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MEETINGS FOR NEXT WEEK—Continued . FRIDAY , APRIL 15 . [ GOOD FRIDAY . ] SATURDAY , APRIL 16 . Audit Committee , Boys' School . Lodge 715 , Panmure , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 .
^•tetts ^ ntcnts . COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR. 0 On the ist JANUARY , 1871 , Will be published , under the above title , A COMPREHENSIVE MASONIC CALENDAR , Materials for which are now being collected from Home and Foreign sources .
THIS Work will furnish Lists of Lodges in the United Kingdom , France , Germany , Italy , & c , together with full particulars of every Grand Masonic body throughout the globe . Grand Secretaries , Scribes , and Recorders of Grand Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves or Encampments , are solicited to forward information before the 1 st October , 1 S 70 , and fraternal assistance from every quarter will be gratefully accepted , in order to render the Calendar worthy of its name , and truly "Cosmopolitan . " Letters to be addressed to the Editor of the " COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR" ( title registered ) . 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C , ENGLAND .
Masonic Institution for Boys MRS . HARRIET WHITE .
Widow of the late Bro . ll'i / liam White , of the Royal Union Lodge , Cheltenham , BEGS to return her most sincere thanks to all those kind friends who supported her Son WILLIAM IIEKDERT WHITE , at the recent Election in October , thereby raising the number of Voles recorded in his favour from 2 S 2 to 73 S . She most earnestly and respectfully solicits a continuance of tlieir support NEXT APRIL , when she hopes her Son may be elected . The case is well-known to liro . the Rev . C . J . MARTV . V , V . P ., Grand Chaplain , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk , by whom proxies will be gratefully received .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons , ELECTION , MAY 1 S 70 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is c . inicsll solicited on behalf of
Sarah Ann Thiselton , AGED 72 . THE Petitioner's late husband AUOUSTL . S UNION T HISELTON , was . Secretary to ihe Royal Masonic Institution for Boys tliirly-scven years , ami was a Life Governor of ihe Masonic Institution ; he was Initiated in the Yiiruvian Lodge , Xo . 87 , Lambeth , in 1 S 23 ; joined the Lo lge uf Antiquity , No . 2 , 18 37 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . Petitioner resides at S , Wnile-posle-tcrracc , near Gravesend . liro . E . HARRIS , Collector to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , 75 ; , Nichols-square , Hackney-road , will thankfully receive Voting Papers .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . ELECTION , APRIL , 1870 . The favour of your Vote and Interest is camc-h solicited on behalf of
WILLIAM PHILLIPS BARRETT , ( No . 55 on the List of Candidates . ) Whose father , J BARRETT , was a member of the St . Augustine Lodge , Chrislchurch , New Zealand , No . 609 , he died in May , 1 S 67 , leaving his Widow and iv . - o children unprovided for . Proxies thankfully received by Bro . T . L . W 1 : 1 . no : ; , 925 C . 587 , 3 , Belle Vue Terrace , Seven Sister' Road , London , N .
Profitable Investments . BA R T L E T T A N 1 ) C II A P M A N \ S INVESTMENT CIRCULAR for APRIL comprises a comprehensive Review of the Investment Markets , indicating the safe-it and most profitable things to invest in , and the rates of intercut paid by all Companies ; as also a selection , by the investment of , £ 1000 , or any other sum , in which a considerable income may be secured and the sum invested be redeemed in eight years , leaving the income in perpetuity . 36 , Cornliill . E . C .
"RAD LEY'S , " BLACKFRIARS . BRO . JOHN HART begs to inform the Craft he has several open days in each month foi MASONIC MEETINGS , and will be glad to submit his terms to Lodges about to move . N . B . —No charge for Lodge Rooms , except emergencies .
MASONS' HALL TAVERN , MASONS' AVENUE , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern will be OPENED in a few weeks , newly decorated , by Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons ' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark , and other degrees for their meetings , dinners , suppers , & c , and every " attention will be paid lo their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor . Due notice will be given ' of the date of oneninf .
BRIDGE-HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE . ( THIS Hotel has great facilities for MASONIC MEETINGS , Arbitrations , Public Dinners , Balls , & c ., and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort one of the best in the Metropolis , possessing the advantage of a moderate scale of charges , which , with excellent cuisine , Wines of the first qualitj ' . and the care and attention shown to guests , justifies the preference accorded to it . Tariffs on application to JOSEPH II . SPENCER .
CITY TERMINUS HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON . ~ VX 7 ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur VV Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . All communications to be addressed to SIDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
GUILDHALL TAVERN , GRESHAM STREET , E . C . SPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking-rooms , Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERNS COMPANY ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , GRESHAM STREET , E . C . GEO . CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
B 1 R . U 1 AG 1 IAM . NEW GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( S-NOW-IIILI . STATION ) . " One of the most elegant , comfortable , and ccoiminica ' hotels in the three kingdoms . "— The Field , July 31 , 1869 .
The Strand Turkish Baths , K ° - 335 ' , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE , OPEN DAILY FOR GENTLEMEN . Warm , Cold , Shower & Douche Baths . LADIES' MORNINGS . — Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , from S till 12 a . m . Close at One . Mr . & Mrs . SMITH , from the Ilammam , Jerynm-slrcct . Open on Sundays from Twelve until Four .
•y i-IL 15 EST HOUSE in London for -L CORDIALS , Spirit Colouring , Cnppcllairc and Spruce , is 258 , High Holborn , the old-established Danlzic Stores . _ ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Fettle , Syrup of Limes , or Concentrated Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple fur Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; and many oilier useful a nicies were lir-, 1 iniroduccd in the Spirit trade by Adam Hill . A primed li > t with prices and directions for use . Order by post .
WILLIAM WIX . SOR , of 8 , Miles's-lanc , London-bridge , imports CIGARS of the very Finest Brands only , and iiiaiiiifacliic , i's Cigars from the Choicest Tobaccos . WhoU ^ . de . and retail . I ) RO . JOHN 13 EC RETT , Car .-or ami Gilder JJ and General Decorater , has REMOVED from 16 , ARTIII . R-SI iii : t : r , New Oxford-street , lo No . 53 , NEW COMl'TON-STREET . SOIIO .
BRIXTON . —TO LET , near the main road , a GENTEEL HOUSE , containing seven rooms , kitchen and scullery ; good garden . Moderate rent lo a responsible tcnint . —Apply f . t the office of tins Paper , 2 , 3 « . V 4 , Little Britain .
T UXL'RIAXT WHISKERS , Moustaches , J 1 and a Fine Head of I lair . —Mr ,. Ml ' . l : r . l . \ M , Springfield , Mass . U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley & Knox , Featlicrstone-buildings , London , W . C , her Recipe ( Formula ) for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on face or head iu a month . A pint bottle sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 stamps . — May be ordered through any Chemist .
•HPHE FREEMASONS' LIFE BOAT . — X Committee Room : Bro . FOSTER ' S , Railway Tavern , London Street , E . C . COMMITTEE . Bro . A . E . Harris , P . M . Br . C . C . Taylor , J . W . 141 . 141 , President . „ B . Salmon , 141 . ,, S . Davis , 141 , the Pro- „ J . S . Mortlock , P M . 174 . meter and Treasurer . ,, Thos . White , W . M . 22 .. „ E . Gottheil ] , P . M . 141 , „ H . M . Levy , P . M . 1 S 8 . Hon . Sec . ,, N . Gluckstein , i 4 i ., P . M „ John Thomas , P . M . 507 , 51 , P . P . S . G . W . P . G . D . C . „ Chas . Davis , 223 . ,, Jas . Stevens , P . M . 720 . ,, Jas . Wyld , 511 , Prop . „ M . Manns , iSS . Lie . Vict . Guardian . „ J . Kcnnett , 141 . The following Brethren who arc not on the Committee have promised their support : —Bro . J . R . Stebbing , P . M ., P . G . D . England ; Bro Col . Malet de Carteret , P . G . M . Channel Islands ; Bro . Prosser , P . M . 244 , Jersey ; Bro . Gardiner , W . M . S 4 , Guernsey ; Bro . Ashley , P . M . - 254 , Coventry , P G . J . W . Warwickshire ; Bro . De Grute , Birmingham ; Bro . Woolf , P . M . 223 , Plymouth ; and others . The Committee meet at their Room on the first Thursday in every month , at 8 p . m . All subscriptions , together with the names of the donors , will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON . In order to ensure success , it is hoped that every Brother will personally interest himself in the movement . Bro . E . GOTTHEIL , P . M . 141 , Hon . Sec , 120 , Mile End Road , E .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil's residence . —Address , Office of this Paper . A LADY , having met with much success in the tuition of English , French , and Music , desires a RE-ENGAGEMENT . First-class references can be given . —Address , A . B ., office of this paper .
WA NTED GOLD EMBROIDERERS ( indoors ) . —Kenning ' s Military Warehouse , Little Britain . •HPYLER or JANITOR . —Address , Air . JL BAVIN , 11 , Peel-terrace , Creek-road , Deptford .
CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . OPIATES , Narcotics , and Squills , are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary Diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author ofthe "Anti-Lancet , " says : — " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly ana invariably it subdued Cough , Pain , and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local iritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . 1 Ience it is used with the most signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Ouinsy , and all affections of the throat and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers , in bottles al is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and lis . each , and wholesale by J . M . CROSDV , Chemist , Scarborough . * „* ' Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gralis of any respectable Chemist .
T 70 R COUGHS , COLDS , ASTHMA , I 3 RON-1 C 1 I 1 TIS , and NEURALGIA . —THE GREAT REMEDY of ihe day is Dr . J . COLL 1 S BROWNE'S CIILORODYNE : a few doses will cure all incipient cases . Camion . —The extraordinary medical reports on the efficiency of ihe Chlorodync renders it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine , which is now sold under the protection of Government , authorising a stamp bearing the words "Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne , " without which none is genuine . See decision of Vicc-Chanccllor Sir XV . Page Wood , the "Times , " July 16 , 1 S 64 . Sold in bottles , JS . l ^< d ., 2 s . od ., and 4 s . 6 d ., by all Chemists . Sole Manufacturer , T | . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , London , W . C . From LORD FRANCIS CONYNGIIAM , Mount Charles , Donegal , December 11 , 1865 : — " Lord Francis Conyngham , who this lime last year bought some of Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne from Mr . Davenport , and has found it a most wonderful Medicine , will be glad to have half-a-dozen bottles sent the above address . " Sole Manufacturer , J . T . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury .
STAMMERING . —Rev . E . Danziger ( M . M . ) , v _) 24 , Welheck-street , Cavcndish-squarc . Loiidon ; North Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Carlerstreet , Gvccnhays , Manchester , effectually and permanently CURES ALL IMPEDIMENT OF SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or other causes , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . The highest references and testimonials can be obtained en application . No fee if no benefit derived .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MEETINGS FOR NEXT WEEK—Continued . FRIDAY , APRIL 15 . [ GOOD FRIDAY . ] SATURDAY , APRIL 16 . Audit Committee , Boys' School . Lodge 715 , Panmure , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 .
^•tetts ^ ntcnts . COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR. 0 On the ist JANUARY , 1871 , Will be published , under the above title , A COMPREHENSIVE MASONIC CALENDAR , Materials for which are now being collected from Home and Foreign sources .
THIS Work will furnish Lists of Lodges in the United Kingdom , France , Germany , Italy , & c , together with full particulars of every Grand Masonic body throughout the globe . Grand Secretaries , Scribes , and Recorders of Grand Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves or Encampments , are solicited to forward information before the 1 st October , 1 S 70 , and fraternal assistance from every quarter will be gratefully accepted , in order to render the Calendar worthy of its name , and truly "Cosmopolitan . " Letters to be addressed to the Editor of the " COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR" ( title registered ) . 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C , ENGLAND .
Masonic Institution for Boys MRS . HARRIET WHITE .
Widow of the late Bro . ll'i / liam White , of the Royal Union Lodge , Cheltenham , BEGS to return her most sincere thanks to all those kind friends who supported her Son WILLIAM IIEKDERT WHITE , at the recent Election in October , thereby raising the number of Voles recorded in his favour from 2 S 2 to 73 S . She most earnestly and respectfully solicits a continuance of tlieir support NEXT APRIL , when she hopes her Son may be elected . The case is well-known to liro . the Rev . C . J . MARTV . V , V . P ., Grand Chaplain , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk , by whom proxies will be gratefully received .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons , ELECTION , MAY 1 S 70 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is c . inicsll solicited on behalf of
Sarah Ann Thiselton , AGED 72 . THE Petitioner's late husband AUOUSTL . S UNION T HISELTON , was . Secretary to ihe Royal Masonic Institution for Boys tliirly-scven years , ami was a Life Governor of ihe Masonic Institution ; he was Initiated in the Yiiruvian Lodge , Xo . 87 , Lambeth , in 1 S 23 ; joined the Lo lge uf Antiquity , No . 2 , 18 37 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . Petitioner resides at S , Wnile-posle-tcrracc , near Gravesend . liro . E . HARRIS , Collector to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , 75 ; , Nichols-square , Hackney-road , will thankfully receive Voting Papers .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . ELECTION , APRIL , 1870 . The favour of your Vote and Interest is camc-h solicited on behalf of
WILLIAM PHILLIPS BARRETT , ( No . 55 on the List of Candidates . ) Whose father , J BARRETT , was a member of the St . Augustine Lodge , Chrislchurch , New Zealand , No . 609 , he died in May , 1 S 67 , leaving his Widow and iv . - o children unprovided for . Proxies thankfully received by Bro . T . L . W 1 : 1 . no : ; , 925 C . 587 , 3 , Belle Vue Terrace , Seven Sister' Road , London , N .
Profitable Investments . BA R T L E T T A N 1 ) C II A P M A N \ S INVESTMENT CIRCULAR for APRIL comprises a comprehensive Review of the Investment Markets , indicating the safe-it and most profitable things to invest in , and the rates of intercut paid by all Companies ; as also a selection , by the investment of , £ 1000 , or any other sum , in which a considerable income may be secured and the sum invested be redeemed in eight years , leaving the income in perpetuity . 36 , Cornliill . E . C .
"RAD LEY'S , " BLACKFRIARS . BRO . JOHN HART begs to inform the Craft he has several open days in each month foi MASONIC MEETINGS , and will be glad to submit his terms to Lodges about to move . N . B . —No charge for Lodge Rooms , except emergencies .
MASONS' HALL TAVERN , MASONS' AVENUE , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern will be OPENED in a few weeks , newly decorated , by Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons ' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark , and other degrees for their meetings , dinners , suppers , & c , and every " attention will be paid lo their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor . Due notice will be given ' of the date of oneninf .
BRIDGE-HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE . ( THIS Hotel has great facilities for MASONIC MEETINGS , Arbitrations , Public Dinners , Balls , & c ., and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort one of the best in the Metropolis , possessing the advantage of a moderate scale of charges , which , with excellent cuisine , Wines of the first qualitj ' . and the care and attention shown to guests , justifies the preference accorded to it . Tariffs on application to JOSEPH II . SPENCER .
CITY TERMINUS HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON . ~ VX 7 ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur VV Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . All communications to be addressed to SIDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
GUILDHALL TAVERN , GRESHAM STREET , E . C . SPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking-rooms , Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERNS COMPANY ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , GRESHAM STREET , E . C . GEO . CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
B 1 R . U 1 AG 1 IAM . NEW GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( S-NOW-IIILI . STATION ) . " One of the most elegant , comfortable , and ccoiminica ' hotels in the three kingdoms . "— The Field , July 31 , 1869 .
The Strand Turkish Baths , K ° - 335 ' , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE , OPEN DAILY FOR GENTLEMEN . Warm , Cold , Shower & Douche Baths . LADIES' MORNINGS . — Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , from S till 12 a . m . Close at One . Mr . & Mrs . SMITH , from the Ilammam , Jerynm-slrcct . Open on Sundays from Twelve until Four .
•y i-IL 15 EST HOUSE in London for -L CORDIALS , Spirit Colouring , Cnppcllairc and Spruce , is 258 , High Holborn , the old-established Danlzic Stores . _ ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Fettle , Syrup of Limes , or Concentrated Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple fur Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; and many oilier useful a nicies were lir-, 1 iniroduccd in the Spirit trade by Adam Hill . A primed li > t with prices and directions for use . Order by post .
WILLIAM WIX . SOR , of 8 , Miles's-lanc , London-bridge , imports CIGARS of the very Finest Brands only , and iiiaiiiifacliic , i's Cigars from the Choicest Tobaccos . WhoU ^ . de . and retail . I ) RO . JOHN 13 EC RETT , Car .-or ami Gilder JJ and General Decorater , has REMOVED from 16 , ARTIII . R-SI iii : t : r , New Oxford-street , lo No . 53 , NEW COMl'TON-STREET . SOIIO .
BRIXTON . —TO LET , near the main road , a GENTEEL HOUSE , containing seven rooms , kitchen and scullery ; good garden . Moderate rent lo a responsible tcnint . —Apply f . t the office of tins Paper , 2 , 3 « . V 4 , Little Britain .
T UXL'RIAXT WHISKERS , Moustaches , J 1 and a Fine Head of I lair . —Mr ,. Ml ' . l : r . l . \ M , Springfield , Mass . U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley & Knox , Featlicrstone-buildings , London , W . C , her Recipe ( Formula ) for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on face or head iu a month . A pint bottle sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 stamps . — May be ordered through any Chemist .
•HPHE FREEMASONS' LIFE BOAT . — X Committee Room : Bro . FOSTER ' S , Railway Tavern , London Street , E . C . COMMITTEE . Bro . A . E . Harris , P . M . Br . C . C . Taylor , J . W . 141 . 141 , President . „ B . Salmon , 141 . ,, S . Davis , 141 , the Pro- „ J . S . Mortlock , P M . 174 . meter and Treasurer . ,, Thos . White , W . M . 22 .. „ E . Gottheil ] , P . M . 141 , „ H . M . Levy , P . M . 1 S 8 . Hon . Sec . ,, N . Gluckstein , i 4 i ., P . M „ John Thomas , P . M . 507 , 51 , P . P . S . G . W . P . G . D . C . „ Chas . Davis , 223 . ,, Jas . Stevens , P . M . 720 . ,, Jas . Wyld , 511 , Prop . „ M . Manns , iSS . Lie . Vict . Guardian . „ J . Kcnnett , 141 . The following Brethren who arc not on the Committee have promised their support : —Bro . J . R . Stebbing , P . M ., P . G . D . England ; Bro Col . Malet de Carteret , P . G . M . Channel Islands ; Bro . Prosser , P . M . 244 , Jersey ; Bro . Gardiner , W . M . S 4 , Guernsey ; Bro . Ashley , P . M . - 254 , Coventry , P G . J . W . Warwickshire ; Bro . De Grute , Birmingham ; Bro . Woolf , P . M . 223 , Plymouth ; and others . The Committee meet at their Room on the first Thursday in every month , at 8 p . m . All subscriptions , together with the names of the donors , will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON . In order to ensure success , it is hoped that every Brother will personally interest himself in the movement . Bro . E . GOTTHEIL , P . M . 141 , Hon . Sec , 120 , Mile End Road , E .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil's residence . —Address , Office of this Paper . A LADY , having met with much success in the tuition of English , French , and Music , desires a RE-ENGAGEMENT . First-class references can be given . —Address , A . B ., office of this paper .
WA NTED GOLD EMBROIDERERS ( indoors ) . —Kenning ' s Military Warehouse , Little Britain . •HPYLER or JANITOR . —Address , Air . JL BAVIN , 11 , Peel-terrace , Creek-road , Deptford .
CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . OPIATES , Narcotics , and Squills , are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary Diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author ofthe "Anti-Lancet , " says : — " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly ana invariably it subdued Cough , Pain , and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local iritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . 1 Ience it is used with the most signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Ouinsy , and all affections of the throat and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers , in bottles al is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and lis . each , and wholesale by J . M . CROSDV , Chemist , Scarborough . * „* ' Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gralis of any respectable Chemist .
T 70 R COUGHS , COLDS , ASTHMA , I 3 RON-1 C 1 I 1 TIS , and NEURALGIA . —THE GREAT REMEDY of ihe day is Dr . J . COLL 1 S BROWNE'S CIILORODYNE : a few doses will cure all incipient cases . Camion . —The extraordinary medical reports on the efficiency of ihe Chlorodync renders it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine , which is now sold under the protection of Government , authorising a stamp bearing the words "Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne , " without which none is genuine . See decision of Vicc-Chanccllor Sir XV . Page Wood , the "Times , " July 16 , 1 S 64 . Sold in bottles , JS . l ^< d ., 2 s . od ., and 4 s . 6 d ., by all Chemists . Sole Manufacturer , T | . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , London , W . C . From LORD FRANCIS CONYNGIIAM , Mount Charles , Donegal , December 11 , 1865 : — " Lord Francis Conyngham , who this lime last year bought some of Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne from Mr . Davenport , and has found it a most wonderful Medicine , will be glad to have half-a-dozen bottles sent the above address . " Sole Manufacturer , J . T . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury .
STAMMERING . —Rev . E . Danziger ( M . M . ) , v _) 24 , Welheck-street , Cavcndish-squarc . Loiidon ; North Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Carlerstreet , Gvccnhays , Manchester , effectually and permanently CURES ALL IMPEDIMENT OF SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or other causes , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . The highest references and testimonials can be obtained en application . No fee if no benefit derived .