Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF LINCOLNSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF LINCOLNSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article AN APPEAL. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
collars and jewels belonging to their various offices , viz ., Bro . G . Huxham , I . P . M . ; W * Pidsley , S . W . ; E . T . Fulford , J . W . ; C Kendrick , C ; H . W . Hooper , Treas . ; W . A . Gregory , Secretary ; H . Elmore , S . D . ; J . Sampson , J . D . ; J . Horswell , I . G . ; W . H . Hawker , Organist ; T . B . Land , D . C . ; W . Heavens , A . D . C ; H . Clarke , B . B . ; J . Gibson , S . S . ; W . H . Woodbiidge , J . S . ; P . L . Blanchard ,
Tyler ; and J . Blanchard , Assist . Tyler . The Worshipful Master then rose , and , addressing the brethren , said he had a most pleasing task to perform , viz ., to present to his predecessor in the chair , Bro . G . Huxham , a valuable solid gold P . M . ' s jewel , voted to h ! m by the lodge , and which had been most generously supplemented by an illuminated scroll , beautifully executed by Bro . H . J .
Yelland , P . M . 1284 . The scroll , which was nounled in a handsome Masonic frame , specially made by Messrsi Rowtlen , Queen-street , set forth the satisfactory manner in which Bro . Huxham had performed the duties of his office , eluring his occupancy of the chair for the past twelve months , and also bore the names of nearly forty of the members who had individually subscribed towards
the extra cost of the scroll . Bro . Huxham was much moved by this proof of fraternal regard and appreciation of his work , and suitably thanked the brethren . The beautiful jewel was fastened to his official collar amid much applause . The next pleasant feature was the presentation to thc lodge , by Bro . John Harswell , of a very handsome silk banner , having worked thereon , in coloured
silks , raised on a blue ground , the arms of the ancient and loyal city , its motto " Semper Fidelis" being worked on the ribbon under the arms . On the reverse side was also worked , in white silk on a blue ground , the square and compasses , surmounted by the name of the lodge , with its number underneath . Bro . Horswell said he had the greatest possible pleasure in presenting the banner to
the lodge , from the fact that he had invariably met with the greatest courtesy and brotherly feeling from the members of thc Semper Fidelis Lodge , and finding , on the occasion of the dedication of the new Hall and premises in which they were then assembled , tbat , being a young lodge , it possessed no banner , he thought he could not better testify to the pleasure hc felt in being
connected therewith than by presenting the banner , which he now did , for the use of the members in future processions , and on all festive and other occasions when the lodge might meet . Bro . Brotlie , as W . M ., accepted the handsome gift on behalf of thc brethren , and warmly eulogised Bro . Horswell ' s generosity antl kindly feeling towards this , his adopted lodge . The banner was supplied
through Bro . W . A . Gregory , High-street , Exeter . It is an excellent specimen of silk -handicraft , and much patience and ability must have been exercised in so faithfully depicting the city arms , and following the exact colours and shading . It is handsomely mounted , antl will be a striking object in any future Masonic procession . " Hearty good wishes " were either personally offered , or
expressed by letters , to the W . M ., from brethren belonging to nearly thirty other lodges * in Devon and other provinces The lodge having been duly closed , the brethren aeljourned to Bro . Birkett ' s Roya ! Clarence Hote ) , in the Cathedral Yard , where a recherche banepjet was served in the splendidly-appointed and spacious assembly room , which has recently undergone almost complete
transformation in re-arrangement , embellishing , and furnishing . The Worshipful Master , Bro . William Brodie , presided , being supported on his right by the Provincial Grand Master of Devon , several past and present officers of the P . G . Lodge , and between twenty and thirty Past Masters antl Worthy Masters . There was a strong gathering of other officers and members of the Craft , numbering in all
close upon a hundred . Bro . W . R . Woodman , P . G . S . B ., England ; P . M ., & c , & c , kindly sent some beautiful plants and flowers , for decorating the banquet-tables , and Bro . E . Johnson , P . G . Std . England , also sent some choice flowers for the same purpose . The brethren were highly pleased with the catering of Bro . Birkett , and unanimously agreed that nothing better could have been provided , or
more excellently served . The tables having been cleared , the toast-list , with vocal and instrumental delineations , was gone through , and the more formal part of the proceedings having received due attention , song , music , and good-fellowship reigned supreme . It will be long ere the many agreeable episodes tbat contributed to the full enjoyment of the ninth anniversary of Semper Fidelis Lodge
will pass from the memory oi a large number of brethren who took part therein . As a fact illustrative of the genuine anel exemplary charity of the brethren , we may add that at the dinner-table Bro . Samuel Jones mentioned the case of the daughter of a brother , recently pissed away who was in want of immediate relief . The W . M . Bro . Brodie also pleaded the orphan ' s cause . The plate
was handed round , and a goodly sum was collected there and then for her . RISC A . —Homfray Lodge ( No . 1562 ) . —This deservedly flourishing young lodge held its annual installation meeting at the Masonic Hall , Risen , on Thursday , the 15 th inst , when lodge was opened by Bro . Jonathan Piggford , VV . M ., with the usual formalities . The
D . P . G . M ., Bro . Captain S . G . Homfray , P . A . G . D . C , and D . P . G . M . M ., then entered the lodge to act as installing Master in the unavoidable absence of Bro . L . A . Homfray P . G . M . M ., Mon ., and | inducted the W . M ., elect , Bro . James , S . W ., into the chair of K . S . in his well-known masterly style . The W . M . then proceeded with the investiture of his officers for the ensuing year . Bros . J . Piggford
as I . P . M . ; Taylor S . W . ; Williams , J . W . ; Lewis , Secretary ; Greene , Treasurer ; Moses , S . D . ; James , J . D . ; J . G . Taylor , Steward ; Fletcher , Tyler . The lodge was then closed in antient form , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment at Bro . Host Bolton ' s , of the Albert Hotel , where a banquet awaitetl them , very nicely put on , consisting of some of the substantialities , as well as the niceties which those of the outside world who know not Masonry , are so apt to give
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Craft the credit of an overweening lik ' ng for . After ample justice had been done to thc repast , the W . M . proceeded with the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were well received , as is the usual custom amongst Masons . But the particular feature of the day was the presentation to the retiring W . M ., Brother R . J . Chambers , P . M . and P . P . G S . W ., by the brethren of the Homfray Lotlge , with
his portrait in oils , executed by Bro . Villiers . As a work of art it is extremely happy , being a most faithful reproduction on canvas of our esteemed brother , it will be valued by him as a token of the high regard in which he is held in thc lodge , of which he is founder . The presentation was matle by Bro . Captain S . G . Homfray , and suitably acknowledged . During the evening the sum of £ b us .
was subscribed for the Masonic Charities . The Tyler's toast brought to a close a very successful and enjoyable Masonic gathering . There were present at the banquet : — W . James , W . M . ; S . G . Homfray , P . A . D . G . C , and D . P . G . M ., Mon . ; | . Piggford , I . P . M . ; R . J . Chambers , P . M ., P . G . I . W . ; W . S . Tail , ( Isca ) , I . G . 18 ; Wm . Welsford , ( A . Edward , Prince of Wales ) , Steward ;
James Wilson , ( 1429 ) Steward ; John Elia <* , ( 1562 ) ; John Smith , ( 1562 ) , Henry Fletcher , 'Tyler ( 1562 ' , A . P . G . T ; A . William , J . W . ( 1562 ); E . B . Jukes ( 1562 ); E . Charles ( 1562 ); Jas . Silveithorne ( 1562 ); E . P . Phillips ( 1562 ); Thomas Moses ( 1502 ) ; Senior Deacon ; James T . Green , ( 1562 ) , Treasurer ; E . A . Taylor , S . W . ( 1562 ); W . G . Clark ( 1562 ); W . O . Reilly ( I 5 C 12 ) -, Edwin Jarne ( 1562 ) ,
Junior Deacon ; Seth Lewis ( 1562 ) ; J . R . Taylor ( 1562 ) , Steward ; E . Edwards , ( 1562 ) , Inner Guard ; E . Lewis ( 1562 ) , Secretary ; Dan . R . Chambers ( 1562 ); George Trew ( 1592 ); H . A . Huzzey ( 6 S 3 ) ; John Boulton ( 1562 ); R . H . Richards ( 1562 ); Perrin ( Organist , Albert Edwartl ) ; Spencer , W . M . ( St . George ' s , Tredegar ); P . A . Villers ( 471 ) . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 . )
—The usual monthly meeting of this excellent lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . The was an usually large attendance of members and visitors , and the general opinion was that this meeting was amongst the most enjoyable which has yet been held in connection with a lodge which has enjoyed almost unexampled prosperity . The K . S . chair was
occupied by Bro . W . J . Chapman , W . M ., and there were also present Bros . Joseph Bell , I . P . M . ; B . B . Marson , P . M ., D . C ; L . Courtenay , S . W . ; J . B . McKenzie , J . W . ; A . Woolrich , Treas . ; J . Atkinson , Sec ; W . Sandbrook , S . D . ; R . Burgess , Organist ; J . Pycr , S . S . ; W . Savage , J . S ., ( acting I . G ., in consequence of Bro . Frank Emery's absence Irom illness ) , antl W . H . Ball , Tyler . Amongst t'ae
members present were Bros . Shrapnell , Weston , H . Cowdcll , J . F . Carter , J . R . Brown , W . Penny , W . Reay , H . Leslie , R . Durden , I . de Frecc , Treas ., 1502 ; D . Saunelers , F . Wilkinson , W . Hildyard , J . Hill , J . Ballard , Buck , Walter , Duncansou , Stafford , Collinson , and others . The visitors included Bros . Dr . Costir . e , S . D . 216 ; Dr . Sheldon , P . M . 1094 ; Fred Albert , J . Elmore , T . Salter , Sec . 241 ; W . G .
Bales , J . S . Macbeth , C . Campion , antl others . Messrs . Mat Robson and Eyres were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , and Bros , Weston , Durden , antl Wilkinson were raised to thc Sublime Degree of M . M ., the W . M . eloing the work in a masterly manner . The way in which the S . W . ( Bro . Courtenay ) gave the ancient charges also elicited universal commendation and
admiration . On the motion of Bro . J . Bell , I . P . M ., seconded by Bro . Isaac de Frece , it was resolved to form a Fund of Benevolence in connection with the lodge , and on the motion of the J . W ., a committee was appointed to frame the rules and report to next meeting . It was likewise unanimously resolved , on the motion of the W . M ., seconded by the S . W ., to minute and send a letter of
condolence to Bro . B . B . Marson , P . M ., expressing the strong sympathy felt for him by the brethren in connection with the loss sustained through the death of his wife . It was further agreed , on the motion of Bro . Chapman , W . M ., seconded by Bro . Courtenay , S . W ., to vote the sum often guineas from the funds of the lodge towards facilitating tbe election of a son of the late Bro . G . Belmore to the
Royal Masonic Boys' School , London . The brethren subsequently dined under the presidency of the W . M ., and duting the evening capital songs and recitations were given by Bros . J . Busfield , 216 ; Fred . Albert , R . Durden , J . Elmore , D . Saunders , L . Courtenay , J . Hill , & c . The pianoforte accompaniments were admirably played by Bro . Richard Burgess , Organist .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
The third annual meeting of this lodge was held at Alford on Thurselay , 29 th November , under the banner of the St . Wilfritl Lodge , No . 209 . The proceedings of the day commenced at 11 . 1 s . a . m ., by the consecration of the
St . Wilfrid Lodge , which new lodge has been constituted by the installation of its W . M ., Bro . B . A . Galland , M . A ., rector of South Thoresby , on the 24 th September , and which young lodge now consists of eighteen members , under the presidency of one of the best working Masons in the kingdom .
The ceremony of consecration was performed by Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Secretary , in his usual perfect style . The nice little town of Alford not being easy of approach , there was only a limited number of brethren present ; but a special train being arranged for the convenience of brethren from Gainsbro' , Lincoln , and Grimsby , and some visiting brethren from Hull , there was a goodly
muster at the assembling of Prov . Grand Lodge at 12 . 45 P-m ., which took place in the Corn Exchange , which was most tastefully decorated for the occasion , the most remarkable feature being the Mark Tracing Board , drawn on the floor of the lodge , 24 feet by 15 feet , which was most startling to the brethren on entering . The Provincial Grand Lodge was presided over by the
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
Right Worshipful Provincial Grantl Mark Master Mason Bro . John Sutcliffe , of Stalingbro' House , i . ear Grimsby ' and a large number of distinguished Master Masons were present . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
We are most happy to state that Bro . Kcnning ' s Masonic Cyclopaedia will be ready for the subscribers some time during the month of January , 1878 . Bro . Kenning has determined in consequence to keep the list open for subscribing brethren and lodges until January , and , 1878 , on
which day ic will be closed , as thelistof subscribers will be published in the Cyclopasdia . The price to subscribers up to January 2 nd , 18 78 , will be 7 s . 6 d . ; after that date , for all , ios . 6 d . Bro . Kenning has determined to bind the book in a neat and emblematic cover , with the portraits
stamped in the centre in gold , of the three Grand Masters of England , lieland , and Scotland . At a meeting in Liverpool , on Thursday week , in aid of the funds for the augmentation of the stipends of poor curates , a donation of £ 50 was acknowledged from Bro . Lonl de Tabley , R . W . P . G . M . for Cheshire .
His Grace the Duke of Abercorn , M . W . G . M . of Ireland , dedicated and reopened thc Masonic Hall in Dublin , on Wednesday afternoon . The assembly was a brilliant one , 450 brethren being present . A full report appears elsewhere .
The Prince of Wales will visit Cambridge on Monday , January 21 , antl stay until next day . His Royal Highness wilt , during his visit , unveil the statue of the late Prince Consort at the Fitzwilliam Museum . Bro . R . Martin , P . M . n 8 z , has been appointed the Hon . Secretary of the annual Masonic Ball ,
to be held in January , at the Town Hall , Liverpool , in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . At the presentation of the Testimonial to Bro . Abbott , which is to take place on Tuesday , the i 8 tli inst ., it is proposed that the subscribers to the fund dine
together at the Cannon-street Hotel . Tickets for the dinner may be obtained of the Hon . Sec , at his office ,. 30 , Queen-street , Cheapside . A meeting of the Premier Red Cross Conclave was held on Monday last , at Freemasons' Tavern . A report of the proceeding wills appear in our next .
Mr . B . Arcedecken Duncan , M . D ., Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature , & c , has been appointed one of the Physicians to thc National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis , Soho Square . We regret to announce the death of Bro . F . L .
Fox , of Her Majesty ' s Stationery Office . The worthy brother dieel on Saturday last , in his 54 th year . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . Deputy Grand Master , has been nominated for the office of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons .
THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC POCKET BOOK —This work , which contains an abundance of information on all subjects relating to Masonry , has just ) been issued for the coming year . It will be found , as hitherto , a useful guide to all who seek for such information , while to active members of the Craft it is indispensable . Price , post free , 2 s . 2 d . —Morning Post ,
An official circular from the Grand Lodge of Brazil records the death of Bro . Uelo Schleusner , Sov . Grand Inspector General 33 ° , a member of the Grand Orient , and of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite . He was a devoted and enthusiastic Freemason , and was beloved and respectetl by his brethren .
The following stand over .- Reports of Chapters 158 , 228 , 3 o *( , 874 ; Mark Lotlge 109 ; Masonic Club , Finsbury Park anel Earl of Carnarvon Lodges of Instruction . The distinguished office of Grand Prior of Cheshire , K . T . Degree , vacant by the death of Bro . George Cornwall Legh , has been conferred on Bro . the
Rev . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , M . A ., 31 , who was installed into that office on Wednesday week , the 28 th ult ., by Col . Shadwell Clerke , Acting Great Prior of England . The Christmas number of the Masonic Magazine , which will be ready on the 15 th inst ., will contain a portrait , suitable for framing , of Capt . N . G . Philips , Senior Grand Deacon , & c .
An Appeal.
The Proprietor of the FHEEMASON has much pleasurein acknowledging the receipt of the following subscriptions sent in response to " An Appeal" on behalf of Mrs . Batley , which appeared in our last . The collection was made by Bro . Alfred Withers , Hon . Sec . Royal Arthur
Lodge of Instruction . £ s . d . 211 Mr . Alfred Withers o 10 ' Mrs . Alfred Withers o 10 d Mr . Spurlin o $ °
1593 H . S . Lee 050 1563 G . J . Jones o 5 ° I 385 J . W . Robinson o 2 fr 1425 W . H . Chalfort 026 1158 W . Sharman ..... 02 " £ * 3 " *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
collars and jewels belonging to their various offices , viz ., Bro . G . Huxham , I . P . M . ; W * Pidsley , S . W . ; E . T . Fulford , J . W . ; C Kendrick , C ; H . W . Hooper , Treas . ; W . A . Gregory , Secretary ; H . Elmore , S . D . ; J . Sampson , J . D . ; J . Horswell , I . G . ; W . H . Hawker , Organist ; T . B . Land , D . C . ; W . Heavens , A . D . C ; H . Clarke , B . B . ; J . Gibson , S . S . ; W . H . Woodbiidge , J . S . ; P . L . Blanchard ,
Tyler ; and J . Blanchard , Assist . Tyler . The Worshipful Master then rose , and , addressing the brethren , said he had a most pleasing task to perform , viz ., to present to his predecessor in the chair , Bro . G . Huxham , a valuable solid gold P . M . ' s jewel , voted to h ! m by the lodge , and which had been most generously supplemented by an illuminated scroll , beautifully executed by Bro . H . J .
Yelland , P . M . 1284 . The scroll , which was nounled in a handsome Masonic frame , specially made by Messrsi Rowtlen , Queen-street , set forth the satisfactory manner in which Bro . Huxham had performed the duties of his office , eluring his occupancy of the chair for the past twelve months , and also bore the names of nearly forty of the members who had individually subscribed towards
the extra cost of the scroll . Bro . Huxham was much moved by this proof of fraternal regard and appreciation of his work , and suitably thanked the brethren . The beautiful jewel was fastened to his official collar amid much applause . The next pleasant feature was the presentation to thc lodge , by Bro . John Harswell , of a very handsome silk banner , having worked thereon , in coloured
silks , raised on a blue ground , the arms of the ancient and loyal city , its motto " Semper Fidelis" being worked on the ribbon under the arms . On the reverse side was also worked , in white silk on a blue ground , the square and compasses , surmounted by the name of the lodge , with its number underneath . Bro . Horswell said he had the greatest possible pleasure in presenting the banner to
the lodge , from the fact that he had invariably met with the greatest courtesy and brotherly feeling from the members of thc Semper Fidelis Lodge , and finding , on the occasion of the dedication of the new Hall and premises in which they were then assembled , tbat , being a young lodge , it possessed no banner , he thought he could not better testify to the pleasure hc felt in being
connected therewith than by presenting the banner , which he now did , for the use of the members in future processions , and on all festive and other occasions when the lodge might meet . Bro . Brotlie , as W . M ., accepted the handsome gift on behalf of thc brethren , and warmly eulogised Bro . Horswell ' s generosity antl kindly feeling towards this , his adopted lodge . The banner was supplied
through Bro . W . A . Gregory , High-street , Exeter . It is an excellent specimen of silk -handicraft , and much patience and ability must have been exercised in so faithfully depicting the city arms , and following the exact colours and shading . It is handsomely mounted , antl will be a striking object in any future Masonic procession . " Hearty good wishes " were either personally offered , or
expressed by letters , to the W . M ., from brethren belonging to nearly thirty other lodges * in Devon and other provinces The lodge having been duly closed , the brethren aeljourned to Bro . Birkett ' s Roya ! Clarence Hote ) , in the Cathedral Yard , where a recherche banepjet was served in the splendidly-appointed and spacious assembly room , which has recently undergone almost complete
transformation in re-arrangement , embellishing , and furnishing . The Worshipful Master , Bro . William Brodie , presided , being supported on his right by the Provincial Grand Master of Devon , several past and present officers of the P . G . Lodge , and between twenty and thirty Past Masters antl Worthy Masters . There was a strong gathering of other officers and members of the Craft , numbering in all
close upon a hundred . Bro . W . R . Woodman , P . G . S . B ., England ; P . M ., & c , & c , kindly sent some beautiful plants and flowers , for decorating the banquet-tables , and Bro . E . Johnson , P . G . Std . England , also sent some choice flowers for the same purpose . The brethren were highly pleased with the catering of Bro . Birkett , and unanimously agreed that nothing better could have been provided , or
more excellently served . The tables having been cleared , the toast-list , with vocal and instrumental delineations , was gone through , and the more formal part of the proceedings having received due attention , song , music , and good-fellowship reigned supreme . It will be long ere the many agreeable episodes tbat contributed to the full enjoyment of the ninth anniversary of Semper Fidelis Lodge
will pass from the memory oi a large number of brethren who took part therein . As a fact illustrative of the genuine anel exemplary charity of the brethren , we may add that at the dinner-table Bro . Samuel Jones mentioned the case of the daughter of a brother , recently pissed away who was in want of immediate relief . The W . M . Bro . Brodie also pleaded the orphan ' s cause . The plate
was handed round , and a goodly sum was collected there and then for her . RISC A . —Homfray Lodge ( No . 1562 ) . —This deservedly flourishing young lodge held its annual installation meeting at the Masonic Hall , Risen , on Thursday , the 15 th inst , when lodge was opened by Bro . Jonathan Piggford , VV . M ., with the usual formalities . The
D . P . G . M ., Bro . Captain S . G . Homfray , P . A . G . D . C , and D . P . G . M . M ., then entered the lodge to act as installing Master in the unavoidable absence of Bro . L . A . Homfray P . G . M . M ., Mon ., and | inducted the W . M ., elect , Bro . James , S . W ., into the chair of K . S . in his well-known masterly style . The W . M . then proceeded with the investiture of his officers for the ensuing year . Bros . J . Piggford
as I . P . M . ; Taylor S . W . ; Williams , J . W . ; Lewis , Secretary ; Greene , Treasurer ; Moses , S . D . ; James , J . D . ; J . G . Taylor , Steward ; Fletcher , Tyler . The lodge was then closed in antient form , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment at Bro . Host Bolton ' s , of the Albert Hotel , where a banquet awaitetl them , very nicely put on , consisting of some of the substantialities , as well as the niceties which those of the outside world who know not Masonry , are so apt to give
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Craft the credit of an overweening lik ' ng for . After ample justice had been done to thc repast , the W . M . proceeded with the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were well received , as is the usual custom amongst Masons . But the particular feature of the day was the presentation to the retiring W . M ., Brother R . J . Chambers , P . M . and P . P . G S . W ., by the brethren of the Homfray Lotlge , with
his portrait in oils , executed by Bro . Villiers . As a work of art it is extremely happy , being a most faithful reproduction on canvas of our esteemed brother , it will be valued by him as a token of the high regard in which he is held in thc lodge , of which he is founder . The presentation was matle by Bro . Captain S . G . Homfray , and suitably acknowledged . During the evening the sum of £ b us .
was subscribed for the Masonic Charities . The Tyler's toast brought to a close a very successful and enjoyable Masonic gathering . There were present at the banquet : — W . James , W . M . ; S . G . Homfray , P . A . D . G . C , and D . P . G . M ., Mon . ; | . Piggford , I . P . M . ; R . J . Chambers , P . M ., P . G . I . W . ; W . S . Tail , ( Isca ) , I . G . 18 ; Wm . Welsford , ( A . Edward , Prince of Wales ) , Steward ;
James Wilson , ( 1429 ) Steward ; John Elia <* , ( 1562 ) ; John Smith , ( 1562 ) , Henry Fletcher , 'Tyler ( 1562 ' , A . P . G . T ; A . William , J . W . ( 1562 ); E . B . Jukes ( 1562 ); E . Charles ( 1562 ); Jas . Silveithorne ( 1562 ); E . P . Phillips ( 1562 ); Thomas Moses ( 1502 ) ; Senior Deacon ; James T . Green , ( 1562 ) , Treasurer ; E . A . Taylor , S . W . ( 1562 ); W . G . Clark ( 1562 ); W . O . Reilly ( I 5 C 12 ) -, Edwin Jarne ( 1562 ) ,
Junior Deacon ; Seth Lewis ( 1562 ) ; J . R . Taylor ( 1562 ) , Steward ; E . Edwards , ( 1562 ) , Inner Guard ; E . Lewis ( 1562 ) , Secretary ; Dan . R . Chambers ( 1562 ); George Trew ( 1592 ); H . A . Huzzey ( 6 S 3 ) ; John Boulton ( 1562 ); R . H . Richards ( 1562 ); Perrin ( Organist , Albert Edwartl ) ; Spencer , W . M . ( St . George ' s , Tredegar ); P . A . Villers ( 471 ) . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 . )
—The usual monthly meeting of this excellent lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . The was an usually large attendance of members and visitors , and the general opinion was that this meeting was amongst the most enjoyable which has yet been held in connection with a lodge which has enjoyed almost unexampled prosperity . The K . S . chair was
occupied by Bro . W . J . Chapman , W . M ., and there were also present Bros . Joseph Bell , I . P . M . ; B . B . Marson , P . M ., D . C ; L . Courtenay , S . W . ; J . B . McKenzie , J . W . ; A . Woolrich , Treas . ; J . Atkinson , Sec ; W . Sandbrook , S . D . ; R . Burgess , Organist ; J . Pycr , S . S . ; W . Savage , J . S ., ( acting I . G ., in consequence of Bro . Frank Emery's absence Irom illness ) , antl W . H . Ball , Tyler . Amongst t'ae
members present were Bros . Shrapnell , Weston , H . Cowdcll , J . F . Carter , J . R . Brown , W . Penny , W . Reay , H . Leslie , R . Durden , I . de Frecc , Treas ., 1502 ; D . Saunelers , F . Wilkinson , W . Hildyard , J . Hill , J . Ballard , Buck , Walter , Duncansou , Stafford , Collinson , and others . The visitors included Bros . Dr . Costir . e , S . D . 216 ; Dr . Sheldon , P . M . 1094 ; Fred Albert , J . Elmore , T . Salter , Sec . 241 ; W . G .
Bales , J . S . Macbeth , C . Campion , antl others . Messrs . Mat Robson and Eyres were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , and Bros , Weston , Durden , antl Wilkinson were raised to thc Sublime Degree of M . M ., the W . M . eloing the work in a masterly manner . The way in which the S . W . ( Bro . Courtenay ) gave the ancient charges also elicited universal commendation and
admiration . On the motion of Bro . J . Bell , I . P . M ., seconded by Bro . Isaac de Frece , it was resolved to form a Fund of Benevolence in connection with the lodge , and on the motion of the J . W ., a committee was appointed to frame the rules and report to next meeting . It was likewise unanimously resolved , on the motion of the W . M ., seconded by the S . W ., to minute and send a letter of
condolence to Bro . B . B . Marson , P . M ., expressing the strong sympathy felt for him by the brethren in connection with the loss sustained through the death of his wife . It was further agreed , on the motion of Bro . Chapman , W . M ., seconded by Bro . Courtenay , S . W ., to vote the sum often guineas from the funds of the lodge towards facilitating tbe election of a son of the late Bro . G . Belmore to the
Royal Masonic Boys' School , London . The brethren subsequently dined under the presidency of the W . M ., and duting the evening capital songs and recitations were given by Bros . J . Busfield , 216 ; Fred . Albert , R . Durden , J . Elmore , D . Saunders , L . Courtenay , J . Hill , & c . The pianoforte accompaniments were admirably played by Bro . Richard Burgess , Organist .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
The third annual meeting of this lodge was held at Alford on Thurselay , 29 th November , under the banner of the St . Wilfritl Lodge , No . 209 . The proceedings of the day commenced at 11 . 1 s . a . m ., by the consecration of the
St . Wilfrid Lodge , which new lodge has been constituted by the installation of its W . M ., Bro . B . A . Galland , M . A ., rector of South Thoresby , on the 24 th September , and which young lodge now consists of eighteen members , under the presidency of one of the best working Masons in the kingdom .
The ceremony of consecration was performed by Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Secretary , in his usual perfect style . The nice little town of Alford not being easy of approach , there was only a limited number of brethren present ; but a special train being arranged for the convenience of brethren from Gainsbro' , Lincoln , and Grimsby , and some visiting brethren from Hull , there was a goodly
muster at the assembling of Prov . Grand Lodge at 12 . 45 P-m ., which took place in the Corn Exchange , which was most tastefully decorated for the occasion , the most remarkable feature being the Mark Tracing Board , drawn on the floor of the lodge , 24 feet by 15 feet , which was most startling to the brethren on entering . The Provincial Grand Lodge was presided over by the
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
Right Worshipful Provincial Grantl Mark Master Mason Bro . John Sutcliffe , of Stalingbro' House , i . ear Grimsby ' and a large number of distinguished Master Masons were present . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
We are most happy to state that Bro . Kcnning ' s Masonic Cyclopaedia will be ready for the subscribers some time during the month of January , 1878 . Bro . Kenning has determined in consequence to keep the list open for subscribing brethren and lodges until January , and , 1878 , on
which day ic will be closed , as thelistof subscribers will be published in the Cyclopasdia . The price to subscribers up to January 2 nd , 18 78 , will be 7 s . 6 d . ; after that date , for all , ios . 6 d . Bro . Kenning has determined to bind the book in a neat and emblematic cover , with the portraits
stamped in the centre in gold , of the three Grand Masters of England , lieland , and Scotland . At a meeting in Liverpool , on Thursday week , in aid of the funds for the augmentation of the stipends of poor curates , a donation of £ 50 was acknowledged from Bro . Lonl de Tabley , R . W . P . G . M . for Cheshire .
His Grace the Duke of Abercorn , M . W . G . M . of Ireland , dedicated and reopened thc Masonic Hall in Dublin , on Wednesday afternoon . The assembly was a brilliant one , 450 brethren being present . A full report appears elsewhere .
The Prince of Wales will visit Cambridge on Monday , January 21 , antl stay until next day . His Royal Highness wilt , during his visit , unveil the statue of the late Prince Consort at the Fitzwilliam Museum . Bro . R . Martin , P . M . n 8 z , has been appointed the Hon . Secretary of the annual Masonic Ball ,
to be held in January , at the Town Hall , Liverpool , in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . At the presentation of the Testimonial to Bro . Abbott , which is to take place on Tuesday , the i 8 tli inst ., it is proposed that the subscribers to the fund dine
together at the Cannon-street Hotel . Tickets for the dinner may be obtained of the Hon . Sec , at his office ,. 30 , Queen-street , Cheapside . A meeting of the Premier Red Cross Conclave was held on Monday last , at Freemasons' Tavern . A report of the proceeding wills appear in our next .
Mr . B . Arcedecken Duncan , M . D ., Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature , & c , has been appointed one of the Physicians to thc National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis , Soho Square . We regret to announce the death of Bro . F . L .
Fox , of Her Majesty ' s Stationery Office . The worthy brother dieel on Saturday last , in his 54 th year . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . Deputy Grand Master , has been nominated for the office of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons .
THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC POCKET BOOK —This work , which contains an abundance of information on all subjects relating to Masonry , has just ) been issued for the coming year . It will be found , as hitherto , a useful guide to all who seek for such information , while to active members of the Craft it is indispensable . Price , post free , 2 s . 2 d . —Morning Post ,
An official circular from the Grand Lodge of Brazil records the death of Bro . Uelo Schleusner , Sov . Grand Inspector General 33 ° , a member of the Grand Orient , and of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite . He was a devoted and enthusiastic Freemason , and was beloved and respectetl by his brethren .
The following stand over .- Reports of Chapters 158 , 228 , 3 o *( , 874 ; Mark Lotlge 109 ; Masonic Club , Finsbury Park anel Earl of Carnarvon Lodges of Instruction . The distinguished office of Grand Prior of Cheshire , K . T . Degree , vacant by the death of Bro . George Cornwall Legh , has been conferred on Bro . the
Rev . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , M . A ., 31 , who was installed into that office on Wednesday week , the 28 th ult ., by Col . Shadwell Clerke , Acting Great Prior of England . The Christmas number of the Masonic Magazine , which will be ready on the 15 th inst ., will contain a portrait , suitable for framing , of Capt . N . G . Philips , Senior Grand Deacon , & c .
An Appeal.
The Proprietor of the FHEEMASON has much pleasurein acknowledging the receipt of the following subscriptions sent in response to " An Appeal" on behalf of Mrs . Batley , which appeared in our last . The collection was made by Bro . Alfred Withers , Hon . Sec . Royal Arthur
Lodge of Instruction . £ s . d . 211 Mr . Alfred Withers o 10 ' Mrs . Alfred Withers o 10 d Mr . Spurlin o $ °
1593 H . S . Lee 050 1563 G . J . Jones o 5 ° I 385 J . W . Robinson o 2 fr 1425 W . H . Chalfort 026 1158 W . Sharman ..... 02 " £ * 3 " *