Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Cryptic Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Craft Masonry.
odthe lodgebv the death of theRev . C J . Martvn , P . G . Chap ., and Chaplainof the lodge , ho was one of the founders and also a Past President of the Old Masonians' Associaf- na and moved that a letter of sympathy be sent to the members of Bro . Martyn ' s family expressing the great affection all the members of the lodge felt for Bro . Martyn « nd their grief at his death . This was seconded by the W . M ., and carried , the brethren II standing . The Secretary stated that he had already written a letter of condolence M , behalf of the W . M . and brethren to Miss Martyn , embodying these expressions of cvmpathy , and read her reply to the lodge . A ballot was taken for Bro . A . F . Williams Morrison lvicueoa ine
iOM ) 2749 > proposed by Bro . J . , r . u . a . o ., seconaea uy Secretary , which proving unanimous , Bro . Williams was duly declared a joining member . Bro . Unwin having answered the usual questions was duly passed to the Decree of F . C The ballot was taken for the W . M . for the ensuing year when Bro . Rowles , S . W ., was unanimously elected . A . ballot was also taken for the Treasurer , and Bro . R . H . Williams was re-elected to fill the office . Bro . R- M . Goddard was then re-elected Tyler . Bros . Cummings , Watson , and Unwin were proposed as members for the Committee of General Purposes , and there being no other nominations they were duly elected .
The W . M . elect volunteered his services asbteward tor the forthcoming festival tor tne R M LB ., and the Secretary gave notice that at the next meeting he would propose that the sum of 10 guineas be voted from the lodge funds , in the name of the W . M . ' s chair , and added to his list . The Secretary also proposed that , as the lodge could only afford to contribute to two Charities , and had already subscribed to the Girls' School each year , and not to the R . M . B . I . since 1 S 9 S , that the lodge contribute to the R . M . B . l . this year . and carried The elect then notice that
This was seconded by Bro . Packer , . W . M . gave at the next meeting he would propose that the sum of 10 guineas be voted to the R . M . 1 ) I . in the name of the W . M . ' s chair . Bro . Chandler also gave notice that at the next meeting he would propose that the sum of 10 guineas be voted to the Richard Eve Memorial Fund , and that £ 2 2 s . be voted to the pupils of the R . M . IJB . as a prize for r / eoeraphy . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to Bro . Roehrich , W . M ., for the very
able services he had rendered to the lodge as W . M . tor the past year . Bro . unandler read letters from the Board of Management , thanking the members for the offer to provide aconcert for the pupils of the R . M . LB . during the Easter vacation , and accepting the same with thanks . It was agreed to leave the arrangements in the hands of the Secretary and Bro . Chandler . ,. „„„ , . Letters of regret were read from Bros . E . Letchworth , G . Sec . ; J . M . McLeod , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . I . B . ; W . P . Brown , P . G . Std . Br . ; Allison , Lee , and A . F . Williams ; and the lodge was then closed .
Owing to the death of her Majesty the Queen , the after proceedings were of an informal character .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Strict Benevolence Chapter , No . 97 . INSTALLATION OF COMP . THOMAS ROBINSON . The annual installation of Principals of the Royal Arch Chapter of Strict Benevolence , No . 97 , took place in the Masonic Hall , Park-terrace , Sunderland , when Comp . Thomas Robinson , H ., was installed as M . E . Z . by Comp . Charles Fox , P . Z ., P . G . Treas . Comp . Thos . Robinson , M . E . Z ., then installed Comp . William Scott , J ., as H .. who then installed Comp . Cecil F . De Pledge as J . Comp . Thomas Robinson , M . E . Z ., then ably invested the following his officers for the ensuing year : Comps .
George Harrison . S . E . ; D .. F . Todd , S . N . ; Jas . Lee , P . Z ., P . P . U . P . S ., Treas . ; 1 . R ? Cutter , P . Z ., P . P . G . Treas ., D . of C . ; W . M . Render , P . S . ; E . J . Willis , 1 st A . S . ; T . H . R . Meriton , 2 nd A . S . ; W . Hassell , Org . ; G . T . Brown , F . Foster , J . G . Scott , and A . Bean , Stwds . ; and T . G-ieve , J . G . J anitor , Janitor . There was a good attendance of companions and visitors , including Comps . T . Atkinson , 80 ,
P . P . G . T . ; J . J . Wilson , P . Z . 80 , P . P . A . G . S . ; H . Havelock , M . E . Z . So ; M . Cohen , P . Z . 04 , P . A . G . D . C . 1 Thomas Harrison , P . Z . 949 , P . P . G . Treas . ; E . Lautebach , M . E . Z . 949 , P . G . D . C . ; T . Saddler 80 ; and A . Anderson , 949 . A vote of condolence to his Majesty the King and the members of the Royal Family on the death of her late Majesty the Queen was passed on the proposition of Comp . Thomas Robinson . The annual supper of the chapter , presided over by the newly-installed M . E . Z ., was afterwards held , a large gathering being present .
Instruction .
BLACKHEATH LODGE , No . 1320 . The 15 Sections were rehearsed in this well-known and successful lodge of instruction at the Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell , on Monday , the 25 th ult ., under the able presidency of Bro . Hy . Cornford , W . M . 1320 , P . M . 1922 ; Bro . Wm . Dawson , P . M . 7 S 8 and 1622 , as S . W . ; and Bro . T . W . Chapman , J . W . 101 , as J . W .
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge opened in the Three Degrees . The First Lecture was worked as follows : 1 st Section , Bros . J . T . Audy , 1987 ; 2 nd , Bradley , 144 1 ; 3 rd and 4 th , L . S . Shipton , Asst . Sec . 1922 ; 5 th , Wm . Hill , S . W . 1512 ; ard 6 th and 71 b , Wm . Dawson , P . M . 7 S 8 and 1622 . The Second Lecture was worked as follows : 1 st Section , Bros . T . W . Chapman , J . W . IOI ; 2 nd , Wm . Hill , S . W . 1512 ; 3 rd , Chas . Hy . Stone , P . M . 507 , I . P . M . 1641 ;
4 th , Thos . Grummant , P . M . and Sec . 1559 ; and 5 th , S . W . Ballard , P . M . 1622 . The Third Lecture was worked as follows : 1 st Section , Bros . T . R . Cass , P . M . 1320 ; 2 nd , S . W . Ballard , P . M . 1632 ; and 3 rd , John T . Loader , P . M . and Sec . 1 G 22 . A most hearty vote of thanks was accorded the worthy President , Bro . Hy . Cornford , upon the ' excellent working , which had never been excelled in the lodge , as also a vote to the Section workers , and duly replied to . Bro , H . Cornford , W M ., very ably responded , and thanked most heartily the brethren who had so kindly assisted him . Several members were proposed , seconded , and elected , and the lodge was closed .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE , No , 1623 . ANNUAL SUPPER . One of 1 ' c most successful evenings was passed in the City Scotch Stores in con"Mli in with the above lodge on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., when the annual supper look place , there being in all 24 brethren present . The lodge promptly opened at G . 30 p . m ., the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bros . H . C . Parsons and C . E . Duncan were unanimously elected loining members of this excellent lodge of instruction , both of whom suitably replied . * ¦ "to . C . A . Barter , W . M . 1623 , was appointed for the chair on the 6 th instant , when a general rehearsal of some Sections will take place . The lodge duly closed at seven p . m ., and the brethren proceeded to the wellarranged dining saloon , which was decorated in a most inviting manner . The repast aid
every credit to the capital host , Bro . J . R . L . Daish , and the dishes proved to be •0 ' the most telishable cookery , and for which the host is noted . ; .,. Bro . C . A . Barter , W . M . 1623 , presided , and Bro . J . C . Pratt , I . P . M ., acted as 1 v '" -President , in place of Bro . Thomas Powell , W . M . 2182 , who , unfortunately , had a v « y important engagement elsewhere . ... The harmony of the evening was well sustained by Bros . Stanley Galpin , Allan i y » ne , J . C . Pratt , J . R . L . Daish , John King , Van Royen , and the Hon . Secretary , J 7 ' J- Hoffman , who favoured the company with a few items on the zither . Bro . [; •C ; Parsons gave a humorous recitation , which was also well received . z ' ., Besides the above-mentioned there were present Bros . F . P . Weinel , P . M . 182 S , 5 |* e excellent Preceptor ; J . J . Howes , P . M . 1623 , Hon . Treas . ; Rob . Brickdale , P . M . \ f ^ 3 ; Chish-Williams , W . M . 20 G ; A . Metcalf , Geo . Henrich , Hy . Knight , A . i '"'" den , Hy . King , A . Kuttner , Hy . W . Lardner , J . Kent , Leon-Harris , Geo . Meissne r , p m W . H . Linsdell ,
The merry evening will remain for a long time in the memory of those brethren present , and closed with a hearty " Auld Lang Syne , " and three cheers for the increasing success and utility of the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction . On the 13 th instant the annual working of the 15 Sections will take place , Bro . John Knight , I . P . M . S 61 , in the chair , and Bro . H . Whitney in the vice-chair , at G . 30 p . m . prompt . Visitors are heartily invited .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
Dungarvan Council , No . 25 . The installation meeting of this council was held at the Oueen's Hotel , Leicestersquare , W ., on Monday , the 25 th ult ., and was well attended , among the companions present being : V . Illus . Comp . Wright , P . G . C ; Comps . Harry Nicholls , George Maxwell , Geo . R . Parker , G . S . Howell , G . Stwd . ; J . H . Roscoe , R . Gibbs , Fred . B . Townend , H . Sauniam , F . O'B . Hale , Ed . Cutler , K . C , and others . The couneil was opened in due form , and the minutes were read by the acting Recorder , Comp . Harry Nicholls , in the regrettable absence of the RecorderComp . L .
, Verdier , through illness . Comp . G . S . Howell , G . Stwd .. was installed in the chair of Thrice Illustrious Master by V . Illus . Comp . Wright , P . G . C . The following officers were invested : Comps . G . R . Parker , Dep . Master ; J . H . Rosoe , Principal Conductor of Work ; Alex . Marshall , Captain of the Guard ; Franklyn , Captain of the Council ; Harry Nichols , 1 st Marshal ; G . Maxwell , 2 nd Marshal ; Fred . B . Townend and F . O'B . Hale , Stwds . ; Ronald Marshal ) Inner Sentinel E . Cutler
, ; , K . C ., Org . ; and H . Sauniam , D . of C The T . I . M . presented the P . T . I . M ., Comp . Wright , with the Past Master ' s jewel as a symbol and token of the council's appreciation of his services while in the chair . After a vote of coadolence for the great loss sustained by King Edward VII . and the Royal Family bv the death of their august mother , and the nation by the loss oE their dearly-beloved Oueen , the council closed in ample form . "
After a most excellent banquet served in the Grand Salon , " The King and Cryptic Masonry , " "Lord Euston , M . P . G . M ., " and "The Grand Officers , Present and Past" were duly honoured . The V . Illus . Comp . Wright proposed the toast of " The T . I . M . " in very pleasing terms , which was suitably responded to . The T . I . M . then proposed "The Health of the P . T . I . M ., " and said that as a commander of ritual the council had in Comp . Wright a man that wanted a deal of beating , and one whom the council was proud of . ( Applause . ) . The T . I . M . then gave "The Health of the Officers . " and sooke in elowinir terms
of the admirable staff of officers he had to assist him in his year of office . He told them that the Cryptic Degree was one that demanded the attention of all Masons , and reprepresented to Wm the key and completing stone to all Masonry . It was a Degree that should be known by all brethren qualified to take it , and he impressed upon the brethren present to give their attention to this Degree in particular , and suggested that a council of instruction should be formed in connection with this council , to be open to all qualified Cryptic Masons , which suggestion was unanimously approved . ( Applause . ) Comps . Harry Nicholls , H . Sauniam , and E . Cutler , K . C , replied on behalf of the officers .
An excellent programme of incidental and vocal music was provided by Comp . E . Cutler , the artistes being Mdlle . Edith Clegg and Mr . Jackson , and the T . I . M . expressed on behalf of the council their deep sense of pleasure and thanks to the worthy Organist for the services given , and which were so heartily appreciated . After the Sentinel ' s toast and the singing of " Auld Lang Syne , " the proceedings closed .
Obituary .
BRO . GEORGE DALRYMPLE , P . G . STD . BR . The Province of Cumberland and Westmorland has sustained a heavy loss in the death of Bro . George Dalrymple , P . M . 119 , 872 , 1660 , P . G . Std . Br ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . P . G . Sec . Bro . Dalrymple and I had been close friends for somewhere 30 years , and though for a third of that period 12 , 000 miles separated us during my sojourn in Australia , we were constant correspondents . He had been failing in health for a couple of years or more , and last Octoberwhen I met him
, at the Provincial meeting , I could not but think that my very old and dear friend ' s days were numbered . On that occasion it was announced that he was about to resign the position of Grand Secretary of Cumberland and Westmorland , an onerous office , which he had held with so much advantage to his province , and distinction to himself during nearly 10 years . This step was solely on account of his physical break down , and it need scarcely be added that the enforced retirement met with wide and heartfelt regret , voiced as it was firstl b the
y , y Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Lord Henry Bentinck , M . P . ; and secondly , by his lordship ' s Deputy , Bro . Col . Sewell , P . G . D . On that occasion , too , it was fittingly agreed that some tangible expression of the province ' s grateful recognition of Bro . Dalrymple ' s long , valuable , and self-denying services should be organised ; but unfortunately he was not spared to be the recipient of the impending and wellearned honour which it was proposed should be paid to him . I ought to explain that the immediate
pneumonia was cause of Bro . Dalrymple ' s decease , which occurred at Whitehaven on Thursday morning , the 28 th ult . Bro . Dalrymple was a Scotchman by birth , but he had been in business almost from a youth in Whitehaven . He first "saw light , " I believe , in a Scottish lodge , and thenceforward made a reputation in English Masonry , firstly , in connection with the Mark Degree . In this branch of the Craft he did signal suit and service by inducing the then two lodges , working in Cumberland under the Supreme Grand of Scotland
Chapter , to return their warrants , and to come under the banner ot the Grand Lod ge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales . In due course he took the highest rank in the Mark Province of Cumberland and Westmorland , for some time was P . G . Secretary , and . also was P . A . G . D . C . of England . In Craft Masonry I have already mentioned Bro . Dalrymple ' s rank , but may explain that in the 1897 Jubilee year he received the honour of Past Grand Standard Bearer of England .
In the Royal Arch he was an able ritualist , a P . Z . of Sun , Square , and Compasses Chapter , No . 119 , P . P . G . 1 L , P . G . S . E ., and P . G . Std . Br . of England . In other walks of Masonr / our late brother had also attained eminent rank , namely in the Allied Degrees and the Red Cross of Constantine ; whilst he was a Knight Templar and Rose Croix Mason . A kinder-hearted man , or a more genial spirit , I think I never met , and during the first half of our acquaintance he was the life and soul of the " festive board , " in which connection 1 can truly aver he was
incomparable in his recital of " Tarn 0 ' Shanter " and others of Burns ' s great poems . But Bro . Dalrymple will , perhaps , be most missed as Charity Representative of his province , as when he came to town on behalf of a candidate atany of the elections , that candidate ' s success was pretty well assured , so energetic and complete was his organisation . I know not where another will be found to replace him . Bro . Dalrymple was 60 years of age at the time of his regretted
decease , and he leaves a widow and grown-up family to mourn the loss of a true and kind husband and parent . The remains of our late brother were laid to rest in the cemetery at Whitehaven , last Monday , in the presence of a large assemblage of sorrowing relatives and friends , amongst the latter being Bro . Colonel Sewell , P . G . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and many leading members of the Craft in the province . The officiating minister was the Rev . M . Young , Pastor of the Presbyterian Church . _ W . F . LAMONBY .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
odthe lodgebv the death of theRev . C J . Martvn , P . G . Chap ., and Chaplainof the lodge , ho was one of the founders and also a Past President of the Old Masonians' Associaf- na and moved that a letter of sympathy be sent to the members of Bro . Martyn ' s family expressing the great affection all the members of the lodge felt for Bro . Martyn « nd their grief at his death . This was seconded by the W . M ., and carried , the brethren II standing . The Secretary stated that he had already written a letter of condolence M , behalf of the W . M . and brethren to Miss Martyn , embodying these expressions of cvmpathy , and read her reply to the lodge . A ballot was taken for Bro . A . F . Williams Morrison lvicueoa ine
iOM ) 2749 > proposed by Bro . J . , r . u . a . o ., seconaea uy Secretary , which proving unanimous , Bro . Williams was duly declared a joining member . Bro . Unwin having answered the usual questions was duly passed to the Decree of F . C The ballot was taken for the W . M . for the ensuing year when Bro . Rowles , S . W ., was unanimously elected . A . ballot was also taken for the Treasurer , and Bro . R . H . Williams was re-elected to fill the office . Bro . R- M . Goddard was then re-elected Tyler . Bros . Cummings , Watson , and Unwin were proposed as members for the Committee of General Purposes , and there being no other nominations they were duly elected .
The W . M . elect volunteered his services asbteward tor the forthcoming festival tor tne R M LB ., and the Secretary gave notice that at the next meeting he would propose that the sum of 10 guineas be voted from the lodge funds , in the name of the W . M . ' s chair , and added to his list . The Secretary also proposed that , as the lodge could only afford to contribute to two Charities , and had already subscribed to the Girls' School each year , and not to the R . M . B . I . since 1 S 9 S , that the lodge contribute to the R . M . B . l . this year . and carried The elect then notice that
This was seconded by Bro . Packer , . W . M . gave at the next meeting he would propose that the sum of 10 guineas be voted to the R . M . 1 ) I . in the name of the W . M . ' s chair . Bro . Chandler also gave notice that at the next meeting he would propose that the sum of 10 guineas be voted to the Richard Eve Memorial Fund , and that £ 2 2 s . be voted to the pupils of the R . M . IJB . as a prize for r / eoeraphy . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to Bro . Roehrich , W . M ., for the very
able services he had rendered to the lodge as W . M . tor the past year . Bro . unandler read letters from the Board of Management , thanking the members for the offer to provide aconcert for the pupils of the R . M . LB . during the Easter vacation , and accepting the same with thanks . It was agreed to leave the arrangements in the hands of the Secretary and Bro . Chandler . ,. „„„ , . Letters of regret were read from Bros . E . Letchworth , G . Sec . ; J . M . McLeod , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . I . B . ; W . P . Brown , P . G . Std . Br . ; Allison , Lee , and A . F . Williams ; and the lodge was then closed .
Owing to the death of her Majesty the Queen , the after proceedings were of an informal character .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Strict Benevolence Chapter , No . 97 . INSTALLATION OF COMP . THOMAS ROBINSON . The annual installation of Principals of the Royal Arch Chapter of Strict Benevolence , No . 97 , took place in the Masonic Hall , Park-terrace , Sunderland , when Comp . Thomas Robinson , H ., was installed as M . E . Z . by Comp . Charles Fox , P . Z ., P . G . Treas . Comp . Thos . Robinson , M . E . Z ., then installed Comp . William Scott , J ., as H .. who then installed Comp . Cecil F . De Pledge as J . Comp . Thomas Robinson , M . E . Z ., then ably invested the following his officers for the ensuing year : Comps .
George Harrison . S . E . ; D .. F . Todd , S . N . ; Jas . Lee , P . Z ., P . P . U . P . S ., Treas . ; 1 . R ? Cutter , P . Z ., P . P . G . Treas ., D . of C . ; W . M . Render , P . S . ; E . J . Willis , 1 st A . S . ; T . H . R . Meriton , 2 nd A . S . ; W . Hassell , Org . ; G . T . Brown , F . Foster , J . G . Scott , and A . Bean , Stwds . ; and T . G-ieve , J . G . J anitor , Janitor . There was a good attendance of companions and visitors , including Comps . T . Atkinson , 80 ,
P . P . G . T . ; J . J . Wilson , P . Z . 80 , P . P . A . G . S . ; H . Havelock , M . E . Z . So ; M . Cohen , P . Z . 04 , P . A . G . D . C . 1 Thomas Harrison , P . Z . 949 , P . P . G . Treas . ; E . Lautebach , M . E . Z . 949 , P . G . D . C . ; T . Saddler 80 ; and A . Anderson , 949 . A vote of condolence to his Majesty the King and the members of the Royal Family on the death of her late Majesty the Queen was passed on the proposition of Comp . Thomas Robinson . The annual supper of the chapter , presided over by the newly-installed M . E . Z ., was afterwards held , a large gathering being present .
Instruction .
BLACKHEATH LODGE , No . 1320 . The 15 Sections were rehearsed in this well-known and successful lodge of instruction at the Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell , on Monday , the 25 th ult ., under the able presidency of Bro . Hy . Cornford , W . M . 1320 , P . M . 1922 ; Bro . Wm . Dawson , P . M . 7 S 8 and 1622 , as S . W . ; and Bro . T . W . Chapman , J . W . 101 , as J . W .
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge opened in the Three Degrees . The First Lecture was worked as follows : 1 st Section , Bros . J . T . Audy , 1987 ; 2 nd , Bradley , 144 1 ; 3 rd and 4 th , L . S . Shipton , Asst . Sec . 1922 ; 5 th , Wm . Hill , S . W . 1512 ; ard 6 th and 71 b , Wm . Dawson , P . M . 7 S 8 and 1622 . The Second Lecture was worked as follows : 1 st Section , Bros . T . W . Chapman , J . W . IOI ; 2 nd , Wm . Hill , S . W . 1512 ; 3 rd , Chas . Hy . Stone , P . M . 507 , I . P . M . 1641 ;
4 th , Thos . Grummant , P . M . and Sec . 1559 ; and 5 th , S . W . Ballard , P . M . 1622 . The Third Lecture was worked as follows : 1 st Section , Bros . T . R . Cass , P . M . 1320 ; 2 nd , S . W . Ballard , P . M . 1632 ; and 3 rd , John T . Loader , P . M . and Sec . 1 G 22 . A most hearty vote of thanks was accorded the worthy President , Bro . Hy . Cornford , upon the ' excellent working , which had never been excelled in the lodge , as also a vote to the Section workers , and duly replied to . Bro , H . Cornford , W M ., very ably responded , and thanked most heartily the brethren who had so kindly assisted him . Several members were proposed , seconded , and elected , and the lodge was closed .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE , No , 1623 . ANNUAL SUPPER . One of 1 ' c most successful evenings was passed in the City Scotch Stores in con"Mli in with the above lodge on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., when the annual supper look place , there being in all 24 brethren present . The lodge promptly opened at G . 30 p . m ., the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bros . H . C . Parsons and C . E . Duncan were unanimously elected loining members of this excellent lodge of instruction , both of whom suitably replied . * ¦ "to . C . A . Barter , W . M . 1623 , was appointed for the chair on the 6 th instant , when a general rehearsal of some Sections will take place . The lodge duly closed at seven p . m ., and the brethren proceeded to the wellarranged dining saloon , which was decorated in a most inviting manner . The repast aid
every credit to the capital host , Bro . J . R . L . Daish , and the dishes proved to be •0 ' the most telishable cookery , and for which the host is noted . ; .,. Bro . C . A . Barter , W . M . 1623 , presided , and Bro . J . C . Pratt , I . P . M ., acted as 1 v '" -President , in place of Bro . Thomas Powell , W . M . 2182 , who , unfortunately , had a v « y important engagement elsewhere . ... The harmony of the evening was well sustained by Bros . Stanley Galpin , Allan i y » ne , J . C . Pratt , J . R . L . Daish , John King , Van Royen , and the Hon . Secretary , J 7 ' J- Hoffman , who favoured the company with a few items on the zither . Bro . [; •C ; Parsons gave a humorous recitation , which was also well received . z ' ., Besides the above-mentioned there were present Bros . F . P . Weinel , P . M . 182 S , 5 |* e excellent Preceptor ; J . J . Howes , P . M . 1623 , Hon . Treas . ; Rob . Brickdale , P . M . \ f ^ 3 ; Chish-Williams , W . M . 20 G ; A . Metcalf , Geo . Henrich , Hy . Knight , A . i '"'" den , Hy . King , A . Kuttner , Hy . W . Lardner , J . Kent , Leon-Harris , Geo . Meissne r , p m W . H . Linsdell ,
The merry evening will remain for a long time in the memory of those brethren present , and closed with a hearty " Auld Lang Syne , " and three cheers for the increasing success and utility of the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction . On the 13 th instant the annual working of the 15 Sections will take place , Bro . John Knight , I . P . M . S 61 , in the chair , and Bro . H . Whitney in the vice-chair , at G . 30 p . m . prompt . Visitors are heartily invited .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
Dungarvan Council , No . 25 . The installation meeting of this council was held at the Oueen's Hotel , Leicestersquare , W ., on Monday , the 25 th ult ., and was well attended , among the companions present being : V . Illus . Comp . Wright , P . G . C ; Comps . Harry Nicholls , George Maxwell , Geo . R . Parker , G . S . Howell , G . Stwd . ; J . H . Roscoe , R . Gibbs , Fred . B . Townend , H . Sauniam , F . O'B . Hale , Ed . Cutler , K . C , and others . The couneil was opened in due form , and the minutes were read by the acting Recorder , Comp . Harry Nicholls , in the regrettable absence of the RecorderComp . L .
, Verdier , through illness . Comp . G . S . Howell , G . Stwd .. was installed in the chair of Thrice Illustrious Master by V . Illus . Comp . Wright , P . G . C . The following officers were invested : Comps . G . R . Parker , Dep . Master ; J . H . Rosoe , Principal Conductor of Work ; Alex . Marshall , Captain of the Guard ; Franklyn , Captain of the Council ; Harry Nichols , 1 st Marshal ; G . Maxwell , 2 nd Marshal ; Fred . B . Townend and F . O'B . Hale , Stwds . ; Ronald Marshal ) Inner Sentinel E . Cutler
, ; , K . C ., Org . ; and H . Sauniam , D . of C The T . I . M . presented the P . T . I . M ., Comp . Wright , with the Past Master ' s jewel as a symbol and token of the council's appreciation of his services while in the chair . After a vote of coadolence for the great loss sustained by King Edward VII . and the Royal Family bv the death of their august mother , and the nation by the loss oE their dearly-beloved Oueen , the council closed in ample form . "
After a most excellent banquet served in the Grand Salon , " The King and Cryptic Masonry , " "Lord Euston , M . P . G . M ., " and "The Grand Officers , Present and Past" were duly honoured . The V . Illus . Comp . Wright proposed the toast of " The T . I . M . " in very pleasing terms , which was suitably responded to . The T . I . M . then proposed "The Health of the P . T . I . M ., " and said that as a commander of ritual the council had in Comp . Wright a man that wanted a deal of beating , and one whom the council was proud of . ( Applause . ) . The T . I . M . then gave "The Health of the Officers . " and sooke in elowinir terms
of the admirable staff of officers he had to assist him in his year of office . He told them that the Cryptic Degree was one that demanded the attention of all Masons , and reprepresented to Wm the key and completing stone to all Masonry . It was a Degree that should be known by all brethren qualified to take it , and he impressed upon the brethren present to give their attention to this Degree in particular , and suggested that a council of instruction should be formed in connection with this council , to be open to all qualified Cryptic Masons , which suggestion was unanimously approved . ( Applause . ) Comps . Harry Nicholls , H . Sauniam , and E . Cutler , K . C , replied on behalf of the officers .
An excellent programme of incidental and vocal music was provided by Comp . E . Cutler , the artistes being Mdlle . Edith Clegg and Mr . Jackson , and the T . I . M . expressed on behalf of the council their deep sense of pleasure and thanks to the worthy Organist for the services given , and which were so heartily appreciated . After the Sentinel ' s toast and the singing of " Auld Lang Syne , " the proceedings closed .
Obituary .
BRO . GEORGE DALRYMPLE , P . G . STD . BR . The Province of Cumberland and Westmorland has sustained a heavy loss in the death of Bro . George Dalrymple , P . M . 119 , 872 , 1660 , P . G . Std . Br ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . P . G . Sec . Bro . Dalrymple and I had been close friends for somewhere 30 years , and though for a third of that period 12 , 000 miles separated us during my sojourn in Australia , we were constant correspondents . He had been failing in health for a couple of years or more , and last Octoberwhen I met him
, at the Provincial meeting , I could not but think that my very old and dear friend ' s days were numbered . On that occasion it was announced that he was about to resign the position of Grand Secretary of Cumberland and Westmorland , an onerous office , which he had held with so much advantage to his province , and distinction to himself during nearly 10 years . This step was solely on account of his physical break down , and it need scarcely be added that the enforced retirement met with wide and heartfelt regret , voiced as it was firstl b the
y , y Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Lord Henry Bentinck , M . P . ; and secondly , by his lordship ' s Deputy , Bro . Col . Sewell , P . G . D . On that occasion , too , it was fittingly agreed that some tangible expression of the province ' s grateful recognition of Bro . Dalrymple ' s long , valuable , and self-denying services should be organised ; but unfortunately he was not spared to be the recipient of the impending and wellearned honour which it was proposed should be paid to him . I ought to explain that the immediate
pneumonia was cause of Bro . Dalrymple ' s decease , which occurred at Whitehaven on Thursday morning , the 28 th ult . Bro . Dalrymple was a Scotchman by birth , but he had been in business almost from a youth in Whitehaven . He first "saw light , " I believe , in a Scottish lodge , and thenceforward made a reputation in English Masonry , firstly , in connection with the Mark Degree . In this branch of the Craft he did signal suit and service by inducing the then two lodges , working in Cumberland under the Supreme Grand of Scotland
Chapter , to return their warrants , and to come under the banner ot the Grand Lod ge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales . In due course he took the highest rank in the Mark Province of Cumberland and Westmorland , for some time was P . G . Secretary , and . also was P . A . G . D . C . of England . In Craft Masonry I have already mentioned Bro . Dalrymple ' s rank , but may explain that in the 1897 Jubilee year he received the honour of Past Grand Standard Bearer of England .
In the Royal Arch he was an able ritualist , a P . Z . of Sun , Square , and Compasses Chapter , No . 119 , P . P . G . 1 L , P . G . S . E ., and P . G . Std . Br . of England . In other walks of Masonr / our late brother had also attained eminent rank , namely in the Allied Degrees and the Red Cross of Constantine ; whilst he was a Knight Templar and Rose Croix Mason . A kinder-hearted man , or a more genial spirit , I think I never met , and during the first half of our acquaintance he was the life and soul of the " festive board , " in which connection 1 can truly aver he was
incomparable in his recital of " Tarn 0 ' Shanter " and others of Burns ' s great poems . But Bro . Dalrymple will , perhaps , be most missed as Charity Representative of his province , as when he came to town on behalf of a candidate atany of the elections , that candidate ' s success was pretty well assured , so energetic and complete was his organisation . I know not where another will be found to replace him . Bro . Dalrymple was 60 years of age at the time of his regretted
decease , and he leaves a widow and grown-up family to mourn the loss of a true and kind husband and parent . The remains of our late brother were laid to rest in the cemetery at Whitehaven , last Monday , in the presence of a large assemblage of sorrowing relatives and friends , amongst the latter being Bro . Colonel Sewell , P . G . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and many leading members of the Craft in the province . The officiating minister was the Rev . M . Young , Pastor of the Presbyterian Church . _ W . F . LAMONBY .