Article EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1
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Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
two of those four brethren are present with you . Instead of welcoming Bro . Fenn , as we have been accustomed to do at these festivals , we are to-day called upon to mourn his loss ; and I venture to say that it is impossible to exaggerate the greatness of that loss to Masonry . ( Hear , hear . ) You know that for the greater part of his Masonic career he was intimately connected with the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . For 38 years he was an active officer in this
lodge—first as Secretary , then as principal member of the Past Masters' Committee , and , lastly , as Treasurer . I think , brethren , it will interest you to know that only a week or two before our brother ' s call to the Grand Lodge above , we were speaking together about the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and he expressed his satisfaction at ^ the renewal of the promise I made to him th at , so
long as health and memory are preserved to me , I would retain my post in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , where he himself placed me in 18 S 3 . ( Loud app lause . ) As one of the Committee of the lodge I thank you most heartily for the more than kind way in which you have received this toast . ( Loud and prolonged applause . ) Bro ; Judge PHILBRICK , K . C , P . G . W ., proposed "The Lodge of Unions , " to which Bro . BERTRAM , the present W . M ., responded .
Bro . J AMES FERNANDEZ , Past Asst . G . D . of Cs . 1899 , proposed "The Secretary and Stewards , " which brought a fitting acknowledgment from Bro . J OSEPH RUSSELL , P . G . Stwd . ( Sec ) , who remarked that but for the splendid examp le and organisation of Bio . Kentish they would not have had the magnificent success which their gathering that night had demonstrated . The Tyler ' s ( Bro . Freeman ' s ) toast brought the proceedings to a close .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER . The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant on Monday , the 18 th ult ., when the following brethren supoortcd the W . M ., Bro . Charles Martin Morris : Bros . G . Horwill , I . P . M . ; Percy Leach , S . W ., W . M . elect ; R . Lee , ] . W . j Wm . Carey , P . M ., Treas . ; Edmund J . Morgan , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Farmer , S . D . ; G . Whitefield , J . D . ; H . V . Down , I . G . ; T . Duffield , P . M ., D . C . ; W . F . Packer , P . M ., Org . ; A . Watts , P . M . ; H . T . Meadows , P . M . ; F . P . Langford ,
l . M . j Joseph Durell , Stwd . ; James Durell , Kirkpatrick , l < leming , Goad , Sell , Foley , Truekell , Davy , Pain , Hall , Presland , W . Y . Lewis , and Young , Tyler . Visitors : Uros . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . K . M . B . I . ; D . Harlow , P . M . 65 ; ] . Copper , 276 5 ! J . Brown , P . M . 14 + 6 ; W . T . Johns , P . M . 1571 ; R . C . Haltord , W . M . 1607 ; L . H . Halford , P . M . 1571 ; W . M . Ward , J . W . 134 S ; T . A . Prickitt , 378 ; T , Owen , P . M . 12 S 7 ; W . E . Duffill , 1424 ; W . Parsons , 473 ; J . H . H . Davy , D . C ' 34 S ; J . Leete , 2411 ; F . S . H . Taylor , P . M . 250 , Dublin , and others .
the minutes of the preceding meeting having been conlinned , and the lodge accounts for the past year , showing a substantial balance in hand , adopted , Bro . Percv Leach , S . W ., W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Duflield , P . M ., D . C , to the W . M . for the benefit of installation , the obligation having been taken , a Board of Installed "' asters was formed and Bro . Leach installed into the chair of King Solomon according to ancient rite , the ceremony and addresses being rendered by the Installing Master , Bro . Morris , in a highly creditable manner . The following officers wereinvested for the
ensuingyear : Bros . Chas . M . Morris , I . P . M . ; Robt . Lee , S . W . ; W . A . Farmer , J . W . ; William Carey , P . M ., Treas . ; Edmund J . Morgan , P . M ., Sec . ; George Whitefield , 5 . -IX ; Hubert V . Down , J . D . ; Alfred Simmonds , I . G . ; W . F . Packer , P . M ., Org . ; Thomas Duflield , P . M ., D . of C . ; Walter M . Egles , A . D . of C . ; Joseph Durell and Jarnts Durell , Stwds . ; and A . Young , Tyler . Before the lodge was closed a vote of condolence with his Majesty the King on the death of her late Majesty Queen Victoria , arid of congratulation to King Edward Vll ., the late M . W . G . Master , on his accession
to the throne , was passed on the proposition of the Treasurer , Bro . William Carey , } •™ . j seconded by the Secretary , Bro . Edmund J . Morgan , P . M . The newly-installed faster , Bro . Percy Leach , having intimated his intention to represent the lodge as steward at the Festival of the Roya ! Masonic Benevolent Institution , notice was given tnat the sum of 10 guineas be placed on the W . M . ' s list .
. After tendering hearty congratulations to the W . M . the brethren adjourned to the banqueting table . On the conclusion of dinner , " The King and the Craft" was , for the first time in l « e history of the lodge , received with the greatest enthusiasm . . Omitting "The M . W , Grand Master , " for the moment in abeyance pending the Election of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , the toast of "The Grand Oliicers" was du ' y honoured .
° ro Morris , I . P . M ., in rising to propose " The W . M ., " felt sure that the brethren j ? '» e Leopold Lodge would hail with much satisfaction the accession of Bro . Leach to tne chair of the lodge , who had filled each office with so much ability . Tne interests of "je lod ge in his able hands would be in safe keeping , and he trusted that his year of 'ice would be a prosperous one in every respect . , Bro . Leach , in replying , was enthusiastically received . He highly appreciated the pnour conferred upon him , and assured the brethren that nothing should be wanting on st p part t 0 maintain the best interests of the Leopold Lodge , and to folio * in the foot-, PS of the able Past Masters who had preceded him . At all times his services would e at the disposal of the lodge in which he had been initiated nine years ago by his old
Craft Masonry.
and esteemed friend Bro . Edmund J . Morgan , P . M . and Secretary . He hoped that the brethren would support him in his Stewardship at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and send him up with a list worthy of the Leopold Lodge . "The Installing Master and Immediate Past Master " was feelingly presented by the W . M ., Bro . Leach paying a high compliment to the qualifications of Bro . Charles M . Morris as an exponent of the ritual of Freemasonry . As an appreciation of his services as W . M ., he had much pleasure in presenting to Bro . Morris a Past Master's jewel and collar and jewel voted by the lodge , which he trusted he might long be spared to wear as a Past Master of the Leopold Lodge .
Bro . Morris , I . P . M ., replying , sincerely thanked the brethren for their tokens of esteem , which would ever remind him of the pleasant time he had spent in the Leopold Lodge . It had been his endeavour to carry out the duties entrusted to him to the best of his ability , and if he had given satisfaction he had been well repaid . Although regretting his Mastership had come to a close , he felt that the warrant of the lodge had
been entrusted to a brother who would worthily uphold the reputation of the Leopold Lodge , and he trusted that the Mastership of Bro . Leach would be a memorable one in every respect . For "The Visitors , " Bros . R . C Halford , W . M . 1607 ; J . Brown , P . M . 1446 ; W . M . Ward , J . W . 134 S ; and F . S . H . Taylor , P . M . 250 ( I . C ) , responded , all complimenting the lodge on its working and the hearty reception accorded to them .
"The Masonic Institutions" was ably responded to by Bro . James Terry , P . G : S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I ., who hoped that the Leopold Lodge , which he had the honour of consecrating , would rally round its Master , and send Bro . Leach to the Festival of the Institution with which he ( Bro . Terry ) was connected with a record list for Lodge 1571 . " The Past Masters of the Lodge " was responded to by Bros . William Carey , Treas . ; Edmund J . Morgan , Sec . ; T . Duffield , D . C : W . F . Packer . Org .: and H . T . Meadows .
For "The Officers" Bros . Lee , S . W . ; Farmer , J . W ., Whitefield , S . D . j and Joseph Durell , Stwd ., replied . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a close . The excellent programme of music , & c , provided by the W . M ., Bro . Leach , and contributed to by Miss Ethel Bevans , Miss Gertrude Maxted , Miss Presland , Bros . Packer , P . M . ; Franklin Clive , W . Mervyn Ward , and Mr . E . Pontis-Lines , under the direction of Bro . W . F . Packer , P . M ., Org ., was highly appreciated .
Moira Lodge , No . 92 . The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , when there were present Bros . Sir Norman R . Pringle , Bart ., W . M , ; J . N . Noakes , S . W . ; the Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , P . M . Chap . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., P . D . G . Reg ., Treas . ; R . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ., Sec . ; F . A . Donnison , S . D . ; C . A . Elgood , J . D . ; A . B . Walters , I . G .: G . Greiner . P . M . ; Charles E . Russell , I . P . M . j A . W . Smith , W . S . Horlock , and W . S . Greves .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been duly confirmed , Bro . W . S . Greves was examined as to his proficiency as a Fellow Craft , and was afterwards raised by Bro . R . F . Gould , P . M ., to the Sublime Degree of a Mister Mason . The Report of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . A Grand Lodge certificate was handed to Bro . A . B . Walters , and signed by him in the usual way . Various communications from the Grand Secretary were read , and an expression of the profound grief of the brethren at the death of her late Majesty the Queen was ordered to be recorded on the minutes . No further business offering , the lodge was then closed . The brethren afterwards dined together .
Quatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 . This lodge met at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 1 st inst . Present : Bros . E Conder , jun ., W . M . ; G . Greiner , S . W . ; E . J . Castle , J . W . ; G . W . Speth , P . A . G . D . C , Sec ; E . Armitage and F . H . Goldney , P . G . D ., Stwds . ; Colonel S . G . Pratt , P . M . ; E . Macbean , P . M . ; W . M . Bywater , P . M ., P . G . S . B . j C . Purdon Clarke . P . M . ; S . T . Klein , P . M . ; C . Kupferschmidt , P . M ., A . S . G . C ; J . T . Thorp ; also 50 members of the Correspondence Circle and nine visitors .
The following two lodges and 6 9 brethren were admitted to the membership of the Correspondence Circle : Lodge Balduin zur Linde , Leipsic ; Lodge United Service , No . 2735 , Bangalore , Madras ; and Bros . —in Canada—H . W . S . Keumis , P . M . 45 , Albena ; H . J . Pugh , P . M . 43 , Virden ; H . H . Campkin , P . D . D . G . M ., Indian Heal ; in the United States—B . J . Haugeberg , 11 , Flandreau , S . Dakota : L . F . Thorn * , W . M . 408 , New York ; H . M . Danneel , G . W ., New Orleans ; F . J . Bannister , 3 , St . Paul , and D . W . Knowllon , P . M . 112 , Minneapolis , Minnesota ; in New Zealand—T .
N . Todd , 5 C , Manarewa , and H . L . Wade , 6 S 9 , Auckland ; J . Gray , P . M . 50 S , Singapore ; R . C . Symns , A . D . G . S ., and Capt . J . Penny , 542 , Rangoon , Burma ; G . P . de Soane , 549 , and W . A . H . Brown , 549 , Bombay ; in South Africa—H . S . Boffev , W . M ., Cape Town ; W . E . Clift , 711 , Port Elizabeth : W . 1 ! Yeomans , J . Burge , and — Mulligan , Bloemfonteln ; W . W . Chilcott , P . M . 407 , Malta ; in lreland-R . W . Elgee , 955 , Wexford ; A . Anderson , W . M . 14 , Galway ; W . A . Barnes , P . P . G . S ., Kells , Meath ; T . J . Beer , 77 , J . Anderson , P . M . 35 C , and M . E . Solomons , P . M ., Dublin : I . Macnauirriton . W . M .
814 , Pitlochry , Scotland ; W . D . Jones , P . M . ISJIJ ; r . W . Morgan , W . ' vl . 1 S 49 j W . P . Smith , P . M . 3 S 4 , and H . King , 3 S 4 , all Bangor , Wales ; in England—R . W . Williams , P . M . 2391 , Middlesborough ; Dr . A . G . Webster , 1 ( 5 45 , Hudd : rsfield ; W . Charlton , P . M . 2554 , Manchester ; F . O . Cresswell , 823 , F . Wilkinson , P , M 594 , ind G . W . Hughes , P . M . 220 , Liverpool ; H . Taylor , P . M . 423 , Chester ; H . Jackson , P . M . 336 , Staleybridge ; Dr . J . N . Patterson , Earlstown ; W . Squires , 1221 , L « ds ; A . Baynes , P . M . 2409 , Hanley ; E . A . Robinson , 11 G 3 , Birmingham G . i < . iiirl > v , goo , Tewkesbury ; F . T . McMurray , 2727 , Cambridge ; J . C . Gardner and R . H .
Kushtorth , Amersham ; W . ri . Undgman , Aylesrjury ; H . F . Machin , P . M . 231 , Walton-on-Thames ; Dr . J . Davidson , 2000 , Uxbridge ; C . Pearce , 195 , Bournemouth ; J . Littleton , Bristol ; and in or near London—Dr . G . Michael , 185 ; F . A Sherras , 1 G 08 ; J . F , Purton , P . M . 1541 j G . H . Hill , 183 ; J . A . Siveatman , 1 S 3 ; G . Hoare , 1950 ; J . N . Noakes , 92 ; W . Slark , W . M . 2095 ; Dr . W . lomlinson , P . M . J 233 , ; P . Hildesheim , 34 ; B . Shaw , 1950 ; W . G . Lipscomb , 147 6 ; I . Buchanan , P . M . 1 S 53 J C . Fox , P . M . 96 } R . Larchin , P . M . 154 ^ and vV . H . White , P . M . 2416 .
The resignation of Bro . the Rev . C . II . Maiden , of Ootacimund , M idns , wis received , and the brethren expressed their profound regret . A letter was recjivjii from H . R . H . Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia , a Past Grand Mister of EngUnl , in I Ordens-Meister of the National Geiman Lodge at Berlin , thanking the bremranfjr the honour they had done him in admitting him , at his request , to their Correspondence Circle , and further electing him an Honorary Member ot the lod < e , in wnose pursuits he took a great interest . He should ever consider it a distinguished honour to be so
intimately connected with the lodge . Letters and telegrams apologising for unavoidable absence were received from the following members : Bros . R . F . Gould , P . G . D .: Admiral A . H . Markharrt , P . Dist . G . M . Malta ; Hamon le Strange , Prov . G . Mister Norfolk ; Rev . W . J . Horsley , W . H . Rylands , P . A . G . Dir . of Ler . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . G . S . B . ; and Dr . Chetwode Crawley , P . G . D . Ireland . The Secretary called the attention of the brethren to a set of seven coloured princs issued by Thorn . Palserin 1 S 12 , being free reproductions of a similar set published in
Paris in 1745 , professing to give the various ceremonies of Misonr / at that date , exhibited by Bro . Pavitt . He also showed , previous to forwarding it , an album of some hundred photographs taken by various members of the lodge at their last summer outing to Gloucester and the ne ghbourhood , which was destined for the Prov . Dep . G . Master of Gloucestershire , Bro . Vassar-Smith , to remind him of the brethren to whom he had shown such kindness on that occasion . The W . M ., Bro . E . Conder , read a paper entitled " The Myracle Play , " being a capital resume of all the lacts known in
connection with the subject , the result of an endeavour to discover therein perhaps some indication of the legend of the Third Degree . Although he had failed in so doing , the paper was of great use to Masonic _ students from many points of view , and richly deserved the commendations which , in the ensuing discussion , were showered upon it . Comments were offered by Bros . E . J . Castle , C . Purdon Clarke , the Rev . W . E . Scott-Hall , W . H . Rylands , W . J . Hughan , and G . W . Spetn , and a hsarty vo ; e ot thanks to the W . M . was carried by acclamation . The brethren subsequently dined together at the Holborn Restaurant .
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Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
two of those four brethren are present with you . Instead of welcoming Bro . Fenn , as we have been accustomed to do at these festivals , we are to-day called upon to mourn his loss ; and I venture to say that it is impossible to exaggerate the greatness of that loss to Masonry . ( Hear , hear . ) You know that for the greater part of his Masonic career he was intimately connected with the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . For 38 years he was an active officer in this
lodge—first as Secretary , then as principal member of the Past Masters' Committee , and , lastly , as Treasurer . I think , brethren , it will interest you to know that only a week or two before our brother ' s call to the Grand Lodge above , we were speaking together about the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and he expressed his satisfaction at ^ the renewal of the promise I made to him th at , so
long as health and memory are preserved to me , I would retain my post in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , where he himself placed me in 18 S 3 . ( Loud app lause . ) As one of the Committee of the lodge I thank you most heartily for the more than kind way in which you have received this toast . ( Loud and prolonged applause . ) Bro ; Judge PHILBRICK , K . C , P . G . W ., proposed "The Lodge of Unions , " to which Bro . BERTRAM , the present W . M ., responded .
Bro . J AMES FERNANDEZ , Past Asst . G . D . of Cs . 1899 , proposed "The Secretary and Stewards , " which brought a fitting acknowledgment from Bro . J OSEPH RUSSELL , P . G . Stwd . ( Sec ) , who remarked that but for the splendid examp le and organisation of Bio . Kentish they would not have had the magnificent success which their gathering that night had demonstrated . The Tyler ' s ( Bro . Freeman ' s ) toast brought the proceedings to a close .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER . The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant on Monday , the 18 th ult ., when the following brethren supoortcd the W . M ., Bro . Charles Martin Morris : Bros . G . Horwill , I . P . M . ; Percy Leach , S . W ., W . M . elect ; R . Lee , ] . W . j Wm . Carey , P . M ., Treas . ; Edmund J . Morgan , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Farmer , S . D . ; G . Whitefield , J . D . ; H . V . Down , I . G . ; T . Duffield , P . M ., D . C . ; W . F . Packer , P . M ., Org . ; A . Watts , P . M . ; H . T . Meadows , P . M . ; F . P . Langford ,
l . M . j Joseph Durell , Stwd . ; James Durell , Kirkpatrick , l < leming , Goad , Sell , Foley , Truekell , Davy , Pain , Hall , Presland , W . Y . Lewis , and Young , Tyler . Visitors : Uros . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . K . M . B . I . ; D . Harlow , P . M . 65 ; ] . Copper , 276 5 ! J . Brown , P . M . 14 + 6 ; W . T . Johns , P . M . 1571 ; R . C . Haltord , W . M . 1607 ; L . H . Halford , P . M . 1571 ; W . M . Ward , J . W . 134 S ; T . A . Prickitt , 378 ; T , Owen , P . M . 12 S 7 ; W . E . Duffill , 1424 ; W . Parsons , 473 ; J . H . H . Davy , D . C ' 34 S ; J . Leete , 2411 ; F . S . H . Taylor , P . M . 250 , Dublin , and others .
the minutes of the preceding meeting having been conlinned , and the lodge accounts for the past year , showing a substantial balance in hand , adopted , Bro . Percv Leach , S . W ., W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Duflield , P . M ., D . C , to the W . M . for the benefit of installation , the obligation having been taken , a Board of Installed "' asters was formed and Bro . Leach installed into the chair of King Solomon according to ancient rite , the ceremony and addresses being rendered by the Installing Master , Bro . Morris , in a highly creditable manner . The following officers wereinvested for the
ensuingyear : Bros . Chas . M . Morris , I . P . M . ; Robt . Lee , S . W . ; W . A . Farmer , J . W . ; William Carey , P . M ., Treas . ; Edmund J . Morgan , P . M ., Sec . ; George Whitefield , 5 . -IX ; Hubert V . Down , J . D . ; Alfred Simmonds , I . G . ; W . F . Packer , P . M ., Org . ; Thomas Duflield , P . M ., D . of C . ; Walter M . Egles , A . D . of C . ; Joseph Durell and Jarnts Durell , Stwds . ; and A . Young , Tyler . Before the lodge was closed a vote of condolence with his Majesty the King on the death of her late Majesty Queen Victoria , arid of congratulation to King Edward Vll ., the late M . W . G . Master , on his accession
to the throne , was passed on the proposition of the Treasurer , Bro . William Carey , } •™ . j seconded by the Secretary , Bro . Edmund J . Morgan , P . M . The newly-installed faster , Bro . Percy Leach , having intimated his intention to represent the lodge as steward at the Festival of the Roya ! Masonic Benevolent Institution , notice was given tnat the sum of 10 guineas be placed on the W . M . ' s list .
. After tendering hearty congratulations to the W . M . the brethren adjourned to the banqueting table . On the conclusion of dinner , " The King and the Craft" was , for the first time in l « e history of the lodge , received with the greatest enthusiasm . . Omitting "The M . W , Grand Master , " for the moment in abeyance pending the Election of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , the toast of "The Grand Oliicers" was du ' y honoured .
° ro Morris , I . P . M ., in rising to propose " The W . M ., " felt sure that the brethren j ? '» e Leopold Lodge would hail with much satisfaction the accession of Bro . Leach to tne chair of the lodge , who had filled each office with so much ability . Tne interests of "je lod ge in his able hands would be in safe keeping , and he trusted that his year of 'ice would be a prosperous one in every respect . , Bro . Leach , in replying , was enthusiastically received . He highly appreciated the pnour conferred upon him , and assured the brethren that nothing should be wanting on st p part t 0 maintain the best interests of the Leopold Lodge , and to folio * in the foot-, PS of the able Past Masters who had preceded him . At all times his services would e at the disposal of the lodge in which he had been initiated nine years ago by his old
Craft Masonry.
and esteemed friend Bro . Edmund J . Morgan , P . M . and Secretary . He hoped that the brethren would support him in his Stewardship at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and send him up with a list worthy of the Leopold Lodge . "The Installing Master and Immediate Past Master " was feelingly presented by the W . M ., Bro . Leach paying a high compliment to the qualifications of Bro . Charles M . Morris as an exponent of the ritual of Freemasonry . As an appreciation of his services as W . M ., he had much pleasure in presenting to Bro . Morris a Past Master's jewel and collar and jewel voted by the lodge , which he trusted he might long be spared to wear as a Past Master of the Leopold Lodge .
Bro . Morris , I . P . M ., replying , sincerely thanked the brethren for their tokens of esteem , which would ever remind him of the pleasant time he had spent in the Leopold Lodge . It had been his endeavour to carry out the duties entrusted to him to the best of his ability , and if he had given satisfaction he had been well repaid . Although regretting his Mastership had come to a close , he felt that the warrant of the lodge had
been entrusted to a brother who would worthily uphold the reputation of the Leopold Lodge , and he trusted that the Mastership of Bro . Leach would be a memorable one in every respect . For "The Visitors , " Bros . R . C Halford , W . M . 1607 ; J . Brown , P . M . 1446 ; W . M . Ward , J . W . 134 S ; and F . S . H . Taylor , P . M . 250 ( I . C ) , responded , all complimenting the lodge on its working and the hearty reception accorded to them .
"The Masonic Institutions" was ably responded to by Bro . James Terry , P . G : S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I ., who hoped that the Leopold Lodge , which he had the honour of consecrating , would rally round its Master , and send Bro . Leach to the Festival of the Institution with which he ( Bro . Terry ) was connected with a record list for Lodge 1571 . " The Past Masters of the Lodge " was responded to by Bros . William Carey , Treas . ; Edmund J . Morgan , Sec . ; T . Duffield , D . C : W . F . Packer . Org .: and H . T . Meadows .
For "The Officers" Bros . Lee , S . W . ; Farmer , J . W ., Whitefield , S . D . j and Joseph Durell , Stwd ., replied . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a close . The excellent programme of music , & c , provided by the W . M ., Bro . Leach , and contributed to by Miss Ethel Bevans , Miss Gertrude Maxted , Miss Presland , Bros . Packer , P . M . ; Franklin Clive , W . Mervyn Ward , and Mr . E . Pontis-Lines , under the direction of Bro . W . F . Packer , P . M ., Org ., was highly appreciated .
Moira Lodge , No . 92 . The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , when there were present Bros . Sir Norman R . Pringle , Bart ., W . M , ; J . N . Noakes , S . W . ; the Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , P . M . Chap . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., P . D . G . Reg ., Treas . ; R . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ., Sec . ; F . A . Donnison , S . D . ; C . A . Elgood , J . D . ; A . B . Walters , I . G .: G . Greiner . P . M . ; Charles E . Russell , I . P . M . j A . W . Smith , W . S . Horlock , and W . S . Greves .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been duly confirmed , Bro . W . S . Greves was examined as to his proficiency as a Fellow Craft , and was afterwards raised by Bro . R . F . Gould , P . M ., to the Sublime Degree of a Mister Mason . The Report of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . A Grand Lodge certificate was handed to Bro . A . B . Walters , and signed by him in the usual way . Various communications from the Grand Secretary were read , and an expression of the profound grief of the brethren at the death of her late Majesty the Queen was ordered to be recorded on the minutes . No further business offering , the lodge was then closed . The brethren afterwards dined together .
Quatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 . This lodge met at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 1 st inst . Present : Bros . E Conder , jun ., W . M . ; G . Greiner , S . W . ; E . J . Castle , J . W . ; G . W . Speth , P . A . G . D . C , Sec ; E . Armitage and F . H . Goldney , P . G . D ., Stwds . ; Colonel S . G . Pratt , P . M . ; E . Macbean , P . M . ; W . M . Bywater , P . M ., P . G . S . B . j C . Purdon Clarke . P . M . ; S . T . Klein , P . M . ; C . Kupferschmidt , P . M ., A . S . G . C ; J . T . Thorp ; also 50 members of the Correspondence Circle and nine visitors .
The following two lodges and 6 9 brethren were admitted to the membership of the Correspondence Circle : Lodge Balduin zur Linde , Leipsic ; Lodge United Service , No . 2735 , Bangalore , Madras ; and Bros . —in Canada—H . W . S . Keumis , P . M . 45 , Albena ; H . J . Pugh , P . M . 43 , Virden ; H . H . Campkin , P . D . D . G . M ., Indian Heal ; in the United States—B . J . Haugeberg , 11 , Flandreau , S . Dakota : L . F . Thorn * , W . M . 408 , New York ; H . M . Danneel , G . W ., New Orleans ; F . J . Bannister , 3 , St . Paul , and D . W . Knowllon , P . M . 112 , Minneapolis , Minnesota ; in New Zealand—T .
N . Todd , 5 C , Manarewa , and H . L . Wade , 6 S 9 , Auckland ; J . Gray , P . M . 50 S , Singapore ; R . C . Symns , A . D . G . S ., and Capt . J . Penny , 542 , Rangoon , Burma ; G . P . de Soane , 549 , and W . A . H . Brown , 549 , Bombay ; in South Africa—H . S . Boffev , W . M ., Cape Town ; W . E . Clift , 711 , Port Elizabeth : W . 1 ! Yeomans , J . Burge , and — Mulligan , Bloemfonteln ; W . W . Chilcott , P . M . 407 , Malta ; in lreland-R . W . Elgee , 955 , Wexford ; A . Anderson , W . M . 14 , Galway ; W . A . Barnes , P . P . G . S ., Kells , Meath ; T . J . Beer , 77 , J . Anderson , P . M . 35 C , and M . E . Solomons , P . M ., Dublin : I . Macnauirriton . W . M .
814 , Pitlochry , Scotland ; W . D . Jones , P . M . ISJIJ ; r . W . Morgan , W . ' vl . 1 S 49 j W . P . Smith , P . M . 3 S 4 , and H . King , 3 S 4 , all Bangor , Wales ; in England—R . W . Williams , P . M . 2391 , Middlesborough ; Dr . A . G . Webster , 1 ( 5 45 , Hudd : rsfield ; W . Charlton , P . M . 2554 , Manchester ; F . O . Cresswell , 823 , F . Wilkinson , P , M 594 , ind G . W . Hughes , P . M . 220 , Liverpool ; H . Taylor , P . M . 423 , Chester ; H . Jackson , P . M . 336 , Staleybridge ; Dr . J . N . Patterson , Earlstown ; W . Squires , 1221 , L « ds ; A . Baynes , P . M . 2409 , Hanley ; E . A . Robinson , 11 G 3 , Birmingham G . i < . iiirl > v , goo , Tewkesbury ; F . T . McMurray , 2727 , Cambridge ; J . C . Gardner and R . H .
Kushtorth , Amersham ; W . ri . Undgman , Aylesrjury ; H . F . Machin , P . M . 231 , Walton-on-Thames ; Dr . J . Davidson , 2000 , Uxbridge ; C . Pearce , 195 , Bournemouth ; J . Littleton , Bristol ; and in or near London—Dr . G . Michael , 185 ; F . A Sherras , 1 G 08 ; J . F , Purton , P . M . 1541 j G . H . Hill , 183 ; J . A . Siveatman , 1 S 3 ; G . Hoare , 1950 ; J . N . Noakes , 92 ; W . Slark , W . M . 2095 ; Dr . W . lomlinson , P . M . J 233 , ; P . Hildesheim , 34 ; B . Shaw , 1950 ; W . G . Lipscomb , 147 6 ; I . Buchanan , P . M . 1 S 53 J C . Fox , P . M . 96 } R . Larchin , P . M . 154 ^ and vV . H . White , P . M . 2416 .
The resignation of Bro . the Rev . C . II . Maiden , of Ootacimund , M idns , wis received , and the brethren expressed their profound regret . A letter was recjivjii from H . R . H . Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia , a Past Grand Mister of EngUnl , in I Ordens-Meister of the National Geiman Lodge at Berlin , thanking the bremranfjr the honour they had done him in admitting him , at his request , to their Correspondence Circle , and further electing him an Honorary Member ot the lod < e , in wnose pursuits he took a great interest . He should ever consider it a distinguished honour to be so
intimately connected with the lodge . Letters and telegrams apologising for unavoidable absence were received from the following members : Bros . R . F . Gould , P . G . D .: Admiral A . H . Markharrt , P . Dist . G . M . Malta ; Hamon le Strange , Prov . G . Mister Norfolk ; Rev . W . J . Horsley , W . H . Rylands , P . A . G . Dir . of Ler . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . G . S . B . ; and Dr . Chetwode Crawley , P . G . D . Ireland . The Secretary called the attention of the brethren to a set of seven coloured princs issued by Thorn . Palserin 1 S 12 , being free reproductions of a similar set published in
Paris in 1745 , professing to give the various ceremonies of Misonr / at that date , exhibited by Bro . Pavitt . He also showed , previous to forwarding it , an album of some hundred photographs taken by various members of the lodge at their last summer outing to Gloucester and the ne ghbourhood , which was destined for the Prov . Dep . G . Master of Gloucestershire , Bro . Vassar-Smith , to remind him of the brethren to whom he had shown such kindness on that occasion . The W . M ., Bro . E . Conder , read a paper entitled " The Myracle Play , " being a capital resume of all the lacts known in
connection with the subject , the result of an endeavour to discover therein perhaps some indication of the legend of the Third Degree . Although he had failed in so doing , the paper was of great use to Masonic _ students from many points of view , and richly deserved the commendations which , in the ensuing discussion , were showered upon it . Comments were offered by Bros . E . J . Castle , C . Purdon Clarke , the Rev . W . E . Scott-Hall , W . H . Rylands , W . J . Hughan , and G . W . Spetn , and a hsarty vo ; e ot thanks to the W . M . was carried by acclamation . The brethren subsequently dined together at the Holborn Restaurant .