Article NEW GRAND OFFICERS. ← Page 3 of 4 Article NEW GRAND OFFICERS. Page 3 of 4 Article THE GIRLS' SCHOOL FÊTE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE COMING FESTIVAL OF THE GIRLS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1
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New Grand Officers.
John ; a Knight Templar and Knight of Malta , Holy Palestine Preceptory and Priory ; a Royal Ark Mariner , Royal and Select Masters , a member of the Rosicrucian Society , and a Knight of the Royal Order of Council . Last , but not least , he is a Vice-President and honorary Vice-Patron of the
Girls' School , has served five Stewardships in its support , and has been and is a member of the House Committee . He is a Vice-Patron , and has served two Stewardships for the Boys * School , and is a Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . A brother who has done all this merits the promotion he has received .
GRAND STANDARD BEARERS . Bro . G . P ARKER BROCKBANK is a Mason of close on 40 years ' standing , having been initiated in the St . John's Lodge , No . 221 , Bolton , while yet a minor , on 17 th January , 1846 . He was installed W . M . in January 18 49 , and , besides having been its Secretary for several years , held the office of Treasurer continuously from 1870 to 1884 , both inclusive . He joined the
Anchor and Hope Lodge , No . 37 , Bolton , in 1870 , was installed W . M . in 1883 , and is now Secretary ,, having been appointed for the eighth time , though not consecutively , during the present year , while in 1 S 76 and 1 S 77 he was Treasurer . In 1877 he was founder and first W . M . of the St . George's Lodge , No . 1723 , Bolton , was Secretary of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 64 , Manchester—of which he is a joining member—in 18 S 3 and
1 S 84 , and was affiliated to the Lodge of Edinburgh , No . 1 . ( Mary's Chapel ) in July 1 SS 1 , and to Mother Kilwinning in July 1884 . He was exalted in the St . John ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 221 , in May , 1847 , and successively occupied the chairs of J ., H ., and Z . in 1849 , 1850 , and 1851 . He is a joining member and present M . E . Z . of the Chapter of Concord , No . 37 , and last year held conjointly the offices of Scribe E . and Treasurer . These services have been honourably recognised in the Province of East Lancashire , Bro .
Brockbank having in Prov . G , Lodge been a Prov . Grand Steward in 1 S 49 ar , d Prov , G . S . D . in 1 S 72 , and in Prov .
Grand Chapter , Prov . Grand Treasurer during the years 1 S 73-4 and 1 S 74-5 , and Prov . Grand Scribe N . in 1 S 82 . His services in Mark Masonry , with which he became connected in
1848 , have been equally conspicuous . He is P . M . and Treasurer of the St . John ' s Lodge , Bolton , T . L ; was founder and first W . M . of the Rose and Thistle Lodge , No .
158 , Wigan , in 1 S 72 , a Past Prov . G . S . Warden Lancashire , under both the Scottish and United Scottish and English Constitutions , and a Past Grand Warden of the Mark Grand Lodge of England , by patent
of 1872 . His career in Templar Masonry dates from 1847 , when he was installed in the St . John of Jerusalem Encampment . Heis a Past E . C . and present Treasurer , a Past Treasurer and Past E . C . ( or E . P . as it is now designated ) of the Royds Preceptory , Manchester , for the warrant of which he was one of the petitioners ; a Past Prov . Grand Constable , Lancashire , and a Past 1 st G . Captain of England . In the affiliated Order of Malta he is a Past Prov .
Grand 1 st Lieutenant . In the Ancient and Accepted Rite he was perfected in the Palatine Rose Croix Chapter , Bolton , in 1856 ; was founder and first M . W . S . of the St . Peter ' s Chapter , Bolton , in 1871 , and has been numbered amongst the members of the 32 since 1880 . He was admitted a knight of the Royal Order of Scotland in 1873 , and has been successively Prov . Grand Treasurer , Prov . G . S . Warden , Deputy Prov . Grand Master ,
and Prov . Grand Treasurer Lancashire and Cheshire . He is a member of the Rosicrucian Society of England , became honorary IX in 1881 , and Chief Adept Lancashire in 1883 ; and in the Order of Rome and the Red Cross of Constantine holds the rank of an Intendant General of Division unattached . In addition , Bro , Brockbank is a Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , an honorary member of sundry Masonic Bodies ,
Chairman of the Manchester Masonic Charitable Association , and Chairman of the Finance Committee of the East Lancashire Systematic Benevolent Association . And , by way of completing this long and honourable record , we may add that Bro . Brockbank has not onl y qualified as Vice-President of each of our Charitable Institutions , but has likewise taken upon himself the office of Steward at something like 22 of their Anniversary Festivals .
Bro . BUTLER WILKINS , Deputy Prov . G . M . Northants and Hunts , was initiated into Freemasonry in the Globe Lodge , No . 23 , London , in October , 1851 , but it was not till eight years had passed that , by joining the Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 , Northampton , he became associated with the province of which he has for so many years been one of the most conspicuous and certainly one of the most active members . In December , 1861 , he was installed
W . M ., and having further established himself in various Ways firmly in the estimation of the brethren of the province , he was appointed and installed its Deputy P . G . M . on 12 th January , 1875 . Bro . Wilkins likewise holds a corresponding position in Royal Arch Masonry , having been exalted to that Degree in the Northampton Chapter , No . 360 , on 16 th February , i 860 , and installed M . E . Z . on the 27 th February , 1868 . In February , 1882 , he was
appointed and invested as Prov . G . H . Norths and Hunts , but he does not seem to have extended his connection to the other Degrees which stand outside the pale ol constitutional Masonry . Had he done so , the time at his disposal for the fulfilment of his very responsible duties of Deputy P . G . M . must have been more circumscribed , and who knows but what the interests
of the Fraternity might not have suffered in consequence ? Bro . Wilkins , however , has acted as Steward at one of the Festivals of the Benevolent Institution , and he figures in the roll of Life Governors of the Boys' School . In fine , after upwards of 30 years' loyal devotion to the Crart , the honours of the purple , which have now been bestowed , are richly deserved , and will prove a subject of rejoicing , not only to the recipient , but likewise to the whole of the Craft in the Province of Northants and Hunts .
New Grand Officers.
ASSISTANT GRAND PURSUIVANT . Bro . ALBERT LUCKING was initiated in the Lodge of True Friendship No . 160 , Romford , in September , 1867 , and was elected W . M . in 18 73 , and for the second time in June of last year . In January , 1 S 6 S , he joined the Priory Lodge , No . 1000 , Southend , and was chosen its' W . M . in 1 S 75 . In
the meantime his services to the Craft first instance by his appointment , in
in Essex had been recognised , in the 1872 , as a Prov . Grand Steward , in the following year by his promotion to the rank of Prov . Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , and in 1 S 74 by his appointment as Prov . Grand
Director of Ceremonies , to which lastnamed office he has been annually reelected ever since . He was exalted in the Burdett Chapter , No . 1293 , in November , 1 S 74 , and in the May following became a founder and first J .
of the Priory Chapter , No . 1000 . In 1876 he rose to the chair of Second Principal , and in 1 S 77 was installed M . E . Z . Since 18 79 hehas held the office of Treasurer to this chapter . On the formation of the Prov . Grand
Chapter of Essex in 1883 , Comp . Philbrick , Prov . Grand Superintendent , conferred on him the collar of Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies , and last year he was re-appointed to
the same important post . To these claims of Bro . Lucking to the honours of the purple must be added the services he has rendered to our Institutions , of each of which he has
qualified as Life Governor , and for which he has served as Steward at four different anniversaries , namely , twice forthe Girls' School , and once in each case for the Boys' School and Benevolent Institution ,
The Girls' School Fête.
The annual fete and distribution of prizes , on the occasion of the visit paid by the Festival Stewards and their friends to the Institution , will be held at 4 . 30 p . m . on the afternoon of Saturday , the 9 th inst ., when the duty of presiding has been very kindly undertaken by the Lady Mayoress ( Miss Fowler ); and , given fine weather , we may anticipate a numerous attendance
and , as usual , a most agreeable gathering . An excellent programme of music and other entertainments has been prepared , and in the intervals the prizes will be given to the successful candidates by the Lady Ma 3 'oress . At 6 . 30 p . m ., coffee , & c , will be served , and then will follow what many undoubtedly regard as the most attractive feature of the day ' s proceedings , namely , the calisthenic exercises and marching .
It should be mentioned that Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., who has undertaken to preside at the Festival , and who , in ordinary circumstances , would have occupied the chair on this occasion , found it incompatible with his numerous and pressing engagements to carry out this part of his duty . But it must not be supposed that our distinguished brother has left unvisited the School whose cause he is about to advocate . A few days
since , accompanied by a majority of the Sussex brethren who are so loyally backing up his efforts , Bro . Sir W . Burrell went to St . John ' s Hill and carefully inspected the School and its surroundings ; and we understand he expressed himself as being delighted beyond measure with what he saw and the evident excellence of the system adopted by the Executive , and carried
out by the resident staff under the Misses Jarwood and Davis . The opinion thus formed will no doubt stimulate the Chairman to , if possible , additional fervour in his appeal for support on behalf of an Institution so ably and so successfully administered and cannot fail to exercise a beneficial influence on the result of the Festival .
The Coming Festival Of The Girls' School.
The 97 th Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held , as usual , at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst . R . W . Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Sussex , has kindly undertaken to preside . The brethren of his province will support him loyally , and we may venture to assume that in the course of the proceedings observed on such occasions there will be the same hearty
demonstrations of enthusiasm in behalf of our oldest charity which have characterised its annual celebrations in previous years . There is no doubt as to the favour with which the Institution is regarded by the Craft generally , the services it is daily rendering to the cause of education , and the justice , therefore , of its appeals for support by the lodges and brethren under the jurisdiction of our Grand Lodge ; and the question we are about to consider now is whether
this particular appeal is likely to be as beneficial , as regards the eminently practical purpose of clothing , educating , and maintaining some 240 daug hters of deceased or necessitous Masons , as the largeness of its requirements when compared with the smallness of its permanent income demands . The irrevocable answer to this question will be forthcoming on Wednesday next , but we regret to say that , so far as it is possible to form any opinion of the nature and extent of that answer from the amount of support promised to date ,
the indications of a somewhat decided falling off in the amount of subscriptions and donations are both numerous and pronounced . Of course , while there is time , there is hope , and even the brief space of a single day may suffice to alter the prospect from doubtful to " set fair . " But as the position of things is now , we are constrained to say , though we say it unwilling ly , there is a very strong probability that thesum which Bro . Hedges will be called upon to announce on Wednesday next will be considerably below what he announced at the Festival of 1884 . .
, Our reasons for formulating this opinion will be gathered from 'W " follows . First and foremost—as regards the Board of Stewards , there is » very appreciable decrease in the number of brethren composing it as compared with last year . In 1884 , when the Prov . Grand Master of Essex presided , the Board mustered 285 brethren . In this instance the Board , so lar as is known at present , musters only 265 brethren all told , so that J 3 ro . Hedges has fewer Stewards to help him this year than last by 20 , and 20
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Grand Officers.
John ; a Knight Templar and Knight of Malta , Holy Palestine Preceptory and Priory ; a Royal Ark Mariner , Royal and Select Masters , a member of the Rosicrucian Society , and a Knight of the Royal Order of Council . Last , but not least , he is a Vice-President and honorary Vice-Patron of the
Girls' School , has served five Stewardships in its support , and has been and is a member of the House Committee . He is a Vice-Patron , and has served two Stewardships for the Boys * School , and is a Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . A brother who has done all this merits the promotion he has received .
GRAND STANDARD BEARERS . Bro . G . P ARKER BROCKBANK is a Mason of close on 40 years ' standing , having been initiated in the St . John's Lodge , No . 221 , Bolton , while yet a minor , on 17 th January , 1846 . He was installed W . M . in January 18 49 , and , besides having been its Secretary for several years , held the office of Treasurer continuously from 1870 to 1884 , both inclusive . He joined the
Anchor and Hope Lodge , No . 37 , Bolton , in 1870 , was installed W . M . in 1883 , and is now Secretary ,, having been appointed for the eighth time , though not consecutively , during the present year , while in 1 S 76 and 1 S 77 he was Treasurer . In 1877 he was founder and first W . M . of the St . George's Lodge , No . 1723 , Bolton , was Secretary of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 64 , Manchester—of which he is a joining member—in 18 S 3 and
1 S 84 , and was affiliated to the Lodge of Edinburgh , No . 1 . ( Mary's Chapel ) in July 1 SS 1 , and to Mother Kilwinning in July 1884 . He was exalted in the St . John ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 221 , in May , 1847 , and successively occupied the chairs of J ., H ., and Z . in 1849 , 1850 , and 1851 . He is a joining member and present M . E . Z . of the Chapter of Concord , No . 37 , and last year held conjointly the offices of Scribe E . and Treasurer . These services have been honourably recognised in the Province of East Lancashire , Bro .
Brockbank having in Prov . G , Lodge been a Prov . Grand Steward in 1 S 49 ar , d Prov , G . S . D . in 1 S 72 , and in Prov .
Grand Chapter , Prov . Grand Treasurer during the years 1 S 73-4 and 1 S 74-5 , and Prov . Grand Scribe N . in 1 S 82 . His services in Mark Masonry , with which he became connected in
1848 , have been equally conspicuous . He is P . M . and Treasurer of the St . John ' s Lodge , Bolton , T . L ; was founder and first W . M . of the Rose and Thistle Lodge , No .
158 , Wigan , in 1 S 72 , a Past Prov . G . S . Warden Lancashire , under both the Scottish and United Scottish and English Constitutions , and a Past Grand Warden of the Mark Grand Lodge of England , by patent
of 1872 . His career in Templar Masonry dates from 1847 , when he was installed in the St . John of Jerusalem Encampment . Heis a Past E . C . and present Treasurer , a Past Treasurer and Past E . C . ( or E . P . as it is now designated ) of the Royds Preceptory , Manchester , for the warrant of which he was one of the petitioners ; a Past Prov . Grand Constable , Lancashire , and a Past 1 st G . Captain of England . In the affiliated Order of Malta he is a Past Prov .
Grand 1 st Lieutenant . In the Ancient and Accepted Rite he was perfected in the Palatine Rose Croix Chapter , Bolton , in 1856 ; was founder and first M . W . S . of the St . Peter ' s Chapter , Bolton , in 1871 , and has been numbered amongst the members of the 32 since 1880 . He was admitted a knight of the Royal Order of Scotland in 1873 , and has been successively Prov . Grand Treasurer , Prov . G . S . Warden , Deputy Prov . Grand Master ,
and Prov . Grand Treasurer Lancashire and Cheshire . He is a member of the Rosicrucian Society of England , became honorary IX in 1881 , and Chief Adept Lancashire in 1883 ; and in the Order of Rome and the Red Cross of Constantine holds the rank of an Intendant General of Division unattached . In addition , Bro , Brockbank is a Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , an honorary member of sundry Masonic Bodies ,
Chairman of the Manchester Masonic Charitable Association , and Chairman of the Finance Committee of the East Lancashire Systematic Benevolent Association . And , by way of completing this long and honourable record , we may add that Bro . Brockbank has not onl y qualified as Vice-President of each of our Charitable Institutions , but has likewise taken upon himself the office of Steward at something like 22 of their Anniversary Festivals .
Bro . BUTLER WILKINS , Deputy Prov . G . M . Northants and Hunts , was initiated into Freemasonry in the Globe Lodge , No . 23 , London , in October , 1851 , but it was not till eight years had passed that , by joining the Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 , Northampton , he became associated with the province of which he has for so many years been one of the most conspicuous and certainly one of the most active members . In December , 1861 , he was installed
W . M ., and having further established himself in various Ways firmly in the estimation of the brethren of the province , he was appointed and installed its Deputy P . G . M . on 12 th January , 1875 . Bro . Wilkins likewise holds a corresponding position in Royal Arch Masonry , having been exalted to that Degree in the Northampton Chapter , No . 360 , on 16 th February , i 860 , and installed M . E . Z . on the 27 th February , 1868 . In February , 1882 , he was
appointed and invested as Prov . G . H . Norths and Hunts , but he does not seem to have extended his connection to the other Degrees which stand outside the pale ol constitutional Masonry . Had he done so , the time at his disposal for the fulfilment of his very responsible duties of Deputy P . G . M . must have been more circumscribed , and who knows but what the interests
of the Fraternity might not have suffered in consequence ? Bro . Wilkins , however , has acted as Steward at one of the Festivals of the Benevolent Institution , and he figures in the roll of Life Governors of the Boys' School . In fine , after upwards of 30 years' loyal devotion to the Crart , the honours of the purple , which have now been bestowed , are richly deserved , and will prove a subject of rejoicing , not only to the recipient , but likewise to the whole of the Craft in the Province of Northants and Hunts .
New Grand Officers.
ASSISTANT GRAND PURSUIVANT . Bro . ALBERT LUCKING was initiated in the Lodge of True Friendship No . 160 , Romford , in September , 1867 , and was elected W . M . in 18 73 , and for the second time in June of last year . In January , 1 S 6 S , he joined the Priory Lodge , No . 1000 , Southend , and was chosen its' W . M . in 1 S 75 . In
the meantime his services to the Craft first instance by his appointment , in
in Essex had been recognised , in the 1872 , as a Prov . Grand Steward , in the following year by his promotion to the rank of Prov . Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , and in 1 S 74 by his appointment as Prov . Grand
Director of Ceremonies , to which lastnamed office he has been annually reelected ever since . He was exalted in the Burdett Chapter , No . 1293 , in November , 1 S 74 , and in the May following became a founder and first J .
of the Priory Chapter , No . 1000 . In 1876 he rose to the chair of Second Principal , and in 1 S 77 was installed M . E . Z . Since 18 79 hehas held the office of Treasurer to this chapter . On the formation of the Prov . Grand
Chapter of Essex in 1883 , Comp . Philbrick , Prov . Grand Superintendent , conferred on him the collar of Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies , and last year he was re-appointed to
the same important post . To these claims of Bro . Lucking to the honours of the purple must be added the services he has rendered to our Institutions , of each of which he has
qualified as Life Governor , and for which he has served as Steward at four different anniversaries , namely , twice forthe Girls' School , and once in each case for the Boys' School and Benevolent Institution ,
The Girls' School Fête.
The annual fete and distribution of prizes , on the occasion of the visit paid by the Festival Stewards and their friends to the Institution , will be held at 4 . 30 p . m . on the afternoon of Saturday , the 9 th inst ., when the duty of presiding has been very kindly undertaken by the Lady Mayoress ( Miss Fowler ); and , given fine weather , we may anticipate a numerous attendance
and , as usual , a most agreeable gathering . An excellent programme of music and other entertainments has been prepared , and in the intervals the prizes will be given to the successful candidates by the Lady Ma 3 'oress . At 6 . 30 p . m ., coffee , & c , will be served , and then will follow what many undoubtedly regard as the most attractive feature of the day ' s proceedings , namely , the calisthenic exercises and marching .
It should be mentioned that Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., who has undertaken to preside at the Festival , and who , in ordinary circumstances , would have occupied the chair on this occasion , found it incompatible with his numerous and pressing engagements to carry out this part of his duty . But it must not be supposed that our distinguished brother has left unvisited the School whose cause he is about to advocate . A few days
since , accompanied by a majority of the Sussex brethren who are so loyally backing up his efforts , Bro . Sir W . Burrell went to St . John ' s Hill and carefully inspected the School and its surroundings ; and we understand he expressed himself as being delighted beyond measure with what he saw and the evident excellence of the system adopted by the Executive , and carried
out by the resident staff under the Misses Jarwood and Davis . The opinion thus formed will no doubt stimulate the Chairman to , if possible , additional fervour in his appeal for support on behalf of an Institution so ably and so successfully administered and cannot fail to exercise a beneficial influence on the result of the Festival .
The Coming Festival Of The Girls' School.
The 97 th Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held , as usual , at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst . R . W . Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Sussex , has kindly undertaken to preside . The brethren of his province will support him loyally , and we may venture to assume that in the course of the proceedings observed on such occasions there will be the same hearty
demonstrations of enthusiasm in behalf of our oldest charity which have characterised its annual celebrations in previous years . There is no doubt as to the favour with which the Institution is regarded by the Craft generally , the services it is daily rendering to the cause of education , and the justice , therefore , of its appeals for support by the lodges and brethren under the jurisdiction of our Grand Lodge ; and the question we are about to consider now is whether
this particular appeal is likely to be as beneficial , as regards the eminently practical purpose of clothing , educating , and maintaining some 240 daug hters of deceased or necessitous Masons , as the largeness of its requirements when compared with the smallness of its permanent income demands . The irrevocable answer to this question will be forthcoming on Wednesday next , but we regret to say that , so far as it is possible to form any opinion of the nature and extent of that answer from the amount of support promised to date ,
the indications of a somewhat decided falling off in the amount of subscriptions and donations are both numerous and pronounced . Of course , while there is time , there is hope , and even the brief space of a single day may suffice to alter the prospect from doubtful to " set fair . " But as the position of things is now , we are constrained to say , though we say it unwilling ly , there is a very strong probability that thesum which Bro . Hedges will be called upon to announce on Wednesday next will be considerably below what he announced at the Festival of 1884 . .
, Our reasons for formulating this opinion will be gathered from 'W " follows . First and foremost—as regards the Board of Stewards , there is » very appreciable decrease in the number of brethren composing it as compared with last year . In 1884 , when the Prov . Grand Master of Essex presided , the Board mustered 285 brethren . In this instance the Board , so lar as is known at present , musters only 265 brethren all told , so that J 3 ro . Hedges has fewer Stewards to help him this year than last by 20 , and 20