Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC HALL IN EXETER. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON ART, &c. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The annual celebration of the Festival of St Antirew , thc patron saint ot Scottish Freemasonry , was celebrated on the 30 th ult . in the Freemasons' Hall , 68 George Street , Edinburgh . The ceremonies commenced by thc installation of the office-bearers of Grand Lodge for the ensuing year , who took the oath de fideli , of whom the following is a list : —
Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart , Barr , M . W . Grand Master ; Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsonce , W . Depute Grantl Master ; Colonel A . C . Campbell of Blythswood , W . Substitute Grand Master ; Bio . F . A . Barrow , W . Senior Grand Warden ; The Right Hon . Lonl Inverurie , W . Junior Grand Warden ; Bro . D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary ; Bro . David Kinnear , Grand Cashier ; Bros , the Rev . W . H . Gray .
D . D ., and A . Thomson Grant , Grand Chaplains ; Bro . R . F . Shaw . Stewart , Grand Senior Deacon ; Sir George Douglas Clerk , Bart ., of Penicuik , Grand Junior Deacon ; Bro . William Hay , Grand Architect ; Bro . Alexander Hay , Grand Jeweller ; Bro . Thomas Halket , Grand Bible-Bearer ; Bro . John Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . James Ballantine , Grand Bard ; Bro . G . F . Russell Colt of
Gartsherie , Grand Sword Bearer-, Bro . C . W . Maxwell Muller , Grand Director of Music ; Bro . Robert Davidson , Grand Organist ; Bro . Captain Hills , Grand Marshal ; Bro . William M . Bryce , Grand Tyler ; Bro . James Baikie , Tyler . Thereafter Grand Lodge was adjourned to the Grand Hall , where a banquet , purveyed by Brother A . M . Theim , was partaken of by upwards of 200 brethren . The chair was
occupied by Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , M . W . G . M ., supported on the right by Brother H . Inglis , Depute Granel Master ; Brother Dr . Gray , Grantl Chaplain ; BrotherWm Hay , Grand Architect ; Brother Alex . Hay , Grand Jeweller ; Brother Wm . Hay , Past Grand Deacon ; Brother Halkett , Grantl Bible-Bearer ; Brother Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; and on the left by Brother Col .
Campbell , Substitute Grand Master ; Brother E . Shaw Stewart , Junior Grantl Deacon ; Brother Kinnear , Grand Cashier ; Brother Muller Grand Director of Music ; Brother Wm . Mann , Past Grand Warden ; Brother D . Murray Lyon , Grantl Secretary ; and Brother Captain Hills , Grand Marshal . Brother F . A . Barrow , Senior Grand Wartien -, and Brother F . S . Melville , President of Board of
Grand Stewartls , acted as croupiers . After dinner , the following loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts were proposed from the chair : — " The Holy Lodge of St John , " "The Queen , " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Patron of thc Scottish Craft , " "The Princess of . Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family ; " " The Navy , Army , and Reserve Forces "—the last mentioned toast was
acknowledged by Brother Commander Forbes , R . N ., and Brother Colonel Campbell of Blythswood -, " The Craft and Freemasonry over the World , " and " Thc Grand Master . " In proposing the toast of " The Granel Master , " Brother Inglis stated that the services which Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , by his firmness , courtesy , and patience , had been
enabled to render to Grand Lodge and the Craft had been of the greatest importance . It was very gratify ing to every member of the Craft that Sir Michael had again been placed on the throne to enable him to see the results of his management and exertion . Without fear of contradiction he ( Brother Inglis ) would say that among the illustrious roll of Grand Masters who had preceded the chairman no
one hail been superior to the Mason who now occupied the throne . ( Great applause . } The Grand Master , in replying , first briefly glanced at some portions of the past history of the Grand Lodge , and then proceeded to congratulate the brethren an d the Craft on the promising and prosperous state of affairs now existing . ( Applause . ) They had now an able and
efficient and a very hard-working Grand Secretary , ( Applause . ) The Grand Cashier also was well able to elischarge the tluties of his office , and did his tluties in such a way as to merit and to have obtained the approval ot those who were well qualified to judge of his work . ( Applause . ) The Grand Master , in concluding his remarks , thanked the brethren cordially and heartily for the kind manner in
which they hail received him , and for the honour they had done him in re-electing him for another year to occupy the throne of Grand Lodge . He had received the very greatest kinelness , consideration , and support from all the officers of the Grand Lodge , and from the Craft at large . Thereafter several other Masonic toasts were given and
received with enthusiasm . The health of Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart was proposed by Brother Inglis of Torsonce , and courteously acknowledged by the Chairman . The toast of the Substitute Grantl Master ( Colonel Campbell of Blythswood ) was received with great applause . The daughter lodges were acknowledged in the following ortler : —
LODGE . HEADED nv 1 . Mary ' s Chapel F . Shaw Stewart . 2 . Canongate Kilwinning ... ... —Plumber . 5 . Leith and Canongate , Canon . ) gateand Leith S
S . ' Journeyman ... ... ... J . Davidson . 10 . Kilwinning . Dalkeith , James King . 12 . Greenock Kilwinning ... ... — Mac Gonn . 36 . St . David's — Edwards . 44-St . Luke F . J , Moncrieff .
48 . St . Andrew Dr . Carmichal . 60 . St . John HallGrigor . 102 . St . Mark's ... James Thomson . HS- St . Stephen R . Wardler .
1 uo . Roman Eagle W . Mossman . 223 . Trafalgar W . Barry . 262 . St . John A . Thomson . 291 . Celtic Edinburgh and Leith ... J . D . Grant . 349 . St Clair ... G . Dobie ,
300 . Comrr . prrinl Tnlin Miinrn . 360 . Commercial John Munro . 392 . Caledonian R . Bryce . 4 ( 15 . Rifle A . Apthorpe .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
- LODGE HEADED BY 429 . St . Kentigern — Cameron . 578 . St . Andrew W . M . Pearson . 5 80 St . Leonard , Loanhead James Murray . 592 . Albert Edward Robert Nisbet . 597 . North British Railway John Greig . Thereafter Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and the Grand Master ushered in the anteroom with usual
Masonic honours . The music , consisting of a band an d glee party and solo singers , much enlivened the proceedings , and was under the able direction of Brother J . M . Davidson , of Leith .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The General Committee of this Institution was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Henry W . Hunt , in the chair . There were also present Bros . Hy . Browse . V . P . ; Benj . Head , V . P . ; S . Rosenthal , V . P . ; Wm ; Roebuck , V . P . ; R . W . Stewart , V . P . ; William Paas , V . P . ;
John Boyd , C . G . Rushworth , A . Durrant , Jesse Turner , D . M . Dewar , G . W . Dosell , Hyde Pullen , J . J . Berry , I . J . Griffiths , Wm . F . C . Moutrie , Geo . J . Row , H . Massey , ( Freemason ) ; and F . Binckes , Secretary . Thc minutes of the General Committee of 3 rd Nov . were read and confirmed , those of the House Committee of 23 rd Nov . were read for information , and the minutes
of the Joint Committee on office accommodation , 10 th Nov ., were reatl for information . Petitions on behalf of five candidates were submitted and accepted . The sum cf £ 20 was granted conditionally to Wm . Ramsey Parker , an ex-pupil who had passed the
examination held by the Civil Service Commissioners , as an engineer student in the Royal Navy . John Borrisow Featherstone was accepted as the nominee of the Most Hon . the Marquess of Ripon , K . G ., under the powers of thc presentation " Marquess of Ripon . " The Commttee then adjourned .
Masonic Hall In Exeter.
The following is sent to us for publication : — Dear Sir and Brother , — The labours of the Masonic Hall Committee in providing a building suitable for the purposes of Freemasonry and adapting it for the comfort and convenience of the brethren in the various degrees having been brought to a
conclusion , I beg to hand you a report of their proceedings , and to urge the necessity of the co-operation of every member of the Exeter lodges , to enable them to clear off the liability which still rests on the undertaking . The purchase of the freehold of thc very extensive premises which have been secure ^ was effected for £ 8 , 3 , but to rentier it available for the purposes of the Craft and the
other degrees very extensive alteraticns were necessary , and from the nature of the building they have proved somewhat larger than was anticipated . They are now complete , embracing a very handsome entrance hall , robing room , lavatory , good house for Assistant Secretary or Tyler , refreshment room , committee room , large Masonic Hall for Craft and R . A . Degrees , with every
convenience , whilst the upper portion is adapted for the purposes of the other Masonic Degrees antl large store , and rooms for a Masonic club and library when formed . This has necessitated an adelitional outlay of about £ 1700 to complete and furnish the premises , which has been tlone in a manner that has given general satisfaction to the
brethren . In order to meet these liabilities , the committee have raised £ 1000 on mortgage of the property at 4 J per cent . St . George ' s Lodge has contributed jC 4 °° St . John ' s „ „ 320 Semper Fidelis ,, „ , 120 And the St . George ' s Chapter 60
£ 900 From the Craft an amount of £ 20 *; has been obtained in private subscriptions from various members , and £ 35 , thc proceeds of the Masonic concert , leaving a balance of £ 400 still unpaid . On behalf of the committee I venture tarncstly to solicit elonations from those who have not already had an opportunity of aiding in this work , and
atlditional subscriptions will be thankfully received by me , or it can be placed to the credit of the Masonic Hall Trustees , at the City Bank , Exeter . Thc particulars of the consecration , & c , having been fully reported at the time , render it unnecessary for any comments .
Annexed I beg to hand you a list of subscriptions to the present time , and trusting to receive your kind assistance . I am , dear Sir and Brother . Yours faithfully and fraternally , SAMUEL J ONES , Hon . Sec . and Treasurer .
CAB RATES IN LIVERPOOL . —Since Monday last a number of cabs have been plying in Liverpool at the rate of 6 tl a mile , which is a reduction of one-half upon the ortlinary fare . " Hard times " are saitl to be the reason for the change .
HOLLOWAY ' O INTMENT AJTD PILLS . —The finest remedies in tbe world for bad legs , old wounds , sores , and ulcers . If used according to directions given with them there is no wound , bad leg , or ulcerous sore , however ob-tinate or long standing , but will yield to their healmg and curative properties . Numbers of persons who have been patients in several of the large hospitals and under rhe
care of eminent surgeons , without deriving the slightest benclit . have been thoroughly cured by Holloway ' s Ointment and Pills , For glandular swellings , tumours , scurvy , and diseases of the skin there is no medicine that can be used with so good an etl ' ect . In fact , in the worst forms of disease , dependent upon the condition of the blood , these medicines , if used conjointly , are irresistible , — ADVT .
Notes On Art, &C.
NOTES ON ART , & c .
A fine bed of Oysters , extending from twelve to twenty square miles , has been discovered off the west coast of Jersey . AFRICAN LANGUAGES . — The Institute of France has awarded a gold medal , " The Volney Prize , " to the Rev . Schon , of Chatham , for his valuable works in
the Hansa language . Mr . Schon has reduced this language , the Greek of Western Africa , to form , and published a grammar and copious dictionary . This is thc second time that this medal ( the Vulney ) has been awarded to a missionary of the Church Missionary
Society . It was bestowed on the Rev . S . Koelle , for his Polyglot of 100 African languages . TROY . —Dr . Schliemann has brought the whole of his Hissarlik collection to London , and is at present engaged in arranging it for exhibition in the South Kensington Museum . —Academy .
From Berlin is announced the death of Professor Lucas , director of the Academy of Architecture . Professor Ebers , the German novelist , who has furnished such curious studies of ancient Egyptian life in his " Egyptian Princess" and " Uarda , " has completed a new novel , " Homo Sum , "laid in the time of Constantine . Bach ' s cantata , " My Spirit was in heaviness , " will be sung , with orchestral accompaniment , at St . Anne's
Church , Soho , under the direction of Mr . Barnby , every Friday evening during Advent , commencing December 7 th . Herr Wagner ' s Dramatic School at Bayreuth , wherein students are to trained especially for the representation of his operas , opens on January ist . The ground round St . Paul ' s Cathedral is shortly to be laid out as a public garden . The palings will be lowered and trees planted , and pathways made .
Temple Bar s days are now numbered , the tenders for its removal arc invited , the applications to be sent in by the 12 th inst . It is stated that the jewels stolen from the Countess of Aberdeen at Halstead Place , Sevenoaks , were even more valuable than was at first announced ( £ 5 , 000 ) , but no precise estimate of her latlyship ' s loss has been published . Thc property which the thieves overlooked is said to be worth twice as much as was stated last week .
In India last year 48 , 000 cattle were destroyed by wild animals and venomous snakes ; and 22 , 357 wild animals and 270 , 185 poisonous snakes were killed ; 12 , 0 715 rupees had been expended in rewards . In the current year 19 , 273 persons and 54 , 830 cattle have been killed , anil 1 , 24 , 574 rupees expended in rewards . In the central provinces the deaths from this cause increased from 610
in 18 75 to 1 , 09 81111876 . The Postmaster-General announces that the present half-penny newspaper wrappers will shortly be replaced by others of a better quality , which mav be procured singly or in any number , at thc following rates : —one for ;? d ., two for lid ., three for ijd ., four for 2 ' d ., five for 3 d ., six for 3 ld ., and so on . They may also be obtained uncut
in quarter reams , containing 120 sheets of fourteen wrappers each , on special application , at the rate of £ 3 18 s . per quarter ream . A PLANTAGENET TOMB . — " Langley Regis " writes : — " that the remains recently discovered in King ' s Langley Church are believed to be those of Edmund de Langley and not his twin daughters , as stated , but his wife Isabel , and their tlaughter Constance . The subject is
undergoing thorough investigation , and much interesting matter in reference to it may be expected to appear before long . The discovery is of a singularly interesting nature , especially when wc bear in mind that Edmund de Langley —the fifth son of Edward III . and founder of the House of York , as John of Gaunt , the fourth son , was of the House of Lancaster—was a direct lineal ancestor of Her Majesty the Queen . "
The new wing of Mount Stuart House , the resilience of the Marquis of Bute , situated five miles from Rothesay , was on fire on Monday . The fire broke out at about 11 a . m . in a servant ' s bedroom on the upper story , and spread with great rapidity . The apparatus for
extinguishing flames was very elefective . The Marquis and Marchioness were from home , but are expected daily . The extent of the damage done is not mentioned . The seat , which hael just been newly decorated at great cost , was built in 1718 by James , second Earl of Bute .
SOUTH AFRICAN DIAMONDS . —News from the South African diamond fields states that during October a magnificent gem of 52 J carats weight—a pure white frosted stone without spot or flaw—was found by Messrs . Sole , Conolly , and Manning in their gully in Dutoitspan . It is stated that 3000 / . has been refuseel for it . Another diamond of more than 100 carats has been found in the Kimberley Mine , but itsquality was not equal to its weight . —The . Colonies and India .
VICTORIA PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE . —The opening meeting of thc thirteenth session of this society was held recently , Mr . C . Brooke , M . D ., F . R . S ., in the chair . Many new members were elected , including the President of Wisconsin University , and Professor Heer , of Zurich , the recipient of the Royal Society's gold medal for 1877 . The list of authors cf papers for the session incluelcs the names of ten professors of English and foreign
Universities , & c ,, 'The number of the society ' s members has increased in spite of those adverse influences which have this year affected almost every society and institution , and now approach 800 . The paper of the evening was read by Mr . J . E . Howard , F . R . S ., and referred to thc advances which modem science has made in regartl to nature , and to the value of " a slow , but sure path ot induction . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The annual celebration of the Festival of St Antirew , thc patron saint ot Scottish Freemasonry , was celebrated on the 30 th ult . in the Freemasons' Hall , 68 George Street , Edinburgh . The ceremonies commenced by thc installation of the office-bearers of Grand Lodge for the ensuing year , who took the oath de fideli , of whom the following is a list : —
Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart , Barr , M . W . Grand Master ; Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsonce , W . Depute Grantl Master ; Colonel A . C . Campbell of Blythswood , W . Substitute Grand Master ; Bio . F . A . Barrow , W . Senior Grand Warden ; The Right Hon . Lonl Inverurie , W . Junior Grand Warden ; Bro . D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary ; Bro . David Kinnear , Grand Cashier ; Bros , the Rev . W . H . Gray .
D . D ., and A . Thomson Grant , Grand Chaplains ; Bro . R . F . Shaw . Stewart , Grand Senior Deacon ; Sir George Douglas Clerk , Bart ., of Penicuik , Grand Junior Deacon ; Bro . William Hay , Grand Architect ; Bro . Alexander Hay , Grand Jeweller ; Bro . Thomas Halket , Grand Bible-Bearer ; Bro . John Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . James Ballantine , Grand Bard ; Bro . G . F . Russell Colt of
Gartsherie , Grand Sword Bearer-, Bro . C . W . Maxwell Muller , Grand Director of Music ; Bro . Robert Davidson , Grand Organist ; Bro . Captain Hills , Grand Marshal ; Bro . William M . Bryce , Grand Tyler ; Bro . James Baikie , Tyler . Thereafter Grand Lodge was adjourned to the Grand Hall , where a banquet , purveyed by Brother A . M . Theim , was partaken of by upwards of 200 brethren . The chair was
occupied by Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , M . W . G . M ., supported on the right by Brother H . Inglis , Depute Granel Master ; Brother Dr . Gray , Grantl Chaplain ; BrotherWm Hay , Grand Architect ; Brother Alex . Hay , Grand Jeweller ; Brother Wm . Hay , Past Grand Deacon ; Brother Halkett , Grantl Bible-Bearer ; Brother Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; and on the left by Brother Col .
Campbell , Substitute Grand Master ; Brother E . Shaw Stewart , Junior Grantl Deacon ; Brother Kinnear , Grand Cashier ; Brother Muller Grand Director of Music ; Brother Wm . Mann , Past Grand Warden ; Brother D . Murray Lyon , Grantl Secretary ; and Brother Captain Hills , Grand Marshal . Brother F . A . Barrow , Senior Grand Wartien -, and Brother F . S . Melville , President of Board of
Grand Stewartls , acted as croupiers . After dinner , the following loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts were proposed from the chair : — " The Holy Lodge of St John , " "The Queen , " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Patron of thc Scottish Craft , " "The Princess of . Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family ; " " The Navy , Army , and Reserve Forces "—the last mentioned toast was
acknowledged by Brother Commander Forbes , R . N ., and Brother Colonel Campbell of Blythswood -, " The Craft and Freemasonry over the World , " and " Thc Grand Master . " In proposing the toast of " The Granel Master , " Brother Inglis stated that the services which Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , by his firmness , courtesy , and patience , had been
enabled to render to Grand Lodge and the Craft had been of the greatest importance . It was very gratify ing to every member of the Craft that Sir Michael had again been placed on the throne to enable him to see the results of his management and exertion . Without fear of contradiction he ( Brother Inglis ) would say that among the illustrious roll of Grand Masters who had preceded the chairman no
one hail been superior to the Mason who now occupied the throne . ( Great applause . } The Grand Master , in replying , first briefly glanced at some portions of the past history of the Grand Lodge , and then proceeded to congratulate the brethren an d the Craft on the promising and prosperous state of affairs now existing . ( Applause . ) They had now an able and
efficient and a very hard-working Grand Secretary , ( Applause . ) The Grand Cashier also was well able to elischarge the tluties of his office , and did his tluties in such a way as to merit and to have obtained the approval ot those who were well qualified to judge of his work . ( Applause . ) The Grand Master , in concluding his remarks , thanked the brethren cordially and heartily for the kind manner in
which they hail received him , and for the honour they had done him in re-electing him for another year to occupy the throne of Grand Lodge . He had received the very greatest kinelness , consideration , and support from all the officers of the Grand Lodge , and from the Craft at large . Thereafter several other Masonic toasts were given and
received with enthusiasm . The health of Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart was proposed by Brother Inglis of Torsonce , and courteously acknowledged by the Chairman . The toast of the Substitute Grantl Master ( Colonel Campbell of Blythswood ) was received with great applause . The daughter lodges were acknowledged in the following ortler : —
LODGE . HEADED nv 1 . Mary ' s Chapel F . Shaw Stewart . 2 . Canongate Kilwinning ... ... —Plumber . 5 . Leith and Canongate , Canon . ) gateand Leith S
S . ' Journeyman ... ... ... J . Davidson . 10 . Kilwinning . Dalkeith , James King . 12 . Greenock Kilwinning ... ... — Mac Gonn . 36 . St . David's — Edwards . 44-St . Luke F . J , Moncrieff .
48 . St . Andrew Dr . Carmichal . 60 . St . John HallGrigor . 102 . St . Mark's ... James Thomson . HS- St . Stephen R . Wardler .
1 uo . Roman Eagle W . Mossman . 223 . Trafalgar W . Barry . 262 . St . John A . Thomson . 291 . Celtic Edinburgh and Leith ... J . D . Grant . 349 . St Clair ... G . Dobie ,
300 . Comrr . prrinl Tnlin Miinrn . 360 . Commercial John Munro . 392 . Caledonian R . Bryce . 4 ( 15 . Rifle A . Apthorpe .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
- LODGE HEADED BY 429 . St . Kentigern — Cameron . 578 . St . Andrew W . M . Pearson . 5 80 St . Leonard , Loanhead James Murray . 592 . Albert Edward Robert Nisbet . 597 . North British Railway John Greig . Thereafter Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and the Grand Master ushered in the anteroom with usual
Masonic honours . The music , consisting of a band an d glee party and solo singers , much enlivened the proceedings , and was under the able direction of Brother J . M . Davidson , of Leith .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The General Committee of this Institution was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Henry W . Hunt , in the chair . There were also present Bros . Hy . Browse . V . P . ; Benj . Head , V . P . ; S . Rosenthal , V . P . ; Wm ; Roebuck , V . P . ; R . W . Stewart , V . P . ; William Paas , V . P . ;
John Boyd , C . G . Rushworth , A . Durrant , Jesse Turner , D . M . Dewar , G . W . Dosell , Hyde Pullen , J . J . Berry , I . J . Griffiths , Wm . F . C . Moutrie , Geo . J . Row , H . Massey , ( Freemason ) ; and F . Binckes , Secretary . Thc minutes of the General Committee of 3 rd Nov . were read and confirmed , those of the House Committee of 23 rd Nov . were read for information , and the minutes
of the Joint Committee on office accommodation , 10 th Nov ., were reatl for information . Petitions on behalf of five candidates were submitted and accepted . The sum cf £ 20 was granted conditionally to Wm . Ramsey Parker , an ex-pupil who had passed the
examination held by the Civil Service Commissioners , as an engineer student in the Royal Navy . John Borrisow Featherstone was accepted as the nominee of the Most Hon . the Marquess of Ripon , K . G ., under the powers of thc presentation " Marquess of Ripon . " The Commttee then adjourned .
Masonic Hall In Exeter.
The following is sent to us for publication : — Dear Sir and Brother , — The labours of the Masonic Hall Committee in providing a building suitable for the purposes of Freemasonry and adapting it for the comfort and convenience of the brethren in the various degrees having been brought to a
conclusion , I beg to hand you a report of their proceedings , and to urge the necessity of the co-operation of every member of the Exeter lodges , to enable them to clear off the liability which still rests on the undertaking . The purchase of the freehold of thc very extensive premises which have been secure ^ was effected for £ 8 , 3 , but to rentier it available for the purposes of the Craft and the
other degrees very extensive alteraticns were necessary , and from the nature of the building they have proved somewhat larger than was anticipated . They are now complete , embracing a very handsome entrance hall , robing room , lavatory , good house for Assistant Secretary or Tyler , refreshment room , committee room , large Masonic Hall for Craft and R . A . Degrees , with every
convenience , whilst the upper portion is adapted for the purposes of the other Masonic Degrees antl large store , and rooms for a Masonic club and library when formed . This has necessitated an adelitional outlay of about £ 1700 to complete and furnish the premises , which has been tlone in a manner that has given general satisfaction to the
brethren . In order to meet these liabilities , the committee have raised £ 1000 on mortgage of the property at 4 J per cent . St . George ' s Lodge has contributed jC 4 °° St . John ' s „ „ 320 Semper Fidelis ,, „ , 120 And the St . George ' s Chapter 60
£ 900 From the Craft an amount of £ 20 *; has been obtained in private subscriptions from various members , and £ 35 , thc proceeds of the Masonic concert , leaving a balance of £ 400 still unpaid . On behalf of the committee I venture tarncstly to solicit elonations from those who have not already had an opportunity of aiding in this work , and
atlditional subscriptions will be thankfully received by me , or it can be placed to the credit of the Masonic Hall Trustees , at the City Bank , Exeter . Thc particulars of the consecration , & c , having been fully reported at the time , render it unnecessary for any comments .
Annexed I beg to hand you a list of subscriptions to the present time , and trusting to receive your kind assistance . I am , dear Sir and Brother . Yours faithfully and fraternally , SAMUEL J ONES , Hon . Sec . and Treasurer .
CAB RATES IN LIVERPOOL . —Since Monday last a number of cabs have been plying in Liverpool at the rate of 6 tl a mile , which is a reduction of one-half upon the ortlinary fare . " Hard times " are saitl to be the reason for the change .
HOLLOWAY ' O INTMENT AJTD PILLS . —The finest remedies in tbe world for bad legs , old wounds , sores , and ulcers . If used according to directions given with them there is no wound , bad leg , or ulcerous sore , however ob-tinate or long standing , but will yield to their healmg and curative properties . Numbers of persons who have been patients in several of the large hospitals and under rhe
care of eminent surgeons , without deriving the slightest benclit . have been thoroughly cured by Holloway ' s Ointment and Pills , For glandular swellings , tumours , scurvy , and diseases of the skin there is no medicine that can be used with so good an etl ' ect . In fact , in the worst forms of disease , dependent upon the condition of the blood , these medicines , if used conjointly , are irresistible , — ADVT .
Notes On Art, &C.
NOTES ON ART , & c .
A fine bed of Oysters , extending from twelve to twenty square miles , has been discovered off the west coast of Jersey . AFRICAN LANGUAGES . — The Institute of France has awarded a gold medal , " The Volney Prize , " to the Rev . Schon , of Chatham , for his valuable works in
the Hansa language . Mr . Schon has reduced this language , the Greek of Western Africa , to form , and published a grammar and copious dictionary . This is thc second time that this medal ( the Vulney ) has been awarded to a missionary of the Church Missionary
Society . It was bestowed on the Rev . S . Koelle , for his Polyglot of 100 African languages . TROY . —Dr . Schliemann has brought the whole of his Hissarlik collection to London , and is at present engaged in arranging it for exhibition in the South Kensington Museum . —Academy .
From Berlin is announced the death of Professor Lucas , director of the Academy of Architecture . Professor Ebers , the German novelist , who has furnished such curious studies of ancient Egyptian life in his " Egyptian Princess" and " Uarda , " has completed a new novel , " Homo Sum , "laid in the time of Constantine . Bach ' s cantata , " My Spirit was in heaviness , " will be sung , with orchestral accompaniment , at St . Anne's
Church , Soho , under the direction of Mr . Barnby , every Friday evening during Advent , commencing December 7 th . Herr Wagner ' s Dramatic School at Bayreuth , wherein students are to trained especially for the representation of his operas , opens on January ist . The ground round St . Paul ' s Cathedral is shortly to be laid out as a public garden . The palings will be lowered and trees planted , and pathways made .
Temple Bar s days are now numbered , the tenders for its removal arc invited , the applications to be sent in by the 12 th inst . It is stated that the jewels stolen from the Countess of Aberdeen at Halstead Place , Sevenoaks , were even more valuable than was at first announced ( £ 5 , 000 ) , but no precise estimate of her latlyship ' s loss has been published . Thc property which the thieves overlooked is said to be worth twice as much as was stated last week .
In India last year 48 , 000 cattle were destroyed by wild animals and venomous snakes ; and 22 , 357 wild animals and 270 , 185 poisonous snakes were killed ; 12 , 0 715 rupees had been expended in rewards . In the current year 19 , 273 persons and 54 , 830 cattle have been killed , anil 1 , 24 , 574 rupees expended in rewards . In the central provinces the deaths from this cause increased from 610
in 18 75 to 1 , 09 81111876 . The Postmaster-General announces that the present half-penny newspaper wrappers will shortly be replaced by others of a better quality , which mav be procured singly or in any number , at thc following rates : —one for ;? d ., two for lid ., three for ijd ., four for 2 ' d ., five for 3 d ., six for 3 ld ., and so on . They may also be obtained uncut
in quarter reams , containing 120 sheets of fourteen wrappers each , on special application , at the rate of £ 3 18 s . per quarter ream . A PLANTAGENET TOMB . — " Langley Regis " writes : — " that the remains recently discovered in King ' s Langley Church are believed to be those of Edmund de Langley and not his twin daughters , as stated , but his wife Isabel , and their tlaughter Constance . The subject is
undergoing thorough investigation , and much interesting matter in reference to it may be expected to appear before long . The discovery is of a singularly interesting nature , especially when wc bear in mind that Edmund de Langley —the fifth son of Edward III . and founder of the House of York , as John of Gaunt , the fourth son , was of the House of Lancaster—was a direct lineal ancestor of Her Majesty the Queen . "
The new wing of Mount Stuart House , the resilience of the Marquis of Bute , situated five miles from Rothesay , was on fire on Monday . The fire broke out at about 11 a . m . in a servant ' s bedroom on the upper story , and spread with great rapidity . The apparatus for
extinguishing flames was very elefective . The Marquis and Marchioness were from home , but are expected daily . The extent of the damage done is not mentioned . The seat , which hael just been newly decorated at great cost , was built in 1718 by James , second Earl of Bute .
SOUTH AFRICAN DIAMONDS . —News from the South African diamond fields states that during October a magnificent gem of 52 J carats weight—a pure white frosted stone without spot or flaw—was found by Messrs . Sole , Conolly , and Manning in their gully in Dutoitspan . It is stated that 3000 / . has been refuseel for it . Another diamond of more than 100 carats has been found in the Kimberley Mine , but itsquality was not equal to its weight . —The . Colonies and India .
VICTORIA PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE . —The opening meeting of thc thirteenth session of this society was held recently , Mr . C . Brooke , M . D ., F . R . S ., in the chair . Many new members were elected , including the President of Wisconsin University , and Professor Heer , of Zurich , the recipient of the Royal Society's gold medal for 1877 . The list of authors cf papers for the session incluelcs the names of ten professors of English and foreign
Universities , & c ,, 'The number of the society ' s members has increased in spite of those adverse influences which have this year affected almost every society and institution , and now approach 800 . The paper of the evening was read by Mr . J . E . Howard , F . R . S ., and referred to thc advances which modem science has made in regartl to nature , and to the value of " a slow , but sure path ot induction . "