Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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United Grand Lodge.
Among the other brethren who attended were—Bros . R . Horton Smith , K . C . ; Daniel Mayer , the Rev . W . Whittley , James Fernandez , Harry Nicholls , E . Letchworth , G . Sec . ; W . Lake , Asst . G . Sec . ; Alfred Lucking , Thomas Minstrell , John Mason , V . P . Freeman , Fitzroy Tower , W . G . Kentish , H . Garrod , Frank Richardson , J . Stephens , P . D . G . D . C ; E . Terry , Harry Tipper , W . Vincent , the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , Imre
Kiralfy , Major H . Vane Stow , R . Clay Sudlow , I . D . Langton , J . W . Burgess , F . R . W . Hedges , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . I . G . ; E . St . Clair , T . Hastings Miller , A . G . Spaull , E . W . Nightingale , James Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; j . H . Whadcoat , Peter de L . Long , F . Mead , P . H . Waterlow , John Strachan , K . C . ; W . J . Fisher . G . F . Smith . P . G . Org . ; Sir J . B . Monckton , D . D . Mercer . W . H .
Qummings , P . G . Org . ; G . Everett , P . G . Treas . ; J . A . Farnfield , R . Clowes , Sir R . Hanson , Walter Wellsman , W . Russell , Prov . G . Treas . Kent ; J . E . Le Feuvre , E . C . Mulvey , Ex-Sheriff Hutton , H . A . Tobias , W . Fisher , P . G . Purst . ; Alderman Vaughan Morgan , P . G . Treas . ; C . Bolton , S . R . Baskett , T . L . Wilkinson , P . D . G . Reg . ; and T . J . Railing , P . G . S . B . Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form ,
Bro . LETCHWORTH , by direction of Earl Amherst , read that portion of the minutes of December 5 th , 1900 , which related to the election of Grand Treasurer . Earl AMHERST then called upon the proposers of the two candidates—Bros . CaDtain John Barlow , P . M . 1260 , and Horace Brooks Marshall , P . M .
I 74 SBro . Col . T . DAVIES SEWELL rose and said he begged to propose for election as Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year Captain John Barlow . He would not intrude upon the Pro Grand Master by narrating the merits of this candidate , or take up the time by recounting the Masonic virtues of this excellent brother . They had been before the body of the Craft for some time , and were well known to all .
Bro . Major R . H . MURDOCH , R . A ., D . G . S . B ., seconded . Alderman ALLISTON proposed Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall for the distinguished position of Treasurer of Grand Lodge . He had proved himself to be a true and faithful Mason , and would always follow the
benevolent dictates of his heart , which was " open as day to melting charity . " He would protect the landmarks of the Order , and would suffer no infringement of our ancient rites and laws . He proposed him for election to the responsible position of Grand Treasurer , a position which he ventured to think Bro . Marshall was eminently fitted in every way .
Bro . GEORGE R . LANGLEY , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Middlesex , said it was his pleasure to second the motion , feeling assured that Bro . Marshall would confer honour on the Craft as much as any brother . Earl AMHERST declared the poll opened , and voting proceeded rapidly until after six o ' clock .
The Scrutineers of votes were obligated by Bro . Alderman Vaughan Morgan at six o ' clock , and at a quarter-past Earl AMHERST again took the chair , and called upon the Grand Secretary to read the minutes of the last regular meeting of Grand Lodge . This having been done , and the minutes confirmed , the minutes of the Special Grand Lodge of 15 th February were read by the Grand Secretary and also confirmed .
The next business being the election of Grand Master , Earl AMHERST called on Bro . Vesey Fitzgerald , K . C , to propose a Grand Master . Bro . FITZGERALD said that a month ago he had the honour of nominating for the office now vacant H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , and he knew by the way the nomination was received in Grand Lodge that the whole feeling of that great meeting was in favour of the nomination . It
was 27 years ago that the brethren had an election of a new Grand Master . During those 27 years his present Majesty had filled that office with satisfaction he knew to himself and with pleasure to Grand Lodge . _ Now he had to propose H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught and he was satisfied that heno forth there would be the same period of prosperity in the Craft to that which hrfd attended his predecessors filling that office . He could say that
the Duke of Connaught had practical experience of the duties of Grand Master , for he was at the present moment Prov . Grand Master of Sussex and also Di- > trict Grand Master of Bombay . In those positions he had discharged the duties uf his office to the satisfaction of the Craft . The tongue of good report had been heard in his favour , not only from people connected with his offices , but also in other capacities , military and civil . They knew he possessed all the qualifications necessary for a Master ; he
was cautious in his carriage and demeanour , firm of manner , and easy of address , while skilled in the ancient charges , regulations , and landmarks of the Order , and he was sure that they would have in him , the fittest man for the office in succession to his Majesty . In conclusion he would hope that H . R . H . would continue to occupy the chair as long as his brother , and that during those years Masonry might be found to expand as much as it had during the 27 years of the last Grand Master .
Bro . the Rtv . Sir BOKRADAILE SAVORY seconded the motion . It was he said the greatest pleasure for him to do so . They had it in one of their charges that the Order was honourable and ancient . It was patronised by Monaichs who had not thought it derogatory to their dignity to patronise
their mysteries and take part in their assemblies , and they had a further proof of this in the fact that ihey had heard from the Duke of Connaught that he hadgraciou ' . ly consented to become the Grand Master , and by that he had conferred an honour on the Order , and it had been a delight to every Mason .
Earl AMHERST then declared H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn duly ejected as Grand Master , and Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , acting for Sir Albert W . Woods , Grand Director of Cerer . onies , proclaimed him by all his titles as Grand Master of Freemasons .
The ballot boxes were then collected by the Scrutineers , and carried to another room for the votes to be counted up . On the motion of Bro . J . H . MATTHEWS , President , seconded by Bro . D . D . MERCER , Senior Vice-President , the Report of the Board of Benevoltnce for the months ending December , January , and February , in which there were recommendations for the following grants , was adopted : The widow of a brother of the Southern Star Lodge ,
No . 115 s , London ... ... ... ... £ 50 o o A brother of the Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 , London ... 100 o o 'Ihe widow of a brother of the Pilgrim Lodge , No . 238 , London ( unsound mind ) ... ... ... 100 o o Ihe widow of a brother of the llagshaw Lodge , No .
1457 , Loughton ... ... ... ... 50 o o A broihcr of the Great City Lidge , No . \ ± : ( y , London ... loo o 0 A brother of the Old King ' s Arms Lodge , No . 2 S , London ... ... ... ... ... 75 0 o A brother of the Athole Lodge , No . 1004 , Douglas , Isle if Man ... ... .,. ... ... 50 0 Q
United Grand Lodge.
The widow of a brother of the Cornish Lodge , No . 2369 , London ... ... ... ... ... 150 o o The widow of a brother of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 309 , Fareham ... ... ... ... 50 o o A brother of the St . James' Lodge , No . 7 65 , London ... 50 o o The widow of a brother of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 , London ... ... ... ... ... 50 o 0
On the motion of Bro . R . LOVELAND LOVELAND , K . C , seconded b y Bro . E . BEAUMONT , Deputy G . Reg ., the Report of the Board of General Purposes—as published in the Freemason last week—was taken as read , and Bro . LOVELAND , in rising to move that it be received and entered on the minutes , said he had received a communication from a brother at Dorchester asking him to explain the first paragraph , which ran as follows :
The Board begs to report that it has been called on to investigate a complaint against two brethren in the Province of Guernsey and Alderney , for insubordinate conduct and dereliction of Masonic duty , and that it has felt it its duty to suspend such brethren from all Masonic ri ghts and privileges , the one for six , and the other for three months .
He _ might say that this Board took into consideration the matter of the complaint by the Provincial Grand Master , and Regulations 272 , 214 , and 215 of the Book of Constitutions were referred to , and it was on those clauses that the Board had acted . With these remarks he begged to move that the report be received .
Bro . E . BEAUMONT seconded . Bro . S . R . BASKETT said he would like to ask the President whether he would kindly give this Grand Lodge the Charges of 272 as confirmed by 215 , and say whether the Prov . G . Master had heard and determined all matters arising in the province . He moved , as an amendment , that the first paragraph of the Report be not received .
Bro . STRACHAN , K . C , G . Reg ., said at the request of the President of the Board of General Purposes he propossd to deal with this question . Two hundred and seventy-two was very clear . The Board was authorised to hear and determine all subjects of Masonic discipline of Masonic lodges and persons when regularly brought before it . In the case in question a certain complaint had been made by a certain province , and the Prov . G .
Master had , to a certain extent , to investigate the matter . It was to be regretted that further matters arose , and not wishing to be a judge in his own case , he brought the matter before the Board of General Purposes , and the Board of General Purposes , advised by him ( Bro . Strachan ) , entertained the matter which was brought before it . The . Prov . Grand Master had sent a complaint to his own Provincial Board of General Purposes , and the Provincial Grand Master
was bound by the Book of Constitutions to hear and determine a case in which he was himself concerned . He was then at liberty to refer the matter to the Board of General Purposes . He did not find that in any case the Prov . Grand Master had failed to adjudicate on a case brought before him . It was perfectly contrary to the Book of Constitutions that he should hear and determine on his own case . In the present case there was no appeal by the brethren who had been deprived of their Masonic rights . The whole case was most carefully investigated .
Bro . LE FEUVRE , who had had the matter mentioned to him by Bro . Baskett , said he had not seconded the motion and he did not concur in it . Bro . Baskett ' s amendment was then put and lost . Bro . LOVELAND then referred to the paragraph that rules 255 and 256 be
amended as stated in the report , and said that the Board had followed the rule of the London County Council , so that elected members for three years had a proportion of them to retire after the first three years but were eli gible for re-election . The following three years another proportion s'ljjld go out of office .
Bro . BEAUMONT seconded the adoption of these alterations , and they were carried . Bro . W . F . LAMONBY , P . A . G . D . C , moved the addition to Article 2 S 2 , as follows : " A Brother who is , or has been , a member of a subordinate Lodge in a British Colony , formerly holding allegiance to this Grand Lodge
, but now to a Colonial Grand Lodge , may , by permission of the Grand Master , if a member of this Grand Lodge , wear his Colonial Grand Lodge insignia in Grand Lodge , or in any subordinate Lodges ; provided that the permission of the Grand Master to wear such insignia shall not interfere with the order of precedence set forth in Article 6 . "
He did not wish the brethren from the Colonies to be put at a disadvantage which he thought they were by the present regulations with regard to their clothing in Grand Lodge . He was afraid some difficulty mi ght arise , and he wished to prevent it . The GRAND MASTER of Western Anstralia begged Bro . Lamonby to withdraw his motion , but
Bro . LAMONBY refused to do so , and the motion , which had been seconded by Bro . BASKETT , was rejected . The Earl of AMHERST said the Scrutineers for the ballot of Grand Treasurer had now made their report , and he had to announce that Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall had polled 1558 votes and Bro . Captain John Barlow 1213 votes . Therefore he declared that the election had fallen on Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall . The Grand Lodge was then closed .
Grand Mark Lodge.
The Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Tuesday last at Mark Masons' Hall , London . Probably on account of the bad weather , Grand Lodge was but sparsely attended , and not even the election of the Duke of Connaught was able to
bring a large number of brethren together . The Earl of Euston , M . W . Pro Grand Master , presided ; the Marquess of Hertford was Past Grand Master ; the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , M . P ., R . W . Deputy Grand Master ; Viscount Doneraile , Senior Grand Warden ; Bros . CharlesBeltoni P . G . W ., as Junior Grand Warden ; Sir Reginald Hanson , P . G . W . ; Lt .-Col . Clifford Probyn , P . G . Treas . ; John Dimsdale , G . T . ; H . ECpusans , G . D . C ; Fitzroy Tower , P . G . D . C ; . W , A , Scurrah , K-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
Among the other brethren who attended were—Bros . R . Horton Smith , K . C . ; Daniel Mayer , the Rev . W . Whittley , James Fernandez , Harry Nicholls , E . Letchworth , G . Sec . ; W . Lake , Asst . G . Sec . ; Alfred Lucking , Thomas Minstrell , John Mason , V . P . Freeman , Fitzroy Tower , W . G . Kentish , H . Garrod , Frank Richardson , J . Stephens , P . D . G . D . C ; E . Terry , Harry Tipper , W . Vincent , the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , Imre
Kiralfy , Major H . Vane Stow , R . Clay Sudlow , I . D . Langton , J . W . Burgess , F . R . W . Hedges , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . I . G . ; E . St . Clair , T . Hastings Miller , A . G . Spaull , E . W . Nightingale , James Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; j . H . Whadcoat , Peter de L . Long , F . Mead , P . H . Waterlow , John Strachan , K . C . ; W . J . Fisher . G . F . Smith . P . G . Org . ; Sir J . B . Monckton , D . D . Mercer . W . H .
Qummings , P . G . Org . ; G . Everett , P . G . Treas . ; J . A . Farnfield , R . Clowes , Sir R . Hanson , Walter Wellsman , W . Russell , Prov . G . Treas . Kent ; J . E . Le Feuvre , E . C . Mulvey , Ex-Sheriff Hutton , H . A . Tobias , W . Fisher , P . G . Purst . ; Alderman Vaughan Morgan , P . G . Treas . ; C . Bolton , S . R . Baskett , T . L . Wilkinson , P . D . G . Reg . ; and T . J . Railing , P . G . S . B . Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form ,
Bro . LETCHWORTH , by direction of Earl Amherst , read that portion of the minutes of December 5 th , 1900 , which related to the election of Grand Treasurer . Earl AMHERST then called upon the proposers of the two candidates—Bros . CaDtain John Barlow , P . M . 1260 , and Horace Brooks Marshall , P . M .
I 74 SBro . Col . T . DAVIES SEWELL rose and said he begged to propose for election as Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year Captain John Barlow . He would not intrude upon the Pro Grand Master by narrating the merits of this candidate , or take up the time by recounting the Masonic virtues of this excellent brother . They had been before the body of the Craft for some time , and were well known to all .
Bro . Major R . H . MURDOCH , R . A ., D . G . S . B ., seconded . Alderman ALLISTON proposed Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall for the distinguished position of Treasurer of Grand Lodge . He had proved himself to be a true and faithful Mason , and would always follow the
benevolent dictates of his heart , which was " open as day to melting charity . " He would protect the landmarks of the Order , and would suffer no infringement of our ancient rites and laws . He proposed him for election to the responsible position of Grand Treasurer , a position which he ventured to think Bro . Marshall was eminently fitted in every way .
Bro . GEORGE R . LANGLEY , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Middlesex , said it was his pleasure to second the motion , feeling assured that Bro . Marshall would confer honour on the Craft as much as any brother . Earl AMHERST declared the poll opened , and voting proceeded rapidly until after six o ' clock .
The Scrutineers of votes were obligated by Bro . Alderman Vaughan Morgan at six o ' clock , and at a quarter-past Earl AMHERST again took the chair , and called upon the Grand Secretary to read the minutes of the last regular meeting of Grand Lodge . This having been done , and the minutes confirmed , the minutes of the Special Grand Lodge of 15 th February were read by the Grand Secretary and also confirmed .
The next business being the election of Grand Master , Earl AMHERST called on Bro . Vesey Fitzgerald , K . C , to propose a Grand Master . Bro . FITZGERALD said that a month ago he had the honour of nominating for the office now vacant H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , and he knew by the way the nomination was received in Grand Lodge that the whole feeling of that great meeting was in favour of the nomination . It
was 27 years ago that the brethren had an election of a new Grand Master . During those 27 years his present Majesty had filled that office with satisfaction he knew to himself and with pleasure to Grand Lodge . _ Now he had to propose H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught and he was satisfied that heno forth there would be the same period of prosperity in the Craft to that which hrfd attended his predecessors filling that office . He could say that
the Duke of Connaught had practical experience of the duties of Grand Master , for he was at the present moment Prov . Grand Master of Sussex and also Di- > trict Grand Master of Bombay . In those positions he had discharged the duties uf his office to the satisfaction of the Craft . The tongue of good report had been heard in his favour , not only from people connected with his offices , but also in other capacities , military and civil . They knew he possessed all the qualifications necessary for a Master ; he
was cautious in his carriage and demeanour , firm of manner , and easy of address , while skilled in the ancient charges , regulations , and landmarks of the Order , and he was sure that they would have in him , the fittest man for the office in succession to his Majesty . In conclusion he would hope that H . R . H . would continue to occupy the chair as long as his brother , and that during those years Masonry might be found to expand as much as it had during the 27 years of the last Grand Master .
Bro . the Rtv . Sir BOKRADAILE SAVORY seconded the motion . It was he said the greatest pleasure for him to do so . They had it in one of their charges that the Order was honourable and ancient . It was patronised by Monaichs who had not thought it derogatory to their dignity to patronise
their mysteries and take part in their assemblies , and they had a further proof of this in the fact that ihey had heard from the Duke of Connaught that he hadgraciou ' . ly consented to become the Grand Master , and by that he had conferred an honour on the Order , and it had been a delight to every Mason .
Earl AMHERST then declared H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn duly ejected as Grand Master , and Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , acting for Sir Albert W . Woods , Grand Director of Cerer . onies , proclaimed him by all his titles as Grand Master of Freemasons .
The ballot boxes were then collected by the Scrutineers , and carried to another room for the votes to be counted up . On the motion of Bro . J . H . MATTHEWS , President , seconded by Bro . D . D . MERCER , Senior Vice-President , the Report of the Board of Benevoltnce for the months ending December , January , and February , in which there were recommendations for the following grants , was adopted : The widow of a brother of the Southern Star Lodge ,
No . 115 s , London ... ... ... ... £ 50 o o A brother of the Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 , London ... 100 o o 'Ihe widow of a brother of the Pilgrim Lodge , No . 238 , London ( unsound mind ) ... ... ... 100 o o Ihe widow of a brother of the llagshaw Lodge , No .
1457 , Loughton ... ... ... ... 50 o o A broihcr of the Great City Lidge , No . \ ± : ( y , London ... loo o 0 A brother of the Old King ' s Arms Lodge , No . 2 S , London ... ... ... ... ... 75 0 o A brother of the Athole Lodge , No . 1004 , Douglas , Isle if Man ... ... .,. ... ... 50 0 Q
United Grand Lodge.
The widow of a brother of the Cornish Lodge , No . 2369 , London ... ... ... ... ... 150 o o The widow of a brother of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 309 , Fareham ... ... ... ... 50 o o A brother of the St . James' Lodge , No . 7 65 , London ... 50 o o The widow of a brother of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 , London ... ... ... ... ... 50 o 0
On the motion of Bro . R . LOVELAND LOVELAND , K . C , seconded b y Bro . E . BEAUMONT , Deputy G . Reg ., the Report of the Board of General Purposes—as published in the Freemason last week—was taken as read , and Bro . LOVELAND , in rising to move that it be received and entered on the minutes , said he had received a communication from a brother at Dorchester asking him to explain the first paragraph , which ran as follows :
The Board begs to report that it has been called on to investigate a complaint against two brethren in the Province of Guernsey and Alderney , for insubordinate conduct and dereliction of Masonic duty , and that it has felt it its duty to suspend such brethren from all Masonic ri ghts and privileges , the one for six , and the other for three months .
He _ might say that this Board took into consideration the matter of the complaint by the Provincial Grand Master , and Regulations 272 , 214 , and 215 of the Book of Constitutions were referred to , and it was on those clauses that the Board had acted . With these remarks he begged to move that the report be received .
Bro . E . BEAUMONT seconded . Bro . S . R . BASKETT said he would like to ask the President whether he would kindly give this Grand Lodge the Charges of 272 as confirmed by 215 , and say whether the Prov . G . Master had heard and determined all matters arising in the province . He moved , as an amendment , that the first paragraph of the Report be not received .
Bro . STRACHAN , K . C , G . Reg ., said at the request of the President of the Board of General Purposes he propossd to deal with this question . Two hundred and seventy-two was very clear . The Board was authorised to hear and determine all subjects of Masonic discipline of Masonic lodges and persons when regularly brought before it . In the case in question a certain complaint had been made by a certain province , and the Prov . G .
Master had , to a certain extent , to investigate the matter . It was to be regretted that further matters arose , and not wishing to be a judge in his own case , he brought the matter before the Board of General Purposes , and the Board of General Purposes , advised by him ( Bro . Strachan ) , entertained the matter which was brought before it . The . Prov . Grand Master had sent a complaint to his own Provincial Board of General Purposes , and the Provincial Grand Master
was bound by the Book of Constitutions to hear and determine a case in which he was himself concerned . He was then at liberty to refer the matter to the Board of General Purposes . He did not find that in any case the Prov . Grand Master had failed to adjudicate on a case brought before him . It was perfectly contrary to the Book of Constitutions that he should hear and determine on his own case . In the present case there was no appeal by the brethren who had been deprived of their Masonic rights . The whole case was most carefully investigated .
Bro . LE FEUVRE , who had had the matter mentioned to him by Bro . Baskett , said he had not seconded the motion and he did not concur in it . Bro . Baskett ' s amendment was then put and lost . Bro . LOVELAND then referred to the paragraph that rules 255 and 256 be
amended as stated in the report , and said that the Board had followed the rule of the London County Council , so that elected members for three years had a proportion of them to retire after the first three years but were eli gible for re-election . The following three years another proportion s'ljjld go out of office .
Bro . BEAUMONT seconded the adoption of these alterations , and they were carried . Bro . W . F . LAMONBY , P . A . G . D . C , moved the addition to Article 2 S 2 , as follows : " A Brother who is , or has been , a member of a subordinate Lodge in a British Colony , formerly holding allegiance to this Grand Lodge
, but now to a Colonial Grand Lodge , may , by permission of the Grand Master , if a member of this Grand Lodge , wear his Colonial Grand Lodge insignia in Grand Lodge , or in any subordinate Lodges ; provided that the permission of the Grand Master to wear such insignia shall not interfere with the order of precedence set forth in Article 6 . "
He did not wish the brethren from the Colonies to be put at a disadvantage which he thought they were by the present regulations with regard to their clothing in Grand Lodge . He was afraid some difficulty mi ght arise , and he wished to prevent it . The GRAND MASTER of Western Anstralia begged Bro . Lamonby to withdraw his motion , but
Bro . LAMONBY refused to do so , and the motion , which had been seconded by Bro . BASKETT , was rejected . The Earl of AMHERST said the Scrutineers for the ballot of Grand Treasurer had now made their report , and he had to announce that Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall had polled 1558 votes and Bro . Captain John Barlow 1213 votes . Therefore he declared that the election had fallen on Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall . The Grand Lodge was then closed .
Grand Mark Lodge.
The Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Tuesday last at Mark Masons' Hall , London . Probably on account of the bad weather , Grand Lodge was but sparsely attended , and not even the election of the Duke of Connaught was able to
bring a large number of brethren together . The Earl of Euston , M . W . Pro Grand Master , presided ; the Marquess of Hertford was Past Grand Master ; the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , M . P ., R . W . Deputy Grand Master ; Viscount Doneraile , Senior Grand Warden ; Bros . CharlesBeltoni P . G . W ., as Junior Grand Warden ; Sir Reginald Hanson , P . G . W . ; Lt .-Col . Clifford Probyn , P . G . Treas . ; John Dimsdale , G . T . ; H . ECpusans , G . D . C ; Fitzroy Tower , P . G . D . C ; . W , A , Scurrah , K-