Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
Grand Lodge of Scotland and Reform 147 Freemasonry and Israelitism 148 Poet Masons 148
Consecration of anew Lodge at VVldnes , Lancashire ... 149 Consecration of the Huyshe Chapter of Hose Croix , Plymouth ' 50 Mnsnnic Notes and ( Queries 1 ' ; o
CORRHSPONDKNCE ' . Masonic Balls 151 Aids to Study 151 Instruction 151
Division of the Province of West Lancashire 151 Masonic Tidings—Hritish , Colonial ami Foreign 152 United Grand Lodge—Quarterly Communication ... 153 CIIAFT MASONRY : —
Metropolitan 154 Provincial 155 SCOTLAND : —
Edinburgh 136 Masonic Meetings for next week 156 Advertisements 14 C , 146 , 157 , i ; S , 1 : 9 , 1 O 0
The Grand Lodge Of Scotland And Reform.
BY BRO . W . J . HUUIIAN . An important movement litis just heen inaugurated in the Grand Lotlge of Scotland , hy the Grand Master , the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosslyn , and we hope that success will attend his Lordship ' s
earnest endeavours to promote efficiency , representation , and practical benevolence , throughout all the departments of Masonry under his jurisdiction . The following communication , addressed to the lodges by command of the Grand Master
will givesjonie idea uf the changes now imminent , und which are much needed , "GRAND Lonon OF SCOTLAND , " Freemasons' Hall , "Edinburgh , ist February , 1 S 72 .
R . W . SIR AND BROTHKR . —I am commanded by the M . W . the Grand Master to bring under your notice the following points of importance , to \ vhich the most serious attention ofthe daughter lodges is invited , with a view to their own welfare
individually , and as affecting the status and character of the Scottish Craft at large . These , however , are dealt with only as suggestions , which , it is hoped , will receive a fair consideration at the hands of the Office Bearers and members
ofthe various lodges , and under the supervision of the Provincial Grand Lodges , be given effect to , viz : — 1 . Admission if Members . —Grave complaints are frequently made as to the hurried reception
of candidates ^ without sufficient time being allowed to enquire into their character . This , it is obvious , is fraught with . the most disastrous consequences to the Craft , and will be carefully avoided by all well-governed lodges , as also the conferring of
more than one degree upon any candidate at the same time . This is contrary to Grand Lodge Laws , except in cases of well ascertained and absolute emergency . Frequent complaints are also made as to the small initiation fee charged
by many lodges . Money can be no test of character , it is true , but the best interests of a lodge will dictate the necessity of avoiding this ground of complaint ; especiall y is this worthy of attention in towns where many lodges exist , and
where it is found that the fee fixed by one lodge acts prejudiciall y upon the sister lodges . No doubt each lod ge knows its own affairs ° best , and it is difficult to legislate on this question , but
undoubtedl y the minimum fee at present fixed by the Grand Lod ge is sufficiently small for any locality , and it . is the interest of every lodge to increase that sum , as circumstances will warrant .
The Grand Lodge Of Scotland And Reform.
2 . Lodge . Meetings and . Workings . —The regularity of the various lodge meetings affect the prosperity of a lodge very materially—not less than two meetings per month should be held ( except during the summer vacation ) and it is suggested that one of these should be for instruction
purposes . It is much to be regretted that many Office Bearers , and even Masters of Lodges are unable to work tlie ritual of the order , and thereby many abuses creep in , antl a want of uniformity in working the degrees exist . This is a matter requiring attention , asno brother should be elected
to office , or accept if , who is not prepared to discharge its duties . It is also suggested that during the winter the delivery of lectures , on popular subjects , should be encouraged . This is found to be of immense o .
value to many lodges , and as an example there is appended hereto a syllabus of the lectures for the current Winter Session , in the Lodge Edinburgh Journeymen , No . 8 , and which is worthy of being followed .
3 . Representation of Lodges iu Grand Lodge . — It is to be deplored that many lodges quite overlook the advantages flowing from being represented in Grand Lodge , and a certain isolation results , whicli is very prejudicial both to the lodge itself , and the Grand Lodge . It is hoped
that these lodges only require this matter to be brought under their notice to have the omission supplied in future , and that thus a constant and regular communication may exist between the Grand Lodge and her daughter lodges , and an increased interest produced in the welfare of each
body by the other . l \ y its charter each lodge is required to send its R . W . M . and Wardens to represent it iu Grantl Lodge , and where this is not convenient , they are allowed to appoint Proxies , who should be required to keep their lodges carefully informed of all Grand Lodge
proceedings and interests . The Roll of Members of Grand Lodge must now be closed at the ist of April , yearly , ( except as to vacancies occasioned by deaths and representations of lodges abroad ) . And that , with these exceptions , the Members appearing on the
Roll at that date are the only parties entitled to vote at Meetings of Grand Lodge until tlie following annual election . If therefore your lodge is to be represented in Grantl Lodge , during the currency of the year from that date , you will require to have the
names of the R . W . M . and Wardens , or Proxy Master and Wardens , registered by me prior to ist April , and their fees of membership duly paid , or if already represented , then to see that your representatives are properly qualified and acting , otherwise the lodge , will appear in the unrepresented list .
4 . . Inniial Certificates . —In consequence of the Act of Parliament , entitled , An Act for the more effectual Suppression of Societies established for seditious and treasonable purposes , ike ., Grand Lodge on 5 th August , 1799 , resolved that every daughter lodge should annually on the 24 th June , transmit the affirmation ( Appendix C . Grand
Lodge Laws ) that the requisites ofthe said Act had been complied with during the preceding year , and in return receive a certificate concerning the proofs and privileges of the Charter . Many lodges neglect this most important duty , and thereby render themselves liable to the recall of their Charter and to be struck off ' the Roll of the
Grand Lodge . I am therelore to request your immediate attention to this matter if such omission applies to your lodge . 5 . Registration of Intrants . —A frequent cause of complaint is the very careless manner in which
the Intrant Returns are made , it being in many instances quite impossible to make sure of the names or dates , thereby occasioning trouble and expense in returning the schedule , and frequently delay in the issue of diplomas .
It is very desirable to have some definite information regarding affiliated brethren , as to their mother lodge , and which with a little trouble could always be supplied . Special notice is called to filling in with care
every column of the Returns ; this is very much neglected , especially the column of fees paid by the Intrants for Initiation , and is very necessary , as forming a check upon the lodges that Grand Lodge Laws are obeyed . The Auditors desire me to urge upon you , or
The Grand Lodge Of Scotland And Reform.
your Treasurer , or other office-bearer , making remittances to Grand Lodge , the necessity for using the proper printed schedule in every instance , and of filling up the cash column with great care and accuracy , as this forms the main check upon the Grand Lodge accounts .
These Intrant Schedules should be invariably dated and signed , otherwise they are no authority . It is very desirable , that the remittance should always accompany the schedule , and that , when at all possible it should be in the form of
Postoffice order or draft , and not in postage stamps , as by this means any miscarriage of letters can he traced . The sum remitted with a Schedule should always correspond with that stated therein , so
. that no balance for or against the lodge may exist . 6 . Correspondence . —lt very frequently happens that applications are made for diplomas within a few hours of the Intrant ' s departure for a foreign
country , although many days may have elapsed since his admission ; and frequently the letter does not arrive till after the brother has left . In cases of emergency , a telegram would always , i f distinct , command attention , and the schedule
should follow by post . Jn eases where , by accident , promptattention is not given to any communication it should at once be written about , and it is specially requested that in such instances the full particulars ofthe former
communication be given for guidance . 7 . General Observations , Initiation of lame or maimed candidates . —Frequent communications are received on this subject , and it is hereby
intimated that as there is no explicit law on the point , it must be left to the voice of the lodge to do in the circumstances what appears to becorrect .
Mark Degree . —As it is believed many lodges are under misconception in this matter , any lodge desiring a copy of circular of December , 1 S 60 , eontainingfull instructions on the subject may have the same on application at this office .
I'he foreging suggestions are made as calling the attention of lodges to points which may be improved by themselves without further legislation by Grand Lodge , and which his Lordship the Grand Master is satisfied only require to be
pointed out , in order to be carefully observed . I remain , R . W . Sir and Brother , Yours truly and fraternally , J LAURIE , Grand Clerk .
On the first point , viz ., the " Admission of Members , ' ' we consider the fault mainl y rests with the Grand Lodge , for iu the last edition of its Laws ( A . D . 1871 ) page 46 , it is stated that ' no candidate for the Apprentice degree shall be
initiated in any lodge for a smaller sum than twenty-one shillings , exclusive ofthe Grand Lodge clues for registration . " At page 47 , it is provided that no candidate shall be advanced to a superior degree at a shorter interval than that of two weeks . excepting under the emergency clauses .
To our mind the remedy lies in altering these clauses . Let the initiation fee be raised to three
guineas at least in Scotland , and never permit the degrees to be given unless an interval of one month has elapsed between each . The fact is that , at thc present time , a lodge can be called at anytime , even during the same day that the
summons is issued ; ( some even issue no summons ) , and any stranger to the neighbourhood , especially English gentleman , can there and then , be initialed , passed , and raised , without any law of the Grand Lodge of Scotland being infringed ! I have
myself known gentlemen thus initiated , passed , and raised , and I have known others whom I could not designate either gentlemen , or honest men ,
thus admitted into the Craft , and it is not therefore to be wondered at that the former have paid little attention to Masonry , remember nothing of the ceremonies , and look upon the whole as a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
Grand Lodge of Scotland and Reform 147 Freemasonry and Israelitism 148 Poet Masons 148
Consecration of anew Lodge at VVldnes , Lancashire ... 149 Consecration of the Huyshe Chapter of Hose Croix , Plymouth ' 50 Mnsnnic Notes and ( Queries 1 ' ; o
CORRHSPONDKNCE ' . Masonic Balls 151 Aids to Study 151 Instruction 151
Division of the Province of West Lancashire 151 Masonic Tidings—Hritish , Colonial ami Foreign 152 United Grand Lodge—Quarterly Communication ... 153 CIIAFT MASONRY : —
Metropolitan 154 Provincial 155 SCOTLAND : —
Edinburgh 136 Masonic Meetings for next week 156 Advertisements 14 C , 146 , 157 , i ; S , 1 : 9 , 1 O 0
The Grand Lodge Of Scotland And Reform.
BY BRO . W . J . HUUIIAN . An important movement litis just heen inaugurated in the Grand Lotlge of Scotland , hy the Grand Master , the Right Honourable the Earl of Rosslyn , and we hope that success will attend his Lordship ' s
earnest endeavours to promote efficiency , representation , and practical benevolence , throughout all the departments of Masonry under his jurisdiction . The following communication , addressed to the lodges by command of the Grand Master
will givesjonie idea uf the changes now imminent , und which are much needed , "GRAND Lonon OF SCOTLAND , " Freemasons' Hall , "Edinburgh , ist February , 1 S 72 .
R . W . SIR AND BROTHKR . —I am commanded by the M . W . the Grand Master to bring under your notice the following points of importance , to \ vhich the most serious attention ofthe daughter lodges is invited , with a view to their own welfare
individually , and as affecting the status and character of the Scottish Craft at large . These , however , are dealt with only as suggestions , which , it is hoped , will receive a fair consideration at the hands of the Office Bearers and members
ofthe various lodges , and under the supervision of the Provincial Grand Lodges , be given effect to , viz : — 1 . Admission if Members . —Grave complaints are frequently made as to the hurried reception
of candidates ^ without sufficient time being allowed to enquire into their character . This , it is obvious , is fraught with . the most disastrous consequences to the Craft , and will be carefully avoided by all well-governed lodges , as also the conferring of
more than one degree upon any candidate at the same time . This is contrary to Grand Lodge Laws , except in cases of well ascertained and absolute emergency . Frequent complaints are also made as to the small initiation fee charged
by many lodges . Money can be no test of character , it is true , but the best interests of a lodge will dictate the necessity of avoiding this ground of complaint ; especiall y is this worthy of attention in towns where many lodges exist , and
where it is found that the fee fixed by one lodge acts prejudiciall y upon the sister lodges . No doubt each lod ge knows its own affairs ° best , and it is difficult to legislate on this question , but
undoubtedl y the minimum fee at present fixed by the Grand Lod ge is sufficiently small for any locality , and it . is the interest of every lodge to increase that sum , as circumstances will warrant .
The Grand Lodge Of Scotland And Reform.
2 . Lodge . Meetings and . Workings . —The regularity of the various lodge meetings affect the prosperity of a lodge very materially—not less than two meetings per month should be held ( except during the summer vacation ) and it is suggested that one of these should be for instruction
purposes . It is much to be regretted that many Office Bearers , and even Masters of Lodges are unable to work tlie ritual of the order , and thereby many abuses creep in , antl a want of uniformity in working the degrees exist . This is a matter requiring attention , asno brother should be elected
to office , or accept if , who is not prepared to discharge its duties . It is also suggested that during the winter the delivery of lectures , on popular subjects , should be encouraged . This is found to be of immense o .
value to many lodges , and as an example there is appended hereto a syllabus of the lectures for the current Winter Session , in the Lodge Edinburgh Journeymen , No . 8 , and which is worthy of being followed .
3 . Representation of Lodges iu Grand Lodge . — It is to be deplored that many lodges quite overlook the advantages flowing from being represented in Grand Lodge , and a certain isolation results , whicli is very prejudicial both to the lodge itself , and the Grand Lodge . It is hoped
that these lodges only require this matter to be brought under their notice to have the omission supplied in future , and that thus a constant and regular communication may exist between the Grand Lodge and her daughter lodges , and an increased interest produced in the welfare of each
body by the other . l \ y its charter each lodge is required to send its R . W . M . and Wardens to represent it iu Grantl Lodge , and where this is not convenient , they are allowed to appoint Proxies , who should be required to keep their lodges carefully informed of all Grand Lodge
proceedings and interests . The Roll of Members of Grand Lodge must now be closed at the ist of April , yearly , ( except as to vacancies occasioned by deaths and representations of lodges abroad ) . And that , with these exceptions , the Members appearing on the
Roll at that date are the only parties entitled to vote at Meetings of Grand Lodge until tlie following annual election . If therefore your lodge is to be represented in Grantl Lodge , during the currency of the year from that date , you will require to have the
names of the R . W . M . and Wardens , or Proxy Master and Wardens , registered by me prior to ist April , and their fees of membership duly paid , or if already represented , then to see that your representatives are properly qualified and acting , otherwise the lodge , will appear in the unrepresented list .
4 . . Inniial Certificates . —In consequence of the Act of Parliament , entitled , An Act for the more effectual Suppression of Societies established for seditious and treasonable purposes , ike ., Grand Lodge on 5 th August , 1799 , resolved that every daughter lodge should annually on the 24 th June , transmit the affirmation ( Appendix C . Grand
Lodge Laws ) that the requisites ofthe said Act had been complied with during the preceding year , and in return receive a certificate concerning the proofs and privileges of the Charter . Many lodges neglect this most important duty , and thereby render themselves liable to the recall of their Charter and to be struck off ' the Roll of the
Grand Lodge . I am therelore to request your immediate attention to this matter if such omission applies to your lodge . 5 . Registration of Intrants . —A frequent cause of complaint is the very careless manner in which
the Intrant Returns are made , it being in many instances quite impossible to make sure of the names or dates , thereby occasioning trouble and expense in returning the schedule , and frequently delay in the issue of diplomas .
It is very desirable to have some definite information regarding affiliated brethren , as to their mother lodge , and which with a little trouble could always be supplied . Special notice is called to filling in with care
every column of the Returns ; this is very much neglected , especially the column of fees paid by the Intrants for Initiation , and is very necessary , as forming a check upon the lodges that Grand Lodge Laws are obeyed . The Auditors desire me to urge upon you , or
The Grand Lodge Of Scotland And Reform.
your Treasurer , or other office-bearer , making remittances to Grand Lodge , the necessity for using the proper printed schedule in every instance , and of filling up the cash column with great care and accuracy , as this forms the main check upon the Grand Lodge accounts .
These Intrant Schedules should be invariably dated and signed , otherwise they are no authority . It is very desirable , that the remittance should always accompany the schedule , and that , when at all possible it should be in the form of
Postoffice order or draft , and not in postage stamps , as by this means any miscarriage of letters can he traced . The sum remitted with a Schedule should always correspond with that stated therein , so
. that no balance for or against the lodge may exist . 6 . Correspondence . —lt very frequently happens that applications are made for diplomas within a few hours of the Intrant ' s departure for a foreign
country , although many days may have elapsed since his admission ; and frequently the letter does not arrive till after the brother has left . In cases of emergency , a telegram would always , i f distinct , command attention , and the schedule
should follow by post . Jn eases where , by accident , promptattention is not given to any communication it should at once be written about , and it is specially requested that in such instances the full particulars ofthe former
communication be given for guidance . 7 . General Observations , Initiation of lame or maimed candidates . —Frequent communications are received on this subject , and it is hereby
intimated that as there is no explicit law on the point , it must be left to the voice of the lodge to do in the circumstances what appears to becorrect .
Mark Degree . —As it is believed many lodges are under misconception in this matter , any lodge desiring a copy of circular of December , 1 S 60 , eontainingfull instructions on the subject may have the same on application at this office .
I'he foreging suggestions are made as calling the attention of lodges to points which may be improved by themselves without further legislation by Grand Lodge , and which his Lordship the Grand Master is satisfied only require to be
pointed out , in order to be carefully observed . I remain , R . W . Sir and Brother , Yours truly and fraternally , J LAURIE , Grand Clerk .
On the first point , viz ., the " Admission of Members , ' ' we consider the fault mainl y rests with the Grand Lodge , for iu the last edition of its Laws ( A . D . 1871 ) page 46 , it is stated that ' no candidate for the Apprentice degree shall be
initiated in any lodge for a smaller sum than twenty-one shillings , exclusive ofthe Grand Lodge clues for registration . " At page 47 , it is provided that no candidate shall be advanced to a superior degree at a shorter interval than that of two weeks . excepting under the emergency clauses .
To our mind the remedy lies in altering these clauses . Let the initiation fee be raised to three
guineas at least in Scotland , and never permit the degrees to be given unless an interval of one month has elapsed between each . The fact is that , at thc present time , a lodge can be called at anytime , even during the same day that the
summons is issued ; ( some even issue no summons ) , and any stranger to the neighbourhood , especially English gentleman , can there and then , be initialed , passed , and raised , without any law of the Grand Lodge of Scotland being infringed ! I have
myself known gentlemen thus initiated , passed , and raised , and I have known others whom I could not designate either gentlemen , or honest men ,
thus admitted into the Craft , and it is not therefore to be wondered at that the former have paid little attention to Masonry , remember nothing of the ceremonies , and look upon the whole as a