Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
He was happy to say they had 12 children receiving the benefits of the Educational Fund—ten boys and two girls . The number of girls would probably soon be increased . The Board felt that it was impossible to institute competition between these children because they were educated at different schools , yet that it would be a great encouragement to the children themselves if when reports came from the masters or
mistresses of the School that the child had earned the hig hest possible marks , and had not been guilty of any misconduct , and an incentive to further good conduct and exertion , thc Board were authorised to present a silver medal as a mark of approval . They now asked lor thc leave , and to have a medal sunk and struck . Bro . H . C . LEVANDER , G . R ., seconded . The motion was carried .
Canon PORTAL moved the third recommendation , To sanction thc appointment of two additional Grand Officers , viz ., a Second Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , and a Second Grand Standard Bearer . In proposing this the Board had followed the course adopted in Craft Grand Lodge , and he supposed for the same reason , viz ., that the numbers of Mark Masons were increasing so much that it was impossible for the Grand
Master to reward all those who deserved promotion . The Board had selected two offices which , he ventured to think , would very well bear being added to . A great deal of the good order in Grand Lodge and the comfortable arrangement of the brethren depended on the Director of Ceremonies , and as the Director of Ceremonies was a permanent officer , and rightly so , because he became acquainted with his duties ( they had now a most
excellent Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Berridge , and one assistant , and onl y one who changed office at all ) , they would give him two assistants . With regard to the Grand Standard Bearer , it had been thought that it would be a very good thing if the Grand Master for the time being had his own private banner , as was the case in other Orders of Freemasonry , and their Grand Standard Bearer and Assistant Grand Standard Bearer would carry
the banner of Grand Lodge , and the Second Grand Standard Bearer would carry the Grand Master ' s . Bro . GODSON seconded the motion . The motion was carried . Canon PORTAL next proposed That £ 52 10 s . be voted from the General Fund on account of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Boys' Preparatory School Building Fund .
He said it was always their custom to vote annually to the Boys' or Girls ' School such a donation as the funds would allow . They proposed the above-named grant this year , and the Grand Master would have double the number of votes , which would be very valuable , as they had a number of Mark Masons' children applying for the benefits of the Schools .
Bro . GODSON , in seconding the motion , said he was sure thc money would be put to a very good purpose . ( Cheers . ) The motion was carried . Canon PORTAL moved
That £ 25 be voted from the General hundfor thc relief of thc sufferers by the recent fire at Jamaica . He had thought that there was no precedent for such a gift , but he was informed by the Assistant Grand Secretary that a similar gift had been made for the relief of sufferers by an earthquake in the island of Curacao . Bro . F . DAVISON having seconded the motion ,
Bro . J . S . CUMBERLAND enquired whether it was to be for the relief of the general sufferers by the fire or for the Masonic sufferers ' . ' Bro . F . BINCKES , G . S ., said it was mooted at thc Board and considered , and it was resolved that it should be devoted mainly to the relief of those sufferers by the lire who were Mark Masons . The GRAND MASTER said he supposed they must trust to those who had the administration of thc fund .
Bro . BINCKES expected that it was to be mainly for thc relief of thc Mark Masons . The GRAND MASTER said the Grand Secretary would take care that instructions on the subject were sent out to the administrators of the fund . Bro . BINCKES said he did not think it would be wise to fetter the
Almoner out there , whoever he might be , but there would be a recommendation that it should be given to Mark Masons first ; but it would mar the gracefulness of the gift if it was restricted to Mark Masons . The motion was then carried . The following grants were made from the Benevolent Fund :
£ 30 to a brother of the Cheltenham and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 . £ 10 to the widow of a brother of St . Martin ' s Lodge , No . 262 . ^ 10 to thc widow of a brother of Union Lodge , No . 46 . ^ 15 to a brother of Southwark Lodge , No . 22 . £ 20 to thc widow of a brother of Fowke Lodge , No . 19 .
On the motion of the Rev . J . RANDELL , seconded by Sir PRYSE PRYSE , the report was adopted . The next business was the installation of Grand Master . Bro . W . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., P . G . M . M . M ., said : Brethren , at the last meeting our M . W . G . M ., Lord Henniker , was unanimously re-elected to that office for the ensuing year , and it is my pleasing duty on the present
occasion to declare him Grand Master of Mark Master Masons for the ensuing year , for as he has been already placed in that chair it is unnecessary for me to re-instate him there ; but I shall merely declare that he now occupies that chair for thc ensuing year . And brethren it is also my pleasure to congratulate you and the Order generally upon the great services he has rendered you , and how fortunate we are in having a Grand Master who presides over thc Order with such ability and such zeal . ( Cheers ) .
The M . W . G . M . M . M . having been saluted said : M . W . P . G . M . and Brethren , I thank you very much for the honour you have done me once more in placing me in this chair . I can assure you that I feci it a very great honour , and I think I need hardly add that my desire is to be of service to thc Order over which I have the honour to preside . You have been very kind to me during the time I have held office the last two yearsand if the
, Order has been successful it has been a great deal owing to the work done before I took the position I now occupy . I also have to thank the other officers and Past Grand Masters who have assisted me during my term of office . I assure you I feel the honour you have done me very greatly , and , brethren , if I have derived any popularity among Mark Master Masons , it is from
the fact that I have come among you at a time of great prosperity , and because I had one idea before me—an idea I shall try to keep before me during my term of office , that is to do my best simply , and without more ostentation than necessary—to do my duty to the Order over which I have the honour to preside . ( Cheers . ) Bro . F . Davison was then re-elected Grand Treasurer .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
The following is a list of the officers appointed : Bro . The Earl of Kintore ... ... ... G . Dep . M . „ Lord Wolseley of Cairo ... ... G . S . W . „ Hon . Arthur H . Henniker ... ... G . J . W . „ Henry R . Hatherly ... ... ... G . M . O .
„ Col . C . E . Bignold ... ... ... G . S . O . „ S . G . Kirchhoffer ... ... ... G . J . O . „ Rev . E . H . Crate ... ... ... G . Chap . „ Rev . F . J . C . de Crespigny ... ... G . Chap . ,, Frederic Davison ... ... . G . Trca >; .
,, H . C . Levander ... ... ... G . Reg . „ Frederick Binckes ... ... ... G . Sec . „ Donald M . Dewar ... ... ... G . Asst . Sec „ G . B . Brodie , M . D . ... ... ... G . S . D . .. Georo-e Coooer ... r , S . D
„ Thos . J . Railing ... ... \\[ G . J . D . „ Robert Harwood ... ... . G . J . D . „ R . W . Edis ... ... . ' .. G . I . of Works . „ Robert Berridge ... ... ... G . Dir . of Cer .
„ Geo . Dalrymple ... ... ... G . A . Dir . of Cer . „ E . Friend ... ... ... ... G . A . Dir . of Cer . „ S . G . Baker ... ... ... ... G . Swd . Br . „ Wm . Watkins ... ... ... G . Std . Br . . . T . D . Murray ... ... G . Std . Rr
„ Rev . Sir F . A . Gore Ouseley , Bart . ... ... G . Org . „ J . H . Banks ... ... ... G . I . GI „ C . T . Speight ... ... ... G . Tyler . Grand Stewards : J . S . Cumberland , R . N . Howard , Thos . Taylor , John Tomkins , Cornelius Davies , John O . Marsh , George Ker , Percy Wallis , Henry Faijar , William March , A . Crocknell , and W . C . Gilles . GENERAL BOARD .
Appointed by M . W . Grand Master : M . W . Bro . the Rev . Canon Portal , President ; Bros . C . H . Matier , Robert Berridge , Thomas Cubitt , Alfred Williams , Wm . Roebuck , O . H . Pearson . Nominated by Bro . Henry Venn and elected by the . brethren : Bros . E . C . Mather , James Moon , R . P . Spice , Chas . H . Driver , Herbert Dicketts Bro . BINCKES announced that he had received apologies for inability to attend trom the following brethren :
Bros , the Earl of Kintore , D . G . M . ; Lord Egerton and Tatton , Prov . Grand Master Cheshire ; Wm . Kelly , Prov . Grand Master Leicestershire ; Lieut .-Col . F . Gough , Prov . Grand Master Staffordshire ; Rev . C . R . Davy , Prov . Grand Master Gloucestershire ; W . A . F . Powell , Prov . Grand Master Bristol ; W . J , Hickman , G . J . W . ; Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett , Past Grand Warden ; W . J . Hughan , Past Grand Warden ; G . P . Brockbank , Past Grand Warden ; C . F . Matier , Past Grand Warden ; J . Brook Smith , Grand Master Overseer ; Magnus Ohren , Past Grand Overseer : Caot . I . C . Hav . Past
Grand Overseer ; Wm . Roebuck , Past Grand Overseer ; Rev . F . C . VV . de Crespigny , G . Chap . ; Rev . Ambrose Hall , Past Grand Chap . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , Past Grand Chap . ; Rev . Dr . P . H . E . Brette , D . D ., Past Grand Chap . ; Rev . R . P . Bent , Past Grand Chap . ; Alex . Spears , Past Grand Deacon ; E . T . Inskip , Past Grand Deacon ; J . Mattison , Past Grand Deacon ; Chas . S . Lane , Past Grand Deacon ; C . H . Driver , Past G . I . of Wks . ; R . W . Edie , G . I . of Wks . ; Fred . Long , G . Swd . Br . ; G . Ward Verry , P . G . Swd . Br . ; Thos . J . Pulley , P . G . D . ; Thos . Poore , P . G . I . G . ; Geo . Carter , G . S . ;
W . 1 . Clarke , Past Grand Steward ; John Barker , Past Grand Steward ; F . W . Ansell , Past Grand Steward ; Edwin Gilbert , Past Grand Steward ; J . H . Glendinning , Past Grand Steward ; J . F . Tweedale , P . G . Org . ; Geo . Toller , jun ., G . D . ; W . T . Belcher , P . G . Org . ; W . Stephens , G . S . ; R . J . Mure , P . G . Org . ; Major Dunbar , G . S . ; G . J . McKay , P . G . D . ; Dr . VV . Watson , G . A . D . of C . ; rhos . Howkins , G . Org . ; W . Watkins , G . A . D . of C ; and Rev . VV . S . Moses , P . G . Chap . Grand Lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet in Freemasons' Tavern . The usual toasts were afterwards proposed .
Lord HENNIKER , in proposing the toast "The Queen and Mark Masonry , " said that it was a toast always well received amongst Masons , and especially among Mark Masons , who , even among Masons , were remarkable for their loyalty . Bro . ELSE , in rising to propose "The Health of the M . W . G . M . M . M ., " said that having been honoured with the gavel for the purpose of proposing this toast , he was sure that it would be drunk with a trul y Masonic love and enthusiasm which was most justly deserved . He was sure that the brethren would agree with him when he said that the toast he had to propose was
"The Health of the M . W . G . M . of Mark Masons , Lord Henniker . " The Mark Master Masons' Degree had been fortunate in securing from time to time as Grand Master brethren not only of high rank in this country , but of great zeal and in every Degree of the Craft , but he ventured to think that Lord Henniker had made his mark quite as conspicuously as . any Grand Master who had preceded him by his zeal for the Order , by his great accuracy on every occasion , by his anxiety to promote and do all he could for this Degree . He had endeared himself to the heart of every Mark Master Mason through the length and breadth of the land .
Lord HENNIKER , who was received with applause , said it was difficult for him to adequately express his thanks for the very kind manner in which Bro . Else had proposed his health . He fully appreciated , and took greatly to heart all their kindness . It fully repaid him for all he could possibly do . At the same time , he could only repeat what he said in Grand Lodge that day—if he had joined the brethren of this Order it was because he had one motive before him , which was to do his best to perform his duty . He had ,
of course , to do a great deal but he did not think that anybody could deny that in gaining popularity among the brethren in the Order he had laid down a simple rule , viz ., to do his duty . The brethren would , he trusted , forgive him for any shortcomings in addressing them , as he was suffering from a very severe cold , so it was difficult to speak intelli gibly ; he would , however , do his best . It was his custom on these occasions to give a resume of what had taken place during the year . He thought he might tell them that
Mark Masonry was very flourishing at thc present time . He had been looking into thc matter most carefully . He had been made to go to many different provinces and counties during thc past year of his office , and he had seen a report connected with the way in which Mark Masonry was carried on throughout the country , and as long as there was that spirit it required no impetus of any sort to make it a complete success . During the past year they had not had so many Mark lodges made as formerly , but it was a very large number , namely , nineteen . He was aware there were one or
two more likely to be made shortly , and possibly Bro . Dewar knew of some more . They showed that they were keeping up their number , a great number of brethren were advanced . He ( the Chairman ) , was at one lodge where 19 were advanced in the degree . He was told that there was one in which as many as 28 had been advanced . A large number had been advanced in all the counties under his jurisdiction . The number advanced during the two years of his presidency was unexampled in the annals of Mark Masonry . During the two years in which he had been elected nearl y 3000 had been advanced in Mark Masonry , and he-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
He was happy to say they had 12 children receiving the benefits of the Educational Fund—ten boys and two girls . The number of girls would probably soon be increased . The Board felt that it was impossible to institute competition between these children because they were educated at different schools , yet that it would be a great encouragement to the children themselves if when reports came from the masters or
mistresses of the School that the child had earned the hig hest possible marks , and had not been guilty of any misconduct , and an incentive to further good conduct and exertion , thc Board were authorised to present a silver medal as a mark of approval . They now asked lor thc leave , and to have a medal sunk and struck . Bro . H . C . LEVANDER , G . R ., seconded . The motion was carried .
Canon PORTAL moved the third recommendation , To sanction thc appointment of two additional Grand Officers , viz ., a Second Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , and a Second Grand Standard Bearer . In proposing this the Board had followed the course adopted in Craft Grand Lodge , and he supposed for the same reason , viz ., that the numbers of Mark Masons were increasing so much that it was impossible for the Grand
Master to reward all those who deserved promotion . The Board had selected two offices which , he ventured to think , would very well bear being added to . A great deal of the good order in Grand Lodge and the comfortable arrangement of the brethren depended on the Director of Ceremonies , and as the Director of Ceremonies was a permanent officer , and rightly so , because he became acquainted with his duties ( they had now a most
excellent Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Berridge , and one assistant , and onl y one who changed office at all ) , they would give him two assistants . With regard to the Grand Standard Bearer , it had been thought that it would be a very good thing if the Grand Master for the time being had his own private banner , as was the case in other Orders of Freemasonry , and their Grand Standard Bearer and Assistant Grand Standard Bearer would carry
the banner of Grand Lodge , and the Second Grand Standard Bearer would carry the Grand Master ' s . Bro . GODSON seconded the motion . The motion was carried . Canon PORTAL next proposed That £ 52 10 s . be voted from the General Fund on account of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Boys' Preparatory School Building Fund .
He said it was always their custom to vote annually to the Boys' or Girls ' School such a donation as the funds would allow . They proposed the above-named grant this year , and the Grand Master would have double the number of votes , which would be very valuable , as they had a number of Mark Masons' children applying for the benefits of the Schools .
Bro . GODSON , in seconding the motion , said he was sure thc money would be put to a very good purpose . ( Cheers . ) The motion was carried . Canon PORTAL moved
That £ 25 be voted from the General hundfor thc relief of thc sufferers by the recent fire at Jamaica . He had thought that there was no precedent for such a gift , but he was informed by the Assistant Grand Secretary that a similar gift had been made for the relief of sufferers by an earthquake in the island of Curacao . Bro . F . DAVISON having seconded the motion ,
Bro . J . S . CUMBERLAND enquired whether it was to be for the relief of the general sufferers by the fire or for the Masonic sufferers ' . ' Bro . F . BINCKES , G . S ., said it was mooted at thc Board and considered , and it was resolved that it should be devoted mainly to the relief of those sufferers by the lire who were Mark Masons . The GRAND MASTER said he supposed they must trust to those who had the administration of thc fund .
Bro . BINCKES expected that it was to be mainly for thc relief of thc Mark Masons . The GRAND MASTER said the Grand Secretary would take care that instructions on the subject were sent out to the administrators of the fund . Bro . BINCKES said he did not think it would be wise to fetter the
Almoner out there , whoever he might be , but there would be a recommendation that it should be given to Mark Masons first ; but it would mar the gracefulness of the gift if it was restricted to Mark Masons . The motion was then carried . The following grants were made from the Benevolent Fund :
£ 30 to a brother of the Cheltenham and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 . £ 10 to the widow of a brother of St . Martin ' s Lodge , No . 262 . ^ 10 to thc widow of a brother of Union Lodge , No . 46 . ^ 15 to a brother of Southwark Lodge , No . 22 . £ 20 to thc widow of a brother of Fowke Lodge , No . 19 .
On the motion of the Rev . J . RANDELL , seconded by Sir PRYSE PRYSE , the report was adopted . The next business was the installation of Grand Master . Bro . W . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., P . G . M . M . M ., said : Brethren , at the last meeting our M . W . G . M ., Lord Henniker , was unanimously re-elected to that office for the ensuing year , and it is my pleasing duty on the present
occasion to declare him Grand Master of Mark Master Masons for the ensuing year , for as he has been already placed in that chair it is unnecessary for me to re-instate him there ; but I shall merely declare that he now occupies that chair for thc ensuing year . And brethren it is also my pleasure to congratulate you and the Order generally upon the great services he has rendered you , and how fortunate we are in having a Grand Master who presides over thc Order with such ability and such zeal . ( Cheers ) .
The M . W . G . M . M . M . having been saluted said : M . W . P . G . M . and Brethren , I thank you very much for the honour you have done me once more in placing me in this chair . I can assure you that I feci it a very great honour , and I think I need hardly add that my desire is to be of service to thc Order over which I have the honour to preside . You have been very kind to me during the time I have held office the last two yearsand if the
, Order has been successful it has been a great deal owing to the work done before I took the position I now occupy . I also have to thank the other officers and Past Grand Masters who have assisted me during my term of office . I assure you I feel the honour you have done me very greatly , and , brethren , if I have derived any popularity among Mark Master Masons , it is from
the fact that I have come among you at a time of great prosperity , and because I had one idea before me—an idea I shall try to keep before me during my term of office , that is to do my best simply , and without more ostentation than necessary—to do my duty to the Order over which I have the honour to preside . ( Cheers . ) Bro . F . Davison was then re-elected Grand Treasurer .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
The following is a list of the officers appointed : Bro . The Earl of Kintore ... ... ... G . Dep . M . „ Lord Wolseley of Cairo ... ... G . S . W . „ Hon . Arthur H . Henniker ... ... G . J . W . „ Henry R . Hatherly ... ... ... G . M . O .
„ Col . C . E . Bignold ... ... ... G . S . O . „ S . G . Kirchhoffer ... ... ... G . J . O . „ Rev . E . H . Crate ... ... ... G . Chap . „ Rev . F . J . C . de Crespigny ... ... G . Chap . ,, Frederic Davison ... ... . G . Trca >; .
,, H . C . Levander ... ... ... G . Reg . „ Frederick Binckes ... ... ... G . Sec . „ Donald M . Dewar ... ... ... G . Asst . Sec „ G . B . Brodie , M . D . ... ... ... G . S . D . .. Georo-e Coooer ... r , S . D
„ Thos . J . Railing ... ... \\[ G . J . D . „ Robert Harwood ... ... . G . J . D . „ R . W . Edis ... ... . ' .. G . I . of Works . „ Robert Berridge ... ... ... G . Dir . of Cer .
„ Geo . Dalrymple ... ... ... G . A . Dir . of Cer . „ E . Friend ... ... ... ... G . A . Dir . of Cer . „ S . G . Baker ... ... ... ... G . Swd . Br . „ Wm . Watkins ... ... ... G . Std . Br . . . T . D . Murray ... ... G . Std . Rr
„ Rev . Sir F . A . Gore Ouseley , Bart . ... ... G . Org . „ J . H . Banks ... ... ... G . I . GI „ C . T . Speight ... ... ... G . Tyler . Grand Stewards : J . S . Cumberland , R . N . Howard , Thos . Taylor , John Tomkins , Cornelius Davies , John O . Marsh , George Ker , Percy Wallis , Henry Faijar , William March , A . Crocknell , and W . C . Gilles . GENERAL BOARD .
Appointed by M . W . Grand Master : M . W . Bro . the Rev . Canon Portal , President ; Bros . C . H . Matier , Robert Berridge , Thomas Cubitt , Alfred Williams , Wm . Roebuck , O . H . Pearson . Nominated by Bro . Henry Venn and elected by the . brethren : Bros . E . C . Mather , James Moon , R . P . Spice , Chas . H . Driver , Herbert Dicketts Bro . BINCKES announced that he had received apologies for inability to attend trom the following brethren :
Bros , the Earl of Kintore , D . G . M . ; Lord Egerton and Tatton , Prov . Grand Master Cheshire ; Wm . Kelly , Prov . Grand Master Leicestershire ; Lieut .-Col . F . Gough , Prov . Grand Master Staffordshire ; Rev . C . R . Davy , Prov . Grand Master Gloucestershire ; W . A . F . Powell , Prov . Grand Master Bristol ; W . J , Hickman , G . J . W . ; Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett , Past Grand Warden ; W . J . Hughan , Past Grand Warden ; G . P . Brockbank , Past Grand Warden ; C . F . Matier , Past Grand Warden ; J . Brook Smith , Grand Master Overseer ; Magnus Ohren , Past Grand Overseer : Caot . I . C . Hav . Past
Grand Overseer ; Wm . Roebuck , Past Grand Overseer ; Rev . F . C . VV . de Crespigny , G . Chap . ; Rev . Ambrose Hall , Past Grand Chap . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , Past Grand Chap . ; Rev . Dr . P . H . E . Brette , D . D ., Past Grand Chap . ; Rev . R . P . Bent , Past Grand Chap . ; Alex . Spears , Past Grand Deacon ; E . T . Inskip , Past Grand Deacon ; J . Mattison , Past Grand Deacon ; Chas . S . Lane , Past Grand Deacon ; C . H . Driver , Past G . I . of Wks . ; R . W . Edie , G . I . of Wks . ; Fred . Long , G . Swd . Br . ; G . Ward Verry , P . G . Swd . Br . ; Thos . J . Pulley , P . G . D . ; Thos . Poore , P . G . I . G . ; Geo . Carter , G . S . ;
W . 1 . Clarke , Past Grand Steward ; John Barker , Past Grand Steward ; F . W . Ansell , Past Grand Steward ; Edwin Gilbert , Past Grand Steward ; J . H . Glendinning , Past Grand Steward ; J . F . Tweedale , P . G . Org . ; Geo . Toller , jun ., G . D . ; W . T . Belcher , P . G . Org . ; W . Stephens , G . S . ; R . J . Mure , P . G . Org . ; Major Dunbar , G . S . ; G . J . McKay , P . G . D . ; Dr . VV . Watson , G . A . D . of C . ; rhos . Howkins , G . Org . ; W . Watkins , G . A . D . of C ; and Rev . VV . S . Moses , P . G . Chap . Grand Lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet in Freemasons' Tavern . The usual toasts were afterwards proposed .
Lord HENNIKER , in proposing the toast "The Queen and Mark Masonry , " said that it was a toast always well received amongst Masons , and especially among Mark Masons , who , even among Masons , were remarkable for their loyalty . Bro . ELSE , in rising to propose "The Health of the M . W . G . M . M . M ., " said that having been honoured with the gavel for the purpose of proposing this toast , he was sure that it would be drunk with a trul y Masonic love and enthusiasm which was most justly deserved . He was sure that the brethren would agree with him when he said that the toast he had to propose was
"The Health of the M . W . G . M . of Mark Masons , Lord Henniker . " The Mark Master Masons' Degree had been fortunate in securing from time to time as Grand Master brethren not only of high rank in this country , but of great zeal and in every Degree of the Craft , but he ventured to think that Lord Henniker had made his mark quite as conspicuously as . any Grand Master who had preceded him by his zeal for the Order , by his great accuracy on every occasion , by his anxiety to promote and do all he could for this Degree . He had endeared himself to the heart of every Mark Master Mason through the length and breadth of the land .
Lord HENNIKER , who was received with applause , said it was difficult for him to adequately express his thanks for the very kind manner in which Bro . Else had proposed his health . He fully appreciated , and took greatly to heart all their kindness . It fully repaid him for all he could possibly do . At the same time , he could only repeat what he said in Grand Lodge that day—if he had joined the brethren of this Order it was because he had one motive before him , which was to do his best to perform his duty . He had ,
of course , to do a great deal but he did not think that anybody could deny that in gaining popularity among the brethren in the Order he had laid down a simple rule , viz ., to do his duty . The brethren would , he trusted , forgive him for any shortcomings in addressing them , as he was suffering from a very severe cold , so it was difficult to speak intelli gibly ; he would , however , do his best . It was his custom on these occasions to give a resume of what had taken place during the year . He thought he might tell them that
Mark Masonry was very flourishing at thc present time . He had been looking into thc matter most carefully . He had been made to go to many different provinces and counties during thc past year of his office , and he had seen a report connected with the way in which Mark Masonry was carried on throughout the country , and as long as there was that spirit it required no impetus of any sort to make it a complete success . During the past year they had not had so many Mark lodges made as formerly , but it was a very large number , namely , nineteen . He was aware there were one or
two more likely to be made shortly , and possibly Bro . Dewar knew of some more . They showed that they were keeping up their number , a great number of brethren were advanced . He ( the Chairman ) , was at one lodge where 19 were advanced in the degree . He was told that there was one in which as many as 28 had been advanced . A large number had been advanced in all the counties under his jurisdiction . The number advanced during the two years of his presidency was unexampled in the annals of Mark Masonry . During the two years in which he had been elected nearl y 3000 had been advanced in Mark Masonry , and he-