Article GRAND MARK LODGE. ← Page 2 of 3 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 2 of 3 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 2 of 3 →
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Grand Mark Lodge.
has come about . Hitherto the first Grantl Masters of thc Order , Lonl Leigh antl Lord Carnarvon , antl others , laitl the foundation of Mark Masonry unquestionably , antl they laid it well ; and it had been strongly built upon : those who succeeded them unquestionably built up a very noble superstructure ; and it is for those who shall succeetl you , M . W . G . M ., to beautify antl adorn the noble
structure of Mark Masonry , antl to extend its influence antl teaching . I have the honour , M . W . G . M ., to propose Lonl Skelmersdale as the Grantl Master of thc Order for the ensuing year . Grand Secretary then read thc following report of the General Board : — During the six months , ending 30 th September last , the
number of certificates issued has been 401 ; , bringing the number of brethren rcgisteretl as having been advanced to membership of the Order to 10 , 466 , In the ' same period charters for new lodges were granted as follows : — No . 203 " Voussoir , " Bengal . „ 204 " Frontier , " Bengal .
„ 2 Q- ; "Beaconsfield , * Walthamstow . „ 206 " Fort , " Cornwall . „ 207 " Lebanon , " Bengal . „ 20 S "Rough Ashlar , " Bengal . „ 209 " St . Wilfred , " Alford , Lincolnshire . „ 210 "Vale of Brislington , " Somerset .
The most successful festival yet held on behalf of the " Mark Grand Lotlge Benevolent Fund" was celebrated at the Alexandra Palace on Wednesday , ist August , under the presidency of thc Right Hon . the Earl of Donoughmore , R . W . Grand Senior Warden , thc " contributions , through the active agency of seventeen Stewards , having reached a total of £ 2 3 2 . There is now standing to the credit of
this fund at thc banker ' s the sum of £ 286 is ., anil the Board recommend the investment of £ 200 , which will make a total of £ 800 as the invested property of the Fund of Benevolence . Satisfactory as this result must be regarded—the work of eight years , after having provided liberally for the relief of several distressed claimants on thc Fund—the Board
desire again to impress upon thc members of thc Order generally to what a considerable extent this fund may be augmented by the establishment of a " Charity Box " in each lodge , and by the adoption of a resolution by every Provincial Grand Lodge that a brother be appointed to act as a Representative Steward at each recurring anniversary festival .
It has been suggested to thc Boanl as highly desirable that a plan shoultl be adopted by the Oreler by which thc necessitous orphans of deceased Mark Masters might be assisted in their education . Thc Board will be glad to receive suggestions from brethren on this subject , addressed
tc the President . The Boanl further recommend thc investment of £ 100 on behalf of thc General Fund , making a total cf £ 500 , the invested properly of the General Fund . The Boanl have considered two petitions for relief , and recommend in the case
of—1 . Mrs . H . C , witlow of the Bro . T . C , of Dorchester , whose servievs in behalf of the Order were exceedingly valuable , and only interrupted by his premature decease—That Grantl Lodge tlo approve the grant of £ 30 , And in the case of—2 . Bro . S . M . L ., that the grant of £ 2 *; be approved . With the sanction of the M . W . G . M . AL , a circular letter
with appeal in aid of thc " Mansion House India Famine Fund" was issued in October last to the W . M . of every lodge , to thc R . W . P . G . M . M . of every province , and individually to every Present and Past Grand Officer . In answer to this , certain contributions have been received and promised , which will be handed over to the fund . Bro . Meggy , P . G . M . O ., having undertaken to represent
the Mark Degree at the ensuing Festival of thc Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , it is recommended that a sum of £ 21 be voted from the Funds of Grand Lodge , to be added to liis list , The Board have the gratification of announcing to Grand Lotlge the formal recognition by " The General Grand Chapter of thc United States of America" of this Grantl Lodge as the legitimate governing jurisdiction of
the Mark Degree in Englanel ; ind Wales , antl the colonies and possessions of the British crown other than those of Canada and North America . The letter from the E . Com )) . Grand Scribe E . of thc General Grantl Chapter , atldressetl to antl forwarded by the General Representative of this Grantl Lotlge , 111 . Bro . Albert G . Gocdall , 33 , is as follows : — " General Grantl Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the
United States of America . " Ofiice of General Grand Secretary , Buffalo , N . Y ., "September 12 th , 1877 . "A . G . Goodall , Esq ., New York City . " " Dear Sir and Companion , —1 am in receipt of your favour of yesterday's date , in which you express a elesirc to have sent to your address an tifiicial copy of Ihe
resolution recognising the Grand Lodgeof Mark Master Masons of England , & c , ST ., adopted by Ihe General Grand Chapter , in order that you may send the same to England by the mail on Friday next . " I should be most happy to comply with your request , but just nt present I find myself very busy in thc preparation of the proceedings of the late Triennial Convocation
for the printer ' s hands , an occupation that brooks no delay , and therefore cannot spare the time to suitably prepare the resolution to be presented to so distinguished a Masonic body as the Grantl Mark Lotlge o ! England in time for the purpose for which you desire it . " I will give the matter attention e-irly in next week ,
antl will forward the papers directly to R . W . Bro . Binckes . " With kindest regards , I am fraternally yours , ( Signed ) " CUIUSTOI'I IER G . Fox . " 142 , Broadway , New York , September 14 th , 1877 . * ' Fredk . Binckes , Grand Sec , & c ., eVx ., London . " Dear Sir and Brother , —Ytiur esteemed favour of
Grand Mark Lodge.
August 28 th is duly received , antl I now have great pleasure tei inform you that the Grantl Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Walts antl Colonies antl Dependencies of thc British Crown was duly recognised at the last session of the General Grantl Chapter of the United States , antl the official communication of which will be
forwardetl to yon by Christopher G . Fox , Grand Secretary , as you will see , per enclosed letter , that I have arranged . " Sincerely yours , " A . G . GOODALI .. " The Grant ! Treasurer's accounts for the six months to tjoth September arc subjoined , which show : —
GENERAL FUND . Balance from 31 st March , 1 877 £ - ° 3 16 10 Half-year ' s receipts ... ... ... ... 3 S 6 14 10 Dividends ... ... ... ... ... 9 17 7 £ 60 2 9 3 Half-year ' s disbursements ... ... ... 295 8 0 Balance in favour of Grantl Lods-c £ 307 1 3
LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE . Balance from 31 st March , 1 877 ... ... £ 161 13 8 Receipts for half-year ... ... ... 1 94 13 d Dividends ... ... ... ... ... 14 16 4 £ -37 ' 3 6 Disbursements ... ... ... ... G 5 o o Balance in favour of the Fund ... J 306 3 d
Examined and found correct , THOS MEGGY , 1 * jth November , 1877 . Auditor . ' ( Signctl ) G . R . PORTAL , Past G . M . M ., President . Bro . Thoyts , G . C , moved , and Bro . I . J . Hooper Wilkins , G . S . O . seconded that this report be received and
entered on the minutes . The M . W . G . M . saitl : Brethren , before I put this motion to Grantl Lotlge I shoultl wish to call your attention to one or two items in this report of the General Board which I think are of considerable importance anil interest . It is very satisfactory , 1 think , to all thc brethren to seo the increase which has taken place in thc number of new
lodges ; antl the brethren wi'l remark that that increase is only up to thc six months ending 30 th September . I think I am right in saying there are some three eir four lodges established since then . Grand Secretary : Yes ' . The M . W . G . M : So that we may say , besides the eight mentioned in the report there are * three or four more lodges
lo be added to them . As regards the lodges so sanctioned I might call the attention of Grand Lodge to the fact that no less than four of those lodges arc for thc province of Bengal . This shows what an energetic District Grantl Master , with his Deputy anil officers and brethren , can tlo iu a province . Thc brethren will concur with me in saying that the increase in lhat province is deserving of the
highest praise of Grantl Lodge ; for there must be good work done in the province * to enable such an increase as that to be matle . Not many weeks ago the subject eif thc Indian Famine Funtl was brought before me , and I felt that the brethren of the Mark l 3 egrce would wish that they shoultl not be behind other Masonic bodies in endeavouring to render assistance to thc
distress which that terrible famine has caused in India . I therefore sent out a lettcr . ' as has been stated in this report . That letter was sent out at rather a late date , and the announcement came very shortly afterwards that owing to thc improved state of thc weather which gave hopes of good crops in the future , no large further additions to thc funtl would be necessary . No doubt if it had not been for
that the sum which hatl been contributed by the lodges of thc Mark Degree woultl have been vcry considerable , but that intelligence coming very shortly after thc sending out of the letter of course matle many lodges and biethren think that it was not necessary to move in a manner that they otherwise would . I trusl Grantl Lotlge will agree with me that such a calamity as that which has happened
Jn India was one which the Grantl Mas ' er of such a party as the Mark Degree could not pass over , antl that I was justified in bringing it before the brethren . ( Hear , hear . ) The last thing which I have to call attention to is that part of the report relative lo the action taken by thc General Grantl Chapter of the United States of America . We all feel the greatest pleasure and satisfaction that a body
which is thc governing botly of all Gram ! Chapters and Chapters of America , a hotly which has unelcr its banner by far the largest body of Royal Arch Masons anil Mark Alasons in thc world , has stretched forth a fraternal hand and recognised the position of this Grand Lodge as being the legitimate head of Mark Masonry in England . ( Hear , hear . ) I war * glad when I fountl that we should now be
able to enter into official relations with a body of Masons so eminent in every respect as are those that work under thc banner of the General Grand Chapter of the United States of America . I do not think , brethren , that there is anything further which I need allude to in this report . The subjects dealt with arc of great importance , as they testify generally to the continued prosperity of Mark
Masonry in this country , and 1 think that justifies thc hope that that distinguished brother who has been nominated to-nighl , ami will be elected at our next meeting , will find the Order in a flourishing state when hc assumes the throne ; and I believe that a nomination coultl not be * made of a brother more capable and willing to discharge the duties of the throne than our Bro . Lord Skelmersdale ,
the present D . G . M . ( Hear , hear . ) The motion was then put and carried . Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , ALA ., P . G . M ., thereupon rose and said : Before moving the recommendations contained in thc report which has just been read , and which is also in thc hands of most ot thc brethren here , I shoultl just like to add to the very weighty remarks which you ,
Grand Mark Lodge.
M . W . G . M ., have just matle , that it is impossible tn exaggerate the importance of the recognition of this Grantl Lodge by the General Grantl Chapter of the United States . Wc have already been recognised by the Grand Chapter of Ireland antl by the Grantl Chapter of Canada . We are still unrecognised by the Grantl Chapter of Scotland ; but we all know how difficult it is when having once taken a
wrong step to retrace it ; antl , therefore , I think that every excuse is to be matle for them . It was , no doubt , a bitter thing for them to sec the lodges in England which worked under Ihem absorbetl by this Grand Lodge ; and , therefore , I am not surprised at their non-recognition of us at present . I have no doubt wc shall be recognised by them , because I feel it must come not only from their fairness
and good sense , but from their Masonic feeling . We know that Masonry is nowhere so strong as it is in thc Unitetl States , and , therefore , I think it is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the fact of their recognising us . I should like to draw the attention of Grand Lodge to the recommendation of tbe Board , that a charity box should be established in each lodge ; and I hope the G . AL
will direct the Grand Secretary to communicate with Prov . Grand Alasters in our provinces , anil urge them to try and carry that resolution into effect in their respective provinces ; because I am sure by that means , and appointing a Steward for our charity festival , wc should have a regular and not
a spasmodic contribution to our Benevolent Fund . Then , as regartls the suggestion to the Board , as to assisting the necessitous orphans of deceased Mark Masters in their education , Grantl Lotlge is , no doubt , aware that in tlie north of England , as in the extreme west , there is a large Provincial Fund which is devoted to the educational
assistance of the deserving children of Masons . There may be many brethren here well acquainted with the details of that funtl ; and what thc Board wish in bringing the matter before Grand Lodge to-tlay is , that brethren who have had experience of the working eif those funds in the north anil west will be good enough to impart that experience to the General Board , and make any
suggestions as to tlie future , which would improve the working of such a system as that . When we have been furnished with that ad rice thc Board will bo ready with a scheme which they will submit for Granel Lodge ' s acceptance . The following recommendalu-ns of the Board were then put anil carried : — ( a . ) " That a further sum of £ 200 Colonial Stock be
purchased on account of thc ' Benevolent Fund . '" ( b . ) " That a further sum of , £ 100 Colonial Stock be purchased on account ot thc ' General Funtl . ' " , ( c . ) " That a sum of £ 21 be voted from the funds of this Grand Lodge to the 'Royal Masonic Institution for
Girls , ' and placed on the list of Bro . Thomas Meggy , P . G . M . O ., who has offered to represent the Mark Degree as Steward at the festival in May , 1878 . " ( tl . ) Grants from Benevolent Fund : — " That £ 30 be granted to the widow of the late Bro . T . C . "
" That £ 25 be granted to Bro . S . Al . L . " Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , P . G . AI ., concluded by moving thc adoption of thc report , which was scconeled hy Bro . Thomas Meggy , P . G . M . O ., and carried . Charily jewels were then presented to Bros . J . H . Spencer , J . G . Podcvin , the Rev . F . W . Thoyts , C . ' W . Wyndhani , H . R . Cooper Smith , C ? plain J . Wordsworth , Alfred Williams , A . Alidtlleton , and George Higgins , and an extra bar each to Bros . S . Rosenthal and F . Binckes .
Grand Secretary announced that he nad received letters of apo ' ogy for inability to attend from R . W . the Rev . C . Tristram , D . C . L ., P . G . C . Northumberland and Durham ; Lieut .-Col . T . Davy , P . G . AI . Durham ; L . A . Homfray , P . G . AL Monmouth ; Rev . W . K . R . Bedford , P . G . M . Warwick antl Staffordshire ; W . Kelly , Pro . G . M . Leicester ; Earl of Donoughmore , G . S . W . ; Sir H . St . John
Halford , G . | . W . ; H . Hopkins , P . G . S . W . ; G . P . Brockbank , P . G . S . W . ; V . W . J . D . Moore , M . D . ; G . Barlow , P . G . AI . O . ; Lieut .-Col . F . Gadsden , P . G . AI . O . ; Rev . Dr . Brette , G . C . ; Rev . P . Al . Holden , G . C . ; Rev . C R . Davy , P . G . C ; Rf . v . D . J . Drakeford , P . G . C ; Rev . J . Horden Jukes , P . G . C . ; W . T . G . Irwin , D . P . G . AI . Somerset ; Rev . C . W . S . Stanhope , D . P . G . AI . Cheshire ; W . Rowe ,
G . S . D . ; R . C . Else , G . S . D . ; W . O . Walker , P . G . S . D ; T . W . Swinbourne , P . G . J . D . ; E . T . Inskip , P . G . J . D . ; T . Trollope , P . G . D . C ; H . M . Baker , Grand Steward ; A . Grealrex , P . G . S . ; T . B . Whytehead , W . M . York Lodge ; and R . Boggctt , W . AL Humber Lodge ; Bro . Meggy , P . G . AI . O ., informetl the Grand Master that a Alaik Lodge of Improvement woultl be held every
Wednesday evening , after thc ist January , at 2 , Red Lionsquare , until the end eif April . It was held under the auspices of thc Grosvenor Mark Lodge , and he commended it to thc notice of the London brethren as an excellent medium by which they might attain perfection in thc working of the Mark ceremony , in which brethren were now somewhat deficient .
Bro . James Stevens suggestetl that Grand Mark Leidge should establish and aid with funds a Lotlge of Improvement of its own . Bro . Binckes said this would be contrary to the usual custom , which was that a lodge of instruction should work under a regular lotlge which was amenable to Grand Lodge . With regard to pecuniary support from Grand Lodge , as
Bro . Stevens had stated that the lodge of instiuction he proposed was for metropolitan brethren , what would provincial brethren say to such a step ? Bro . Levander saiel the Grosvenor Lotlge required no such pecuniary assistance from Grantl Lodge , for they were able to pay all their expenses . Bro . Stevens , in explanation of his remarks , said , three
brethren of the Grosvenor , last Wednesday evening , were desirous that the subject should be brought before Grand Lodge . As far as he could see there was nothing in the Constitutions dealing with this matter . It might be an omission ; but that subject might be referred to the General Boanl . No doubt Grand Lodge would approve of a lodge of instruction under efficient management .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Mark Lodge.
has come about . Hitherto the first Grantl Masters of thc Order , Lonl Leigh antl Lord Carnarvon , antl others , laitl the foundation of Mark Masonry unquestionably , antl they laid it well ; and it had been strongly built upon : those who succeeded them unquestionably built up a very noble superstructure ; and it is for those who shall succeetl you , M . W . G . M ., to beautify antl adorn the noble
structure of Mark Masonry , antl to extend its influence antl teaching . I have the honour , M . W . G . M ., to propose Lonl Skelmersdale as the Grantl Master of thc Order for the ensuing year . Grand Secretary then read thc following report of the General Board : — During the six months , ending 30 th September last , the
number of certificates issued has been 401 ; , bringing the number of brethren rcgisteretl as having been advanced to membership of the Order to 10 , 466 , In the ' same period charters for new lodges were granted as follows : — No . 203 " Voussoir , " Bengal . „ 204 " Frontier , " Bengal .
„ 2 Q- ; "Beaconsfield , * Walthamstow . „ 206 " Fort , " Cornwall . „ 207 " Lebanon , " Bengal . „ 20 S "Rough Ashlar , " Bengal . „ 209 " St . Wilfred , " Alford , Lincolnshire . „ 210 "Vale of Brislington , " Somerset .
The most successful festival yet held on behalf of the " Mark Grand Lotlge Benevolent Fund" was celebrated at the Alexandra Palace on Wednesday , ist August , under the presidency of thc Right Hon . the Earl of Donoughmore , R . W . Grand Senior Warden , thc " contributions , through the active agency of seventeen Stewards , having reached a total of £ 2 3 2 . There is now standing to the credit of
this fund at thc banker ' s the sum of £ 286 is ., anil the Board recommend the investment of £ 200 , which will make a total of £ 800 as the invested property of the Fund of Benevolence . Satisfactory as this result must be regarded—the work of eight years , after having provided liberally for the relief of several distressed claimants on thc Fund—the Board
desire again to impress upon thc members of thc Order generally to what a considerable extent this fund may be augmented by the establishment of a " Charity Box " in each lodge , and by the adoption of a resolution by every Provincial Grand Lodge that a brother be appointed to act as a Representative Steward at each recurring anniversary festival .
It has been suggested to thc Boanl as highly desirable that a plan shoultl be adopted by the Oreler by which thc necessitous orphans of deceased Mark Masters might be assisted in their education . Thc Board will be glad to receive suggestions from brethren on this subject , addressed
tc the President . The Boanl further recommend thc investment of £ 100 on behalf of thc General Fund , making a total cf £ 500 , the invested properly of the General Fund . The Boanl have considered two petitions for relief , and recommend in the case
of—1 . Mrs . H . C , witlow of the Bro . T . C , of Dorchester , whose servievs in behalf of the Order were exceedingly valuable , and only interrupted by his premature decease—That Grantl Lodge tlo approve the grant of £ 30 , And in the case of—2 . Bro . S . M . L ., that the grant of £ 2 *; be approved . With the sanction of the M . W . G . M . AL , a circular letter
with appeal in aid of thc " Mansion House India Famine Fund" was issued in October last to the W . M . of every lodge , to thc R . W . P . G . M . M . of every province , and individually to every Present and Past Grand Officer . In answer to this , certain contributions have been received and promised , which will be handed over to the fund . Bro . Meggy , P . G . M . O ., having undertaken to represent
the Mark Degree at the ensuing Festival of thc Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , it is recommended that a sum of £ 21 be voted from the Funds of Grand Lodge , to be added to liis list , The Board have the gratification of announcing to Grand Lotlge the formal recognition by " The General Grand Chapter of thc United States of America" of this Grantl Lodge as the legitimate governing jurisdiction of
the Mark Degree in Englanel ; ind Wales , antl the colonies and possessions of the British crown other than those of Canada and North America . The letter from the E . Com )) . Grand Scribe E . of thc General Grantl Chapter , atldressetl to antl forwarded by the General Representative of this Grantl Lotlge , 111 . Bro . Albert G . Gocdall , 33 , is as follows : — " General Grantl Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the
United States of America . " Ofiice of General Grand Secretary , Buffalo , N . Y ., "September 12 th , 1877 . "A . G . Goodall , Esq ., New York City . " " Dear Sir and Companion , —1 am in receipt of your favour of yesterday's date , in which you express a elesirc to have sent to your address an tifiicial copy of Ihe
resolution recognising the Grand Lodgeof Mark Master Masons of England , & c , ST ., adopted by Ihe General Grand Chapter , in order that you may send the same to England by the mail on Friday next . " I should be most happy to comply with your request , but just nt present I find myself very busy in thc preparation of the proceedings of the late Triennial Convocation
for the printer ' s hands , an occupation that brooks no delay , and therefore cannot spare the time to suitably prepare the resolution to be presented to so distinguished a Masonic body as the Grantl Mark Lotlge o ! England in time for the purpose for which you desire it . " I will give the matter attention e-irly in next week ,
antl will forward the papers directly to R . W . Bro . Binckes . " With kindest regards , I am fraternally yours , ( Signed ) " CUIUSTOI'I IER G . Fox . " 142 , Broadway , New York , September 14 th , 1877 . * ' Fredk . Binckes , Grand Sec , & c ., eVx ., London . " Dear Sir and Brother , —Ytiur esteemed favour of
Grand Mark Lodge.
August 28 th is duly received , antl I now have great pleasure tei inform you that the Grantl Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Walts antl Colonies antl Dependencies of thc British Crown was duly recognised at the last session of the General Grantl Chapter of the United States , antl the official communication of which will be
forwardetl to yon by Christopher G . Fox , Grand Secretary , as you will see , per enclosed letter , that I have arranged . " Sincerely yours , " A . G . GOODALI .. " The Grant ! Treasurer's accounts for the six months to tjoth September arc subjoined , which show : —
GENERAL FUND . Balance from 31 st March , 1 877 £ - ° 3 16 10 Half-year ' s receipts ... ... ... ... 3 S 6 14 10 Dividends ... ... ... ... ... 9 17 7 £ 60 2 9 3 Half-year ' s disbursements ... ... ... 295 8 0 Balance in favour of Grantl Lods-c £ 307 1 3
LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE . Balance from 31 st March , 1 877 ... ... £ 161 13 8 Receipts for half-year ... ... ... 1 94 13 d Dividends ... ... ... ... ... 14 16 4 £ -37 ' 3 6 Disbursements ... ... ... ... G 5 o o Balance in favour of the Fund ... J 306 3 d
Examined and found correct , THOS MEGGY , 1 * jth November , 1877 . Auditor . ' ( Signctl ) G . R . PORTAL , Past G . M . M ., President . Bro . Thoyts , G . C , moved , and Bro . I . J . Hooper Wilkins , G . S . O . seconded that this report be received and
entered on the minutes . The M . W . G . M . saitl : Brethren , before I put this motion to Grantl Lotlge I shoultl wish to call your attention to one or two items in this report of the General Board which I think are of considerable importance anil interest . It is very satisfactory , 1 think , to all thc brethren to seo the increase which has taken place in thc number of new
lodges ; antl the brethren wi'l remark that that increase is only up to thc six months ending 30 th September . I think I am right in saying there are some three eir four lodges established since then . Grand Secretary : Yes ' . The M . W . G . M : So that we may say , besides the eight mentioned in the report there are * three or four more lodges
lo be added to them . As regards the lodges so sanctioned I might call the attention of Grand Lodge to the fact that no less than four of those lodges arc for thc province of Bengal . This shows what an energetic District Grantl Master , with his Deputy anil officers and brethren , can tlo iu a province . Thc brethren will concur with me in saying that the increase in lhat province is deserving of the
highest praise of Grantl Lodge ; for there must be good work done in the province * to enable such an increase as that to be matle . Not many weeks ago the subject eif thc Indian Famine Funtl was brought before me , and I felt that the brethren of the Mark l 3 egrce would wish that they shoultl not be behind other Masonic bodies in endeavouring to render assistance to thc
distress which that terrible famine has caused in India . I therefore sent out a lettcr . ' as has been stated in this report . That letter was sent out at rather a late date , and the announcement came very shortly afterwards that owing to thc improved state of thc weather which gave hopes of good crops in the future , no large further additions to thc funtl would be necessary . No doubt if it had not been for
that the sum which hatl been contributed by the lodges of thc Mark Degree woultl have been vcry considerable , but that intelligence coming very shortly after thc sending out of the letter of course matle many lodges and biethren think that it was not necessary to move in a manner that they otherwise would . I trusl Grantl Lotlge will agree with me that such a calamity as that which has happened
Jn India was one which the Grantl Mas ' er of such a party as the Mark Degree could not pass over , antl that I was justified in bringing it before the brethren . ( Hear , hear . ) The last thing which I have to call attention to is that part of the report relative lo the action taken by thc General Grantl Chapter of the United States of America . We all feel the greatest pleasure and satisfaction that a body
which is thc governing botly of all Gram ! Chapters and Chapters of America , a hotly which has unelcr its banner by far the largest body of Royal Arch Masons anil Mark Alasons in thc world , has stretched forth a fraternal hand and recognised the position of this Grand Lodge as being the legitimate head of Mark Masonry in England . ( Hear , hear . ) I war * glad when I fountl that we should now be
able to enter into official relations with a body of Masons so eminent in every respect as are those that work under thc banner of the General Grand Chapter of the United States of America . I do not think , brethren , that there is anything further which I need allude to in this report . The subjects dealt with arc of great importance , as they testify generally to the continued prosperity of Mark
Masonry in this country , and 1 think that justifies thc hope that that distinguished brother who has been nominated to-nighl , ami will be elected at our next meeting , will find the Order in a flourishing state when hc assumes the throne ; and I believe that a nomination coultl not be * made of a brother more capable and willing to discharge the duties of the throne than our Bro . Lord Skelmersdale ,
the present D . G . M . ( Hear , hear . ) The motion was then put and carried . Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , ALA ., P . G . M ., thereupon rose and said : Before moving the recommendations contained in thc report which has just been read , and which is also in thc hands of most ot thc brethren here , I shoultl just like to add to the very weighty remarks which you ,
Grand Mark Lodge.
M . W . G . M ., have just matle , that it is impossible tn exaggerate the importance of the recognition of this Grantl Lodge by the General Grantl Chapter of the United States . Wc have already been recognised by the Grand Chapter of Ireland antl by the Grantl Chapter of Canada . We are still unrecognised by the Grantl Chapter of Scotland ; but we all know how difficult it is when having once taken a
wrong step to retrace it ; antl , therefore , I think that every excuse is to be matle for them . It was , no doubt , a bitter thing for them to sec the lodges in England which worked under Ihem absorbetl by this Grand Lodge ; and , therefore , I am not surprised at their non-recognition of us at present . I have no doubt wc shall be recognised by them , because I feel it must come not only from their fairness
and good sense , but from their Masonic feeling . We know that Masonry is nowhere so strong as it is in thc Unitetl States , and , therefore , I think it is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the fact of their recognising us . I should like to draw the attention of Grand Lodge to the recommendation of tbe Board , that a charity box should be established in each lodge ; and I hope the G . AL
will direct the Grand Secretary to communicate with Prov . Grand Alasters in our provinces , anil urge them to try and carry that resolution into effect in their respective provinces ; because I am sure by that means , and appointing a Steward for our charity festival , wc should have a regular and not
a spasmodic contribution to our Benevolent Fund . Then , as regartls the suggestion to the Board , as to assisting the necessitous orphans of deceased Mark Masters in their education , Grantl Lotlge is , no doubt , aware that in tlie north of England , as in the extreme west , there is a large Provincial Fund which is devoted to the educational
assistance of the deserving children of Masons . There may be many brethren here well acquainted with the details of that funtl ; and what thc Board wish in bringing the matter before Grand Lodge to-tlay is , that brethren who have had experience of the working eif those funds in the north anil west will be good enough to impart that experience to the General Board , and make any
suggestions as to tlie future , which would improve the working of such a system as that . When we have been furnished with that ad rice thc Board will bo ready with a scheme which they will submit for Granel Lodge ' s acceptance . The following recommendalu-ns of the Board were then put anil carried : — ( a . ) " That a further sum of £ 200 Colonial Stock be
purchased on account of thc ' Benevolent Fund . '" ( b . ) " That a further sum of , £ 100 Colonial Stock be purchased on account ot thc ' General Funtl . ' " , ( c . ) " That a sum of £ 21 be voted from the funds of this Grand Lodge to the 'Royal Masonic Institution for
Girls , ' and placed on the list of Bro . Thomas Meggy , P . G . M . O ., who has offered to represent the Mark Degree as Steward at the festival in May , 1878 . " ( tl . ) Grants from Benevolent Fund : — " That £ 30 be granted to the widow of the late Bro . T . C . "
" That £ 25 be granted to Bro . S . Al . L . " Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , P . G . AI ., concluded by moving thc adoption of thc report , which was scconeled hy Bro . Thomas Meggy , P . G . M . O ., and carried . Charily jewels were then presented to Bros . J . H . Spencer , J . G . Podcvin , the Rev . F . W . Thoyts , C . ' W . Wyndhani , H . R . Cooper Smith , C ? plain J . Wordsworth , Alfred Williams , A . Alidtlleton , and George Higgins , and an extra bar each to Bros . S . Rosenthal and F . Binckes .
Grand Secretary announced that he nad received letters of apo ' ogy for inability to attend from R . W . the Rev . C . Tristram , D . C . L ., P . G . C . Northumberland and Durham ; Lieut .-Col . T . Davy , P . G . AI . Durham ; L . A . Homfray , P . G . AL Monmouth ; Rev . W . K . R . Bedford , P . G . M . Warwick antl Staffordshire ; W . Kelly , Pro . G . M . Leicester ; Earl of Donoughmore , G . S . W . ; Sir H . St . John
Halford , G . | . W . ; H . Hopkins , P . G . S . W . ; G . P . Brockbank , P . G . S . W . ; V . W . J . D . Moore , M . D . ; G . Barlow , P . G . AI . O . ; Lieut .-Col . F . Gadsden , P . G . AI . O . ; Rev . Dr . Brette , G . C . ; Rev . P . Al . Holden , G . C . ; Rev . C R . Davy , P . G . C ; Rf . v . D . J . Drakeford , P . G . C ; Rev . J . Horden Jukes , P . G . C . ; W . T . G . Irwin , D . P . G . AI . Somerset ; Rev . C . W . S . Stanhope , D . P . G . AI . Cheshire ; W . Rowe ,
G . S . D . ; R . C . Else , G . S . D . ; W . O . Walker , P . G . S . D ; T . W . Swinbourne , P . G . J . D . ; E . T . Inskip , P . G . J . D . ; T . Trollope , P . G . D . C ; H . M . Baker , Grand Steward ; A . Grealrex , P . G . S . ; T . B . Whytehead , W . M . York Lodge ; and R . Boggctt , W . AL Humber Lodge ; Bro . Meggy , P . G . AI . O ., informetl the Grand Master that a Alaik Lodge of Improvement woultl be held every
Wednesday evening , after thc ist January , at 2 , Red Lionsquare , until the end eif April . It was held under the auspices of thc Grosvenor Mark Lodge , and he commended it to thc notice of the London brethren as an excellent medium by which they might attain perfection in thc working of the Mark ceremony , in which brethren were now somewhat deficient .
Bro . James Stevens suggestetl that Grand Mark Leidge should establish and aid with funds a Lotlge of Improvement of its own . Bro . Binckes said this would be contrary to the usual custom , which was that a lodge of instruction should work under a regular lotlge which was amenable to Grand Lodge . With regard to pecuniary support from Grand Lodge , as
Bro . Stevens had stated that the lodge of instiuction he proposed was for metropolitan brethren , what would provincial brethren say to such a step ? Bro . Levander saiel the Grosvenor Lotlge required no such pecuniary assistance from Grantl Lodge , for they were able to pay all their expenses . Bro . Stevens , in explanation of his remarks , said , three
brethren of the Grosvenor , last Wednesday evening , were desirous that the subject should be brought before Grand Lodge . As far as he could see there was nothing in the Constitutions dealing with this matter . It might be an omission ; but that subject might be referred to the General Boanl . No doubt Grand Lodge would approve of a lodge of instruction under efficient management .