Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Huyshe Chapter Of Rose Croin, Plymouth.
A large and influential meeting of the members ofthe Ancient and Accepted Rite took p lace at Plymouth on Tuesday , the aolh ult ., on the occasion of the Consecration of a new Chapter
of Rose Croix . Th :.- Supreme Council of the Thirty Third Degree of England and Wales , iS : c , was re pre sentedby the Illustrious Bros . Charles J . Vigne ,
M . P . S . Grand Commander ; Captain X . G . Phillips , V . P . Lieutenant Grand Commander ' ; Colonel Henry Clerke , Grand Chancellor -, J ohn M . Pultney Montagu , Grand Secretary General ;
attended b y the 111 . Bro . Hy de Pullen , r , ° , Asst . Secretary . A large number of Rose Croix brethren were present to receive the Supreme Council , including the following : —T'ht
Illustrious Bros . Captain C . C . Dick , 32 ; John Oxley Oxland , 32 ° , Most Wise Sovereign University Chapter , Cambridge ; Dr . F . W . Woodforde , 31 , P . M . W . S ., Alfred Chapter , Taunton ;
Captain G . Annesley Piiavre , R . N ., 30 "' ; Colonel John Elliott , 30 " , . Most Wise Sovereign , Saint Aubvu Chapter , Devonport : Ilenrv Dubosc , 30 " ;
John Chapman , it > ~ ; v . R . Iieeciiey , ih ~ : CD . MaeCarthy , 18 '; James J . Clase , rS " ' : E . Aitken Davies , i 8 ; T . B . Harvey . iS -J ; F . R . Limes : 18 ° : and many others .
The meeting took p lace in the I luysh .- Masonic Temple , Princess Place , where the magnificent suite of Masonic Rooms was thrown inlo one
Chapter for the celebration of the riles of the Rose Croix , and fitted up with a degree of elegance and perfection as yet unsurpassed b y any Chapter out of the Metropolis . The business of the meeting commenced \\ ith
the affiliation to the Ancient antl Accepted Rite of Bros . John . Sadler , lost ph Matthew :: . Captain John Tanner Davy , and Isaac Walls , formerl y Knig hts RUSH : Crueis of th .: C . irylun Encampment .
The following Hrethren were then perfected as Knig hts of Rose Croix , Willm . Burrows Hambly , W . M . 857 ; John J . Hambly , P . M . 70 : f . N . Blake , P . M . 2 . ;; o ; Herben V . Mearle , W . M . 13 6 ; Leonard D . Westcott , P . M . 70 .
The new Chapter was then consecrated in Ancient and solemn form under the name of the Huyshe Chapter of Sovereign Princes of Rose Croix , and lhe Illustrious llro . Henry Uulvi .-e , ! 0 ° , installed as M . W . Sovereign for the ensuing
year . The following appointments were then made ; the 111 . Bros . John Oxley Oxland , 32 ' , I . P . M . W . S . and Prelate ; Lord Eliot , } i \ First General ;
Jas . J . Clase . i 8 ' , Second General : William Burrows Hambly , 18 " . Grand Marshal : Isaac Watts , 18 ° , Treasurer ; 11 . !•' . I learle , iS ~ , Registrar .
Letters expressing regret nt their inability to attend the meeting were received from Bro Lord Eliot , 31 , antl from several Kni g hts Kos .-e Crueis and other candidates for affiliation and
perfection . The Illustrious Grand Commander congratulated the Brethren on the success of the meeting , and complimented Bro . Oxley Oxland on the beauty and perfection of tbe arrangements nf the
Consecration Of The Huyshe Chapter Of Rose Croin, Plymouth.
Chapter , which had been carried out under his superintendence . The Illustrious Secretary General gave a very gratif ying sketch of the progress of the new Hall
at 33 , Golden-square , London , together with some interesting details as to the rapid increase in strength and prosperity which the Ancient and Accepted Rite has been making during the last few years .
Bro . J . J . Clase , i 8 , himself an affiliated Kni g ht , congratulated the newly affiliated Kni g hts , Rosa-. Crueis , on their reception under the banners of the Ancient and Accepted Rite ,
he said he could speak feelingly , having formerly been unrecognised b y the Supreme Council of the 3 , 3 ° , and cut off' from Masonic communion with Brethren ofthe Rose Croix Degree . Under
the able leadershi p of Bro Duboche felt sure the Chapter would be a great and lasting success . The Chapter was then closed in solemn form . The beautiful ceremonies of the Degree of
Rose Croix were most impressively performed by the Illustrious Bros . Hy de Pullen , 33 ° , and John Oxley Oxland , 32 '"' .
The musical arrangements were under the management of Hro . Wr . ulcalt , and --vere very effectively rendered .
After the ceremony the numbers of lhe Supreme Council , and a number of Rose Croix Brethren adjourned to the Globe Ilotel , where a
sumptuous banquet had been prepared , and with the usual loyal toasts a very agreeable evening concluded one ofthe most important davs in the annals of Freemasonrv in Plymouth .
Tilinksghning Day.At Cambridge.
The members ofthe Scientific Lotlge , Xo . SS , and those belonging to the Three Grand Principles , Xo . 4 . 1 . 1 , met at the Guildhall , where the
Aidernan ' s parlour was placed at their disposal tor cloi ' iiing , , " a-., when thev formed the procession , consisting ol Deputy Minor , Alderman aud Councillors , and other authoiilies , all the
brethren wearing the insignia of the Order , and proceeded to Great S ; . Mary ' s Church to the special service , alter which the ' brethren ;\ d-
| oiirn ..-d to the lodge room . it the Red Lion , and partook nf an excellent luncheon . The chair was taken b y the Worshi pful Master of the Sciiniilie Lodge . No . 88 . I' . ro . James Augustus
Diiuii ' ..-1-.-k . ol i- ' . lv . t \\ 1 KI was supported bv Past Masters , Bros . J . Dinunoek , Bentley , Ling , Donagan , Wilderspin , MC . )
the toasts of " 'I'he Oueen and lhe Craft " and "H . R . H . I ' . ie Prince of Wales , P . G . M . ol Eiigl . in : ! . were given witli _ : n ;>; -o ;_ ria ' e remarks . . _ . iii which were received in the must enthusiastic
maimer . The latter was followed b y the melodv "( iod Bless the Prince nf We . l-. s , " which was rendered b y the W . M ., liros . Vsecd , Swan and Baker , as a quarici :, being joined in the chorus
by all the breihren . ' I'he W . M . then announced he would give but one more toast on that occasion , as the brethren might wish to be with their families or friends . 1 fe
then proposed " The W . M . of the Three Grand Princi p les , coupled with success to that Lodge , " and also "The Sir Isaac Newton University , Xo . Ayj . " Bro . P . M . Doii . iga : ' . replied , in the absence
Tilinksghning Day.At Cambridge.
of the W . M . of the Three Grand Princi p les , and Bro . King , Prov . G . Chaplain , of Queen ' s College , on behalf of the Sir Isaac Newton . The brethren then separated , feeling they had done their duty to their Royal brother on that auspicious and interesting occasion .
The following repl y has been received to the congratulatory address of the brethren of Shakespeare Lodge , ( No . 1009 ) , Manchester . " Marlborough House , " Pall Mall , S . W .
" Alarch 2 nd , 1872 " General Sir William Knoll ys is directed b y the Prince of Wales to thank the Worshipful
Master , Oflicers , and Brethren of the Shakespeare Loilge of Free and Accepted Masons , for their kind congratulations on his recovery .
" His Royal Hi ghness desires to express his grateful acknowledgements for the kind syinpathy tliey have manifested on the occasion of his protracted illness , and for the good wishes they have offered for his future welfare . " C E . Austin , Esq ., W . M . "
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and queries .
M \ sDNitv FIITY Ymiis Aoo . The following extract from an old magazine
is , perhaps , not unworth y of reproduction . " Mr . Thomas Busher , of Kirkland , Kendal , died on the 23 th of November , 1822 , aged 66 . 1 le suffered a long and severe affliction , occasioned
by the apparently trilling circumstance of removing a w arl from the back of his hand b y a little caustic . Being the oldest Freemason in Kendal , and haying been a worth } - member of that body ,
as wel ! as a respectable member of society in general , his obsequies were observed with Masonic honours . The sublime anthem from the 7 th of Job , ' •' Is there nol an appointed time , ' accompanied b y the organ , was powerfull y felt b y
the assembled mourners ; and the oration at the grave side , so impressivel y delivered b y Mr . Samuel Grundy , the W . M ., was calculated to leave a solemn feeling of reli gions awe on the minds of the attendants . "
Many of your readers will recognise in the above paragraph a relative of Bro . Edward Busher , Pa . it Grand Sword Hearer of England , the energetic and indefatigable Provincial Grand
Secrei-. - . n of Cumberland and Westmorland , who is so well known in the north of England for his zeal and devotion to the Craft , and for his able , anil substantial support of the various Masonic Charities .
The welfare of the ( ) rder , fostered and encouraged b y the ancestor , has lost nothing in the ham ' s of the descendant , whose example mi ght he profitabl y followed b y every brother . —II . B . l . KKAI . I'AST . Kl'l's's CocnA . GlIATHII I . AND
ClIMnuiTiMi . — " H \ : i thorough knowledge of tlie natural laws whicli jjouan t . ic operations ol digestion and nutrition , anil by : i caiou ! application of tin- fine properties of well-selected cocoa , -Mr . Kpps lias prmided our breakfast , tables with a delicatcly-llaw . uud i . eu-ia _> e whicli mav .-sue us many
l ) i-.-i \ y doctors' bills , " —I'iril Sirrier Onxvlle Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk . IC-u-h packet is labelled"J AMKS KITS iV Co ., Iloma-opathic Chemists , London . " Alio , _] i ; i \ cf . i of Kpps ' :-, . Ujikv Coco . t ( Cocoa : i : icl Co :. - ileincil M ' -lk .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Huyshe Chapter Of Rose Croin, Plymouth.
A large and influential meeting of the members ofthe Ancient and Accepted Rite took p lace at Plymouth on Tuesday , the aolh ult ., on the occasion of the Consecration of a new Chapter
of Rose Croix . Th :.- Supreme Council of the Thirty Third Degree of England and Wales , iS : c , was re pre sentedby the Illustrious Bros . Charles J . Vigne ,
M . P . S . Grand Commander ; Captain X . G . Phillips , V . P . Lieutenant Grand Commander ' ; Colonel Henry Clerke , Grand Chancellor -, J ohn M . Pultney Montagu , Grand Secretary General ;
attended b y the 111 . Bro . Hy de Pullen , r , ° , Asst . Secretary . A large number of Rose Croix brethren were present to receive the Supreme Council , including the following : —T'ht
Illustrious Bros . Captain C . C . Dick , 32 ; John Oxley Oxland , 32 ° , Most Wise Sovereign University Chapter , Cambridge ; Dr . F . W . Woodforde , 31 , P . M . W . S ., Alfred Chapter , Taunton ;
Captain G . Annesley Piiavre , R . N ., 30 "' ; Colonel John Elliott , 30 " , . Most Wise Sovereign , Saint Aubvu Chapter , Devonport : Ilenrv Dubosc , 30 " ;
John Chapman , it > ~ ; v . R . Iieeciiey , ih ~ : CD . MaeCarthy , 18 '; James J . Clase , rS " ' : E . Aitken Davies , i 8 ; T . B . Harvey . iS -J ; F . R . Limes : 18 ° : and many others .
The meeting took p lace in the I luysh .- Masonic Temple , Princess Place , where the magnificent suite of Masonic Rooms was thrown inlo one
Chapter for the celebration of the riles of the Rose Croix , and fitted up with a degree of elegance and perfection as yet unsurpassed b y any Chapter out of the Metropolis . The business of the meeting commenced \\ ith
the affiliation to the Ancient antl Accepted Rite of Bros . John . Sadler , lost ph Matthew :: . Captain John Tanner Davy , and Isaac Walls , formerl y Knig hts RUSH : Crueis of th .: C . irylun Encampment .
The following Hrethren were then perfected as Knig hts of Rose Croix , Willm . Burrows Hambly , W . M . 857 ; John J . Hambly , P . M . 70 : f . N . Blake , P . M . 2 . ;; o ; Herben V . Mearle , W . M . 13 6 ; Leonard D . Westcott , P . M . 70 .
The new Chapter was then consecrated in Ancient and solemn form under the name of the Huyshe Chapter of Sovereign Princes of Rose Croix , and lhe Illustrious llro . Henry Uulvi .-e , ! 0 ° , installed as M . W . Sovereign for the ensuing
year . The following appointments were then made ; the 111 . Bros . John Oxley Oxland , 32 ' , I . P . M . W . S . and Prelate ; Lord Eliot , } i \ First General ;
Jas . J . Clase . i 8 ' , Second General : William Burrows Hambly , 18 " . Grand Marshal : Isaac Watts , 18 ° , Treasurer ; 11 . !•' . I learle , iS ~ , Registrar .
Letters expressing regret nt their inability to attend the meeting were received from Bro Lord Eliot , 31 , antl from several Kni g hts Kos .-e Crueis and other candidates for affiliation and
perfection . The Illustrious Grand Commander congratulated the Brethren on the success of the meeting , and complimented Bro . Oxley Oxland on the beauty and perfection of tbe arrangements nf the
Consecration Of The Huyshe Chapter Of Rose Croin, Plymouth.
Chapter , which had been carried out under his superintendence . The Illustrious Secretary General gave a very gratif ying sketch of the progress of the new Hall
at 33 , Golden-square , London , together with some interesting details as to the rapid increase in strength and prosperity which the Ancient and Accepted Rite has been making during the last few years .
Bro . J . J . Clase , i 8 , himself an affiliated Kni g ht , congratulated the newly affiliated Kni g hts , Rosa-. Crueis , on their reception under the banners of the Ancient and Accepted Rite ,
he said he could speak feelingly , having formerly been unrecognised b y the Supreme Council of the 3 , 3 ° , and cut off' from Masonic communion with Brethren ofthe Rose Croix Degree . Under
the able leadershi p of Bro Duboche felt sure the Chapter would be a great and lasting success . The Chapter was then closed in solemn form . The beautiful ceremonies of the Degree of
Rose Croix were most impressively performed by the Illustrious Bros . Hy de Pullen , 33 ° , and John Oxley Oxland , 32 '"' .
The musical arrangements were under the management of Hro . Wr . ulcalt , and --vere very effectively rendered .
After the ceremony the numbers of lhe Supreme Council , and a number of Rose Croix Brethren adjourned to the Globe Ilotel , where a
sumptuous banquet had been prepared , and with the usual loyal toasts a very agreeable evening concluded one ofthe most important davs in the annals of Freemasonrv in Plymouth .
Tilinksghning Day.At Cambridge.
The members ofthe Scientific Lotlge , Xo . SS , and those belonging to the Three Grand Principles , Xo . 4 . 1 . 1 , met at the Guildhall , where the
Aidernan ' s parlour was placed at their disposal tor cloi ' iiing , , " a-., when thev formed the procession , consisting ol Deputy Minor , Alderman aud Councillors , and other authoiilies , all the
brethren wearing the insignia of the Order , and proceeded to Great S ; . Mary ' s Church to the special service , alter which the ' brethren ;\ d-
| oiirn ..-d to the lodge room . it the Red Lion , and partook nf an excellent luncheon . The chair was taken b y the Worshi pful Master of the Sciiniilie Lodge . No . 88 . I' . ro . James Augustus
Diiuii ' ..-1-.-k . ol i- ' . lv . t \\ 1 KI was supported bv Past Masters , Bros . J . Dinunoek , Bentley , Ling , Donagan , Wilderspin , MC . )
the toasts of " 'I'he Oueen and lhe Craft " and "H . R . H . I ' . ie Prince of Wales , P . G . M . ol Eiigl . in : ! . were given witli _ : n ;>; -o ;_ ria ' e remarks . . _ . iii which were received in the must enthusiastic
maimer . The latter was followed b y the melodv "( iod Bless the Prince nf We . l-. s , " which was rendered b y the W . M ., liros . Vsecd , Swan and Baker , as a quarici :, being joined in the chorus
by all the breihren . ' I'he W . M . then announced he would give but one more toast on that occasion , as the brethren might wish to be with their families or friends . 1 fe
then proposed " The W . M . of the Three Grand Princi p les , coupled with success to that Lodge , " and also "The Sir Isaac Newton University , Xo . Ayj . " Bro . P . M . Doii . iga : ' . replied , in the absence
Tilinksghning Day.At Cambridge.
of the W . M . of the Three Grand Princi p les , and Bro . King , Prov . G . Chaplain , of Queen ' s College , on behalf of the Sir Isaac Newton . The brethren then separated , feeling they had done their duty to their Royal brother on that auspicious and interesting occasion .
The following repl y has been received to the congratulatory address of the brethren of Shakespeare Lodge , ( No . 1009 ) , Manchester . " Marlborough House , " Pall Mall , S . W .
" Alarch 2 nd , 1872 " General Sir William Knoll ys is directed b y the Prince of Wales to thank the Worshipful
Master , Oflicers , and Brethren of the Shakespeare Loilge of Free and Accepted Masons , for their kind congratulations on his recovery .
" His Royal Hi ghness desires to express his grateful acknowledgements for the kind syinpathy tliey have manifested on the occasion of his protracted illness , and for the good wishes they have offered for his future welfare . " C E . Austin , Esq ., W . M . "
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and queries .
M \ sDNitv FIITY Ymiis Aoo . The following extract from an old magazine
is , perhaps , not unworth y of reproduction . " Mr . Thomas Busher , of Kirkland , Kendal , died on the 23 th of November , 1822 , aged 66 . 1 le suffered a long and severe affliction , occasioned
by the apparently trilling circumstance of removing a w arl from the back of his hand b y a little caustic . Being the oldest Freemason in Kendal , and haying been a worth } - member of that body ,
as wel ! as a respectable member of society in general , his obsequies were observed with Masonic honours . The sublime anthem from the 7 th of Job , ' •' Is there nol an appointed time , ' accompanied b y the organ , was powerfull y felt b y
the assembled mourners ; and the oration at the grave side , so impressivel y delivered b y Mr . Samuel Grundy , the W . M ., was calculated to leave a solemn feeling of reli gions awe on the minds of the attendants . "
Many of your readers will recognise in the above paragraph a relative of Bro . Edward Busher , Pa . it Grand Sword Hearer of England , the energetic and indefatigable Provincial Grand
Secrei-. - . n of Cumberland and Westmorland , who is so well known in the north of England for his zeal and devotion to the Craft , and for his able , anil substantial support of the various Masonic Charities .
The welfare of the ( ) rder , fostered and encouraged b y the ancestor , has lost nothing in the ham ' s of the descendant , whose example mi ght he profitabl y followed b y every brother . —II . B . l . KKAI . I'AST . Kl'l's's CocnA . GlIATHII I . AND
ClIMnuiTiMi . — " H \ : i thorough knowledge of tlie natural laws whicli jjouan t . ic operations ol digestion and nutrition , anil by : i caiou ! application of tin- fine properties of well-selected cocoa , -Mr . Kpps lias prmided our breakfast , tables with a delicatcly-llaw . uud i . eu-ia _> e whicli mav .-sue us many
l ) i-.-i \ y doctors' bills , " —I'iril Sirrier Onxvlle Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk . IC-u-h packet is labelled"J AMKS KITS iV Co ., Iloma-opathic Chemists , London . " Alio , _] i ; i \ cf . i of Kpps ' :-, . Ujikv Coco . t ( Cocoa : i : icl Co :. - ileincil M ' -lk .