Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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&^« -- **— :::: ; :::::::: z Craft Masonry lol W-fcK ^ n ^ n-J" -- "' - " " . ¦¦¦'¦•¦¦ -t ° S Anient and Accepted Rite 4 ° S A " 5 £ i Grand Lodge of Devon 4 ° S Provincia i » ran b and East Yorksh , ,
E , Masonic Institution for Boys 4 ° ' SSS Maso " - Institution for Girls 40 J fe ^^' vfittoGi ^ ow" -:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $ The B « ° ^ Atro S ties ¦••••¦• . 4 ° ? rhr Antiquity and Objects of Freemasonry 4 o 7 The Fluctuations of Masonic Literature 4 ° « -rh ^ Irish Masonic Orphan Institutions 4 ° S P C rth and East Yorkshire 4 ° 9 An Insult to Freemasonry 4 ° 9 A f-hirec against the French Freemasons 409 Tlie La ? ' Quarterly Communication 409
CORBESrONDSNCE : — The Masonic Press 4 10 A Little Friendly Gossip on some of the Topics of | the Day ... 410 Reviews - * 10 c , « iii Masonic Institution for Boys 4 "
The Model Subscriber 4 " Masonic and General Tidings 4 «* Masonic Meetings for next Week 4 " Advertisements ¦• " . 111 . iv . v . vi
United Grand Lodge.
The Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England was holden at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday evening , the H . W . Colonel Burdett , Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , as Grand Master ; the R . W . the Bi ght Hon . the Earl of Donousrhmore , S . G . Warden : the
R . W . the Hon . William Warren Vernon , J . G . Warden ; the R . W . Richard Giddy , District Grand Master for Griqualand ; the R . W . Samuel Rawson , Past District Grand Master for China ; the R . W . Hugh D . Sandeman , Past District Grand Master for Bengal ; the R . W . Henry Murray , District Grand Master for' China ; the R . W . John Havers , P . G . W . ; the R . W . Capt . Wm .
Piatt , P . G . W . ; R . W . Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , G . D . of Ceremonies , P . G . W . ; the V . W . Rev . S . R . Wigram ; V . W . Rev . Charles John Mattyn , P . G . Chaplain , as Grand Chaplain ; thc V . W . Charles Wm . Arnold , G . Chaplain ; V . W . Rev . Sir John Warren Hayes , Bart . ; V . W . Rev . Robert James Simpson , P . G . C ; V . W . jEneas John Mclntyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar ;
V . W . Samuel Tomkins , orand Treasurer ; the V . W . John Hervey , Grand Secretary ; W . Lieut .-Colonel Thos . Birchall , S . G . Deacon ; W . Thomas , William Boord , M . P ., F . S . A ., S . G . Deacon ; W . E . J . Barron , J . G . Deacon ; W . John March Case , J . G . Deacon ; W . Lieut .-Col . John Creaton , P . G . D ., W . Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; W . Henry Browse , P . G . D . ; W . Samuel Leith Tomkins , P . G . D . ; W .
Brackstone Baker , P . G . D . ; W . 'J . E . Saunders , P . G . D . ; W . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D . ; W . Chas . Aug . Marton , P . G . D . ; W . Richard Havers , P . G . D . ; W . John Anthony Rucker , P . G . D . ; W . J . Percy Leith , P . G . D . ; W . Joseph Charles Parkinson , P . G . D . ; W . Robert Grey , P . G . D . ; W Thomas Fenn , P . G . D . ; VV . F . A . Philbriek , Q . C , P . G . D .. W . Frederick Pepys Cockercll , G . Sup . Wks . ; W . Wm '
Rhys Williams , assist . G . D . C . ; W . Richard J . Spiers P . G . S . B . ; W . Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . ; W . James Mason ' P . G . S . ; W . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; W . Wilhclm Kuhci G . Organist ; W . Eleazer D'Albert , G . P . ; W . Samuel Gi Foxall , Assist . G . Purst . ; W . John Emmens , P . G . P . ; . W . William Ough , P . G . P . ; W . John Coutts , P . G . P . ; W . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; W . Thomas , Cubitt , P . G . P . ; and W . John Wright , P . G . P ., were also
present , besides General Brownrigg , as D . G . M . ; Major Finney , John Constable , Captain Philips , F . Adlard , Thomas W . White , F . Binckes , C . F . Hogard , George Kenning , H . A . Dubois , J . II . Wynne , Herbert Dicketts , B . H . Swallow , H . G . Buss , S . Rosenthal , VV . J . Murlis , James Terry , W . Dodd , D . W . Pearse , Dr . J . E . Carpenter , Massey ( "Freemason" ) , and about 300 other brethren .
Grand Lodge having been formally opened Grand Secretary read the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of 7 th June , which were put by the Grand Master in thc chair and confirmed . Bro . Joshua Nunn moved , and Bro . Mclntyre seconded that the report of thc Lodge of Benevolence for thc last quarter be received and entered on thc minutes , and this
having been adopted , Bro Joshua Nunn moved , and Bro . Raynhan W . Stewart moved the adoption of the recommendation of the following grants : — £ s . d . A brother of the St . George and Corner Stone Lodge , No . tj , London ... ejo o o » n of the Crystal Palace Lodge , No .
• p , 742 , London 50 o o 1 he five orphan children of a late brother of Lodgeof Truth , No . 644 , Bombay 50 o 0 'he widow of a brother of the Lodgeof Perfect Friendship , No . 376 , Ipswich ... 50 o 0 These were all carried unanimously . Bro . Mclntyre , G . R ., moved , and Bro . Raynham W .
- " . , I- . O . JJ ., seconded , that thc Report of the Board of encral Purposes , which had been printed and circulated , be ""• en as read . Bro . Mclntyre said he moved it in the abfrn . " President ° f ""e Board ( Bro . J . B . Monckton ) g town . The motion having been adopted , ... . Mclntyre said there was no substantive motion
pron f rep 0 rt ' and he therefcre moved , to be in per lorm , that it be received and entered on the minutes , then n 7 ¦ arkstone Baker seconded the motion , which was " Put and carried . The report was as follows : — Grar . lT * . Board of Gencral Purposes , to the United England ° Ancicnt Frcc aml Accepted Masons of
attenl 1 n r , ° t * - * General Purposes beg to report that their -4 thMav fs ! , " / , bee * Vdi ? cted t 0 an -WHcatton dated il , pS . . I ;*' ? Lodge ° f Love and Honour , No . i Si raimouth , for the usual Grand Lodge Certificate for
United Grand Lodge.
the Tyler , who was initiated so long ago as the Sth of April , 1861 , and to certain letters in which it was stated that the said brother was initiated without the necessary dispensation required by article 9 , page 86 , Book of Constitutions . The board , after due consideration , although none of the brethren then in office are now members of the lodge , felt that the lodge—as a lodge—must be held
responsible for such a grave irregularity on the part of its former officers , but at the same time did not treat the offence with the severity which would under the circumstances have been extended to it . The board therefore simply ordered that the lodge should pay a fine of one guinea , and that the Grand Secretary should be empowered to issue the certificate on payment thereof .
The board desired especially to direct the notice of the Masters and Secretaries of lodges to article 26 , page , 69 , of the Book of Constitutions , attention to which would at once prevent annoyance to their successors , and the necessity of an appeal to the executive of Grand Lodge . ( Signed ) PETER DE L . LONG , Vice-President of the Board .
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the nth day of August instant , shewing a balance in the hands of 'the Grand Treasurer of £ 3328 16 s . 3 d . ; and in the hands ofthe Grand Secretary , for petty cash , £ 75 ; and for servants' wages , £ 9 6 15 s . Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C , then rose to move
" That in accordance with the resolution passed at the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge the following brethren constitute a Special Committee to consider the best mode of perpetuating in some charitable form our thankfulness to Almighty God for the preservation and safe return from India of our Most Worshipful Grand Master , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales ,
and report thereon to Grand Lodge : —Bros . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . ; Earl of Donoughmore , S . G . W . ; the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , J . G . W . ; Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M . Warwickshire ; Lord Tenterden , P . G . W . ; J . M . P . Montagu , D . Prov . G . M . Dorset ; J . Havers , P . G . W . ; j -Tincas J . Mclntyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar ; fabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Erasmus Wilson , Deputy M .
No . 2 ; Octavius H . Pearson , W . M . No . 10 ; Nathan B . Headon , W . M . No . 1426 ; Baxter Langley , W . M . No . 1423 ; Macrae Moir , P . M . No , 66 ; Edwin March , W . M . Grand Steward ' s Lodge ; Rev . Robert J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain , with power to add to their number . " In doing so he said : M . W . Acting Grand Master , and brethren , in laying the motion of which I have given notice
—you have a copy in our notice paper before you—before Grand Lodge , I wish to lay down for myself three rules for my guidance , rules which I hope may be approved of by the brethren , and , if it be not impertinent , I may add , I hope , may be followed by other speakers . The rules arc , first , that I shall be exceedingly brief in my speech ( hear , hear ) in the next place that I shall abstain from any
allusion to persons or the press ; and thirdly , that 1 shall as little as possible , even touch upon the transactions ^ the last Grand Lodge , save and except so far as they necessarily are connected with the motion which I am about to lay before you . Mr . Frank Buckland remarked in a recent letter upon a very interesting subject , that heat and tranquillity were necessary for the cultivation of oysters . I am quite
sure that there was on the last night of our meeting too much heat , and too little tranquillity . I trust to-night that we shall realise both these conditions , but rather in a different sense to the heat to which I have alluded . I trust thc heat to night will be the warmth of brotherly love which will shape itself to the public good , and I trust that the tranquillity will mark our discussion which alone can
lead to a calm and a just decision . ( Hear hear and applause . ) It will be in the recollection of Grand Lodge that the resolution was passed on our last night of meeting , to the effect that a | committee should be appointed for an object specified in that motion . ( Hear hear . ) As a natural sequence to that resolution , and in order to keep upon the lines of business I now venture to lay before you
thc names which I have the honour to propose on that committee for your approval or otherwise . I am not at all sure , M . W . G . M ., that it would not have been for the interests of Freemasonry , and of the great object which we have in view that no particular member of Grand Lodge , however experienced , however high in the Craft , or otherwise , should have proposed any definite scheme
upon this subject , but that it would have been far more advisable , and consonant to the dignity of the subject , that in the beginning a committee should have been appointed to carry out this great object . ( Hear , hear . ) That was , unfortunately , not done . I am myself an offender , as well as others in this respect , and , therefore , I plead guilty , being a party to not having thus dealt with this subject .
But I cannot conceal from myself that as the amendment which was proposed , and which eventually became a substantive motion , was drawn up on the spur of thc moment , in the midst of the discussion , so it was immediately intended to ward off what many of us considered —whether rightly or wrongly—a great imminent danger . That object has been attained . Whether ri ghtly or
wrongly , thus it is ; and it now , I understand , is the opinion of a great number of the members of this Grand Lodge , that it might be convenient not to proceed with the committee , but to take some more definite course . ( No , no . ) Of course it is quite open to this Grand Lodge to-night , if it pleases , to reject the motion which I have the honour to propose , and in any way to rescind the casual motion which was made upon the last night of meeting .
( No , no : It had been carried . ) Very good . If Grand Lodge , however , expresses itself to that effect , I myself will be prepared to bow respectfully to it . If not , then I venture to propose this committee as containing the names of brethren highly esteemed in the Craft , except it be one who "holds the wooden spoon" at'the end ' of it , ( laughter ) , nd I think they are brethren also who , ' -if they are to choose thers , or to add to their number , will add brethren of the
United Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge who will be likely to carry out thc objects we have in view . I trust that if this committee is appointed it will come to an unanimous recommendation which will be at once worthy of the solemn and exalted object we have in view , and that they will bo likely to confer a lasting benefit and true dignity upon our Order . I submit , M . W . G . M ., without comment at present , the resolution
which I propose . ( Groat cheering . ) Bro . Edward Cox , P . M . 6 . -7 : M . W . G . M ., I shall be most happy to second the resolution . Bro . F . A . Philbriek , P . G . D .: M . W . G . M ., —On an occasion of this kind , with respect to thc subject before Grand Lodge , I am sure we have one feeling—the unanimous feeling which was expressed at the last meeting of the
Grand Lodge , namely , that whatever be the mode in which we may give an expression of our gratitude , the occasion was one which demanded a commemoration from the Craft . As to the method which that commemoration was to shape itself , that was settled by the resolution of the last Grand Lodge , which has been confirmed on the minutes to-night , by being referred to a Committee . That
committee has now been nominated by our Bro . Simpson , and I venture , on an occasion of this kind , to say . that I trust no remark I may make may interfere with thc unanimity with which the Grand Lodge will proceed . In form I am compelled to move an amendment . In substance I believe I am bound to call attention to that which I am sure has been an unintentional omission , and which , I for
one , should be very disappointed unless it be accepted by our Bro . Simpson , as a part of his resolution . There are certain great names omitted in the resolution . I will not criticise the names upon this Committee , because the names are those of brethren who may fairly represent the whole interests of the Craft , and who , both from their personal merits—but rather , I would put it , from their official
position—are entitled , both by their position and experience to be on a committee of this kind . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) There is the Prov . Grand Master , Lord Carnarvon , a name , I am sure , as popular as any known Mason . I forbear to mention personal matters , but there is thc Grand Treasurer , our respected and popular Grand Treasurer , who has borne office for many years . There is the President
of the Board of General Purposes : there is the President of the Colonial Board , Bro . Rucker ; there is the President of the Board of Benevolence , who , unfortunately is absent to-night from circumstances under which we all sympathise with him . I do not suppose there will be any difficulty at all about that . Holders of these great offices , the illustrious Masons whose names I have mentioned ,
should be added to this council to carry out the object which we all have at heart . I left out my excellent friend our Bro . Sir Albert Woods , but I beg now to suggest his name , and to move these additions as an amendment to our rev . brother's motion . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D .: I second the amendment ; but I think there has been with our Bro .
Philbriek a great omission , and I allege that if you were to carry out the last part of the resolution of our Bro . Simpson , there ought to be those who were connected with the charities : the House Committees ought to be added ( No , no , and uproar . ) Bro . S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . for China -. I rise to a point of order . ( Confusion . )
Bro . Raynham Stewart : You should put those men ou who fcr years have been tried by your brethren , and who know and can give the best advice as to thc mode of carrying out the plan . Bro . S . Rawson : I rise to a point of order . Bro . Stewart : I will propose if this committee be carried —( Chair , cheering , and confusion . )
Bro . Rawson : I rise to a point of order . This is not an amendment nt all . The original motion as proposed by our Bro . Simpson has power to add to their number . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) Bro . Simpson : May I be permitted , to explain ? I merely wish to say—I want only to make a single observation . In answer to Bro . Philbrick ' s observation , I wish
to say that my great difficulty was in putting down the names of other brethren who were as worthy as , if not more worthy than , those on thc list , and that 1 was anxious to leave to Grand Lodge itself to originate by such propositions as Bro . Philbrick ' s thc full constitution of the committee . ( Hear , hear ) . I was anxious to put down as few names as possible only as a nucleus , and
leave it to Grand Lodge rather than myself to put in others . ( Hear , hear ) . I accept these names at once . Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D ., said he interposed with considerable diffidence , but it occurred to him from what fell from a number of speakers at the former meeting that there was a considerable number who disapproved of this committee of Bro . Simpson ' s altogether , he himself was
not antagonistic , notwithstanding he had an amendment to his motion . By that amendment he really wished to bring about a good feeling in Grand Lodge . The brethren wished to commemorate their thankfulness in a way which would be worthy of this Grand Lodge . Feeling that there was a difference of opinion , he had ventured to submit a motion to his Bro . Simpson , but unfortunately being out of
town and unable to communicate with him in time for the meeting of the Board of Masters , he placed his notice on the agenda paper that he might not he out of order that evening . It appeared to him that there would be a differ . ence of opinion in the appointment of thc committee . He agreed with Bro . Simpson ' s principle . Bro . J . imcs Mason , P . G . S . B ., rose to order , and was met with cries of " Sit down , " and some confusion .
Dr . Hogg continued . He thought they might confirm a principle on which the committee was to sit and deliberate a principle that might be acceptable to Grand Lodge . The Acting Grand Master said he must remind Dr . Hogg that Grand Lodge had already agreed to a committee . The only question now was of whom it should be composed . Dr . Hogg would most readily and res pec \' . \) U ' v
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
&^« -- **— :::: ; :::::::: z Craft Masonry lol W-fcK ^ n ^ n-J" -- "' - " " . ¦¦¦'¦•¦¦ -t ° S Anient and Accepted Rite 4 ° S A " 5 £ i Grand Lodge of Devon 4 ° S Provincia i » ran b and East Yorksh , ,
E , Masonic Institution for Boys 4 ° ' SSS Maso " - Institution for Girls 40 J fe ^^' vfittoGi ^ ow" -:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $ The B « ° ^ Atro S ties ¦••••¦• . 4 ° ? rhr Antiquity and Objects of Freemasonry 4 o 7 The Fluctuations of Masonic Literature 4 ° « -rh ^ Irish Masonic Orphan Institutions 4 ° S P C rth and East Yorkshire 4 ° 9 An Insult to Freemasonry 4 ° 9 A f-hirec against the French Freemasons 409 Tlie La ? ' Quarterly Communication 409
CORBESrONDSNCE : — The Masonic Press 4 10 A Little Friendly Gossip on some of the Topics of | the Day ... 410 Reviews - * 10 c , « iii Masonic Institution for Boys 4 "
The Model Subscriber 4 " Masonic and General Tidings 4 «* Masonic Meetings for next Week 4 " Advertisements ¦• " . 111 . iv . v . vi
United Grand Lodge.
The Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England was holden at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday evening , the H . W . Colonel Burdett , Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , as Grand Master ; the R . W . the Bi ght Hon . the Earl of Donousrhmore , S . G . Warden : the
R . W . the Hon . William Warren Vernon , J . G . Warden ; the R . W . Richard Giddy , District Grand Master for Griqualand ; the R . W . Samuel Rawson , Past District Grand Master for China ; the R . W . Hugh D . Sandeman , Past District Grand Master for Bengal ; the R . W . Henry Murray , District Grand Master for' China ; the R . W . John Havers , P . G . W . ; the R . W . Capt . Wm .
Piatt , P . G . W . ; R . W . Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , G . D . of Ceremonies , P . G . W . ; the V . W . Rev . S . R . Wigram ; V . W . Rev . Charles John Mattyn , P . G . Chaplain , as Grand Chaplain ; thc V . W . Charles Wm . Arnold , G . Chaplain ; V . W . Rev . Sir John Warren Hayes , Bart . ; V . W . Rev . Robert James Simpson , P . G . C ; V . W . jEneas John Mclntyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar ;
V . W . Samuel Tomkins , orand Treasurer ; the V . W . John Hervey , Grand Secretary ; W . Lieut .-Colonel Thos . Birchall , S . G . Deacon ; W . Thomas , William Boord , M . P ., F . S . A ., S . G . Deacon ; W . E . J . Barron , J . G . Deacon ; W . John March Case , J . G . Deacon ; W . Lieut .-Col . John Creaton , P . G . D ., W . Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; W . Henry Browse , P . G . D . ; W . Samuel Leith Tomkins , P . G . D . ; W .
Brackstone Baker , P . G . D . ; W . 'J . E . Saunders , P . G . D . ; W . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D . ; W . Chas . Aug . Marton , P . G . D . ; W . Richard Havers , P . G . D . ; W . John Anthony Rucker , P . G . D . ; W . J . Percy Leith , P . G . D . ; W . Joseph Charles Parkinson , P . G . D . ; W . Robert Grey , P . G . D . ; W Thomas Fenn , P . G . D . ; VV . F . A . Philbriek , Q . C , P . G . D .. W . Frederick Pepys Cockercll , G . Sup . Wks . ; W . Wm '
Rhys Williams , assist . G . D . C . ; W . Richard J . Spiers P . G . S . B . ; W . Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . ; W . James Mason ' P . G . S . ; W . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; W . Wilhclm Kuhci G . Organist ; W . Eleazer D'Albert , G . P . ; W . Samuel Gi Foxall , Assist . G . Purst . ; W . John Emmens , P . G . P . ; . W . William Ough , P . G . P . ; W . John Coutts , P . G . P . ; W . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; W . Thomas , Cubitt , P . G . P . ; and W . John Wright , P . G . P ., were also
present , besides General Brownrigg , as D . G . M . ; Major Finney , John Constable , Captain Philips , F . Adlard , Thomas W . White , F . Binckes , C . F . Hogard , George Kenning , H . A . Dubois , J . II . Wynne , Herbert Dicketts , B . H . Swallow , H . G . Buss , S . Rosenthal , VV . J . Murlis , James Terry , W . Dodd , D . W . Pearse , Dr . J . E . Carpenter , Massey ( "Freemason" ) , and about 300 other brethren .
Grand Lodge having been formally opened Grand Secretary read the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of 7 th June , which were put by the Grand Master in thc chair and confirmed . Bro . Joshua Nunn moved , and Bro . Mclntyre seconded that the report of thc Lodge of Benevolence for thc last quarter be received and entered on thc minutes , and this
having been adopted , Bro Joshua Nunn moved , and Bro . Raynhan W . Stewart moved the adoption of the recommendation of the following grants : — £ s . d . A brother of the St . George and Corner Stone Lodge , No . tj , London ... ejo o o » n of the Crystal Palace Lodge , No .
• p , 742 , London 50 o o 1 he five orphan children of a late brother of Lodgeof Truth , No . 644 , Bombay 50 o 0 'he widow of a brother of the Lodgeof Perfect Friendship , No . 376 , Ipswich ... 50 o 0 These were all carried unanimously . Bro . Mclntyre , G . R ., moved , and Bro . Raynham W .
- " . , I- . O . JJ ., seconded , that thc Report of the Board of encral Purposes , which had been printed and circulated , be ""• en as read . Bro . Mclntyre said he moved it in the abfrn . " President ° f ""e Board ( Bro . J . B . Monckton ) g town . The motion having been adopted , ... . Mclntyre said there was no substantive motion
pron f rep 0 rt ' and he therefcre moved , to be in per lorm , that it be received and entered on the minutes , then n 7 ¦ arkstone Baker seconded the motion , which was " Put and carried . The report was as follows : — Grar . lT * . Board of Gencral Purposes , to the United England ° Ancicnt Frcc aml Accepted Masons of
attenl 1 n r , ° t * - * General Purposes beg to report that their -4 thMav fs ! , " / , bee * Vdi ? cted t 0 an -WHcatton dated il , pS . . I ;*' ? Lodge ° f Love and Honour , No . i Si raimouth , for the usual Grand Lodge Certificate for
United Grand Lodge.
the Tyler , who was initiated so long ago as the Sth of April , 1861 , and to certain letters in which it was stated that the said brother was initiated without the necessary dispensation required by article 9 , page 86 , Book of Constitutions . The board , after due consideration , although none of the brethren then in office are now members of the lodge , felt that the lodge—as a lodge—must be held
responsible for such a grave irregularity on the part of its former officers , but at the same time did not treat the offence with the severity which would under the circumstances have been extended to it . The board therefore simply ordered that the lodge should pay a fine of one guinea , and that the Grand Secretary should be empowered to issue the certificate on payment thereof .
The board desired especially to direct the notice of the Masters and Secretaries of lodges to article 26 , page , 69 , of the Book of Constitutions , attention to which would at once prevent annoyance to their successors , and the necessity of an appeal to the executive of Grand Lodge . ( Signed ) PETER DE L . LONG , Vice-President of the Board .
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the nth day of August instant , shewing a balance in the hands of 'the Grand Treasurer of £ 3328 16 s . 3 d . ; and in the hands ofthe Grand Secretary , for petty cash , £ 75 ; and for servants' wages , £ 9 6 15 s . Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C , then rose to move
" That in accordance with the resolution passed at the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge the following brethren constitute a Special Committee to consider the best mode of perpetuating in some charitable form our thankfulness to Almighty God for the preservation and safe return from India of our Most Worshipful Grand Master , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales ,
and report thereon to Grand Lodge : —Bros . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . ; Earl of Donoughmore , S . G . W . ; the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , J . G . W . ; Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M . Warwickshire ; Lord Tenterden , P . G . W . ; J . M . P . Montagu , D . Prov . G . M . Dorset ; J . Havers , P . G . W . ; j -Tincas J . Mclntyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar ; fabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Erasmus Wilson , Deputy M .
No . 2 ; Octavius H . Pearson , W . M . No . 10 ; Nathan B . Headon , W . M . No . 1426 ; Baxter Langley , W . M . No . 1423 ; Macrae Moir , P . M . No , 66 ; Edwin March , W . M . Grand Steward ' s Lodge ; Rev . Robert J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain , with power to add to their number . " In doing so he said : M . W . Acting Grand Master , and brethren , in laying the motion of which I have given notice
—you have a copy in our notice paper before you—before Grand Lodge , I wish to lay down for myself three rules for my guidance , rules which I hope may be approved of by the brethren , and , if it be not impertinent , I may add , I hope , may be followed by other speakers . The rules arc , first , that I shall be exceedingly brief in my speech ( hear , hear ) in the next place that I shall abstain from any
allusion to persons or the press ; and thirdly , that 1 shall as little as possible , even touch upon the transactions ^ the last Grand Lodge , save and except so far as they necessarily are connected with the motion which I am about to lay before you . Mr . Frank Buckland remarked in a recent letter upon a very interesting subject , that heat and tranquillity were necessary for the cultivation of oysters . I am quite
sure that there was on the last night of our meeting too much heat , and too little tranquillity . I trust to-night that we shall realise both these conditions , but rather in a different sense to the heat to which I have alluded . I trust thc heat to night will be the warmth of brotherly love which will shape itself to the public good , and I trust that the tranquillity will mark our discussion which alone can
lead to a calm and a just decision . ( Hear hear and applause . ) It will be in the recollection of Grand Lodge that the resolution was passed on our last night of meeting , to the effect that a | committee should be appointed for an object specified in that motion . ( Hear hear . ) As a natural sequence to that resolution , and in order to keep upon the lines of business I now venture to lay before you
thc names which I have the honour to propose on that committee for your approval or otherwise . I am not at all sure , M . W . G . M ., that it would not have been for the interests of Freemasonry , and of the great object which we have in view that no particular member of Grand Lodge , however experienced , however high in the Craft , or otherwise , should have proposed any definite scheme
upon this subject , but that it would have been far more advisable , and consonant to the dignity of the subject , that in the beginning a committee should have been appointed to carry out this great object . ( Hear , hear . ) That was , unfortunately , not done . I am myself an offender , as well as others in this respect , and , therefore , I plead guilty , being a party to not having thus dealt with this subject .
But I cannot conceal from myself that as the amendment which was proposed , and which eventually became a substantive motion , was drawn up on the spur of thc moment , in the midst of the discussion , so it was immediately intended to ward off what many of us considered —whether rightly or wrongly—a great imminent danger . That object has been attained . Whether ri ghtly or
wrongly , thus it is ; and it now , I understand , is the opinion of a great number of the members of this Grand Lodge , that it might be convenient not to proceed with the committee , but to take some more definite course . ( No , no . ) Of course it is quite open to this Grand Lodge to-night , if it pleases , to reject the motion which I have the honour to propose , and in any way to rescind the casual motion which was made upon the last night of meeting .
( No , no : It had been carried . ) Very good . If Grand Lodge , however , expresses itself to that effect , I myself will be prepared to bow respectfully to it . If not , then I venture to propose this committee as containing the names of brethren highly esteemed in the Craft , except it be one who "holds the wooden spoon" at'the end ' of it , ( laughter ) , nd I think they are brethren also who , ' -if they are to choose thers , or to add to their number , will add brethren of the
United Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge who will be likely to carry out thc objects we have in view . I trust that if this committee is appointed it will come to an unanimous recommendation which will be at once worthy of the solemn and exalted object we have in view , and that they will bo likely to confer a lasting benefit and true dignity upon our Order . I submit , M . W . G . M ., without comment at present , the resolution
which I propose . ( Groat cheering . ) Bro . Edward Cox , P . M . 6 . -7 : M . W . G . M ., I shall be most happy to second the resolution . Bro . F . A . Philbriek , P . G . D .: M . W . G . M ., —On an occasion of this kind , with respect to thc subject before Grand Lodge , I am sure we have one feeling—the unanimous feeling which was expressed at the last meeting of the
Grand Lodge , namely , that whatever be the mode in which we may give an expression of our gratitude , the occasion was one which demanded a commemoration from the Craft . As to the method which that commemoration was to shape itself , that was settled by the resolution of the last Grand Lodge , which has been confirmed on the minutes to-night , by being referred to a Committee . That
committee has now been nominated by our Bro . Simpson , and I venture , on an occasion of this kind , to say . that I trust no remark I may make may interfere with thc unanimity with which the Grand Lodge will proceed . In form I am compelled to move an amendment . In substance I believe I am bound to call attention to that which I am sure has been an unintentional omission , and which , I for
one , should be very disappointed unless it be accepted by our Bro . Simpson , as a part of his resolution . There are certain great names omitted in the resolution . I will not criticise the names upon this Committee , because the names are those of brethren who may fairly represent the whole interests of the Craft , and who , both from their personal merits—but rather , I would put it , from their official
position—are entitled , both by their position and experience to be on a committee of this kind . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) There is the Prov . Grand Master , Lord Carnarvon , a name , I am sure , as popular as any known Mason . I forbear to mention personal matters , but there is thc Grand Treasurer , our respected and popular Grand Treasurer , who has borne office for many years . There is the President
of the Board of General Purposes : there is the President of the Colonial Board , Bro . Rucker ; there is the President of the Board of Benevolence , who , unfortunately is absent to-night from circumstances under which we all sympathise with him . I do not suppose there will be any difficulty at all about that . Holders of these great offices , the illustrious Masons whose names I have mentioned ,
should be added to this council to carry out the object which we all have at heart . I left out my excellent friend our Bro . Sir Albert Woods , but I beg now to suggest his name , and to move these additions as an amendment to our rev . brother's motion . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D .: I second the amendment ; but I think there has been with our Bro .
Philbriek a great omission , and I allege that if you were to carry out the last part of the resolution of our Bro . Simpson , there ought to be those who were connected with the charities : the House Committees ought to be added ( No , no , and uproar . ) Bro . S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . for China -. I rise to a point of order . ( Confusion . )
Bro . Raynham Stewart : You should put those men ou who fcr years have been tried by your brethren , and who know and can give the best advice as to thc mode of carrying out the plan . Bro . S . Rawson : I rise to a point of order . Bro . Stewart : I will propose if this committee be carried —( Chair , cheering , and confusion . )
Bro . Rawson : I rise to a point of order . This is not an amendment nt all . The original motion as proposed by our Bro . Simpson has power to add to their number . ( Hear , hear , and applause . ) Bro . Simpson : May I be permitted , to explain ? I merely wish to say—I want only to make a single observation . In answer to Bro . Philbrick ' s observation , I wish
to say that my great difficulty was in putting down the names of other brethren who were as worthy as , if not more worthy than , those on thc list , and that 1 was anxious to leave to Grand Lodge itself to originate by such propositions as Bro . Philbrick ' s thc full constitution of the committee . ( Hear , hear ) . I was anxious to put down as few names as possible only as a nucleus , and
leave it to Grand Lodge rather than myself to put in others . ( Hear , hear ) . I accept these names at once . Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D ., said he interposed with considerable diffidence , but it occurred to him from what fell from a number of speakers at the former meeting that there was a considerable number who disapproved of this committee of Bro . Simpson ' s altogether , he himself was
not antagonistic , notwithstanding he had an amendment to his motion . By that amendment he really wished to bring about a good feeling in Grand Lodge . The brethren wished to commemorate their thankfulness in a way which would be worthy of this Grand Lodge . Feeling that there was a difference of opinion , he had ventured to submit a motion to his Bro . Simpson , but unfortunately being out of
town and unable to communicate with him in time for the meeting of the Board of Masters , he placed his notice on the agenda paper that he might not he out of order that evening . It appeared to him that there would be a differ . ence of opinion in the appointment of thc committee . He agreed with Bro . Simpson ' s principle . Bro . J . imcs Mason , P . G . S . B ., rose to order , and was met with cries of " Sit down , " and some confusion .
Dr . Hogg continued . He thought they might confirm a principle on which the committee was to sit and deliberate a principle that might be acceptable to Grand Lodge . The Acting Grand Master said he must remind Dr . Hogg that Grand Lodge had already agreed to a committee . The only question now was of whom it should be composed . Dr . Hogg would most readily and res pec \' . \) U ' v