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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . CHIEF PATRONESS : HER MAJ ESTY THE QUEEN . GRAND PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . GRAND PATRONESS : H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES . THE NINETY-SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will take place On WEDNESDAY , the 13 th MAY next , under the Presidency of SIR WALTER W . BURRELL , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER OF SUSSEX . Brethren willing to serve the office of Steward are very urgently needed ; they will much oblige by forwarding their names as early as possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . President : —Bro . Lieut .-Gen . RANDOLPH , Prov . G . S . W . Sussex . Treasurer . —Bro . D . P . CAMA , P . P . G . S . B . Middx . Chairman of Ladies' Stewards . —Bro . J . H . MATTHEWS . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . Office—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , W . C .
FOURTH APPLICATION . ROYAL MASONIcfBENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . MAY ELECTION , 1 SS 5 . To THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ABOVE INSTITUTION . Your Votes and Interest are respectfully solicited on Dehalf of WILLIAM HARRISON , who has been a Subscribing Member to Freemasonry for fourteen years and half , and a Past Master of the Westbourne Lodge , No . 733 , is in very reduced circumstances and incapable to earn a livelihood . The case is strongly recommended by the following : Bro . C . A . CormmuxB , | Hro . BEXJAMIX KERSHAW , P . M . P . G . P ., P . M . 733 , 9 S 7 . j 733- , 12 : 7 , P . Z . 77 , 177 , and 733 . ! „ . loiix MARTE . V , 733 . „ HKNRY RomxsoK , P . M . ,, WALTER HALLETT , P . M . 1 So . 733-„ W . C . PARSUXS , P . M ., Sec . „ \ V . DREW , I . G . 733 . 180 . „ JAMES LOXG , P . M . 733 . „ G . VV . A . H . FLETCHER , „ c :. K . W . ITKI . V , J . D . 733 . W . M . 180 . „ . 1 . W . CURTIS , 733 . „ ] onx MILES , Treas . 1 S 0 . „ 1 " . W . ALLEX , P . M . 733 . „ " A . STUMER , P . M . 1 X 0 . „ K . 1 . ALLEX , P . M . 733 . „ CitAf . J . W . iM , P . M . 1 S 0 . „ S . H , WALKER , Sec . 733 . ,, WILLIAM HITCHCOCK , W . M . „ K . G . HASTO . V , 733 . 733- » . l ° nx' WARDEL , 733 . „ Joiix WELIORP , P . M . 733 . » LEWIS ASCOTT , P . M . 733 . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . GOODWIN , P . M . 733 , iS , Jonson-place , Harrow-road , W . ; Bro . LAW , 704 , " Whittington Stone , " Highgate-hill , N ., and by the applicant , 2 S , Salisbury-road , Highgate-hill , N .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . MAY ELECTION , 1885 . URGENT APPEAL . To THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OI" THE ABOVE INSTITUTION . The [ favour ' of your Votes and Interest is most earnestly requested on behalf of HELEN SHAVES , Aged 5 G years , Widow of the late Bro . William Shayes , who was initiated in the Lodge of Temperance in the East , No . SgS , in iSCG , and continued a Subscribing Member until his death , having filled all the offices ; he was also one of the founders of the Corinthian Lodge , No . 13 S 2 , and filled the offices of J . W . and S . W . and was W . M . at the time of his death in February , 1 SS 4 , leaving his Widow wholly unprovided for . The case , No . G 4 on List , is strongly recommended by : — The Lodge of Temperance in the East , S 9 S . Corinthian Lodge , 13 S 2 . And by the following brethren : 13 ro . GEORGE GRAVELEY , P . M . S 9 S , Cheops , Lcvtonstonc , E . * „ CHARLES SCKUTTOX , P . M . S 08 , 8 , Preston's Road , Poplar , 15 . * „ CHARLES WVATT SMITH , P . M . and Sec . 80 S , 149 , High-st ., Poplar , K . „ PEXJAMIX CARTER / P . M . S 9 S , 13 S 2 , and 181 G , Blue Hear , . Stratford , Ji , „ | xo . D ELVES , P . M . I 13 S 3 , Newcastle Arms , Cubitt Town , K . * „ VIKUHUK I . IMS , V . M . H 71 , 13 S 2 ; 2 , Mcltish-strcrt , Mittwall , H . ,, GEORGE B . SMITH , P . M . 13 S 5 , Iron Bridge Tavern , jiast India Dock-road , li . *„ G . II . STEPHENS , W . M . . IU 2 3 * ; 1382 , 80 S ; 17 , Waldcn-street , Stepnev , Ii . „ Jusiii'ii CARXAHV , P . M . 13 S 2 , 78 , Manchcster-road , Cubitt Town , Ii . „ HENRY M . SIU'LERT , P . M . 2 ' 7 . s <) s > and 1382 ; 89 , Clvtisp . street , Ii , Proxies will be thankfully received by those brethren marked * thus , and by Mrs . Shayes , 45 , Wade-street , Poplar , London , E .
MIDLAND RAILWAY .-TOURIST ARRANGEMENTS , iSSs . —TOURIST TICKETS will be issued from May ist to the 31 st October , 1 SS 5 . For Particulars , see Time Tables and Programmes , issued by the Company . —JOHN NOBLE , General Manager . Derby , April , 1 SS 5 .
MEMORY AND SUCCESS . pROF . LOISETTE . Physiological Memory . Art of Never Forgetting . Wholly unlike Mnemonics . pROF . LOISETTE . Lost Memories Restored . The worst made good , And the best better . pROF . LOISETTE . Cure of Mind-Wandering . Any book learned In one reading . pROF . LOISETTE . PROSPECTUS POST FREE . Great inducements to Correspondence Classes . Also Private Lessons by POST . -37 . New Oxford Street , London , W . C .
GOVERNESSES' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION ANNUITY FUND . Your Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited in favour of MISS MARY ANN HILL , Aged 54 years . Her father was , for many years , Secretary to a Ban k , and died when she was young . Miss HILL has been a Governess for 20 years , and saved money , but lost it by unfortunate investments . Her age renders it difficult for her to obtain employment . She has no income , and is entirely dependent on the kindness of friends . The Case is strongly recommended by—The COUXTESS OF ESSEX , Cassiobury Park , Watford . The COUNTESS OF SEKTOX , Croxteth Hall , Lancashire . Honble . Mils . LAW , Hampton Court Palace . Honble , A . GRAVES , Parkshot , Richmond . Mrs . D . RICARDO , 8 , Chesham Street , JJelgrave Square . The Rev . P . CAMERON WODEHOUSE , Hampton Court Palace . Rev . Dr . Hughes , Castlebar Court , Haling . The Rev . W . MIDWINTER , Vicar of St . Paul ' s , Lisson Grove . T . A . J OXES , lisij ., 40 , Chancery Lane . Mrs . DARLIXO , 8 , PbilHmore Gardens , Kensington . * Miss HARE , g , Argyle Road , Kensington , Miss COLE , 8 4 , Sutherland Gardens , Maida Vale . * The Rev . C J . MARTVX , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk . * Who will kindly receive proxies . No . 6 4 on List , Election 1 st May , i 8 SJ .
FIELD - LANE REFUGES AND RAGGED SCHOOLS . THE FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THIS INSTITUTION ( D . V . ) WILL BE HELD On WEDNESDAY , JUNE toth , 1885 , AT THE HOLBORN TOWN HALL . Chair to be taken at Six o ' clock by the EARL OF SHAFTESBURY , K . G . The Children of the Schools will form a Choir and sing several pieces during the evening . This Institution Maintains and Benefits about 3000 Persons weekly . Funds urgently needed . Tickets for the Meeting may be obtained at the Schools , Vine-street , Clerkenwell-road , or from the Secretary , MR . PEREGRINE PLATT .
ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY , 92 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E . C . FIRE , LIFE ~ i ACCIDENT . Capital—One Million Two Hundred Thousand Pounds . Instituted 1808 , and Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . The Company has been in existence more than 76 Years . Moderate Rates . Prompt Settlements . Liberal Conditions . All its Funds are Invested in Great Britain . Transacts Home Business only . No Hypothecation of Funds for Foreign Policy Holders . Ample Reserves apart from Capital . LIFE DEPARTMENT—Whole-World Assurances . Liberal Surrender Values given in Cash or by paid-up Policies . Payment of Claims immediately on proof of death . All kinds of Life Assurance transacted . ACCIDENTS—Assured Against , whether fatal or causing total or partial disablement , at moderate rates , and with liberal Compensation . p | RE—Policies issued free of expense , LOSSES OCCASIONED BY LIGHTNING willkepaid whether the property be set on lire or not .-LOSS OR DAMAGE canseil by Explosion of Coal Gau in any building assured will be made good . Seven Years' Policies granted on payment of Six Years' Premiums . Active Agents Wanted . SAMUEL J . PIPKIN , Secretary .
MONEY MAKES MONEY . CAREFUL INVESTMENTS in Stocks and Shares are often doubled in a day . £ 10 to £ 1000 realizes the same ratio of profit . Non-liability system . Explanatory Book ( Fifth Edition ) sent gratis and post free . Address GEORGE EVANS & Co ., Stockbrokers , 141 & 142 , Gresham House , Old Broad Street , London , E . C .
¦ M"p \ X 7- ANYONE CAN PLAY THEM . ix Ed VV No INSTRUCTION NECESSARY WILL PLAY ANY TUNE . PRICES TV / rTTCTr ^ A T HYMNS = SONGS , FROM 20 / - 1 V 1 U OlV ^ rLLf DANCES , AND WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS , QUADRILLES IF DESIRED . EQUAL TO A PIANO . COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE . W O JN JDJL IRS . Orguinette Music i £ d . per foot , New List . MUSICAL BOXES . INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED . Sewing Machines Half-price . J . N . WOOD & CO ., 1 , City-road , Finsbury-sq ., London , E . C .
DAGGED SCHOOL UNTON " . THE FORTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY will be held in EXETER HALL , On Monday Evening , May nth , 1885 , at Six o ' clock . 750 old scholars will receive prizes from the PRESIDENT , THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY . They will also form a choir and sing a selection of pieces . Admission by Ticket . FUNDS URGENTLY NEEDED to sustain these centres of Gospel light and beneficence amongst our Ragged Poor . JOHN KIRK , Secretary . Office : Exeter Hall , W . C .
TNFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM , A WANSTEAD . PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . THE FIFTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY Will be celebrated at the ASYLUM , Wanstead , On THURSDAY , the 25 th June next , The Chair will be taken by BRO . THE RT . HON . LORD BROOKE , M . P ., PROV . GRAND MASTER FOR ESSEX . Gentlemen willing to act as Stewards are respectfully requested to forward their names to the Secretary . HENRY W . GREEN , Secretary . Office : 100 , Fleet-st ., E .
A BROTHER desires a SITUATION as Time-keeper or in any Place of Trust . Good references . —Address , Samuel Pike , 4 , James-street , Yorkroad , King's-cross .
A BROTHER desires employment in any capacity not menial , at home or abroad , Professional man ; good references . —Address , No . 271 The Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-st ., London , W . C .
TO PROVINCIAL MASONIC ELECTION ASSOCIATIONS AND OTHERS . Any Association having no case of their own to promote , who will assist the undersigned in securing the election of Mrs . JANE TRIBE , at the forthcoming Election , will be guaranteed a certain repayment of 125 Mixed Votes annually , and as many more as he can obtain , by C . J . Perceval , V . P . of all Institutions , No . 8 , Thurloe-place , S . W .
TO BE LET . A THREE-STALLED STABLE , with CARRIAGE-HOUSE , and other conveniences , situate in Parker-street , Drury Lane , W . C . —Apply at the Freemason Office , 16 , Gt . Queen-street , W . C .
NOTICE—GRASS FED LAMB NOW IN SEASON ; Delicious Flavour . Fore-Quarters , gld . per lb . ; Hind-Quarters , io £ d per lb . Sent anywhere Free of Charge . Carts deliver in Finchley . W . H . ATTWELL'S Old-established Welsh Mutton House , 2 S 4 , Strand .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . J Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manage !*
NEXT OF KIN NEW EDITION . A Descriptive Index ( of 30 , 000 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin , Chancery Heirs . Sic , from 1700 . 2 s . 6 d . by postal order . —Address , YY . Culmer , 27 , Chancery-lane , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . CHIEF PATRONESS : HER MAJ ESTY THE QUEEN . GRAND PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . GRAND PATRONESS : H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES . THE NINETY-SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will take place On WEDNESDAY , the 13 th MAY next , under the Presidency of SIR WALTER W . BURRELL , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . PROV . GRAND MASTER OF SUSSEX . Brethren willing to serve the office of Steward are very urgently needed ; they will much oblige by forwarding their names as early as possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . President : —Bro . Lieut .-Gen . RANDOLPH , Prov . G . S . W . Sussex . Treasurer . —Bro . D . P . CAMA , P . P . G . S . B . Middx . Chairman of Ladies' Stewards . —Bro . J . H . MATTHEWS . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . Office—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , W . C .
FOURTH APPLICATION . ROYAL MASONIcfBENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . MAY ELECTION , 1 SS 5 . To THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ABOVE INSTITUTION . Your Votes and Interest are respectfully solicited on Dehalf of WILLIAM HARRISON , who has been a Subscribing Member to Freemasonry for fourteen years and half , and a Past Master of the Westbourne Lodge , No . 733 , is in very reduced circumstances and incapable to earn a livelihood . The case is strongly recommended by the following : Bro . C . A . CormmuxB , | Hro . BEXJAMIX KERSHAW , P . M . P . G . P ., P . M . 733 , 9 S 7 . j 733- , 12 : 7 , P . Z . 77 , 177 , and 733 . ! „ . loiix MARTE . V , 733 . „ HKNRY RomxsoK , P . M . ,, WALTER HALLETT , P . M . 1 So . 733-„ W . C . PARSUXS , P . M ., Sec . „ \ V . DREW , I . G . 733 . 180 . „ JAMES LOXG , P . M . 733 . „ G . VV . A . H . FLETCHER , „ c :. K . W . ITKI . V , J . D . 733 . W . M . 180 . „ . 1 . W . CURTIS , 733 . „ ] onx MILES , Treas . 1 S 0 . „ 1 " . W . ALLEX , P . M . 733 . „ " A . STUMER , P . M . 1 X 0 . „ K . 1 . ALLEX , P . M . 733 . „ CitAf . J . W . iM , P . M . 1 S 0 . „ S . H , WALKER , Sec . 733 . ,, WILLIAM HITCHCOCK , W . M . „ K . G . HASTO . V , 733 . 733- » . l ° nx' WARDEL , 733 . „ Joiix WELIORP , P . M . 733 . » LEWIS ASCOTT , P . M . 733 . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . GOODWIN , P . M . 733 , iS , Jonson-place , Harrow-road , W . ; Bro . LAW , 704 , " Whittington Stone , " Highgate-hill , N ., and by the applicant , 2 S , Salisbury-road , Highgate-hill , N .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . MAY ELECTION , 1885 . URGENT APPEAL . To THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OI" THE ABOVE INSTITUTION . The [ favour ' of your Votes and Interest is most earnestly requested on behalf of HELEN SHAVES , Aged 5 G years , Widow of the late Bro . William Shayes , who was initiated in the Lodge of Temperance in the East , No . SgS , in iSCG , and continued a Subscribing Member until his death , having filled all the offices ; he was also one of the founders of the Corinthian Lodge , No . 13 S 2 , and filled the offices of J . W . and S . W . and was W . M . at the time of his death in February , 1 SS 4 , leaving his Widow wholly unprovided for . The case , No . G 4 on List , is strongly recommended by : — The Lodge of Temperance in the East , S 9 S . Corinthian Lodge , 13 S 2 . And by the following brethren : 13 ro . GEORGE GRAVELEY , P . M . S 9 S , Cheops , Lcvtonstonc , E . * „ CHARLES SCKUTTOX , P . M . S 08 , 8 , Preston's Road , Poplar , 15 . * „ CHARLES WVATT SMITH , P . M . and Sec . 80 S , 149 , High-st ., Poplar , K . „ PEXJAMIX CARTER / P . M . S 9 S , 13 S 2 , and 181 G , Blue Hear , . Stratford , Ji , „ | xo . D ELVES , P . M . I 13 S 3 , Newcastle Arms , Cubitt Town , K . * „ VIKUHUK I . IMS , V . M . H 71 , 13 S 2 ; 2 , Mcltish-strcrt , Mittwall , H . ,, GEORGE B . SMITH , P . M . 13 S 5 , Iron Bridge Tavern , jiast India Dock-road , li . *„ G . II . STEPHENS , W . M . . IU 2 3 * ; 1382 , 80 S ; 17 , Waldcn-street , Stepnev , Ii . „ Jusiii'ii CARXAHV , P . M . 13 S 2 , 78 , Manchcster-road , Cubitt Town , Ii . „ HENRY M . SIU'LERT , P . M . 2 ' 7 . s <) s > and 1382 ; 89 , Clvtisp . street , Ii , Proxies will be thankfully received by those brethren marked * thus , and by Mrs . Shayes , 45 , Wade-street , Poplar , London , E .
MIDLAND RAILWAY .-TOURIST ARRANGEMENTS , iSSs . —TOURIST TICKETS will be issued from May ist to the 31 st October , 1 SS 5 . For Particulars , see Time Tables and Programmes , issued by the Company . —JOHN NOBLE , General Manager . Derby , April , 1 SS 5 .
MEMORY AND SUCCESS . pROF . LOISETTE . Physiological Memory . Art of Never Forgetting . Wholly unlike Mnemonics . pROF . LOISETTE . Lost Memories Restored . The worst made good , And the best better . pROF . LOISETTE . Cure of Mind-Wandering . Any book learned In one reading . pROF . LOISETTE . PROSPECTUS POST FREE . Great inducements to Correspondence Classes . Also Private Lessons by POST . -37 . New Oxford Street , London , W . C .
GOVERNESSES' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION ANNUITY FUND . Your Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited in favour of MISS MARY ANN HILL , Aged 54 years . Her father was , for many years , Secretary to a Ban k , and died when she was young . Miss HILL has been a Governess for 20 years , and saved money , but lost it by unfortunate investments . Her age renders it difficult for her to obtain employment . She has no income , and is entirely dependent on the kindness of friends . The Case is strongly recommended by—The COUXTESS OF ESSEX , Cassiobury Park , Watford . The COUNTESS OF SEKTOX , Croxteth Hall , Lancashire . Honble . Mils . LAW , Hampton Court Palace . Honble , A . GRAVES , Parkshot , Richmond . Mrs . D . RICARDO , 8 , Chesham Street , JJelgrave Square . The Rev . P . CAMERON WODEHOUSE , Hampton Court Palace . Rev . Dr . Hughes , Castlebar Court , Haling . The Rev . W . MIDWINTER , Vicar of St . Paul ' s , Lisson Grove . T . A . J OXES , lisij ., 40 , Chancery Lane . Mrs . DARLIXO , 8 , PbilHmore Gardens , Kensington . * Miss HARE , g , Argyle Road , Kensington , Miss COLE , 8 4 , Sutherland Gardens , Maida Vale . * The Rev . C J . MARTVX , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk . * Who will kindly receive proxies . No . 6 4 on List , Election 1 st May , i 8 SJ .
FIELD - LANE REFUGES AND RAGGED SCHOOLS . THE FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THIS INSTITUTION ( D . V . ) WILL BE HELD On WEDNESDAY , JUNE toth , 1885 , AT THE HOLBORN TOWN HALL . Chair to be taken at Six o ' clock by the EARL OF SHAFTESBURY , K . G . The Children of the Schools will form a Choir and sing several pieces during the evening . This Institution Maintains and Benefits about 3000 Persons weekly . Funds urgently needed . Tickets for the Meeting may be obtained at the Schools , Vine-street , Clerkenwell-road , or from the Secretary , MR . PEREGRINE PLATT .
ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY , 92 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E . C . FIRE , LIFE ~ i ACCIDENT . Capital—One Million Two Hundred Thousand Pounds . Instituted 1808 , and Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . The Company has been in existence more than 76 Years . Moderate Rates . Prompt Settlements . Liberal Conditions . All its Funds are Invested in Great Britain . Transacts Home Business only . No Hypothecation of Funds for Foreign Policy Holders . Ample Reserves apart from Capital . LIFE DEPARTMENT—Whole-World Assurances . Liberal Surrender Values given in Cash or by paid-up Policies . Payment of Claims immediately on proof of death . All kinds of Life Assurance transacted . ACCIDENTS—Assured Against , whether fatal or causing total or partial disablement , at moderate rates , and with liberal Compensation . p | RE—Policies issued free of expense , LOSSES OCCASIONED BY LIGHTNING willkepaid whether the property be set on lire or not .-LOSS OR DAMAGE canseil by Explosion of Coal Gau in any building assured will be made good . Seven Years' Policies granted on payment of Six Years' Premiums . Active Agents Wanted . SAMUEL J . PIPKIN , Secretary .
MONEY MAKES MONEY . CAREFUL INVESTMENTS in Stocks and Shares are often doubled in a day . £ 10 to £ 1000 realizes the same ratio of profit . Non-liability system . Explanatory Book ( Fifth Edition ) sent gratis and post free . Address GEORGE EVANS & Co ., Stockbrokers , 141 & 142 , Gresham House , Old Broad Street , London , E . C .
¦ M"p \ X 7- ANYONE CAN PLAY THEM . ix Ed VV No INSTRUCTION NECESSARY WILL PLAY ANY TUNE . PRICES TV / rTTCTr ^ A T HYMNS = SONGS , FROM 20 / - 1 V 1 U OlV ^ rLLf DANCES , AND WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS , QUADRILLES IF DESIRED . EQUAL TO A PIANO . COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE . W O JN JDJL IRS . Orguinette Music i £ d . per foot , New List . MUSICAL BOXES . INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED . Sewing Machines Half-price . J . N . WOOD & CO ., 1 , City-road , Finsbury-sq ., London , E . C .
DAGGED SCHOOL UNTON " . THE FORTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY will be held in EXETER HALL , On Monday Evening , May nth , 1885 , at Six o ' clock . 750 old scholars will receive prizes from the PRESIDENT , THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY . They will also form a choir and sing a selection of pieces . Admission by Ticket . FUNDS URGENTLY NEEDED to sustain these centres of Gospel light and beneficence amongst our Ragged Poor . JOHN KIRK , Secretary . Office : Exeter Hall , W . C .
TNFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM , A WANSTEAD . PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . THE FIFTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY Will be celebrated at the ASYLUM , Wanstead , On THURSDAY , the 25 th June next , The Chair will be taken by BRO . THE RT . HON . LORD BROOKE , M . P ., PROV . GRAND MASTER FOR ESSEX . Gentlemen willing to act as Stewards are respectfully requested to forward their names to the Secretary . HENRY W . GREEN , Secretary . Office : 100 , Fleet-st ., E .
A BROTHER desires a SITUATION as Time-keeper or in any Place of Trust . Good references . —Address , Samuel Pike , 4 , James-street , Yorkroad , King's-cross .
A BROTHER desires employment in any capacity not menial , at home or abroad , Professional man ; good references . —Address , No . 271 The Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-st ., London , W . C .
TO PROVINCIAL MASONIC ELECTION ASSOCIATIONS AND OTHERS . Any Association having no case of their own to promote , who will assist the undersigned in securing the election of Mrs . JANE TRIBE , at the forthcoming Election , will be guaranteed a certain repayment of 125 Mixed Votes annually , and as many more as he can obtain , by C . J . Perceval , V . P . of all Institutions , No . 8 , Thurloe-place , S . W .
TO BE LET . A THREE-STALLED STABLE , with CARRIAGE-HOUSE , and other conveniences , situate in Parker-street , Drury Lane , W . C . —Apply at the Freemason Office , 16 , Gt . Queen-street , W . C .
NOTICE—GRASS FED LAMB NOW IN SEASON ; Delicious Flavour . Fore-Quarters , gld . per lb . ; Hind-Quarters , io £ d per lb . Sent anywhere Free of Charge . Carts deliver in Finchley . W . H . ATTWELL'S Old-established Welsh Mutton House , 2 S 4 , Strand .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . J Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manage !*
NEXT OF KIN NEW EDITION . A Descriptive Index ( of 30 , 000 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin , Chancery Heirs . Sic , from 1700 . 2 s . 6 d . by postal order . —Address , YY . Culmer , 27 , Chancery-lane , London , W . C .