Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Lion and Lamb lodge , A o . 192 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the 301 I 1 ult ., ' Bro . E . Roberts , W . M ., in the chair , the officers present being , Bros . George Kenning , S . W ., G . S . Middlesex ; J . f . Harris , J . W . ; W . Goodyer , P . M ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh ,
P . M ., A . G . P . Middlesex , Sec . ; F . Trott , S . D . ; Geo . Abbott , J . D . ; Geo . Newman . Steward . Amongst the brethren present were , Bros . Chas . Hosgood , P . M . ; E . King , P . M . ; S . Muggeridge , Chas . Ankel ) , Geo . Parker , S . Lucas , Thos . Fisher , W . Younger , Chas . Hopkins , S . Haynes , R . E . Bright , J . Hyde ; and Bro . E . F . Green , T . W . 47 c visitor . The lotlge was opened in due form
by the W . M . in the first ami second degrees , and Bro . Chas . Hopkins being present underwent the usual examination prior to raising in a satisfactory manner ; the lodge was opened in the third degree , antl the said brother was duly raised to the degree of M . M ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M . antl Sec . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree . Bro . E .
Roberts , W . M ., then occupying the chair , and Mr . E . Jones having been ballotted for and approved was regularly initiated into Freemasonry , the work being done in the W . M . ' s usual good style . The remaining business of the lodge relative to a proposed summer banquet for which this emergency was called to consider , having been disposed of , the lodge was then closed with solemn ]} rayer , and adjourned till the next regular lodge meeting .
St . MarylAont lodge , No . 1305 . —A meeting of this flourishing lotlge was held at the Lyre Arms , St . John ' s AVood , on the Ist inst ., under the presidency of W . Bro . Samuel G . Foxall , P . M . 742 , ihe first W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Pope , S . W . ; Codncr , J . W . ; Bolting , Treas . ; W . Watson ( P . M . G . Stewards ' " Lodge ) , Sec . ; Stringer , S . D . ; Chaplin , J . D . ; R . Potting , I . G . ; A .
Emanuel , II . Emanuel , Gutteridgc , Williams , Horsford , Byrd , Smith , Shillabeer , Ashwell , Little , Warner , Draper , Young , Baker and Roberts . The visitors were Bros . Fowler ( 205 ) , Sharman ( 1 S 0 ) . and Major Barlow ( 940 ) . In the course ofthe evening Mr . J . L . Baker received the privilege of initiation , and Bros . Smith , Gutteridgc , Ashwell , Byrd , Horsford and Shillabeer were admitted
to the middle chamber of the Temple , the first three b y the W . M ., and the remainder by liro . Codncr as locum tcnens . It is superfluous to dilate upon the excellent manner in which the work was done by two such experienced Masons as Bros . Foxall antl Codncr ; it need onl y be said that like Sidney Smith's pea , it was as neat perfection as could be . The bye-laws were read seriatim
by the W . M ., and were severally approved by tlie brethren . No other business offering , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren retired to a sumptuous banquet , which reflected the utmost credit upon Bro . Young ' s abilities as a caterer . When the cloth was cleared , the usual loyal anil Masonic toasts were heartily given antl received . The W . M . ' s health was proposed in a
cordial speech by Bro . Watson , and elicited great applause . Bro . Foxall in returning thanks , expressed his appreciation of the honourable position he held as the first W . M . of the lodge , antl enunciated his hopeful belief that the St . Marylebone would be one of the most prosperous and happy lotlges in the Crtft . The name of "The Initiate , " Bro . Baker , was well received , and the new-made brother
briefly responded for ihe compliment . For "The l ' . M . s " Bro . Wentworth Little replied , an 1 tendered his personal thanks for the high distinction of Honorary Member wl ic 1 had been awarded him by the members of ihe lotlge . Bro . Major Barlow , in a humorous dissertation on Masonry in general , and irans-occanic Masonry in
particular , expressed the gratification of the visitors for their hospitable reception . Bro- ; . Pope and Codncr were toasted as the Wardens , and made capital responses . Bro . Stringer , S . D ., acknowledged the next toast , \\ i ., " The healths of the Officers , " and "The Tyler ' s" toast , by Bro . Woodstock , brought to a close the harmonious proceeding of this very pleasant reunion .
MIDDLESEX . ISLEWOUTIL — Villicrs Lodge , No . 1194 . —This lotlge held a meeting at the Northumberland Arms Hole ! , Isleworth , on the 2 nd inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . E . Clark , P . M ., and amongst others present we observed , Bros . \ Y . Dodd , S . W . IL AUman , l . W . Wentworth Little , Sec . ; E . T . Oshaldcston , S . D . ; F .
T . Lancaster , J . D . ; T . Smale , I . G . ; Major Palmer , Steward ; R . A . Steel , D . C . ; F . Walters , P . M . Bro . R . G . Green was passed to the second degree , after which Bro . Little raised Bros . Woodbridgc , Ridge , Forsyth , T . L . Green and Verity . The suffrages of the brethren were unanimously in favour of Bro . \ V . Dodtl as W . M . for the ensuing year . liro . Clark , P . M ., was re-clcclcl
Treas , an I J . Gilbert , Tyler . Bros . Wallers , Pa ' m ? r ai d Verily , were chosen as Auditors . The lodge was then close I , and the brethren adjourned to a cold collation a ; . d tea , separating at an early hour . The only visitors present were BID ' . \ V . k . Woolman , . 1 / 7 ) ., ( P . M . 79 ) , and W . II . Hubbard ( P . M . 173 ) . Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 . —This lodge met on Tucstlav , July sill , at the Railway Hotel , Harrow . Dm , | . Cunt ' s
, W . M . and A . G . I ' ., presided . The woik done was passing Bro ; . 11 . j . Clare and S . Corsham , and raisin . " Bros . T . K . Darke , F . W . Tvas , and A . I . Devcruix ( 169 ) . Bro . G . Pymm , I . G ., ' was elected W . M ; G . Cattail , P . M ., re-elected Treasurer ; and J . Bavin , P . M ., re-elected Tyler . The lotlge was then closed . Present , besides those named : Bros . F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; XV . I-I , Green , J . W . ; E . Harper , S . D . ; S . Homewood ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . D . ; J . Smith , J . Harrison , T . Brewer , J . C . Hall , F . Harrison , and others . Visitors : C . Long , 135 ; A . L . Devereux , 169 , & c .
PROVINCIAL . HINCKLEY . — Knights of Malta lodge , No . So .- ^ -The regular meeting of this old lodge was held . at the Town Hall , Hinckley , on Wednesday , the 29 th ult . Tlie W . M .,. Bro . Rev . W . Langley , in the chair . Bros . Hopkinson as S . W ., Davis , P ' . M ., as J . W . ; Newgcnt , W . M . of the Nuneaton Lodge , as S . D . ; ' Hackett a ' s J . D . ; T .
Harold , I . G . There was a very good attendance of brethren , including R . W . Bro . Kelly , P . G . M . of Leicestershire , antl Bros . Colman , Clarke , Atkins , Griffiths , Davis , and Geo . Clarke , P . M . Bro . Trim was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . T . Atkins was passed to the second degree , and Rev . P . II . Phelps , / I / . / L , Curate in charge of the parish church , was initiated . Several
propositions of joining brethren were made , and great hopes were expressed that several influential gentlemen in the district would be proposed as candidates for initiation when the lodge meets after the summer recess . The W . M . then proceeded to invest Bro . Hopkinson as S . D ., and Bro . Hackett as J . D ., both brethren being excellent Masons . The lodge being closed , most of the brethren
adjourned to supper at the George Hotel . The warrant of confirmation for the Mark Lodge , which has been worked from lime immemorial with the Knights of Malta Craft Lodge , has just arrived from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England anil Wales ; and under the rule of so good a Mason as Bro . Kelly , the Prov . G . Mark Master for Leicestershire , the Knights of Malta
Mark Lotlge , No . 30 , will soon be in good working order . WARRINGTON . — Lodge of Lights , A o . 148 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , June 27 th , at the Masonic Rooms . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Finney , LP . M ., took the chair , and was supported by Bros . W . Richardson , ] . W . 1250 , as S . W . ; Jas . Jackson , J . W . ; John Bowes , P . M ., & c . ;
Jos . Maxfield , P . M . ;\ V . Mossop , W . M . 1250 ; P . Pcarsc , J . D . ; f . Harding , I . G . ; W . Crompton , S . Hunt , Chief Constable ; W . Woods , S . W . 1250 ; A . F . Hullmaim , C . Ekkert , W . II . Robinson , W . S . Hawkins , S . D . 1250 ; John Fair , Jos . Taylor , Jas . Hannah , P . G .
Edlcstcn ( 1250 ) , Jas Johnson , Tyler . The lodge was dul y opened , the minutes read and confirmed , and then raised to the third degree , when Bro . Bowes assumed the chair , and gave the completion of the sublime degree of M . M . to Bros . Hunt and Fair . Their being no further business , the lodge was closed .
ROCIIFORI ) . —Lodge of True Friendship , No . 1 C 0 . — This old lodge held its annual installation meeting in their lodge room , at the Old Ship Inn , Rochford , on Friday , June 24 th . The lodge was opened at 3 o ' clock . Shortl y afterwards the arrival of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , Esq ., was reported , antl he tvas met by his Provincial Grant ! Officers , past antl
present , including the P . G . Secretary . Bro . J . G . Carr , who escorted him 10 his scat in the lodge room in due form . Bro . 1 ) . 15 , Grout , Prov . G . A . D . C ., was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , ihe ceremony of installation being ablv antl impressively performed by W . Bro . Wm . Pisscy , P . M . 160 , and P . P . | . G . W . Essex . The W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros , form W .
Carr , the Provincial Grand Secretary of Essex , S . W . ; Edward Juki , J . W . ; II . Wood , P . M . and P . P . G . O ., re-ckclcd Treasurer ; Geo . Burgess , P . M . and P . P . J . G . IX ; re-appointed Secretary ; Albert Lucking , SIX ; Thos . King , J . D . ; George Brown , I . G . Before the lodge was closed , a vole ol thanks to R . W . P . G . Master for his kindness in honoring ' . he lodge with his presence was
proposed by \\ . Bro . \\ m . Allen , P . M ., and seconded by W . Bro . Wm . Pisscy , P . M ., and unanimously carried . The following past and present Provincial Grantl Officers , Past Masters , ant ! visitors were present : W . Bros . Win . Allen . P . M . 160 , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; II . Wood , P . M . 160 , P . P . G . O . ; Geo . Bun-ess , P . M . 1 O 0 , P . P . I . G . IX ; Geo . F . Browning , P . M . 160 , P . P . f . G . W . ; J . Brazier , P . M .
160 , Fred . Wiseman , P . M . 160 ; Wm . l'issev , P . M . 160 , P . P . J . G . W . j W . S . Paviit , P . M . 160 , ' W . M . 276 , Provincial J . G . W . ; J . Allen , jun ., Paglesham , I . P . M . 1 C 0 , and P . P . G . S . I ! . ; Jones , P . M . ; Peter Richmond , P . M . and P . P . G . IXC ; Garrington , P . M . and P . P . G . S . Works ; W . Smith Cox , P . M . rooo , P . P . G . S . B . ; J ! , Notlev , W . M . 1000 ; las . Nicholson ( 276 ) , Woosnam
( 1000 ) , and Plenty ( 1000 ) . At tlie close of tlie business , the brethren , 30 in number , sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . II . D . Brown , ofthe Old Shi p Inn , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured ; some excellent songs , were given by Bios . Fred . Wiseman , Brazier , Notley , and others , and the brethren separated , after enjoying a very pleasant evening .
LUTON , BEDFORDSHIRE . —St . y . diu tlie Baptist Lodge , No . 475 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Town Hall , Luton , on Friday , the 24 th ultimo . Bro . Cumberland , W . M ., iu the chair , supported by his officers , as follows : Bros . Scat-fill , S . W . ; Cawdcl ) , J . W . ; E . O . Williams , P . M . and Treas . ; E . S . ( been , S . D . ; J . Catcliin , J . D . ; 1 . W . Green , I . G . ; including ,
also , the following members : Bros , W . Phillips , P . M . ; I'i . Austin , P . M . ; I la-elgrovc , Johnson , Benson , Alford , S . Lane , Inwards , Barley , Drew , Adams , I . ambic , Wright , and Day , ' 1 yler . Tlie lodge was opened iu tine form with solemn prayer , and ihe minutes of the last meeting were read an I confirmed . 'I he lotlge was then opened in tlie second degree Bro . W . Phillips , P . M .,
occupying the chair as W . M ., proceeded to install Bro . Scargill , ihe Master-elect , as Masler of tlie lodge lor the ensuing year . The lodge having been put in the third degree , ihe said brother was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., the ceremony of installation being performed by tlie presiding P . M . in the most efficient and aide manner . The W . M . having been regularly proclaimed according to ancient custom , the new W . M . then appointed and in-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vested his officers as follows ( Bro . Cumberland having been previously invested with the collar of I . P . M . ) Bros . Cawdell , S . W . ; E . F . Green , J . W . ; E . O . Williams , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Lambie , Sec . ; Rev . — . Adams , Chaplain ; J . Catchin , S . D . ; J . W . Green , J . D . ; S . Lane , I . G . ; Alford , Steward ; Day , Tyler . After which the usual addresses were given , which terminated
a very excellent and well-worked installation . Bros . Barley and Wrig ht were present as candidates to be passed to the degree of F . C ., having shown their proficiency in ( lie former , were duly passed to thatdegree . There beingno further business , the lodge was closed down and adjourned till the next regular lodge meeting . The brethren then retired to the George Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet
was provided by Bro . Wadsworth , which was presided over by Bro . Scargill , the new W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and ably responded to by the P . M . ' s , officers , and visitors—the health and success of the newly-installed W . M . being received with much enthusiasm . The lodge , as well as the festive board , was honoured bv the following distinguished visitors : Bros .
E . Roberts , W . M . 192 ; Thos . Riley , 540 ; Gotto , P . M . 591 and 10 S 7 ; S . Ballard , W . M . 540 ; Cookson , S . W , 540 ; Lucas ; and Mortimer , P . G . 0 ., Berks and Bucks , all of whom expressed themselves highly pleased with the hospitality afforded to them by the St . John the
Baplist Lodge . The Tyler ' s toast terminated a most deli g htful and well-spent evening . It is but fair and our duty to mention that great credit is due to Bro . Wadsworth for the very excellent banquet so specially provided for the occasion , which was ofthe most recherche description , and , we need scarcely add , gave general satisfaction .
ASHBOURNE . —St . Oswald Lodge , No . S 50 . — The annual festival ' of this lodge was duly held on Monday last , the 4 th inst ., when the W . M .-elect , Bro . James Britton , S . W ., was regularly installed by Bro . W . R . Holland , P . M . and D . P . G . S . W . of Derbyshire . Officers : Bros . L . B . Twells , I . P . M . ; Benjamin Parkin , S . W . ; John Howell , T . W . ; L . M . Wood , S . D . : Shute , J . IX ;
f . S . Whitham , I . G . ; J . Ridley , Sec . ; William Richard " Holland , P . M ., D . C . ; E . Bradley , Treas . ; W . Arnold , Ty ler . The muster was smaller than on some former occasions , but from letters and telegrams it appeared to be unavoidable . Brethren Captain Day l'ollark , W . M ., Iloxeter , and G . A . Booth , W . M . of the Scarsdale Lodge , No . 6 S 1 , Chesterfield , were visitors . The
ceremony of installation was very ably performed by liro . Holland . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Green Man and Black's Head Hotel , catered by Bro . Wallis in his usual sumptuous style . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . — The rerular monthly meeting of this lodge was not held
in May , and for various reasons the brethren could not meet until Thursday last , when there was a very good attendance . The highly-popular P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , honoured the lotlge with his presence . The W . M ., Bro . Douglas , look the chairat 0 o ' clock . Bros . Fast , S . W . ; Bright , J . W . ; S . Weavct , S . D . ; Barnard , J . D . ; Leadbeater , I . G . ; and ] . C . Clark , Steward , were all in their
p laces . There were also present Bros . Langley , P . M ., as Secretary ; Oldham . Treasurer ; Adcock , and Markham . Bro . Rev . C . II . C . Baker , M . A ., was passed , and Mr . James King was initialed . Bro . S . Weaver was elected as Provincial Grantl Steward , and the lodge was closed in harmony at S o ' clock , when Bro . Selby ' s good catering was duly appreciated .
HALIFAX , YORKSHIRE . —De Warren Lodge , No . 1302 . —This lodge held its first regular meeting alter its consecration on Monday , the 41 ) 1 inst . In the absence of the W . M ., in consequence of the sudden death of his brother ( Bro . S . Firth ) on Saturday last , the chair was occupied by Bro . G . Normanton , P . M ., P . P . J . G . IX , the other officers present being : Bros . Seed , S . W . ; IX Whitaker , J . W . ; W . Cooke , P . M ., Sec ; W . II . D .
Horsfall , S . D . ; W . Asquith , J IX ; F . Whitaker , P . M ., P . G . S ., as I . G . ; and J . Greenwood , P . M ., Tyler . Tlie minutes of die last meeting having been rcatl antl confirmed , votes of condolence were passed to the W . M . on die deaih of his brother , and also lo the widowand family of our deceased brother . All the accounts having been passed , and a committee appointed lo draw up a code of bye-laws , it was arranged that no oilier business should be entered upon , and tlie lodge was accordingly closed .
ROYAL ARC IT . LEICESTER . —CVw / Ar of Fortitude , No . 279 . —A bimonthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 1 st inst ., when , owing to various circumstances , the attendance of Companions was unusually small . A letter of apology was rcatl from Comp . the Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , ( Rugby School ) ,
Scribe N ., expressing regret at his inability to be present , and apologies were also received from several P . Z . ' s and other Companions . The officers present were , Comps . L . A . Clarke , M . K . Z . ; W . Kelly , P . Z . antl P . G . Supt ., as II ., in the absence of Comp . G . II . Hodges ; Geo , Toller , jun ., J . ; Slrelton , F . ; Atwood , as N . ; Partridge , P . S . : Rev . Dr . Ilavcroft , S . A . Soj . ; Scuhhorpe , jun .,
A . Soj . ; Bembridge , Janitor . The chapter having been opened by the Principals ami ihe Companiors admitted , a ballot was taken for Bros . R . W . Widdowson antl J . Wright Smith , both of 279 , who were unanimously elected . Bro . ' Widd . iwstm was unable to attend owing to absence from the town , but Bro . Smith being present was duly exalted , as was also Pro . Frederic E . 'ichus Wilkinson ,
. l / . / X . P . M . 1 S 1 , and W . M . 766 , who had been elected at a former meeting . After the conclusion ol the ceremony Comp . Toller gave the historical lecture , and Comp . Kelly the symbolical ' and mystical lectures . Two candidates having been proposed for exaltation , the Chapter was closed with solemn prayer , and adjourned until October .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Lion and Lamb lodge , A o . 192 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the 301 I 1 ult ., ' Bro . E . Roberts , W . M ., in the chair , the officers present being , Bros . George Kenning , S . W ., G . S . Middlesex ; J . f . Harris , J . W . ; W . Goodyer , P . M ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh ,
P . M ., A . G . P . Middlesex , Sec . ; F . Trott , S . D . ; Geo . Abbott , J . D . ; Geo . Newman . Steward . Amongst the brethren present were , Bros . Chas . Hosgood , P . M . ; E . King , P . M . ; S . Muggeridge , Chas . Ankel ) , Geo . Parker , S . Lucas , Thos . Fisher , W . Younger , Chas . Hopkins , S . Haynes , R . E . Bright , J . Hyde ; and Bro . E . F . Green , T . W . 47 c visitor . The lotlge was opened in due form
by the W . M . in the first ami second degrees , and Bro . Chas . Hopkins being present underwent the usual examination prior to raising in a satisfactory manner ; the lodge was opened in the third degree , antl the said brother was duly raised to the degree of M . M ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M . antl Sec . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree . Bro . E .
Roberts , W . M ., then occupying the chair , and Mr . E . Jones having been ballotted for and approved was regularly initiated into Freemasonry , the work being done in the W . M . ' s usual good style . The remaining business of the lodge relative to a proposed summer banquet for which this emergency was called to consider , having been disposed of , the lodge was then closed with solemn ]} rayer , and adjourned till the next regular lodge meeting .
St . MarylAont lodge , No . 1305 . —A meeting of this flourishing lotlge was held at the Lyre Arms , St . John ' s AVood , on the Ist inst ., under the presidency of W . Bro . Samuel G . Foxall , P . M . 742 , ihe first W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Pope , S . W . ; Codncr , J . W . ; Bolting , Treas . ; W . Watson ( P . M . G . Stewards ' " Lodge ) , Sec . ; Stringer , S . D . ; Chaplin , J . D . ; R . Potting , I . G . ; A .
Emanuel , II . Emanuel , Gutteridgc , Williams , Horsford , Byrd , Smith , Shillabeer , Ashwell , Little , Warner , Draper , Young , Baker and Roberts . The visitors were Bros . Fowler ( 205 ) , Sharman ( 1 S 0 ) . and Major Barlow ( 940 ) . In the course ofthe evening Mr . J . L . Baker received the privilege of initiation , and Bros . Smith , Gutteridgc , Ashwell , Byrd , Horsford and Shillabeer were admitted
to the middle chamber of the Temple , the first three b y the W . M ., and the remainder by liro . Codncr as locum tcnens . It is superfluous to dilate upon the excellent manner in which the work was done by two such experienced Masons as Bros . Foxall antl Codncr ; it need onl y be said that like Sidney Smith's pea , it was as neat perfection as could be . The bye-laws were read seriatim
by the W . M ., and were severally approved by tlie brethren . No other business offering , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren retired to a sumptuous banquet , which reflected the utmost credit upon Bro . Young ' s abilities as a caterer . When the cloth was cleared , the usual loyal anil Masonic toasts were heartily given antl received . The W . M . ' s health was proposed in a
cordial speech by Bro . Watson , and elicited great applause . Bro . Foxall in returning thanks , expressed his appreciation of the honourable position he held as the first W . M . of the lodge , antl enunciated his hopeful belief that the St . Marylebone would be one of the most prosperous and happy lotlges in the Crtft . The name of "The Initiate , " Bro . Baker , was well received , and the new-made brother
briefly responded for ihe compliment . For "The l ' . M . s " Bro . Wentworth Little replied , an 1 tendered his personal thanks for the high distinction of Honorary Member wl ic 1 had been awarded him by the members of ihe lotlge . Bro . Major Barlow , in a humorous dissertation on Masonry in general , and irans-occanic Masonry in
particular , expressed the gratification of the visitors for their hospitable reception . Bro- ; . Pope and Codncr were toasted as the Wardens , and made capital responses . Bro . Stringer , S . D ., acknowledged the next toast , \\ i ., " The healths of the Officers , " and "The Tyler ' s" toast , by Bro . Woodstock , brought to a close the harmonious proceeding of this very pleasant reunion .
MIDDLESEX . ISLEWOUTIL — Villicrs Lodge , No . 1194 . —This lotlge held a meeting at the Northumberland Arms Hole ! , Isleworth , on the 2 nd inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . E . Clark , P . M ., and amongst others present we observed , Bros . \ Y . Dodd , S . W . IL AUman , l . W . Wentworth Little , Sec . ; E . T . Oshaldcston , S . D . ; F .
T . Lancaster , J . D . ; T . Smale , I . G . ; Major Palmer , Steward ; R . A . Steel , D . C . ; F . Walters , P . M . Bro . R . G . Green was passed to the second degree , after which Bro . Little raised Bros . Woodbridgc , Ridge , Forsyth , T . L . Green and Verity . The suffrages of the brethren were unanimously in favour of Bro . \ V . Dodtl as W . M . for the ensuing year . liro . Clark , P . M ., was re-clcclcl
Treas , an I J . Gilbert , Tyler . Bros . Wallers , Pa ' m ? r ai d Verily , were chosen as Auditors . The lodge was then close I , and the brethren adjourned to a cold collation a ; . d tea , separating at an early hour . The only visitors present were BID ' . \ V . k . Woolman , . 1 / 7 ) ., ( P . M . 79 ) , and W . II . Hubbard ( P . M . 173 ) . Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 . —This lodge met on Tucstlav , July sill , at the Railway Hotel , Harrow . Dm , | . Cunt ' s
, W . M . and A . G . I ' ., presided . The woik done was passing Bro ; . 11 . j . Clare and S . Corsham , and raisin . " Bros . T . K . Darke , F . W . Tvas , and A . I . Devcruix ( 169 ) . Bro . G . Pymm , I . G ., ' was elected W . M ; G . Cattail , P . M ., re-elected Treasurer ; and J . Bavin , P . M ., re-elected Tyler . The lotlge was then closed . Present , besides those named : Bros . F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; XV . I-I , Green , J . W . ; E . Harper , S . D . ; S . Homewood ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . D . ; J . Smith , J . Harrison , T . Brewer , J . C . Hall , F . Harrison , and others . Visitors : C . Long , 135 ; A . L . Devereux , 169 , & c .
PROVINCIAL . HINCKLEY . — Knights of Malta lodge , No . So .- ^ -The regular meeting of this old lodge was held . at the Town Hall , Hinckley , on Wednesday , the 29 th ult . Tlie W . M .,. Bro . Rev . W . Langley , in the chair . Bros . Hopkinson as S . W ., Davis , P ' . M ., as J . W . ; Newgcnt , W . M . of the Nuneaton Lodge , as S . D . ; ' Hackett a ' s J . D . ; T .
Harold , I . G . There was a very good attendance of brethren , including R . W . Bro . Kelly , P . G . M . of Leicestershire , antl Bros . Colman , Clarke , Atkins , Griffiths , Davis , and Geo . Clarke , P . M . Bro . Trim was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . T . Atkins was passed to the second degree , and Rev . P . II . Phelps , / I / . / L , Curate in charge of the parish church , was initiated . Several
propositions of joining brethren were made , and great hopes were expressed that several influential gentlemen in the district would be proposed as candidates for initiation when the lodge meets after the summer recess . The W . M . then proceeded to invest Bro . Hopkinson as S . D ., and Bro . Hackett as J . D ., both brethren being excellent Masons . The lodge being closed , most of the brethren
adjourned to supper at the George Hotel . The warrant of confirmation for the Mark Lodge , which has been worked from lime immemorial with the Knights of Malta Craft Lodge , has just arrived from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England anil Wales ; and under the rule of so good a Mason as Bro . Kelly , the Prov . G . Mark Master for Leicestershire , the Knights of Malta
Mark Lotlge , No . 30 , will soon be in good working order . WARRINGTON . — Lodge of Lights , A o . 148 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , June 27 th , at the Masonic Rooms . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Finney , LP . M ., took the chair , and was supported by Bros . W . Richardson , ] . W . 1250 , as S . W . ; Jas . Jackson , J . W . ; John Bowes , P . M ., & c . ;
Jos . Maxfield , P . M . ;\ V . Mossop , W . M . 1250 ; P . Pcarsc , J . D . ; f . Harding , I . G . ; W . Crompton , S . Hunt , Chief Constable ; W . Woods , S . W . 1250 ; A . F . Hullmaim , C . Ekkert , W . II . Robinson , W . S . Hawkins , S . D . 1250 ; John Fair , Jos . Taylor , Jas . Hannah , P . G .
Edlcstcn ( 1250 ) , Jas Johnson , Tyler . The lodge was dul y opened , the minutes read and confirmed , and then raised to the third degree , when Bro . Bowes assumed the chair , and gave the completion of the sublime degree of M . M . to Bros . Hunt and Fair . Their being no further business , the lodge was closed .
ROCIIFORI ) . —Lodge of True Friendship , No . 1 C 0 . — This old lodge held its annual installation meeting in their lodge room , at the Old Ship Inn , Rochford , on Friday , June 24 th . The lodge was opened at 3 o ' clock . Shortl y afterwards the arrival of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , Esq ., was reported , antl he tvas met by his Provincial Grant ! Officers , past antl
present , including the P . G . Secretary . Bro . J . G . Carr , who escorted him 10 his scat in the lodge room in due form . Bro . 1 ) . 15 , Grout , Prov . G . A . D . C ., was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , ihe ceremony of installation being ablv antl impressively performed by W . Bro . Wm . Pisscy , P . M . 160 , and P . P . | . G . W . Essex . The W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros , form W .
Carr , the Provincial Grand Secretary of Essex , S . W . ; Edward Juki , J . W . ; II . Wood , P . M . and P . P . G . O ., re-ckclcd Treasurer ; Geo . Burgess , P . M . and P . P . J . G . IX ; re-appointed Secretary ; Albert Lucking , SIX ; Thos . King , J . D . ; George Brown , I . G . Before the lodge was closed , a vole ol thanks to R . W . P . G . Master for his kindness in honoring ' . he lodge with his presence was
proposed by \\ . Bro . \\ m . Allen , P . M ., and seconded by W . Bro . Wm . Pisscy , P . M ., and unanimously carried . The following past and present Provincial Grantl Officers , Past Masters , ant ! visitors were present : W . Bros . Win . Allen . P . M . 160 , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; II . Wood , P . M . 160 , P . P . G . O . ; Geo . Bun-ess , P . M . 1 O 0 , P . P . I . G . IX ; Geo . F . Browning , P . M . 160 , P . P . f . G . W . ; J . Brazier , P . M .
160 , Fred . Wiseman , P . M . 160 ; Wm . l'issev , P . M . 160 , P . P . J . G . W . j W . S . Paviit , P . M . 160 , ' W . M . 276 , Provincial J . G . W . ; J . Allen , jun ., Paglesham , I . P . M . 1 C 0 , and P . P . G . S . I ! . ; Jones , P . M . ; Peter Richmond , P . M . and P . P . G . IXC ; Garrington , P . M . and P . P . G . S . Works ; W . Smith Cox , P . M . rooo , P . P . G . S . B . ; J ! , Notlev , W . M . 1000 ; las . Nicholson ( 276 ) , Woosnam
( 1000 ) , and Plenty ( 1000 ) . At tlie close of tlie business , the brethren , 30 in number , sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . II . D . Brown , ofthe Old Shi p Inn , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured ; some excellent songs , were given by Bios . Fred . Wiseman , Brazier , Notley , and others , and the brethren separated , after enjoying a very pleasant evening .
LUTON , BEDFORDSHIRE . —St . y . diu tlie Baptist Lodge , No . 475 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Town Hall , Luton , on Friday , the 24 th ultimo . Bro . Cumberland , W . M ., iu the chair , supported by his officers , as follows : Bros . Scat-fill , S . W . ; Cawdcl ) , J . W . ; E . O . Williams , P . M . and Treas . ; E . S . ( been , S . D . ; J . Catcliin , J . D . ; 1 . W . Green , I . G . ; including ,
also , the following members : Bros , W . Phillips , P . M . ; I'i . Austin , P . M . ; I la-elgrovc , Johnson , Benson , Alford , S . Lane , Inwards , Barley , Drew , Adams , I . ambic , Wright , and Day , ' 1 yler . Tlie lodge was opened iu tine form with solemn prayer , and ihe minutes of the last meeting were read an I confirmed . 'I he lotlge was then opened in tlie second degree Bro . W . Phillips , P . M .,
occupying the chair as W . M ., proceeded to install Bro . Scargill , ihe Master-elect , as Masler of tlie lodge lor the ensuing year . The lodge having been put in the third degree , ihe said brother was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., the ceremony of installation being performed by tlie presiding P . M . in the most efficient and aide manner . The W . M . having been regularly proclaimed according to ancient custom , the new W . M . then appointed and in-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vested his officers as follows ( Bro . Cumberland having been previously invested with the collar of I . P . M . ) Bros . Cawdell , S . W . ; E . F . Green , J . W . ; E . O . Williams , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Lambie , Sec . ; Rev . — . Adams , Chaplain ; J . Catchin , S . D . ; J . W . Green , J . D . ; S . Lane , I . G . ; Alford , Steward ; Day , Tyler . After which the usual addresses were given , which terminated
a very excellent and well-worked installation . Bros . Barley and Wrig ht were present as candidates to be passed to the degree of F . C ., having shown their proficiency in ( lie former , were duly passed to thatdegree . There beingno further business , the lodge was closed down and adjourned till the next regular lodge meeting . The brethren then retired to the George Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet
was provided by Bro . Wadsworth , which was presided over by Bro . Scargill , the new W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and ably responded to by the P . M . ' s , officers , and visitors—the health and success of the newly-installed W . M . being received with much enthusiasm . The lodge , as well as the festive board , was honoured bv the following distinguished visitors : Bros .
E . Roberts , W . M . 192 ; Thos . Riley , 540 ; Gotto , P . M . 591 and 10 S 7 ; S . Ballard , W . M . 540 ; Cookson , S . W , 540 ; Lucas ; and Mortimer , P . G . 0 ., Berks and Bucks , all of whom expressed themselves highly pleased with the hospitality afforded to them by the St . John the
Baplist Lodge . The Tyler ' s toast terminated a most deli g htful and well-spent evening . It is but fair and our duty to mention that great credit is due to Bro . Wadsworth for the very excellent banquet so specially provided for the occasion , which was ofthe most recherche description , and , we need scarcely add , gave general satisfaction .
ASHBOURNE . —St . Oswald Lodge , No . S 50 . — The annual festival ' of this lodge was duly held on Monday last , the 4 th inst ., when the W . M .-elect , Bro . James Britton , S . W ., was regularly installed by Bro . W . R . Holland , P . M . and D . P . G . S . W . of Derbyshire . Officers : Bros . L . B . Twells , I . P . M . ; Benjamin Parkin , S . W . ; John Howell , T . W . ; L . M . Wood , S . D . : Shute , J . IX ;
f . S . Whitham , I . G . ; J . Ridley , Sec . ; William Richard " Holland , P . M ., D . C . ; E . Bradley , Treas . ; W . Arnold , Ty ler . The muster was smaller than on some former occasions , but from letters and telegrams it appeared to be unavoidable . Brethren Captain Day l'ollark , W . M ., Iloxeter , and G . A . Booth , W . M . of the Scarsdale Lodge , No . 6 S 1 , Chesterfield , were visitors . The
ceremony of installation was very ably performed by liro . Holland . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Green Man and Black's Head Hotel , catered by Bro . Wallis in his usual sumptuous style . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . — The rerular monthly meeting of this lodge was not held
in May , and for various reasons the brethren could not meet until Thursday last , when there was a very good attendance . The highly-popular P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , honoured the lotlge with his presence . The W . M ., Bro . Douglas , look the chairat 0 o ' clock . Bros . Fast , S . W . ; Bright , J . W . ; S . Weavct , S . D . ; Barnard , J . D . ; Leadbeater , I . G . ; and ] . C . Clark , Steward , were all in their
p laces . There were also present Bros . Langley , P . M ., as Secretary ; Oldham . Treasurer ; Adcock , and Markham . Bro . Rev . C . II . C . Baker , M . A ., was passed , and Mr . James King was initialed . Bro . S . Weaver was elected as Provincial Grantl Steward , and the lodge was closed in harmony at S o ' clock , when Bro . Selby ' s good catering was duly appreciated .
HALIFAX , YORKSHIRE . —De Warren Lodge , No . 1302 . —This lodge held its first regular meeting alter its consecration on Monday , the 41 ) 1 inst . In the absence of the W . M ., in consequence of the sudden death of his brother ( Bro . S . Firth ) on Saturday last , the chair was occupied by Bro . G . Normanton , P . M ., P . P . J . G . IX , the other officers present being : Bros . Seed , S . W . ; IX Whitaker , J . W . ; W . Cooke , P . M ., Sec ; W . II . D .
Horsfall , S . D . ; W . Asquith , J IX ; F . Whitaker , P . M ., P . G . S ., as I . G . ; and J . Greenwood , P . M ., Tyler . Tlie minutes of die last meeting having been rcatl antl confirmed , votes of condolence were passed to the W . M . on die deaih of his brother , and also lo the widowand family of our deceased brother . All the accounts having been passed , and a committee appointed lo draw up a code of bye-laws , it was arranged that no oilier business should be entered upon , and tlie lodge was accordingly closed .
ROYAL ARC IT . LEICESTER . —CVw / Ar of Fortitude , No . 279 . —A bimonthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 1 st inst ., when , owing to various circumstances , the attendance of Companions was unusually small . A letter of apology was rcatl from Comp . the Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , ( Rugby School ) ,
Scribe N ., expressing regret at his inability to be present , and apologies were also received from several P . Z . ' s and other Companions . The officers present were , Comps . L . A . Clarke , M . K . Z . ; W . Kelly , P . Z . antl P . G . Supt ., as II ., in the absence of Comp . G . II . Hodges ; Geo , Toller , jun ., J . ; Slrelton , F . ; Atwood , as N . ; Partridge , P . S . : Rev . Dr . Ilavcroft , S . A . Soj . ; Scuhhorpe , jun .,
A . Soj . ; Bembridge , Janitor . The chapter having been opened by the Principals ami ihe Companiors admitted , a ballot was taken for Bros . R . W . Widdowson antl J . Wright Smith , both of 279 , who were unanimously elected . Bro . ' Widd . iwstm was unable to attend owing to absence from the town , but Bro . Smith being present was duly exalted , as was also Pro . Frederic E . 'ichus Wilkinson ,
. l / . / X . P . M . 1 S 1 , and W . M . 766 , who had been elected at a former meeting . After the conclusion ol the ceremony Comp . Toller gave the historical lecture , and Comp . Kelly the symbolical ' and mystical lectures . Two candidates having been proposed for exaltation , the Chapter was closed with solemn prayer , and adjourned until October .