Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 4 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 4 →
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Craft Masonry.
the duties of the lodge . to the best of his ability . He had a pleasing duty to perform in proposing "The Health of the Installing Master , " which he knew they would receive ' thusiastically . They had all seen the way in which Bro . Lilly had conducted the work of the lodge , concluding with an able rendering of the installation ceremony . The I . P . M . was a most excellent Mason and deserved their approbation . Bro . C . E . Lilly , I . P . M ., returned thanks for the kindness and generosity shown r-tni . In making his respectful bow to them on leaving the chair , he should like to say
what a pleasant year he had had and how much he had enjoyed the work . _ . there had been one or two sad events , and they had not added a large number of initiates . : They missed one familiar figure , but they had not to look back , but forward , and he sincerely hoped that whatever the future had in store , the lodge would progress in a satisfactory manner . He wished to thank all his officers , to all of whom he was under ah obligation for their great kindness , punctuality , and regularity of attendance , which had helped him considerably . He thanked them all for their hearty co-operathn .
"The Past Masters" was responded to by Bros . Weaver , P . M . ; bcott , f . M . ; and Brown , P . M ., and "The Visitors " was acknowledged by Bros . Cocks , W . M . ; Thomas , P . M . ; Upton , P . M . ; and Mogford , P . M . Bro . S . R . Walker , P . M ., Sec , replied for "The Treasurer and Secretary , " and expressed the regret of the Treasurer , Bro . Welford , P . G . S . B ., at his enforced absence . Replying in the new century they had to recognise the fact that changes had taken place through circumstances beyond their control . They had a new Grand
Master nominated , and the Order had a Protector . They were thus starting a new life in a new century . He hoped the members would live to enjoy the fellowship of the lodge late in the century . He was proud to be Secretary , and whatever he had done had been faithfully done . He believed he had gained the esteem of the members , and this was one of the greatest rewards a man could enjoy . "The Officers " concluded the programme . The musical programme included items by Miss Edith Wills , Miss Lilian Such , and Bros . Colston Regan , Pelham , Wilkes , Spencer West , and Gurney Rdssell .
Star Lodge , No . 1275 . A meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on the 2 nd instant . Among those present were Bros . Thomas Bore , W . M . ; A . E . Kipps , I . P . M . ; W . Atkinson , S . W . ; L . J . Whalley , J . W . ; W . H . Payne , J . D . ; W . Kipps , P . M ., D . C ; Charles Hopkins , I . G . ; W . Hide , P . M . ; Robert Reid , P . M . ; Ernest F . Nash , P . M . ; D . S . Long , P . M . ; and Edwd . Fox , P . M . Visitors : Bros . Major Henry Wright , P . G . Std . Br . ; Henry T . Bing , P . P . G . Sec . Mfddx . ; and a large and representative number of members from well-known lodges .
To have seven raisings and two passings and a presentation added to the other work in the lodge may be regarded as a very fair night ' s work , and when followed by a banquet and its attendant toasts and speeches , Bro . Thomas Bore , W . M . _ , may be congratulated upon the manner in which he fulfilled the work demanded of him . A beautiful illuminated address was presented and handed in lodge to Bro . Woolmer Williams , P . M . and Secretary , for the many years ( 21 ) he had so ably and faithfully discharged the duties of his responsible office , and at the banquet three beautiful and valuable epergnes were also made over to him as the unanimous expression of the lodge for his
services . In commencing the toast list with "The King and the Craft , " the W . M . pointed out that although the Victorian era had closed by the lamented death of the august lady from which it took its name , yet as every cloud had its silver lining , so the Craft , although deprived of the services of its late M . W . G . M ., could feel that he was still of them in his new title of Protector . In giving the toast of "The Pro Grand Master , Earl Amherst ; the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Warwick : and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , "
the W . M . said it oft times occurred to him that that was perhaps the most important toast of the Masonic banquet table , as it was really a treat to go to Grand Lodge , and see the working of its officers—Grand Officers were so perfect in their work—ind as there was one present there that evening in the person of Bro . Mijor Henry Wright , V . D ., P . G . Std . Br ., he had great pleasure in coupling his name with that toast . Bro . Henry Wrieht said that he felt it alwavs a rrreat honour to have his name
coupled with the Grand Officers , and was pleased to respond in such a lodge as the Star . They were greatly honoured by his Majesty taking upon himself the title of Proiector , and in the Duke of Connaught they would have one whose less onerous duties would enable him to take a greater interest in Freemasonry than the Prince of Wales had been able to take . He was there that evening as the guest of Bro . Woolmer Williams , and congratulated him on being the recipient of such a gratifying testimonial , and complimented Bro . Kipps , I . P . M ., on his working , and remarked that what he didn ' t know about Freemasonry was not worth knowing .
IiRO . MAJOR WOOLMER WILLIAMS , l' . M ., SEC . The W . M ., in making the presentation at this juncture to Bro . Woolmer Williams , Sec ., said he could not express more than the illuminated address did , and called upon Uros . Kipps , Blanchard , P . M ., and Nash , P . M ., to speak for the lodge , the first of whom remarked that the Star Lodge would not be the Star Lodge without a Williams ir ' it ; the second trusted the G . A . would preserve Bro . Secretary for many years of
usefulness yet ; and Bro . Nash , P . M ., said he hoped the present would be accepted as ¦ t was meant—the expression of the kind thoughts of the Star Lodge towards its reci pient . Bro . Williams , in rising to respond , said he could look back 39 years since he first s » w the light of Masonry in that lodge . There was sorrow in thinking of those win had gone , but joy in those remaining . Good fellowship reigned amongst them , and he w » s overjoyed at their kindliness and good esteem towards him ; he greatly appreciated
Craft Masonry.
the testimonial or any part of the gift of the three beautiful epergnes . As all who had been initiated into Freemasonry should be tolerant towards a brother's feelings , and try for the development of the highest characteristics oE ton brotherhood , they should be careful whom they brought into it as the universe rested on true brotherhood . Bro . Kipps , I . P . M ., upon rising to propose "The Health of the W . M ., " called attention to his arduous task that night , infUinced as he was by a severe cold .
The W . M ., in reply , inferred that he had gone against his doctor ' s orders in being present at all ' , but as he was determined to have the pleasure of making the presentation that evening to Bro . Woolmer Williams he had come . In saying how pleased he was at seeing such " a grand arrav '' oE visitors , the W . M . called upon Bros . Henry T . Bing , P . P . G . Sec . Middlesex ; Grummant , P . M . ; and P . M . Williamswho briefly but cordially responded .
, It may be noted with reference to the Masonic career of Bro . Major Woolmer Williams , that he is the senior P . M . of the Star Lodge , and also a founder of the St . Martitfs-le-Grand Lodge . He was exalted in the Pythagorean Chapter , and is a founder and senior P . Z . and Treasurer of the Star Chapter ; P . Z . of the Biyard Chapter ; P . Z . of the Old Concord Chapter ; P . Z . of the Fitzroy Chapter ( H . A . C ) , and J . of the
St . Martin ' s-le-Grand Chapter , of which he was also the principal founder . He is also founder , P . M ., and Secretary of the Star Mi'k Lodge ; J . O . of the Mallet and Chisel Mark Lodge ; and a Past Grand Steward ; a member of the Allied Degrees ; and also of the Victory Rose Croix Chapter , 1 S . He is also a Life Governor of the Benevolent Institution and the Girls' School .
Chaucer Lodge , No . 1540 . A regular and well-attended meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , the 25 th ult ., at the St . James' Restaurant . There were present , among others , Bros . W . Miles , W . M . ; J . Genese , I . P . M . ; A . J . Barclay , S . W . ; A . Sarjeant , J . W . ; Rev . S . J . Roco , Chap . ; A . J . Bailey , P . M ., Treas . ; L . Weil , IP . M ., Sec . ; S . Russell , S . D . ; E . H . Parry , J . D . ; W . Cooper . I . G . ; G . W . Cooper , Org . ; W . E . Geddes , Stwd . ;
C Graham , P . M . ; W . Klingenstein , P . M . ; V . Cahn , P . M . ; E . S . Cook , H . Passmore , H . V . Purvis , E . Oppenheimer , J . D . Behr , S . Wimmel , E . Simon , H . W . Janiach , J . R . Woodley , J . G . Da Costa , F . A . Rayner , 1194 ; W . G . Evans , 1732 ; and F . Tennant Pain , P . M . 2472 . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Janisch , Woodley , and Da Costa were passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . The W . M . then told the brethren that he would ask the Secretary to enter the following minutes : "The W . M . informed the brethren that he , with the officers and several Past Masters ,
attended the Especial Grand Lodge at the Queen's Hall on Friday , 15 th February , where a loyal and dutiful address was unanimously accorded to his Majesty the King , tendering the respectful sympathy of the Craft on the death of her late Majesty Queen Victoria , and further offering the respectful and fraternal congratulations of the Fraternity to his Majesty on his accession to the Throne . Further , that the King had resigned his office as Grand Master , and had informed Grand Lodge that he would in future be known as the Protector of the Craft ; and , further , that H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught had been nominated as Grand Master . "
The lodge was closed , and after the brethren had dined and grace had been pronounced by the Chaplain of the lodge , the W . M . rose to give the toast of "The King and the Craft . " He said that it was the first time in the history of the lodge that this toast had been given , and he felt sure that they all hoped that his Majesty's reign would be a glorious one ; that he would become as illustrious as his honoured and lamented Sovereign mother ; that England and the Craft would prosper under his rule , as much as , aye , even more than , they had prospered under the late and much regretted Queen and Empress .
Bro . Cooper sang the National Anthem and the brethren assisted most heartily and loyally . The usual toasts followed , and were interspersed with music , solos , recitations , and humorous songs , contributed by Bros . E . Simon , Graham , Passmore ,- Genese , F . A . Rayner , and G . W . Cooper , Org ., who directed the entertainment . In proposing "Bro . W . Miles , " the I . P . M . slid they had a W . M . who was a
credit to their lodge and to Masonry . The ceremonies they had just heard had never been more impressively performed . Bro . Miles , in responding , thanked the brethren for their plaudits , and pointed out that the officers' excellent work , such as they had all seen , had materially assisted him . Bro . Tennant Pain responded for " The Visitors , " and added a further eulogy to the excellent and solemn working he had seen of the Second Degree . The Tyler's toast concluded a very happy and successful gathering .
Fellowship Lodge , No , 2535 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . W . H . MAKING , P . M . The unique history of this lodge during its brief career is one list of successes and " records , " and each succeeding installation meeting finds it more firmly established as one of the most influential in the Metropolis . The meeting held on the 4 th instant , at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , W ., proved no exception to the rule . The
working of the ritual was up to the usual high standard , and the Auditors' Report showed a balance of £ 563 8 s . —an increase of ^ 50—after donating 50 guineas to Masonic Charity . Last year , Bros . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W ., and E . Rogers , P . M ., represented the lodge at the Girls' School Festival and took up a magnificent list , and at the recent Festival of the Old People , Bro . B . Carter , W . M ., secured the second highest place with his splendid list of £ 491 . At the meeting under notice another 50 guineas was voted—25 guineas to the Girls' School on Bro . Sir John Monckton ' s list , and 2 ; cuineas to the Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution on the W . M . ' s list far the
Festival of 1902 . Lodge was opened by Bro . B . Carter , W . M ., and he was supported during the evening by the following members : Bro . W . H . Making , P . M ., S . W . ; S . Hussey , P . M ., J . W . ; Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W . ; George Everett , P . G . Treas . j Alderman and Colonel Clifford Probyn , P . G . Treas . ; James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C . 1 W . J . Batho , P . M ., S . D . ; W . Thomas , P . M . j B . A . Griffin , P . M . ; J . Stevens , E . Walter , I . G . Walne , H . Carman , P . G . Std . Br . ; W . H . G . Rudderforth , P . M .:
and others . Visitors : Bros . J . M . Dexter , I . P . M . 1237 ; S . Masters , H . L . Cooke , 209 S ; B . Dowsett . P . M . 101 ; C H . Cooper , S . W . 79 ; A . C . Everett , 172 ; W . F . Cirr , A . D . C . 193 ; J . H . Mills , 1604 ; C . Rootes , P . P . S . G . W . ; C Murliss , 2342 ; W . H . Colson , 364 ; Chatham Ellis , i > . W . 4 ; F . Netvin , W . M . 1135 ; W . W / mbolc , S . D . 1706 ; H . D . Woods , 2816 ; j . H . Simeons , P . M . 193 ; W . H . Hawtrey , J . D .
937 ; F . S . Priest , W . M . 2 S 16 ; W . A . Scurrah , P . G . S . B . ; G . W . Duck , P . M . ; I . E . Overed , P . M . 1708 ; W . Atkinson , W . M . 1 S 15 ; S . WilJash , J . O . 181 S ; W . Smith , P . M ., Sec . 1 G 24 ; W . A . Hart , P . P . S . G . W . ; E . Godwin , P . M . 820 ; C . Woodrow , P . M . ; Sam Harris , T . Sewell , H . W . Parker , P . M . ; C . A . Hardwick , P . M . ; Alex . Watson , P . M . ; Walter Ginger , P . M . ; R . G . Hambrow , R . R . Banks , W . W . Lee , P . M . ; and others .
The minutes were confirmed , and Bro . W . H . Making , P . M ., was presented for installation by Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , as D . of C The ceremony was performed by Bro . B . Carter in an impressive manner that was warmly appreciated and admired by all present . The officers appointed were Bros . S . Hussey , P . M ., S . W . ; VI . J . Batho , P . M ., J . W . ; J . Welford , P . G . Std . Br ., Treas . ; J . Stephens , P . D . G . D . ofC , Sec ; H . Carman , P . G . Std . Br ., S . D . ; B . A . Griffin , P . M ., J . D . ; A , Allistone , LG . j I . Alexander , D . of C . ; E . Walter and W . F . Sanderson , Stwds . ;
H . G . Schuler , Org . ; and T . C Edmonds , P . M ., Tyler . The Auditors' Report , referred to above , was unanimously adopted after a few congratulatory remarks from the W . M . Twenty-five guineas was voted to the W . M . ' s list for the Royal Misonic Benevolent Institution , and 25 guineas to the Girls' School on the list of Bro . Sir John Monckton . Bro . Stephens , in seconding the latter motion , said it had been done each year since the consecration of the lodge , and as Bro . Sir John Monckton had honoured the lodge by representing it , he hoped the continuity would be for many years . The
Secretary reported the sad death of Bro . M . S . Rubinstein , who was unfortunately drowned at Staines a few weeks ago , and the usual sympathetic resolution was passed . Letters of regret were announced from the Grand Secretary , Bro . Frank Richardson , and others , and lodge was closed . After an excellent banquet , well served under the personal direction of Bro . Kella , " The King and the Craft" was proposed as the first toast by the W . M . " The Grand Officers " was next given by the W . M ., who referred to the eloquent speech delivered b y Earl Amherst at Queen's Hall , which impressed all who heard it , and would be read with interest by all Masons . ' He welcomed the presence of Bros .
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Craft Masonry.
the duties of the lodge . to the best of his ability . He had a pleasing duty to perform in proposing "The Health of the Installing Master , " which he knew they would receive ' thusiastically . They had all seen the way in which Bro . Lilly had conducted the work of the lodge , concluding with an able rendering of the installation ceremony . The I . P . M . was a most excellent Mason and deserved their approbation . Bro . C . E . Lilly , I . P . M ., returned thanks for the kindness and generosity shown r-tni . In making his respectful bow to them on leaving the chair , he should like to say
what a pleasant year he had had and how much he had enjoyed the work . _ . there had been one or two sad events , and they had not added a large number of initiates . : They missed one familiar figure , but they had not to look back , but forward , and he sincerely hoped that whatever the future had in store , the lodge would progress in a satisfactory manner . He wished to thank all his officers , to all of whom he was under ah obligation for their great kindness , punctuality , and regularity of attendance , which had helped him considerably . He thanked them all for their hearty co-operathn .
"The Past Masters" was responded to by Bros . Weaver , P . M . ; bcott , f . M . ; and Brown , P . M ., and "The Visitors " was acknowledged by Bros . Cocks , W . M . ; Thomas , P . M . ; Upton , P . M . ; and Mogford , P . M . Bro . S . R . Walker , P . M ., Sec , replied for "The Treasurer and Secretary , " and expressed the regret of the Treasurer , Bro . Welford , P . G . S . B ., at his enforced absence . Replying in the new century they had to recognise the fact that changes had taken place through circumstances beyond their control . They had a new Grand
Master nominated , and the Order had a Protector . They were thus starting a new life in a new century . He hoped the members would live to enjoy the fellowship of the lodge late in the century . He was proud to be Secretary , and whatever he had done had been faithfully done . He believed he had gained the esteem of the members , and this was one of the greatest rewards a man could enjoy . "The Officers " concluded the programme . The musical programme included items by Miss Edith Wills , Miss Lilian Such , and Bros . Colston Regan , Pelham , Wilkes , Spencer West , and Gurney Rdssell .
Star Lodge , No . 1275 . A meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on the 2 nd instant . Among those present were Bros . Thomas Bore , W . M . ; A . E . Kipps , I . P . M . ; W . Atkinson , S . W . ; L . J . Whalley , J . W . ; W . H . Payne , J . D . ; W . Kipps , P . M ., D . C ; Charles Hopkins , I . G . ; W . Hide , P . M . ; Robert Reid , P . M . ; Ernest F . Nash , P . M . ; D . S . Long , P . M . ; and Edwd . Fox , P . M . Visitors : Bros . Major Henry Wright , P . G . Std . Br . ; Henry T . Bing , P . P . G . Sec . Mfddx . ; and a large and representative number of members from well-known lodges .
To have seven raisings and two passings and a presentation added to the other work in the lodge may be regarded as a very fair night ' s work , and when followed by a banquet and its attendant toasts and speeches , Bro . Thomas Bore , W . M . _ , may be congratulated upon the manner in which he fulfilled the work demanded of him . A beautiful illuminated address was presented and handed in lodge to Bro . Woolmer Williams , P . M . and Secretary , for the many years ( 21 ) he had so ably and faithfully discharged the duties of his responsible office , and at the banquet three beautiful and valuable epergnes were also made over to him as the unanimous expression of the lodge for his
services . In commencing the toast list with "The King and the Craft , " the W . M . pointed out that although the Victorian era had closed by the lamented death of the august lady from which it took its name , yet as every cloud had its silver lining , so the Craft , although deprived of the services of its late M . W . G . M ., could feel that he was still of them in his new title of Protector . In giving the toast of "The Pro Grand Master , Earl Amherst ; the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Warwick : and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , "
the W . M . said it oft times occurred to him that that was perhaps the most important toast of the Masonic banquet table , as it was really a treat to go to Grand Lodge , and see the working of its officers—Grand Officers were so perfect in their work—ind as there was one present there that evening in the person of Bro . Mijor Henry Wright , V . D ., P . G . Std . Br ., he had great pleasure in coupling his name with that toast . Bro . Henry Wrieht said that he felt it alwavs a rrreat honour to have his name
coupled with the Grand Officers , and was pleased to respond in such a lodge as the Star . They were greatly honoured by his Majesty taking upon himself the title of Proiector , and in the Duke of Connaught they would have one whose less onerous duties would enable him to take a greater interest in Freemasonry than the Prince of Wales had been able to take . He was there that evening as the guest of Bro . Woolmer Williams , and congratulated him on being the recipient of such a gratifying testimonial , and complimented Bro . Kipps , I . P . M ., on his working , and remarked that what he didn ' t know about Freemasonry was not worth knowing .
IiRO . MAJOR WOOLMER WILLIAMS , l' . M ., SEC . The W . M ., in making the presentation at this juncture to Bro . Woolmer Williams , Sec ., said he could not express more than the illuminated address did , and called upon Uros . Kipps , Blanchard , P . M ., and Nash , P . M ., to speak for the lodge , the first of whom remarked that the Star Lodge would not be the Star Lodge without a Williams ir ' it ; the second trusted the G . A . would preserve Bro . Secretary for many years of
usefulness yet ; and Bro . Nash , P . M ., said he hoped the present would be accepted as ¦ t was meant—the expression of the kind thoughts of the Star Lodge towards its reci pient . Bro . Williams , in rising to respond , said he could look back 39 years since he first s » w the light of Masonry in that lodge . There was sorrow in thinking of those win had gone , but joy in those remaining . Good fellowship reigned amongst them , and he w » s overjoyed at their kindliness and good esteem towards him ; he greatly appreciated
Craft Masonry.
the testimonial or any part of the gift of the three beautiful epergnes . As all who had been initiated into Freemasonry should be tolerant towards a brother's feelings , and try for the development of the highest characteristics oE ton brotherhood , they should be careful whom they brought into it as the universe rested on true brotherhood . Bro . Kipps , I . P . M ., upon rising to propose "The Health of the W . M ., " called attention to his arduous task that night , infUinced as he was by a severe cold .
The W . M ., in reply , inferred that he had gone against his doctor ' s orders in being present at all ' , but as he was determined to have the pleasure of making the presentation that evening to Bro . Woolmer Williams he had come . In saying how pleased he was at seeing such " a grand arrav '' oE visitors , the W . M . called upon Bros . Henry T . Bing , P . P . G . Sec . Middlesex ; Grummant , P . M . ; and P . M . Williamswho briefly but cordially responded .
, It may be noted with reference to the Masonic career of Bro . Major Woolmer Williams , that he is the senior P . M . of the Star Lodge , and also a founder of the St . Martitfs-le-Grand Lodge . He was exalted in the Pythagorean Chapter , and is a founder and senior P . Z . and Treasurer of the Star Chapter ; P . Z . of the Biyard Chapter ; P . Z . of the Old Concord Chapter ; P . Z . of the Fitzroy Chapter ( H . A . C ) , and J . of the
St . Martin ' s-le-Grand Chapter , of which he was also the principal founder . He is also founder , P . M ., and Secretary of the Star Mi'k Lodge ; J . O . of the Mallet and Chisel Mark Lodge ; and a Past Grand Steward ; a member of the Allied Degrees ; and also of the Victory Rose Croix Chapter , 1 S . He is also a Life Governor of the Benevolent Institution and the Girls' School .
Chaucer Lodge , No . 1540 . A regular and well-attended meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , the 25 th ult ., at the St . James' Restaurant . There were present , among others , Bros . W . Miles , W . M . ; J . Genese , I . P . M . ; A . J . Barclay , S . W . ; A . Sarjeant , J . W . ; Rev . S . J . Roco , Chap . ; A . J . Bailey , P . M ., Treas . ; L . Weil , IP . M ., Sec . ; S . Russell , S . D . ; E . H . Parry , J . D . ; W . Cooper . I . G . ; G . W . Cooper , Org . ; W . E . Geddes , Stwd . ;
C Graham , P . M . ; W . Klingenstein , P . M . ; V . Cahn , P . M . ; E . S . Cook , H . Passmore , H . V . Purvis , E . Oppenheimer , J . D . Behr , S . Wimmel , E . Simon , H . W . Janiach , J . R . Woodley , J . G . Da Costa , F . A . Rayner , 1194 ; W . G . Evans , 1732 ; and F . Tennant Pain , P . M . 2472 . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Janisch , Woodley , and Da Costa were passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . The W . M . then told the brethren that he would ask the Secretary to enter the following minutes : "The W . M . informed the brethren that he , with the officers and several Past Masters ,
attended the Especial Grand Lodge at the Queen's Hall on Friday , 15 th February , where a loyal and dutiful address was unanimously accorded to his Majesty the King , tendering the respectful sympathy of the Craft on the death of her late Majesty Queen Victoria , and further offering the respectful and fraternal congratulations of the Fraternity to his Majesty on his accession to the Throne . Further , that the King had resigned his office as Grand Master , and had informed Grand Lodge that he would in future be known as the Protector of the Craft ; and , further , that H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught had been nominated as Grand Master . "
The lodge was closed , and after the brethren had dined and grace had been pronounced by the Chaplain of the lodge , the W . M . rose to give the toast of "The King and the Craft . " He said that it was the first time in the history of the lodge that this toast had been given , and he felt sure that they all hoped that his Majesty's reign would be a glorious one ; that he would become as illustrious as his honoured and lamented Sovereign mother ; that England and the Craft would prosper under his rule , as much as , aye , even more than , they had prospered under the late and much regretted Queen and Empress .
Bro . Cooper sang the National Anthem and the brethren assisted most heartily and loyally . The usual toasts followed , and were interspersed with music , solos , recitations , and humorous songs , contributed by Bros . E . Simon , Graham , Passmore ,- Genese , F . A . Rayner , and G . W . Cooper , Org ., who directed the entertainment . In proposing "Bro . W . Miles , " the I . P . M . slid they had a W . M . who was a
credit to their lodge and to Masonry . The ceremonies they had just heard had never been more impressively performed . Bro . Miles , in responding , thanked the brethren for their plaudits , and pointed out that the officers' excellent work , such as they had all seen , had materially assisted him . Bro . Tennant Pain responded for " The Visitors , " and added a further eulogy to the excellent and solemn working he had seen of the Second Degree . The Tyler's toast concluded a very happy and successful gathering .
Fellowship Lodge , No , 2535 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . W . H . MAKING , P . M . The unique history of this lodge during its brief career is one list of successes and " records , " and each succeeding installation meeting finds it more firmly established as one of the most influential in the Metropolis . The meeting held on the 4 th instant , at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , W ., proved no exception to the rule . The
working of the ritual was up to the usual high standard , and the Auditors' Report showed a balance of £ 563 8 s . —an increase of ^ 50—after donating 50 guineas to Masonic Charity . Last year , Bros . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W ., and E . Rogers , P . M ., represented the lodge at the Girls' School Festival and took up a magnificent list , and at the recent Festival of the Old People , Bro . B . Carter , W . M ., secured the second highest place with his splendid list of £ 491 . At the meeting under notice another 50 guineas was voted—25 guineas to the Girls' School on Bro . Sir John Monckton ' s list , and 2 ; cuineas to the Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution on the W . M . ' s list far the
Festival of 1902 . Lodge was opened by Bro . B . Carter , W . M ., and he was supported during the evening by the following members : Bro . W . H . Making , P . M ., S . W . ; S . Hussey , P . M ., J . W . ; Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W . ; George Everett , P . G . Treas . j Alderman and Colonel Clifford Probyn , P . G . Treas . ; James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C . 1 W . J . Batho , P . M ., S . D . ; W . Thomas , P . M . j B . A . Griffin , P . M . ; J . Stevens , E . Walter , I . G . Walne , H . Carman , P . G . Std . Br . ; W . H . G . Rudderforth , P . M .:
and others . Visitors : Bros . J . M . Dexter , I . P . M . 1237 ; S . Masters , H . L . Cooke , 209 S ; B . Dowsett . P . M . 101 ; C H . Cooper , S . W . 79 ; A . C . Everett , 172 ; W . F . Cirr , A . D . C . 193 ; J . H . Mills , 1604 ; C . Rootes , P . P . S . G . W . ; C Murliss , 2342 ; W . H . Colson , 364 ; Chatham Ellis , i > . W . 4 ; F . Netvin , W . M . 1135 ; W . W / mbolc , S . D . 1706 ; H . D . Woods , 2816 ; j . H . Simeons , P . M . 193 ; W . H . Hawtrey , J . D .
937 ; F . S . Priest , W . M . 2 S 16 ; W . A . Scurrah , P . G . S . B . ; G . W . Duck , P . M . ; I . E . Overed , P . M . 1708 ; W . Atkinson , W . M . 1 S 15 ; S . WilJash , J . O . 181 S ; W . Smith , P . M ., Sec . 1 G 24 ; W . A . Hart , P . P . S . G . W . ; E . Godwin , P . M . 820 ; C . Woodrow , P . M . ; Sam Harris , T . Sewell , H . W . Parker , P . M . ; C . A . Hardwick , P . M . ; Alex . Watson , P . M . ; Walter Ginger , P . M . ; R . G . Hambrow , R . R . Banks , W . W . Lee , P . M . ; and others .
The minutes were confirmed , and Bro . W . H . Making , P . M ., was presented for installation by Bro . James Stephens , P . D . G . D . C , as D . of C The ceremony was performed by Bro . B . Carter in an impressive manner that was warmly appreciated and admired by all present . The officers appointed were Bros . S . Hussey , P . M ., S . W . ; VI . J . Batho , P . M ., J . W . ; J . Welford , P . G . Std . Br ., Treas . ; J . Stephens , P . D . G . D . ofC , Sec ; H . Carman , P . G . Std . Br ., S . D . ; B . A . Griffin , P . M ., J . D . ; A , Allistone , LG . j I . Alexander , D . of C . ; E . Walter and W . F . Sanderson , Stwds . ;
H . G . Schuler , Org . ; and T . C Edmonds , P . M ., Tyler . The Auditors' Report , referred to above , was unanimously adopted after a few congratulatory remarks from the W . M . Twenty-five guineas was voted to the W . M . ' s list for the Royal Misonic Benevolent Institution , and 25 guineas to the Girls' School on the list of Bro . Sir John Monckton . Bro . Stephens , in seconding the latter motion , said it had been done each year since the consecration of the lodge , and as Bro . Sir John Monckton had honoured the lodge by representing it , he hoped the continuity would be for many years . The
Secretary reported the sad death of Bro . M . S . Rubinstein , who was unfortunately drowned at Staines a few weeks ago , and the usual sympathetic resolution was passed . Letters of regret were announced from the Grand Secretary , Bro . Frank Richardson , and others , and lodge was closed . After an excellent banquet , well served under the personal direction of Bro . Kella , " The King and the Craft" was proposed as the first toast by the W . M . " The Grand Officers " was next given by the W . M ., who referred to the eloquent speech delivered b y Earl Amherst at Queen's Hall , which impressed all who heard it , and would be read with interest by all Masons . ' He welcomed the presence of Bros .