Article INSTRUCTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
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as S . W . ; J . Copesttck , as J . W . ; E . Home , as S . D . ; T . Day , as J . D . ; S . Taylor , as I . G . ; W . Whittaker , P . M ., Sec ; also Bros . A . Frazer , P . M . ; G . T . Wright , P . M . ; I . Bland , W . M . ; W . Forman , J . Walker , and J . VV . Brigg . Lodge having been opened , and the minu : es read and confirmed , Bro . John Brown , was reelected Preceptor ; and Bro . Thos . Day , Secretary and Treasurer . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Whittaker for his
services as Secretary , to which suitable response was made . A similar vote also was given to the worthy Preceptor for his valuable services , who responded . Supper being provided , and having been partaken of , the W . M . alter giving the toast of "The Queen , " announced that there would be no more formal toasts . Bro . Whittaker , P . M ., then in a most able speech astonished the worthy Preceptor , Bro . J . Brown , P . M ., by
presenting hitn in the name of the assembled brethren , who had subscribed the ways and means , with a useful pipe in case , and two splendidly bound volumes , suitably inscribed , of Tom Hood ' s poetical works . Bro . Brown in responding was visibly affected and said it was with difficulty he could give expression to his thoughts ; he was much surprised , and could not understand why the
brethren should have done him this honour , which he so highly appreciated , but although he might be thought somewhat rough in what he said , he had the prosperity of the lodge thoroughly at heart and he should ever remember their kindness to him . It should have been mentioned that during the lodge a long conversation took place on the various points of difference in the ritual brought out at Bro . James Stevens ' recent lecture .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CAVEAC CHAPTER ( No . 176 ) . —The annual convocation for the installation of Principals of this admirable working chapter was held last Saturday evening at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , when there were present Comps . Walter J . Stride , M . E . Z . ; A . Middlemass , H . ; A . W . Thorpe , J . ; J . Brookes Sorrel ! , P . Z ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., P . P . G . 1 st A . S . Middlesex , P . Z . 73 , S . E . ; R . P . Tebb , S . N . ; A . N . L . Burne , 2 nd A . S . ; Charles
Browne , P . Z . ; Charles Dorey , P . Z . ; VV . Miller Goss , P . Z . ; Perceval A . Nairne , P . Z ; J . Brookes Sorrell , jun ., T . H . Wilson , William R . Morton , Aubrey Browne , Ernest Fielding , VV . Tyrrell Brooks , and H . F . Paget . The following were the visitors present : Comps . C . Bischoff , P . Z . 107 l . C ; H . J . Gardner , M . E . Z . 16 J 3 ; VV . S . Whitaker , P . Z . 1572 ; C . T . Speight , Janitor ; and H . Massey , P . Z . 619 ( Freemason ) .
Comp . P . A . Nairne , P . Z ., installed Comp . Andrew Middlemass , P . Z ., as M . E . Z ., and Comp . A . W . Thorpe , as H . Comp . VV . M . Goss , P . Z ., VV S ., installed Comp . K . P . Tebb as J . The following companions were then invested : Comps . j . B . Sorrell , P . Z ., Treas . ; !•" . Walters , P . Z ., S . E . ; U . Sutherland , S . N . ; Arthur N . L . Burne , P . S . ; W . Af . Morton , 1 st A . S . ; J . N . Brooks , 2 nd A . S . ; C . Browne , P . Z ., D . of C ; W . M . Goss , P . Z ., W . S . ;
and C . 1 . Speight , Janitor . A handsome P . Z . ' s jewel was afterwards presented to Comp . VV . J . Stride , I . P . Z . It was afterwards resolved to subscribe out of the Charity Fund of the chapter five guineas to the next festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Chapter was then closed , and the companions adjoarned to a choice banquet , after which the usual loyal toasts were proposed . Comp . Chailes Browne , P . Z ., proposed "The Health of
the M . E . Z ., and in doing so repeated what he had said when presenting him for installation—that he was so well known in Masonry that it needed no words of his to inform the companions how excellent a Mason he was , and how thoroughly well he would carry out the duties of his office . He ( Comp . Browne ) was convinced , and the companions would share the conviction , that the chapter would do well while having such a First Principal . He had for three years
gone through the terrible ordeal of being P . S ., and he had periormed the duties of that important office admirably , and in a way companions would never forget . During his year of office as M . E . Z . the companions hoped that his health would be such that his career of usefulness would not be impaired , and that at the end of his year they might say ^ " Well done , Most Excellent . " Comp . Middlemass said it was true that it had been
his duty for many years in this and another chapter to perform the functions of P . S ., and nothing exceeded his astonishment at finding himself at last in the position of First Principal of his mother chapter . He had , indeed , been astonished at being elected Master of the Sphinx Lodge . He had received nothing but brotherly love and kindness ever since he had been a Mason . When he had nothadgoodhealth or ivasin mistortbne he had found what it
was to have in Masonry kind friends to enquire after him , anxious to relieve his pain and sickness , unconsciously showing magnanimity . He should endeavour to do his duty to the satisfaction of the companions , though he was certain not to his own , because he was somewhat of a severe critic of himself . But he knew if he should fail the kindness and forbearance of the companions was such that he might trust to them for a favourable verdict . When he
became a Mason he was taught the duties and functions of Masonry , and the new obligations of Royal Arch Masonry he could honestly and fearlessly say without egotism he had endeavoured to discharge—duties which he did not know of in Craft Masonry . As we went on in Masonry we Were inspired in obligations we never thought of before ; hut inasmuch as the Almighty had made us dependent on one another , and it was our duty to execute His will and
Create in each other ' s minds that reliance on His Providence which could only be shown by performing the duty "e had ca > t upon us , so , having health and strength , he could only hope lhat with a good will and a willing heart he might carry out all the duties his brother Masons had cast upon h ' m . I ( Comp . Middlemass then in very flattering terms proposed , ">> = Visitors , " to which toast Comps . Massey and Whitaker , who were the only visitors left at that hour . The of H .
^ ponded . next toast was that " and J ., " arid Wnp . Middlemass said he was fortunate in having those O'lices so well filled . He had long known these companions , and he had reason to believe that they would heartily assist nun . I hey were agreed upon this , to exercise their autuotity in the gentlest possible manner , and he hoped £ ey would never have to exercise it differently , or give . ^ companions cause for saying it had not been exercised W 1 < h beni gnity and generosity .
Royal Arch.
Comp . Thorpe said he was not going to make any promise what he would do , but the companions should in due time judge by his works . He would , however , endeavour to carry out those principles which the M . E . Z . had promulgated both in the chapter and in his speeches . Comp . R . P . Tebb also replied . Comp . Middlemass next proposed "The I . P . Z . " who had occupied the First Principal's chair in the chapter with
honour to himself , and the jewel he wore testified to the satisfaction of the brethren . That was the position which he ( Comp . Middlemass ) at present most admired . The companions must confess that they had never sat under a more genial president , or one who was more determined to keep them in perfect order . It was his kindness to all and to his immediate subordinates that made them go on so companionably . He ( Comp . Middlemass ) hoped Comp .
Stride might look forward to enjoying a green old age officially and have troops of friends . He did not know anyone who had made more friends ; wherever he went he made them . Comp . Stride , I . P . Z ., replied . " The P . Zs . " was the next toast , and it was replied to by
Comp . C . Dorey , P . Z . The toast of "The Installing Principals" was replied to by Comps . Nairne and Goss , and that of " The Officers " by Comps . J . B . Sorrell , P . Z ., Treas ., and F . Walters , P . Z ., S . E ., and the Janitor ' s toast concluded the proceedings .
LEY SPRING CHAPTER ( Ko . 159 S ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Old Red Lion 'Tavern , Leytonstone , on Wednesday , the 21 st ult ., when the following companions were present : Comps . VV . Claridge , M . E . Z . ; E . J . Anning , H . ; W . H . Myers , J . ; J . McDonald , S . E . ; G . W . Verry , Treas . ; and others . Visitors : Comps . James Terry , P . Z ., and J . E . Cockett .
1 he only business , after taking the minutes and Auditors ' report , was the installation of Principals and officers for the ensuing year . Comp . E . J . Anning , M . E . Z . elect , was duly installed by Ccmps . Terry and Verry , after wnich Comp . Myers , P . Z ., was installed into the chair of H ., and Comp . McDonald into the chair of J . The other officers were appointed and invested . as follows : Comps . Bianchi , Treas . ; Verry , S . E . ; Spiller , N . ; Robson , P . S ., who appointed as his Assistants Comps . J . Seigenberg and Spiller , sen .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Northumberland and Berwick Lod ge ( T . I . )—The annual meeting of this , the oldest and most thriving lodjjc in the province of Northumberland and Durham was held on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , when there was a laige attendance of members and visitors . Alter the usual preliminaries Bro . John WoodP . P . G . S . O . ( the
, W . M . elect ) , was presented , duly obligateo , and installed by Bro . R . G . Salmon , the retiring W . M . The installation ceremonywasnotperformedindetail . as Bro . Woodhadpreviously passed the W . M . ' s chair of the Industry Lodge . The new W . M . invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz .: Bros . K . G . Salmon , I . P . M . ; Skinner Bell , S . W . ; S . M . HarrisJ . W . ( by proxy );
, John Usher , M . O . ; C . B . Ford , S . O . ; E . Marston , J . O . ; Rev . W . Skene , Chap . ; VV . E . FYanklin , P . M ., Treas . ; T . J . Armstrong , P . M ., D . C ; Seymour Bell , R . of M . ; R . G . Symonds , Sec . ; W . M . Lyons , S . D . ; VV . F . Cannon , J . D . ; Wm . Madonald , I . G . ; Thos . Dinning , S . S . ; E . Dunford , J . S . ; and G . S . Sims , Tyler . Amongst others present were Bros . R . L . Armstrong , P . M ., P . G . S . O . ; J .
Kidsdale , P . M . ; T . J . Armstrong , P . M . ; W . T . Clarke , P . M ., P . G . Stwd . ; D . Sinclair , P . G . Sec , W . M . 293 ; M . Corbett , S . W . 293 ; Robt . Whitfield , J . D . 293 ; T . Thompson , S . S . 293 ; M . H . Dodd , M . O . Union Lodge , Sunderland ; and others . After the lodge was closed the brethren adjourned to the
banquet hall and sat down to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . G . S . Sims , the Tyler . After ample justice had been done to the requirements of the inner man , the usual toast list was gone through , interspersed with songs from several brethren . A very entertaining and agreeable evening was spent and the company separated at ten o'clock .
HASTINGS . —East Sussex Lodge ( No . 166 ) . — The quarterly meeting of the above lodge was held at the Castle Hotel on the 20 th ult ., when Bro . Charles VV . Duke , G . Steward , Prov . G . S . W ., P . M ., presided , supported by Bros . F . Rossiter , Prov . G . D . of C , Treas ., S . W . ; E . VV . J . Hennah , Prov . G . S . of VV ., J . W . ; T . W .
Markwick , S . O . ; Very Rev . E . R . Currie , M . A ., Chap . ; F . Duke , Sec . ; H . F . Crossthwaite , Reg . of Mrks . ; !•' . H . Hallett , Org . ; and J . B . Foord . Visitor : Bro . Major Robertson . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed and several matters of business transacted the lodge was closed .
BELVEDERE . —Saye and Sele Lodge ( No , 309 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 26 th ult ., at Essenden House , the ceremony being honoured by the presence of R . W . Bro . Thos . Robinson , M . A ., Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . J . G . Chillingworth , P . G . S . O ., W . M ., opened the lodge , being supported by Bros . F , Wood , S . W ., W . M . elect ; A . H . Bateman , J . W . ; E .
B . Bright , M . O . ; H . Cummings , P . G . Keg . of Marks Cornwall , S . O . ; C . R . Paine , J . O . ; W . J . Colman , S . D . ; VV . O . Robinson , J . D . ; F . Spurrell , P . G . Keg . of Marks Kent , I . G . ; and H . A . E . de Pinna , Sec The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the report of the Audit Committee was presented and approved . Bros . S . T . Lucas , 192 , and F . G .
Houghton , 1973 , were then proposed for advancement by the W . M . and S . VV ., and seconded by the Sec and J . W . respectively . The W . M . then vacated the chair , which was taken by the Prov . G . M ., who proceeded to install Bro . Wood as W . M . of the lodge in the most impressive manner . The W . M . after his installation proceeded tu appoint and invest his
officers as follows : Bros . Chillingworth , I . P . M . ; Bateman , S . W . ; Bright , J . W . ; Cummings , M . O . ; Paine , S . O . ; Colman , J . O . ; Robinson , S . D . ; Spurrell , I . G . ; and de Pinna , Sec The I . P . M ., Bro . Chillingworth , was unanimously re-elected Treasurer of the lodge , a Past Master ' s jewel being presented to him by the W . M . on behalf of the lodge , in recognition of his services as head of the lodge
Mark Masonry.
during the past year . Bro . Youngman was unanimously re-elected Tyler . I he Worshipful Master then proposed a very cordial vote of thanks to the Prov . G . M . for the honour he had done the lodge by his presence on that occasion , and for the admirable manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation , which had gained so much through the solemn
and impressive manner in which lie had rendered it , and also for the valuable advice which the lodge had received from the Prov . G . M . This was seconded by the I . P . M ., and carried unanimously . I he Prov . Grand Master having acknowledged the compliment in appropriate terms , the lodge was closed in due form after the expression of " Hearty good wishes" from Lodges 322 , 7 , and 13 .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
BOLTON . —St . Peter ' s Chapter ( No . 31 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held on Saturday , the 24 th ult ., at the Commercial Hotel , Cower Hall-square . 'There were present III . Bro . VV . J . Thomson , 30 ° , M . W . S . ; Bros . A . Middleton , 1 st General ; J . M . Sinclair , 2 nd General ; III . Bro . G . Broclclanlc , 32 ° , Treas . ; Bros . J . B . Murray , G . Marshal ; T . H . Glendinning , D . of C ; A . H . Jafferis , Capt . of Guard ; J . K . Lees , Org . ; VV . W . VVylde and R . H . Swindlehurst , Stewards ; I . M . Kerr , and I .
Barrett . P . M . Ws .: 111 . Bros . R . Hanvood , 30 ; J . VV . Taylor , 30 ; T . Morris ; C J . Banister , 33 , S . G . I . G . North-Eastern District ; and C . R . A . Beswicke-Royds , 33 = , S . G . I . G . North Western District . Visitors : III . Bros . T . C . Thorburn , 30 ° , M . W . S . Liverpool Chapter , and H . Krauss , P . M . W . S . Leeson Chapter . The chapter was opened in due form , after which the Inspectors-General of the two Northern Districts were
received under the arch of steel . Four candidates were balloted for and unanimously elected , and three of them , viz ., Bros . J . W . Edwards , of the Affability Lodge ; E . Eveleigh , of the Strangeways Lodge ; and William J . Cunliffe , of the Affability Lodge , having presented themselves were duly perfected as Rase Croix Masons , 111 . Bro . G . R . Brockbank , 32 , presiding at Ihe first point , the duties of Raphael and Grand Marshal being ably conducted by
Bro . J . D . Murray . I he entire ceremony was quietly and decorously worked , the ohcers having taken considerable pains to perfect themselves in their respective parts , and the older members were much gratified to notice the steady progress of the juniors , whose working was faultless . Letters of apology were read from several of the members who were unaale to attend from sickness and other causes . The brethren were much pleased to be again visited by their
veteran friend and former Inspector-General , and a resolution was proposed by Bro . Brockbank , 32 ' , seconded by the M . W . S ., welcoming the illustrious brother on his return home alter a tour in Canada , and expressing gratification at meeting him again in tin ? chapter , in whose progress and prosperity he has always evinced the warmest interest . III . Bro . Banister suitably replied . 111 . Bro . R . iyds , Inspector-General of the district , invested the neivly-obligated
brethren , explained to them the symbols of the Order , and completed the ceremony of perfecting the candidates . Considerable structural alterations and additions have been made to and in the house wnere the meetings of the chapter are held , and much pleasure was evinced on this occasion to find that greater accoinnudation had been given for working the beautiful ceremony of this Order , and as the chapter is one which has always been distinguished
for its good working and genera ! appointments it may be fairly considered one of the most useful and harmonious chapters in the northern district . Shortly before dinner a telegram was received by 111 . Bro . Brockbank from III . Bro . C . F . Alatier , 31 , Sec . 1910 , conveying the hearty good wishes of Col . Clerke , and all the brethren of that lodge then assembled , to the M . W . S . and members of the St . Peter ' s Chapter . This expression
of fraternal goodwill was much appreciated by the brethren and a return message was sent reciprocating the kindly sentiments conveyed in the message from the lodge . The Committee appointed at the last meeting to consider the best means of showing their appreciation of the manner in which Bro . Banister has discharged the duties of
Inspector-General since his appointment to that office , made a report to the brethren , and it was agreed , as the proposal made would be in full accord with the feelings of Bro . Banister , that thesame should be adopted and the presenta . tion made on a suitable occasion at an eaily period . Hearty salutations having been given from the visiting brethren the chapter was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LEICESTER . —Byzantine Conclave ( No . 44 ) . —A regular meeting of this highly prosperous conclave was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , 26 th ult ., under the presidency of the E . and P . Sir Knight Thomas Worthington , M . P . S . The conclave was honoured with the presence of the III . Chief Intendent-General for Leicestershire and the adjoining provinces , the veteran Mason , Sir Knight Wm . Kelly , F . S . A-, P . P . G . M . for
Leicestershire and Rutland , and amongst the other sir knights present were were S . S . Partridge , P . S . and K . G . C . ; R . Waite , P . S . ; H . Meadows , V . E . ; T . Coltman , S . G . ; J . H . Thompson , I . G . ; Dr . VV . Hammond , 1 st Aide ; R . Taylor , Treas . ; VV . J . Curtis , Recorder ; J . D . Harris , Prelate ; F . Griffiths , Prefect ; VV . A . Fielding , Herald ; S . A . Marris , Std . Br . ; S . Cleaver , Stwd . ; S . Knight , VV . L . Ball , and \ V . M . Randell .
Alter the reading and confirmation of the minutes and the reading of a letter of apology for absence from E . and P . Sir Knights J . T . Thorp , J . VV . Woodall and others , a College of Viceroys WJS formed and Sir Knight Henry Meadows was inducted into the office of Viceroy of the conclave , the ceremony being performed by the Chief Intendent-General . The other Sir Knights having been readmitted , Bro . W . j . Freer , of the Albert Edward Lodge ,
No . 15 C 0 , who had been elected at a previous conclave , was duly installed and proclaimed as a Knight of the Order with full ceremonial , much of which is peculiar to the Byzantine Conclave , the duties of the M . P . S . being most completely and ably performed by Sir Knight Worthington , who was efficiently supported by the remainder of the officers present . 'The traditional history of the Order was fully described by Sir Knight Harris , H . P ., and the con-
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as S . W . ; J . Copesttck , as J . W . ; E . Home , as S . D . ; T . Day , as J . D . ; S . Taylor , as I . G . ; W . Whittaker , P . M ., Sec ; also Bros . A . Frazer , P . M . ; G . T . Wright , P . M . ; I . Bland , W . M . ; W . Forman , J . Walker , and J . VV . Brigg . Lodge having been opened , and the minu : es read and confirmed , Bro . John Brown , was reelected Preceptor ; and Bro . Thos . Day , Secretary and Treasurer . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Whittaker for his
services as Secretary , to which suitable response was made . A similar vote also was given to the worthy Preceptor for his valuable services , who responded . Supper being provided , and having been partaken of , the W . M . alter giving the toast of "The Queen , " announced that there would be no more formal toasts . Bro . Whittaker , P . M ., then in a most able speech astonished the worthy Preceptor , Bro . J . Brown , P . M ., by
presenting hitn in the name of the assembled brethren , who had subscribed the ways and means , with a useful pipe in case , and two splendidly bound volumes , suitably inscribed , of Tom Hood ' s poetical works . Bro . Brown in responding was visibly affected and said it was with difficulty he could give expression to his thoughts ; he was much surprised , and could not understand why the
brethren should have done him this honour , which he so highly appreciated , but although he might be thought somewhat rough in what he said , he had the prosperity of the lodge thoroughly at heart and he should ever remember their kindness to him . It should have been mentioned that during the lodge a long conversation took place on the various points of difference in the ritual brought out at Bro . James Stevens ' recent lecture .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CAVEAC CHAPTER ( No . 176 ) . —The annual convocation for the installation of Principals of this admirable working chapter was held last Saturday evening at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , when there were present Comps . Walter J . Stride , M . E . Z . ; A . Middlemass , H . ; A . W . Thorpe , J . ; J . Brookes Sorrel ! , P . Z ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., P . P . G . 1 st A . S . Middlesex , P . Z . 73 , S . E . ; R . P . Tebb , S . N . ; A . N . L . Burne , 2 nd A . S . ; Charles
Browne , P . Z . ; Charles Dorey , P . Z . ; VV . Miller Goss , P . Z . ; Perceval A . Nairne , P . Z ; J . Brookes Sorrell , jun ., T . H . Wilson , William R . Morton , Aubrey Browne , Ernest Fielding , VV . Tyrrell Brooks , and H . F . Paget . The following were the visitors present : Comps . C . Bischoff , P . Z . 107 l . C ; H . J . Gardner , M . E . Z . 16 J 3 ; VV . S . Whitaker , P . Z . 1572 ; C . T . Speight , Janitor ; and H . Massey , P . Z . 619 ( Freemason ) .
Comp . P . A . Nairne , P . Z ., installed Comp . Andrew Middlemass , P . Z ., as M . E . Z ., and Comp . A . W . Thorpe , as H . Comp . VV . M . Goss , P . Z ., VV S ., installed Comp . K . P . Tebb as J . The following companions were then invested : Comps . j . B . Sorrell , P . Z ., Treas . ; !•" . Walters , P . Z ., S . E . ; U . Sutherland , S . N . ; Arthur N . L . Burne , P . S . ; W . Af . Morton , 1 st A . S . ; J . N . Brooks , 2 nd A . S . ; C . Browne , P . Z ., D . of C ; W . M . Goss , P . Z ., W . S . ;
and C . 1 . Speight , Janitor . A handsome P . Z . ' s jewel was afterwards presented to Comp . VV . J . Stride , I . P . Z . It was afterwards resolved to subscribe out of the Charity Fund of the chapter five guineas to the next festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Chapter was then closed , and the companions adjoarned to a choice banquet , after which the usual loyal toasts were proposed . Comp . Chailes Browne , P . Z ., proposed "The Health of
the M . E . Z ., and in doing so repeated what he had said when presenting him for installation—that he was so well known in Masonry that it needed no words of his to inform the companions how excellent a Mason he was , and how thoroughly well he would carry out the duties of his office . He ( Comp . Browne ) was convinced , and the companions would share the conviction , that the chapter would do well while having such a First Principal . He had for three years
gone through the terrible ordeal of being P . S ., and he had periormed the duties of that important office admirably , and in a way companions would never forget . During his year of office as M . E . Z . the companions hoped that his health would be such that his career of usefulness would not be impaired , and that at the end of his year they might say ^ " Well done , Most Excellent . " Comp . Middlemass said it was true that it had been
his duty for many years in this and another chapter to perform the functions of P . S ., and nothing exceeded his astonishment at finding himself at last in the position of First Principal of his mother chapter . He had , indeed , been astonished at being elected Master of the Sphinx Lodge . He had received nothing but brotherly love and kindness ever since he had been a Mason . When he had nothadgoodhealth or ivasin mistortbne he had found what it
was to have in Masonry kind friends to enquire after him , anxious to relieve his pain and sickness , unconsciously showing magnanimity . He should endeavour to do his duty to the satisfaction of the companions , though he was certain not to his own , because he was somewhat of a severe critic of himself . But he knew if he should fail the kindness and forbearance of the companions was such that he might trust to them for a favourable verdict . When he
became a Mason he was taught the duties and functions of Masonry , and the new obligations of Royal Arch Masonry he could honestly and fearlessly say without egotism he had endeavoured to discharge—duties which he did not know of in Craft Masonry . As we went on in Masonry we Were inspired in obligations we never thought of before ; hut inasmuch as the Almighty had made us dependent on one another , and it was our duty to execute His will and
Create in each other ' s minds that reliance on His Providence which could only be shown by performing the duty "e had ca > t upon us , so , having health and strength , he could only hope lhat with a good will and a willing heart he might carry out all the duties his brother Masons had cast upon h ' m . I ( Comp . Middlemass then in very flattering terms proposed , ">> = Visitors , " to which toast Comps . Massey and Whitaker , who were the only visitors left at that hour . The of H .
^ ponded . next toast was that " and J ., " arid Wnp . Middlemass said he was fortunate in having those O'lices so well filled . He had long known these companions , and he had reason to believe that they would heartily assist nun . I hey were agreed upon this , to exercise their autuotity in the gentlest possible manner , and he hoped £ ey would never have to exercise it differently , or give . ^ companions cause for saying it had not been exercised W 1 < h beni gnity and generosity .
Royal Arch.
Comp . Thorpe said he was not going to make any promise what he would do , but the companions should in due time judge by his works . He would , however , endeavour to carry out those principles which the M . E . Z . had promulgated both in the chapter and in his speeches . Comp . R . P . Tebb also replied . Comp . Middlemass next proposed "The I . P . Z . " who had occupied the First Principal's chair in the chapter with
honour to himself , and the jewel he wore testified to the satisfaction of the brethren . That was the position which he ( Comp . Middlemass ) at present most admired . The companions must confess that they had never sat under a more genial president , or one who was more determined to keep them in perfect order . It was his kindness to all and to his immediate subordinates that made them go on so companionably . He ( Comp . Middlemass ) hoped Comp .
Stride might look forward to enjoying a green old age officially and have troops of friends . He did not know anyone who had made more friends ; wherever he went he made them . Comp . Stride , I . P . Z ., replied . " The P . Zs . " was the next toast , and it was replied to by
Comp . C . Dorey , P . Z . The toast of "The Installing Principals" was replied to by Comps . Nairne and Goss , and that of " The Officers " by Comps . J . B . Sorrell , P . Z ., Treas ., and F . Walters , P . Z ., S . E ., and the Janitor ' s toast concluded the proceedings .
LEY SPRING CHAPTER ( Ko . 159 S ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Old Red Lion 'Tavern , Leytonstone , on Wednesday , the 21 st ult ., when the following companions were present : Comps . VV . Claridge , M . E . Z . ; E . J . Anning , H . ; W . H . Myers , J . ; J . McDonald , S . E . ; G . W . Verry , Treas . ; and others . Visitors : Comps . James Terry , P . Z ., and J . E . Cockett .
1 he only business , after taking the minutes and Auditors ' report , was the installation of Principals and officers for the ensuing year . Comp . E . J . Anning , M . E . Z . elect , was duly installed by Ccmps . Terry and Verry , after wnich Comp . Myers , P . Z ., was installed into the chair of H ., and Comp . McDonald into the chair of J . The other officers were appointed and invested . as follows : Comps . Bianchi , Treas . ; Verry , S . E . ; Spiller , N . ; Robson , P . S ., who appointed as his Assistants Comps . J . Seigenberg and Spiller , sen .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Northumberland and Berwick Lod ge ( T . I . )—The annual meeting of this , the oldest and most thriving lodjjc in the province of Northumberland and Durham was held on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , when there was a laige attendance of members and visitors . Alter the usual preliminaries Bro . John WoodP . P . G . S . O . ( the
, W . M . elect ) , was presented , duly obligateo , and installed by Bro . R . G . Salmon , the retiring W . M . The installation ceremonywasnotperformedindetail . as Bro . Woodhadpreviously passed the W . M . ' s chair of the Industry Lodge . The new W . M . invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz .: Bros . K . G . Salmon , I . P . M . ; Skinner Bell , S . W . ; S . M . HarrisJ . W . ( by proxy );
, John Usher , M . O . ; C . B . Ford , S . O . ; E . Marston , J . O . ; Rev . W . Skene , Chap . ; VV . E . FYanklin , P . M ., Treas . ; T . J . Armstrong , P . M ., D . C ; Seymour Bell , R . of M . ; R . G . Symonds , Sec . ; W . M . Lyons , S . D . ; VV . F . Cannon , J . D . ; Wm . Madonald , I . G . ; Thos . Dinning , S . S . ; E . Dunford , J . S . ; and G . S . Sims , Tyler . Amongst others present were Bros . R . L . Armstrong , P . M ., P . G . S . O . ; J .
Kidsdale , P . M . ; T . J . Armstrong , P . M . ; W . T . Clarke , P . M ., P . G . Stwd . ; D . Sinclair , P . G . Sec , W . M . 293 ; M . Corbett , S . W . 293 ; Robt . Whitfield , J . D . 293 ; T . Thompson , S . S . 293 ; M . H . Dodd , M . O . Union Lodge , Sunderland ; and others . After the lodge was closed the brethren adjourned to the
banquet hall and sat down to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . G . S . Sims , the Tyler . After ample justice had been done to the requirements of the inner man , the usual toast list was gone through , interspersed with songs from several brethren . A very entertaining and agreeable evening was spent and the company separated at ten o'clock .
HASTINGS . —East Sussex Lodge ( No . 166 ) . — The quarterly meeting of the above lodge was held at the Castle Hotel on the 20 th ult ., when Bro . Charles VV . Duke , G . Steward , Prov . G . S . W ., P . M ., presided , supported by Bros . F . Rossiter , Prov . G . D . of C , Treas ., S . W . ; E . VV . J . Hennah , Prov . G . S . of VV ., J . W . ; T . W .
Markwick , S . O . ; Very Rev . E . R . Currie , M . A ., Chap . ; F . Duke , Sec . ; H . F . Crossthwaite , Reg . of Mrks . ; !•' . H . Hallett , Org . ; and J . B . Foord . Visitor : Bro . Major Robertson . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed and several matters of business transacted the lodge was closed .
BELVEDERE . —Saye and Sele Lodge ( No , 309 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 26 th ult ., at Essenden House , the ceremony being honoured by the presence of R . W . Bro . Thos . Robinson , M . A ., Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . J . G . Chillingworth , P . G . S . O ., W . M ., opened the lodge , being supported by Bros . F , Wood , S . W ., W . M . elect ; A . H . Bateman , J . W . ; E .
B . Bright , M . O . ; H . Cummings , P . G . Keg . of Marks Cornwall , S . O . ; C . R . Paine , J . O . ; W . J . Colman , S . D . ; VV . O . Robinson , J . D . ; F . Spurrell , P . G . Keg . of Marks Kent , I . G . ; and H . A . E . de Pinna , Sec The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the report of the Audit Committee was presented and approved . Bros . S . T . Lucas , 192 , and F . G .
Houghton , 1973 , were then proposed for advancement by the W . M . and S . VV ., and seconded by the Sec and J . W . respectively . The W . M . then vacated the chair , which was taken by the Prov . G . M ., who proceeded to install Bro . Wood as W . M . of the lodge in the most impressive manner . The W . M . after his installation proceeded tu appoint and invest his
officers as follows : Bros . Chillingworth , I . P . M . ; Bateman , S . W . ; Bright , J . W . ; Cummings , M . O . ; Paine , S . O . ; Colman , J . O . ; Robinson , S . D . ; Spurrell , I . G . ; and de Pinna , Sec The I . P . M ., Bro . Chillingworth , was unanimously re-elected Treasurer of the lodge , a Past Master ' s jewel being presented to him by the W . M . on behalf of the lodge , in recognition of his services as head of the lodge
Mark Masonry.
during the past year . Bro . Youngman was unanimously re-elected Tyler . I he Worshipful Master then proposed a very cordial vote of thanks to the Prov . G . M . for the honour he had done the lodge by his presence on that occasion , and for the admirable manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation , which had gained so much through the solemn
and impressive manner in which lie had rendered it , and also for the valuable advice which the lodge had received from the Prov . G . M . This was seconded by the I . P . M ., and carried unanimously . I he Prov . Grand Master having acknowledged the compliment in appropriate terms , the lodge was closed in due form after the expression of " Hearty good wishes" from Lodges 322 , 7 , and 13 .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
BOLTON . —St . Peter ' s Chapter ( No . 31 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held on Saturday , the 24 th ult ., at the Commercial Hotel , Cower Hall-square . 'There were present III . Bro . VV . J . Thomson , 30 ° , M . W . S . ; Bros . A . Middleton , 1 st General ; J . M . Sinclair , 2 nd General ; III . Bro . G . Broclclanlc , 32 ° , Treas . ; Bros . J . B . Murray , G . Marshal ; T . H . Glendinning , D . of C ; A . H . Jafferis , Capt . of Guard ; J . K . Lees , Org . ; VV . W . VVylde and R . H . Swindlehurst , Stewards ; I . M . Kerr , and I .
Barrett . P . M . Ws .: 111 . Bros . R . Hanvood , 30 ; J . VV . Taylor , 30 ; T . Morris ; C J . Banister , 33 , S . G . I . G . North-Eastern District ; and C . R . A . Beswicke-Royds , 33 = , S . G . I . G . North Western District . Visitors : III . Bros . T . C . Thorburn , 30 ° , M . W . S . Liverpool Chapter , and H . Krauss , P . M . W . S . Leeson Chapter . The chapter was opened in due form , after which the Inspectors-General of the two Northern Districts were
received under the arch of steel . Four candidates were balloted for and unanimously elected , and three of them , viz ., Bros . J . W . Edwards , of the Affability Lodge ; E . Eveleigh , of the Strangeways Lodge ; and William J . Cunliffe , of the Affability Lodge , having presented themselves were duly perfected as Rase Croix Masons , 111 . Bro . G . R . Brockbank , 32 , presiding at Ihe first point , the duties of Raphael and Grand Marshal being ably conducted by
Bro . J . D . Murray . I he entire ceremony was quietly and decorously worked , the ohcers having taken considerable pains to perfect themselves in their respective parts , and the older members were much gratified to notice the steady progress of the juniors , whose working was faultless . Letters of apology were read from several of the members who were unaale to attend from sickness and other causes . The brethren were much pleased to be again visited by their
veteran friend and former Inspector-General , and a resolution was proposed by Bro . Brockbank , 32 ' , seconded by the M . W . S ., welcoming the illustrious brother on his return home alter a tour in Canada , and expressing gratification at meeting him again in tin ? chapter , in whose progress and prosperity he has always evinced the warmest interest . III . Bro . Banister suitably replied . 111 . Bro . R . iyds , Inspector-General of the district , invested the neivly-obligated
brethren , explained to them the symbols of the Order , and completed the ceremony of perfecting the candidates . Considerable structural alterations and additions have been made to and in the house wnere the meetings of the chapter are held , and much pleasure was evinced on this occasion to find that greater accoinnudation had been given for working the beautiful ceremony of this Order , and as the chapter is one which has always been distinguished
for its good working and genera ! appointments it may be fairly considered one of the most useful and harmonious chapters in the northern district . Shortly before dinner a telegram was received by 111 . Bro . Brockbank from III . Bro . C . F . Alatier , 31 , Sec . 1910 , conveying the hearty good wishes of Col . Clerke , and all the brethren of that lodge then assembled , to the M . W . S . and members of the St . Peter ' s Chapter . This expression
of fraternal goodwill was much appreciated by the brethren and a return message was sent reciprocating the kindly sentiments conveyed in the message from the lodge . The Committee appointed at the last meeting to consider the best means of showing their appreciation of the manner in which Bro . Banister has discharged the duties of
Inspector-General since his appointment to that office , made a report to the brethren , and it was agreed , as the proposal made would be in full accord with the feelings of Bro . Banister , that thesame should be adopted and the presenta . tion made on a suitable occasion at an eaily period . Hearty salutations having been given from the visiting brethren the chapter was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
LEICESTER . —Byzantine Conclave ( No . 44 ) . —A regular meeting of this highly prosperous conclave was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , 26 th ult ., under the presidency of the E . and P . Sir Knight Thomas Worthington , M . P . S . The conclave was honoured with the presence of the III . Chief Intendent-General for Leicestershire and the adjoining provinces , the veteran Mason , Sir Knight Wm . Kelly , F . S . A-, P . P . G . M . for
Leicestershire and Rutland , and amongst the other sir knights present were were S . S . Partridge , P . S . and K . G . C . ; R . Waite , P . S . ; H . Meadows , V . E . ; T . Coltman , S . G . ; J . H . Thompson , I . G . ; Dr . VV . Hammond , 1 st Aide ; R . Taylor , Treas . ; VV . J . Curtis , Recorder ; J . D . Harris , Prelate ; F . Griffiths , Prefect ; VV . A . Fielding , Herald ; S . A . Marris , Std . Br . ; S . Cleaver , Stwd . ; S . Knight , VV . L . Ball , and \ V . M . Randell .
Alter the reading and confirmation of the minutes and the reading of a letter of apology for absence from E . and P . Sir Knights J . T . Thorp , J . VV . Woodall and others , a College of Viceroys WJS formed and Sir Knight Henry Meadows was inducted into the office of Viceroy of the conclave , the ceremony being performed by the Chief Intendent-General . The other Sir Knights having been readmitted , Bro . W . j . Freer , of the Albert Edward Lodge ,
No . 15 C 0 , who had been elected at a previous conclave , was duly installed and proclaimed as a Knight of the Order with full ceremonial , much of which is peculiar to the Byzantine Conclave , the duties of the M . P . S . being most completely and ably performed by Sir Knight Worthington , who was efficiently supported by the remainder of the officers present . 'The traditional history of the Order was fully described by Sir Knight Harris , H . P ., and the con-