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MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , Chairman , London Board - - Dr . Beaman . „ Portsmouth „ - - Aid . Ford . ,, Leeds ,, - - Aid . Addyman . „ Plymouth „ - - Major Studdy . This Company invites the attention of thc Craft to its entirely novel and original instrument of POSITIVK LIFI ; POLICY - . FREUK . BIOO , P . M ., Manager and Actuary . LOANS GRANTED .
NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED 1845 . Conducted under the official supervision of thr State of New York . $ 100000 have been deposited with Trustees in England . Life Assurance only . Purel y Mutual . All Profits annuall y lo Policy Holders . Accumulated Funds , December 31 st , 1870 ... . £ , ' 3 , 172 , 244 Surplus over all Liabilities , and Reserve Fund 3 89 , 322 Income for Year 1870 1 , 317 , 271 Bro . M . X . COHEN , SPECIAL AGENT , 76 & 77 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTAllI . ISlllCI ) 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CIIIKK Omens—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 10 , OLD JEWRY CHAMBERS . Secretary : C 11 . v 1 t 1 . 1 _ s R . OILMAN , ESC | . London Manager : Mr . GI-OIIOI : Povvi . i . i ..
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE AND NEWS ROOM , l . oM » . \ ni > STRUCT , LONDON , K . C . TERMS : £ . s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... ... 3 3 o Members residing and carrying ou business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchants , Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 o The Room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , nnd books of reference . It includes a Past-office , l ' oste Restante , Telegraph-oHice , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , \ c . ; also opying machines for thc use of subscribers . Bro . | OM \ II . YOUNGIIUSBAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C , P . P . J . G . W ., cVc , Manager .
THE "EXPRESS " GENERAL STEAM PRINTING OFFICE , THAI roKD-sTKi-tivT , HUI . MI :, MANCHESTER , S . W . HRO . MASON begs to state that he can forward PRINTING to any address in the country , carriage paid . 100 Cards 1 / fi , 2 / 0 , 2 / 33 / 0 and 3 / 6 5 , 000 Handbills 12 / 6 , 20 / 0 , 2 5 / 0 , 34 / 0 to 50 / 0 12 Funeral Cards ljh , 2 / 0 ; 24 ditto , 2 / 6 , ' 4 / 6 100 Posting Bills 5 / 0 , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 , 12 / 6 , 1 5 / 0 , 20 / 0 i | o , ooo Wake's or Pauldcn's Annual Circulars ... £ 87 / 10 Gentlemen ' s or Ladies' Piivate Cards 50 for 2 / 6 ; 100 3 / 6 12 Window Bills 1 / 0 , " i / 6 , 2 / 6 , 5 / 0 , 10 7 / 6 5 , 000 Billheads , at per 1 , 000 5 / 0 , 6 / 0 , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 Society Rules , 16 pages , 30 / 0 , 35 / 0 , 40 / 0 , 45 / 0 , to 105 / 0 ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION . R RO . " ~ AD LARD " . s jl « : W ii L AIT AC IIK R . XJ KI-: <; ISTKKI-. D . Masonic Clothier , &<_ ., 225 , High Holborn , W . C . BALLFAVOURS," NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C .
LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING SOCIETY , Knrolled in i 8 » $ , pursuant to Act ot" rarlaimeut . SHARKS , £ 2 $ each " , may be paid in one sum , or by Monthly Subscriptions ol" < s . per share . 1 NVKSTING MKMIJKKS receive 5 percent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONKY ADVANCED OX MORTGAGE , without Premium , for any term of years . ' llro . J ONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric M 33 )» Secretary . Ollices : —107 a , Fenchureh-street , K . C
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipt .- exceed O X K M I \ . 1 . I O X ! flozr to Ptirchttst * a House for J' -. m Gn ' nnh-as far Month , With immediate possession and no Rent tn pa v . Applv at the OMiceol' the H 1 RKHECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 21 ) Sc 30 , Southampton-huidimrs , Chancerv-lane . Ha-. it to purchase a Plot of [ . aiui fav Five Shillings /» , T Ma ; ithy \\ ith immedatc possession , either tor BuiWiingnr Gardening purposes npplv at the Ollice of tlie BIRKBECK EREEi-101 . 1 ) LAND SOCIETY , 2 i ) & : 30 Southampton-buildings ., Chancery-lane , Jlwzf tu Ir . i-cst Mutay -with s , i }\ ty * . ' ¦ * £ 4 ) KV cent Ini . hsi , Apply tn the Oili / e of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under £ ~ o repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Hooks supplied . Oflice hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays lrom lotilltj , and on Saturdays lrom 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing lull particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to EKANLIS R . WKNSCKUJ-T , Manager .
'p i-IK SOUTH-WESTERN INDEX LIST of Kurnished and Unfurnished Houses to be let , and of Estates for sale in the South-west of l . ondyu , \> published . Monthlv bv M R . JAS . STEVENS , Ai : < : TIOX EER & ESTATE AGENT , CLAPHAM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those seeking Residences , and saving much trouble in obtaining information of properties for disposal in the S . W . district . Send post-cardwilh your address , and a copv will be forwarded hy return post .
'J II E L () N D O N M I R R () R . Published every Saturday ; price 41 I . The object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Educational , l ! enc \ oIeut , and Prudential Institutions of the I ' niied Kingdom , ami week liy week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , < ir Elections , so as to present these Xation . il Institutions to the favour ofthe I'ublie . Ollice , ; , Southampton-row , Rus > ell-squarc , London , W . C .
uTHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . —The Largest Ma-onic . Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., ' by George Prank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the lour ' Grand Undies of Missouri . The Krccmason contains tidings lrom every quarter of tlie world , and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in Americanallahs . Terms £ 2 per annum , and to tho * o who subscribe for the Loudon Freemason the juice will be 1 s- ' fo fervency . 1 'o-tage free . Subscriptions received by the Loudon " I ' l ' eema-nn . "
q ^ HE . MASONIC TROWEL . —A Masonic Imunal , pn \ i \ Mie . l on tlie 15 th of every month , by IL G . UeynoUU , Junr ., Springfield , Illinois , L'uited States of America . " Sixteen pages , large quarto . Circulation _ 'o , oco monthl ; .. Terms to be obtained , and Subscriptions received at the Freemason Ollice , 2 , j , and 4 , Little l ;_ iii _ in , and lorwarded lice of charge .
r r 11 E j Kw 1 s ii c 11 Roxici , E Price Twopence . OFFICE : 4 ; , 1 TXSHCKY SOL'ARE , ICC . "Turin NU ' SV 1 ' KI .. ML . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlerv , Brushes , Lenders and hire Irons , Electroplate an . l Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , P . OKOL'GIL r ^ KFKRS nothing extraordinary , lint REALLY ( IIKIJI Articles at fair and reasou ; ib ! e prices . He does not keep an " Immense Slock , " but suilidently large for any person to select from , lie doer * not sell " cheaper than ever ; other house in the Trade , " but quite ar * cheap as any . A \ i .-it will , at all times , be \ cry much appreciated .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in ller . Majesty ' s Laundry . Those Ladies who have not yet used the GlenlieJd Starch , are respectlullv solicited to L'jve it a ' trial , and , carefully follow tint the directions printed on every package , ll i > rather more dillicult to make than oilier Starches , but when this is overcome , ihey will •-ay , like the Ouccn'n Laundress , that it is the lineal Starch they ever used . When you ask for the Glcniield , see that you get it .
Q . ENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT , Ki , City-roail , E . C , opposite the Finsbury Schools , mid 24 , Suutliifiitc-roail , De lieautoir Town , N . Bros . SIN GLAIR & SON bt- ; jf to call tile public attention t ;> lheir Scale of Charges to suit all clashes , toany of the Metropolitan Cemeteries , or other places . For luither information , sec Illustrated Hook anil Estimates , forwarded on application . Xo connection with any other establishment . W . MARCHANT , WHOt . i : s . \_ . _ - _ AM ) li-. TAl . ' . Dealer in China , Glass , Earthenware , IRONMONGERY , TIN GOODS , URL'S ! IKS AND BROOMS . China Figures and Ornaments , Musical Instruments , Metal Goods , Japanned Ditto , Americai Fails , and Impoiter of Foreign Glass . Licensed Victuallers supplied with every description of Glass , < S _ c . Goods Lent on I lire . 82 . LOWER MARSH . LAMBETH . LONDON .
THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( S NOW HILL STATION ) BIRMINGHAM . " One of the most elegant , comfortable ami economical Hotel * in tin : three kingdoms . — -7 Vie fi .-W , July 31 , iS 6 q . " " From experienee .. ' . lincil by repented visits , we art hami ) to he alilt to testily to the exceeifin ;! comfort ol' this Hotel . \\ e have much pleasure in recommending it . " — -Tin- Engiiu-er , October 14 , 1 S 70 . " An establishment remrnkablc for its able management reasonable charges , and general comfort . "—Hell ' s Life , June , 31 , tXji . Omul . l .-iommii . Uiliu / ifor I . o . l ^ cs , Cli . iptt-rs , Cc .
The Alexandra Restaurant , ; , COXUUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . I ' ublie aud I ' rhatc Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers after tbe Theatres . llro . F . 1-lii . ruKa n , Proprietor .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st ., E . C . CPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop nnd Steakrooms , I . uncheon-hars , and Smoking Rooms . Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , IJuildiugSocieties , S : c . ; also for lMccmasons' Lodges and Ilnnquets , Private Dinners , & c . liuildhall Tavern Company ( Limited ; , 32 and 3 $ , CJresham-street , ' ( iroaiii : CluuToun , Manager antl Sccretan-.
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , I . OXDOX . TXTELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Kntcrfalnments . Public Meetings , and Arbirations . The large 1 lall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SYPM-. Y SrKsetat , Manager .
Caledonian Hotel , ROltl-RT STRFF . T , ADKLPHI TFRRACH , STRAND . rj . ENTI . EMEN and Families visiting London will liml every accommodation , combined with comtort and moderate charges , at tbe aho \ e Hotel . Beds from : s . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from 2 S , Table d'Hote O . 30 , 3 s . Od . Kverv accommodation for Masonic . Meetings and B .-u _<] ucts . A spacious and cheerful Codec Room overlooking the Thames . Uro . IIKUROE STATES , Manager .
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVKNL'K , llASlNOHALL-STRICIiT , CITV . r pHE above old-established Tavern is NOW - OI'KN , newlv decorated , by Hro . CHAR 1 . F . S C . OSDKN . late Manager oflhe ' l- ' reeniasons' Tavern Company . ICvery accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , . suppers , & e .. and every attention will be paid lo lheir comfort aud enioyment bt the new Proprietor ..
j ? EFA ' ES , SON and CO ., Printers , Wholesale Stationers , and Aecount Hook Manufacturers , I'i . AYHGL'SK VAKi ) , HLACKI- 'KIAKS , LO . XUOX , K . C . . ext the " Times " Ollice . W EEVES , SON and CO ., xv Publishers . l ^ EEVES ^ SON and CO ., Newspaper Printers . P EEVES , SON and CO ., Mn ^ a / ine Printers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., X Law Printers . P EEVES , SON and CO ., xv Commercial Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Show Card Printers . PEEVES SON and co ., Label Printers . PEEVES , SON ami co ., Ornamental and Colour Printers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., Hankers' Cheque Printers . P EEVES , SON and CO ., Copper Plate Printers , PEEVES SON and CO ., Lithographic Printers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., Lithographic Artists . P EEVES , SON and CO ., Map Printers and Cnlonrers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., Designers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., xv Stereotypcrs . PEEVES , SON and CO ., I'higravers anti Die-Sinkerr , IJEKVKS , SON and CO ., offer many advantages to Manufacturers ami all persons requiring large qualities nf Paper ami Printing , as they possess the most approved machinery , as well as every other facility for executing orders entrusted to them in the cheapest and best manner . As PUHUSMliRS , their Ollices arc very central , and they render accounts monthlv .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , Chairman , London Board - - Dr . Beaman . „ Portsmouth „ - - Aid . Ford . ,, Leeds ,, - - Aid . Addyman . „ Plymouth „ - - Major Studdy . This Company invites the attention of thc Craft to its entirely novel and original instrument of POSITIVK LIFI ; POLICY - . FREUK . BIOO , P . M ., Manager and Actuary . LOANS GRANTED .
NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED 1845 . Conducted under the official supervision of thr State of New York . $ 100000 have been deposited with Trustees in England . Life Assurance only . Purel y Mutual . All Profits annuall y lo Policy Holders . Accumulated Funds , December 31 st , 1870 ... . £ , ' 3 , 172 , 244 Surplus over all Liabilities , and Reserve Fund 3 89 , 322 Income for Year 1870 1 , 317 , 271 Bro . M . X . COHEN , SPECIAL AGENT , 76 & 77 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTAllI . ISlllCI ) 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CIIIKK Omens—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 10 , OLD JEWRY CHAMBERS . Secretary : C 11 . v 1 t 1 . 1 _ s R . OILMAN , ESC | . London Manager : Mr . GI-OIIOI : Povvi . i . i ..
THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE AND NEWS ROOM , l . oM » . \ ni > STRUCT , LONDON , K . C . TERMS : £ . s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... ... 3 3 o Members residing and carrying ou business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchants , Captains , and Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 o The Room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , nnd books of reference . It includes a Past-office , l ' oste Restante , Telegraph-oHice , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , \ c . ; also opying machines for thc use of subscribers . Bro . | OM \ II . YOUNGIIUSBAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C , P . P . J . G . W ., cVc , Manager .
THE "EXPRESS " GENERAL STEAM PRINTING OFFICE , THAI roKD-sTKi-tivT , HUI . MI :, MANCHESTER , S . W . HRO . MASON begs to state that he can forward PRINTING to any address in the country , carriage paid . 100 Cards 1 / fi , 2 / 0 , 2 / 33 / 0 and 3 / 6 5 , 000 Handbills 12 / 6 , 20 / 0 , 2 5 / 0 , 34 / 0 to 50 / 0 12 Funeral Cards ljh , 2 / 0 ; 24 ditto , 2 / 6 , ' 4 / 6 100 Posting Bills 5 / 0 , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 , 12 / 6 , 1 5 / 0 , 20 / 0 i | o , ooo Wake's or Pauldcn's Annual Circulars ... £ 87 / 10 Gentlemen ' s or Ladies' Piivate Cards 50 for 2 / 6 ; 100 3 / 6 12 Window Bills 1 / 0 , " i / 6 , 2 / 6 , 5 / 0 , 10 7 / 6 5 , 000 Billheads , at per 1 , 000 5 / 0 , 6 / 0 , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 Society Rules , 16 pages , 30 / 0 , 35 / 0 , 40 / 0 , 45 / 0 , to 105 / 0 ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION . R RO . " ~ AD LARD " . s jl « : W ii L AIT AC IIK R . XJ KI-: <; ISTKKI-. D . Masonic Clothier , &<_ ., 225 , High Holborn , W . C . BALLFAVOURS," NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C .
LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING SOCIETY , Knrolled in i 8 » $ , pursuant to Act ot" rarlaimeut . SHARKS , £ 2 $ each " , may be paid in one sum , or by Monthly Subscriptions ol" < s . per share . 1 NVKSTING MKMIJKKS receive 5 percent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONKY ADVANCED OX MORTGAGE , without Premium , for any term of years . ' llro . J ONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric M 33 )» Secretary . Ollices : —107 a , Fenchureh-street , K . C
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipt .- exceed O X K M I \ . 1 . I O X ! flozr to Ptirchttst * a House for J' -. m Gn ' nnh-as far Month , With immediate possession and no Rent tn pa v . Applv at the OMiceol' the H 1 RKHECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 21 ) Sc 30 , Southampton-huidimrs , Chancerv-lane . Ha-. it to purchase a Plot of [ . aiui fav Five Shillings /» , T Ma ; ithy \\ ith immedatc possession , either tor BuiWiingnr Gardening purposes npplv at the Ollice of tlie BIRKBECK EREEi-101 . 1 ) LAND SOCIETY , 2 i ) & : 30 Southampton-buildings ., Chancery-lane , Jlwzf tu Ir . i-cst Mutay -with s , i }\ ty * . ' ¦ * £ 4 ) KV cent Ini . hsi , Apply tn the Oili / e of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under £ ~ o repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Hooks supplied . Oflice hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays lrom lotilltj , and on Saturdays lrom 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing lull particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to EKANLIS R . WKNSCKUJ-T , Manager .
'p i-IK SOUTH-WESTERN INDEX LIST of Kurnished and Unfurnished Houses to be let , and of Estates for sale in the South-west of l . ondyu , \> published . Monthlv bv M R . JAS . STEVENS , Ai : < : TIOX EER & ESTATE AGENT , CLAPHAM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those seeking Residences , and saving much trouble in obtaining information of properties for disposal in the S . W . district . Send post-cardwilh your address , and a copv will be forwarded hy return post .
'J II E L () N D O N M I R R () R . Published every Saturday ; price 41 I . The object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Educational , l ! enc \ oIeut , and Prudential Institutions of the I ' niied Kingdom , ami week liy week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , < ir Elections , so as to present these Xation . il Institutions to the favour ofthe I'ublie . Ollice , ; , Southampton-row , Rus > ell-squarc , London , W . C .
uTHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . —The Largest Ma-onic . Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., ' by George Prank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the lour ' Grand Undies of Missouri . The Krccmason contains tidings lrom every quarter of tlie world , and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in Americanallahs . Terms £ 2 per annum , and to tho * o who subscribe for the Loudon Freemason the juice will be 1 s- ' fo fervency . 1 'o-tage free . Subscriptions received by the Loudon " I ' l ' eema-nn . "
q ^ HE . MASONIC TROWEL . —A Masonic Imunal , pn \ i \ Mie . l on tlie 15 th of every month , by IL G . UeynoUU , Junr ., Springfield , Illinois , L'uited States of America . " Sixteen pages , large quarto . Circulation _ 'o , oco monthl ; .. Terms to be obtained , and Subscriptions received at the Freemason Ollice , 2 , j , and 4 , Little l ;_ iii _ in , and lorwarded lice of charge .
r r 11 E j Kw 1 s ii c 11 Roxici , E Price Twopence . OFFICE : 4 ; , 1 TXSHCKY SOL'ARE , ICC . "Turin NU ' SV 1 ' KI .. ML . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlerv , Brushes , Lenders and hire Irons , Electroplate an . l Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , P . OKOL'GIL r ^ KFKRS nothing extraordinary , lint REALLY ( IIKIJI Articles at fair and reasou ; ib ! e prices . He does not keep an " Immense Slock , " but suilidently large for any person to select from , lie doer * not sell " cheaper than ever ; other house in the Trade , " but quite ar * cheap as any . A \ i .-it will , at all times , be \ cry much appreciated .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in ller . Majesty ' s Laundry . Those Ladies who have not yet used the GlenlieJd Starch , are respectlullv solicited to L'jve it a ' trial , and , carefully follow tint the directions printed on every package , ll i > rather more dillicult to make than oilier Starches , but when this is overcome , ihey will •-ay , like the Ouccn'n Laundress , that it is the lineal Starch they ever used . When you ask for the Glcniield , see that you get it .
Q . ENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT , Ki , City-roail , E . C , opposite the Finsbury Schools , mid 24 , Suutliifiitc-roail , De lieautoir Town , N . Bros . SIN GLAIR & SON bt- ; jf to call tile public attention t ;> lheir Scale of Charges to suit all clashes , toany of the Metropolitan Cemeteries , or other places . For luither information , sec Illustrated Hook anil Estimates , forwarded on application . Xo connection with any other establishment . W . MARCHANT , WHOt . i : s . \_ . _ - _ AM ) li-. TAl . ' . Dealer in China , Glass , Earthenware , IRONMONGERY , TIN GOODS , URL'S ! IKS AND BROOMS . China Figures and Ornaments , Musical Instruments , Metal Goods , Japanned Ditto , Americai Fails , and Impoiter of Foreign Glass . Licensed Victuallers supplied with every description of Glass , < S _ c . Goods Lent on I lire . 82 . LOWER MARSH . LAMBETH . LONDON .
THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( S NOW HILL STATION ) BIRMINGHAM . " One of the most elegant , comfortable ami economical Hotel * in tin : three kingdoms . — -7 Vie fi .-W , July 31 , iS 6 q . " " From experienee .. ' . lincil by repented visits , we art hami ) to he alilt to testily to the exceeifin ;! comfort ol' this Hotel . \\ e have much pleasure in recommending it . " — -Tin- Engiiu-er , October 14 , 1 S 70 . " An establishment remrnkablc for its able management reasonable charges , and general comfort . "—Hell ' s Life , June , 31 , tXji . Omul . l .-iommii . Uiliu / ifor I . o . l ^ cs , Cli . iptt-rs , Cc .
The Alexandra Restaurant , ; , COXUUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . I ' ublie aud I ' rhatc Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers after tbe Theatres . llro . F . 1-lii . ruKa n , Proprietor .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st ., E . C . CPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop nnd Steakrooms , I . uncheon-hars , and Smoking Rooms . Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , IJuildiugSocieties , S : c . ; also for lMccmasons' Lodges and Ilnnquets , Private Dinners , & c . liuildhall Tavern Company ( Limited ; , 32 and 3 $ , CJresham-street , ' ( iroaiii : CluuToun , Manager antl Sccretan-.
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , I . OXDOX . TXTELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Kntcrfalnments . Public Meetings , and Arbirations . The large 1 lall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SYPM-. Y SrKsetat , Manager .
Caledonian Hotel , ROltl-RT STRFF . T , ADKLPHI TFRRACH , STRAND . rj . ENTI . EMEN and Families visiting London will liml every accommodation , combined with comtort and moderate charges , at tbe aho \ e Hotel . Beds from : s . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from 2 S , Table d'Hote O . 30 , 3 s . Od . Kverv accommodation for Masonic . Meetings and B .-u _<] ucts . A spacious and cheerful Codec Room overlooking the Thames . Uro . IIKUROE STATES , Manager .
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVKNL'K , llASlNOHALL-STRICIiT , CITV . r pHE above old-established Tavern is NOW - OI'KN , newlv decorated , by Hro . CHAR 1 . F . S C . OSDKN . late Manager oflhe ' l- ' reeniasons' Tavern Company . ICvery accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , . suppers , & e .. and every attention will be paid lo lheir comfort aud enioyment bt the new Proprietor ..
j ? EFA ' ES , SON and CO ., Printers , Wholesale Stationers , and Aecount Hook Manufacturers , I'i . AYHGL'SK VAKi ) , HLACKI- 'KIAKS , LO . XUOX , K . C . . ext the " Times " Ollice . W EEVES , SON and CO ., xv Publishers . l ^ EEVES ^ SON and CO ., Newspaper Printers . P EEVES , SON and CO ., Mn ^ a / ine Printers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., X Law Printers . P EEVES , SON and CO ., xv Commercial Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Show Card Printers . PEEVES SON and co ., Label Printers . PEEVES , SON ami co ., Ornamental and Colour Printers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., Hankers' Cheque Printers . P EEVES , SON and CO ., Copper Plate Printers , PEEVES SON and CO ., Lithographic Printers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., Lithographic Artists . P EEVES , SON and CO ., Map Printers and Cnlonrers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., Designers . PEEVES , SON and CO ., xv Stereotypcrs . PEEVES , SON and CO ., I'higravers anti Die-Sinkerr , IJEKVKS , SON and CO ., offer many advantages to Manufacturers ami all persons requiring large qualities nf Paper ami Printing , as they possess the most approved machinery , as well as every other facility for executing orders entrusted to them in the cheapest and best manner . As PUHUSMliRS , their Ollices arc very central , and they render accounts monthlv .