Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article TESTIMONIAL TO BRO. W. SMITH. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
Dr Hopkins , seconded by Ex . Comp . Jelley , an alteration was made in one of the bye-laws , by which in future the election of and ballot for the officers will take place a month before , instead of on the day of the installation . Several matters of only local interest having been discussed and settled , and no other business offering , the chapter ... oc rinsed at o o ' clock .
KENDAL . — Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . j , n ) . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held oil Thursday , January 25 th , at one o ' clock in the afternoon , at the Masonic Hall , Stramondgate . The chapter vvas opened by the Principals , after which the companions were admitted ar . d the minutes read and confirmed . E . Comp . lohn Bowes , P . Z ., & c , was then invited to instal the
Principals elect , viz ., Comps . J . Holme , Z . ; Joseph Bintley , H . ; and John Talbot , J . The ceremony having been completed , the officers for the ensuing year were invested , viz ., Comps . McKay , E . ; Bell , N . ; and Godfrey , P . S . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Comp . Bowes for his able services for years past , and particularly for those of that day . The Treasurer , Comp . Titus
Wilson , reported that the finances of the chapter were in a very satisfactory condition , whereupon Comp . McKay announced that he had undertaken the duty of Steward at the forthcoming festival of the Benevolent Institution , and asked for £ 3 to be added to his list , which vvas readily granted . After the transaction of some routine business , the chapter was closed with the usual solemnities .
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Chapter ( No . 1094 ) . —The companions of this well accredited chapter assembled at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd ult ., to assist at the installation of chiefs and investiture of officers . There was a large fathering of members and visitors . Comp . Dr . J . K . Smith , P . Z ., vvas the installing officer , assisted by
Comp . J . B . Robinson , P . Z . Comps . Peter Macmuldrow was installed M . E . Z . ; Richard Washington , H . ; Richard C . Yelland , J . ; J . Pemberton , P . Z ., was invested Treasurer ; D . A . Davies , S . E . ; J . Hayes , S . N . ; and J . W . Burgess , P . S . At the conclusion of the installation , Bros . H . VV . Parry , W . Inwood , VV . Hawskworth , N . Robertson , W . R . Rieve , and C . Wingate were solemnly
exalted , and the officers astonished every one by the perfect manner in which they performed their new duties , eliciting high encomiums from the P . Z . ' s and visitors . Every circumstance seems to point to a prosperous year . In addition to the usual toasts which followed the banquet , "The Newly-exalted Candidates" was thrown in , and
cordially acknowledged . Several good songs and recitations were given , and the M . E . Z ., in the course of the evening , in the name of the companions , presented to Comp . R . R . Martin , the Immediate P . Z ., a handsome Past Principal's jewel as a mark of the esteem in which he vvas held by the members of the chapter .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . The regular quarterly communication of this lodgepostponed from Thursday , Jan . 25 , for , we presume , obvious reasons—was held on Thursday , 1 st inst ., in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street . The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Col . Walter Montgomerie Neilson , presided , supported by his office-bearers as follows : —Bros .
F . A . Barrow , Deputc-Masrer ; J . Baird , Substitute-Master ; James Gillies , Treas . ; W . H . Bickerton , Sec . ; John Morgan , S . D . ; Jas . Ritchie , Arch . ; Robert Jack , Jeweller ; Alex . Bain , B . B . ; Thomas Halkcr , Dir . of Music ; David Reid , Swd . Br . ; Robert Robb , Marshall , and P . of Stewards ; and James Booth , I . G . In the early portion of the meeting , previous to the installation of office-bearers , one or
two of these brethren sustained their former offices . At the opening Bro . D . M'Innes , of Lodge St . Mungo , No . 27 , was acting S . W . ; Bro . James Thomson , W . M . Lodge St . Mark , No . 102 , J . W . ; Bro . John Morgan , P . M . Lodge Star , No . 219 , acting Secretary ; and Bro . David Reid , W . M . Lodge St . Andrew , acting I . G . The lodge having
been opened , the minutes of last regular meeting of the lodge and of several meetings of P . G . L . Committee held since , were read by Bro . Morgan , and , after some short discussion , approved of and passed . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . G . Sinclair , Treas . of the P . G . L . Benevolent Fund , Bro . Morgan read the minutes of three meetings of the Fund Committee which had been held since last
communication , from which it appeared that there had been granted , to approved applicants for benevolence , at the first of these meetings the sum of £ 26 -, at the second £ 7 ; and at the third £ 14—in all the sum of £ 47 . The next item on the programme of the evening was the installation of office-bearers for the ensuing year , according to the list , as already reported , at the date 'of their recent election .
This was accordingly proceeded with , the obligation being given them by Bro . Barrow , and the P . G . Master himself investing each with the jewel or emblem of his office . The billet of business to come before the Grand Lodge of Scotland at their next quartely meeting , to be held on Monday next , was then taken up , and one or two of the motions then to be brought forward gave occasion for several
comments lrom , among others , the R . W . P . G . Master himself , as also Bros . Barrow and D . M . Nelson , I . P . M ,. Lodge St . John No . 3 J , and Senior Deacon of Grand Lodge . Thereafter the Committee of the P . G . L . Benevolent F ' und , which consists of the office-bearers of the lodge , Were formally re-appointed , and Bros . Tliomson , R . W . M . ( No . 102 ) ; Kinnaird , R . W . M . ( No . 73 )
and Dr . M'Innes , W . M . 27 , appointed as auditors for the year of the lodge accounts . Bro . Barrow then referred to the resignation last year , by Bro . Aichd . M'Taggart of the office of Prov . Grand Secretary , and said he desired to bear his testimony to the ability and conscx ilio usness with which Bro . John Morgan , Past Master of Lodge 21 9 , had fulfilled " ad interim" the duties of that posi-
: ion , from the ' moment he accepted them until the present imc . In all his ( Bro . Barrow ' s ) experience , extending iver many years , none lind more ably discharged the tuties than Bro . Morgan . He had reason to know that . he latter would not on retiring accept of that portion of : he salary pertaining to the office which would fall to him or the period of time he had held it ; and therefore what
he had to propose was that the lodge accord him a hearty vote of thanks for his services during the time he had been acting P . G . Secretary , and further , that they vote a sum oi £ 10 for the purpose of presenting him with sonre token of their respect for those services . The motion was carried unanimously , and with much demonstration of approval ; and it was agreed to leave
to the office-bearers of the lodge to arrange as to the form the token should take . Bro . Morgan in returning thanks , said that if what he had been able to do during the short time he had held office had been of service to the lodge , he considered his reward had been earned . Since , however , it had been proposed to give him some acknowledgment , he would consent to receive
it , but he would request of them not to make it anything of such value as the sum mentioned . Before closing , the chairman addressed a few words to the brethren , in the course of which he referred to the scheme he had promulgated some time ago for the acquisition of better accommodation for the work of Masonry , and in particular of the Provincial Grand Lodge in Glasgow— -with the details
of which the readers of the Freemason are already acquainted . In the meantime the project had fallen through , but he haS reserved to himself the right of re-acquiring the property at the West-End , which he had purchased , and now let for other purposes , at th " . end of three years ,
so that it might be available in tbe future if the brethren in Glasgow showed their desire to go into the matter . Three cheers having been given for the chairman on his re-appearance among them , on the motion of Bro . D . M . Nelson , the lodge vvas closed by Bro . John Baird in due and ancient form .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The quarterly convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Ar < -h Masons of England , vvas holden at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday evening . The different offices were held as follows : Col . Burdett , Z . ; S . Rawson , H . ; E . Pattison , J . ; John Hervey , S . E . ; Col . Creaton , N . ;
Rev . R . S . Wigram , P . S , ; Captain Piatt ; ist A . S . ; Benj . Head , 2 nd A . S . ; J . C . Parkinson , S . B . ; E . J . Barrow , Std . Bearer ; J . M . Case , D . C . and C . B . Payne , Janitor . The other Comps . present were S . B . Hollon , P . D . C ; N . Bradford , P . G ., D . C ; Robert Giey , P . P . S . ; Charles A . Murton , P . A . S . ; Edward S . Snell . P . G . S . B . -, Peter
Wagner , P . Z . ; John Boyd , P . Z . ; John Canham , H . 22 , Saml . H . Rawley , Z . 174 ; C Congreve , Z . 913 ; E . Denton , Z . 9 ' 3 > J- McDougal , J . 913 ; Jamct , L . Thomas , P . Z . 135 Hyde Clarke , Z . 913 ; F . R . Vine , J . 749 ; Charles F . Hogard , Z . 141 ; W . Viner Bedolfc , 1329 ; Joshua Nunn Thomas Kingston , H . 9 62 ; Alfred B . Bennett , P . Z . 294 ,
Matthew Cooke , P . Z . 534 ; G . Lemann , Z . 176 ; A . H ; Tattershall , Z . 143 ; Fred . G . Pownhall , J . 13 ; Peter . Parsons , J . 1348 -, G . R . Shervill , H . 534 ; H . Bickerstaff , Z . 13 ; J . R . Molineux , Z . 2 ; F . G . Baker , P . Z . 753 ; H . Massey , P . Z . 619 , ( Freemason ) ; R . G . K . Wilkinson , J . 7 . ; Wm . Kirby , Z . 25 Jabez Hogg , Z . 1260 ; R . J . Spiers ,
P . G . S . B . After the formal opening of Grand Chapter , the minutes of last convocation were read and confirmed . On the motion of Col . Creaton , seconded by Bro . Joshua Nunn , the following report of the Committee of General Purposes was taken as read , and received and entered on
the minutes : — The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 18 th October , 1876 , to the iOth January , 1877 , both inclusive , which ihey find to be as follows : — To Balance Grand Chapter £ 415 ti 1 „ „ Unappropriated Account ... 177 12 11 ,, Subsequent Receipts 392 8 3
£ ° 4 B 12 3 By Purchase of £ 300 Consols at 94 s and Commission £ $ 3 10 o „ Disbursements during the Quarter ... 175 S 4 „ Balance 414 6 o „ „ in Unappropriated Account ... 172 7 11 J C' ° 45 12 3
which balances are in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival & Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The committee have likewise to report that they have received the following petitions : — ist . From Comps . Roger Alfred Grundy as Z ., James
Dick Calder as H ., John Hall as J ., and six others for a chapter , to be attached to the Devonshire Lodge , No . 625 , Glossop , to be called "The Devonshire Chapter , " and to meet at the Norfolk Arms Hotel , Glossop , in the County of Derbyshire . 2 nd . From Comps . Jones Giffard Nash as Z ., Vera W .
Taylor as H ., John Bagot Scriven as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Stortford Lodge , No . 409 , Bishop Stortford , to be called " The Stortford Chapter , " aud to meet at the Chequtrs Hotel , Bishop Stortford , in lhe County of Hertfordshire . 3 rd . Fro 11 O . mps . Arthur Robert Marten , as Z ., Felix
Sumner Knyvett as H ., William Smithett as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Felicity , No . 5 8 , London , to be Cilled " 'The Chapter of Felicity , " and to meet at the Loudon Masonic Club , No . 101 , Queen Victoria-street , in the City of London . 4 th . From Comps . John Daniel Massey as Z „ George
Supreme Grand Chapter.
Wilson as H ., George Robert Green as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Phcenix Lodge , No . 173 , London , to be called "The Phoenix Chapter , " and to meet at Freemasons' Hall , London . Sth . From Comos . John Louden as Z .. Ezekiel Nathan
as H ., Henry Smith Fish as J ., and nine others for a Chapter to be attached to the Port Chalmers Marine Lodge , No . 942 , Port Chalmers , Otago , to be called " The Joyce Chapter , " and to meet at Port Chalmers , Otago , New Zealand .
6 th . From Comps . the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Holmcsdale , M . P ., as Z ., James Smith Eastes as H-, The Reverend Thomas Robinson as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Invicta Lodge , No . qoq , Ashford , to be called " The Invicta Chapter , " and to meet at the Corn Exchange , Ashford , in the County of Kent .
The prayers of these petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that they be respectively granted , ( Signed ) J CREATON , President . All these petitions were granted unanimously . In seconding the motion that the 6 th of the above petition be granted , Comp . F . Pattison said he was much
pleased to see Lord Holmesdale taking this step . He looked upon it as the stepping stone to the establishment of other chapters in the province of Kent , where there were at present many lodges and chapters . Comp . Matthew Cooke rose to present a memorial to Grand Chapter , and to ask its advice ; but the M . E . Z . ruled that as this business was not on the paper of Grand
Chapter , and the chapter of which Comp . Cooke was Z . had been suspended , he had no locus standi , and he was requested to retire . Comp . Cooke having retired , The M . E . Z . asked the companions whether they had
anything to say upon the subject of Comp . Cooke ' s memorial , and receiving no reply , he said that the matter could not come before Grand Chapter until next meeting in May after it had been before the Committee of General Purposes . Grand Chapter was thereupon closed in due form .
Testimonial To Bro. W. Smith.
Many brethren of the lodges and chapters meeting at Anderton's Hotel having expressed a wish to acknowledge the services of Bro . W . Smith ( head waiter ) , on completing his 23 rd year of service , the W . M ., officers , and brethren of the Domatic Lodge , No . 177 , feeling desirous of acknowledging theirappreciation of the courteous , attentive , and
praiseworthy manner in which Bro . Smith had discharged the duties of his position , are desirous of presenting him with a testimonial , and they now invite the co-operation of the officers and brethren of the lodges and chapters who are desirous of uniting in the work . In furtherance of this object , a meeting was held at Anderton ' s Hotel on Wednesday evening , Bro . James Willing , jun ., W . M . 177 , in
the chair , when he was supported by the following brethren : —P . Palmer , S . W . 177 ; Barfield , P . M ., Treas . 511 ; Buscall , J . W . 177 ; Wilson , P . Z . 177 ; Hinds , 72 ; G . Clarke , 177 ; Lovett , 179 ; Willis , 17 ; ; Stewart , 141 ; Hobbs , W . M . 749 ; H . Massey ( Freemason ) , Jones , 177 ; Reed , Sec . 711 ; Lean , J . W . 193 ; J . Panler , P . M . 749 ; George Everett , P . M . 177 ; J . W . Hobbs , W . M . 749 ;
and J . C . Dwarbcr . Alter the Chairman had explained the object of the meeting the brethren present expressed their concurrence in the project , and they formed themselves into a committee for the purpose of furthering it . On the motion of Bro . Wilson , seconded by Beo . Barfield , the above brethren were formed into a committee , with power to
add to their number . Bro . Palmer proposed , and Bro . Hines seconded , that Bro . Willing be chairman , and Bro . Barfield be Vice-Chairman . Bro . Wilson proposed , and Bro . Palmer seconded , that Bro . Reed and Bro . Williams be joint Secretaries . Bro . Wilson proposed , and Bro . Reed seconded , that Bro . Willing be Treasurer pro . tem . All these motions were carried unanimously ; and it was then ordered that circulars be sent round t-i each lodge
and chapter meeting at Anderton s , inviting their assistance in the object in view . Letters were read from Bros . J . Painter , P . M . 749 ; J . W . Hobbs , W . M . 749 ; Geo . Everett , P . M . 177 ; and J . C . Dwarber , W . M . 1589 , concurring in the scheme , and placing their names down for subscriptions to the list . The meeting was then adjourned to the 28 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , at seven p . m .
The " Wolsey Lodge , " 1656 , will be conse crated on Saturday , the 17 th inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , Hampton Wick , at half-past three o ' clock . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will be worked by the R . W . Bro . Colonel Burdett , P . S . G . W . and P . G . M .
Middlesex , assisted by Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , P . P . S . G . W . Middlesex , and Bro . the Rev . F . J . Champion de Crespigny , 708 , P . P . G . Chap . Middlesex . The officers designate are Bros . W . Hammond , P . M . 201 , 1326 , and 1 5 12 , P . PG . D . Middlesex , Worshipful Master ; B . Sharp , P . M . 84 , S . VV . ; ar . d J . Bond , P . M ., J . W .
HOLLOWAY ' PILLS . —Indigestion . —How much thought has been bestowed . And what ponderous volumes have been written upon this plag ¦« 01 ' every honseho d , wh . cn is with certiint . and satcty dispelled without fear ol relapse , by a course ol' this purifvin ^ , -nothing , and tonic medicine 1 ' It acts directly on the sti-macl ) , liver , and bowels—more indirectly , though not less cllectivclv , on the brain , nerves , vessels , and glands , and commands such order throughout the entire system that harmony dwells between each org ^ n and its lunctions . Dyspepsia tan no !•¦¦ gcr be the mi ^ bi-ar ol tl e punlic , since Holloway ' s fills are til ly competent to subdue the most chronic and di-trcssiug casts ol Impaired digestion , avd to restore tne miserable sull ' erer to health , strength aud chccrlulnets . —ADVT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Dr Hopkins , seconded by Ex . Comp . Jelley , an alteration was made in one of the bye-laws , by which in future the election of and ballot for the officers will take place a month before , instead of on the day of the installation . Several matters of only local interest having been discussed and settled , and no other business offering , the chapter ... oc rinsed at o o ' clock .
KENDAL . — Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . j , n ) . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held oil Thursday , January 25 th , at one o ' clock in the afternoon , at the Masonic Hall , Stramondgate . The chapter vvas opened by the Principals , after which the companions were admitted ar . d the minutes read and confirmed . E . Comp . lohn Bowes , P . Z ., & c , was then invited to instal the
Principals elect , viz ., Comps . J . Holme , Z . ; Joseph Bintley , H . ; and John Talbot , J . The ceremony having been completed , the officers for the ensuing year were invested , viz ., Comps . McKay , E . ; Bell , N . ; and Godfrey , P . S . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Comp . Bowes for his able services for years past , and particularly for those of that day . The Treasurer , Comp . Titus
Wilson , reported that the finances of the chapter were in a very satisfactory condition , whereupon Comp . McKay announced that he had undertaken the duty of Steward at the forthcoming festival of the Benevolent Institution , and asked for £ 3 to be added to his list , which vvas readily granted . After the transaction of some routine business , the chapter was closed with the usual solemnities .
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Chapter ( No . 1094 ) . —The companions of this well accredited chapter assembled at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd ult ., to assist at the installation of chiefs and investiture of officers . There was a large fathering of members and visitors . Comp . Dr . J . K . Smith , P . Z ., vvas the installing officer , assisted by
Comp . J . B . Robinson , P . Z . Comps . Peter Macmuldrow was installed M . E . Z . ; Richard Washington , H . ; Richard C . Yelland , J . ; J . Pemberton , P . Z ., was invested Treasurer ; D . A . Davies , S . E . ; J . Hayes , S . N . ; and J . W . Burgess , P . S . At the conclusion of the installation , Bros . H . VV . Parry , W . Inwood , VV . Hawskworth , N . Robertson , W . R . Rieve , and C . Wingate were solemnly
exalted , and the officers astonished every one by the perfect manner in which they performed their new duties , eliciting high encomiums from the P . Z . ' s and visitors . Every circumstance seems to point to a prosperous year . In addition to the usual toasts which followed the banquet , "The Newly-exalted Candidates" was thrown in , and
cordially acknowledged . Several good songs and recitations were given , and the M . E . Z ., in the course of the evening , in the name of the companions , presented to Comp . R . R . Martin , the Immediate P . Z ., a handsome Past Principal's jewel as a mark of the esteem in which he vvas held by the members of the chapter .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . The regular quarterly communication of this lodgepostponed from Thursday , Jan . 25 , for , we presume , obvious reasons—was held on Thursday , 1 st inst ., in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street . The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Col . Walter Montgomerie Neilson , presided , supported by his office-bearers as follows : —Bros .
F . A . Barrow , Deputc-Masrer ; J . Baird , Substitute-Master ; James Gillies , Treas . ; W . H . Bickerton , Sec . ; John Morgan , S . D . ; Jas . Ritchie , Arch . ; Robert Jack , Jeweller ; Alex . Bain , B . B . ; Thomas Halkcr , Dir . of Music ; David Reid , Swd . Br . ; Robert Robb , Marshall , and P . of Stewards ; and James Booth , I . G . In the early portion of the meeting , previous to the installation of office-bearers , one or
two of these brethren sustained their former offices . At the opening Bro . D . M'Innes , of Lodge St . Mungo , No . 27 , was acting S . W . ; Bro . James Thomson , W . M . Lodge St . Mark , No . 102 , J . W . ; Bro . John Morgan , P . M . Lodge Star , No . 219 , acting Secretary ; and Bro . David Reid , W . M . Lodge St . Andrew , acting I . G . The lodge having
been opened , the minutes of last regular meeting of the lodge and of several meetings of P . G . L . Committee held since , were read by Bro . Morgan , and , after some short discussion , approved of and passed . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . G . Sinclair , Treas . of the P . G . L . Benevolent Fund , Bro . Morgan read the minutes of three meetings of the Fund Committee which had been held since last
communication , from which it appeared that there had been granted , to approved applicants for benevolence , at the first of these meetings the sum of £ 26 -, at the second £ 7 ; and at the third £ 14—in all the sum of £ 47 . The next item on the programme of the evening was the installation of office-bearers for the ensuing year , according to the list , as already reported , at the date 'of their recent election .
This was accordingly proceeded with , the obligation being given them by Bro . Barrow , and the P . G . Master himself investing each with the jewel or emblem of his office . The billet of business to come before the Grand Lodge of Scotland at their next quartely meeting , to be held on Monday next , was then taken up , and one or two of the motions then to be brought forward gave occasion for several
comments lrom , among others , the R . W . P . G . Master himself , as also Bros . Barrow and D . M . Nelson , I . P . M ,. Lodge St . John No . 3 J , and Senior Deacon of Grand Lodge . Thereafter the Committee of the P . G . L . Benevolent F ' und , which consists of the office-bearers of the lodge , Were formally re-appointed , and Bros . Tliomson , R . W . M . ( No . 102 ) ; Kinnaird , R . W . M . ( No . 73 )
and Dr . M'Innes , W . M . 27 , appointed as auditors for the year of the lodge accounts . Bro . Barrow then referred to the resignation last year , by Bro . Aichd . M'Taggart of the office of Prov . Grand Secretary , and said he desired to bear his testimony to the ability and conscx ilio usness with which Bro . John Morgan , Past Master of Lodge 21 9 , had fulfilled " ad interim" the duties of that posi-
: ion , from the ' moment he accepted them until the present imc . In all his ( Bro . Barrow ' s ) experience , extending iver many years , none lind more ably discharged the tuties than Bro . Morgan . He had reason to know that . he latter would not on retiring accept of that portion of : he salary pertaining to the office which would fall to him or the period of time he had held it ; and therefore what
he had to propose was that the lodge accord him a hearty vote of thanks for his services during the time he had been acting P . G . Secretary , and further , that they vote a sum oi £ 10 for the purpose of presenting him with sonre token of their respect for those services . The motion was carried unanimously , and with much demonstration of approval ; and it was agreed to leave
to the office-bearers of the lodge to arrange as to the form the token should take . Bro . Morgan in returning thanks , said that if what he had been able to do during the short time he had held office had been of service to the lodge , he considered his reward had been earned . Since , however , it had been proposed to give him some acknowledgment , he would consent to receive
it , but he would request of them not to make it anything of such value as the sum mentioned . Before closing , the chairman addressed a few words to the brethren , in the course of which he referred to the scheme he had promulgated some time ago for the acquisition of better accommodation for the work of Masonry , and in particular of the Provincial Grand Lodge in Glasgow— -with the details
of which the readers of the Freemason are already acquainted . In the meantime the project had fallen through , but he haS reserved to himself the right of re-acquiring the property at the West-End , which he had purchased , and now let for other purposes , at th " . end of three years ,
so that it might be available in tbe future if the brethren in Glasgow showed their desire to go into the matter . Three cheers having been given for the chairman on his re-appearance among them , on the motion of Bro . D . M . Nelson , the lodge vvas closed by Bro . John Baird in due and ancient form .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The quarterly convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Ar < -h Masons of England , vvas holden at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday evening . The different offices were held as follows : Col . Burdett , Z . ; S . Rawson , H . ; E . Pattison , J . ; John Hervey , S . E . ; Col . Creaton , N . ;
Rev . R . S . Wigram , P . S , ; Captain Piatt ; ist A . S . ; Benj . Head , 2 nd A . S . ; J . C . Parkinson , S . B . ; E . J . Barrow , Std . Bearer ; J . M . Case , D . C . and C . B . Payne , Janitor . The other Comps . present were S . B . Hollon , P . D . C ; N . Bradford , P . G ., D . C ; Robert Giey , P . P . S . ; Charles A . Murton , P . A . S . ; Edward S . Snell . P . G . S . B . -, Peter
Wagner , P . Z . ; John Boyd , P . Z . ; John Canham , H . 22 , Saml . H . Rawley , Z . 174 ; C Congreve , Z . 913 ; E . Denton , Z . 9 ' 3 > J- McDougal , J . 913 ; Jamct , L . Thomas , P . Z . 135 Hyde Clarke , Z . 913 ; F . R . Vine , J . 749 ; Charles F . Hogard , Z . 141 ; W . Viner Bedolfc , 1329 ; Joshua Nunn Thomas Kingston , H . 9 62 ; Alfred B . Bennett , P . Z . 294 ,
Matthew Cooke , P . Z . 534 ; G . Lemann , Z . 176 ; A . H ; Tattershall , Z . 143 ; Fred . G . Pownhall , J . 13 ; Peter . Parsons , J . 1348 -, G . R . Shervill , H . 534 ; H . Bickerstaff , Z . 13 ; J . R . Molineux , Z . 2 ; F . G . Baker , P . Z . 753 ; H . Massey , P . Z . 619 , ( Freemason ) ; R . G . K . Wilkinson , J . 7 . ; Wm . Kirby , Z . 25 Jabez Hogg , Z . 1260 ; R . J . Spiers ,
P . G . S . B . After the formal opening of Grand Chapter , the minutes of last convocation were read and confirmed . On the motion of Col . Creaton , seconded by Bro . Joshua Nunn , the following report of the Committee of General Purposes was taken as read , and received and entered on
the minutes : — The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 18 th October , 1876 , to the iOth January , 1877 , both inclusive , which ihey find to be as follows : — To Balance Grand Chapter £ 415 ti 1 „ „ Unappropriated Account ... 177 12 11 ,, Subsequent Receipts 392 8 3
£ ° 4 B 12 3 By Purchase of £ 300 Consols at 94 s and Commission £ $ 3 10 o „ Disbursements during the Quarter ... 175 S 4 „ Balance 414 6 o „ „ in Unappropriated Account ... 172 7 11 J C' ° 45 12 3
which balances are in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival & Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The committee have likewise to report that they have received the following petitions : — ist . From Comps . Roger Alfred Grundy as Z ., James
Dick Calder as H ., John Hall as J ., and six others for a chapter , to be attached to the Devonshire Lodge , No . 625 , Glossop , to be called "The Devonshire Chapter , " and to meet at the Norfolk Arms Hotel , Glossop , in the County of Derbyshire . 2 nd . From Comps . Jones Giffard Nash as Z ., Vera W .
Taylor as H ., John Bagot Scriven as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Stortford Lodge , No . 409 , Bishop Stortford , to be called " The Stortford Chapter , " aud to meet at the Chequtrs Hotel , Bishop Stortford , in lhe County of Hertfordshire . 3 rd . Fro 11 O . mps . Arthur Robert Marten , as Z ., Felix
Sumner Knyvett as H ., William Smithett as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Felicity , No . 5 8 , London , to be Cilled " 'The Chapter of Felicity , " and to meet at the Loudon Masonic Club , No . 101 , Queen Victoria-street , in the City of London . 4 th . From Comps . John Daniel Massey as Z „ George
Supreme Grand Chapter.
Wilson as H ., George Robert Green as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Phcenix Lodge , No . 173 , London , to be called "The Phoenix Chapter , " and to meet at Freemasons' Hall , London . Sth . From Comos . John Louden as Z .. Ezekiel Nathan
as H ., Henry Smith Fish as J ., and nine others for a Chapter to be attached to the Port Chalmers Marine Lodge , No . 942 , Port Chalmers , Otago , to be called " The Joyce Chapter , " and to meet at Port Chalmers , Otago , New Zealand .
6 th . From Comps . the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Holmcsdale , M . P ., as Z ., James Smith Eastes as H-, The Reverend Thomas Robinson as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Invicta Lodge , No . qoq , Ashford , to be called " The Invicta Chapter , " and to meet at the Corn Exchange , Ashford , in the County of Kent .
The prayers of these petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that they be respectively granted , ( Signed ) J CREATON , President . All these petitions were granted unanimously . In seconding the motion that the 6 th of the above petition be granted , Comp . F . Pattison said he was much
pleased to see Lord Holmesdale taking this step . He looked upon it as the stepping stone to the establishment of other chapters in the province of Kent , where there were at present many lodges and chapters . Comp . Matthew Cooke rose to present a memorial to Grand Chapter , and to ask its advice ; but the M . E . Z . ruled that as this business was not on the paper of Grand
Chapter , and the chapter of which Comp . Cooke was Z . had been suspended , he had no locus standi , and he was requested to retire . Comp . Cooke having retired , The M . E . Z . asked the companions whether they had
anything to say upon the subject of Comp . Cooke ' s memorial , and receiving no reply , he said that the matter could not come before Grand Chapter until next meeting in May after it had been before the Committee of General Purposes . Grand Chapter was thereupon closed in due form .
Testimonial To Bro. W. Smith.
Many brethren of the lodges and chapters meeting at Anderton's Hotel having expressed a wish to acknowledge the services of Bro . W . Smith ( head waiter ) , on completing his 23 rd year of service , the W . M ., officers , and brethren of the Domatic Lodge , No . 177 , feeling desirous of acknowledging theirappreciation of the courteous , attentive , and
praiseworthy manner in which Bro . Smith had discharged the duties of his position , are desirous of presenting him with a testimonial , and they now invite the co-operation of the officers and brethren of the lodges and chapters who are desirous of uniting in the work . In furtherance of this object , a meeting was held at Anderton ' s Hotel on Wednesday evening , Bro . James Willing , jun ., W . M . 177 , in
the chair , when he was supported by the following brethren : —P . Palmer , S . W . 177 ; Barfield , P . M ., Treas . 511 ; Buscall , J . W . 177 ; Wilson , P . Z . 177 ; Hinds , 72 ; G . Clarke , 177 ; Lovett , 179 ; Willis , 17 ; ; Stewart , 141 ; Hobbs , W . M . 749 ; H . Massey ( Freemason ) , Jones , 177 ; Reed , Sec . 711 ; Lean , J . W . 193 ; J . Panler , P . M . 749 ; George Everett , P . M . 177 ; J . W . Hobbs , W . M . 749 ;
and J . C . Dwarbcr . Alter the Chairman had explained the object of the meeting the brethren present expressed their concurrence in the project , and they formed themselves into a committee for the purpose of furthering it . On the motion of Bro . Wilson , seconded by Beo . Barfield , the above brethren were formed into a committee , with power to
add to their number . Bro . Palmer proposed , and Bro . Hines seconded , that Bro . Willing be chairman , and Bro . Barfield be Vice-Chairman . Bro . Wilson proposed , and Bro . Palmer seconded , that Bro . Reed and Bro . Williams be joint Secretaries . Bro . Wilson proposed , and Bro . Reed seconded , that Bro . Willing be Treasurer pro . tem . All these motions were carried unanimously ; and it was then ordered that circulars be sent round t-i each lodge
and chapter meeting at Anderton s , inviting their assistance in the object in view . Letters were read from Bros . J . Painter , P . M . 749 ; J . W . Hobbs , W . M . 749 ; Geo . Everett , P . M . 177 ; and J . C . Dwarber , W . M . 1589 , concurring in the scheme , and placing their names down for subscriptions to the list . The meeting was then adjourned to the 28 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , at seven p . m .
The " Wolsey Lodge , " 1656 , will be conse crated on Saturday , the 17 th inst ., at the White Hart Hotel , Hampton Wick , at half-past three o ' clock . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will be worked by the R . W . Bro . Colonel Burdett , P . S . G . W . and P . G . M .
Middlesex , assisted by Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , P . P . S . G . W . Middlesex , and Bro . the Rev . F . J . Champion de Crespigny , 708 , P . P . G . Chap . Middlesex . The officers designate are Bros . W . Hammond , P . M . 201 , 1326 , and 1 5 12 , P . PG . D . Middlesex , Worshipful Master ; B . Sharp , P . M . 84 , S . VV . ; ar . d J . Bond , P . M ., J . W .
HOLLOWAY ' PILLS . —Indigestion . —How much thought has been bestowed . And what ponderous volumes have been written upon this plag ¦« 01 ' every honseho d , wh . cn is with certiint . and satcty dispelled without fear ol relapse , by a course ol' this purifvin ^ , -nothing , and tonic medicine 1 ' It acts directly on the sti-macl ) , liver , and bowels—more indirectly , though not less cllectivclv , on the brain , nerves , vessels , and glands , and commands such order throughout the entire system that harmony dwells between each org ^ n and its lunctions . Dyspepsia tan no !•¦¦ gcr be the mi ^ bi-ar ol tl e punlic , since Holloway ' s fills are til ly competent to subdue the most chronic and di-trcssiug casts ol Impaired digestion , avd to restore tne miserable sull ' erer to health , strength aud chccrlulnets . —ADVT .