Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft IBasonvn . METROPOLITAN .
LODGE OI- FAITH , ( NO . 141 . )—The rejoicings of " Thanksgiving Day" undoubtedl y kept many otherwise zealous brethren from attending to their Masonic duties ; and accounts for the comparativel y sparse muster of members ofthe above lodge , at the meeting at Anderton ' s Hotel ,
Fleetstreet , on Tuesday , the now historic , and neverto-be-forgotten 27 th of February , 1873 . Bro . C . C . Taylor , the W . M ., and all his officers were however present at the appointed hour , and the attendance graduall y increased to about forty members . The usual preliminaries having been
disposed of , the next business was proceeded with , which consisted , first in conferring the honour of the third degree on Bro . Ellis ; secondly in passing Bros . Stokes , Morrison , Quick and Dunthorn ; and lastl y to admit into the Order in ancient form , Messrs . S . Benjamin and John
Allison , the ceremonies being worked alternatel y by the W . M ., and by Bro . E . Gotthiel , P . M . The brethren the adjourned to partake of refreshment , and on the removal of the cloth , the customary proceedings ( undistinguished by any novel feature ) held their course , except when
the health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was proposed , which the W . M . did \\\ a speech full of deep feeling and expressions of gratitude to the G . A . O . T . U ., ending with the hope that the Royal Brother may long be spared , not only for the good of the country at large , but to support by his influence the interests of the Craft , which
he has honoured by accepting the position ol Past Grand Master . The response , as may be imagined , was most enthusiastic . Most of the brethren being being very anxious to leave , in order to view the splendour of the decorations , the speeches were refreshingly brief . The Past Masters present were : —Bros . Slew art , I till , Gottheil , Carter and Hopwood .
TR AN ai : 1 I . ITV LO no 1 : —( No . 18 3 ) . —How p leasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity , is the motto with which the above lodge heads its agenda paper , and to judge fairly , it must be stated that the conduct of its members
seems regulated in consonance with the spirit ol the motto . Thus it probably happens that the " Tranquility" is without a doubt one of the most flourishing lodges in London . At the last mectintr held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on
Monday , 1 yih inst , after the usual preliminaries , Bro . Philli p Levy , the Hon . Sec , read the report ofthe Audit Committee , which was adopted with acclamation , and from which il appears that there was a considerable balance in the liav . ds of the
treasurer lor ordinary lodge expenses , but what is much more interesting , and "I hi g her importance , is the fact that the lodge is possessed of a private Benevolent Fund , amounting to no less a sum then / " 600 , invested in Government
Securities . The thanks ol the lodge were voted to the Treasurer and Secretary , for the manner in which tbe accounts were kept . The special business of the evening consisted of the installation of Bro . R . S . Bloomfield for
the ensuing year . This duty dcvolovcd on Bro S . Israel , P . M ., and was performed with care and efficiency . The newly-installed Master appointed and invested his oflicers as follows : ¦—Bros . A . L . Barnett , I . P . M . ; 11 . Abrahams , S . AV . ; N . -Moss , JAN . ; John I ' eartree , Hon . Treas . ; P .
Levy , Hon . Sec . ; Sehnitzler , S . D . j | . Constable , j . D .: J . IL Ross , I . G . j Vesper , " Ty ler . Mr . Ralp h Simon was next presented for initiation and an opportunity was then afforded to lhe new oflicers to prove their capabilities . It is p leasant to slate that their various dnties Avere
most creditably performed , but more noteworth y Avas the work of the new W . M ., who conducted the ceremony with rare precision and impressiveness . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment—and ;; l the banquet table many
good things , most agreeable to si ght and pal ate were heartily discussed , after whicli the usual toasts Avere proposed , and ihe W . M . again proved his fitness for lhe honourable post hc occupies . The various toasts were g iv \ -11 in a manner approaching to eloquence , yet brief withal and to the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
point , especially the one referring to H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , his recent illness , and happy recover ) ' , whicli was spoken of Avith a simple pathos that elicited loud and prolonged cheers . To the toast of " The Initiate , " Bro . Simon responded in brief but suitable terms , and to that
of "The Visitors , " Bro . Lazarus P . M . 188 , P . Prov . S . G . W . Wilts , replied , and his speech included a spirited little history of the re-vivitication of the Tranquility Lodge—Avhich after being in abeyance for two or three years—received new impulse and was re-animated by brethren of the
Joppa Lodge , ( No . 188 . ) The proceedings in the banqueting hall were interspersed with various entertainments , the most noteworthy of which were a duet b y Bro . Ross and Constable—a good deal of drollery by H . M . Levy , P . M . 188 , and especially a performance bv Bro . Chevalier De
Konstki on the p ianoforte , and Bro . ( Iberthur . The Past Masters present Avere Bros . L . Israel , Holbrook , Harfield , M . Hart , M . Harris , A . S y dney . The following were the visitors : •E . Palber ' t , P . M . 1017 ; Berkervitz , W . M . 18 S ; It .
M . Lew . P . M . 188 ; S . M . Lazarus , V . M . 188 . Prov . G . ' S . W . Wilts : | . Lazarus , P . M . 1017 . L . Alexander , P . M . 188 ; E . Gottheil , P . M . 141 ; L . Hickman , S . D . 188 ; II . -Marks , 205 ; P . Raphael , 20-- ; .
KOYAL OAK Loom ; ( An . 871 ) . — The twelfth installation meeting of this prosperous Iodge was held at thc White Swan Tavern , 217 I ligh-street , Deptford , on Thursday , February 22 . Bro . William Andrews , W . M ., at the time appointed , opened the lodge . There Avere present
during the evening , Bros . | . " \ V . Reed , I . W . and AV . M ., elect : H . A . Collington , P . M , Treas : F . Walters , P . M ., See .: AV . ' MyaU , S . D .: G . Andrews , | . D . -. S . () . Lewin , I . G . ; | . Hawker , P . M .: J . Truelove , P . M .: F . G . Skinner , II . T . Tuson , R . West , T . Spencer , B . James , | . [ .
Pakes , G . Harvev , T- ' •Funge , II . Rattle , H . | . Dawe , AN ' . Shaw , ' l { . G . J . Harris , G . T . Limn , J . G . Vohniann , J . Woollett , R . Harman , R . Killick , J . I I . Wilson , G . Clark , tvc , Amongst the visitors Avere : —Bros . | . Chvnoweth , 4 , j . D . 53 : C . Horsley , P . M . 33 " : K . ' Harris , P . M . Treas .
7 ; , Collector for Bovs ' School : C , Nash , W . M . ; y ; W . Noak , ' P . M . 140 . ' G . Bolton , P . M . 147 , and P . M . 16 9 . - J . Moll , 147 ; T . Arnold , P . M . 141 ; W . Hartley . 174 : | . Roper , S . D . 147 : G . Brown , P . M . 169 : L . j . ' B . Bumstead , P . M . Sec . 34 S ; I . AV . Comb , W . M . 348 ;
II . J . Wells , late 871 ; F . Smith , 879 ; J . Lord , 9 . 5 . 5 ; J- Carver : JAN ' . 11 , 3 , 3 : M . Landragin , 11 ,-3 , 3 ; ^ - Angiiss , 1227 ; S . Wickens , W . M . 1 , 326 . , and some others . The minutes of the previous meeting Avere read and unanimously
confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was read . It was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the lodge minutes . It showed after all liabilities were settled , antl Grand Lodge dues paid lo March . JJst , 1872 , that there was a considerable balance in hand , for both the lodge
funds and the Charily Fund . A ballot was taken for Mr . George Clarke , being unanimous in favor of his admission , he was duly initialed into ancient Freemasonry bv the NN ' . M ., Bro . AN ' . Andrews , the ceremonies of passing and raising having been reserved for an emergency meeting
arranged to be held on 20 th ult . The ceremony ol installation was then proceeded with . By the unanimous wish of the members , Iiro . H . A . Collington P . M . and Treasurer , look the chair , as W . M . Bro . F . AN ' niters , P . AL and Secretary , presented Bro . LAV . Reed , LAN ' , ami AV . M . du-t
for the benefit of installation . The usual forms and ceremonies were gone through . Brn . J . NY . Reed was installed AN ' . M . for the ensuing year , in the presence of no less than fifteen Installed Masters . ' le afterward .- appointed and invested with collar and jewil of ollire the following
brethren , viz ., AN . Andrews . I . P . M . and I ' rea . ( Brother II . A . Collington , P . M . having resigned at previous meeting the ollice 1 if Treasurer ) . AN ' . Myatt , S . AV . : G . '" Andrews , J . AN ' . ; F . AN ' alters , P . M ., Secretarv , ( re-invested for 121 I 1 time ) : S . () . Lewin , S . D ,: IL I . Tuson , l . D . : ] ' . I .
Pakes , I . G . ; R . Harman , D . C , ; V . G . Skinner , W . S . : F . Bavin , P . M ., Ty ler , ( re-invested . ) The addresses were delivered , and when completed , a hearty burst nf appluse showed how well the rendering of the installation was appreciated . Jt was resolved unanimously , and on
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
proposition of Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., Sec , " That a vote of thanks be given ( and the same be entered on the minute book ) to Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M ., for his kindness in performing the ceremony of Installation . " He expressed the sentiments of all present in describing the
rendering ot the ceremony , Avhich he said had never been better done anywhere , being seldom equalled and never excelled . It was perfection for correctness , impressiveness , and the masterl y manner of being performed , all had had a great intellectual treat . Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M ., ( being unable to
stay to banquet ) expressed his thanks in a suitable speech for this vote , also for the honour done him at a previous meeting , when he had been elected as the first Honorary Member of the lodge . Bro . AV . Andrews , LP . M ., Treas ., haying decided that he selected ( it being left to
his choice ) that the five guineas voted to him , to be spent in purchasing a testimonial for his efficient services rendered to the lod ge during his year of office , be devoted to purchasing a Life Subscribershi p of the Boys' School in the name cf the AV . M . of tlie lodge for the time being , so
as to hel p to secure the much-coveted A'ice Presidentshi p of the Boys' School , which the lodge was struggling hard to obtain . The money was immediately paid into the Boys' School , the Collector of that Institution being present . This rare and uncommon act of disinterestedness was
thoroughly appreciated by the members of the lodge . It was resolved unanimousl y "That Bro . J . II . AVilson , be elected as the Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming Anniversary Festival of the Boy ' s School , on March 1 . 3 th . " Bro . H . S . AVells , late 871 , and M .
Loiicanen , late 871 , were proposed as joining members . A gentleman was proposed for initiation at Emergency Meeting of the 29 th ult . Some notices of motion relative to business of the Iod ge brought the meeting to a close . The lodge was closed in due form . The banquet and tlessert , as also the wines , gave the greatest
satislaction . The toasts were given and well received . Bro . C . Horsley b y desire , returned thanks for the A'isitors in one of his well-known speeches , which tire so much to the point and abl y delivered . Songs and recitations added to the pleasures of the evening . The hours of reunion having been agreeabl y spent , the brethren separated .
BvuooYxr . Lonui- ; ( No . 902 . )—Alargeniusler of brethren on the occasion of the installation of Bro . William Simmons as AV . M . of this hi g hly esteemed lodge evidennced the greatest interest taken in the business of the meeting , which was held at Anderton ' s Ilotel , Fleet-street , on
Monday , the i 6 \ h ult . Although much difficulty in reaching the lodge room , consequent on the excitement and crowded state of the streets on the eve of the National Thanksgiving , was experienced b y members and visitors , the time appointed for opening the the lodge was punctually
observed , and the AN ' . M ., Bro . J lenrv Smith , was supported b y his ollieers and breihren in prompt attendance . Amongst the numerous visitors unobserved :--The A ' . AN ' . Bro . John Hervey , ( . Irani ! See . -, Bros . J ohn Thomas , P . M . 307 , 720 ; fames Stevens , P . M . 23 , 720 , 1216 ; L . Frost ,
AN ' . M . 91 , ( J . S . ; J . F . AVucst , P . M . 733 ; T . E . Haidy , P . AL 338 ; j . N . Frost , P . M . 228 ; Goddard , 33 ; Harroll , JOOO ; Griffiths , 90 S ; Ike . The lodge having been duly opened in the respective degrees , the chair of K . S . Avas taken b y Bro . Samuel I ' oynder , P . M . and Treas . 902 , who in a most impressive and able manner installed Bro .
William Simmons as NN ' . M . for the ensuing year . The newly-appointed ollieers Avere : Bros . L . R . Rogers , S . AV . R . N . Field , ( AV . ; Thos . Alk-n , S . D . : E . AN ' . Page , J . D . ; Samuel Iron , P . M . 902 , M . C . ; AN ' alker and Sharman , Stwds ; Bros . Poynter , P . M . and Seotcher , P . M ., were reinvested Treas . and See . respectively , and Bro . Grant was invested as Tyler . The several
inve .-. ( incuts were accompanied b y extremely appropriate remarks and explanations by the newlyinstall .-d AN ' . M . In very admirable style , and in . a manner we have seldom heard equalled , Bro .
Poynter delivered the several addresses , and concluded his work of Installing Master . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren shortl y afterwards assembled at the banquet table . The cloth having been cleared , the usual loyal toasts
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft IBasonvn . METROPOLITAN .
LODGE OI- FAITH , ( NO . 141 . )—The rejoicings of " Thanksgiving Day" undoubtedl y kept many otherwise zealous brethren from attending to their Masonic duties ; and accounts for the comparativel y sparse muster of members ofthe above lodge , at the meeting at Anderton ' s Hotel ,
Fleetstreet , on Tuesday , the now historic , and neverto-be-forgotten 27 th of February , 1873 . Bro . C . C . Taylor , the W . M ., and all his officers were however present at the appointed hour , and the attendance graduall y increased to about forty members . The usual preliminaries having been
disposed of , the next business was proceeded with , which consisted , first in conferring the honour of the third degree on Bro . Ellis ; secondly in passing Bros . Stokes , Morrison , Quick and Dunthorn ; and lastl y to admit into the Order in ancient form , Messrs . S . Benjamin and John
Allison , the ceremonies being worked alternatel y by the W . M ., and by Bro . E . Gotthiel , P . M . The brethren the adjourned to partake of refreshment , and on the removal of the cloth , the customary proceedings ( undistinguished by any novel feature ) held their course , except when
the health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was proposed , which the W . M . did \\\ a speech full of deep feeling and expressions of gratitude to the G . A . O . T . U ., ending with the hope that the Royal Brother may long be spared , not only for the good of the country at large , but to support by his influence the interests of the Craft , which
he has honoured by accepting the position ol Past Grand Master . The response , as may be imagined , was most enthusiastic . Most of the brethren being being very anxious to leave , in order to view the splendour of the decorations , the speeches were refreshingly brief . The Past Masters present were : —Bros . Slew art , I till , Gottheil , Carter and Hopwood .
TR AN ai : 1 I . ITV LO no 1 : —( No . 18 3 ) . —How p leasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity , is the motto with which the above lodge heads its agenda paper , and to judge fairly , it must be stated that the conduct of its members
seems regulated in consonance with the spirit ol the motto . Thus it probably happens that the " Tranquility" is without a doubt one of the most flourishing lodges in London . At the last mectintr held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on
Monday , 1 yih inst , after the usual preliminaries , Bro . Philli p Levy , the Hon . Sec , read the report ofthe Audit Committee , which was adopted with acclamation , and from which il appears that there was a considerable balance in the liav . ds of the
treasurer lor ordinary lodge expenses , but what is much more interesting , and "I hi g her importance , is the fact that the lodge is possessed of a private Benevolent Fund , amounting to no less a sum then / " 600 , invested in Government
Securities . The thanks ol the lodge were voted to the Treasurer and Secretary , for the manner in which tbe accounts were kept . The special business of the evening consisted of the installation of Bro . R . S . Bloomfield for
the ensuing year . This duty dcvolovcd on Bro S . Israel , P . M ., and was performed with care and efficiency . The newly-installed Master appointed and invested his oflicers as follows : ¦—Bros . A . L . Barnett , I . P . M . ; 11 . Abrahams , S . AV . ; N . -Moss , JAN . ; John I ' eartree , Hon . Treas . ; P .
Levy , Hon . Sec . ; Sehnitzler , S . D . j | . Constable , j . D .: J . IL Ross , I . G . j Vesper , " Ty ler . Mr . Ralp h Simon was next presented for initiation and an opportunity was then afforded to lhe new oflicers to prove their capabilities . It is p leasant to slate that their various dnties Avere
most creditably performed , but more noteworth y Avas the work of the new W . M ., who conducted the ceremony with rare precision and impressiveness . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment—and ;; l the banquet table many
good things , most agreeable to si ght and pal ate were heartily discussed , after whicli the usual toasts Avere proposed , and ihe W . M . again proved his fitness for lhe honourable post hc occupies . The various toasts were g iv \ -11 in a manner approaching to eloquence , yet brief withal and to the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
point , especially the one referring to H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , his recent illness , and happy recover ) ' , whicli was spoken of Avith a simple pathos that elicited loud and prolonged cheers . To the toast of " The Initiate , " Bro . Simon responded in brief but suitable terms , and to that
of "The Visitors , " Bro . Lazarus P . M . 188 , P . Prov . S . G . W . Wilts , replied , and his speech included a spirited little history of the re-vivitication of the Tranquility Lodge—Avhich after being in abeyance for two or three years—received new impulse and was re-animated by brethren of the
Joppa Lodge , ( No . 188 . ) The proceedings in the banqueting hall were interspersed with various entertainments , the most noteworthy of which were a duet b y Bro . Ross and Constable—a good deal of drollery by H . M . Levy , P . M . 188 , and especially a performance bv Bro . Chevalier De
Konstki on the p ianoforte , and Bro . ( Iberthur . The Past Masters present Avere Bros . L . Israel , Holbrook , Harfield , M . Hart , M . Harris , A . S y dney . The following were the visitors : •E . Palber ' t , P . M . 1017 ; Berkervitz , W . M . 18 S ; It .
M . Lew . P . M . 188 ; S . M . Lazarus , V . M . 188 . Prov . G . ' S . W . Wilts : | . Lazarus , P . M . 1017 . L . Alexander , P . M . 188 ; E . Gottheil , P . M . 141 ; L . Hickman , S . D . 188 ; II . -Marks , 205 ; P . Raphael , 20-- ; .
KOYAL OAK Loom ; ( An . 871 ) . — The twelfth installation meeting of this prosperous Iodge was held at thc White Swan Tavern , 217 I ligh-street , Deptford , on Thursday , February 22 . Bro . William Andrews , W . M ., at the time appointed , opened the lodge . There Avere present
during the evening , Bros . | . " \ V . Reed , I . W . and AV . M ., elect : H . A . Collington , P . M , Treas : F . Walters , P . M ., See .: AV . ' MyaU , S . D .: G . Andrews , | . D . -. S . () . Lewin , I . G . ; | . Hawker , P . M .: J . Truelove , P . M .: F . G . Skinner , II . T . Tuson , R . West , T . Spencer , B . James , | . [ .
Pakes , G . Harvev , T- ' •Funge , II . Rattle , H . | . Dawe , AN ' . Shaw , ' l { . G . J . Harris , G . T . Limn , J . G . Vohniann , J . Woollett , R . Harman , R . Killick , J . I I . Wilson , G . Clark , tvc , Amongst the visitors Avere : —Bros . | . Chvnoweth , 4 , j . D . 53 : C . Horsley , P . M . 33 " : K . ' Harris , P . M . Treas .
7 ; , Collector for Bovs ' School : C , Nash , W . M . ; y ; W . Noak , ' P . M . 140 . ' G . Bolton , P . M . 147 , and P . M . 16 9 . - J . Moll , 147 ; T . Arnold , P . M . 141 ; W . Hartley . 174 : | . Roper , S . D . 147 : G . Brown , P . M . 169 : L . j . ' B . Bumstead , P . M . Sec . 34 S ; I . AV . Comb , W . M . 348 ;
II . J . Wells , late 871 ; F . Smith , 879 ; J . Lord , 9 . 5 . 5 ; J- Carver : JAN ' . 11 , 3 , 3 : M . Landragin , 11 ,-3 , 3 ; ^ - Angiiss , 1227 ; S . Wickens , W . M . 1 , 326 . , and some others . The minutes of the previous meeting Avere read and unanimously
confirmed . The report of the Audit Committee was read . It was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the lodge minutes . It showed after all liabilities were settled , antl Grand Lodge dues paid lo March . JJst , 1872 , that there was a considerable balance in hand , for both the lodge
funds and the Charily Fund . A ballot was taken for Mr . George Clarke , being unanimous in favor of his admission , he was duly initialed into ancient Freemasonry bv the NN ' . M ., Bro . AN ' . Andrews , the ceremonies of passing and raising having been reserved for an emergency meeting
arranged to be held on 20 th ult . The ceremony ol installation was then proceeded with . By the unanimous wish of the members , Iiro . H . A . Collington P . M . and Treasurer , look the chair , as W . M . Bro . F . AN ' niters , P . AL and Secretary , presented Bro . LAV . Reed , LAN ' , ami AV . M . du-t
for the benefit of installation . The usual forms and ceremonies were gone through . Brn . J . NY . Reed was installed AN ' . M . for the ensuing year , in the presence of no less than fifteen Installed Masters . ' le afterward .- appointed and invested with collar and jewil of ollire the following
brethren , viz ., AN . Andrews . I . P . M . and I ' rea . ( Brother II . A . Collington , P . M . having resigned at previous meeting the ollice 1 if Treasurer ) . AN ' . Myatt , S . AV . : G . '" Andrews , J . AN ' . ; F . AN ' alters , P . M ., Secretarv , ( re-invested for 121 I 1 time ) : S . () . Lewin , S . D ,: IL I . Tuson , l . D . : ] ' . I .
Pakes , I . G . ; R . Harman , D . C , ; V . G . Skinner , W . S . : F . Bavin , P . M ., Ty ler , ( re-invested . ) The addresses were delivered , and when completed , a hearty burst nf appluse showed how well the rendering of the installation was appreciated . Jt was resolved unanimously , and on
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
proposition of Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., Sec , " That a vote of thanks be given ( and the same be entered on the minute book ) to Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M ., for his kindness in performing the ceremony of Installation . " He expressed the sentiments of all present in describing the
rendering ot the ceremony , Avhich he said had never been better done anywhere , being seldom equalled and never excelled . It was perfection for correctness , impressiveness , and the masterl y manner of being performed , all had had a great intellectual treat . Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M ., ( being unable to
stay to banquet ) expressed his thanks in a suitable speech for this vote , also for the honour done him at a previous meeting , when he had been elected as the first Honorary Member of the lodge . Bro . AV . Andrews , LP . M ., Treas ., haying decided that he selected ( it being left to
his choice ) that the five guineas voted to him , to be spent in purchasing a testimonial for his efficient services rendered to the lod ge during his year of office , be devoted to purchasing a Life Subscribershi p of the Boys' School in the name cf the AV . M . of tlie lodge for the time being , so
as to hel p to secure the much-coveted A'ice Presidentshi p of the Boys' School , which the lodge was struggling hard to obtain . The money was immediately paid into the Boys' School , the Collector of that Institution being present . This rare and uncommon act of disinterestedness was
thoroughly appreciated by the members of the lodge . It was resolved unanimousl y "That Bro . J . II . AVilson , be elected as the Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming Anniversary Festival of the Boy ' s School , on March 1 . 3 th . " Bro . H . S . AVells , late 871 , and M .
Loiicanen , late 871 , were proposed as joining members . A gentleman was proposed for initiation at Emergency Meeting of the 29 th ult . Some notices of motion relative to business of the Iod ge brought the meeting to a close . The lodge was closed in due form . The banquet and tlessert , as also the wines , gave the greatest
satislaction . The toasts were given and well received . Bro . C . Horsley b y desire , returned thanks for the A'isitors in one of his well-known speeches , which tire so much to the point and abl y delivered . Songs and recitations added to the pleasures of the evening . The hours of reunion having been agreeabl y spent , the brethren separated .
BvuooYxr . Lonui- ; ( No . 902 . )—Alargeniusler of brethren on the occasion of the installation of Bro . William Simmons as AV . M . of this hi g hly esteemed lodge evidennced the greatest interest taken in the business of the meeting , which was held at Anderton ' s Ilotel , Fleet-street , on
Monday , the i 6 \ h ult . Although much difficulty in reaching the lodge room , consequent on the excitement and crowded state of the streets on the eve of the National Thanksgiving , was experienced b y members and visitors , the time appointed for opening the the lodge was punctually
observed , and the AN ' . M ., Bro . J lenrv Smith , was supported b y his ollieers and breihren in prompt attendance . Amongst the numerous visitors unobserved :--The A ' . AN ' . Bro . John Hervey , ( . Irani ! See . -, Bros . J ohn Thomas , P . M . 307 , 720 ; fames Stevens , P . M . 23 , 720 , 1216 ; L . Frost ,
AN ' . M . 91 , ( J . S . ; J . F . AVucst , P . M . 733 ; T . E . Haidy , P . AL 338 ; j . N . Frost , P . M . 228 ; Goddard , 33 ; Harroll , JOOO ; Griffiths , 90 S ; Ike . The lodge having been duly opened in the respective degrees , the chair of K . S . Avas taken b y Bro . Samuel I ' oynder , P . M . and Treas . 902 , who in a most impressive and able manner installed Bro .
William Simmons as NN ' . M . for the ensuing year . The newly-appointed ollieers Avere : Bros . L . R . Rogers , S . AV . R . N . Field , ( AV . ; Thos . Alk-n , S . D . : E . AN ' . Page , J . D . ; Samuel Iron , P . M . 902 , M . C . ; AN ' alker and Sharman , Stwds ; Bros . Poynter , P . M . and Seotcher , P . M ., were reinvested Treas . and See . respectively , and Bro . Grant was invested as Tyler . The several
inve .-. ( incuts were accompanied b y extremely appropriate remarks and explanations by the newlyinstall .-d AN ' . M . In very admirable style , and in . a manner we have seldom heard equalled , Bro .
Poynter delivered the several addresses , and concluded his work of Installing Master . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren shortl y afterwards assembled at the banquet table . The cloth having been cleared , the usual loyal toasts