Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., hound in cloth ... ... 4 s . ( id . Vol . 1 ! ., ditto 7 s . fid . Vol . 111 ., ditto 15 s . 61 I . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . Gd . United States of America . Tin- ; I '' ; I : MASON is delivered free in any pait of , the United States for 12 s per annum , payable in advance .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . The Office of THE FRKEM . YSOX i . i now transferred to 198 , FLEET-STREET , E . C . All communications for the Editor or Pid'lisher . should therefore he forwarded to that address .
Chilis , | ttavvia « cs ; u \ b pcutlis . MARlflAGK . SI . IMITON—I . INT . —On March 51 I 1 , at Holy Trinity Church , Walton-creek , near Liverpool , by tiro , the Kev . Dr . Hyde , Bro . Wm . Sephton , J . W . and S . I-.. 108 ft , la I lariiet , only daughter of Bro . Jno . Lunt , I ' . AI . and M . E . Z . loHft .
Answers to Correspondents .
All rr . iir . rmri . i-. itirni ' - I ' nv The Vu-ema _ -nn >\ imilil tie written legibly cm une i-itlc nt the ^ lapcr onlv , ; mil , il inK-. uteil tuv iUM _ vtttm in tbe rurrcnt number , niu > l he receiv t-il nut later tli . ui looYtnik .-t . in . nn ¦ niur _ . il . iys , unless in eery special c .-i > es . The name . nut . uMrcss of every writer miii-l be sent In us in cnnlitlciK'c . Suiisciiii : i : n . —If the W . Jl . had ground to believe that a mistake had occurred in tlie result of the Iirst ballot , hc was justified in ordering a second ballot , and which ought to have been final . 1 lis remarks were unconstitutional and illegal , and deserve the strongest reprobation . The length of the piucccdings of Grand Lodge compels us to omit the following icpoits , ( several of which are in type ) : —1 ' iovineial Grand Lodge of ICast Lancashire , l'ro-\ incial ( hand Lodge ICast Lothian , Lodges 1 J 40 , ( jSft , 10 5 , i . i' 9 « . >; . " 25 . ' - /" . si ;" N / ' ; ci-ajucis i- , i ) , 9 ;; , 7 . ; ( S . C ); Maik Lodge , do ; Gwent ICnc . inipinenl and Girv . iu ICneaiupmeiit , Knights Templar ; liy / aiitinc C < nclave , Bed Cross of Constantine ; ICuropeau Hose Croix Chapiter , Gibraltar . We are also reluctantly compelled to deter the completion ol the Giand Lodge repoit ( ill next week .
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , MAUCII tj , 1872 . The l *" rccm ; iM ) n i > puhlij-hcd ( in S ; itunl ; i > Mnrnin ;> in tinu- lor flu e . niv tr . iiiu . Tlu" ( nivc ct tlie Frcrinaxm i- Twnjtcuce per wck ; annuM Mil '" i ;| ilinu' 10 > . . J J . TV . IIIK- in ; nl \; miV . All cninmuntc . iP-. ) ii > , lflio , t Vc . ( tu l . v ifMroxM tn the Kilitor , K ) Sf I ' lct-Mivtt , \\ A ' . \ ' [ w Kvliutruill ^ ut . mtuUticmi . m tn Ml MSS . cntvnMvil to him , hut 1 ; mimt utnlut . il . e in ivturn than UII 1 L > - . iicninjianictl hy pn ? l ; i ^ c M ; inii » .
United Grand Lodge.
( -It ! VRTMKI . V t , lllH ! l MI' ITI ( I \ , Grand Lodge ,-issembled on Wednesday evening , in the Temple , for the Quarterly Communication for March . The Marquis of Ripon , M . W . G . M ., presided . Above 400 brethren were present , and
so large a number were no doubt drawn together by the knowledge thai the Marquis oi Kipon would again be elected tlu- Grand Master , aud from a desire to hear his Lordship address the breihren for the first time in response to the choice the brethren had made . Amomr those
wh . o were present we observed , Bros . Bagshaw , Col . Whitwell , M . P ., Dr . I lamilton , the Rev . W . F . Short , ) . S . Brownrigg , Sir J . W . Hayes ,
K . J . Simpson , C . J . Alartyn , Saml . liimkins , _ ,- [• :. J . MTntyrc , Q . C , F . Roxburgh , Q . C , ] . Ll . Kvans , J ohn Uervev , jas . K . Saunders ,
Rayiibain " \ V . Stewart , John Savage , Major J . Creaton , Benj . Head . J . M . Clabon , W . K . Gum-Melon , ll . Grisscll , S . ! ,. Tomkins , Sir Albert AV . Woods . Garter , Thomas Fenn , N . Bradford ,
United Grand Lodge.
Richd . J . Spiers , H . Bridges , Jas . Alason , Wilhelm Ganz , John Coutts , James Brett , Joseph Smith , W . Ough , Augustus Smith , C . Hutton Gregory , C . C . Dumas , J . R . Sheen , J . Symonds ,
and John Savage . Grand Lodge haying been formally opened , Grand Secretary first read the regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of
public business , and then the minutes of the Quarterl y Communication of 6 th December , 1871 , and of the Especial Grand Lodge of 26 th January , 1872 , which were severally put and confirmed .
Bro . Audley Gosling , Her Alajesty ' s Secretary of Legation , Stockholm , then presented an address of congraulation from tlie Grand Lodge of Sweden on the recovery of the Prince of Wales from his
dangerous illness . The Grand Alaster , accepting the address from the hands of Bro . Gosling , said : —Brethren , I feel -aire that I shall ri ghtly interpret the feelings
of this Grand Lodge , if in the first place I convey our thanks to our Bro . Gosling , for having made this communication to us , on the part of the Grand Lodge of Sweden , and in the next
place , if I propose lo you that we should agree to express our thanks in an appropriate address , which can be afterwards prepared , to the Grand Lotlge of Sweden , for the address of congratulation
with which they have honoured us . Nothing , brethren , can be more gratifying , I am confident , to every English Mason , than the way that that great anxiety and sorrow , which moved so
deeply the hearts , not onl y of the Masons , but of the men , women , and I mi ght say the children , in this country , during the month of December last , excited a feeling of warm and
heartfelt sympathy , 1 might almost sav , throughout the civilised world , and the proof that is atlbrded us by this address of sympathy and good feeling of our brother Alasons in
Sweden , is a most gratifying proof of the truly Masonic , ties which unite this country to that great kingdom of the north of Europe . I , therefore , beg to propose " that an appropriate
address be prepared by the Grand Secretary , and , by your permission , be signed by the Grand Alaster , expressing the thanks of this Grand Lodge for the address which has been presented
on behalf of the Grand Lodgeof Sweden . " Bro . Bagshaw seconded the motion , which was pul and carried unanimously .
Bro . F . A . Philbrick , W . AL , No . iS , rose and said- May ilpleaseyou , M . W . G . M . and Brethren , in fulfilment ofthe nomination which I had the
honour to make at the last ( hand Lodge , I now rise to propose that the most . Hon . the Alarquis of Ripon be elected the Grand Master of our order during the ensuing year . ( Cheers ) .
Brethren , irom your reception of that proposition I feel it is almost superfluous in the Grand Lodge to say another word ; but our Alost Worshipful ( fraud Alaster timid till the cares of state ,
and the duties of his hi gh position , has ] found time to care for the interests of the Craft in a manner attested by its present unparalleled state of prosperity . ( Great Applause ) . In our Most
Worshipful Graud Master we are proud to recognise the embodiment of those Masonic principles upon which our order is founded , and I am quite certain that if another claim beyond his past sen ices were wauling , the manner in which he
United Grand Lodge.
convened the Craft at the last Especial Grand Lodge to testify in common wtih all our countrymen our feeling of gratitude to the Great
Architect of the Universe for the mercies vouchsafed to this nation , have given our Alost Worshi pful Grand Alaster a further claim and a surer title to
your respect , to your confidence , and to your esteem . ( Hear , hear . ) Brethren , I have the greatest possible pleasure in moving that which I know you will carry unanimously , " That the
Alost Hon . the Marquis of Ripon be elected the Grand Alaster of our Order . " ( Great Cheering ) . Captain Ralph said—I rise with the very greatest pleasure to second the proposition , because I have
never been at a meeting where Alasons assembled without hearing the greatest esteem loudly expressed of our Alost Worshipful Grand Alaster . The brother who has preceded me has said how much we tire indebted to the Grand Alaster for
having convened the craft to give expression to their gratification of the recovery of His Royal Highness the Prince ! of Wales . I think such a step has raised the Craft to the estimation of the
country ; and I am very sure H . R . H . who is very fond of receiving those marks of attention , will deeply appreciate it . His Royal Highness takes a great interest in the
Craft . He receives many letters , and has many communications to answer ; and I feel sure the longer he is associated with the Craft , the more
we shall appreciate him , and therefore , with great pleasure , I second the motion that has been made .
Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , Prov . Grand Alaster of Essex , before putting the motion to the vote , observed that he was sure the feeling of Grand Lodge would go with the mover and seconder of
the motion . He then put the motion , which was carried unanimously , and with acclamation . Sir Albert W . Woods , Garter , G . D . C , then
proclaimed the Grand Alaster with all his titles , and called on the brethren to salute him in due form , which was accordingly done .
'I'he Grand Alaster on rising to acknowledge the vote , was received with immense enthusiasm . When it had subsided , he said : Brethren , I am deeply grateful to you for the maimer in which
you have been pleased to receive the proposal that has just been made to you . It so happens being a singular ciaenmstance that this is the
first occasion , I believe , though . T have held this oflice for two years , upon which at the time of my election , I have been able to return thanks to
you . Last year , as you tire aware , I was absent from this country upon public business . I regret very much that thai business necessaril y look so much of my time from my duties as your Grand
Alaster , and I could not have wondered at it , if you had thought it ri ght to elect , upon this occasion , some one with respect to whom you might have been more certain that he could have
given , when it was required , his undivided attention . But brethren , you have been pleased once more to call me to sit upon this ancient and honoured -throne , and I can ' assure you that I
am deeply sensi }> le of the proof which you have thus given me of your confidence . 1 know well that even when unusual circumstances , such
asthose of last year , do not intervene to occupy my time , to the exclusion ' of all other business , yet situated as I am , and have been ever since vou-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., hound in cloth ... ... 4 s . ( id . Vol . 1 ! ., ditto 7 s . fid . Vol . 111 ., ditto 15 s . 61 I . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . Gd . United States of America . Tin- ; I '' ; I : MASON is delivered free in any pait of , the United States for 12 s per annum , payable in advance .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . The Office of THE FRKEM . YSOX i . i now transferred to 198 , FLEET-STREET , E . C . All communications for the Editor or Pid'lisher . should therefore he forwarded to that address .
Chilis , | ttavvia « cs ; u \ b pcutlis . MARlflAGK . SI . IMITON—I . INT . —On March 51 I 1 , at Holy Trinity Church , Walton-creek , near Liverpool , by tiro , the Kev . Dr . Hyde , Bro . Wm . Sephton , J . W . and S . I-.. 108 ft , la I lariiet , only daughter of Bro . Jno . Lunt , I ' . AI . and M . E . Z . loHft .
Answers to Correspondents .
All rr . iir . rmri . i-. itirni ' - I ' nv The Vu-ema _ -nn >\ imilil tie written legibly cm une i-itlc nt the ^ lapcr onlv , ; mil , il inK-. uteil tuv iUM _ vtttm in tbe rurrcnt number , niu > l he receiv t-il nut later tli . ui looYtnik .-t . in . nn ¦ niur _ . il . iys , unless in eery special c .-i > es . The name . nut . uMrcss of every writer miii-l be sent In us in cnnlitlciK'c . Suiisciiii : i : n . —If the W . Jl . had ground to believe that a mistake had occurred in tlie result of the Iirst ballot , hc was justified in ordering a second ballot , and which ought to have been final . 1 lis remarks were unconstitutional and illegal , and deserve the strongest reprobation . The length of the piucccdings of Grand Lodge compels us to omit the following icpoits , ( several of which are in type ) : —1 ' iovineial Grand Lodge of ICast Lancashire , l'ro-\ incial ( hand Lodge ICast Lothian , Lodges 1 J 40 , ( jSft , 10 5 , i . i' 9 « . >; . " 25 . ' - /" . si ;" N / ' ; ci-ajucis i- , i ) , 9 ;; , 7 . ; ( S . C ); Maik Lodge , do ; Gwent ICnc . inipinenl and Girv . iu ICneaiupmeiit , Knights Templar ; liy / aiitinc C < nclave , Bed Cross of Constantine ; ICuropeau Hose Croix Chapiter , Gibraltar . We are also reluctantly compelled to deter the completion ol the Giand Lodge repoit ( ill next week .
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , MAUCII tj , 1872 . The l *" rccm ; iM ) n i > puhlij-hcd ( in S ; itunl ; i > Mnrnin ;> in tinu- lor flu e . niv tr . iiiu . Tlu" ( nivc ct tlie Frcrinaxm i- Twnjtcuce per wck ; annuM Mil '" i ;| ilinu' 10 > . . J J . TV . IIIK- in ; nl \; miV . All cninmuntc . iP-. ) ii > , lflio , t Vc . ( tu l . v ifMroxM tn the Kilitor , K ) Sf I ' lct-Mivtt , \\ A ' . \ ' [ w Kvliutruill ^ ut . mtuUticmi . m tn Ml MSS . cntvnMvil to him , hut 1 ; mimt utnlut . il . e in ivturn than UII 1 L > - . iicninjianictl hy pn ? l ; i ^ c M ; inii » .
United Grand Lodge.
( -It ! VRTMKI . V t , lllH ! l MI' ITI ( I \ , Grand Lodge ,-issembled on Wednesday evening , in the Temple , for the Quarterly Communication for March . The Marquis of Ripon , M . W . G . M ., presided . Above 400 brethren were present , and
so large a number were no doubt drawn together by the knowledge thai the Marquis oi Kipon would again be elected tlu- Grand Master , aud from a desire to hear his Lordship address the breihren for the first time in response to the choice the brethren had made . Amomr those
wh . o were present we observed , Bros . Bagshaw , Col . Whitwell , M . P ., Dr . I lamilton , the Rev . W . F . Short , ) . S . Brownrigg , Sir J . W . Hayes ,
K . J . Simpson , C . J . Alartyn , Saml . liimkins , _ ,- [• :. J . MTntyrc , Q . C , F . Roxburgh , Q . C , ] . Ll . Kvans , J ohn Uervev , jas . K . Saunders ,
Rayiibain " \ V . Stewart , John Savage , Major J . Creaton , Benj . Head . J . M . Clabon , W . K . Gum-Melon , ll . Grisscll , S . ! ,. Tomkins , Sir Albert AV . Woods . Garter , Thomas Fenn , N . Bradford ,
United Grand Lodge.
Richd . J . Spiers , H . Bridges , Jas . Alason , Wilhelm Ganz , John Coutts , James Brett , Joseph Smith , W . Ough , Augustus Smith , C . Hutton Gregory , C . C . Dumas , J . R . Sheen , J . Symonds ,
and John Savage . Grand Lodge haying been formally opened , Grand Secretary first read the regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of
public business , and then the minutes of the Quarterl y Communication of 6 th December , 1871 , and of the Especial Grand Lodge of 26 th January , 1872 , which were severally put and confirmed .
Bro . Audley Gosling , Her Alajesty ' s Secretary of Legation , Stockholm , then presented an address of congraulation from tlie Grand Lodge of Sweden on the recovery of the Prince of Wales from his
dangerous illness . The Grand Alaster , accepting the address from the hands of Bro . Gosling , said : —Brethren , I feel -aire that I shall ri ghtly interpret the feelings
of this Grand Lodge , if in the first place I convey our thanks to our Bro . Gosling , for having made this communication to us , on the part of the Grand Lodge of Sweden , and in the next
place , if I propose lo you that we should agree to express our thanks in an appropriate address , which can be afterwards prepared , to the Grand Lotlge of Sweden , for the address of congratulation
with which they have honoured us . Nothing , brethren , can be more gratifying , I am confident , to every English Mason , than the way that that great anxiety and sorrow , which moved so
deeply the hearts , not onl y of the Masons , but of the men , women , and I mi ght say the children , in this country , during the month of December last , excited a feeling of warm and
heartfelt sympathy , 1 might almost sav , throughout the civilised world , and the proof that is atlbrded us by this address of sympathy and good feeling of our brother Alasons in
Sweden , is a most gratifying proof of the truly Masonic , ties which unite this country to that great kingdom of the north of Europe . I , therefore , beg to propose " that an appropriate
address be prepared by the Grand Secretary , and , by your permission , be signed by the Grand Alaster , expressing the thanks of this Grand Lodge for the address which has been presented
on behalf of the Grand Lodgeof Sweden . " Bro . Bagshaw seconded the motion , which was pul and carried unanimously .
Bro . F . A . Philbrick , W . AL , No . iS , rose and said- May ilpleaseyou , M . W . G . M . and Brethren , in fulfilment ofthe nomination which I had the
honour to make at the last ( hand Lodge , I now rise to propose that the most . Hon . the Alarquis of Ripon be elected the Grand Master of our order during the ensuing year . ( Cheers ) .
Brethren , irom your reception of that proposition I feel it is almost superfluous in the Grand Lodge to say another word ; but our Alost Worshipful ( fraud Alaster timid till the cares of state ,
and the duties of his hi gh position , has ] found time to care for the interests of the Craft in a manner attested by its present unparalleled state of prosperity . ( Great Applause ) . In our Most
Worshipful Graud Master we are proud to recognise the embodiment of those Masonic principles upon which our order is founded , and I am quite certain that if another claim beyond his past sen ices were wauling , the manner in which he
United Grand Lodge.
convened the Craft at the last Especial Grand Lodge to testify in common wtih all our countrymen our feeling of gratitude to the Great
Architect of the Universe for the mercies vouchsafed to this nation , have given our Alost Worshi pful Grand Alaster a further claim and a surer title to
your respect , to your confidence , and to your esteem . ( Hear , hear . ) Brethren , I have the greatest possible pleasure in moving that which I know you will carry unanimously , " That the
Alost Hon . the Marquis of Ripon be elected the Grand Alaster of our Order . " ( Great Cheering ) . Captain Ralph said—I rise with the very greatest pleasure to second the proposition , because I have
never been at a meeting where Alasons assembled without hearing the greatest esteem loudly expressed of our Alost Worshipful Grand Alaster . The brother who has preceded me has said how much we tire indebted to the Grand Alaster for
having convened the craft to give expression to their gratification of the recovery of His Royal Highness the Prince ! of Wales . I think such a step has raised the Craft to the estimation of the
country ; and I am very sure H . R . H . who is very fond of receiving those marks of attention , will deeply appreciate it . His Royal Highness takes a great interest in the
Craft . He receives many letters , and has many communications to answer ; and I feel sure the longer he is associated with the Craft , the more
we shall appreciate him , and therefore , with great pleasure , I second the motion that has been made .
Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , Prov . Grand Alaster of Essex , before putting the motion to the vote , observed that he was sure the feeling of Grand Lodge would go with the mover and seconder of
the motion . He then put the motion , which was carried unanimously , and with acclamation . Sir Albert W . Woods , Garter , G . D . C , then
proclaimed the Grand Alaster with all his titles , and called on the brethren to salute him in due form , which was accordingly done .
'I'he Grand Alaster on rising to acknowledge the vote , was received with immense enthusiasm . When it had subsided , he said : Brethren , I am deeply grateful to you for the maimer in which
you have been pleased to receive the proposal that has just been made to you . It so happens being a singular ciaenmstance that this is the
first occasion , I believe , though . T have held this oflice for two years , upon which at the time of my election , I have been able to return thanks to
you . Last year , as you tire aware , I was absent from this country upon public business . I regret very much that thai business necessaril y look so much of my time from my duties as your Grand
Alaster , and I could not have wondered at it , if you had thought it ri ght to elect , upon this occasion , some one with respect to whom you might have been more certain that he could have
given , when it was required , his undivided attention . But brethren , you have been pleased once more to call me to sit upon this ancient and honoured -throne , and I can ' assure you that I
am deeply sensi }> le of the proof which you have thus given me of your confidence . 1 know well that even when unusual circumstances , such
asthose of last year , do not intervene to occupy my time , to the exclusion ' of all other business , yet situated as I am , and have been ever since vou-