Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DEVON. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DEVON. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF THE NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS OF YORKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF THE NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS OF YORKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
esented t 0 Bro . Rev . P . H . E . Brette for his valuable services to the lodge . Bro . Brette replied in a very able and feeling speech . A jewel was also presented to Bro George Kenning for services rendered to the lodge .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
TRURO . —Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter . Th ' s chapter met at Truro on Tuesday week , and being the first Masonic assembly of any kind in the town since the decease of Bro . Solomon , P . M ., & c . ( who was a member of the chapter ) , the M . W . S . in the chair , Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 33 ° , very feelingly referred to the loss which Freemasonry had sustained in
the death of their sincerely lamented friend and brother . To know Brother Solomon was to respect him , and his name was quite a " household word" in the province . His accurate tastes and opinions were sought after from all parts , for he was a man of no ordinary ability , and his judgment was especially sound and reliable . Had the funeral partaken of a Masonic character he would
certainly have attended , without regard to his personal convenience , and so would some hundreds of brethren also , who would have been ready to shew their respect for the deceased by . accompanying his remains to their " earthly resting place . " In the absence of Colonel Peard , the M . W . S ., he moved the following resolution , which on hpinp- seconded bv Bro . Hughan , 30 , P . M . W . S ., & c , was
unanimously carried by the various representatives of the Province who were present : — " That it is with heartfelt sorrow that the Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter , Truro , receives the announcement of the decease of the Worshipful Bro . Thomas Solomon , J . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W . of Cornwall , whose long and faithful attachment to tl } e Craft ended only with his life . The members of the chapter , in
the death of their distinguished brother , are called upon to mourn the loss of a man of uprightness and integrity , of more than ordinary ability , and a most useful citizen ; whose firm affections for the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , steadfast adherence to its teachings and principles , and the dignity and fidelity with which he filled the high offices and discharged the important trusts committed
to him deserve the most honourable mention and a lasting record . " The minutes were read by Bro . Charles Truseott , 30 ° , who is a model Recorder , to whom the chapter is much indebted for its success . Three candidates were perfected by Bro . Sir F . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 33 ° ( who has never missed a meeting since the Chapter was formed ) assisted by the well-known Bro . Hughan , the " friend in
need" of tbe chapter . The attendance was fair , and amongst the members were Bros . E . D . Anderton , Second General ; Rev . W . H . Bloxsome , M . A . ; William Lake , D . C . ; Rev . George Ross , M . A . ( who had come many miles to be present ; and W . Grey and T . J . Smith . The
members passed a resolution to refrain from " perfecting " any candidates at the next meeting , as they hoped Bro . Hughan would favour them with a history of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for the information of all concerned , and especially for the instruction of thc newly-admitted brethren .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAVE OF ENGLAND . —The September meeting of the abovej conclave was held on Monday , 4 th inst ., at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , V . E . Sir Knt . Henry A . Dubois , G . A ., Most Puissant Sovereign , Treasurer , in the chair , supported by Sir Knts . Rev . Philip H . Ernest Brette , Joshua Nunn , P . M . Holden , H . C .
Levander , R . Wentworth Little , Colonel Peters , E . H . Thiellay , W . H . Hubbard , George Kenning , J . Mason , J . U . Marsh , H . H . Shirley , and others . Visitor : Sir Knt . Smith . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Sir Knt . Little informed the conclave of the very kind and hearty welcome accorded to the deputation from the Premier Conclave by the Edinburgh
Conclave , No . 1 , on the occasion of the enthronement of Sir Knt . Col . Burdett in Edinburgh on the 21 st ult . Sir Knt . Little proposed , and Sir Knt . Levander seconded , that Sir Knts . Ramsey , Tracey , Mercer , and Brown , all of the Edinburgh Con-clave , No . i , should be elected honorary members of the Premier Conclave , No . 1 , which « n being put to the meeting was carried with acclamation .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
Ihe annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Devon was held on Thursday , the 31 st ult ., at Southmol-£ 11 , the Ri ght Worshipful the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., . G . C ., Provincial Grand Master , presiding . There was a very large Ratherinsr of brethren , the Three Towns beine
largely represented . The following Prov . Grand Officers were present : —L . P . Metham , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . ; W . *"• Rogers , P . G . Sec . ; Rev . W . Whittley , G . Chap . ; w . S . p asmore , G . Treas . ; H . H . Haycock , S . G . D . ; "» Willoughby , G . S . B . ; D . Attwood , G . Purst .,- S . Jones , P . P . S . G . D . ; V . BirdPPGT JBrownPP
, .... ; . , .. [ - ••¦; H . M . Body , P . G . S . ; J . Gould , P . G . D . C ; H , "*•• Diston , P . G . C . ; J . Wood , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; Rev . T , "• Lemon , P . P . G . C ; S . B . Colston , P . G . S . ; S . "apple . P . P . A . G . D . C ; J . Edwaids . P . P . G . O . ; C . C . 1 S ' £ ' ' ' * : T - *•• Harvey , P . P . G . D . C ; J . B . ** ° V « , P . P . G . D . C . : F . H . Woodfnrde . P . P . S G W sir .
w ' J- * llUs > P . P . G . O . ; P . D . Michelmore , P . G . S . ; IGW E 1 ! - hinston *! . P . P . J . G . W . ; J . G . Shanks , P . P . GW \ J '„ V arPer , G - - -i J- Tanner-Davey , P . S . W . ; W . Cole , P . P . G . P . ; J . Way , P . P . G . Tyler ; Enplan ? ' . - ' * i W * - *• Woodman , P . G . S . B . ISPpp ' r J" Awards , P . P . G . O . ; Rev . T . Rus-P . PilGn ! w 2 ' P-J'G'W-: - J- Harland , G . SB . VJ- ^ H- Barker ' ' ' ' 5 J- ¦ Dand , P . P . -i W , Oram , P . P . G . D . C . j B . Stark , P . P . G . O . ;
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
J . H . Tonkin , P . G . S . ; J . M . Hifley , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; L . E . Westcott , P . P . G . S . Wks . ; W . Browning , P . P . G . D . C . There were also present Immediate Past Masters R . G . Bird , Sec . 1550 ; J . Rendle , Sec . 1247 ; J . G . Johnson , 1402 ; T . Higgs , 106 ; J . Murch , 1099 ; W . E . Warren , 1358 ; Past Masters T . Goodall , 934 ; E . Roseveare , 1099 ; J . May ,
22 ? and 159 ; D . Watson , 328 ; S . Loram , 1443 ; W ! Knott , 372 ; G . T . Barry , 248 ; F . J . Pratt , 1396 ; W . T . Pilditch , 156 ; J . J . Drake , 1396 ; J . Hill , 251 ; J . Hancock , 231 ; C Godtschalk , 1235 ; J . T . Shapland , 421 ; W . H . Gillman , " 1099 ; H . Woodgate , 847 : A . Lethbridge , 139 ; J . T . Widgery , 421 ; J . A . Kingdon , Treas . 421 ; J . F . Long , 39 ;
J . E . Curteis , 189 ; R . B . Twcse , 105 and 135 c ; R . Lake , 1135 ; W . J . List , 231 ; W . Britton , 231 ; T . Ebsworthy 251 ; R . H . Watson , 710 ; W . H . Brewer , 251 ; E . Furse , 421 ; W . F . Quicke , 49 ; G . Evans , 1181 ; A . Thomson , 39 ; W . Manning , 421 ; W . Haynes , 106 ; G . F England , 1332 ; J . Orchard . 161 ; J . P . Phillips , 223 ; J . Baxter , 934 ; H . Cole , 1091 .
Worshipful Masters : J . L . Towning , 272 ; E . Hawke , 159 ; W . H . Terrell , 202 ; E . Tozer , 112 ; J . Gould , 1099 ; B . Barber , 1254 ; G . S . Richardson , 1212 ; S . G . Hearle ; 1255 ; J . C Fly , 1247 ; F . Day , 241 ; H . Stork , 1396-10 . Edmunds , 444 ; W . H . Thomas , 70 ; J . Pigott , 328 ; W . E . Williams , 1125 ; D . Box , 156 ; J . H . Toms , 1091 ; J . Rowe , 133 2 > J- B- Royers , 1550 ; W . Harries , 1205 . Senior
Wardens : J . W . Avery , 136 ; J . H . Stephens , 139 ; H . Bailey , 202 ; H . Sharland , 1125 ; J . G . Bickle , 1212 ; -W . S . Walter , 1099 ; W . H . Rickard , 954 ; W . Boyle , 251 ; J . Woodman , 444 . Junior Wardens T . Gibbons , 1205 ; J . Andrews , 139 : R . Marshall , 202 ; J . Read , 847 ; H . H . Arnold , 1009 ; J . R . Dugdale , 934 ; R . P . Morrison , 231 ; B . J . Fisher ,
444 ; J . Stocker , 39 ; W . G . Lacey , 106 ; W . Hearder , 103 . . . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous lodge meetings having been read and confirmed , the Secretary , Bro . Rogers , P . P . G . S . W ., read the report , which showed that there are forty-six lodges in Devon , with 2330 members . The report was
very favourable , inasmuch as the whole of the lodges had made their annual returns , and £ 2 ( 18 6 s . Od . had been received from these lodges . —The Treasurer , Bro . Pasmore , read the financial report , which showed the receipts for the year to be £ 473 14 s . id . Out of the money received £ 5 : ios . od . had been given to the Devon and Exeter l-jo ' spital , /¦ ios cs . od . to thc Fortescue Annuity Fund , £ 26 es . od .
to the Masonic Boys' School , and 10 other gifts to relatives of deserving brethren , £ 61 os . od . These amounts , with sundry expenses in working the province , left a balance of £ 170 145 . 3 d . in the hands of the Treasurer . The Fortescue Annuity Fund showed that £ 25645 . 1 id . had been received , and £ 262 2 s . 3 d . expended , leaving a balance due to the Treasurer of £ z I-TS . 6 d .
Bro . Gover read the report of the Committee of Petitions , which presented the most favourable aspect yet shown . Bro . J . E . Curteis proposed , and Bro . Godtschalk seconded a proposition that £ 100 should be given to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Fund . This was carried unanimously .
The following officers . were appointed and invested for the following year : — J . E . Curteis , 189 P . G . S . W . J . Harper , 231 P . G . J . W . Rev . H . Lansdele , 411 p . G . Chap . Rev . Noel Plate P . G . Chap . J . J . Avery , 1350 P . G . Treas .
F . Day , 421 P . G . Reg . W . G . Rogers , 112 P . G . Sec . H . M . Body , 1332 P . G . S . D . C Godtschalk , 1255 P . G . J . D . S . B . Colston , 248 P . G . S . Wks J . A . Orchard , 164 P . G . D . C . j . H . Tonkin , 282 P . G A . D . C . P . D . Michelmore , 1138 P . G . S . B .
W . Quicke , 39 P . G . O . W . Haynes , 106 P . G . Pur . STEWARDS : D . Watson , 328 ; G . Evans , 1181 ; F . J . Pratt , 1396 ; J . T . Goodridge , 1358 ; J . P . Phillips , 223 1 C Stribiing , 70 J J . May , 159 . At the request of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Metham delivered a very impressive oration to the brethren , which , we hope , will soon be printed and distributed in all the lodges of Devon .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of The North And East Ridings Of Yorkshire.
A Provincial Grand Lodge was held by special appointment , in the Central Hall , Redcar , on the invitation of the Marwood Lodge , No . 1244 , on Wednesday , the 2 nd day of August , 18 7 6 . There were present the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Zetland , R . W . Provincial Grand Master , on the
Throne ; w . iiro . John Pearson Bell , Esq ., M . D ., J . P ., Past Grand Deacon of England , 57 , Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; the Present Provincial Grand Officers many Past Provincial Grand Officers , the Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens , of the various lodges in the province , and others . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , the Prov . Grand Secretary
read the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Hull , on the Gth October , 18 73 , which were confirmed . Letters of apology for absence were received from W . Bro . Sir James Meek , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . H . Porritt , P . J . G . W . ; H . O . Piercy , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . H . Handyside P . J . P . G . W . ; J . Brooke , J . P . G . D . ; and E . Mason P . J . P . G . D . The Prov . Grand Secretary then read the report of thc
Provincial Grand Lodge Of The North And East Ridings Of Yorkshire.
Board of Benevolence , showing that the board had that day voted the sum of £ 10 to Bro . Thos . Shaw , ofthe Old Globe Lodge , No . 200 . The report was unanimously confirmed . Thc Prov . Grand Treasurer read his annual balance sheet , which , having been audited by the W . Masters of the Humber and Lennox Lodees and found correct , was
unanimously adopted . Thc W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master then , in accordance with notice given , moved : " That this Provincial Grand Lodge , with the view of affording increased and continuous support to the Masonic Charitable Institutions , strongly recommends , that every member of the Craft in this province do voluntarily asrree to subscribe for that
purpose the sum of sixpence per quarter . Such sum to be charged in , and paid with , his usual quarterly payments to the Secretary of the lodge to which be may belong , and to be used for the benefit of such of the centralMasonic charities as the majority of the members of his lodge may , from time to time , determine . " The resolution was seconded by W . Bro . J . W . Woodall , P . S ' . P . G . W . A long
discussion followed , in which the Prov . Grand Secretary , W . Bro . Bro . Balmford , P . P . G . O ., Dr . Walton , P . P . G . S . B ., J . B . Thompson , P . M . 1244 , P-P . G . Reg ., Durham , and J . Thompson , P . G . S . B . Charity Representative , took part . The motion was cafrried unanimously . The W . Prt . v ; Grand Treasurer then , in accordance with notice given , moved : " That the best thanks of this
Provincial Grand Lodge be tendered to the Investigation Committee , appointed by the Prov . Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire , foe their excellent report on the financial condition and state of tuition in the Boys' School ; and this Provincial Grand Lodge expresses a hope that their exertions will be continued . " The Prov . Grand Treasurer disclaimed any intention of attacking Bro . Binckes , whom
he believed to be a thoroughly efficient and valuable officer . The bad management complained of was the result of the negligence of the House Committee , who were quite incompetent to conduct the affairs of the school , & c . He then read a number of extracts from the published reports of the institution to establish the statements made in the report of thc West Yorkshire Committee . The motion
was seconded by W . Bro . Balmford , P . P . G . O ., supported by VV . Bro . Dr . Pyburn , P . M . 1010 , and carried . The Prov . Grand Secretary was requested to notify the resolu tion to the Investigation Committee . The various lodges in the province , all of which were represented , then communicated . The returns showed the total of 1399 subscribing members .
The R . W . Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following brethren as Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , ( with the exception ofthe Prov . Grand Treasurer , who was re-elected by the Provincial Grand Lodge : — Hon . W . T . Orde Powlett , W . M . 123 Prov . S . G . W . William Waller , P . M . 1 244 Prov . J . G . W .
Rev . Wm . Buswell , M . A . 1244 Prov . G . Chaplain James Pyburn , M . D ., P . M . 1010 Prov . G . Reg . Michael Charles Peck , P . M . 1040 ... Prov . G . Sec . John Sutherst , W . M . 5 61 Prov . S . G . D . Henry Preston , P . M . 37 Prov . J . G . D . Thomas N . Marwood , P . M . 312 Prov . G . S . of Wks Richard Geo . Smith , P . M . 734 Prov . G . D . of Cer
James S . Moss , W . M . 312 Prov . G . Swd . Br . Charles H . Hunt , 230 Prov . G . Org . John Ward , 236 Prov . G . Purst . Thomas Crier , 57 Prov . G . Tyler . Six Provincial Grand Stewards to be nominated by the Royal , Camalodunum , Londesborough , Kingston , Sykes , and Marwood Lodges .
The R . W . Provincial Grand Master then addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge , congratulating the province upon its prosperity and unanimity . He remarked with pleasure the great increase of the Craft in the Province : last year they had 1370 subscribing members , this year would doubtless exhibit a large accession of numbers , as warrants had been issued for the formation of three new
lodgesthe Handyside , No . 1618 , at Saltburn , which would be constituted August 3 rd , the Eboracum , No . 1611 , at York , on the 7 th inst ., and the De la Pole , No . 1603 , at Hull , on the 5 th October . His lordship observed that he intended to constitute the two first-named personally , and invited the attendance of all then present . The R . W . Prov , Grand Master also stated that having received an
invitation from the Lennox Lodge , he purposed holding the Provincial Grand Lodge next year at Richmond , when he trusted to be favoured with the company of a large assembly of the Craft . The R . W . Provincial Grand Mister then proposed a vote of thanks to the brethren of the Marwood Lodge , and especially to Bro . Waller , the I . P . M ., for their excellent
arrangements for the accommodation of Provincial Grand Lodge , which was seconded by the W . Dep . Prov . Grand Master , and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Waller , P . J . G . Warden . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due
form , and with solemn prayer . A banquet , at which the R . W . Provincial Grand Master presided , was subsequently held at the Coatham Hotel when a very large number of brethren dined . Due honours to the Craft were observed , and a most enjoyable evening was passed .
The installation meeting of the Fanmtire Mark Lodge was held on Monday last , at the Balham Hotel , Balham , when Bro . Daniel Trusler was installed W . M . by Bro . Thomas Poore . A full report will appear in our next .
The foundation stone of the New Poor Houso and Lunatic Asylum , Greenock , and the New Harbour , Ayr , will be laid with Masonic honours by Bro . Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart , Bart , Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland . The former on the 12 th inst ., and the latter ou the 1 gth inst .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
esented t 0 Bro . Rev . P . H . E . Brette for his valuable services to the lodge . Bro . Brette replied in a very able and feeling speech . A jewel was also presented to Bro George Kenning for services rendered to the lodge .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
TRURO . —Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter . Th ' s chapter met at Truro on Tuesday week , and being the first Masonic assembly of any kind in the town since the decease of Bro . Solomon , P . M ., & c . ( who was a member of the chapter ) , the M . W . S . in the chair , Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 33 ° , very feelingly referred to the loss which Freemasonry had sustained in
the death of their sincerely lamented friend and brother . To know Brother Solomon was to respect him , and his name was quite a " household word" in the province . His accurate tastes and opinions were sought after from all parts , for he was a man of no ordinary ability , and his judgment was especially sound and reliable . Had the funeral partaken of a Masonic character he would
certainly have attended , without regard to his personal convenience , and so would some hundreds of brethren also , who would have been ready to shew their respect for the deceased by . accompanying his remains to their " earthly resting place . " In the absence of Colonel Peard , the M . W . S ., he moved the following resolution , which on hpinp- seconded bv Bro . Hughan , 30 , P . M . W . S ., & c , was
unanimously carried by the various representatives of the Province who were present : — " That it is with heartfelt sorrow that the Cornwall Rose Croix Chapter , Truro , receives the announcement of the decease of the Worshipful Bro . Thomas Solomon , J . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W . of Cornwall , whose long and faithful attachment to tl } e Craft ended only with his life . The members of the chapter , in
the death of their distinguished brother , are called upon to mourn the loss of a man of uprightness and integrity , of more than ordinary ability , and a most useful citizen ; whose firm affections for the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , steadfast adherence to its teachings and principles , and the dignity and fidelity with which he filled the high offices and discharged the important trusts committed
to him deserve the most honourable mention and a lasting record . " The minutes were read by Bro . Charles Truseott , 30 ° , who is a model Recorder , to whom the chapter is much indebted for its success . Three candidates were perfected by Bro . Sir F . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., 33 ° ( who has never missed a meeting since the Chapter was formed ) assisted by the well-known Bro . Hughan , the " friend in
need" of tbe chapter . The attendance was fair , and amongst the members were Bros . E . D . Anderton , Second General ; Rev . W . H . Bloxsome , M . A . ; William Lake , D . C . ; Rev . George Ross , M . A . ( who had come many miles to be present ; and W . Grey and T . J . Smith . The
members passed a resolution to refrain from " perfecting " any candidates at the next meeting , as they hoped Bro . Hughan would favour them with a history of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for the information of all concerned , and especially for the instruction of thc newly-admitted brethren .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAVE OF ENGLAND . —The September meeting of the abovej conclave was held on Monday , 4 th inst ., at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , V . E . Sir Knt . Henry A . Dubois , G . A ., Most Puissant Sovereign , Treasurer , in the chair , supported by Sir Knts . Rev . Philip H . Ernest Brette , Joshua Nunn , P . M . Holden , H . C .
Levander , R . Wentworth Little , Colonel Peters , E . H . Thiellay , W . H . Hubbard , George Kenning , J . Mason , J . U . Marsh , H . H . Shirley , and others . Visitor : Sir Knt . Smith . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Sir Knt . Little informed the conclave of the very kind and hearty welcome accorded to the deputation from the Premier Conclave by the Edinburgh
Conclave , No . 1 , on the occasion of the enthronement of Sir Knt . Col . Burdett in Edinburgh on the 21 st ult . Sir Knt . Little proposed , and Sir Knt . Levander seconded , that Sir Knts . Ramsey , Tracey , Mercer , and Brown , all of the Edinburgh Con-clave , No . i , should be elected honorary members of the Premier Conclave , No . 1 , which « n being put to the meeting was carried with acclamation .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
Ihe annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Devon was held on Thursday , the 31 st ult ., at Southmol-£ 11 , the Ri ght Worshipful the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., . G . C ., Provincial Grand Master , presiding . There was a very large Ratherinsr of brethren , the Three Towns beine
largely represented . The following Prov . Grand Officers were present : —L . P . Metham , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . ; W . *"• Rogers , P . G . Sec . ; Rev . W . Whittley , G . Chap . ; w . S . p asmore , G . Treas . ; H . H . Haycock , S . G . D . ; "» Willoughby , G . S . B . ; D . Attwood , G . Purst .,- S . Jones , P . P . S . G . D . ; V . BirdPPGT JBrownPP
, .... ; . , .. [ - ••¦; H . M . Body , P . G . S . ; J . Gould , P . G . D . C ; H , "*•• Diston , P . G . C . ; J . Wood , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; Rev . T , "• Lemon , P . P . G . C ; S . B . Colston , P . G . S . ; S . "apple . P . P . A . G . D . C ; J . Edwaids . P . P . G . O . ; C . C . 1 S ' £ ' ' ' * : T - *•• Harvey , P . P . G . D . C ; J . B . ** ° V « , P . P . G . D . C . : F . H . Woodfnrde . P . P . S G W sir .
w ' J- * llUs > P . P . G . O . ; P . D . Michelmore , P . G . S . ; IGW E 1 ! - hinston *! . P . P . J . G . W . ; J . G . Shanks , P . P . GW \ J '„ V arPer , G - - -i J- Tanner-Davey , P . S . W . ; W . Cole , P . P . G . P . ; J . Way , P . P . G . Tyler ; Enplan ? ' . - ' * i W * - *• Woodman , P . G . S . B . ISPpp ' r J" Awards , P . P . G . O . ; Rev . T . Rus-P . PilGn ! w 2 ' P-J'G'W-: - J- Harland , G . SB . VJ- ^ H- Barker ' ' ' ' 5 J- ¦ Dand , P . P . -i W , Oram , P . P . G . D . C . j B . Stark , P . P . G . O . ;
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
J . H . Tonkin , P . G . S . ; J . M . Hifley , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; L . E . Westcott , P . P . G . S . Wks . ; W . Browning , P . P . G . D . C . There were also present Immediate Past Masters R . G . Bird , Sec . 1550 ; J . Rendle , Sec . 1247 ; J . G . Johnson , 1402 ; T . Higgs , 106 ; J . Murch , 1099 ; W . E . Warren , 1358 ; Past Masters T . Goodall , 934 ; E . Roseveare , 1099 ; J . May ,
22 ? and 159 ; D . Watson , 328 ; S . Loram , 1443 ; W ! Knott , 372 ; G . T . Barry , 248 ; F . J . Pratt , 1396 ; W . T . Pilditch , 156 ; J . J . Drake , 1396 ; J . Hill , 251 ; J . Hancock , 231 ; C Godtschalk , 1235 ; J . T . Shapland , 421 ; W . H . Gillman , " 1099 ; H . Woodgate , 847 : A . Lethbridge , 139 ; J . T . Widgery , 421 ; J . A . Kingdon , Treas . 421 ; J . F . Long , 39 ;
J . E . Curteis , 189 ; R . B . Twcse , 105 and 135 c ; R . Lake , 1135 ; W . J . List , 231 ; W . Britton , 231 ; T . Ebsworthy 251 ; R . H . Watson , 710 ; W . H . Brewer , 251 ; E . Furse , 421 ; W . F . Quicke , 49 ; G . Evans , 1181 ; A . Thomson , 39 ; W . Manning , 421 ; W . Haynes , 106 ; G . F England , 1332 ; J . Orchard . 161 ; J . P . Phillips , 223 ; J . Baxter , 934 ; H . Cole , 1091 .
Worshipful Masters : J . L . Towning , 272 ; E . Hawke , 159 ; W . H . Terrell , 202 ; E . Tozer , 112 ; J . Gould , 1099 ; B . Barber , 1254 ; G . S . Richardson , 1212 ; S . G . Hearle ; 1255 ; J . C Fly , 1247 ; F . Day , 241 ; H . Stork , 1396-10 . Edmunds , 444 ; W . H . Thomas , 70 ; J . Pigott , 328 ; W . E . Williams , 1125 ; D . Box , 156 ; J . H . Toms , 1091 ; J . Rowe , 133 2 > J- B- Royers , 1550 ; W . Harries , 1205 . Senior
Wardens : J . W . Avery , 136 ; J . H . Stephens , 139 ; H . Bailey , 202 ; H . Sharland , 1125 ; J . G . Bickle , 1212 ; -W . S . Walter , 1099 ; W . H . Rickard , 954 ; W . Boyle , 251 ; J . Woodman , 444 . Junior Wardens T . Gibbons , 1205 ; J . Andrews , 139 : R . Marshall , 202 ; J . Read , 847 ; H . H . Arnold , 1009 ; J . R . Dugdale , 934 ; R . P . Morrison , 231 ; B . J . Fisher ,
444 ; J . Stocker , 39 ; W . G . Lacey , 106 ; W . Hearder , 103 . . . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous lodge meetings having been read and confirmed , the Secretary , Bro . Rogers , P . P . G . S . W ., read the report , which showed that there are forty-six lodges in Devon , with 2330 members . The report was
very favourable , inasmuch as the whole of the lodges had made their annual returns , and £ 2 ( 18 6 s . Od . had been received from these lodges . —The Treasurer , Bro . Pasmore , read the financial report , which showed the receipts for the year to be £ 473 14 s . id . Out of the money received £ 5 : ios . od . had been given to the Devon and Exeter l-jo ' spital , /¦ ios cs . od . to thc Fortescue Annuity Fund , £ 26 es . od .
to the Masonic Boys' School , and 10 other gifts to relatives of deserving brethren , £ 61 os . od . These amounts , with sundry expenses in working the province , left a balance of £ 170 145 . 3 d . in the hands of the Treasurer . The Fortescue Annuity Fund showed that £ 25645 . 1 id . had been received , and £ 262 2 s . 3 d . expended , leaving a balance due to the Treasurer of £ z I-TS . 6 d .
Bro . Gover read the report of the Committee of Petitions , which presented the most favourable aspect yet shown . Bro . J . E . Curteis proposed , and Bro . Godtschalk seconded a proposition that £ 100 should be given to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Fund . This was carried unanimously .
The following officers . were appointed and invested for the following year : — J . E . Curteis , 189 P . G . S . W . J . Harper , 231 P . G . J . W . Rev . H . Lansdele , 411 p . G . Chap . Rev . Noel Plate P . G . Chap . J . J . Avery , 1350 P . G . Treas .
F . Day , 421 P . G . Reg . W . G . Rogers , 112 P . G . Sec . H . M . Body , 1332 P . G . S . D . C Godtschalk , 1255 P . G . J . D . S . B . Colston , 248 P . G . S . Wks J . A . Orchard , 164 P . G . D . C . j . H . Tonkin , 282 P . G A . D . C . P . D . Michelmore , 1138 P . G . S . B .
W . Quicke , 39 P . G . O . W . Haynes , 106 P . G . Pur . STEWARDS : D . Watson , 328 ; G . Evans , 1181 ; F . J . Pratt , 1396 ; J . T . Goodridge , 1358 ; J . P . Phillips , 223 1 C Stribiing , 70 J J . May , 159 . At the request of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Metham delivered a very impressive oration to the brethren , which , we hope , will soon be printed and distributed in all the lodges of Devon .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of The North And East Ridings Of Yorkshire.
A Provincial Grand Lodge was held by special appointment , in the Central Hall , Redcar , on the invitation of the Marwood Lodge , No . 1244 , on Wednesday , the 2 nd day of August , 18 7 6 . There were present the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Zetland , R . W . Provincial Grand Master , on the
Throne ; w . iiro . John Pearson Bell , Esq ., M . D ., J . P ., Past Grand Deacon of England , 57 , Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; the Present Provincial Grand Officers many Past Provincial Grand Officers , the Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens , of the various lodges in the province , and others . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , the Prov . Grand Secretary
read the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Hull , on the Gth October , 18 73 , which were confirmed . Letters of apology for absence were received from W . Bro . Sir James Meek , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . H . Porritt , P . J . G . W . ; H . O . Piercy , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . H . Handyside P . J . P . G . W . ; J . Brooke , J . P . G . D . ; and E . Mason P . J . P . G . D . The Prov . Grand Secretary then read the report of thc
Provincial Grand Lodge Of The North And East Ridings Of Yorkshire.
Board of Benevolence , showing that the board had that day voted the sum of £ 10 to Bro . Thos . Shaw , ofthe Old Globe Lodge , No . 200 . The report was unanimously confirmed . Thc Prov . Grand Treasurer read his annual balance sheet , which , having been audited by the W . Masters of the Humber and Lennox Lodees and found correct , was
unanimously adopted . Thc W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master then , in accordance with notice given , moved : " That this Provincial Grand Lodge , with the view of affording increased and continuous support to the Masonic Charitable Institutions , strongly recommends , that every member of the Craft in this province do voluntarily asrree to subscribe for that
purpose the sum of sixpence per quarter . Such sum to be charged in , and paid with , his usual quarterly payments to the Secretary of the lodge to which be may belong , and to be used for the benefit of such of the centralMasonic charities as the majority of the members of his lodge may , from time to time , determine . " The resolution was seconded by W . Bro . J . W . Woodall , P . S ' . P . G . W . A long
discussion followed , in which the Prov . Grand Secretary , W . Bro . Bro . Balmford , P . P . G . O ., Dr . Walton , P . P . G . S . B ., J . B . Thompson , P . M . 1244 , P-P . G . Reg ., Durham , and J . Thompson , P . G . S . B . Charity Representative , took part . The motion was cafrried unanimously . The W . Prt . v ; Grand Treasurer then , in accordance with notice given , moved : " That the best thanks of this
Provincial Grand Lodge be tendered to the Investigation Committee , appointed by the Prov . Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire , foe their excellent report on the financial condition and state of tuition in the Boys' School ; and this Provincial Grand Lodge expresses a hope that their exertions will be continued . " The Prov . Grand Treasurer disclaimed any intention of attacking Bro . Binckes , whom
he believed to be a thoroughly efficient and valuable officer . The bad management complained of was the result of the negligence of the House Committee , who were quite incompetent to conduct the affairs of the school , & c . He then read a number of extracts from the published reports of the institution to establish the statements made in the report of thc West Yorkshire Committee . The motion
was seconded by W . Bro . Balmford , P . P . G . O ., supported by VV . Bro . Dr . Pyburn , P . M . 1010 , and carried . The Prov . Grand Secretary was requested to notify the resolu tion to the Investigation Committee . The various lodges in the province , all of which were represented , then communicated . The returns showed the total of 1399 subscribing members .
The R . W . Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following brethren as Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , ( with the exception ofthe Prov . Grand Treasurer , who was re-elected by the Provincial Grand Lodge : — Hon . W . T . Orde Powlett , W . M . 123 Prov . S . G . W . William Waller , P . M . 1 244 Prov . J . G . W .
Rev . Wm . Buswell , M . A . 1244 Prov . G . Chaplain James Pyburn , M . D ., P . M . 1010 Prov . G . Reg . Michael Charles Peck , P . M . 1040 ... Prov . G . Sec . John Sutherst , W . M . 5 61 Prov . S . G . D . Henry Preston , P . M . 37 Prov . J . G . D . Thomas N . Marwood , P . M . 312 Prov . G . S . of Wks Richard Geo . Smith , P . M . 734 Prov . G . D . of Cer
James S . Moss , W . M . 312 Prov . G . Swd . Br . Charles H . Hunt , 230 Prov . G . Org . John Ward , 236 Prov . G . Purst . Thomas Crier , 57 Prov . G . Tyler . Six Provincial Grand Stewards to be nominated by the Royal , Camalodunum , Londesborough , Kingston , Sykes , and Marwood Lodges .
The R . W . Provincial Grand Master then addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge , congratulating the province upon its prosperity and unanimity . He remarked with pleasure the great increase of the Craft in the Province : last year they had 1370 subscribing members , this year would doubtless exhibit a large accession of numbers , as warrants had been issued for the formation of three new
lodgesthe Handyside , No . 1618 , at Saltburn , which would be constituted August 3 rd , the Eboracum , No . 1611 , at York , on the 7 th inst ., and the De la Pole , No . 1603 , at Hull , on the 5 th October . His lordship observed that he intended to constitute the two first-named personally , and invited the attendance of all then present . The R . W . Prov , Grand Master also stated that having received an
invitation from the Lennox Lodge , he purposed holding the Provincial Grand Lodge next year at Richmond , when he trusted to be favoured with the company of a large assembly of the Craft . The R . W . Provincial Grand Mister then proposed a vote of thanks to the brethren of the Marwood Lodge , and especially to Bro . Waller , the I . P . M ., for their excellent
arrangements for the accommodation of Provincial Grand Lodge , which was seconded by the W . Dep . Prov . Grand Master , and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Waller , P . J . G . Warden . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due
form , and with solemn prayer . A banquet , at which the R . W . Provincial Grand Master presided , was subsequently held at the Coatham Hotel when a very large number of brethren dined . Due honours to the Craft were observed , and a most enjoyable evening was passed .
The installation meeting of the Fanmtire Mark Lodge was held on Monday last , at the Balham Hotel , Balham , when Bro . Daniel Trusler was installed W . M . by Bro . Thomas Poore . A full report will appear in our next .
The foundation stone of the New Poor Houso and Lunatic Asylum , Greenock , and the New Harbour , Ayr , will be laid with Masonic honours by Bro . Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart , Bart , Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland . The former on the 12 th inst ., and the latter ou the 1 gth inst .