Article THE RECENT BENEVOLENT FESTIVAL. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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The Recent Benevolent Festival.
We find , to our regret , that in our analysis of the London section of the Returns at the recent Benevolent Festival weorhitted to include among the threefigure lists that of Bro . Thos . Stokes , who raised £ 210 as Steward for the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 , and should have been returned as seventh in order of . amount , i . e ., immediately following Bro . A . L . Reynolds , of St . John's Lodge , No . 90 , who was leturned for £ 216 6 s . lace the of
As regards the Provinces , we have been requested to p sum ^ 262 ios ., which was entered against the name of Bro . J . T . Dormer , Charles Dickens' Lodge No . 2757 , Chigwell , in the Province of Essex , to the credit of Bro . Alfred Ford , who is the W . M . of the lodge , and as such takes precedence as its representative . We have also been requested to state that Bro . C . J . N . Row represented Lodge No . 1224 , Suffolk , and that Bro . F . A . ( Brooks ) , No . 2371 , . also Suffolkwas not a Steward .
, We have received a statement of the new lists and additions to lists which have reached the Offices of the Institution at Freemasons' Hall since the Festival . These , and any further additions that may be sent to us , will appear next week .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
Kingston Lodge , No . 1933 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . D R . C . H . BARRINGTON ARMSTRONG . The installation meeting of the above lodge was held at Sussex Hall , Hanoverstreet , Jamaica , on the 6 th ult . Bto . the Hon . Dr . C . B . Mosse . C . B ., C . M . G ., the Dep . Dist . G . M . in charge , accompanied by his officers , paid an official visit . A very large number of brethren were present , representing the lodges in the district , while a number of distinguished brethren from the country and from abroad were also in attendance . _ .. ... . „
__ „ Among those present were Bros . Dr . A . A . Robinson , O . Delgado , I . Brandon , h .. 1 . Andrews , C . T . Burton , G . Eustace Burke , G . C . H . Lewis , H . Gould , M . H . Lawrence , H . Cocking , R . A . Walcott , Sanguinetti , R . A . W . Holwell , V . Abrahams , E . A . Samuel , F . C . Henriques , R . A . Alexander , C . Don A . Hoyes , J . Polack , \ V . B . Hylton , MacCulloch , C Rounthwaite , G . R . D . Rust , B . Edwards , Clarke , J . Dobbie , J . S . McCormack , E . S . Baird , H . Smith , C . Richards , Morand , J . C . Campbell , R . W . Campbell , C . W . Kerr , Dr . Murray . Dr . Robins , Dr . Cheyne , Dr . E . E . Clarke , Rev . Caleb Reynolds , Rev . W . C McCalla , Rev . G . C . Linton , L . M . Mordecai , L . Samuel ,
W . M . Drummond , C . Simon , Astley Smith , J . Sinclair Nicolai , and many otners . The ceremony of installation was pei formed in a most impressive manner by the retiring Master , Bro . H . R . C . Garsia , who was piesented with a Past Master's jewel in recognition of the zeal and interest he evinced during his year of office . Bro . Garsia expressed his thanks and appreciation not only for the gift , but also for the kindly expressions from the W . M . accompanying it , the intrinsic value being far less in his esteem than the kind sentiments which prompted its being g iven . He trusted he would be spared
many years to enjoy the association of the brethren , and wished tne lodge many years pros-Kerity . It was announced to the lodge that , on receipt of the news of the death of her late lajesty , a cablegram was despatched to the M . W . the Grand Master conveying condolence and assurance of fidelity and loyalty . The W . M . gave expression to the sympathy of the lodge in this great national bereavement , and a committee was appointed to prepare a resolution and forward it to the M . W . G . M . his Majesty the King . The following form the new administration : Bros . Dr . C . H . Barnngton Armstrong , W . M . ; H . R . C Garsia , I . P . M . ; Jasper F . Cargill , S . W . ; W . P . Hunt , 1
J . W . ; Rev . G . C . Linton . Chap . ; H . Connaldi , reas . ; u . u . rarsons . oec . ; n . G . Drew , S . D . ; J . W . Cleary , J . D . ; Dr . A . A . Robinson , D . C ; F . St . J . Whittingham , Org . ; Rev . J . Corcos , I . G . ; L . D . Bursterman , M . C . Hendricks , and W . J . Thorp , Stwds . ; and Geo . Magnus , Tyler . „ . ... „ nL c In consequence of the lamented death of her Majesty the Queen , Patroness of Freemasonry , and mother of the Most Worshipful Grand Master the King , the festivities in connection with the evening ' s proceedings were loyally abandoned . A special hymn , written for the occasion by Bro . William Morrison , M . A ., was rendered and met with deserved appreciation . It read as follows :
Meet me here in pious duty , Mystic rite to keep and hold ; Cherish we the proud traditions ,
The Craft Abroad.
Handed down from days of old . In the love of all the brethren , Worthy craftsmen here we stand , " Pledged to guard the sacred symbols , Heart to heart and hand to hand .
May the Architect Almighty Help us all to build and frame Lifework of a goodly palace , Noble deed and spotless name . May we know in time of trouble , Solace of His gracious might ; May we , by His loving guidance , Shun the wrong and do the right .
The Dep . District Grand Master , during the course of the evening , took occasion to congratulate the newly installed Master on the honour he had attained , and the strong administration he had formed , expressing his confidence that under such able leadership the prestige of the lodge was assured . The W . M . made an appropriate speech full of Masonic sentiment , and gave his assurance that his best efforts would be used to promote the harmony and prosperity of the lodge by following in the footsteps of his worthy predecessor . Bro . Dr . Mosse , who was elected honorary member of the lodge during Hie evening , took occasion to inform the brethren that he hid received from the Most Worshipful Grand Master the warrant appointing him District Grand Master . As he looked at the autograph , he thought it must have been one ot the last times his Maiestu the King signed " Albert Edward . " ' The announcement was received with great enthusiasm , and Bro . Dr . Mosse was heartily congratulated .
A special meeting of the above Dist . G . Lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Kingston , Jamaica , on Wednesday , the 31 st January last , presided over by Bro . E . X . Leon , Dist . G . Master . There was a large attendance of the brethren , and a vote of condolence to the King and Royal Famil y was unanimously carried . The usual expressions of loyalty and fealty to the new King , who is the Grand Master , were also made , and all the lod ges of the district were ordered into mourning . The following is a copy of the resolution passed at the meeting :
District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons , Jamaica . Resolved : That this District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons , in special lodge assembled , desires to place on record its heartfelt grief at the death of her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria , the mother of its most distinguished Grand Master , and the Grand Patroness of English Freemasonry ; and its deep sense of the loss which the people of the whole Empire , and of this colony especially , have sustained by her lamented death .
That this District Grand Lodge , in co . nmon with her Majesty ' s loyal and deeply devoted subjects in this colony , will ever treasure her memory for all the virtues that so greatly distinguished her as Queen , and as wife and mother , and for the bright example she ever presented for the imitation of all her people . That this District Grand Lodge , with a keen sense of the fealty and obedi . ence it avers to his Most Gracious Majesty King Edward VII .. its Most Worshipful
Grand Master , desires to approach his Most Gracious Majesty with profound respect _ to give his Majesty assurance of its unswerving loyalty and devotion to his Majesty ' s Throne and person , and of its constant prayer that his Most Gracious Majesty , his Royal Consort , and members of the Royal Family may ever be under the protection and guidance of the Grand Overseer of the Universe .
That these resolutions be engrossed and forwarded to the Grand Secretary with the request that he will take the earliest and most appropriate opportunity of presenting them to his Majesty the King , the Grand Master . The DISTRICT GRAND MASTER informed the brethren that immediately on the receipt of the melancholy news he had cabled to Grand Lodge the sympathies and condolence of the brethren with the Grand Master , which met with unanimous approval .
InthePress.ThirdEdition(Revised). PRICEIs.POSTFREEIs.Id. THE MasterMasonsHandbook WithPortraitofH.R.H.ThePRINCEOFWALES,M.W.G.MasterofEngland. ByW.BRO.FRED.J.W.CROWE,P.Prov.G.O. With an Introduction hy W . Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D ., $ G . Dedicated by permission to V . W . " Bro . Judge F . A . PHILBRICK , Q , C ,, P . Grand Registrar , P . G . Warden , P . G . Deacon , & c , & c ! The Master Masons' Handbook is a compendium of all information necessary to a knowledge of English Masonry comprising : —An Historical Sketch of Freemasonry—The Grand Lodge : Its Origin and Constitution—Private Lodges , Metropolitan and Provincial—Visiting Private Lodges—Titles , their uses and abbreviations—The Great Masonic Institutions—The "Higher" or additional Degrees , and how to obtain them . PrintedandPublishedbyGEORGEKENNING, 16and16a,GreatQueenStreet(OppositeFreemasons'Hall), IiONDON,W\0„
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Recent Benevolent Festival.
We find , to our regret , that in our analysis of the London section of the Returns at the recent Benevolent Festival weorhitted to include among the threefigure lists that of Bro . Thos . Stokes , who raised £ 210 as Steward for the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 , and should have been returned as seventh in order of . amount , i . e ., immediately following Bro . A . L . Reynolds , of St . John's Lodge , No . 90 , who was leturned for £ 216 6 s . lace the of
As regards the Provinces , we have been requested to p sum ^ 262 ios ., which was entered against the name of Bro . J . T . Dormer , Charles Dickens' Lodge No . 2757 , Chigwell , in the Province of Essex , to the credit of Bro . Alfred Ford , who is the W . M . of the lodge , and as such takes precedence as its representative . We have also been requested to state that Bro . C . J . N . Row represented Lodge No . 1224 , Suffolk , and that Bro . F . A . ( Brooks ) , No . 2371 , . also Suffolkwas not a Steward .
, We have received a statement of the new lists and additions to lists which have reached the Offices of the Institution at Freemasons' Hall since the Festival . These , and any further additions that may be sent to us , will appear next week .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
Kingston Lodge , No . 1933 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . D R . C . H . BARRINGTON ARMSTRONG . The installation meeting of the above lodge was held at Sussex Hall , Hanoverstreet , Jamaica , on the 6 th ult . Bto . the Hon . Dr . C . B . Mosse . C . B ., C . M . G ., the Dep . Dist . G . M . in charge , accompanied by his officers , paid an official visit . A very large number of brethren were present , representing the lodges in the district , while a number of distinguished brethren from the country and from abroad were also in attendance . _ .. ... . „
__ „ Among those present were Bros . Dr . A . A . Robinson , O . Delgado , I . Brandon , h .. 1 . Andrews , C . T . Burton , G . Eustace Burke , G . C . H . Lewis , H . Gould , M . H . Lawrence , H . Cocking , R . A . Walcott , Sanguinetti , R . A . W . Holwell , V . Abrahams , E . A . Samuel , F . C . Henriques , R . A . Alexander , C . Don A . Hoyes , J . Polack , \ V . B . Hylton , MacCulloch , C Rounthwaite , G . R . D . Rust , B . Edwards , Clarke , J . Dobbie , J . S . McCormack , E . S . Baird , H . Smith , C . Richards , Morand , J . C . Campbell , R . W . Campbell , C . W . Kerr , Dr . Murray . Dr . Robins , Dr . Cheyne , Dr . E . E . Clarke , Rev . Caleb Reynolds , Rev . W . C McCalla , Rev . G . C . Linton , L . M . Mordecai , L . Samuel ,
W . M . Drummond , C . Simon , Astley Smith , J . Sinclair Nicolai , and many otners . The ceremony of installation was pei formed in a most impressive manner by the retiring Master , Bro . H . R . C . Garsia , who was piesented with a Past Master's jewel in recognition of the zeal and interest he evinced during his year of office . Bro . Garsia expressed his thanks and appreciation not only for the gift , but also for the kindly expressions from the W . M . accompanying it , the intrinsic value being far less in his esteem than the kind sentiments which prompted its being g iven . He trusted he would be spared
many years to enjoy the association of the brethren , and wished tne lodge many years pros-Kerity . It was announced to the lodge that , on receipt of the news of the death of her late lajesty , a cablegram was despatched to the M . W . the Grand Master conveying condolence and assurance of fidelity and loyalty . The W . M . gave expression to the sympathy of the lodge in this great national bereavement , and a committee was appointed to prepare a resolution and forward it to the M . W . G . M . his Majesty the King . The following form the new administration : Bros . Dr . C . H . Barnngton Armstrong , W . M . ; H . R . C Garsia , I . P . M . ; Jasper F . Cargill , S . W . ; W . P . Hunt , 1
J . W . ; Rev . G . C . Linton . Chap . ; H . Connaldi , reas . ; u . u . rarsons . oec . ; n . G . Drew , S . D . ; J . W . Cleary , J . D . ; Dr . A . A . Robinson , D . C ; F . St . J . Whittingham , Org . ; Rev . J . Corcos , I . G . ; L . D . Bursterman , M . C . Hendricks , and W . J . Thorp , Stwds . ; and Geo . Magnus , Tyler . „ . ... „ nL c In consequence of the lamented death of her Majesty the Queen , Patroness of Freemasonry , and mother of the Most Worshipful Grand Master the King , the festivities in connection with the evening ' s proceedings were loyally abandoned . A special hymn , written for the occasion by Bro . William Morrison , M . A ., was rendered and met with deserved appreciation . It read as follows :
Meet me here in pious duty , Mystic rite to keep and hold ; Cherish we the proud traditions ,
The Craft Abroad.
Handed down from days of old . In the love of all the brethren , Worthy craftsmen here we stand , " Pledged to guard the sacred symbols , Heart to heart and hand to hand .
May the Architect Almighty Help us all to build and frame Lifework of a goodly palace , Noble deed and spotless name . May we know in time of trouble , Solace of His gracious might ; May we , by His loving guidance , Shun the wrong and do the right .
The Dep . District Grand Master , during the course of the evening , took occasion to congratulate the newly installed Master on the honour he had attained , and the strong administration he had formed , expressing his confidence that under such able leadership the prestige of the lodge was assured . The W . M . made an appropriate speech full of Masonic sentiment , and gave his assurance that his best efforts would be used to promote the harmony and prosperity of the lodge by following in the footsteps of his worthy predecessor . Bro . Dr . Mosse , who was elected honorary member of the lodge during Hie evening , took occasion to inform the brethren that he hid received from the Most Worshipful Grand Master the warrant appointing him District Grand Master . As he looked at the autograph , he thought it must have been one ot the last times his Maiestu the King signed " Albert Edward . " ' The announcement was received with great enthusiasm , and Bro . Dr . Mosse was heartily congratulated .
A special meeting of the above Dist . G . Lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Kingston , Jamaica , on Wednesday , the 31 st January last , presided over by Bro . E . X . Leon , Dist . G . Master . There was a large attendance of the brethren , and a vote of condolence to the King and Royal Famil y was unanimously carried . The usual expressions of loyalty and fealty to the new King , who is the Grand Master , were also made , and all the lod ges of the district were ordered into mourning . The following is a copy of the resolution passed at the meeting :
District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons , Jamaica . Resolved : That this District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons , in special lodge assembled , desires to place on record its heartfelt grief at the death of her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria , the mother of its most distinguished Grand Master , and the Grand Patroness of English Freemasonry ; and its deep sense of the loss which the people of the whole Empire , and of this colony especially , have sustained by her lamented death .
That this District Grand Lodge , in co . nmon with her Majesty ' s loyal and deeply devoted subjects in this colony , will ever treasure her memory for all the virtues that so greatly distinguished her as Queen , and as wife and mother , and for the bright example she ever presented for the imitation of all her people . That this District Grand Lodge , with a keen sense of the fealty and obedi . ence it avers to his Most Gracious Majesty King Edward VII .. its Most Worshipful
Grand Master , desires to approach his Most Gracious Majesty with profound respect _ to give his Majesty assurance of its unswerving loyalty and devotion to his Majesty ' s Throne and person , and of its constant prayer that his Most Gracious Majesty , his Royal Consort , and members of the Royal Family may ever be under the protection and guidance of the Grand Overseer of the Universe .
That these resolutions be engrossed and forwarded to the Grand Secretary with the request that he will take the earliest and most appropriate opportunity of presenting them to his Majesty the King , the Grand Master . The DISTRICT GRAND MASTER informed the brethren that immediately on the receipt of the melancholy news he had cabled to Grand Lodge the sympathies and condolence of the brethren with the Grand Master , which met with unanimous approval .
InthePress.ThirdEdition(Revised). PRICEIs.POSTFREEIs.Id. THE MasterMasonsHandbook WithPortraitofH.R.H.ThePRINCEOFWALES,M.W.G.MasterofEngland. ByW.BRO.FRED.J.W.CROWE,P.Prov.G.O. With an Introduction hy W . Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D ., $ G . Dedicated by permission to V . W . " Bro . Judge F . A . PHILBRICK , Q , C ,, P . Grand Registrar , P . G . Warden , P . G . Deacon , & c , & c ! The Master Masons' Handbook is a compendium of all information necessary to a knowledge of English Masonry comprising : —An Historical Sketch of Freemasonry—The Grand Lodge : Its Origin and Constitution—Private Lodges , Metropolitan and Provincial—Visiting Private Lodges—Titles , their uses and abbreviations—The Great Masonic Institutions—The "Higher" or additional Degrees , and how to obtain them . PrintedandPublishedbyGEORGEKENNING, 16and16a,GreatQueenStreet(OppositeFreemasons'Hall), IiONDON,W\0„