Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 2 of 2
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United Grand Lodge.
chose me to be your Grand Master , -I have not been able to g ive to your affairs that attention which I ought to have afforded to them if it had been in my power . ( Cries of " no , no . " ) But at
least , I may trust after this reneAved proof ot your confidence , that you feel that which I can conscientiously assert to be true , that I have given to the duties of the great office to which
you have elected me , the utmost time and attention which was at my command . ( Hear , hear . ) I say , which was at my command , because I am confident that you will all agree
with me in thinking that one who is called , as I have been , to discharge important public functions in the State , must give to the claims of those public duties his iirst attention . ( Hear ,
hear ) Our business and our interests are to us of the greatest importance ; but a good Freemason is likewise a good Englishman , and a good subject of the Queen ( hear , hear , ) and he
knows and feels that the claims of our Sovereign and of our country , must be paramount upon every one of us , if he would do his duty . Brethren , allusions was made by the
mover of the resolution in which you have just agreed , to the present prospects of the Craft . I can take very little credit indeed to myself for that undoubted prosperity . If the Craft is
prosperous—and prosperous it is— if it is increasing in the number of its lodges , and in the number of its members , it is mainly due to this that I believe the Masons in the present day , are
becoming more and more deeply impressed with this important duty , that they should bear witness , Avhereverjthey . go , to the great principles of their order , and that by bearing that witness
among their fellow-countrymen , they tend to raise the public respect for their ancient Craft , to prove that our principles are realities , ami are not names , and that to be a good Mason is to
be also a good man . The next business on the paper was election of Gran d Treasurer for the year . Bro . F . Bennoch rose andsaid ' that ,
remembering how well our present Grand Treasurer ( Bro . S . Tomkins ) had performed his duties for a larger number of years than he ( Bro . Bennoch ) cared to remember , knowing also how highly he
was esteemed by the Craft generally , and how greatly he'deserved to be ^ so regarded , he moved the re-election of Bro . Tomkins . The motion having been seconded , was carried
admidst loud applause . The Grand Master said he entirely concurred in the choice of tbe brethren , and formally conveyed to Bro . Tomkins the result of the election .
Bro . xomkinssaid—Most Worshipful Grand Alaster and Brethren , I thank you very heartily for this renewed proof of your confidence in reelecting me to this highly honourable office , antl
I assure you I have very great pleasure in assisting in all that can promote the prosperity and influence of the Craft . Since I have been Grand Treasurer , the Craft has become more numerous .
prosperous , and influential than event was before , and I trust that prosperity and influence will long continue . ( Cheers . ) Scrutineers vvere then chosen for the election
oi a member ot the Board of General Purposes in the room of Bro . Benjamin Gray deceased , and lhe election Avas proceeded with . The candidates
United Grand Lodge.
Avere Bro . Kenyon and Price . Towards the close of the evening the Bro . Kenyon was declared to be elected . The Grand Master said that he appointed Bros . G . Fenn and C . C . Dumas to fill the vacancies
in the Lodge of Benevolence caused by the death of Bros . Bazalgette and W . Young . The report of the Board of Benevolence having been read and ordered to be entered on the
minutes , Bro . Jas . Brett , moved , and Bro , J . VY . Halsey seconded the recommendation on that report , for grants to the amount of £ 1 . 50 to two widows . The recommendations in both cases
were carried . On the motion of Bro . LI . Avails , President of the Board of General Purposes , the following report of that Board was taken as read . "Tee Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows : —
" They have taken into their serious consideration the smallness in amount of the fees now payable for new Warrants , and with the permission of the Most Worshipful the Grand Master they recommend to Grand Lodge the
following alteration in article 5 , page 116 , of the Book of Constitutions , edition 1871 . That between the words "Warrant" and " Five " in the first line , the following Avords be inserted : — ' For the London District Fifteen Guineas , for
Provincial Lodges , Ten Guineas , for District Lodges and Lodges in foreign parts . "The Board have investigated a complaint made by Bro . Lewis Alexander , Past Master of the Lodge of Joppa , A ' o . 188 , London , against the
W . M . and others for balloting for and initiating a Candidate who Avas not properly described in the summons . The W . Alaster , Wardens , and Secretary attended the Board , and the complaint being admitted , it was resolved ;— ' That
as there was no apparent intention to deceive the Members of the Lodge , the W . Master and Officers be admonished to take more care that the laws laid down for the admission of Candidates be adhered to in future , ' and they Avere admonished accordingly .
" 4 . The Board have directed the Grand Secrelary to call the attention of the Grand Pursuivants to Law , 3 , page 18 of the Book of Constitutions , which states that ' No . Member of the Grand Lodge shall attend therein without his proper
jewel and clothing ; nor shall any member be permitted to wear in Grand Lodge , any jewel , medal , or device belonging or appertaining to any
Order or Degree not recognised by the Grantl Lodge of England as part of pure ' Ancient Masonry ; ' and to request that this Law may be enforced . The Board also invite the attention of
Grand Lodge to Art . aa , page 68 , and Art . a , page 1 x 8 , upon the same subject . " 4 . The Boanl have investigated a complaint against the W . Master of the Beaudesert Lodge , No . 1 . 387 , Leighton Buzzard , for having raised
two Brethren at a shorter date than that allowed by the Constitutions , page 86 , Art . 7 . The W . Master expressed his regret at having , through ignorance , violated the Law , and the Board , under
the circumstances , ordered the Lodge to be fined Two Guineas , the W . Master to be admonished to be more careful in future , and that it be notified to him that both Brethren must be re-obligated befi ire Grand Lodge Certificates can be issued .
5 . The Board have taken into consideration the resolution proposed b y Bro . Matthew Cooke , P . M . in the Globe Lodge , No . 33 , for adoption by Grand Lodge at the Qiiartel y Communication , held on the 7 th September , 1871 , and referred to
this Board to inquire into and report . The following is a copy of such proposed resolutions : — " That whilst this Grand Lodge recognises the private right of every brother to belong to any
extraneous Masonic organisation he may choose , it as firmly forbids , now and at any future time , all brethren while engaged as Salaried Officials under this Grand Lodge to mix themselves up in any way with such bodies as the Ancient and Accept-
United Grand Lodge.
ed Scottish Rite ; the Rites of Misraim and Memphis ; the spurious orders of Rome and Constantine ; the schismatic body styling itself the Grand Mark Lodge of England , or any other exterior Masonic organisation whatever ( even
that of the Order of Knights Templar , which is alone recognised by the Articles of Union ) under the pain of immediate dismissal from employment by this Grand Lodge . " The charges made by Brother Cooke at the
above quarterly communication , against the officials in the Grand Secretary ' s office , have already been inquired into by this Board , and a report thereon has been made to Grand Lodge , finding that such charges were in the main without
foundation , and this report has been approved by Grand Lodge . The Board have come to the conclusion that the inquiry directed to be made by them had reference to the charges above referred to , and not to the several " Exterior
Masonic Organizations" mentioned in the proposed resolution of Brother Cooke , and they have therefore not proceeded to inquire further into the matter . The Board are of opinion , and submit to Grand Lodge , that inasmuch as Grand Lodge
has full control , not onl y over the officials in its service but over the whole Craft , and would undoubtedly exercise such control should any member , whether official or otherwise , be proved to have taken part in any degree or order denounced
by Grand Lodge or mimical to its principles ; and inasmuch as the proposed resolution , if passed , woultl not add to the power and authority either of Grand Lodge or of this Board , such resolution is unnecessary , and the Board therefore do not
recommend its adoption by Grand Lodge . The Board , however , are clearly of opinion , and submit to Grand Lodge , that no clerk or other
subordinate officer in the employment of Grand Lodge should take a prominent part in any degree or order not recognized by Grand Lodge . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELLYN EVANS , President .
Bro . LI . Evans moved that it be received and entered on the minutes . Bro . Matthew Cooke , P . M . in No , 23 , would
call attention to the expression used in the 5 th paragraph of this report in which it was set forth that certain" charges , ' " were brought by him . He denied the accuracy of this statement . No
" charges were made by him at the Board . He was cited before it ; and he would now move that this statement be corrected in the paragraph . Bro . Ll . Evans did not understand Avhat Bro .
Cooke meant . Brethren AVIIO were present at the Quarterl y Communication , when Bro . Cooke addressetl Grantl Lodge , would remember that
charges were made against Grand Secretary ' s Office of a very grave character . This was a matter of fact , and not of opinion on his ( Bro . Evans ' s ) part or the Board ' s part .
lhe motion " that the Report be seconded and entered on the minutes , " was then carried . Bro . Ll . Evans said it was now his duty to bring before Grand Lodge , the first paragraph in the report which related to the alteration
proposed by the Board , to be made 111 the charge for warrants for new Lodges . They had given great consideration to the matter , and they had
the sanction of the Grand Master 111 recommending that the fees for HCAV warrants be increased . They did this on the ground that they would be consulting the interests of Freemasonrv .
The Board yvere unanimous in the recommendation the London Lodges should pay Fifteen Guineas , country Lodges Ten Guineas , and district and foreign Lodges Five Guineas for their waarants . [ The report of Grand Lodge will lie Cancluilcl in our next . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
chose me to be your Grand Master , -I have not been able to g ive to your affairs that attention which I ought to have afforded to them if it had been in my power . ( Cries of " no , no . " ) But at
least , I may trust after this reneAved proof ot your confidence , that you feel that which I can conscientiously assert to be true , that I have given to the duties of the great office to which
you have elected me , the utmost time and attention which was at my command . ( Hear , hear . ) I say , which was at my command , because I am confident that you will all agree
with me in thinking that one who is called , as I have been , to discharge important public functions in the State , must give to the claims of those public duties his iirst attention . ( Hear ,
hear ) Our business and our interests are to us of the greatest importance ; but a good Freemason is likewise a good Englishman , and a good subject of the Queen ( hear , hear , ) and he
knows and feels that the claims of our Sovereign and of our country , must be paramount upon every one of us , if he would do his duty . Brethren , allusions was made by the
mover of the resolution in which you have just agreed , to the present prospects of the Craft . I can take very little credit indeed to myself for that undoubted prosperity . If the Craft is
prosperous—and prosperous it is— if it is increasing in the number of its lodges , and in the number of its members , it is mainly due to this that I believe the Masons in the present day , are
becoming more and more deeply impressed with this important duty , that they should bear witness , Avhereverjthey . go , to the great principles of their order , and that by bearing that witness
among their fellow-countrymen , they tend to raise the public respect for their ancient Craft , to prove that our principles are realities , ami are not names , and that to be a good Mason is to
be also a good man . The next business on the paper was election of Gran d Treasurer for the year . Bro . F . Bennoch rose andsaid ' that ,
remembering how well our present Grand Treasurer ( Bro . S . Tomkins ) had performed his duties for a larger number of years than he ( Bro . Bennoch ) cared to remember , knowing also how highly he
was esteemed by the Craft generally , and how greatly he'deserved to be ^ so regarded , he moved the re-election of Bro . Tomkins . The motion having been seconded , was carried
admidst loud applause . The Grand Master said he entirely concurred in the choice of tbe brethren , and formally conveyed to Bro . Tomkins the result of the election .
Bro . xomkinssaid—Most Worshipful Grand Alaster and Brethren , I thank you very heartily for this renewed proof of your confidence in reelecting me to this highly honourable office , antl
I assure you I have very great pleasure in assisting in all that can promote the prosperity and influence of the Craft . Since I have been Grand Treasurer , the Craft has become more numerous .
prosperous , and influential than event was before , and I trust that prosperity and influence will long continue . ( Cheers . ) Scrutineers vvere then chosen for the election
oi a member ot the Board of General Purposes in the room of Bro . Benjamin Gray deceased , and lhe election Avas proceeded with . The candidates
United Grand Lodge.
Avere Bro . Kenyon and Price . Towards the close of the evening the Bro . Kenyon was declared to be elected . The Grand Master said that he appointed Bros . G . Fenn and C . C . Dumas to fill the vacancies
in the Lodge of Benevolence caused by the death of Bros . Bazalgette and W . Young . The report of the Board of Benevolence having been read and ordered to be entered on the
minutes , Bro . Jas . Brett , moved , and Bro , J . VY . Halsey seconded the recommendation on that report , for grants to the amount of £ 1 . 50 to two widows . The recommendations in both cases
were carried . On the motion of Bro . LI . Avails , President of the Board of General Purposes , the following report of that Board was taken as read . "Tee Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows : —
" They have taken into their serious consideration the smallness in amount of the fees now payable for new Warrants , and with the permission of the Most Worshipful the Grand Master they recommend to Grand Lodge the
following alteration in article 5 , page 116 , of the Book of Constitutions , edition 1871 . That between the words "Warrant" and " Five " in the first line , the following Avords be inserted : — ' For the London District Fifteen Guineas , for
Provincial Lodges , Ten Guineas , for District Lodges and Lodges in foreign parts . "The Board have investigated a complaint made by Bro . Lewis Alexander , Past Master of the Lodge of Joppa , A ' o . 188 , London , against the
W . M . and others for balloting for and initiating a Candidate who Avas not properly described in the summons . The W . Alaster , Wardens , and Secretary attended the Board , and the complaint being admitted , it was resolved ;— ' That
as there was no apparent intention to deceive the Members of the Lodge , the W . Master and Officers be admonished to take more care that the laws laid down for the admission of Candidates be adhered to in future , ' and they Avere admonished accordingly .
" 4 . The Board have directed the Grand Secrelary to call the attention of the Grand Pursuivants to Law , 3 , page 18 of the Book of Constitutions , which states that ' No . Member of the Grand Lodge shall attend therein without his proper
jewel and clothing ; nor shall any member be permitted to wear in Grand Lodge , any jewel , medal , or device belonging or appertaining to any
Order or Degree not recognised by the Grantl Lodge of England as part of pure ' Ancient Masonry ; ' and to request that this Law may be enforced . The Board also invite the attention of
Grand Lodge to Art . aa , page 68 , and Art . a , page 1 x 8 , upon the same subject . " 4 . The Boanl have investigated a complaint against the W . Master of the Beaudesert Lodge , No . 1 . 387 , Leighton Buzzard , for having raised
two Brethren at a shorter date than that allowed by the Constitutions , page 86 , Art . 7 . The W . Master expressed his regret at having , through ignorance , violated the Law , and the Board , under
the circumstances , ordered the Lodge to be fined Two Guineas , the W . Master to be admonished to be more careful in future , and that it be notified to him that both Brethren must be re-obligated befi ire Grand Lodge Certificates can be issued .
5 . The Board have taken into consideration the resolution proposed b y Bro . Matthew Cooke , P . M . in the Globe Lodge , No . 33 , for adoption by Grand Lodge at the Qiiartel y Communication , held on the 7 th September , 1871 , and referred to
this Board to inquire into and report . The following is a copy of such proposed resolutions : — " That whilst this Grand Lodge recognises the private right of every brother to belong to any
extraneous Masonic organisation he may choose , it as firmly forbids , now and at any future time , all brethren while engaged as Salaried Officials under this Grand Lodge to mix themselves up in any way with such bodies as the Ancient and Accept-
United Grand Lodge.
ed Scottish Rite ; the Rites of Misraim and Memphis ; the spurious orders of Rome and Constantine ; the schismatic body styling itself the Grand Mark Lodge of England , or any other exterior Masonic organisation whatever ( even
that of the Order of Knights Templar , which is alone recognised by the Articles of Union ) under the pain of immediate dismissal from employment by this Grand Lodge . " The charges made by Brother Cooke at the
above quarterly communication , against the officials in the Grand Secretary ' s office , have already been inquired into by this Board , and a report thereon has been made to Grand Lodge , finding that such charges were in the main without
foundation , and this report has been approved by Grand Lodge . The Board have come to the conclusion that the inquiry directed to be made by them had reference to the charges above referred to , and not to the several " Exterior
Masonic Organizations" mentioned in the proposed resolution of Brother Cooke , and they have therefore not proceeded to inquire further into the matter . The Board are of opinion , and submit to Grand Lodge , that inasmuch as Grand Lodge
has full control , not onl y over the officials in its service but over the whole Craft , and would undoubtedly exercise such control should any member , whether official or otherwise , be proved to have taken part in any degree or order denounced
by Grand Lodge or mimical to its principles ; and inasmuch as the proposed resolution , if passed , woultl not add to the power and authority either of Grand Lodge or of this Board , such resolution is unnecessary , and the Board therefore do not
recommend its adoption by Grand Lodge . The Board , however , are clearly of opinion , and submit to Grand Lodge , that no clerk or other
subordinate officer in the employment of Grand Lodge should take a prominent part in any degree or order not recognized by Grand Lodge . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELLYN EVANS , President .
Bro . LI . Evans moved that it be received and entered on the minutes . Bro . Matthew Cooke , P . M . in No , 23 , would
call attention to the expression used in the 5 th paragraph of this report in which it was set forth that certain" charges , ' " were brought by him . He denied the accuracy of this statement . No
" charges were made by him at the Board . He was cited before it ; and he would now move that this statement be corrected in the paragraph . Bro . Ll . Evans did not understand Avhat Bro .
Cooke meant . Brethren AVIIO were present at the Quarterl y Communication , when Bro . Cooke addressetl Grantl Lodge , would remember that
charges were made against Grand Secretary ' s Office of a very grave character . This was a matter of fact , and not of opinion on his ( Bro . Evans ' s ) part or the Board ' s part .
lhe motion " that the Report be seconded and entered on the minutes , " was then carried . Bro . Ll . Evans said it was now his duty to bring before Grand Lodge , the first paragraph in the report which related to the alteration
proposed by the Board , to be made 111 the charge for warrants for new Lodges . They had given great consideration to the matter , and they had
the sanction of the Grand Master 111 recommending that the fees for HCAV warrants be increased . They did this on the ground that they would be consulting the interests of Freemasonrv .
The Board yvere unanimous in the recommendation the London Lodges should pay Fifteen Guineas , country Lodges Ten Guineas , and district and foreign Lodges Five Guineas for their waarants . [ The report of Grand Lodge will lie Cancluilcl in our next . ]