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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
were given , and the enthusiasm of the moment increased the customary hearty reception of " The Queen" and "The Prince of Wales . " To the toast of "The Grand Lodge Officers , " Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , replied in terms of hi gh appreciation of the honour it conferred on
any individual member of the Craft to be associated with the noblemen and gentlemen Avho composed the Grand Lodge , and expressed the great p leasure he had experienced in assisting at tlie business of the cveing . He was desirous to express his opinion in respect of the admirable
manner in which the Installing Master had performed his duty , and did not hesitate to declare that the ability displayed b y the newly-installed Master augured well for the continued good working of Freemasonry in the Burgoyne Lodge . It Avas certainly his first visit , but with the
expectation of Avitnessmg such working , and m remembrance of his cordial reception on this occasion , it certainly should not be the his last . "The health of the AA . M . " was drank Avith much enthusiasm . Bro . Simmons being evidently most popular with the brethren over whom he is now
to preside . The AV . M . returned thanks m vigorous terms , and assurred the brethren that his beat efforts for the prosperity of the lodge , and their individual happiness and comfort should not be wanting . He then proposed " 'The health ofthe I . P . M ., Bro . Henry Smith , " whose services
during the past year had been so conducive to the present slate of prosperity ofthe lodge , and which Avere recognised by the presentation of the handsome jewel he had the gratification to p lace on his breast , and which he trusted mig ht be worn during many future years of health and happiness by that distinguished brother and personal friend .
Bro . Smith replied , with thanks , for the support he had received during his Mastership , and acknowledged the gift of the lodge as one Avhich he should ever highly prize . — "The Visitors " was responded to by Bro . Thomas , P AL , who also expressed his delight with the admirable Avorkiii" - ofthe Installation Ceremony . In his
remarks he Avasalso supported by Bro . Jas . Stevens , P . M ., and several of the other visitors . Bro . Stevens , at the special request of the AN ' . M ., then delivered the beautiful Alasonic recitation , " Mason ' s Vows , " which was received w ith general acclamation . To the toast of " The
Installing Alasler and Treasurer nf the Lodge , Bro . Poynter replied in a speech so excellent that Ave cannot refrain from reporting it in e . i lenso : —He said , Brethren , T have responded to this toasf so many times that I am almost afraid thereis nothing new left to saw Like the parson , of
whom it was said that " It his text had the lever his sermon would never catch it , " what I have to say must necessarily diverge a Utile from direct ersponse . One slight clenunt of novelty may , perhaps , be introduced in alluding to the acknowledgement of mv humble services as Installing
Master . Perhaps it has been neglect of my Masonie duty that i have never before perfected myself in this ceremony , bill I had determined to signalise the tenth anniversary of my admission , "halting , humble and sore afraid , " inlo Masonry ,
by performing tile duty on this occasion , It has been said ofthe people of Israel that " Wherever there was a Temple erected to music , a jew was ever to be found officiating at the shrine , or taking money at the doors . " ( Laughter . ) So I can now sav that I have fulfilled every office in the
lodge , from Tyler to his ' . alllng Master , lor on one occasion , during the temporary absuice of . oar lowest , but by no means least . important officer , 1 took his place at the door of the lodge myself . The success of the " Burgoyne" Lodge during ten years of its existence is mainly owing
to your brotherly love ; to vour all trying to render each other " comfortable ; " so , in short , acting up to the principles tontained in those addresses 1 have imperfectly endeavoured to convey this evening . I am assured that you will continue to act in the same way in the future , and that the very happy year we have passed
under our beloved I . P . M ., Bro . Henry Smith , Avill be rivalled by the year Ave are now entering upon under the Mastership of his esteemed suct-issor . Not while we cultivate the qualities wh ch are calculated to impart comfort and happiness to each olher shall Ave , I am sure , neglect the industrious acquisition of that A / . asonic proficiency which already enables the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
" Burgoyne" to boast proudly of its working as " second to none . " The older we grow the more perfect we ought to become , for , if it is true of the human soul that advancing years have their compensation in increasing knowledge , so it
should be more conspicuousl y illustrated in the Masonic body ; to each member of Avhich the words of the poet should apply as . day by da } -, they make progress in the mystic lore : — " Tlie soul ' s worn habit , tattered and decayed . ¦
Sets in new light through rents that time hath made . " The usual remaining toasts and responses wound up a very pleasant evening , most agreeably diversified by the songs and recitations of the brethren and visitors .
INSTRUCTION . P . vNMUKK LODOK oi-INSTRUCTION ( NO . 7 ) - —A most interesting meeting of this lodge was held at the Balham Ilotel , Balham , on Thursday , the 29 th tilt ., which Avas largely attended , and
when , for the second time within the past twelve months , Bro . John Thomas , P . M . and Preceptor of several of the South Metropolitan Lodges of Instruction undertook the arduous task of answering in full , the whole of the 4 , 31 questions
contained in the Fifteen Sections , Avhereby the tenets and principles of the Masonic Craft are so admirably exemplified . On this occasion the questions Avere put by one of his many proficient pupils , Bro . James Stevens , P . M . of several
London lodges , and well-known as an earnest and zealous Craftsman , and AVIIO presided as AV . M . The absolute perfection with which questions and replies were respectively put and given , may be estimated by the fact , that whilst under
ordinary circumstances the time usually consumed in " working the ' Sections" occupies above three hours , on this occasion but two and a halt hours were required for that purpose . The " workimr " was most attentively listened to bv
those assembled , amongst whom we noticed brethren from several surrounding neighbourhoods , many of them Past Masters . At the conclusion of their self-imposed task , unanimous votes of thanks were accorded to both Bros .
Thomas and Stevens , and hopes Avere expressed that a like intellectual treat woultl soon again be afforded . AVe desire to add our expression of opinion , that the labours of those brethren in
regard to the diltusion ot Masonic instruction are worthy of emulation by other well qualified Instructors , and hope that the example thus set will be followed in both Aletropolitan and Provincial districts .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . C \ M . ;_ un <; u . ~ -Seieiitilic Jsidgc ( No . 8 S . 1 — . V meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held it the Lion Ilotel , on the Sth ult ., lor the transiction of the general business of the lodge , the
installation of the AYorshipftil Master-elect for the ensuing year , and the appointment of Oliieers . Bro . J .. Dinirnoi : ! - ; , P . M ., acted as Installing Alaster , and in admirable style proceeded to instal Bro . | . A . Dimmock ( son of the Installing
Master ) as AYorshipftil Alasler for the ensuing year . The following appointments were made - -Bros . | . N . Ling , " l . P . AL : | . Fitch , S . AV .: AV . Bays , j AN ' .: AV . ) . Basban . S . D .: AV . II , | arrol ' d , | ' . D . ; C . AV . Ellison . I . G . : T . Nichols
Sec : B . Beales , Treas .: J . Bentley , D . C . : F . Grain , P . AL , Chap . The lodge was closed in due and ancient form , after which upwards of 30 brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet
provided by Bro . Mayse . Harmony and good fellowship prevailed among the brethren , anil wilh the usual loyal and Masonic , loasts the evening was passed lo the entire satisfaction of the numerous brethren present .
COR NANA LL . PROVINCIAL GKVND LODOJ :. A special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall was held on the 2 . 3 rd . ult ., in the Alasonic Hall , New Public Rooms , Truro , Bro . Augustus Smith , Prov . G . M ., presided ; and
among others present were Bro . Reginald Rogers , D . Prow G . M , ; Bro . Colonel Peard , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Charles Read , Prov . S . G . W . ; Rev . IL B . Bulloeke , M . A ., and Rev . G . L . Church , Prov . G . Chaplains ; Bro . AV , Tweedy , Prov . G . Treasurer ; l } iu . T . -Sylonion , . J . /' .. 1 " . {' rov .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
S . G . AV . ; Bro . AV . H . Jenkins ,, Mayor , of Truro , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . T . Chirgwin , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; Captain Colvill , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . J . Hughan , P . Prov . G . Sec , See ., & c , The Provincial Grand Master stated that the
special object of this meeting was the adoption for presentation [ of congratulatory addresses to Her Majesty the Queen and H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , on the recovery of the latter from his severe illness .
These addresses having been agreed to , it Avas ordered that they be engrossed on vellum , and the Provincial Grand Alaster was requested and authorised to sign them on behalf of the Craft in Cornwall . Several excellent speeches were delivered , and they Avere enthusiastically received by the brethren . The addresses Avill be illuminated
on vellum , and a work of art in every sense ofthe term . ; Bro . AVilliam , P . M ., 1 , 31 , has received the order , and from the hi gh character he has obtained for that class of Avork , AVC believe he -will do justice to the selection .
Arrangements were subsequently made for an alteration in the Cornwall Masonic Annuity Fund , by so extending its basis as to admit of grants beinir made for tlie education of children and
their advancement in life ; and a committee was appointed to prepare the necessary hnvs for consideration b y the members at the next Provincial Grand Lodge , Avhich is to be held at St . Austell in the sunimor .
A Committee of seven was also to be nominated by the Provincial Grand Master for the revision and alteration of the bye-laws of the Province ; and it was decided to elect another annuitant at the annual meeting- of the Provincial
Grand Lodge . The lodges were fairly represented , and considerable interest was manifested throughout the proceedings . An undress evening dinner was served at the Royal Hotel , at which the Provincial Grand Alaster presided .
DERBYSHIRE . BCXTON . —Plm-iiiv Lodge of St . Ann ( No . 12 . 35 ) - —The anniversary ' . of this prosperous lodge was held in the Lodge-room , on the 22 nd ult . The lodge Avas opened at two o ' clock b y Bro . R . Darwin , LP ., M . at the [ request of Bro . R . R . Duke , AV . M . who was too much indisposed to
go through the ceremonv himself , assisted by the officers , brethren , and visitors . There were present Bros . R . R . Duke , P . AI . j R . Darwin , P . M . ; Jno . Millward , P . M . ; F . Turner , S . AV ., AV . AI . elect ; Josiah Taylor , f . AV . ; AVm . Millward , S . D . ; AN ' . Smith , Org .: ' Rev . ' A . A . Bagshawe ,
Ch ., . P . G . C . ; AN . E . Clayton , Treas . ; Sykes , I . G . j Lawson , D . C : Milligan , Sec ; ] . C . Bates , J . Std .-. S . Taylor , Chas . AVilkinson . ' AVm . Goodwin , VV . 1 ) . Sutton , G . F . Barnard , R . Ii . Hyde , AVm . Ball , AVm . Boughen , John Ik-nnet , T . Anionir the visitors were Bros . Rt . AV . H .
C . Okeover , D . Prov . G . M . j T . Bragg , P . M . 74 , 1 oid , 1246 ; Col . AVilkie , P . M . Mc . Adams , AN ' . M . rt- 4 ; S . Taylor , P . M . 6 34 ; C . Furgyson , Sec . 6 34 ; Whitehead , 6 , 34 ; Thorpe , P . M . 6 , 34 j Barber , P . M . 634 ; Bramwell , 6 34 ; Cunningham , Bakewell , f . Smith , P . Proy . S . G . D . and W . M .
Arboretum Lodge , Derby ; Dobson , Huddersfield , iVc . The Treasurer presented his report , which showed a most satisfactory balance . After some ordinary lodge business had been transacted . Bro . Bull was passed to the 2 nd Degree . Bro . Frederick Turner , the Alaster Elect , was then
duly installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . C . 11 . ' Okeover , and Bro . R . Darwin , P . M . The following were then appointed to fill the various ollices tnrthe ensuing year :- —Bros . Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , Chap , and S . AV . : josiah Taylor , J . AV .: NV . AI ill ward , Treasurer ; " li . C . Milligan ,
S . D . ; E . J . Sykes , | . D . ; | . If . Lawson , Sec . ; J . C , Bates , D . C . ; P . Le Gros , Standard Bearer ; Jos . Wholly , and ( . ' . has . AYilkinson , Stewards Smith , Organist ; Goodwin , Slip . AVks . j W . D . Sutton , I . G . The lodge was closed at 4 . 10 p . m ., when the majority of the brethren and visitors adjourned to St . Ann ' s Hotel , where a sumptuous
banquet was provided by Bro . P . Le Gros . ( 31 . asHtii ' . —~ Dert >> ish . ire Lnilge (\ o . 623 . )—The usual monthly meeting was held at the Norfolk Arms , Glossop , on Wednesday , 28 th ult . Present-. —Bros . AVilliam Bramall , AV . M . ; John A ' etegans , P . AI . ; R . A . Grundy , P . M . ; [ as . D . Calder , S . W . j W . H . Irlam , ' « j . ; J . Hantoian ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
were given , and the enthusiasm of the moment increased the customary hearty reception of " The Queen" and "The Prince of Wales . " To the toast of "The Grand Lodge Officers , " Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , replied in terms of hi gh appreciation of the honour it conferred on
any individual member of the Craft to be associated with the noblemen and gentlemen Avho composed the Grand Lodge , and expressed the great p leasure he had experienced in assisting at tlie business of the cveing . He was desirous to express his opinion in respect of the admirable
manner in which the Installing Master had performed his duty , and did not hesitate to declare that the ability displayed b y the newly-installed Master augured well for the continued good working of Freemasonry in the Burgoyne Lodge . It Avas certainly his first visit , but with the
expectation of Avitnessmg such working , and m remembrance of his cordial reception on this occasion , it certainly should not be the his last . "The health of the AA . M . " was drank Avith much enthusiasm . Bro . Simmons being evidently most popular with the brethren over whom he is now
to preside . The AV . M . returned thanks m vigorous terms , and assurred the brethren that his beat efforts for the prosperity of the lodge , and their individual happiness and comfort should not be wanting . He then proposed " 'The health ofthe I . P . M ., Bro . Henry Smith , " whose services
during the past year had been so conducive to the present slate of prosperity ofthe lodge , and which Avere recognised by the presentation of the handsome jewel he had the gratification to p lace on his breast , and which he trusted mig ht be worn during many future years of health and happiness by that distinguished brother and personal friend .
Bro . Smith replied , with thanks , for the support he had received during his Mastership , and acknowledged the gift of the lodge as one Avhich he should ever highly prize . — "The Visitors " was responded to by Bro . Thomas , P AL , who also expressed his delight with the admirable Avorkiii" - ofthe Installation Ceremony . In his
remarks he Avasalso supported by Bro . Jas . Stevens , P . M ., and several of the other visitors . Bro . Stevens , at the special request of the AN ' . M ., then delivered the beautiful Alasonic recitation , " Mason ' s Vows , " which was received w ith general acclamation . To the toast of " The
Installing Alasler and Treasurer nf the Lodge , Bro . Poynter replied in a speech so excellent that Ave cannot refrain from reporting it in e . i lenso : —He said , Brethren , T have responded to this toasf so many times that I am almost afraid thereis nothing new left to saw Like the parson , of
whom it was said that " It his text had the lever his sermon would never catch it , " what I have to say must necessarily diverge a Utile from direct ersponse . One slight clenunt of novelty may , perhaps , be introduced in alluding to the acknowledgement of mv humble services as Installing
Master . Perhaps it has been neglect of my Masonie duty that i have never before perfected myself in this ceremony , bill I had determined to signalise the tenth anniversary of my admission , "halting , humble and sore afraid , " inlo Masonry ,
by performing tile duty on this occasion , It has been said ofthe people of Israel that " Wherever there was a Temple erected to music , a jew was ever to be found officiating at the shrine , or taking money at the doors . " ( Laughter . ) So I can now sav that I have fulfilled every office in the
lodge , from Tyler to his ' . alllng Master , lor on one occasion , during the temporary absuice of . oar lowest , but by no means least . important officer , 1 took his place at the door of the lodge myself . The success of the " Burgoyne" Lodge during ten years of its existence is mainly owing
to your brotherly love ; to vour all trying to render each other " comfortable ; " so , in short , acting up to the principles tontained in those addresses 1 have imperfectly endeavoured to convey this evening . I am assured that you will continue to act in the same way in the future , and that the very happy year we have passed
under our beloved I . P . M ., Bro . Henry Smith , Avill be rivalled by the year Ave are now entering upon under the Mastership of his esteemed suct-issor . Not while we cultivate the qualities wh ch are calculated to impart comfort and happiness to each olher shall Ave , I am sure , neglect the industrious acquisition of that A / . asonic proficiency which already enables the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
" Burgoyne" to boast proudly of its working as " second to none . " The older we grow the more perfect we ought to become , for , if it is true of the human soul that advancing years have their compensation in increasing knowledge , so it
should be more conspicuousl y illustrated in the Masonic body ; to each member of Avhich the words of the poet should apply as . day by da } -, they make progress in the mystic lore : — " Tlie soul ' s worn habit , tattered and decayed . ¦
Sets in new light through rents that time hath made . " The usual remaining toasts and responses wound up a very pleasant evening , most agreeably diversified by the songs and recitations of the brethren and visitors .
INSTRUCTION . P . vNMUKK LODOK oi-INSTRUCTION ( NO . 7 ) - —A most interesting meeting of this lodge was held at the Balham Ilotel , Balham , on Thursday , the 29 th tilt ., which Avas largely attended , and
when , for the second time within the past twelve months , Bro . John Thomas , P . M . and Preceptor of several of the South Metropolitan Lodges of Instruction undertook the arduous task of answering in full , the whole of the 4 , 31 questions
contained in the Fifteen Sections , Avhereby the tenets and principles of the Masonic Craft are so admirably exemplified . On this occasion the questions Avere put by one of his many proficient pupils , Bro . James Stevens , P . M . of several
London lodges , and well-known as an earnest and zealous Craftsman , and AVIIO presided as AV . M . The absolute perfection with which questions and replies were respectively put and given , may be estimated by the fact , that whilst under
ordinary circumstances the time usually consumed in " working the ' Sections" occupies above three hours , on this occasion but two and a halt hours were required for that purpose . The " workimr " was most attentively listened to bv
those assembled , amongst whom we noticed brethren from several surrounding neighbourhoods , many of them Past Masters . At the conclusion of their self-imposed task , unanimous votes of thanks were accorded to both Bros .
Thomas and Stevens , and hopes Avere expressed that a like intellectual treat woultl soon again be afforded . AVe desire to add our expression of opinion , that the labours of those brethren in
regard to the diltusion ot Masonic instruction are worthy of emulation by other well qualified Instructors , and hope that the example thus set will be followed in both Aletropolitan and Provincial districts .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . C \ M . ;_ un <; u . ~ -Seieiitilic Jsidgc ( No . 8 S . 1 — . V meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held it the Lion Ilotel , on the Sth ult ., lor the transiction of the general business of the lodge , the
installation of the AYorshipftil Master-elect for the ensuing year , and the appointment of Oliieers . Bro . J .. Dinirnoi : ! - ; , P . M ., acted as Installing Alaster , and in admirable style proceeded to instal Bro . | . A . Dimmock ( son of the Installing
Master ) as AYorshipftil Alasler for the ensuing year . The following appointments were made - -Bros . | . N . Ling , " l . P . AL : | . Fitch , S . AV .: AV . Bays , j AN ' .: AV . ) . Basban . S . D .: AV . II , | arrol ' d , | ' . D . ; C . AV . Ellison . I . G . : T . Nichols
Sec : B . Beales , Treas .: J . Bentley , D . C . : F . Grain , P . AL , Chap . The lodge was closed in due and ancient form , after which upwards of 30 brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet
provided by Bro . Mayse . Harmony and good fellowship prevailed among the brethren , anil wilh the usual loyal and Masonic , loasts the evening was passed lo the entire satisfaction of the numerous brethren present .
COR NANA LL . PROVINCIAL GKVND LODOJ :. A special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall was held on the 2 . 3 rd . ult ., in the Alasonic Hall , New Public Rooms , Truro , Bro . Augustus Smith , Prov . G . M ., presided ; and
among others present were Bro . Reginald Rogers , D . Prow G . M , ; Bro . Colonel Peard , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . Charles Read , Prov . S . G . W . ; Rev . IL B . Bulloeke , M . A ., and Rev . G . L . Church , Prov . G . Chaplains ; Bro . AV , Tweedy , Prov . G . Treasurer ; l } iu . T . -Sylonion , . J . /' .. 1 " . {' rov .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
S . G . AV . ; Bro . AV . H . Jenkins ,, Mayor , of Truro , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bro . T . Chirgwin , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; Captain Colvill , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . J . Hughan , P . Prov . G . Sec , See ., & c , The Provincial Grand Master stated that the
special object of this meeting was the adoption for presentation [ of congratulatory addresses to Her Majesty the Queen and H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , on the recovery of the latter from his severe illness .
These addresses having been agreed to , it Avas ordered that they be engrossed on vellum , and the Provincial Grand Alaster was requested and authorised to sign them on behalf of the Craft in Cornwall . Several excellent speeches were delivered , and they Avere enthusiastically received by the brethren . The addresses Avill be illuminated
on vellum , and a work of art in every sense ofthe term . ; Bro . AVilliam , P . M ., 1 , 31 , has received the order , and from the hi gh character he has obtained for that class of Avork , AVC believe he -will do justice to the selection .
Arrangements were subsequently made for an alteration in the Cornwall Masonic Annuity Fund , by so extending its basis as to admit of grants beinir made for tlie education of children and
their advancement in life ; and a committee was appointed to prepare the necessary hnvs for consideration b y the members at the next Provincial Grand Lodge , Avhich is to be held at St . Austell in the sunimor .
A Committee of seven was also to be nominated by the Provincial Grand Master for the revision and alteration of the bye-laws of the Province ; and it was decided to elect another annuitant at the annual meeting- of the Provincial
Grand Lodge . The lodges were fairly represented , and considerable interest was manifested throughout the proceedings . An undress evening dinner was served at the Royal Hotel , at which the Provincial Grand Alaster presided .
DERBYSHIRE . BCXTON . —Plm-iiiv Lodge of St . Ann ( No . 12 . 35 ) - —The anniversary ' . of this prosperous lodge was held in the Lodge-room , on the 22 nd ult . The lodge Avas opened at two o ' clock b y Bro . R . Darwin , LP ., M . at the [ request of Bro . R . R . Duke , AV . M . who was too much indisposed to
go through the ceremonv himself , assisted by the officers , brethren , and visitors . There were present Bros . R . R . Duke , P . AI . j R . Darwin , P . M . ; Jno . Millward , P . M . ; F . Turner , S . AV ., AV . AI . elect ; Josiah Taylor , f . AV . ; AVm . Millward , S . D . ; AN ' . Smith , Org .: ' Rev . ' A . A . Bagshawe ,
Ch ., . P . G . C . ; AN . E . Clayton , Treas . ; Sykes , I . G . j Lawson , D . C : Milligan , Sec ; ] . C . Bates , J . Std .-. S . Taylor , Chas . AVilkinson . ' AVm . Goodwin , VV . 1 ) . Sutton , G . F . Barnard , R . Ii . Hyde , AVm . Ball , AVm . Boughen , John Ik-nnet , T . Anionir the visitors were Bros . Rt . AV . H .
C . Okeover , D . Prov . G . M . j T . Bragg , P . M . 74 , 1 oid , 1246 ; Col . AVilkie , P . M . Mc . Adams , AN ' . M . rt- 4 ; S . Taylor , P . M . 6 34 ; C . Furgyson , Sec . 6 34 ; Whitehead , 6 , 34 ; Thorpe , P . M . 6 , 34 j Barber , P . M . 634 ; Bramwell , 6 34 ; Cunningham , Bakewell , f . Smith , P . Proy . S . G . D . and W . M .
Arboretum Lodge , Derby ; Dobson , Huddersfield , iVc . The Treasurer presented his report , which showed a most satisfactory balance . After some ordinary lodge business had been transacted . Bro . Bull was passed to the 2 nd Degree . Bro . Frederick Turner , the Alaster Elect , was then
duly installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . C . 11 . ' Okeover , and Bro . R . Darwin , P . M . The following were then appointed to fill the various ollices tnrthe ensuing year :- —Bros . Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , Chap , and S . AV . : josiah Taylor , J . AV .: NV . AI ill ward , Treasurer ; " li . C . Milligan ,
S . D . ; E . J . Sykes , | . D . ; | . If . Lawson , Sec . ; J . C , Bates , D . C . ; P . Le Gros , Standard Bearer ; Jos . Wholly , and ( . ' . has . AYilkinson , Stewards Smith , Organist ; Goodwin , Slip . AVks . j W . D . Sutton , I . G . The lodge was closed at 4 . 10 p . m ., when the majority of the brethren and visitors adjourned to St . Ann ' s Hotel , where a sumptuous
banquet was provided by Bro . P . Le Gros . ( 31 . asHtii ' . —~ Dert >> ish . ire Lnilge (\ o . 623 . )—The usual monthly meeting was held at the Norfolk Arms , Glossop , on Wednesday , 28 th ult . Present-. —Bros . AVilliam Bramall , AV . M . ; John A ' etegans , P . AI . ; R . A . Grundy , P . M . ; [ as . D . Calder , S . W . j W . H . Irlam , ' « j . ; J . Hantoian ,