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Ma R K At A S O N R Y.
MELTON MOWBRAY . — The Howe Lodge , No . 21 . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , 30 th of June . After the confirmation ofthe minutes of previous meeting , Bro . Kelly , R . W . P . G . Master for Leicestershire , took the chair , and installed Bro . Douglas in the chair of Adoniram in the presence of V . W . Bros .
Robinson and Langley , G . Ch . s . The W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : George Brown , S . W . ; W . Adcock , J . W . ; Bright , M . O . ; Fast , S . O . ; Markham , J . O . ; Sharman , Sec . ; Leadbeatcr , Treas . ; Duncomb , S . D . ; Newcome , J . D . ; Barnard , I . G . A vote of thanks to Bro . Kelly as Installing Master , who on no occasion has ever spared himself trouble or expense
when he could serve the cause of Masonry , was proposed and carried by acclamation . A letter from the Prov . Grand Sec . respecting the lodge going into mourning for Lord Howe was read , and the lodge was closed . TRURO . —M . M . Lodge No . , % . —The annual meeting of the Fortitude Lodge of Mark Masters was held at the Masonic Hall , Quay-street , Truro , on Thursday , the 30 th
ult ., at six p . m ., when the chair was taken by Bro . E . T . Carlyon , P . Prov . G . Reg ., the W . M . The lodge was opened in form , and the W . M . and Treasurer were balloted for and elected , and the Tyler was chosen unanimously by the members . After which Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . M . 78 , & c , P . Prov . G . Sec , and Past G . Overseer , took the chair , and advanced two brethren to the
honourable degree of a Mark Master , in the usual efficient manner for which that brother is so well known . On the conclusion of this interesting ceremony , the W . M . presented ihe W . M .-elect , Bro . Thomas Solomon , S . W . No . 78 , Prov . G . Reg ., to Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . M ., for the benefit of installation , which was accordingly rendered in ancient form , and Bro . Solomon was saluted and greeted
as the W . Master of the Fortitude Lodge for the ensuing year . Bro . Solomon , J . P ., made one of his happy and genial speeches on assuming the chair , and having taken the opinion of the Board of Installed Masters—consisting of Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . M . ; W . J . Johns , P . M ., andE . T . Carlyon , P . M . —proceeded atonceto appointhisoflicers as follows : R . John , S . W . ; N . B . Bullin ,
J . W . ; John Jeffry , M . O . ; A . W . May , S . O . ; J . C . R . Crewes , J . O . ; Rev . II . B . Bttllocke , MA ., Chap . ; William J . Johns , Treas . ; W . II . Jenkins , Reg . of Works ; J . C . R . Crewes , Sec . ; William Middfeton , S . D . ; N . B . Bullen , Or . ; R . Rowe , D . C . ; J . Griffin , I . G . ; C . Trenthick and K . N . P . Mode , Stewards ; John Langdon , Tyler . On the investment of the Treasurer
much pleasure was evinced by the members , as the selection of Bro . W . J . Johns , P . M . 78 , Prov . G . Warden , for that office has given general satisfaction to them all . The annual banquet was postponed until the next quarterly meeting , as tlie Prov . G . Lodge for Cornwall ( Craft ) will meet shortly in Truro . An excellent year for business is expected under the able rule of Bro . Thomas Solomon , y . P ., the W . Master .
FALMOUTH . — M . M . Lodge No . 94 . —The Love and Honour Mark Lodge , No . 94 , held its annual meeting at the Royal Hotel , Falmouth ' , on Thursday , tlie 23 rd June , at seven p . m . Present : Bros . W . F . Newman , P . Prov . G . Overseer , W . M . ; W . J . Hughan , P . M . No . 7 S , P . G . Overseer , & c . ; John Nincss , P . M . 101 , Prov . G . Overseer ; D . W . Tremcwen , S . W . ; Thomas Webber , y . P .
Sec . ; and several brethren . By request of the W . M ,, Bro . J . Hughan advanced two candidates , and fully instructed them in the mysteries and advantages of Mark Masonry . After which Bro . John Nincss , P . M . 101 , installed Bro . D . W . Tremewen as the W . M . No . 94 foi
the ensuing year in a most efficient manner . On the conclusion of the ceremony the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by the W . M ., anda few hours were agreeably spent in chatting over the progress of Mark Masonry anil making notes as to the antiquity and importance of the degree historically and Masonically .
LINES Addressed to Lotlge 402 , Abbeyleix , Ireland , by Bro . J HARRISON , P . M . 402 , 646 . Again returns the night , and with it brings The cheerful faces to the festive scene , The sunshine of that mystic light which ( lings Its mellow'd charm on all that falls between .
Cemented harmony of fraternal minds , Which consists in making men good and true ; No discord here , nor aught which reason blinds , But the wcll-knovvn harmony of 402 . Long may your lodge by Wisdom ' s law be rul'tl ,
Always in strength of upright minus consist ; Be in your system ' s Beauty strictly school'd , And all that ' s not harmonious still resist . So shall our universal Order shine , Thus govern'd by the unerring light , Which , radiating from the eye divine , Guides all true Masons in the path that ' s right .
GALVANISM . —Ptilvcrmnchcr ' s Monthly Record of Cures is now ready for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Piilvcrmaeher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-EIcctric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , antl may' be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . Pulvcrmaehcr , 200 . Regent-street .
London , W . A Test tin Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . — Spurious Electric A ppliances being advertisec by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvcr . macher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c—fAdvt . l
Installation Of The Earl Ferrers.
The annual festival of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , and the installation of its newlyelected W . M . Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Ferrers , P . G . S . D . ( the son of its founder , from whom the first part of its name is derived ) , were celebrated at the Town Hall , Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch , on Tuesday ,
the 28 th ult ., when a large number of visitors , in addition to the members of the lodge , assembled to do honour to the occasion . The ceremony was announced to be performed by the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly ( one of the founders ) , and among the other brethren present were Edw . F . Mammatt ,
W . M . and P . G . J . W . ; the Revs . J . Denton , M . A ( Sec ) , and Samuel Pyemont , D . D ., P . M . 's and P . P . G . S . W . 's ; H . Etherington Smith , y . P ., and Geo . Fowler Brown , P . M . 's and P . P . G . J . W . ' s ; S . Love , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; Garner , J . W . ; Faulkner , S . D . ; Blood , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; Stokes ,
Lewin , Lewis , Alcock , and others . Among the visiting brethren were W . Pettifor , P . M . 279 and P . P . G . S . W . ; Duff , P . M . 523 and P . P . G . S . D . ; Buzzard , W . M . 523 and P . G . A . D . of C ; Atwood ( 279 ) , Palmer ( S . D . 279 , from Leicester ) , Rev . J . B . Mundy ( 1039 ) , Captain Webster ( I . C . 47 , from
Lichfield ) , Rev . G . M . Braune ( P . M . 40 , Hastings ) , E . B . Knoble ( P . M . 353 , Repton ) , R . Robinson , W . M . ; J . Upton , P . M . ; W . Dewar ( 624 , Burtonon-Trent ) , H . Hillaur ( Arboretum Lodge , Derby , and Prov . G . Secretary ) , N . Joyce ( Secretary 726 ) , and others .
The lodge having been opened , and the minutes ofthe last lodge duly confirmed , a ballot was taken for Trevor Morris , jun ., Esq ., M . D ., of Ashby , who was unanimously elected . The P . G . M ., accompanied by several P . G . Officers from Leicester , soon afterwards arrived ;
and having been received with the usual honours , took the chair , and , at the request of the W . M ., proceeded to initiate Dr . Trevor Morris into the mysteries of the first degree . A F . C . ' s Lodge having been opened , Bro . Mammatt , the retiring W . M ., presented his successor ,
Lord Ferrers , to receive the benefit of installation , which ceremony was then performed according to ancient custom ; the Board of Installed Masters consisting of 17 members . After his Lordship had been proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees , and the P . G . M . had concluded the ceremony with
the usual address to the W . M ., the following brethren were appointed and invested by the W . M ., as the officers for the ensuing year : Bros . Garner , S . W . ; Faulkner , J . W . ; Rev . J . Denton , P . M ., Sec ; S . Love , P . M . ( elected ) , Treas . ; Blood , S . D . ; Johnson , J . D . ; Lewis , I . G . ; Canner , Tyler . The P . G . M ., after giving the final charge to the
brethren , announced that , as it was his intention , in future to allow , each year , six of the lodges in the province ( in rotation ) to nominate one of their members to him for appointment as a Provincial Grand Steward , he should be glad if the brethren of that lodge would do so , and communicate the name of the brother so elected to the P . G . Secretary before the meeting of the P . G . Lodge in the
autumn . On the conclusion ofthe business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Head Hotel , where , after an elegant banquet , served in Bro . Love ' s well-known first-rate style , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were dul y
honoured . The noble W . M . proposed "The Queen and the Craft , " followed by "Bro . H . R . H . the Prince ot Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " and in so doing expressed the gratification which was universally felt amongst the
Craft at the accession of the Prince of Wales to their ranks , and at the interest which he took in the Order . The PROV . G . M ., in proposing " The Right Rev . Bro . the Lord Bishop of the Diocese , the Clergy and Ministers of all Denominations , " alluded to the
satisfaction felt by the Craft in the diocese in having at its head so learned and eloquent a divine , antl , above all , so worthy a Mason , as the Bishop of Peterborough ; and also to the benefit which was mutually conferred on the Craft and themselves when the clergy and ministers of other
denominations took an active part in Masonry , as was fortunately so largely the case in the Province of Leicester and Rutland—there not being a single Lodge which did not possess one , and , in some instances , three or four clerical brethren . The toast was responded to in appropriate terms by the Rev . J DENTON , P . P . G . Chap , and P . P . G . S . W .
Bro . II . ETHERINGTON SMITH , P . M . and P . P . G . J . W ., proposed " The Army , Navy , Militia , Yeomanry , and Volunteers . " This was responded to by Bro . Capt . WEBSTER , who said that during his military service in the East , and elsewhere , he knew of several instances among his brother officers , where , when in peril , Masonry had been of essential service to them .
Installation Of The Earl Ferrers.
Bro . LOVE also responded on behalf of the volunteers . The W . M . proposed the " M . W . Grand Master , " and , subsequently , " The R . W . Deputy Grand Master and the Officers ofthe Grand Lodge . " The Rev . Bro . DENTON then proposed in highly
complimentary terms " The Health of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , " one ofthe founders of the lodge ; and who , he said , was always ready and willing to assist all the lodges in the province , as on that and many former occasions he had assisted their lodge . ( The toast was received most warmly
anckwith musical honours . ) Bro . KELLY , in responding , alluded to the great interest which the late Earl Ferrers took in the establishment of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , of which he was nominated in the warrant as the first W . M . ; but into which office it pleased the
G . A . O . T . U . that he should not live to be installed , and which then devolved upon the S . W ., Bro . Edward Mammatt , whose son he ( Bro . Kelly ) had the pleasure of installing into office last year , as he had formerly installed his father , and as he now had the additional pleasure of installing to-day the sort
of the original founder , Earl Ferrers , an event on which he might congratulate both the lodge and its noble W . M . Bro . PETTIFOR , P . P . G . S . W ., responded to the toast of "The P . G . Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland , " proposed by Bro . BROWN , P . M . The I . P . M ., Bro . MAMMATT , in proposing "The
health of the W . M ., " also referred to the parts taken by the noble W . M . 's father and his own in the formation of the lodge , and said that , although only a boy at the time , he well remembered the frequent conferences on the subject between his late father and the late Earl Ferrers . He concluded by wishing the W . M . a successful rule over the lodge .
The youthful EARL expressed the great pride and pleasure he felt in being placed in the chair of the lodge bearing the name of his late father , and in having the honour to be installed by ' the Prov . G . M ., who had assisted his father in the formation of the lodge . Having expressed the great interest he felt
in the Order , the W . M . concluded by thanking the brethren for their cordial reception of the toast , and their support on this occasion . ( The noble Earl resumed his seat amidst loud applause . ) The health of the " Visiting Brethren " was proposed by Bro . LOVE , P . M ., and was acknowledged
by the Rev . Bro . Mundy , of Lichfield , and by Bro , Upton , P . M . of the Abbey Lodge , Burton-on-Trent , a regular visitor to the lodge on these occasions . The concluding toast was "The Past and Present Officers ofthe Lodge , " which was responded to by
Bro . GARNER , S . W . and P . G . S ., when the brethren separated after a very pleasant meeting . It must not be omitted to be mentioned , that during the evening Bros . Atwood and Palmer , of Leicester , delighted the brethren with several songs ,
Picnic Of The Old Globe Lodge Scarborough.
The Annual Picnic of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 21 st June , on the estate ( by kind permission ) of Bro . Sir Harcourt Johnstone , Bart ., AI . P ., P . M . 200 , P . S . P . G . W . N . and E . Yorkshire . The brethren and their friends , to the number of about 50 , assembled in the grounds , which were thrown open for their amusement . Hackncss Hall is distant from Scarborough about six
miles , and is a splendid old English mansion . The grounds , vineries , gardens , & c , are beautifully arranged , and the lawn , shrubberies , and lake , with the noble swans thereon , combine to form a charming prospect , while the view obtained from the plateau , of hills and valleys , with splendid trees and woodlands , is most magnificent . The cheerful countenances of each party as we met them in
their wanderings , clearly showed that the cares of the world were , for a time at least , forgotten . At 5 p . m . the " General Assembly" was sounded by a trumpeter of the band , and in a short time the company were seated under the brave old oaks , partaking of that cheerful repast , tea . Everything gave the highest satisfaction , both for quality , quantity and variety . Tea being over the brethren , ladies ,
and friends assembled on the lawn in front of the mansion and dancing commenced . Bro . R . H . Peacocke , the W . M ., leading off in a country dance , in which all present joined . After this opening the dances were varied , and heartily kept up during the evening , and it was very gratifying to see so many enjoying this rational and pleasing amusement , with the brethren and friends vicing with each other in their endeavours to make every one happy . At
8 . 30 the " General Assembly was again sounded , and all the party ( including the employe ' s of the Hall ) were arranged for the last dance , the time-honoured "Sir Roger , " which was led off with great spirit by the W . M . and the Housekeeper of the Hall . The National Anthem , anil three hearty cheers for Sir Harcourt and Lady John stone antl family , with three more from the non-Masons for the Freemasons , brought this pleasant afternoon ' s amusements to a close , and all returned home gratified .
THE first meeting of the Keystone Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 109 ( liro . the V . W . Charles Lyne , D . P . G . M ., W . M .-designate ) , will be held on Monday , the 25 th inst ., at 2 . 30 p . m ., at the Masonic Hall , Dockstreet , Newport , for the consecration and dedication of the lodge , installation of W . M ., & c . The ceremonies will be performed by V . W . Bro . T . Binckes , G . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ma R K At A S O N R Y.
MELTON MOWBRAY . — The Howe Lodge , No . 21 . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , 30 th of June . After the confirmation ofthe minutes of previous meeting , Bro . Kelly , R . W . P . G . Master for Leicestershire , took the chair , and installed Bro . Douglas in the chair of Adoniram in the presence of V . W . Bros .
Robinson and Langley , G . Ch . s . The W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : George Brown , S . W . ; W . Adcock , J . W . ; Bright , M . O . ; Fast , S . O . ; Markham , J . O . ; Sharman , Sec . ; Leadbeatcr , Treas . ; Duncomb , S . D . ; Newcome , J . D . ; Barnard , I . G . A vote of thanks to Bro . Kelly as Installing Master , who on no occasion has ever spared himself trouble or expense
when he could serve the cause of Masonry , was proposed and carried by acclamation . A letter from the Prov . Grand Sec . respecting the lodge going into mourning for Lord Howe was read , and the lodge was closed . TRURO . —M . M . Lodge No . , % . —The annual meeting of the Fortitude Lodge of Mark Masters was held at the Masonic Hall , Quay-street , Truro , on Thursday , the 30 th
ult ., at six p . m ., when the chair was taken by Bro . E . T . Carlyon , P . Prov . G . Reg ., the W . M . The lodge was opened in form , and the W . M . and Treasurer were balloted for and elected , and the Tyler was chosen unanimously by the members . After which Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . M . 78 , & c , P . Prov . G . Sec , and Past G . Overseer , took the chair , and advanced two brethren to the
honourable degree of a Mark Master , in the usual efficient manner for which that brother is so well known . On the conclusion of this interesting ceremony , the W . M . presented ihe W . M .-elect , Bro . Thomas Solomon , S . W . No . 78 , Prov . G . Reg ., to Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . M ., for the benefit of installation , which was accordingly rendered in ancient form , and Bro . Solomon was saluted and greeted
as the W . Master of the Fortitude Lodge for the ensuing year . Bro . Solomon , J . P ., made one of his happy and genial speeches on assuming the chair , and having taken the opinion of the Board of Installed Masters—consisting of Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . M . ; W . J . Johns , P . M ., andE . T . Carlyon , P . M . —proceeded atonceto appointhisoflicers as follows : R . John , S . W . ; N . B . Bullin ,
J . W . ; John Jeffry , M . O . ; A . W . May , S . O . ; J . C . R . Crewes , J . O . ; Rev . II . B . Bttllocke , MA ., Chap . ; William J . Johns , Treas . ; W . II . Jenkins , Reg . of Works ; J . C . R . Crewes , Sec . ; William Middfeton , S . D . ; N . B . Bullen , Or . ; R . Rowe , D . C . ; J . Griffin , I . G . ; C . Trenthick and K . N . P . Mode , Stewards ; John Langdon , Tyler . On the investment of the Treasurer
much pleasure was evinced by the members , as the selection of Bro . W . J . Johns , P . M . 78 , Prov . G . Warden , for that office has given general satisfaction to them all . The annual banquet was postponed until the next quarterly meeting , as tlie Prov . G . Lodge for Cornwall ( Craft ) will meet shortly in Truro . An excellent year for business is expected under the able rule of Bro . Thomas Solomon , y . P ., the W . Master .
FALMOUTH . — M . M . Lodge No . 94 . —The Love and Honour Mark Lodge , No . 94 , held its annual meeting at the Royal Hotel , Falmouth ' , on Thursday , tlie 23 rd June , at seven p . m . Present : Bros . W . F . Newman , P . Prov . G . Overseer , W . M . ; W . J . Hughan , P . M . No . 7 S , P . G . Overseer , & c . ; John Nincss , P . M . 101 , Prov . G . Overseer ; D . W . Tremcwen , S . W . ; Thomas Webber , y . P .
Sec . ; and several brethren . By request of the W . M ,, Bro . J . Hughan advanced two candidates , and fully instructed them in the mysteries and advantages of Mark Masonry . After which Bro . John Nincss , P . M . 101 , installed Bro . D . W . Tremewen as the W . M . No . 94 foi
the ensuing year in a most efficient manner . On the conclusion of the ceremony the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by the W . M ., anda few hours were agreeably spent in chatting over the progress of Mark Masonry anil making notes as to the antiquity and importance of the degree historically and Masonically .
LINES Addressed to Lotlge 402 , Abbeyleix , Ireland , by Bro . J HARRISON , P . M . 402 , 646 . Again returns the night , and with it brings The cheerful faces to the festive scene , The sunshine of that mystic light which ( lings Its mellow'd charm on all that falls between .
Cemented harmony of fraternal minds , Which consists in making men good and true ; No discord here , nor aught which reason blinds , But the wcll-knovvn harmony of 402 . Long may your lodge by Wisdom ' s law be rul'tl ,
Always in strength of upright minus consist ; Be in your system ' s Beauty strictly school'd , And all that ' s not harmonious still resist . So shall our universal Order shine , Thus govern'd by the unerring light , Which , radiating from the eye divine , Guides all true Masons in the path that ' s right .
GALVANISM . —Ptilvcrmnchcr ' s Monthly Record of Cures is now ready for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Piilvcrmaeher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-EIcctric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , antl may' be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . Pulvcrmaehcr , 200 . Regent-street .
London , W . A Test tin Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . — Spurious Electric A ppliances being advertisec by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvcr . macher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c—fAdvt . l
Installation Of The Earl Ferrers.
The annual festival of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , and the installation of its newlyelected W . M . Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Ferrers , P . G . S . D . ( the son of its founder , from whom the first part of its name is derived ) , were celebrated at the Town Hall , Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch , on Tuesday ,
the 28 th ult ., when a large number of visitors , in addition to the members of the lodge , assembled to do honour to the occasion . The ceremony was announced to be performed by the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly ( one of the founders ) , and among the other brethren present were Edw . F . Mammatt ,
W . M . and P . G . J . W . ; the Revs . J . Denton , M . A ( Sec ) , and Samuel Pyemont , D . D ., P . M . 's and P . P . G . S . W . 's ; H . Etherington Smith , y . P ., and Geo . Fowler Brown , P . M . 's and P . P . G . J . W . ' s ; S . Love , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; Garner , J . W . ; Faulkner , S . D . ; Blood , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; Stokes ,
Lewin , Lewis , Alcock , and others . Among the visiting brethren were W . Pettifor , P . M . 279 and P . P . G . S . W . ; Duff , P . M . 523 and P . P . G . S . D . ; Buzzard , W . M . 523 and P . G . A . D . of C ; Atwood ( 279 ) , Palmer ( S . D . 279 , from Leicester ) , Rev . J . B . Mundy ( 1039 ) , Captain Webster ( I . C . 47 , from
Lichfield ) , Rev . G . M . Braune ( P . M . 40 , Hastings ) , E . B . Knoble ( P . M . 353 , Repton ) , R . Robinson , W . M . ; J . Upton , P . M . ; W . Dewar ( 624 , Burtonon-Trent ) , H . Hillaur ( Arboretum Lodge , Derby , and Prov . G . Secretary ) , N . Joyce ( Secretary 726 ) , and others .
The lodge having been opened , and the minutes ofthe last lodge duly confirmed , a ballot was taken for Trevor Morris , jun ., Esq ., M . D ., of Ashby , who was unanimously elected . The P . G . M ., accompanied by several P . G . Officers from Leicester , soon afterwards arrived ;
and having been received with the usual honours , took the chair , and , at the request of the W . M ., proceeded to initiate Dr . Trevor Morris into the mysteries of the first degree . A F . C . ' s Lodge having been opened , Bro . Mammatt , the retiring W . M ., presented his successor ,
Lord Ferrers , to receive the benefit of installation , which ceremony was then performed according to ancient custom ; the Board of Installed Masters consisting of 17 members . After his Lordship had been proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees , and the P . G . M . had concluded the ceremony with
the usual address to the W . M ., the following brethren were appointed and invested by the W . M ., as the officers for the ensuing year : Bros . Garner , S . W . ; Faulkner , J . W . ; Rev . J . Denton , P . M ., Sec ; S . Love , P . M . ( elected ) , Treas . ; Blood , S . D . ; Johnson , J . D . ; Lewis , I . G . ; Canner , Tyler . The P . G . M ., after giving the final charge to the
brethren , announced that , as it was his intention , in future to allow , each year , six of the lodges in the province ( in rotation ) to nominate one of their members to him for appointment as a Provincial Grand Steward , he should be glad if the brethren of that lodge would do so , and communicate the name of the brother so elected to the P . G . Secretary before the meeting of the P . G . Lodge in the
autumn . On the conclusion ofthe business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Head Hotel , where , after an elegant banquet , served in Bro . Love ' s well-known first-rate style , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were dul y
honoured . The noble W . M . proposed "The Queen and the Craft , " followed by "Bro . H . R . H . the Prince ot Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " and in so doing expressed the gratification which was universally felt amongst the
Craft at the accession of the Prince of Wales to their ranks , and at the interest which he took in the Order . The PROV . G . M ., in proposing " The Right Rev . Bro . the Lord Bishop of the Diocese , the Clergy and Ministers of all Denominations , " alluded to the
satisfaction felt by the Craft in the diocese in having at its head so learned and eloquent a divine , antl , above all , so worthy a Mason , as the Bishop of Peterborough ; and also to the benefit which was mutually conferred on the Craft and themselves when the clergy and ministers of other
denominations took an active part in Masonry , as was fortunately so largely the case in the Province of Leicester and Rutland—there not being a single Lodge which did not possess one , and , in some instances , three or four clerical brethren . The toast was responded to in appropriate terms by the Rev . J DENTON , P . P . G . Chap , and P . P . G . S . W .
Bro . II . ETHERINGTON SMITH , P . M . and P . P . G . J . W ., proposed " The Army , Navy , Militia , Yeomanry , and Volunteers . " This was responded to by Bro . Capt . WEBSTER , who said that during his military service in the East , and elsewhere , he knew of several instances among his brother officers , where , when in peril , Masonry had been of essential service to them .
Installation Of The Earl Ferrers.
Bro . LOVE also responded on behalf of the volunteers . The W . M . proposed the " M . W . Grand Master , " and , subsequently , " The R . W . Deputy Grand Master and the Officers ofthe Grand Lodge . " The Rev . Bro . DENTON then proposed in highly
complimentary terms " The Health of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , " one ofthe founders of the lodge ; and who , he said , was always ready and willing to assist all the lodges in the province , as on that and many former occasions he had assisted their lodge . ( The toast was received most warmly
anckwith musical honours . ) Bro . KELLY , in responding , alluded to the great interest which the late Earl Ferrers took in the establishment of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , of which he was nominated in the warrant as the first W . M . ; but into which office it pleased the
G . A . O . T . U . that he should not live to be installed , and which then devolved upon the S . W ., Bro . Edward Mammatt , whose son he ( Bro . Kelly ) had the pleasure of installing into office last year , as he had formerly installed his father , and as he now had the additional pleasure of installing to-day the sort
of the original founder , Earl Ferrers , an event on which he might congratulate both the lodge and its noble W . M . Bro . PETTIFOR , P . P . G . S . W ., responded to the toast of "The P . G . Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland , " proposed by Bro . BROWN , P . M . The I . P . M ., Bro . MAMMATT , in proposing "The
health of the W . M ., " also referred to the parts taken by the noble W . M . 's father and his own in the formation of the lodge , and said that , although only a boy at the time , he well remembered the frequent conferences on the subject between his late father and the late Earl Ferrers . He concluded by wishing the W . M . a successful rule over the lodge .
The youthful EARL expressed the great pride and pleasure he felt in being placed in the chair of the lodge bearing the name of his late father , and in having the honour to be installed by ' the Prov . G . M ., who had assisted his father in the formation of the lodge . Having expressed the great interest he felt
in the Order , the W . M . concluded by thanking the brethren for their cordial reception of the toast , and their support on this occasion . ( The noble Earl resumed his seat amidst loud applause . ) The health of the " Visiting Brethren " was proposed by Bro . LOVE , P . M ., and was acknowledged
by the Rev . Bro . Mundy , of Lichfield , and by Bro , Upton , P . M . of the Abbey Lodge , Burton-on-Trent , a regular visitor to the lodge on these occasions . The concluding toast was "The Past and Present Officers ofthe Lodge , " which was responded to by
Bro . GARNER , S . W . and P . G . S ., when the brethren separated after a very pleasant meeting . It must not be omitted to be mentioned , that during the evening Bros . Atwood and Palmer , of Leicester , delighted the brethren with several songs ,
Picnic Of The Old Globe Lodge Scarborough.
The Annual Picnic of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 21 st June , on the estate ( by kind permission ) of Bro . Sir Harcourt Johnstone , Bart ., AI . P ., P . M . 200 , P . S . P . G . W . N . and E . Yorkshire . The brethren and their friends , to the number of about 50 , assembled in the grounds , which were thrown open for their amusement . Hackncss Hall is distant from Scarborough about six
miles , and is a splendid old English mansion . The grounds , vineries , gardens , & c , are beautifully arranged , and the lawn , shrubberies , and lake , with the noble swans thereon , combine to form a charming prospect , while the view obtained from the plateau , of hills and valleys , with splendid trees and woodlands , is most magnificent . The cheerful countenances of each party as we met them in
their wanderings , clearly showed that the cares of the world were , for a time at least , forgotten . At 5 p . m . the " General Assembly" was sounded by a trumpeter of the band , and in a short time the company were seated under the brave old oaks , partaking of that cheerful repast , tea . Everything gave the highest satisfaction , both for quality , quantity and variety . Tea being over the brethren , ladies ,
and friends assembled on the lawn in front of the mansion and dancing commenced . Bro . R . H . Peacocke , the W . M ., leading off in a country dance , in which all present joined . After this opening the dances were varied , and heartily kept up during the evening , and it was very gratifying to see so many enjoying this rational and pleasing amusement , with the brethren and friends vicing with each other in their endeavours to make every one happy . At
8 . 30 the " General Assembly was again sounded , and all the party ( including the employe ' s of the Hall ) were arranged for the last dance , the time-honoured "Sir Roger , " which was led off with great spirit by the W . M . and the Housekeeper of the Hall . The National Anthem , anil three hearty cheers for Sir Harcourt and Lady John stone antl family , with three more from the non-Masons for the Freemasons , brought this pleasant afternoon ' s amusements to a close , and all returned home gratified .
THE first meeting of the Keystone Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 109 ( liro . the V . W . Charles Lyne , D . P . G . M ., W . M .-designate ) , will be held on Monday , the 25 th inst ., at 2 . 30 p . m ., at the Masonic Hall , Dockstreet , Newport , for the consecration and dedication of the lodge , installation of W . M ., & c . The ceremonies will be performed by V . W . Bro . T . Binckes , G . M . S .