Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
has been an earnest supporter and has won for himself the kindly appellation of " father , " with several valuable works , including two old Books of Constitutions , one dated 1763 , relative to the town of Alnwick , and the last volume of the Palestine Exploration Fund . The lodge was afterwards duly closed . ———— - HAZEL GROVE . —Grove Lodge ( No . 1957 ) - —
The first installation ( since the consecration ) meeting in connection with this young lodge was held on Thursday , the 31 st ult ., at the Cock Inn . It scarcely seems 12 months ago since this lodge was consecrated by the Right Hon . Lordde Tabley , K . W . P . G . M . Cheshire . At that time the total number of members was 12 , but during the ensuing 12 months 15 members have been initiated , and the
lodge has made rapid strides towards shaking off the trammels of debt , and so far succeeded that the balance against it is nullified by the value of the furniture . For bringing about this satisfactory state of things , and working the lodge up to its present pitch of excellence , great praise is due to Bro . J . P . Bardsley , the first VV . M . and a P . M . of the Lodge of
Peace , Stockport . We are sure from the expression which fell from the lips of several brethren that all the members thoroughly appreciate the untiring zeal and labour which Bro . Bardsley " has all along displayed towards this lodge , and we unhesitatingly say that few brethren are to be met with who are both able and willing to devote time and labour in furthering the interests of their lodge and the
Craft generally as he has done . Some idea of the extent of Bro . Bardsley ' s powers may be gathered from the fact of his performing the initiation and passing ceremonies , and also the whole of the installation , including the three addresses , unassisted during one afternoon . The following brethren were present : Bros . J . P . Bardsley , VV . M . ; Thos . Smith , I . P . M . ; Isaac
Hegginbotham , S . W . ; Thos . H . Moore , J . W . ; G . Pearson , Treas . ; W . C . Fleming , P . G . Tyler , Sec .,- 1 hos . Axen , S . D . ; E . Smith , J . D . ; S . Fidler , Tyler ; M . Hegginbotham , H . Lomas , Nathan Van Weir , F . H . Jones , C . VV . Bickerton , J . Grundy , VV . H . Maxfield , James Haworth , J . Reid , ] . C . Atkinson , D . Bullock , R . Clayton , and J . Singleton . " Visitors : Bros . Daniel Edwards , W . M .
1003 ; Abraham Pemberton , W . M . 1030 ; J . Mitchell , VV . M . 1126 ; 1 . H . Goulden , W . M . 323 ; J . A . Birch , VV . M . 2 S 7 ; J . T . Wright , P . P . G . T . Derbyshire ; J . W . Wyatt , P . M . 654 ; John Thompson , P . M . 1534 ; and R . R . Lisenden , S . D . 317 ( Freemason ) . The lodge was opened in the usual manner at 3 . 30 , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed ,
after which Mr . Daniel Bullock was balloted for , elected , and initiated into Freemasonry by the VV . M . On the retirement ot the initiate Bro . Nathan Van Weir having satisfactorily given proofs of his proficiency was passed to the Degree of F . C . b y the VV . M . The S . VV . presented and explained the working tools to both candidates . The ceremony of installation was next proceeded with . The bee
VV . M . elect , Bro . Isaac Hegginbotham , having n presented to the Installing Master , Bro . J . P . Bardsley , by Bro . W . C . Fleming , P . G . Tyler , was with due rite and ceremony inducted into the chair of K . S ., and afterwards proclaimed and saluted . The investiture of officers resulted as follows : Bros . Thomas Moore , S . VV . ; Thomas Axon , J . W . ; George Pearson , Treasurer ;
VV . C . Fleming , Sec ; Edwin Smith , S . D . ; J . VV . Heggenbotham , J . D . ; C . W . Bickerton , I . G . ; Nield ( by proxy ) . Org . ; S . Fidler , Tyler ; and Josiah Grundy and VV . H . Maxfield , Stewards . The three addresses were delivered by Bro . J . P . Bardsley . Before closing the lodge the VV . M . rose and said it gave him great pleasure on behalf of the brethren of the lodge to present to their retiring W . M . a small token of the
respect and esteem in which he was held by them all , in the shape of a Past Master ' s gold jewel , he having so faithfully and zealously fulfilled the onerous duties of his office during the last twelve months . The VV . M . went on to say that all who knew Bro . Bardsley were aware of his proficiency in Masonic working , and he trusted he might long be spared to come amongst them . . At this junctureBro . W . C . Heming , Sec , P . G . Tyler ,
, rose and said that with the W . M . ' s permission he would present Bro . Bardsley on behalf of the members with his own portrait , which he thought would be a fit accompaniment to the jewel , and trusted the lodge would successfull y continue to advance under Bro . Bardsley ' s auspices as it had hitherto done . . Bro . Bardslev in a few well chosen sentences thanked
the brethren for both presents , which he said he should highly value , but as regarded the portrait , he hoped the VV . M . would allow him to have it placed on the walls of the lodge to be joined by the portraits of others who would come after him . When hearty good wishes had been expressed by the visiting brethren the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 6 . 30 . _
The amiable hostess , Mrs . Lowe , prepared a capital dinner for the brethren , to which ample justice was done , and on its conclusion the usual toasts were proposed and responded to . The portrait previously referred to was executed by Bro . Bullock , of Stockport , and was a faithful likeness of the first W . M . of the lodge , whilst the jewel was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , 47 , Bridge-street , Manchester .
BELVEDERE . —Saye and Sele Lodge ( No . , 073 ) . —At an emergency meeting , held on the 2 Gth ult ., there were present Bros . J . G . Chillingworth , VV . M . ; F . Spurrell , Treas . ; F . VVood , S . W . ; A . H . Bateman , I VV •1 . Elliott , J . D . ; J . K . Paine and W . G . Kentish ,
Stwds . ; H . de Pinna , Sec ; Birts , Lemon , Cohnan , Robinson , and Lee , and Tedder as visitor . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., and Bro . J . D . Lee , was afterwards raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . No further business presenting , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . INSTRUCTION PERCY LODGE ( No . 198 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., on the 2 nd inst . Present : Bros . Fox , VV . M . ; Larchin , S . W . ; Cohen , J . W . ; Lorkin , S . D . ; Powell , I . D . ; Gribbell , I . G . ; Gush , Preceptor ; Galer , Sec ; Lone , Bleakley , Fenner , Goodall , Linfield , Fitzpatrick , Ball , Venning , Killick , jun ., Manger , Ferrer , Wolf , Brock , Gaskin , Bullock , Appleton , Long , Killick , sen ., Liebman , Gellan , Payne , Morris , Ball , Browne , Moss , Wri g ht , Hirst , Smith , Weeden , Richardson , Snook , Calmady , Richardson , Hall , BcYan , and Chipperfield .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge having been opened in the Second and Third Degrees respectively , was afterwards resumed to the First Degree , and the VV . M . at once proceeded to work the Fifteen Sections , calling upon Bro . Gush to assist him to work the First Section of the Lecture , Bro . Fitzpatrick , the Second ; Bro . Ball , Third ; Bro . Fedner , Fourth ; Bro . Lorkin , Fifth ; Bro . Larchin ,
Sixth ; and Bro . Powell , Seventh . Lodge being resumed to the Second Degree , the VV . M . called upon Bro . Cohen to assist him to work the First Section of the Lecture ; Bro . Gush , Second ; Bro . Morris , Third ; Bro . Fox , Fourth ; and Bro . Brown , Fifth . The Third Degree being resumed , Bro . Appleton assisted the VV . M . to work the First Section of the Lecture ; Bro . Gribbell , Second ; and Bro . Moss , Third . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and Bro .
Smith , 933 , and Bros . Calmady and Richardson , 1641 , were unanimously elected joining members . A cordial vote of thanks to the brethren who had assisted in working the Sections , and a proposition that honorary membership of the lodge be conferred upon Bro . Fox , were proposed by Bro . Lorkin , seconded b y Bro . Killick , jun ., and carried unanimously . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in ancient form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
EASTERN STAR CHAPTER ( No . 95 ) . —The installation meeting of this young and prosperous chapter was held at the Ship and Turtle lavern , Leadenhall-street , on Friday , the 1 st inst . The chapter having been opened , the following were present : Comps . F . J . Goode , M . E . Z . ; H . VV . Ruff , H . ; A . Fish , J . ; S . Brooks , Scribe E . ; J . Tickle , P . P . G . R . Middx ., N . ; J . Batting , P . Z ., P . S . ; Milner lutsnm , J . J . Barnett , G . S . Ayres , Howard Ruff
J . N . Keen , C . Buck , R . J . Ward , F . Johnson , J . Knight , A . Painter , Collier , P . Z . 1366 ( Hon . Member ); John Lewis Holmes , William Eckstein ; also , as visitors ; Comps . Baker , P . Z . 753 ; S . Lazarus , P . Z . 53 ; F . Eckstein , J . 1196 ; T . Wright , 55 ; and R . Higgin , 1216 . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and the report of the Audit Committee received . A Board of Installed Principals having been formed , Comp . Baker
then proceeded with the installation , Comps . H . VV . Ruff being installed as'M . E . Z . ; A . Fish , H . ; and S . Brooks , J . Comp . Goode was then invested ) with the I . P . Z . ' s collar . The M . E . Z . afterwards installed Comps . Tickle , P . P . G . R . Middx ., as S . E . ; J . Batting , S . N ., and Ayres , P . S . Comp . Hill was re-elected Treasurer . Comp . Ayres , P . S ., then invested Comps . Jutsum as 1 st Asst . S ., and C . S . Buck , 2 nd Asst . S . Comp . C T . Speight was elected
Janitor . The exaltees , Bros . J . L . Holmes , Lodge 95 , and William Eckstein , Lodge 1196 , being in attendance , were exalted to the Supreme Degree by the M . E . Z . It is needless to say that the ceremony throughout was performed in a highly creditable and efficient manner . The chapter being closed indue form the companions then adjourned to the banquet , which was served by Messrs . Painter in their excellent manner . The cloth being
removed the various toasts were proceeded with . The M . E . Z ., in proposing " The Health of the Queen , " stated that in Masonry this toast was always received with enthusiasm , her Majesty being the Patroness of the Order . The M . E . Z . next proposed "The Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . Z . of the Order , " and observed that his Royal Highness took a great interest in Freemasonry , and that they were proud in having so illustrious a comat tnei
panion r neaa . The toast was enthusiastically received . " The Health of the Grand Officers " was next proposed in suitable terms . . Comp . Goode , I . P . Z ., in proposing "The Health of the M . E . Z . " stated that he was satisfied that the companions had a splendid year before them under the presidency of Comp . H . VV . Ruff . He had anticipated having to do the work himself , but after the verv excellent manner in which
it had been done by the M . E . Z . that evening he was sure it could not have been in better hands . The M . E . Z . in reply thanked the companions for the kind manner in which they had received his name . He was pleased to see the chapter in so flourishing a condition , and he assured them that it should always have his support , and he thought the attendance that evening was one of the best since the formation of the chapter .
The M . E . Z . next proposed "The Health of Comp . Goode , l . P . Z ., " and in presenting him with a P . Z . ' s jewel ( unanimously voted by the chapter ) remarked that Comp . Goode had not shrunk from any duty that had been imposed on him as one of the founders , and he trusted he would live many years to wear that token of their respect and esteem . The M . E . Z . said he would also couple with the toast the name of their esteemed Treasurer , Comp . Hill ,
P . P ., and they must all sincerely regret his absence that evening and wish for his speedy recovery . Comp . Goode , then thanked the companions for the very handsome jewel with which the M . E . Z . on their behalf had presented him ; he should wear it and ever think of the many pleasant evenings spent in the Eastern Star Chapter . Comp . Goode called attention to the Chapter of Improvement about to be started and hoped that
companions would avail themselves of the opportunity thus afforded . He also thanked them on behalf of Comp . Hill , whom he was sure as one of the principal founders was never so happy as when amongst them . The M . E . Z . in proposing " The Health of the Exaltees " said Freemasonry was a great reality and a great religion , and the further they went into it the more impressed they were by the realities and religious views it
taught . He trusted that the exaltees had been impressed and instructed by the ceremony , and he felt convinced from what he had heard and from what he already knew of them that they would be an ornament to the chapter . He sincerely congratulated them and welcomed them as companions of the Order and membiers of the chapter . Comp . Holmes expressed great satisfaction at his exaltation and assured them he would never disgrace the chapter .
Comp . Eckstein had been induced to join the chapter by visiting the lodge , and he thanked Comp . Tickle for proposing him . The M . E . Z . next proposed "The Health of the H . and J . " ( Comps . Fish and Brooks ) . He was proud that he had two such excellent colleagues , who were thoroughly versed in all pertaining to Royal Arch Masonry . They had performed their duties in a highly creditable manner that evening , and he had no hesitation in saying this chapter
Royal Arch.
would not have proved so great a success had it not been for their exertions . Comp . FISH in returning thanks stated that the position of the chapter was unique , and it was very encouraging in so short a time to achieve so grand a result . Comp . Brooks , J ., thanked the M . E . Z . for the flattering manner in which he had proposed his health , and stronsrly
recommended the companions to support the new chapter of improvement ; it would he was sure be a grand thing for the chapter . They were also to be congratulated on the grand results attained during the past year , for not onl y was the debt extinguished but they had a balance in hand . The companions had subscribed nearly £ 60 , and all the furniture was their own property .
The M . E . Z . in proposing "The Health of the Visitors " stated that the Eastern Star Lodge was noted for its hospitality , and the chapter would follow in its footsteps . After reading the list of visitors , he stated that no one was better up to the work than Comp . Baker , who had so ably performed the installation ceremony that evening , and he was greatly indebted to him for the instruction he had received
under his Preceptorship . Comp . Baker in returning thanks stated that he was present owing to the unfortunate indisposition of Comp . Hill , P . P ., but he would do anything for Freemasonry . The chapter was to be congratulated on having three such Principals and on its financial position .
Comp . Lazarus stated he never dined better than at the table of the Eastern Star Lodge . He was 85 years old and over 55 years a Mason . Comp . Eckstein predicted a great future for the chapter It was evident the Eastern Star was in the ascendent . Comp . Collier , P . P ., responded for "The Honorary Members . "
After the toast of "The Officers" and the Janitor's toast had been duly honoured the companions separated after a very enjoyable evening . Comps . R . J . Ward , Buck , and Fish greatly added to the enjoyment of the evening by some excellent music .
ST . DUNSTAN'S CHAPTER ( No . 1589 ) .-A meeting of this chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel on the 29 th ult . Among those in attendance were Comps . T . C . Walls , P . P . G . D . C . Middx ., M . E . Z . ; VV . Lakefp . P . G . R . Cornwall , H ., M . E . Z . elect ; H . Turner , J . ; Alfred Tisley , S . E . ; G . Manners , S . N . ; H . Dalwood , P . Z ..
Treas . ; Clemow , 1 st Asst . S . ; J . H . Dodson , P . Z . ; C . Brown , W . E . Farrington , F . Farrington , R . Skelton , and others . Comp . Tinney , late 1589 , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , some correspondence was read and several matters affecting the chapter discussed . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned .
WEST SMITHFIELD CHAPTER ( No . 1623 ) . —A meeting of this chapter took place on the 24 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . The chapter was opened by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Lardner , assisted by Comps . T . Butt , I . P . Z ., as H . ; T . C . Walls , M . E . Z . 15 S 9 , P . Z . 1381 , acting as I . ; and C . Driver , P . Z . 742 ; also afterwards admitted Comps . E . Mallett , S . E . ; J . KingS . N .
, Greenwood , P . S . ; Phillips , 1 st Asst . S . ; Kent , 2 nd Asst . S . ; _ Brasher , Brickdale , and E . Roberts , Org . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , an unanimous ballot was taken for Bro . W . Malthouse , I . P . M . West Smithlield Lodge , 1623 , after which Bros . P . K . Clisby and A . K . Clisby , who had been previously balloted for , and were now in attendance ,
were exalted to the Supreme Degree , the ceremony being performed in a faultless manner by the M . E . Z . On the proposal of the M . E . Z ., a vote of thanks was carried , and ordered to be recordered on the minutes , to the visitors , Comps . Walls , P . Z ., and Driver , P . Z ., for their able assistance in carrying out the ceremonies . The chapter was closed in due form , and the companions
afterwards partook of an excellent banquet . In proposing the loyal toasts the M . E . Z . said he rose with more than usual pleasure to propose "The Queen and R . A . Masonry . " On the present occasion they had met on her most gracious Majesty's birthday , and it would ill-become him to pass over the toast without directing the companions' attention to the fact . Her Majesty had for manv
years been patron of all their chanties and had at all times evinced a deep interest in their welfare . She had also given their present Grand Master and his two royal brothers to assist and direct the welfare of the Craft . More , it would be admitted by all Freemasons that Masonry had flourished and extended its influence during her glorious reign far exceeding any other period in the history of the order .
The 24 th of May would bring all loyal subjects of the Queen , figuratively speaking , within hailing distance of each other . He would not detain them further , but ask them to rise and extend the hand of fellowship to every Mason and loyal subject , and join with them in loving cup to the Queen , and God bless her . The National Anthem was played by Comp . Roberts and sung by the companions .
The M . E . Z . next proposed "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , G . Z . " He had endeared himself to all Freemasons , and he ( the M . E . Z . ) hoped the day was far distant when their G . Z . should be summoned from their midst . The toast was drunk with full honours . The toasts of "The Visitors" followed , and was responded to by Comps . Walls and Driver . " The Exaltees " and " The Officers " were proposed and responded to , and the Janitor's toast completed a very enjoyable evening .
NORTHAMPTON . — Northampton Chapter ( No . 360 ) . —There was a large attendance of companions at the Masonic Hall on Thursday week , many no doubt attending specially for the purpose of taking part in the presentation of a testimonial to Comp . M . A . Boeme' for his long and valuable services to the chapter . Amongst the other business transacted was the exaltation of Bro . H . Manfield , 1764 , Comp . H . J . Atkins , the M . E . Z ., perthe in most efficient
forming ceremony a manner , being very abl y supported by Comps . S . J . W . Sanders , H . ; John Bingley , J . ; and George Ellar , Principal Soj . Amongst the P . Zs . present were M . A . Boem 6 , Butler , Wilkins , D . P . G . M . ; John Kellett , N . ( pro tem . ); George Robinson , E . ; J . U . Stanton , Treas . ; J . T . Green , George Cotton , and others . At the conclusion of the chapter proceedings the companions adjourned to the banquet room , which was thrown open to all Craft Masonry .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
has been an earnest supporter and has won for himself the kindly appellation of " father , " with several valuable works , including two old Books of Constitutions , one dated 1763 , relative to the town of Alnwick , and the last volume of the Palestine Exploration Fund . The lodge was afterwards duly closed . ———— - HAZEL GROVE . —Grove Lodge ( No . 1957 ) - —
The first installation ( since the consecration ) meeting in connection with this young lodge was held on Thursday , the 31 st ult ., at the Cock Inn . It scarcely seems 12 months ago since this lodge was consecrated by the Right Hon . Lordde Tabley , K . W . P . G . M . Cheshire . At that time the total number of members was 12 , but during the ensuing 12 months 15 members have been initiated , and the
lodge has made rapid strides towards shaking off the trammels of debt , and so far succeeded that the balance against it is nullified by the value of the furniture . For bringing about this satisfactory state of things , and working the lodge up to its present pitch of excellence , great praise is due to Bro . J . P . Bardsley , the first VV . M . and a P . M . of the Lodge of
Peace , Stockport . We are sure from the expression which fell from the lips of several brethren that all the members thoroughly appreciate the untiring zeal and labour which Bro . Bardsley " has all along displayed towards this lodge , and we unhesitatingly say that few brethren are to be met with who are both able and willing to devote time and labour in furthering the interests of their lodge and the
Craft generally as he has done . Some idea of the extent of Bro . Bardsley ' s powers may be gathered from the fact of his performing the initiation and passing ceremonies , and also the whole of the installation , including the three addresses , unassisted during one afternoon . The following brethren were present : Bros . J . P . Bardsley , VV . M . ; Thos . Smith , I . P . M . ; Isaac
Hegginbotham , S . W . ; Thos . H . Moore , J . W . ; G . Pearson , Treas . ; W . C . Fleming , P . G . Tyler , Sec .,- 1 hos . Axen , S . D . ; E . Smith , J . D . ; S . Fidler , Tyler ; M . Hegginbotham , H . Lomas , Nathan Van Weir , F . H . Jones , C . VV . Bickerton , J . Grundy , VV . H . Maxfield , James Haworth , J . Reid , ] . C . Atkinson , D . Bullock , R . Clayton , and J . Singleton . " Visitors : Bros . Daniel Edwards , W . M .
1003 ; Abraham Pemberton , W . M . 1030 ; J . Mitchell , VV . M . 1126 ; 1 . H . Goulden , W . M . 323 ; J . A . Birch , VV . M . 2 S 7 ; J . T . Wright , P . P . G . T . Derbyshire ; J . W . Wyatt , P . M . 654 ; John Thompson , P . M . 1534 ; and R . R . Lisenden , S . D . 317 ( Freemason ) . The lodge was opened in the usual manner at 3 . 30 , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed ,
after which Mr . Daniel Bullock was balloted for , elected , and initiated into Freemasonry by the VV . M . On the retirement ot the initiate Bro . Nathan Van Weir having satisfactorily given proofs of his proficiency was passed to the Degree of F . C . b y the VV . M . The S . VV . presented and explained the working tools to both candidates . The ceremony of installation was next proceeded with . The bee
VV . M . elect , Bro . Isaac Hegginbotham , having n presented to the Installing Master , Bro . J . P . Bardsley , by Bro . W . C . Fleming , P . G . Tyler , was with due rite and ceremony inducted into the chair of K . S ., and afterwards proclaimed and saluted . The investiture of officers resulted as follows : Bros . Thomas Moore , S . VV . ; Thomas Axon , J . W . ; George Pearson , Treasurer ;
VV . C . Fleming , Sec ; Edwin Smith , S . D . ; J . VV . Heggenbotham , J . D . ; C . W . Bickerton , I . G . ; Nield ( by proxy ) . Org . ; S . Fidler , Tyler ; and Josiah Grundy and VV . H . Maxfield , Stewards . The three addresses were delivered by Bro . J . P . Bardsley . Before closing the lodge the VV . M . rose and said it gave him great pleasure on behalf of the brethren of the lodge to present to their retiring W . M . a small token of the
respect and esteem in which he was held by them all , in the shape of a Past Master ' s gold jewel , he having so faithfully and zealously fulfilled the onerous duties of his office during the last twelve months . The VV . M . went on to say that all who knew Bro . Bardsley were aware of his proficiency in Masonic working , and he trusted he might long be spared to come amongst them . . At this junctureBro . W . C . Heming , Sec , P . G . Tyler ,
, rose and said that with the W . M . ' s permission he would present Bro . Bardsley on behalf of the members with his own portrait , which he thought would be a fit accompaniment to the jewel , and trusted the lodge would successfull y continue to advance under Bro . Bardsley ' s auspices as it had hitherto done . . Bro . Bardslev in a few well chosen sentences thanked
the brethren for both presents , which he said he should highly value , but as regarded the portrait , he hoped the VV . M . would allow him to have it placed on the walls of the lodge to be joined by the portraits of others who would come after him . When hearty good wishes had been expressed by the visiting brethren the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 6 . 30 . _
The amiable hostess , Mrs . Lowe , prepared a capital dinner for the brethren , to which ample justice was done , and on its conclusion the usual toasts were proposed and responded to . The portrait previously referred to was executed by Bro . Bullock , of Stockport , and was a faithful likeness of the first W . M . of the lodge , whilst the jewel was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , 47 , Bridge-street , Manchester .
BELVEDERE . —Saye and Sele Lodge ( No . , 073 ) . —At an emergency meeting , held on the 2 Gth ult ., there were present Bros . J . G . Chillingworth , VV . M . ; F . Spurrell , Treas . ; F . VVood , S . W . ; A . H . Bateman , I VV •1 . Elliott , J . D . ; J . K . Paine and W . G . Kentish ,
Stwds . ; H . de Pinna , Sec ; Birts , Lemon , Cohnan , Robinson , and Lee , and Tedder as visitor . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., and Bro . J . D . Lee , was afterwards raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . No further business presenting , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . INSTRUCTION PERCY LODGE ( No . 198 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., on the 2 nd inst . Present : Bros . Fox , VV . M . ; Larchin , S . W . ; Cohen , J . W . ; Lorkin , S . D . ; Powell , I . D . ; Gribbell , I . G . ; Gush , Preceptor ; Galer , Sec ; Lone , Bleakley , Fenner , Goodall , Linfield , Fitzpatrick , Ball , Venning , Killick , jun ., Manger , Ferrer , Wolf , Brock , Gaskin , Bullock , Appleton , Long , Killick , sen ., Liebman , Gellan , Payne , Morris , Ball , Browne , Moss , Wri g ht , Hirst , Smith , Weeden , Richardson , Snook , Calmady , Richardson , Hall , BcYan , and Chipperfield .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge having been opened in the Second and Third Degrees respectively , was afterwards resumed to the First Degree , and the VV . M . at once proceeded to work the Fifteen Sections , calling upon Bro . Gush to assist him to work the First Section of the Lecture , Bro . Fitzpatrick , the Second ; Bro . Ball , Third ; Bro . Fedner , Fourth ; Bro . Lorkin , Fifth ; Bro . Larchin ,
Sixth ; and Bro . Powell , Seventh . Lodge being resumed to the Second Degree , the VV . M . called upon Bro . Cohen to assist him to work the First Section of the Lecture ; Bro . Gush , Second ; Bro . Morris , Third ; Bro . Fox , Fourth ; and Bro . Brown , Fifth . The Third Degree being resumed , Bro . Appleton assisted the VV . M . to work the First Section of the Lecture ; Bro . Gribbell , Second ; and Bro . Moss , Third . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and Bro .
Smith , 933 , and Bros . Calmady and Richardson , 1641 , were unanimously elected joining members . A cordial vote of thanks to the brethren who had assisted in working the Sections , and a proposition that honorary membership of the lodge be conferred upon Bro . Fox , were proposed by Bro . Lorkin , seconded b y Bro . Killick , jun ., and carried unanimously . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in ancient form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
EASTERN STAR CHAPTER ( No . 95 ) . —The installation meeting of this young and prosperous chapter was held at the Ship and Turtle lavern , Leadenhall-street , on Friday , the 1 st inst . The chapter having been opened , the following were present : Comps . F . J . Goode , M . E . Z . ; H . VV . Ruff , H . ; A . Fish , J . ; S . Brooks , Scribe E . ; J . Tickle , P . P . G . R . Middx ., N . ; J . Batting , P . Z ., P . S . ; Milner lutsnm , J . J . Barnett , G . S . Ayres , Howard Ruff
J . N . Keen , C . Buck , R . J . Ward , F . Johnson , J . Knight , A . Painter , Collier , P . Z . 1366 ( Hon . Member ); John Lewis Holmes , William Eckstein ; also , as visitors ; Comps . Baker , P . Z . 753 ; S . Lazarus , P . Z . 53 ; F . Eckstein , J . 1196 ; T . Wright , 55 ; and R . Higgin , 1216 . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and the report of the Audit Committee received . A Board of Installed Principals having been formed , Comp . Baker
then proceeded with the installation , Comps . H . VV . Ruff being installed as'M . E . Z . ; A . Fish , H . ; and S . Brooks , J . Comp . Goode was then invested ) with the I . P . Z . ' s collar . The M . E . Z . afterwards installed Comps . Tickle , P . P . G . R . Middx ., as S . E . ; J . Batting , S . N ., and Ayres , P . S . Comp . Hill was re-elected Treasurer . Comp . Ayres , P . S ., then invested Comps . Jutsum as 1 st Asst . S ., and C . S . Buck , 2 nd Asst . S . Comp . C T . Speight was elected
Janitor . The exaltees , Bros . J . L . Holmes , Lodge 95 , and William Eckstein , Lodge 1196 , being in attendance , were exalted to the Supreme Degree by the M . E . Z . It is needless to say that the ceremony throughout was performed in a highly creditable and efficient manner . The chapter being closed indue form the companions then adjourned to the banquet , which was served by Messrs . Painter in their excellent manner . The cloth being
removed the various toasts were proceeded with . The M . E . Z ., in proposing " The Health of the Queen , " stated that in Masonry this toast was always received with enthusiasm , her Majesty being the Patroness of the Order . The M . E . Z . next proposed "The Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . Z . of the Order , " and observed that his Royal Highness took a great interest in Freemasonry , and that they were proud in having so illustrious a comat tnei
panion r neaa . The toast was enthusiastically received . " The Health of the Grand Officers " was next proposed in suitable terms . . Comp . Goode , I . P . Z ., in proposing "The Health of the M . E . Z . " stated that he was satisfied that the companions had a splendid year before them under the presidency of Comp . H . VV . Ruff . He had anticipated having to do the work himself , but after the verv excellent manner in which
it had been done by the M . E . Z . that evening he was sure it could not have been in better hands . The M . E . Z . in reply thanked the companions for the kind manner in which they had received his name . He was pleased to see the chapter in so flourishing a condition , and he assured them that it should always have his support , and he thought the attendance that evening was one of the best since the formation of the chapter .
The M . E . Z . next proposed "The Health of Comp . Goode , l . P . Z ., " and in presenting him with a P . Z . ' s jewel ( unanimously voted by the chapter ) remarked that Comp . Goode had not shrunk from any duty that had been imposed on him as one of the founders , and he trusted he would live many years to wear that token of their respect and esteem . The M . E . Z . said he would also couple with the toast the name of their esteemed Treasurer , Comp . Hill ,
P . P ., and they must all sincerely regret his absence that evening and wish for his speedy recovery . Comp . Goode , then thanked the companions for the very handsome jewel with which the M . E . Z . on their behalf had presented him ; he should wear it and ever think of the many pleasant evenings spent in the Eastern Star Chapter . Comp . Goode called attention to the Chapter of Improvement about to be started and hoped that
companions would avail themselves of the opportunity thus afforded . He also thanked them on behalf of Comp . Hill , whom he was sure as one of the principal founders was never so happy as when amongst them . The M . E . Z . in proposing " The Health of the Exaltees " said Freemasonry was a great reality and a great religion , and the further they went into it the more impressed they were by the realities and religious views it
taught . He trusted that the exaltees had been impressed and instructed by the ceremony , and he felt convinced from what he had heard and from what he already knew of them that they would be an ornament to the chapter . He sincerely congratulated them and welcomed them as companions of the Order and membiers of the chapter . Comp . Holmes expressed great satisfaction at his exaltation and assured them he would never disgrace the chapter .
Comp . Eckstein had been induced to join the chapter by visiting the lodge , and he thanked Comp . Tickle for proposing him . The M . E . Z . next proposed "The Health of the H . and J . " ( Comps . Fish and Brooks ) . He was proud that he had two such excellent colleagues , who were thoroughly versed in all pertaining to Royal Arch Masonry . They had performed their duties in a highly creditable manner that evening , and he had no hesitation in saying this chapter
Royal Arch.
would not have proved so great a success had it not been for their exertions . Comp . FISH in returning thanks stated that the position of the chapter was unique , and it was very encouraging in so short a time to achieve so grand a result . Comp . Brooks , J ., thanked the M . E . Z . for the flattering manner in which he had proposed his health , and stronsrly
recommended the companions to support the new chapter of improvement ; it would he was sure be a grand thing for the chapter . They were also to be congratulated on the grand results attained during the past year , for not onl y was the debt extinguished but they had a balance in hand . The companions had subscribed nearly £ 60 , and all the furniture was their own property .
The M . E . Z . in proposing "The Health of the Visitors " stated that the Eastern Star Lodge was noted for its hospitality , and the chapter would follow in its footsteps . After reading the list of visitors , he stated that no one was better up to the work than Comp . Baker , who had so ably performed the installation ceremony that evening , and he was greatly indebted to him for the instruction he had received
under his Preceptorship . Comp . Baker in returning thanks stated that he was present owing to the unfortunate indisposition of Comp . Hill , P . P ., but he would do anything for Freemasonry . The chapter was to be congratulated on having three such Principals and on its financial position .
Comp . Lazarus stated he never dined better than at the table of the Eastern Star Lodge . He was 85 years old and over 55 years a Mason . Comp . Eckstein predicted a great future for the chapter It was evident the Eastern Star was in the ascendent . Comp . Collier , P . P ., responded for "The Honorary Members . "
After the toast of "The Officers" and the Janitor's toast had been duly honoured the companions separated after a very enjoyable evening . Comps . R . J . Ward , Buck , and Fish greatly added to the enjoyment of the evening by some excellent music .
ST . DUNSTAN'S CHAPTER ( No . 1589 ) .-A meeting of this chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel on the 29 th ult . Among those in attendance were Comps . T . C . Walls , P . P . G . D . C . Middx ., M . E . Z . ; VV . Lakefp . P . G . R . Cornwall , H ., M . E . Z . elect ; H . Turner , J . ; Alfred Tisley , S . E . ; G . Manners , S . N . ; H . Dalwood , P . Z ..
Treas . ; Clemow , 1 st Asst . S . ; J . H . Dodson , P . Z . ; C . Brown , W . E . Farrington , F . Farrington , R . Skelton , and others . Comp . Tinney , late 1589 , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , some correspondence was read and several matters affecting the chapter discussed . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned .
WEST SMITHFIELD CHAPTER ( No . 1623 ) . —A meeting of this chapter took place on the 24 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . The chapter was opened by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Lardner , assisted by Comps . T . Butt , I . P . Z ., as H . ; T . C . Walls , M . E . Z . 15 S 9 , P . Z . 1381 , acting as I . ; and C . Driver , P . Z . 742 ; also afterwards admitted Comps . E . Mallett , S . E . ; J . KingS . N .
, Greenwood , P . S . ; Phillips , 1 st Asst . S . ; Kent , 2 nd Asst . S . ; _ Brasher , Brickdale , and E . Roberts , Org . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , an unanimous ballot was taken for Bro . W . Malthouse , I . P . M . West Smithlield Lodge , 1623 , after which Bros . P . K . Clisby and A . K . Clisby , who had been previously balloted for , and were now in attendance ,
were exalted to the Supreme Degree , the ceremony being performed in a faultless manner by the M . E . Z . On the proposal of the M . E . Z ., a vote of thanks was carried , and ordered to be recordered on the minutes , to the visitors , Comps . Walls , P . Z ., and Driver , P . Z ., for their able assistance in carrying out the ceremonies . The chapter was closed in due form , and the companions
afterwards partook of an excellent banquet . In proposing the loyal toasts the M . E . Z . said he rose with more than usual pleasure to propose "The Queen and R . A . Masonry . " On the present occasion they had met on her most gracious Majesty's birthday , and it would ill-become him to pass over the toast without directing the companions' attention to the fact . Her Majesty had for manv
years been patron of all their chanties and had at all times evinced a deep interest in their welfare . She had also given their present Grand Master and his two royal brothers to assist and direct the welfare of the Craft . More , it would be admitted by all Freemasons that Masonry had flourished and extended its influence during her glorious reign far exceeding any other period in the history of the order .
The 24 th of May would bring all loyal subjects of the Queen , figuratively speaking , within hailing distance of each other . He would not detain them further , but ask them to rise and extend the hand of fellowship to every Mason and loyal subject , and join with them in loving cup to the Queen , and God bless her . The National Anthem was played by Comp . Roberts and sung by the companions .
The M . E . Z . next proposed "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , G . Z . " He had endeared himself to all Freemasons , and he ( the M . E . Z . ) hoped the day was far distant when their G . Z . should be summoned from their midst . The toast was drunk with full honours . The toasts of "The Visitors" followed , and was responded to by Comps . Walls and Driver . " The Exaltees " and " The Officers " were proposed and responded to , and the Janitor's toast completed a very enjoyable evening .
NORTHAMPTON . — Northampton Chapter ( No . 360 ) . —There was a large attendance of companions at the Masonic Hall on Thursday week , many no doubt attending specially for the purpose of taking part in the presentation of a testimonial to Comp . M . A . Boeme' for his long and valuable services to the chapter . Amongst the other business transacted was the exaltation of Bro . H . Manfield , 1764 , Comp . H . J . Atkins , the M . E . Z ., perthe in most efficient
forming ceremony a manner , being very abl y supported by Comps . S . J . W . Sanders , H . ; John Bingley , J . ; and George Ellar , Principal Soj . Amongst the P . Zs . present were M . A . Boem 6 , Butler , Wilkins , D . P . G . M . ; John Kellett , N . ( pro tem . ); George Robinson , E . ; J . U . Stanton , Treas . ; J . T . Green , George Cotton , and others . At the conclusion of the chapter proceedings the companions adjourned to the banquet room , which was thrown open to all Craft Masonry .