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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Masonrg . UNION WATERLOO LODGE ( No . 13 ) . — The installation meeting of ( he above lodge was held on Wednesday , gth ult ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , when there were present Bros . Robert Austin Smith , W . M . ; George Hy . Masters , S . W . ; •William J . Akers , J . W . ; Wm . J . Bidgwood , Chap . ; Thomas Hutton , P . M ., Treas . ; Nicholson Brown , P . M ., Sec . ; Arthur Cleall , S . D . ; John G . Melbourne , J . D . ; Harry
Grice , D . C . ; Wm . Tailby , I . G . ; Joseph K Bell , Stwd . ; John Lackland , Tyler ; also Bros . W . P . Applebee , G . B . Davies , Thomas Hoogood , I . P . M . ; Harry S . Syer , C . F . Hills , G . W . Reed , W . J . Crowdy , Thomas Appleby , Brooks , Frost , Westlake , Cullen , Anson , Peaker , Wagg , Gates , W . Hill , George Smith , George J . Smith , William Mattey , John Maltey , P . D . Home , Doddrell , Andrew , Purvis , Landlord , Martin ,
Foss , Collins , Clement , H . DeGrey , F . Archer , | Chasteaneuf , Schultz and Staples . Visitors : Bros . Ramsden , P . M . 1424 ; W . Harris , P . M . S 71 ; J . J . Gould , VV . M . 199 ; G . Kennedy , W . M . 153 6 ; F . VV . ' Pulsford , W . M . S 9 S ; Benj . Atkinson , P . M . Oriental , 6 S 7 ; Sidney Clarke , P . M . 706 Roberts , VV . M . 700 ; Faulkener , P . M . 1423 ; Ross , J . VV . 700 ; Swanson , 700 ; Wood , 3 S 1 ; Keeble , J . G . 913 ; Palmer , G . W . 913 ; G . H . Setton , J . VV . 913 ;
Randall , 913 ; C . Jolly , J . VV . 1472 ; Moulds , J . W . 1536 ; Richards , 79 ; D . Belinfonte , 35 ; Sherwin and others . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . R . A . Smith , when the ceremony of installation took place , and Mr . Arthur Collins was duly initiated , & c . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bros . Brooks , Cullen , Anson and Peaker candidates for the Third Degree were examined and entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened
in the Third Degree and Bros . Brooks , Cullen , Anson and Peaker readmitted and raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . The lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , and Bros . R . A . Smith , the Installing . Officer , proceeded with the ceremony of installing Bro . S . W . Masters in the chair of K . S ., which ceremony he performed in a most excellent
manner , the charges being most impressive . The VV . M ., Bro . George H . Masters , then presented Bro . Smith with a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel . The lodge was then closed , the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , and partook of an excellent banquet , and a most agreeable evening was spent in perfect harmony . ——TEMPERANCE . IN-THE-EAST LODGE
( No . S 9 S ) . —The above flourishing lodge met on Wednesday , the 30 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . Francis W . Pulsford , W . M ., at the Assembly Rooms , Newbyplace , Poplar , E . Among the brethren present were Bros . G . Sidders , S . W . ; VV . J . C . Butcher , J . VV . ; J . R . Waller , P . M ., Treas . ; Dr . C . VV . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; J . Byford , S . D . ; M . Sherwin , Org . ; C . Scrutton , P . M ., and Bridges , Stewards ; S . T . Finch , P . M . ; G . Graveley ,
and others . Among the visitors were the following : Bros . J . James , 1571 ; T . Tildesley , 13 S 2 ; B . Williams , 13 S 2 ; "j . G . Milbourne , J . D . 13 ; J . S . Abramson , 1033 ; C Vellenoweth , 1 G 9 ; W . VVatson , 1623 ; G . H . Stephens , S . W ., and W . M . elect , 1623 , and others . There was a capital list of business upon the agenda paper , and Bro . Pulsford performed the ceremonies in a truly able and effective style . Mr . C M . Cadman was
after a successful ballot initiated into the mysteries of the order , Bro . Duck was tested and subsequently passed , and Bro . Healey was tested and was entrusted with the privileges of the M . M . . A long time was devoted to the consideration . of a very long list of applications for relief , assistance , & c , and these having been duly adjudged and satisfied , it was unanimously carried that , owing the loss by Bro . G .
. Graveley , I . P . M ., of the P . M . 's jewel recently presented by the lodge , another jewel , to replace that lost through the burglary , should be presented to him . Great sympathy was felt with Bro . Graveley , he having , lost , besides other property , all his Masonic jewels . After lodge light refreshments were served , and very well too , by Bro . Youens ; Bros . C . Scrutton , P . M ., and W . Bridges , Stwds ., very efficiently attending to the
creature comforts of brethren and visitors . The usual loyal toasts were duly honoured , and Bro . G . Graveley , I . P . M ., in proposing "The Health of the W . M ., " alluded to the excellent work that Bro . Pulsford had done . " The Past Masters " were duly honoured , also " The
Visiting Brethren , " who came in for , as is usual ' at this hospitable lodge , a hearty reception . Bro . Pulsford coupled the names of our esteemed and welcomed visitors , Bros . G . H . Stephens ,-W . M . elect 1623 , and Bro . Milbourn , J . D . 13 , who , although not yet arrived at the chair , were doing a deal of good in Freemasonry by the support of lodges of instruction .
Both these brethren having suitably replied , " The Officers" were heartily honoured and those brethren severally replied .
BELVEDERE . —Saye and'Sele Lodge ( No . ' 973 ) - —The installation meeting of tha . above lodge took place at the Royal Alfred Institution for Aged Seamen , at Belvedere , on Monday afternoon last , and never perhaps has the " Gold Room " of the above noble mansion held a worthier or more select Masonic assembly than upon the occasion under notice . The lodge was opened soon after 4 p . m ., by Bro . F . Wood , VV . M ., and then it was
announced that Bro . Lord Holmesdale , Prov . G . M . of Kent , and Bro . Eastes , D . P . G . M . Kent , were without the door , and sought- admission . The Prov . Grand Officers present , of whom a list is given below , at once formed a procession , and headed by Bros . James Giesman Chillingworth , P . M ., P . G . Stwd . Kent , who acted as Master of
Ceremonies , ushered the distinguished visitors to their seats , at the right of the chair . The minutes of the last meeting having been passed , his lordship was saluted with honours , and in return greeted the brethren ; Bro . Eastes was also saluted and returned thanks . Bro . A . H . Bateman , S . W ., VV . M . elect , was then presented to the W . M , for the benefits of installation , and Bro . Wood
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
installedhissuccessorinampleform . The new W . M . having been saluted , appointed and invested his officers as follows Bros . Dr . J . Elliot , S . W . ; E . B . Bright , P . M ., J . VV . ; F . Wood , I . P . M ., Treas . ; 1 . G . Chillingworth , P . M ., Sec . ; H . A . Erith de Pinna , S . D . ; VV . O . Robinson , J . D . ; W . G . Coleman , I . G . ; R . Youngman , O . G . Bro . Chillingworth was unanimously elected to represent the lodge on the Provincial Charity Committee , and notice of motion
was given , and also an ' emergency meeting proposed for the purpose of considering the removal of thfi lodge from F . ssenden House , Belvedere , to the Royal Alfred Institute . Bro . Dr . Flaxman Spurrell , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . Kent , was then presented with a costly album containing the photographs of the members , as some slight recognition of his many and valuable services to the lodge , and he feelingly returned thanks . A handsome and valuable past
master's jewel was then presented to Bro . Wood , for services rendered the lodge , and to mark the esteem of the brethren , and he briefly returned thanks . Bro . Sir C Bright , P . M . 773 and 16 93 , and P . P . D . G . M . Middlesex , and Bro . H . T . Crump , 765 , were admitted by ballot as joining members . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , admirably served bv the hostess of
the Belvedere Arms . Hotel . Among the other brethren present , besides those above enumerated , were Bros . A . Spencer , P . M . 1063 , P . G . Sec . Kent ; T . S . Warne , P . M . 20 , P . P . G . J . D . Kent ; R . Stone , P . M . 613 , P . P . G . J . D . Kent ; VV . T . Birts , P . M . S 29 , P . P . G . A . D . C . Kent ; R . Edmonds , P . M . 913 ; W . H . Thomas , P . M . 1669 ; R . D . Poppleton , P . M . 433 , P . P . G . S . D . Essex ; T . Heaps , H . E . Russell , F . C . Biyth , E . H . Joynson , Dr . J . C .
Maynard , P . M . ; F . h . Houghton , VV . G . Lemon , C A . Streeten , T . Jenkins , 299 ; G . Tedder , 1137 ; F . Fletcher , 33 ; W . Cummings , 1196 j C . Jolly , 913 , J . W . 1472 ( Freemason . ) The usual loyal and Grand Lodge toasts having been honoured , the W . M . rose to propose the toast of the evening , " Lord Holmesdale , Prov . Grand Master of Kent , " and in so doing said they were honoured when the
lodge was consecrated two years ago by the presence of their G . M ., and it was above even their most sanguine hopes that in so short a time they should be again so honoured . It was an exceeding great honour , especially when they considered the many claims upon the time of his lordship , not only by the lodges and chapters under his jurisdiction , but by the political , domestic , and social circle of which their distinguished , leader was the moving
spirit . The presence of their Grand Master lent a dignity to the proceedings , not only in the lodge , but at that table , that was deeply appreciated by the brethren . Lord Holmesdale was a most sincere and hard working Mason , and after 24 years of Masonic life , devoted to the good of the Craft , and its developement in the province of -Kent , it was with feelings of gratitude that they hailed his presence among them once again . Gratitude had been described as " a
lively sense of favours to come , and which they certainly wished , and hoped , to see his Lordship again and again ; yet they could not , nor ought they to expect toolm ' uch . He sincerely hoped his Lordship ' s health might for many years allow him to come among them , and that he might also long be spared to rule over them as Grand Master of the province of Kent . His Lordship , who on rising was received with several
rounds of cheers , said there was and always must be a great pleasure to anyone to have his health so gracefully and eloquently proposed , and so cordially received as his had been by them that evening . The VV . M . had spoken of his attendance in a most kindly manner , but he felt that unless he attended the lodges under his jurisdiction , they were in danger of depreciating the value of good working , so that he was only doing the duties of his office by visiting the
lodges in the province as often as he could . There were , however , other duties to attend to , duties of position ; duties to society ; and political duties ; all of which had their claims , and if the brethren took into consideration the nature and pressure of those claims upon his time , they would easil y see that he had none too many opportunities left for visiting the lodges and chapters of the province ; but he had a most excellent deputy , who worked hard ,
reported to him the progress of the lodges , and assisted him in selecting fit and proper members for Provincial Grand Lodge . He referred to Bro . Eastes , and was sorry that he had left or he felt sure they would have drank his health with a great deal of pleasure and enthusiasm , especially as that brother had just received the distinguished honour of a collar in the Grand Lodge of England . Now as to
the lodge itself ; when it was consecrated two years ago , he expressed his opinion that it would be a good and successful lodge , and one worthy of the province ; and while he regretted that it was found necessary to remove it from the house of their old friend Bro . Spurrell , where they were so comfortable , yet , when it had gone through the regular and proper form of removal , he had no doubt that it would continue to prosper in its new home , and flourish
as it deserved . He noticed with a great deal of pleasure that the outgoing master installed his successor , a practice that he should like to see more generall y followed in the province ; it was one of the obligations imposed upon a W . M , when installed into the chair , and while it was admitted that the ceremony was more impressive when rendered fluently and eloquently , ' and tfie office was often given to some brother who possessed those qualifications ,
yet it was better for an outgoing master to install his successor , even if he had not the ability of the more . favoured brother , because , in the first place , it was his duty ; and in the next , set a good example to those who followed him ; and above all , it taught him one of the most beautiful and impressive ceremonies of Craft Masonry . The ceremony that day had been carried out by the I . P . M . in a most creditable manner , and it would afford him much pleasure were he sure that every I . P . M . in the province could do it
as well . The W . M . had said that he hoped to see him at that lodge again , and soon ; well , if they considered that there were 50 lodges and 17 chapters in the province , and that if he visited one lodge , or chapter , once a year , he would be 67 years older before he visited that lodge again . He of course could not tell who might be in the chair then , but trusted , whoever might be in the chair when he did visit them again , that he should see as good a master and as good a lodge as the present one , which he had no hesitation in saying was a credit to the province of Kent .
The toast of "Ihe D . P . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was responded to by Bros . Spencer and Spurrell .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Wood then' proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and in so doing paid Bro . Bateman a high compliment for his energy and ability in the foundation and ultimate success of the lodge . He was the right man in the right place , and in fact a better Mason now than he was 10 years ago . Bro . Bateman , in response , claimed that as " the proudest moment of his life , " and one that he had looked forward to with mingled feelings of anxiety and pleasure .
When he joined his mother lodge he looked upon the chair as a position far beyond his reach , but when a few years ago a friend broached the subject of a lodge in that neighbourhood he thought it an excellent idea , and felt it a noble ambition to aspire to be the Master of that lodge . He assured them that he should do all he could to further the interests of the lodge and the happiness of the brethren .
Bros . Sir C . Bright and Cummings responded for "The Visitors , " and Bro . Wood to a special toast of his name . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to the committee of the Royal Alfred Institution for their kindness in granting the room for the lodge and banquet , and Dr . Spurrell , whose health was drunk in bumpers , responded for " The Past Masrprs "
" The Officers " was coupled with the name of Bro . ' Elliott , who responded admirably , and then the Tyler ' s toast concluded the business and pleasures of the evening .
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —The weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at the Queen Anne ' s Restaurant , Queen Anne's Gate , S . W ., under the able guidance of Bro . Stroud , VV . M ., assisted by Bros . Dutton , S . W . ; Wray , J . VV . ; Mount , S . D . ; Forscutt , J . D . ; May , I . G . ; Cottebrune , Preceptor ; Cross , Sec . ;
Cobham , Hunt , and Balchin . Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Balchin being candidate . Bro . Forscutt offered himself as a candidate for the Second Degree , and was duly examined and entrusted . Lodge was opened on the square , and the ceremony of passing reclosed in the Second The
hearsed . Lodge was Degree . S . W . was unanimously elected VV . M . at the next meeting , and he appointed his officers in rotation . All Masonic business being ended , lodge was closed in perfect harmony . Afterwards at the meeting of the Masonic Charities' Association , the ballots were gained by Bros . C . Dairy and G . Coop . . ••
WANDERERS LODGE ( No . 1604 ) . —A meeting . of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Adam and Eve Tavern , York-street , Westminster , when the following brethren were present : Bros . Forscutt , W . M . ; Brindley , W . M ., S . W . ; H . " White , J . W . ; Wray , P . M ., Preceptor ; Musson , Sec ; Bowen , S . D . ; Hayes , I . D . ; Cross , P . M ., I . G . ; R . Taylor , P . M . 144 ; C White ,
P . M . 299 ; C . Taylor , VV . M . 1624 ; Nicholls , Balchin , Fraser , Leslie . The minutes of previous meeting having been confirmed , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . R . Taylor being the candidate . The VV . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Wray , and Bro . Nicholls having answered the questions . leading to the Second Degree , the lodge was opened up and Bro . Nicholls duly passed to the
degree of F . C . Bro . fraser answered the questions leading to the Third Degree and retired . Lodge was closed in the Second Degree . Bro . Wray , Preceptor , worked the Second Section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . ' The W . M . resumed the chair , and Bro . W . Brindley was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form and perfect harmonv .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 16 . 14 ) . — The usual weekly meeting was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden Lane , Covent Garden , W . C , on the 31 st ult ., when there were present : —Bros . Stroud , W . M . ; G . H . Reynolds , S . W . ; Ford , J . W . ; Williams , S . D . ; VaughanJ . D . ; Brindley , I . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Sec . ; S . Williams , Holland , Cross , P . M . ;
and Frank Gulliford . The lodge was opened in due forfti and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last meeting was read and confirmed . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . W . C . Smith , Preceptor , worked the Second Section of this lecture . Bro . Kirk offering hirnself as a candidate for raisin ? he was duly questioned , entrusted and retired .
Lodge opened in the Third Degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the Sublime Degree of M . M . Bro . W . C Smith worked the Third Section of this lecture . Lodge closed in the Third and then to the Second Degree . Bro . Cross , P . M ., was unanimously elected a Joining Member 6 f this Lodge of Instruction , being proposed b y Bro . W . C . Smith , Preceptor , and seconded by Bro . Brindley . Bro . G . H . Reynolds , J . W . was elected W . M . for the ensuing week ,
and was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Stroud , to be recorded on the minutes , for the very' able and efficient manner he had carried out the duties of the Chair for the first time in this Lodge of Instruction . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed in ancient form with peace and harmony , and adjourned to Thursday evening , the 7 th of August , at the hour of eight .
EARL OF LATHOM LODGE ( No . 1922 ) . — The weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 30 th ult ., at the Station Hotel , Camberwell New-road , when there were present Bros . R . La . Feuillade , W . M . ; Johnson , Preceptor ; G . Evans , S . W . ; Bean , J . VV . ; Thomson , S . D . ; Williams , J . D . ; Blaxland , I . G . ; Paton , Sec . ; S . Wood Sims , Gardner , Forster , and Marshall .
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous lodge meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Johnson worked the Second Section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . S . Wood acting as candidate . Bro . Bean was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week and was pleased to appoint officers in rotation . The W . M .
received the congratulations of the brethren . A cordial vote of thanks , the same to be entered on the minutes , was accorded the W . M . for his able working , this being the first time he had been called upon to occupy the proud position of W . M . All Masonic business being ended the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , Bro . Johnson giving the long address .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Masonrg . UNION WATERLOO LODGE ( No . 13 ) . — The installation meeting of ( he above lodge was held on Wednesday , gth ult ., at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , when there were present Bros . Robert Austin Smith , W . M . ; George Hy . Masters , S . W . ; •William J . Akers , J . W . ; Wm . J . Bidgwood , Chap . ; Thomas Hutton , P . M ., Treas . ; Nicholson Brown , P . M ., Sec . ; Arthur Cleall , S . D . ; John G . Melbourne , J . D . ; Harry
Grice , D . C . ; Wm . Tailby , I . G . ; Joseph K Bell , Stwd . ; John Lackland , Tyler ; also Bros . W . P . Applebee , G . B . Davies , Thomas Hoogood , I . P . M . ; Harry S . Syer , C . F . Hills , G . W . Reed , W . J . Crowdy , Thomas Appleby , Brooks , Frost , Westlake , Cullen , Anson , Peaker , Wagg , Gates , W . Hill , George Smith , George J . Smith , William Mattey , John Maltey , P . D . Home , Doddrell , Andrew , Purvis , Landlord , Martin ,
Foss , Collins , Clement , H . DeGrey , F . Archer , | Chasteaneuf , Schultz and Staples . Visitors : Bros . Ramsden , P . M . 1424 ; W . Harris , P . M . S 71 ; J . J . Gould , VV . M . 199 ; G . Kennedy , W . M . 153 6 ; F . VV . ' Pulsford , W . M . S 9 S ; Benj . Atkinson , P . M . Oriental , 6 S 7 ; Sidney Clarke , P . M . 706 Roberts , VV . M . 700 ; Faulkener , P . M . 1423 ; Ross , J . VV . 700 ; Swanson , 700 ; Wood , 3 S 1 ; Keeble , J . G . 913 ; Palmer , G . W . 913 ; G . H . Setton , J . VV . 913 ;
Randall , 913 ; C . Jolly , J . VV . 1472 ; Moulds , J . W . 1536 ; Richards , 79 ; D . Belinfonte , 35 ; Sherwin and others . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . R . A . Smith , when the ceremony of installation took place , and Mr . Arthur Collins was duly initiated , & c . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bros . Brooks , Cullen , Anson and Peaker candidates for the Third Degree were examined and entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened
in the Third Degree and Bros . Brooks , Cullen , Anson and Peaker readmitted and raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . The lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , and Bros . R . A . Smith , the Installing . Officer , proceeded with the ceremony of installing Bro . S . W . Masters in the chair of K . S ., which ceremony he performed in a most excellent
manner , the charges being most impressive . The VV . M ., Bro . George H . Masters , then presented Bro . Smith with a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel . The lodge was then closed , the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , and partook of an excellent banquet , and a most agreeable evening was spent in perfect harmony . ——TEMPERANCE . IN-THE-EAST LODGE
( No . S 9 S ) . —The above flourishing lodge met on Wednesday , the 30 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . Francis W . Pulsford , W . M ., at the Assembly Rooms , Newbyplace , Poplar , E . Among the brethren present were Bros . G . Sidders , S . W . ; VV . J . C . Butcher , J . VV . ; J . R . Waller , P . M ., Treas . ; Dr . C . VV . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; J . Byford , S . D . ; M . Sherwin , Org . ; C . Scrutton , P . M ., and Bridges , Stewards ; S . T . Finch , P . M . ; G . Graveley ,
and others . Among the visitors were the following : Bros . J . James , 1571 ; T . Tildesley , 13 S 2 ; B . Williams , 13 S 2 ; "j . G . Milbourne , J . D . 13 ; J . S . Abramson , 1033 ; C Vellenoweth , 1 G 9 ; W . VVatson , 1623 ; G . H . Stephens , S . W ., and W . M . elect , 1623 , and others . There was a capital list of business upon the agenda paper , and Bro . Pulsford performed the ceremonies in a truly able and effective style . Mr . C M . Cadman was
after a successful ballot initiated into the mysteries of the order , Bro . Duck was tested and subsequently passed , and Bro . Healey was tested and was entrusted with the privileges of the M . M . . A long time was devoted to the consideration . of a very long list of applications for relief , assistance , & c , and these having been duly adjudged and satisfied , it was unanimously carried that , owing the loss by Bro . G .
. Graveley , I . P . M ., of the P . M . 's jewel recently presented by the lodge , another jewel , to replace that lost through the burglary , should be presented to him . Great sympathy was felt with Bro . Graveley , he having , lost , besides other property , all his Masonic jewels . After lodge light refreshments were served , and very well too , by Bro . Youens ; Bros . C . Scrutton , P . M ., and W . Bridges , Stwds ., very efficiently attending to the
creature comforts of brethren and visitors . The usual loyal toasts were duly honoured , and Bro . G . Graveley , I . P . M ., in proposing "The Health of the W . M ., " alluded to the excellent work that Bro . Pulsford had done . " The Past Masters " were duly honoured , also " The
Visiting Brethren , " who came in for , as is usual ' at this hospitable lodge , a hearty reception . Bro . Pulsford coupled the names of our esteemed and welcomed visitors , Bros . G . H . Stephens ,-W . M . elect 1623 , and Bro . Milbourn , J . D . 13 , who , although not yet arrived at the chair , were doing a deal of good in Freemasonry by the support of lodges of instruction .
Both these brethren having suitably replied , " The Officers" were heartily honoured and those brethren severally replied .
BELVEDERE . —Saye and'Sele Lodge ( No . ' 973 ) - —The installation meeting of tha . above lodge took place at the Royal Alfred Institution for Aged Seamen , at Belvedere , on Monday afternoon last , and never perhaps has the " Gold Room " of the above noble mansion held a worthier or more select Masonic assembly than upon the occasion under notice . The lodge was opened soon after 4 p . m ., by Bro . F . Wood , VV . M ., and then it was
announced that Bro . Lord Holmesdale , Prov . G . M . of Kent , and Bro . Eastes , D . P . G . M . Kent , were without the door , and sought- admission . The Prov . Grand Officers present , of whom a list is given below , at once formed a procession , and headed by Bros . James Giesman Chillingworth , P . M ., P . G . Stwd . Kent , who acted as Master of
Ceremonies , ushered the distinguished visitors to their seats , at the right of the chair . The minutes of the last meeting having been passed , his lordship was saluted with honours , and in return greeted the brethren ; Bro . Eastes was also saluted and returned thanks . Bro . A . H . Bateman , S . W ., VV . M . elect , was then presented to the W . M , for the benefits of installation , and Bro . Wood
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
installedhissuccessorinampleform . The new W . M . having been saluted , appointed and invested his officers as follows Bros . Dr . J . Elliot , S . W . ; E . B . Bright , P . M ., J . VV . ; F . Wood , I . P . M ., Treas . ; 1 . G . Chillingworth , P . M ., Sec . ; H . A . Erith de Pinna , S . D . ; VV . O . Robinson , J . D . ; W . G . Coleman , I . G . ; R . Youngman , O . G . Bro . Chillingworth was unanimously elected to represent the lodge on the Provincial Charity Committee , and notice of motion
was given , and also an ' emergency meeting proposed for the purpose of considering the removal of thfi lodge from F . ssenden House , Belvedere , to the Royal Alfred Institute . Bro . Dr . Flaxman Spurrell , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . Kent , was then presented with a costly album containing the photographs of the members , as some slight recognition of his many and valuable services to the lodge , and he feelingly returned thanks . A handsome and valuable past
master's jewel was then presented to Bro . Wood , for services rendered the lodge , and to mark the esteem of the brethren , and he briefly returned thanks . Bro . Sir C Bright , P . M . 773 and 16 93 , and P . P . D . G . M . Middlesex , and Bro . H . T . Crump , 765 , were admitted by ballot as joining members . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , admirably served bv the hostess of
the Belvedere Arms . Hotel . Among the other brethren present , besides those above enumerated , were Bros . A . Spencer , P . M . 1063 , P . G . Sec . Kent ; T . S . Warne , P . M . 20 , P . P . G . J . D . Kent ; R . Stone , P . M . 613 , P . P . G . J . D . Kent ; VV . T . Birts , P . M . S 29 , P . P . G . A . D . C . Kent ; R . Edmonds , P . M . 913 ; W . H . Thomas , P . M . 1669 ; R . D . Poppleton , P . M . 433 , P . P . G . S . D . Essex ; T . Heaps , H . E . Russell , F . C . Biyth , E . H . Joynson , Dr . J . C .
Maynard , P . M . ; F . h . Houghton , VV . G . Lemon , C A . Streeten , T . Jenkins , 299 ; G . Tedder , 1137 ; F . Fletcher , 33 ; W . Cummings , 1196 j C . Jolly , 913 , J . W . 1472 ( Freemason . ) The usual loyal and Grand Lodge toasts having been honoured , the W . M . rose to propose the toast of the evening , " Lord Holmesdale , Prov . Grand Master of Kent , " and in so doing said they were honoured when the
lodge was consecrated two years ago by the presence of their G . M ., and it was above even their most sanguine hopes that in so short a time they should be again so honoured . It was an exceeding great honour , especially when they considered the many claims upon the time of his lordship , not only by the lodges and chapters under his jurisdiction , but by the political , domestic , and social circle of which their distinguished , leader was the moving
spirit . The presence of their Grand Master lent a dignity to the proceedings , not only in the lodge , but at that table , that was deeply appreciated by the brethren . Lord Holmesdale was a most sincere and hard working Mason , and after 24 years of Masonic life , devoted to the good of the Craft , and its developement in the province of -Kent , it was with feelings of gratitude that they hailed his presence among them once again . Gratitude had been described as " a
lively sense of favours to come , and which they certainly wished , and hoped , to see his Lordship again and again ; yet they could not , nor ought they to expect toolm ' uch . He sincerely hoped his Lordship ' s health might for many years allow him to come among them , and that he might also long be spared to rule over them as Grand Master of the province of Kent . His Lordship , who on rising was received with several
rounds of cheers , said there was and always must be a great pleasure to anyone to have his health so gracefully and eloquently proposed , and so cordially received as his had been by them that evening . The VV . M . had spoken of his attendance in a most kindly manner , but he felt that unless he attended the lodges under his jurisdiction , they were in danger of depreciating the value of good working , so that he was only doing the duties of his office by visiting the
lodges in the province as often as he could . There were , however , other duties to attend to , duties of position ; duties to society ; and political duties ; all of which had their claims , and if the brethren took into consideration the nature and pressure of those claims upon his time , they would easil y see that he had none too many opportunities left for visiting the lodges and chapters of the province ; but he had a most excellent deputy , who worked hard ,
reported to him the progress of the lodges , and assisted him in selecting fit and proper members for Provincial Grand Lodge . He referred to Bro . Eastes , and was sorry that he had left or he felt sure they would have drank his health with a great deal of pleasure and enthusiasm , especially as that brother had just received the distinguished honour of a collar in the Grand Lodge of England . Now as to
the lodge itself ; when it was consecrated two years ago , he expressed his opinion that it would be a good and successful lodge , and one worthy of the province ; and while he regretted that it was found necessary to remove it from the house of their old friend Bro . Spurrell , where they were so comfortable , yet , when it had gone through the regular and proper form of removal , he had no doubt that it would continue to prosper in its new home , and flourish
as it deserved . He noticed with a great deal of pleasure that the outgoing master installed his successor , a practice that he should like to see more generall y followed in the province ; it was one of the obligations imposed upon a W . M , when installed into the chair , and while it was admitted that the ceremony was more impressive when rendered fluently and eloquently , ' and tfie office was often given to some brother who possessed those qualifications ,
yet it was better for an outgoing master to install his successor , even if he had not the ability of the more . favoured brother , because , in the first place , it was his duty ; and in the next , set a good example to those who followed him ; and above all , it taught him one of the most beautiful and impressive ceremonies of Craft Masonry . The ceremony that day had been carried out by the I . P . M . in a most creditable manner , and it would afford him much pleasure were he sure that every I . P . M . in the province could do it
as well . The W . M . had said that he hoped to see him at that lodge again , and soon ; well , if they considered that there were 50 lodges and 17 chapters in the province , and that if he visited one lodge , or chapter , once a year , he would be 67 years older before he visited that lodge again . He of course could not tell who might be in the chair then , but trusted , whoever might be in the chair when he did visit them again , that he should see as good a master and as good a lodge as the present one , which he had no hesitation in saying was a credit to the province of Kent .
The toast of "Ihe D . P . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was responded to by Bros . Spencer and Spurrell .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Wood then' proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and in so doing paid Bro . Bateman a high compliment for his energy and ability in the foundation and ultimate success of the lodge . He was the right man in the right place , and in fact a better Mason now than he was 10 years ago . Bro . Bateman , in response , claimed that as " the proudest moment of his life , " and one that he had looked forward to with mingled feelings of anxiety and pleasure .
When he joined his mother lodge he looked upon the chair as a position far beyond his reach , but when a few years ago a friend broached the subject of a lodge in that neighbourhood he thought it an excellent idea , and felt it a noble ambition to aspire to be the Master of that lodge . He assured them that he should do all he could to further the interests of the lodge and the happiness of the brethren .
Bros . Sir C . Bright and Cummings responded for "The Visitors , " and Bro . Wood to a special toast of his name . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to the committee of the Royal Alfred Institution for their kindness in granting the room for the lodge and banquet , and Dr . Spurrell , whose health was drunk in bumpers , responded for " The Past Masrprs "
" The Officers " was coupled with the name of Bro . ' Elliott , who responded admirably , and then the Tyler ' s toast concluded the business and pleasures of the evening .
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —The weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at the Queen Anne ' s Restaurant , Queen Anne's Gate , S . W ., under the able guidance of Bro . Stroud , VV . M ., assisted by Bros . Dutton , S . W . ; Wray , J . VV . ; Mount , S . D . ; Forscutt , J . D . ; May , I . G . ; Cottebrune , Preceptor ; Cross , Sec . ;
Cobham , Hunt , and Balchin . Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Balchin being candidate . Bro . Forscutt offered himself as a candidate for the Second Degree , and was duly examined and entrusted . Lodge was opened on the square , and the ceremony of passing reclosed in the Second The
hearsed . Lodge was Degree . S . W . was unanimously elected VV . M . at the next meeting , and he appointed his officers in rotation . All Masonic business being ended , lodge was closed in perfect harmony . Afterwards at the meeting of the Masonic Charities' Association , the ballots were gained by Bros . C . Dairy and G . Coop . . ••
WANDERERS LODGE ( No . 1604 ) . —A meeting . of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Adam and Eve Tavern , York-street , Westminster , when the following brethren were present : Bros . Forscutt , W . M . ; Brindley , W . M ., S . W . ; H . " White , J . W . ; Wray , P . M ., Preceptor ; Musson , Sec ; Bowen , S . D . ; Hayes , I . D . ; Cross , P . M ., I . G . ; R . Taylor , P . M . 144 ; C White ,
P . M . 299 ; C . Taylor , VV . M . 1624 ; Nicholls , Balchin , Fraser , Leslie . The minutes of previous meeting having been confirmed , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . R . Taylor being the candidate . The VV . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Wray , and Bro . Nicholls having answered the questions . leading to the Second Degree , the lodge was opened up and Bro . Nicholls duly passed to the
degree of F . C . Bro . fraser answered the questions leading to the Third Degree and retired . Lodge was closed in the Second Degree . Bro . Wray , Preceptor , worked the Second Section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . ' The W . M . resumed the chair , and Bro . W . Brindley was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form and perfect harmonv .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 16 . 14 ) . — The usual weekly meeting was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden Lane , Covent Garden , W . C , on the 31 st ult ., when there were present : —Bros . Stroud , W . M . ; G . H . Reynolds , S . W . ; Ford , J . W . ; Williams , S . D . ; VaughanJ . D . ; Brindley , I . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Sec . ; S . Williams , Holland , Cross , P . M . ;
and Frank Gulliford . The lodge was opened in due forfti and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last meeting was read and confirmed . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . W . C . Smith , Preceptor , worked the Second Section of this lecture . Bro . Kirk offering hirnself as a candidate for raisin ? he was duly questioned , entrusted and retired .
Lodge opened in the Third Degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the Sublime Degree of M . M . Bro . W . C Smith worked the Third Section of this lecture . Lodge closed in the Third and then to the Second Degree . Bro . Cross , P . M ., was unanimously elected a Joining Member 6 f this Lodge of Instruction , being proposed b y Bro . W . C . Smith , Preceptor , and seconded by Bro . Brindley . Bro . G . H . Reynolds , J . W . was elected W . M . for the ensuing week ,
and was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Stroud , to be recorded on the minutes , for the very' able and efficient manner he had carried out the duties of the Chair for the first time in this Lodge of Instruction . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed in ancient form with peace and harmony , and adjourned to Thursday evening , the 7 th of August , at the hour of eight .
EARL OF LATHOM LODGE ( No . 1922 ) . — The weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 30 th ult ., at the Station Hotel , Camberwell New-road , when there were present Bros . R . La . Feuillade , W . M . ; Johnson , Preceptor ; G . Evans , S . W . ; Bean , J . VV . ; Thomson , S . D . ; Williams , J . D . ; Blaxland , I . G . ; Paton , Sec . ; S . Wood Sims , Gardner , Forster , and Marshall .
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous lodge meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Johnson worked the Second Section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . S . Wood acting as candidate . Bro . Bean was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week and was pleased to appoint officers in rotation . The W . M .
received the congratulations of the brethren . A cordial vote of thanks , the same to be entered on the minutes , was accorded the W . M . for his able working , this being the first time he had been called upon to occupy the proud position of W . M . All Masonic business being ended the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , Bro . Johnson giving the long address .