Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. HUGHAN AND DR. MORRIS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Original Correspondence.
In our first and several subsequent editions of " Grand Lodge Regulations , " " the Master of a particular lodge has the right and authority of congregating the members of his ledge into a chapter at pleasure upon any emergency or occurrence , as well as to appoint the time and place of their usual forming . " Since thc Union the Constitutions require that the "place and regular days of meeting shall be
specified in the bye-laws , " thus transferring to the lodge some of the power previously vested in the Master . Grand Lodge very properly prescribes seven days' notice for making an " emergency" candidate at an emergency lodge , as it affords safeguard against precipitation . In a 30 years' experience of active lodge work , I have only known two cases of emergency candidates ; nor does much
the Craft , as far as I know it , encourage emergency initiations . . . . Rules 165 and 1 S 5 seem clear and distinct , both in spirit and letter . It is perhaps my own fault ; but Bro . Collison ' s mixture of them is rather confusing . Let me just remark that , if it be an omission not to order a seven days' notice for all lodges , this do-s not vitiate the 310 rules which are included in the Book of Constitutions . —Yours fraternally , E . T . BUDDEN .
NOTICES OF LODGE MEETINGS . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Although I am unable to follow the reasoning of your correspondent , Bro . Collison , in the last issue of the Freemason , I am glad to see the question of Iodge notices ventilated , as it is a subject on which a good deal of ignorance and misconception exists—even amongst well-informed
Masons . It is very clear that the Book of Constitutions does not enjoin that a printed or written notice is to be sent out at all except in cases of emergency , it being assumed that every brother is acquainted with the time of the regular meetings of his lodge , and is bound to be present unless prevented by the urgency of his public or private avocations or sickness . The sending of a notice is merely a reminder or an act of courtesy . —Yours fraternally , I . P . M .
THE 173 S CONSTITUTIONS . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , . t Bro . Hughan , in his description of the Constitutions 173 S , in the Freemason , page 520 , says : " The frontispiece is similar to the one of 1723 . I desire to supplement this by saying that it is the same identical plate . There is a peculiarity , discovered the cither day at
Shanklin by Bro . Goldney and myselt , wtiicn is interesting . 1 ne frontispiece of the 1723 Constitutions has the imprint "Engrav'dby John Pine in Aldersgate Street , London . " The Constitutions published 11 years later has the same plate with the imprint removed ; but with a magnifying glass , or even without one , you can see the traces of the original inscription . The tool marks of the workman are also inboth .-Yours fraternally , ^ ^ ^^ Southampton , October 23 rd .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
6 S 0 ] MASONIC MEDALS . Will some brother kindly tell me the names of the Degrees represented by the following medals : —( a)—Eight pointed star of silver , the centre being green . Legend , " Inde , Este , Longe . " ( 6)—Cross of Calvary ( Red Cross ) , sernent entwined . ' ( No . 7 * i , Shanklin . ) Does it belong to
the Priestly Order ? Possibly , Bro . G . P . Brockbank can trace its origin , ( c)—Cross of St . Andrew , with All-Seeing eye above . ( rf)—Eight pointed star ( silver ) . Legend , "Este Large" ( No . 19 S ) . Will Bro . Jerman kindly explain its reference ? CHISHOLM .
6 S 1 ] FRENCH FREEMASONRY . Many of us would like to be favoured with particulars of the lodge which now uses the furniture which once belonged to one of the French lodges , about which Bros . Hughan and Speth have so interestingly written . I
understood Bro . W . Kelly , the Masonic veteran ot Leicester , has curious information on the subject . Has Bro . C . L . Mason , of Leeds , any more information , additional to that given by Bro . Hughan , respecting the French Masons at Leeds about , 760 ? CHISHOLM .
Bro. Hughan And Dr. Morris.
Someof Bro . Hughan ' s admirers were recently speaking of his amazing labours , so creditable to himself and so useful to us . It was agreed that he should take more time for the lighter studies of the Craft , and being requested to embody the thought in an Acrostic ; here it is ' . ROB . MORRIS .
ACROSTIC . Hughan ! bright star of intellect and worth , Untiring delver in Historic dust ' . Give to yourself we pray , a time for mirth , Humour and wit , to brush away life ' s rust ! " All labour , no refreshment , " stints the powers , Nor grants to joy its portion of the hours .
A great treat is in store for the members and visitors of the Selwyn Lodge of Instruction , on Monday , the iSth inst ., when Bro . Frederick Binckes , P . G . Stwd ., and Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , has very kindly consented to rehearse the ceremonies of consecration and installation . The Iodge . meets at the East
Dulwich Hotel , and on this occasion a supper , at which the W . M . of the Selwyn Lodge will preside , will follow the meeting . The hour of assembly is C . 30 for 7 p . m ., and the brethren are to appear in morning dress with Craft clothing . TOBACCONISTS C OMMENCING . —An Illustrated Guide of 110 pages ' How to open respectably from _ e * . o to ^ 2000 ; " three stamps . H . Myers & Co ., 109 , Euston-rd ,, London . Telephone No . 7 . 41 . —[ A . DVT * 1
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft J » asojW 2 L
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —This old lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 28 th ult ., when there were present , among others , Bros . Fromhoitz , W . M . j Coop , S . W . ; Hudson , J . W . j Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . , * Hakim , S . D . ; Steng , J . D . j Cursons , acting I . G . ; Johnson , W . S . ; Wetzler , A . D . C . ; E . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; Green , P . M . ; Dairy ,
P . M . ; Rumball , P . M . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; Jordan , I . P . M . ; Cobham , P . M . ; and many others . The visitors were Bros . Lue , late 141 ; Louesson , iSS ; Jones , 511 ; Purvis , 4 S 1 ; Burtoal , P . M . 929 ; White , 1107 ; and Langley , 1774 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Horton was passed to the Second
Degree . Bro . Coop was unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Carter unanimously re-elected Treasurer ( 27 th time ); and Longstaffe , Tyler . The members of the Audit and Benevolent Committees having been elected , a P . M . ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the W . M . The Iodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet ; the usual toasts followed .
JOPPA LODGE ( No . 18 S ) . —The first meeting after the vacation was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , the 4 th inst ., when there were present Bros . Dewsnap , P . M ., W . M . ; Wall , S . W . j Lyon , J . W . ; Jas . Lyon , Treas . ; L . Lazarus , P . M ., Sec ; Bottibol , S . D . ; Gardner , J . D . ; Serzberg , I . G . ; Martin , I . P . M . ; Spiegel . P . M . ; Dobson , P . M ., D . C ; and Robins , P . M .
After the opening of the Iodge , and confirmation of the minutes , Bros . J . Haarwood , H . Haarwood , and H . Green were passed to the Second Degree . Bro . J . Van Praegh was next raised in a most efficient manner by the W . M . It may here be mentioned that the working of the W . M . during his year of office has been , to say the least of it , unsurpassing . A petition from the widow of a deceased
brother was presented for support of this lodge , which the W . M . readily undertook to support at the Grand Lodge . A proposition was received from Bro . Spiegel , P . M ., and also one from Bro . Alexander , P . M ., to be considered at the next meeting . The brethren then adjourned to banquet , when 46 brethren joined . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Staley ,
P . M . 1 S 5 ; J . Van Praegh , 166 S ; J . Robinson , 7 6 ; G . Warner , S 13 ; C . Read , 1613 ; J . Berg , 1613 ; L . Levy , 1 S 5 ; and J . Duch , 1349 . The various loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the Worshipful Master , and heartily received by the brethren . The toast of "The Visitors" was responded to in a very
handsome manner by Bros . Staley , P . M ., and J . Van Praegh . The latter , being only a young Mason , must be particularly commended for the high interest he takes in the Craft . Bros . Robinson and Levy also expressed their thanks . The various officers responded to the toast given in their favour . Bro . Van Noorden presided over the musical entertainment provided by the W . M .
IVY LODGE ( No . 1441 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , when there were present Bros . Burchan Cooper , W . M . ; J . A . Taylor , S . W . ; W . R . Shaw , J . W . ; Knight Smith , P . M ., Org . ; Mattock , P . M ., Treas . ; George Skegg , P . M ., Sec ; James , S . D . ; F . J . Erdle , J . D . ; G . Fitch , Stwd ; T . Cray , D . C ; C Jones I . G . ; Lee , Tyler ; Foster , P . M . ;
Bowley , P . M . ; Reynolds , P . M . ; Williams , P . M . ; Inwood , Allsworthy , and others . The visitors present were Bros . Underwood , P . M . ; Stewart , Manley , and several others . The lodge was opened in due form , when , after the preliminary business , the ballot was taken forMr . J . H . Brown , and being unanimously in his favour , he was initiated into Masonry by the W . M . The ceremony of raising Bro . T . G . Inwood was afterwards impressively gone through by the W . M ., and after other business the lodge was closed .
FARRINGDON WITHOUT LODGE ( No . 1745 ) . —This lodge met at the Viaduct Hotel , Holborn , on the 27 th ult . Among those present were Bros . T . Simpson , W . M . ; J . Lister , S . W . ; Jas . Strugnell , P . M ., acting J . W . j H . J . Lardner , P . P . G . O . Surrey , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Jacftson , P . M ., Sec . ; Schultz , S . D . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; J . Young , I . P . M . j
Parkinson , Tyler ; and others . Bros . Wildash , CO ., 742 ; Tuck , 901 ; Ross , 901 ; Matson , 902 ; and Shepcott , 1420 , were visitors . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Dorling was ably raised by the I . P . M . to the Degree of a M . M . Two notices of motion to amend
certain of the bye-laws having been given by Bros . Walls and Lardner , letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Bros . H . B . Marshall , C . C , J . P ., P . G . Treas ., Sic , Dr . E . M . Lott , P . G . Org ., & c , and others . The Iodge was then closed , and the brethren adfourned to the banquet , The usual toasts followed .
MARQUESS OF RIPON LODGE ( No . 1489 ) . —The completion of the twelfth year of the existence of this lodge was celebrated on Friday , the 1 st inst ., in a manner which fully sustained the high character for correct working which it acquired under its lirst W . M ., the late Bro . W . Stephens , P . G . P . The meeting , which was thc
installation meeting , was held at the eld quarters , the Metropolitan Benefit Societies' Asylum , Balls Pond-road , where Bro . Edwin Gtorge , W . M ., presided , and the lodge , true to its principles opened punctually at the time named on the summons , 3 . 45 p . m ., at which hour there was a large attendance of brethren , including the W . M . elect , Bro . C . II . Fisher , S . W ., Bro . W . Gray , P . M ., Sec , and several visitors . The programme of business was heavy ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
feeing that in addition to the ceremony of installation a raising and an initiation were on the card . To relieve the W . M ., Bro . Gray , P . M ., performed the raising , for which ceremony Bro . Archer was the candidate , and Bro . George , W . M ., afterwards initiated Mr . Henry Lane , who had successfully passed the ballot after being proposed by Bro . George Haynes , and seconded by the Treasurer , Bro . J . E . Walford , C . C , P . M . Bro . James Terry , P . P . G . S . W .
Herts , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , who at the request of the W . M . undertook the duties of Director of Ceremonies , next presented Bro . Charles H . Fisher for installation , and the W . M . then performed the ceremony in faultless style . Bro . Fisher immediately displayed his proficiency by investing his officers with a fluency which showed his complete mastery of the ritual , though he had not the opportunity of doing so in the case of the
Senior and Junior Wardens whom he had arranged to appoint , as those two brethren were absent . The other officers were , however , in their places . The complete list of officers was as follows : Bros . Edwin George , I . P . M . ; Henry Patient , S . W . ; S . G . Patient , J . W . j J . E . Walford , P . M ., Treas . ; Edwin George , I . P . M ., Sec ; B . G . Poulton , S . D . ; R . J . Clack , J . D . ; Thomas Dutton , I . G . ; R . J . Campbell and J . H . Clare , Stwds . ; and J . J . Marsh ,
lyler . Bro . George then delivered the addresses , and the execution of the whole of the work was so superior that the brethren , on the motion of the Treasurer , directed a unanimous vote of thanks to Bro . George to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . This finished the business of the day , and the lodge was thereafter closed . Banquet followed , and the brethren who sat down to it were Bros . E . George , W . M . and Installing Master ; C .
H . Fisher , S . W . ; G . Pope , acting J . W . ; J . E . Walford , Treas . j B . G . Poulton , J . D . ; T . Dutton , acting I . G . ; C . M . Gray , acting Org . ; W . Gray , I . P . M ., Sec ; J . Tovell , P . M . j R . H . Clack , M . J . Bromley , T . Blundell , R . Campbell , T . H . Clare , W . T . Gray , jun ., E . Ashby , T . Glover , G . Haynes , H . Lane , W . Archer , S . A . Calderara , J . Tatlock , H . Youngs , and E . Cohen . Visitors : Bros . G . J . Pope , S . W . 1364 ; J . Smith , P . M . 193 ; J . Hughes ,
P . M . 1 S 16 ; G . J . Westfield , J . D . SI 3 J T . G . Harris , 1279 ; D . J . Bryden , 1432 ; J . Terry , P . M . 228 , & c , acting D . C ; H . Forss , P . M . 917 ; G . Lambert , P . M . 720 ; F . Copestick , P . M . 869 , P . P . G . S . B . Hants ; W . Knell , P . M . 1471 ; J . Roberts , 569 ; J . Chambers , 34 ; and H . Massey , P . M . 619 and 1928 . As the hour was rather late when the toasts were commenced , the brethren who had to speak made their
addresses brief , the W . M . setting the example by proposing "The Queen and the Craft , " "The M . W . G . M ., " and "The Pro G . M ., the D . G . M ., and Present and Past Officers of Grand Lodge , " in very few words . Bro . Edwin George , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and , in doing so , said thebrethren had in Bro . Fisher a very energetic brother , who would do the best he could for the welfare of the Iodgeand whoas far as the
, , working of the lodge was concerned , needed nothing to be said of him , as he had proved his ability to the brethren in the different positions he had occupied in the lodge . For himself , he ( Bro . George ) congratulated him on his having vvonhis present position , and he congratulated the brethren on having obtained such a W . M . | Bro . Fisher , W . M ., responding to an exceedingly warm
reception of the toast , thanked the brethren for the very kind way in which they had received the remarks of Bro . George . The brethren having entrusted him with the grave responsibility of governing the lodge for the ensuing 12 months , he should do the best he could for it . If he failed in his object it would be his misfortune ; but he would endeavour to do his duty in the chair in which he had been installed .
After a brief interval , Bro-. Fisher rose to propose " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . George , " whom he could not but compliment on the example he had given to the brethren by the way in which he had conducted the business of the lodge during his year of office . More particularly he had to compliment him upon the crowning act of his year of office—the installing of the new VV . M ., a ceremony which it must be admitted by all the brethren who witnessed it
was , in its performance , a pattern of fluency and perfection . He had no doubt that all the brethren thoroughly appreciated it ; but , speaking as an individual , and as far as regarded himself alone , he must say that to him it was an example which he should endeavour while following to equal . It was a great pleasure to him to have such a model , because it gave him confidence to have by his side a brother who he knew would assist him in every
way pos sible . It must be a great satisfaction to Bro . George that the _ brethren had not been unmindful of his merits . Recognising to the full the abilities , the disposition , and the efficiency of Bro . George , they voted him at the last regular meeting a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel , and it was now his duty , in the presence of all thebrethren , to invest Bro . George with that jewel , accompanying that presentation with the expression of a wish and a hope , which was shared in bv
all the brethren of the lod ge as well as by the visitors , that he might wear the jewel in the lodge for many years . Bro . George , after his health had been drunk enthusiastically , said he felt very much indebted to the W . M . for his remarks , and to the brethren for their presentation and their heartiness . It was to him a source of very great pride that he should hear so many kind things said of him . Thc work of the year in the of Lod
Marquess Ripon ge had been a pleasure to him , though in some senses he rejoiced that that year had now come to an end , for his position was one of great responsibility . He now occupied a somewhat independent position . It had been to him a sourceof great encouragement during his year to have met with so much encouragement from the brethren . For this he had now to thank the brethren . He had also to thank them for the in
way which they had received him on all occasions . For the Past Master s jewel he now had the honour to wear he must thank the brethren , but he could not allow the occasion to pass without saying that , while hecould not help noticing what a handsome Ijewel it was , he should wear it in lodges with pride as long as he lived , as it would be to him a constant evidence of the many compliments the
brethren had paid him while a member of the lodge . In proposing the toast of " The Initiate , " Bro . Fisher said the way in which Bro . Lane had received his Degree that day was an evidence that he would be a true Mason all the way through . The brethren all wished him success in his endeavours to reach the higher degrees which he would aspire to . Bro . Lane , in reply , said he was too little acquainted
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
In our first and several subsequent editions of " Grand Lodge Regulations , " " the Master of a particular lodge has the right and authority of congregating the members of his ledge into a chapter at pleasure upon any emergency or occurrence , as well as to appoint the time and place of their usual forming . " Since thc Union the Constitutions require that the "place and regular days of meeting shall be
specified in the bye-laws , " thus transferring to the lodge some of the power previously vested in the Master . Grand Lodge very properly prescribes seven days' notice for making an " emergency" candidate at an emergency lodge , as it affords safeguard against precipitation . In a 30 years' experience of active lodge work , I have only known two cases of emergency candidates ; nor does much
the Craft , as far as I know it , encourage emergency initiations . . . . Rules 165 and 1 S 5 seem clear and distinct , both in spirit and letter . It is perhaps my own fault ; but Bro . Collison ' s mixture of them is rather confusing . Let me just remark that , if it be an omission not to order a seven days' notice for all lodges , this do-s not vitiate the 310 rules which are included in the Book of Constitutions . —Yours fraternally , E . T . BUDDEN .
NOTICES OF LODGE MEETINGS . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Although I am unable to follow the reasoning of your correspondent , Bro . Collison , in the last issue of the Freemason , I am glad to see the question of Iodge notices ventilated , as it is a subject on which a good deal of ignorance and misconception exists—even amongst well-informed
Masons . It is very clear that the Book of Constitutions does not enjoin that a printed or written notice is to be sent out at all except in cases of emergency , it being assumed that every brother is acquainted with the time of the regular meetings of his lodge , and is bound to be present unless prevented by the urgency of his public or private avocations or sickness . The sending of a notice is merely a reminder or an act of courtesy . —Yours fraternally , I . P . M .
THE 173 S CONSTITUTIONS . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , . t Bro . Hughan , in his description of the Constitutions 173 S , in the Freemason , page 520 , says : " The frontispiece is similar to the one of 1723 . I desire to supplement this by saying that it is the same identical plate . There is a peculiarity , discovered the cither day at
Shanklin by Bro . Goldney and myselt , wtiicn is interesting . 1 ne frontispiece of the 1723 Constitutions has the imprint "Engrav'dby John Pine in Aldersgate Street , London . " The Constitutions published 11 years later has the same plate with the imprint removed ; but with a magnifying glass , or even without one , you can see the traces of the original inscription . The tool marks of the workman are also inboth .-Yours fraternally , ^ ^ ^^ Southampton , October 23 rd .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
6 S 0 ] MASONIC MEDALS . Will some brother kindly tell me the names of the Degrees represented by the following medals : —( a)—Eight pointed star of silver , the centre being green . Legend , " Inde , Este , Longe . " ( 6)—Cross of Calvary ( Red Cross ) , sernent entwined . ' ( No . 7 * i , Shanklin . ) Does it belong to
the Priestly Order ? Possibly , Bro . G . P . Brockbank can trace its origin , ( c)—Cross of St . Andrew , with All-Seeing eye above . ( rf)—Eight pointed star ( silver ) . Legend , "Este Large" ( No . 19 S ) . Will Bro . Jerman kindly explain its reference ? CHISHOLM .
6 S 1 ] FRENCH FREEMASONRY . Many of us would like to be favoured with particulars of the lodge which now uses the furniture which once belonged to one of the French lodges , about which Bros . Hughan and Speth have so interestingly written . I
understood Bro . W . Kelly , the Masonic veteran ot Leicester , has curious information on the subject . Has Bro . C . L . Mason , of Leeds , any more information , additional to that given by Bro . Hughan , respecting the French Masons at Leeds about , 760 ? CHISHOLM .
Bro. Hughan And Dr. Morris.
Someof Bro . Hughan ' s admirers were recently speaking of his amazing labours , so creditable to himself and so useful to us . It was agreed that he should take more time for the lighter studies of the Craft , and being requested to embody the thought in an Acrostic ; here it is ' . ROB . MORRIS .
ACROSTIC . Hughan ! bright star of intellect and worth , Untiring delver in Historic dust ' . Give to yourself we pray , a time for mirth , Humour and wit , to brush away life ' s rust ! " All labour , no refreshment , " stints the powers , Nor grants to joy its portion of the hours .
A great treat is in store for the members and visitors of the Selwyn Lodge of Instruction , on Monday , the iSth inst ., when Bro . Frederick Binckes , P . G . Stwd ., and Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , has very kindly consented to rehearse the ceremonies of consecration and installation . The Iodge . meets at the East
Dulwich Hotel , and on this occasion a supper , at which the W . M . of the Selwyn Lodge will preside , will follow the meeting . The hour of assembly is C . 30 for 7 p . m ., and the brethren are to appear in morning dress with Craft clothing . TOBACCONISTS C OMMENCING . —An Illustrated Guide of 110 pages ' How to open respectably from _ e * . o to ^ 2000 ; " three stamps . H . Myers & Co ., 109 , Euston-rd ,, London . Telephone No . 7 . 41 . —[ A . DVT * 1
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft J » asojW 2 L
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —This old lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 28 th ult ., when there were present , among others , Bros . Fromhoitz , W . M . j Coop , S . W . ; Hudson , J . W . j Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . , * Hakim , S . D . ; Steng , J . D . j Cursons , acting I . G . ; Johnson , W . S . ; Wetzler , A . D . C . ; E . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; Green , P . M . ; Dairy ,
P . M . ; Rumball , P . M . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; Jordan , I . P . M . ; Cobham , P . M . ; and many others . The visitors were Bros . Lue , late 141 ; Louesson , iSS ; Jones , 511 ; Purvis , 4 S 1 ; Burtoal , P . M . 929 ; White , 1107 ; and Langley , 1774 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Horton was passed to the Second
Degree . Bro . Coop was unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Carter unanimously re-elected Treasurer ( 27 th time ); and Longstaffe , Tyler . The members of the Audit and Benevolent Committees having been elected , a P . M . ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the W . M . The Iodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet ; the usual toasts followed .
JOPPA LODGE ( No . 18 S ) . —The first meeting after the vacation was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , the 4 th inst ., when there were present Bros . Dewsnap , P . M ., W . M . ; Wall , S . W . j Lyon , J . W . ; Jas . Lyon , Treas . ; L . Lazarus , P . M ., Sec ; Bottibol , S . D . ; Gardner , J . D . ; Serzberg , I . G . ; Martin , I . P . M . ; Spiegel . P . M . ; Dobson , P . M ., D . C ; and Robins , P . M .
After the opening of the Iodge , and confirmation of the minutes , Bros . J . Haarwood , H . Haarwood , and H . Green were passed to the Second Degree . Bro . J . Van Praegh was next raised in a most efficient manner by the W . M . It may here be mentioned that the working of the W . M . during his year of office has been , to say the least of it , unsurpassing . A petition from the widow of a deceased
brother was presented for support of this lodge , which the W . M . readily undertook to support at the Grand Lodge . A proposition was received from Bro . Spiegel , P . M ., and also one from Bro . Alexander , P . M ., to be considered at the next meeting . The brethren then adjourned to banquet , when 46 brethren joined . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Staley ,
P . M . 1 S 5 ; J . Van Praegh , 166 S ; J . Robinson , 7 6 ; G . Warner , S 13 ; C . Read , 1613 ; J . Berg , 1613 ; L . Levy , 1 S 5 ; and J . Duch , 1349 . The various loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the Worshipful Master , and heartily received by the brethren . The toast of "The Visitors" was responded to in a very
handsome manner by Bros . Staley , P . M ., and J . Van Praegh . The latter , being only a young Mason , must be particularly commended for the high interest he takes in the Craft . Bros . Robinson and Levy also expressed their thanks . The various officers responded to the toast given in their favour . Bro . Van Noorden presided over the musical entertainment provided by the W . M .
IVY LODGE ( No . 1441 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , when there were present Bros . Burchan Cooper , W . M . ; J . A . Taylor , S . W . ; W . R . Shaw , J . W . ; Knight Smith , P . M ., Org . ; Mattock , P . M ., Treas . ; George Skegg , P . M ., Sec ; James , S . D . ; F . J . Erdle , J . D . ; G . Fitch , Stwd ; T . Cray , D . C ; C Jones I . G . ; Lee , Tyler ; Foster , P . M . ;
Bowley , P . M . ; Reynolds , P . M . ; Williams , P . M . ; Inwood , Allsworthy , and others . The visitors present were Bros . Underwood , P . M . ; Stewart , Manley , and several others . The lodge was opened in due form , when , after the preliminary business , the ballot was taken forMr . J . H . Brown , and being unanimously in his favour , he was initiated into Masonry by the W . M . The ceremony of raising Bro . T . G . Inwood was afterwards impressively gone through by the W . M ., and after other business the lodge was closed .
FARRINGDON WITHOUT LODGE ( No . 1745 ) . —This lodge met at the Viaduct Hotel , Holborn , on the 27 th ult . Among those present were Bros . T . Simpson , W . M . ; J . Lister , S . W . ; Jas . Strugnell , P . M ., acting J . W . j H . J . Lardner , P . P . G . O . Surrey , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Jacftson , P . M ., Sec . ; Schultz , S . D . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; J . Young , I . P . M . j
Parkinson , Tyler ; and others . Bros . Wildash , CO ., 742 ; Tuck , 901 ; Ross , 901 ; Matson , 902 ; and Shepcott , 1420 , were visitors . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Dorling was ably raised by the I . P . M . to the Degree of a M . M . Two notices of motion to amend
certain of the bye-laws having been given by Bros . Walls and Lardner , letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Bros . H . B . Marshall , C . C , J . P ., P . G . Treas ., Sic , Dr . E . M . Lott , P . G . Org ., & c , and others . The Iodge was then closed , and the brethren adfourned to the banquet , The usual toasts followed .
MARQUESS OF RIPON LODGE ( No . 1489 ) . —The completion of the twelfth year of the existence of this lodge was celebrated on Friday , the 1 st inst ., in a manner which fully sustained the high character for correct working which it acquired under its lirst W . M ., the late Bro . W . Stephens , P . G . P . The meeting , which was thc
installation meeting , was held at the eld quarters , the Metropolitan Benefit Societies' Asylum , Balls Pond-road , where Bro . Edwin Gtorge , W . M ., presided , and the lodge , true to its principles opened punctually at the time named on the summons , 3 . 45 p . m ., at which hour there was a large attendance of brethren , including the W . M . elect , Bro . C . II . Fisher , S . W ., Bro . W . Gray , P . M ., Sec , and several visitors . The programme of business was heavy ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
feeing that in addition to the ceremony of installation a raising and an initiation were on the card . To relieve the W . M ., Bro . Gray , P . M ., performed the raising , for which ceremony Bro . Archer was the candidate , and Bro . George , W . M ., afterwards initiated Mr . Henry Lane , who had successfully passed the ballot after being proposed by Bro . George Haynes , and seconded by the Treasurer , Bro . J . E . Walford , C . C , P . M . Bro . James Terry , P . P . G . S . W .
Herts , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , who at the request of the W . M . undertook the duties of Director of Ceremonies , next presented Bro . Charles H . Fisher for installation , and the W . M . then performed the ceremony in faultless style . Bro . Fisher immediately displayed his proficiency by investing his officers with a fluency which showed his complete mastery of the ritual , though he had not the opportunity of doing so in the case of the
Senior and Junior Wardens whom he had arranged to appoint , as those two brethren were absent . The other officers were , however , in their places . The complete list of officers was as follows : Bros . Edwin George , I . P . M . ; Henry Patient , S . W . ; S . G . Patient , J . W . j J . E . Walford , P . M ., Treas . ; Edwin George , I . P . M ., Sec ; B . G . Poulton , S . D . ; R . J . Clack , J . D . ; Thomas Dutton , I . G . ; R . J . Campbell and J . H . Clare , Stwds . ; and J . J . Marsh ,
lyler . Bro . George then delivered the addresses , and the execution of the whole of the work was so superior that the brethren , on the motion of the Treasurer , directed a unanimous vote of thanks to Bro . George to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . This finished the business of the day , and the lodge was thereafter closed . Banquet followed , and the brethren who sat down to it were Bros . E . George , W . M . and Installing Master ; C .
H . Fisher , S . W . ; G . Pope , acting J . W . ; J . E . Walford , Treas . j B . G . Poulton , J . D . ; T . Dutton , acting I . G . ; C . M . Gray , acting Org . ; W . Gray , I . P . M ., Sec ; J . Tovell , P . M . j R . H . Clack , M . J . Bromley , T . Blundell , R . Campbell , T . H . Clare , W . T . Gray , jun ., E . Ashby , T . Glover , G . Haynes , H . Lane , W . Archer , S . A . Calderara , J . Tatlock , H . Youngs , and E . Cohen . Visitors : Bros . G . J . Pope , S . W . 1364 ; J . Smith , P . M . 193 ; J . Hughes ,
P . M . 1 S 16 ; G . J . Westfield , J . D . SI 3 J T . G . Harris , 1279 ; D . J . Bryden , 1432 ; J . Terry , P . M . 228 , & c , acting D . C ; H . Forss , P . M . 917 ; G . Lambert , P . M . 720 ; F . Copestick , P . M . 869 , P . P . G . S . B . Hants ; W . Knell , P . M . 1471 ; J . Roberts , 569 ; J . Chambers , 34 ; and H . Massey , P . M . 619 and 1928 . As the hour was rather late when the toasts were commenced , the brethren who had to speak made their
addresses brief , the W . M . setting the example by proposing "The Queen and the Craft , " "The M . W . G . M ., " and "The Pro G . M ., the D . G . M ., and Present and Past Officers of Grand Lodge , " in very few words . Bro . Edwin George , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and , in doing so , said thebrethren had in Bro . Fisher a very energetic brother , who would do the best he could for the welfare of the Iodgeand whoas far as the
, , working of the lodge was concerned , needed nothing to be said of him , as he had proved his ability to the brethren in the different positions he had occupied in the lodge . For himself , he ( Bro . George ) congratulated him on his having vvonhis present position , and he congratulated the brethren on having obtained such a W . M . | Bro . Fisher , W . M ., responding to an exceedingly warm
reception of the toast , thanked the brethren for the very kind way in which they had received the remarks of Bro . George . The brethren having entrusted him with the grave responsibility of governing the lodge for the ensuing 12 months , he should do the best he could for it . If he failed in his object it would be his misfortune ; but he would endeavour to do his duty in the chair in which he had been installed .
After a brief interval , Bro-. Fisher rose to propose " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . George , " whom he could not but compliment on the example he had given to the brethren by the way in which he had conducted the business of the lodge during his year of office . More particularly he had to compliment him upon the crowning act of his year of office—the installing of the new VV . M ., a ceremony which it must be admitted by all the brethren who witnessed it
was , in its performance , a pattern of fluency and perfection . He had no doubt that all the brethren thoroughly appreciated it ; but , speaking as an individual , and as far as regarded himself alone , he must say that to him it was an example which he should endeavour while following to equal . It was a great pleasure to him to have such a model , because it gave him confidence to have by his side a brother who he knew would assist him in every
way pos sible . It must be a great satisfaction to Bro . George that the _ brethren had not been unmindful of his merits . Recognising to the full the abilities , the disposition , and the efficiency of Bro . George , they voted him at the last regular meeting a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel , and it was now his duty , in the presence of all thebrethren , to invest Bro . George with that jewel , accompanying that presentation with the expression of a wish and a hope , which was shared in bv
all the brethren of the lod ge as well as by the visitors , that he might wear the jewel in the lodge for many years . Bro . George , after his health had been drunk enthusiastically , said he felt very much indebted to the W . M . for his remarks , and to the brethren for their presentation and their heartiness . It was to him a source of very great pride that he should hear so many kind things said of him . Thc work of the year in the of Lod
Marquess Ripon ge had been a pleasure to him , though in some senses he rejoiced that that year had now come to an end , for his position was one of great responsibility . He now occupied a somewhat independent position . It had been to him a sourceof great encouragement during his year to have met with so much encouragement from the brethren . For this he had now to thank the brethren . He had also to thank them for the in
way which they had received him on all occasions . For the Past Master s jewel he now had the honour to wear he must thank the brethren , but he could not allow the occasion to pass without saying that , while hecould not help noticing what a handsome Ijewel it was , he should wear it in lodges with pride as long as he lived , as it would be to him a constant evidence of the many compliments the
brethren had paid him while a member of the lodge . In proposing the toast of " The Initiate , " Bro . Fisher said the way in which Bro . Lane had received his Degree that day was an evidence that he would be a true Mason all the way through . The brethren all wished him success in his endeavours to reach the higher degrees which he would aspire to . Bro . Lane , in reply , said he was too little acquainted