P . G . M . spoke of the irregularity of
the installation of the officers of the new lodge , Clydesdale , without the santion of the P . G . M ., and declared the installation null and void . A . report was presented from the P . G . Committee in the case of Steven v . Wallace , the P . G . M . holding it should have been held here ; before
the petition went to G . L . 'Ihe application for a Charter for a new lodge in Spring Course district was rejected , as being inconsistent with the Grand Lodge Laws , ancl also as it was unnecessary to establish a new lodge , as St . Andrew , No . 4 65 , was well able to supply the
requirements of that district . Bro . G . Watson , R . W . M . 73 , inquired if it was the duty of the Deacons or the Wardens to eject a refractory member . The P . G . M . said it was the Wardens' duty . Bro . Weston also inquired if there was not a Charter in existence for holding a Lodge of Instruction
in the province . The P . G . M . said there was , and he should be most happy to see it made use of , and if the brethren were willing to work it properly , he should be most happy to grant it , and he gave them all the assist nice in his power .
The Secretary read a communication lie had received , asking if it was in the power of the Master to refuse to receive a candidate after the lodge had voted that he should be admitted . The P . G . M . held that the Master ' s will was law at the time , but the bt other could appeal if