Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Vickery , P . AI . 75 ; W . C . Time , W . AI . 1622 ; E . A . Whitby , W . AI . 1475 ; G . Wood , 16 S 1 ; and Briant , 1 C 41 . Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the installation meeting in February last read by the Secretary , and cliily confirmed , the ballot was taken for Alessrs . G . J . Hcndrv "_ nd J . D . Graham , and they were declared by the W . AI . " to have becn unanimously elected . * Having
interviewed the 'T yler , the candidates were introduced and initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Freemasonry . This being the first occasion upon which Bro . Thiellay had performed the ceremonial workings in the New Cross Lodge , considerable interest was evinced by the brethren , ancl some - uriosity as to how lie would get on . It is needless , however , to say that the worthy W . Al ! , who has passed thc chairs of
two other lodges , could not do otherwise than accquit himself in a highly satisfactory manner , both to thc members of the lodge and tbe distinguished visitors who were present . A notice of motion on the agenda paper was not brought forward , and a private matter having occupied the attention of the W . AI . and brethren for some little time , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
'The usual 103-al and Alasonic toasts having been honoured , Bro . Keeble , P . AI ., Treasurer , gave " The Health of the W . AI ., " who replied in his usual neat ancl happy manner , assuring thc brethren that a three years' occupancy of the Senior Warden ' s chair had served to render more keen his sense of enjoyment now that he found himself in the more exalted position . Bros . Simmonds , Sec , and Keeble ,
Treasurer , each replied to thc toast of " 1 he Past Alasters , and Bros . Time and Whitby responded to that of " 'The Visitors . " "'The Health of the Initiates" was cordially received , ancl each responded . In proposing "The Ofiicers of the New Cross Lodge , " the W . AI . in a few well chosen sentences requested the brethren to give silent fire , in respectful remembrance of the late J . D ., Bro . Mac"illivray , who met his death ( through an accident arising
from a noble and Alasonic effort in the cause of humanity ) a few days after the last lodge meeting . After a brief interval of silence , Bros . Smith and Cowley , the Wardens , replied for themselves and colleagues . The Tyler's toast was succeeded by harmon } ' of a most agreeable nature , Bros . Whitby , Briant , Wood , ancl Henton principally distinguishing themselves . 'The lodge was in mourning for the late Bro . Alacgillivray , whose loss has been severely felt by a large circle of Alasonic friends .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Affability ( No . 317 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' llall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the ist inst . 'There were present Bros . Alark Vickers , W . AI . ; William Nicholl , S . W . ; Harry Walmsley , J . W . ; John Church , S . D . ; James Wilson , J . D . ; R . Tomlins , Sec ; John Smethurst , P . AI ., 'Treas . ; Jas . Dawson , P . AI .,
Reg . ; John Bladon , P . AI ., P . P . G . D . of C , D . of C ; P . Holmes , l . G . ; Eckersley , Ludwig Oppenheimcr , R . R . Lisenden ( Freemason ) , and J . W . Edwards , Stewards ; J . Sly , Tyler ; John R . Lever , I . P . AI . ; Daniel Donbavand , P . AI . ; Sydney IIenson , P . AI . ; J . Howarth Clark , P . AI . ; S . Titmas , P . M . ; J . Hughes J- ' H . Sillitoe , P . AI ., P . P . G . D . of C ; Chas . fas . Rix , Jas . Cummins , Francis Hilton ,
G . D . Wenhani , and Jas . Goodcn . V isitors : Bros . Alfred Heald , S . W . 1 C 3 ; Alurray Thomson , 163 ; Thos . Robt . Stephens , Sec . 152 ; and J . G . Bromley , S . VV . 1375- . The lodge was opened with prayer at 5 . 45 , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , after which a gentleman was balloted for , and unanimousl y elected a member of the lodge . He was afterwards initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the
W . AI ., who also presented ancl explained the working tools . At this stage the brethren adjourned to tea , and at 7 . 30 resumed labour . Bro . G . D . Wenliam was present , and should have been raised tothe Third Degree , but owing to a sudden indisposition the ceremony was postponed . The lodge having been duly lowered , and " Hearty good wishes" expressed by the visitors , was closed in peace and harmony at S . 45 .
SALMESBURY . —Lodge of United Brethren ( No . 346 ) . — 'The ordinary monthly meeting of the above lodge was held on 'Thursday , thc 25 th ult ., at the Windmill Inn , the special business ofthe meeting being to present to Bro . Edmund Sourbutts , P . M ., Hon . Secretary , a recognition of his valuable services as honorary Secretary for a period of seventeen years . 'The following brethren were
present : Bros . John J . Blackshaw , W . AI . ; John Leaver , S . W . ; 'Thomas Sourbutts , P . AI ., J . W . ; Thomas Pullan , P . AI . ; Edmund Sourbutts , P . AI ., Sec ; John Smalley , P . AI . ; Thomas Whittaker , P . AI . ; Richard Kearsley , P . Al . ; 'Thomas S . Ainsworth , 62 , P . AL 34 " " , P . P . G . R . E . L . ; Richard Greenbank , P . AI . ; Robert Clegg , P . AI . ; Richard Dewhurst , S . D . ; James W . XV . Croukshaw , J . D . ; John Dewhurst , I . G . ; John Cleminson , Robert Illingworth ,
Robert C . Duckworth , I' . M . 345-B y the subscriptions of the brethren a very handsome gold watch ancl Albert chain had been purchased , and after the ordinary business of the lodge bad becn transacted , Bro . 'Thomas Pullan rose , and , addressing the honorary Secretary , stated it was tlie unanimous wish of the brethren that he should present to him the watch
and chain which had becn obtained by the brethren of 34 ( 1 , as a small token of the value they placed in his services as honorary Secretary . Hc had great pleasure in acceding to their wishes . Bro . Pullan then gave a short sketch of Frecmascnry , and stated he had been a Alason fifty-nine years , during which period he had noticed the steadv growth of the Craft . He gave some
interesting details of the pleasure attending Alasonic meetings in byegone days . He also alluded to the difficulty he experienced in attending Provincial meetings before the introduction of railways . Bros . Whittaker and Smalley , Past Alasters of the lodge , added their testimony to the valuable services rendered by Bra . Sourbutts . Afterwards Bro . Sourbutts tendered his thanks to the brethren for this unexpected mark of tlieir esteem . It bad been a pleasure ,
though at times attended with considerable 'self-denial , to act as honorary Secretary for the Lodge of United Brethren . During the seventeen 3 'cars he had been honorary Secretary he bad only missed five meetings | of the lodge . Owing to the illness of the hostess , the business of thc evening being ended , the brethren quitted the lodge at an early hour .
OLDHAM . —Tudor Lodge ( No . 467 ) . —The usual Monthl y meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the K ed Lion Hotel , Alumps , on Alonday , the 22 nd ult ., when
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
there were present Bros . G . Coleman , W . AI . ; W . Ekersley , S . W . ; Chas . Rye , J . W . ; J . Bowden , S . D . ; j . Bottomley , J . D . ; Herbert Andrew , I . G . ; T . Collins , Tyler ; J . Aus" terberg , Clement Barker , J . Collinge , J . Potter , and W . Edwards , Past Masters ; Walter Potts , D . of C ; James Clegg , A . Hardy , H . 'Taylor , VV . Thoncr , J . Palmer , C . Claber , R . XV . Rye , VV . Alutten , James Haslc , Whitworth Alills , S . Horrocks , Allies MilesJas . Dronsfield , James
, Halliwell , John Heywood , Sec . ; Wm . Hulme , Thomas Palmer , Thomas Wilkinson , Hy . Palmer , Benj . Smith , John Lees , and AL Neild . Visitors : Ellis Jones , P . M . 1147 ; VV . Williams , P . AI . 1147 ; Peter Lawton , P . AI . 7 S ; Joseph Burton , 300 ; John Alellon , 300 ; and R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . It will be seen by the above list that for an ordinary meeting there was a large number of members present , but this
is by no means an unusual occurrence . The present meeting place of the lodge affords but scant accommodation to such a rising lodge as this , the number of members already on its books amounting to something over ninety , and there is every sign of this number beingconsiderabl y increased before many months have passed ! We understand , however , that the members will ere long have to shift their quarters , the present locale having been already doomed to
be pulled down by the corporation . 'There is no doubt , therefore , that more commodious premises will be secured by the members , and it is , to our minds , as also to those of a great number of the Fraternity in Oldham , a matter of surprise that in a town numbering something like 113 , 000 inhabitants there are not more lodges than at present existing there , viz ., the Friendship and the 'Tudor , and it is pretty certain . that if tbe matter was taken up with spirit
there would soon be an addition to the roll of lodges . 'The lodge was opened with prayer at 5 . 30 , " and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Two raisings being due , and the candidates both present , the W . AI ., in a highly satisfactory manner raised one of them to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . At the termination of the ceremony Bro . Clement Barker , P . AL , assumed the cbairand raised the other candidate in oraiseworthv style .
being the more commendable from the fact that he was called upon to do so at a very short notice . After the lodge bad been duly lowered some discussion ensued as to " a grant being made towards the East Lancashire Systematic Benevolent Institution , and finally a grant of £ 3 towards the fund was carried unanimously .
" Hearty good wishes" were then expressed by the visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at S . 30 . 'The brethren afterwards sat down to supper , and the manner in which it was served reflected thc highest credit upon the host . 'The usual loyal ancl Alasonic toasts were dul y honoured , and a most enjoyable evening was passed , the brethren separating about 10 . 45 .
COCKERMOUTH . — Skiddaw Lodge ( No . 1002 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the Oth inst ., in the Alasonic Hall , Station-street . 'There were present Bros . T . Bird , W . AI . ; VV . Shilton , P . AL ; W . H . Lewthwaitc , P . AI . and Org . ; VV . 'Taylor , P . AL ; T . C . Robinson ; as S . W . ( Bro . Dykes being abroad ); H . Peacock , J . W . ; R . VV . Robinson , Sec ; T . Alason , J . D . ; XV . F . ' Lamonby , P . AL , as I . G .,
and several others . Bro . 'Iettlcy , from Humber Lodge , No . 57 , Hull , was also present as a visitor . After thc minutes hacl been read and confirmed Bro . Francis Smith was passed to the Degree of F . C . by thc W . AI . in capital style . The working tools were presented by the J . W . Bro . Lamonby , P . AL , gave notice of motion for the alteration of the bye-law relative to the date of the installation , and , after "Hearty good wishes" had becn tendered from Lodges 67 ancl 1073 , the lodge was closed in form .
WESTERHAM . —Amherst Lodge ( No . 1223 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rd inst . at the King ' s Arms Hotel . There were present Bros . VV . C . Banks , W . AI . ; C . J . Dodd , S . VV . ; John Webb , J . W . ; R . Durtnell , Treas . ; S . Smith , S . D . ; T . j . Baker , " J . D . ; A . S . Owen , LC ; H . L . Hall , W . S . ; A . W . Durer , P . AL ; E . J . Dodd , P . AL ; C . E . Birch , D . C ; P . Al .
Hadley , P . AI . ; and W . Cresswell . Visitors : Bros . Rev . J . B . Harrison , ioyG , P . G . C ; B . S-. Wilmot , S 74 , P . G . O . ; VV . A . Dawson , 121 and 176 S , P . AL ; E . W . Allen , W . AI . 173 ; John G . Horsey , W . AI . 1 O 10 ; G . S . Bigley , S . VV . 129 S ; II . Dinham , 105 ; F . XV . Greenville , 243 ; Ii . Smiles , 1491 ; Jas . Andrews , 171 ) 0 ; J . II . Lassett , 4 __; and T . Weldon , 925 . Bro . J . H . Jewell , P . AL , P . P . G . O ., the Secretary , was unfortunately absent through illness .
'The lodge was opened at about four o ' clock p . m . in due form and with solemn prayer . Bro . Dodd , P . AL , acting Secretary pro fern ., then read the minutes of the previous meeting ( which were duly confirmed ) , also several letters from brethren unable to be present . 'The report of the Audit Committee was then agreed to . 'The W . AI . then alluded in feeling terms to the deaths of Bros . Newsome , P . AL , ancl Alortlock , P . AL , and theSecretary was requested
to write letters of condolence to the widows of these departed brethren . The lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , Bro . Chas . John Dodd , the W . AI . elect , was then presented for the benefit of installation . At the conclusion of the first part of the ceremony the lodge was opened in the 'Third Degree ; all below the rank of Installed Alasters were requested to retire , and a Board of Installed Alasters was then opened , when the W . AI . elect was duly
placed in the chair of K . S . Having been saluted , proclaimed , and greeted in the usual manner , he proceeded to invest the Installing Master , Bro . W . C . Banks , as I . P . AI ., and closed the Board . The brethren were then re-admitted , and he was saluted , proclaimed , and greeted in the Three Degrees . The W . AI . then invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . J . Webb , S . W . ; S . Smith , J . W . ; R . Durtncill . Treas .: I . H . Ipwnll . P . M .. ! ¦ > P P . Cl C "„ .. .
T . J . Baker , S . D . ; A . S . Owen , J . D . ; H . L . Hall , I . G . ; ' Ii . H . Gauntlet , 'W . S . ; ancl , C li . Birch , D . C . The Tyler was unanimously re-elected . 'Tlie ancient charges were then delivered to the W . AI ., the Wardens , and brethren , and thc working tools in each Degree explained at length . Bro . W . C . Banks , the
retiring Alaster , rendered the installation ceremony in a most able , careful , and impressive manner , ancl was justly complimented by all the brethren present . Bro . Dodd , P . AI ., having been re-elected a member of thc Charity Committee , and other business transacted , the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards re-assembled at banquet , and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
spent a very enjoyable evening . All tl-. c usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were duly honoured . During the evening the W . AI . rose and said that foremost among the many pleasant duties devolving upon him was the one he had now to perform , viz ., that of presenting to Bro . W . C . Banks , I . P . AL , a very handsome Past Alaster's jewel , voted to him by the brethren of the lodge . He , perhaps , could not do better than refer to thc inscription engraved
thereon , which explained that it was in recognition of the able and efficient services hc had rendered tothe Amherst Lodge during his year of office as its W . AI ., and he hoped he would live long to wear it . He could not sit down withoutoncc more _ congratulating Bro . Banks on his able rendering of the installation ceremony that clay . 'The Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings , and many of the brethren returned to London by the 9 . 37 train from Sevenoaks ,
MANCHESTER . — Truth Lodge ( No 1458 ) . The regular meeting of this lodge was held at their private rooms , Newton Heath , on Saturday afternoon , the 3 rd inst . Present : Bros . J . E . Iliff , W . AI . ; VV . Cox , I . P . AI . ; J . Taylor , S . W . ; Past Alasters Caldwell , P . G . S . B . E . L . ; S . H . Ncedham , and G . H . Needle ; J . Proctor , Treas . ; T . H . Hall , Sec ; AI . Hyam , I . G , ; and several other brethren .
The lodge was opened at 4 . 30 . p . m . with solemn prayer by the W . AI . The ballot was taken for Mr . Wm . Virtue , and proving unanimous , he was introduced and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the VV . M ., who also gave the E . A . charge . Bro . Jackson having answered the usual questions , was trusted with a test of merit and retired . . 'The lodge was then opened in the
Second Degree , when he returned and was duly passed to the F . C . Degree by Bro . Cox , I . P . AI . After the lodge bad been duly lowered , and some ordinary business transacted , thc lodge was closed in due form at 6 p . m ., when the brethren adjourned to tea with a visitor from SS 3 . After the cloth was cleared th , usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were proposed .
MANCHESTER . —Mellon Lodge ( No 1774 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this young lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Guide Bridge , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult . Owing to the elections a great many brethren were necessarily absent , amongst whom was the VV . M ., Bro . Alellon , son of thc Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster . The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 with prayer , and the minutes of the previous
meeting read and confirmed . The following brethren were present : Bros . James Aloriis , P . AL , Sec , acting W . AI . ; thc Rev . J . E . Roberts , W . AI . 12 iS , acting S . W . " ; Chas . Walmsley , J . W . ; Richd . Barker , S . D . ; G . Piatt , J . D . ; A . J . Cox , I . G . ; Henry Heap , Tyler ; and S . P . Bidder , jun . Visitors : Ellis Jones , P . AI . 1147 ; T . Williams , P . AI . 11 . 17 ; Sturmer
1045 ; J . W . Hulley , 1322 ; F . Brain , from India ; and R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . After the reading of the minutes , Bro . William Alexander Tinker was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by the W . AI . in a most satisfactory manner , and at the conclusion Bro . the Rev . J . Ii . Roberts assumed the W . AI . 's chair , ancl raised his son , Bro . Harry Leicester Roberts , to
thc 'Third Degree in such faultless style , that it would be next to impossible to improve upon it , and we can truly say that such work is an exception to the general rule and a perfect treat to witness . Bro . thc Rev . J . li . Roberts afterwards presented the working tools and delivered the charge to both the newly-raised brethren , and after the lodge had been lowered , and " Hearty good wishes" expressed by thc visitors , it was closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 30 .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ST . JAMES'S CHAPTER ( No . 2 ) . — The monthl y meeting of this chapter took place on Thursday , the ist inst ., when Bros . Batley and Ames , both of the Lodge of Antiquity , w-ere exalted by Comp . Aliddlcton , M . E . Z ., into this Sublime Degree . Some needful business having been transacted , the companions adjourned to a very pleasant and harmonious " reunion , " which ended , however , at a comparatively early
hour , being marked specially by much of good fellowship and true fraternal feeling . Perhaps the warm party currents of politics made the companions feel forcibly the peaceful and neutral ground of Freemasonry . Among the companions wc noticed Past Principals Brodie , Wood , Alajor Alolyneux , Lieut .-Col . Creaton , Whichcord , Sampson Pierce , and Bennoch . Among the officers present were Comps . Afiddfeton , AI . E . Z . ;
Woodford , H . ; Aluggeridge , Scribe Ii . ; Davis , Scribe N . ; Hewitt , P . S . ; Batley , and H . Lewis . Among thc visitors were Comps . Sir J . B . Alonckton , P . de Lande Long , Hyde Pullen , W . H . Wilde , of the Irish Constitution , and one or two others . It was a very pleasurable meeting , and the companions were most truly happy to meet , sorry to part , but yet rejoicing in the hope of meeting again .
TWICKENHAM—Francis Burdett Chapter ( No . 1503 ) . —This chapter met at the Albany Hotel on Wednesday , the 24 th ult . In consequence of the recent demise of Comp . C Horsley , the Treasurer , the furniture of the chapter was draped in black , and the companions appeared in mourning . There were present Comps . Ihrupp , P . Z . 233 , acting M . E . Z .: Cama . P . G . S . B .
Aliddx ., H ., M . E . Z . elect ; James Terry , P . Z . 174 , acting J . ; James Stevens , P . Z . 720 , 771 , acting I . P . Z .: W . Taylor , S . N . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . D . C . Midd _ ., P . S . ; Rushworth , ist A . S . ; AV . H . Saunders , acting S . E . ; Dr . Clark , P . Z . 255 ( honorary member ) . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and unanimously confirmed , Comp . Cama , AI . E . Z . elect , was duly presented
by Comp . Stevens to Comp . Thrupp , who had kindly undertaken the onerous duties of Installing Officer , and who most abl y inducted Comp . Cama into the First Principal ' s chair . Coinp . Knaggs , the Second Principal elect , was prevented from attending the chapter in
consequence of indisposition . The installation of Comp . W . 'Taylor as J . having becn successfull y carried out , the following investments were made : Comps . Rushworth , Treasurer and P . S . ; T . C Walls , S . N . ; W . H . Saunders , S . E . and ist A . S . ; Jeffries , 2 nd A . S . ( by deputy ); Harrison , Janitor ( by deputy ) . The bye-laws were then read and adopted item , con : A vote of sympathy with tho
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Vickery , P . AI . 75 ; W . C . Time , W . AI . 1622 ; E . A . Whitby , W . AI . 1475 ; G . Wood , 16 S 1 ; and Briant , 1 C 41 . Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the installation meeting in February last read by the Secretary , and cliily confirmed , the ballot was taken for Alessrs . G . J . Hcndrv "_ nd J . D . Graham , and they were declared by the W . AI . " to have becn unanimously elected . * Having
interviewed the 'T yler , the candidates were introduced and initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Freemasonry . This being the first occasion upon which Bro . Thiellay had performed the ceremonial workings in the New Cross Lodge , considerable interest was evinced by the brethren , ancl some - uriosity as to how lie would get on . It is needless , however , to say that the worthy W . Al ! , who has passed thc chairs of
two other lodges , could not do otherwise than accquit himself in a highly satisfactory manner , both to thc members of the lodge and tbe distinguished visitors who were present . A notice of motion on the agenda paper was not brought forward , and a private matter having occupied the attention of the W . AI . and brethren for some little time , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
'The usual 103-al and Alasonic toasts having been honoured , Bro . Keeble , P . AI ., Treasurer , gave " The Health of the W . AI ., " who replied in his usual neat ancl happy manner , assuring thc brethren that a three years' occupancy of the Senior Warden ' s chair had served to render more keen his sense of enjoyment now that he found himself in the more exalted position . Bros . Simmonds , Sec , and Keeble ,
Treasurer , each replied to thc toast of " 1 he Past Alasters , and Bros . Time and Whitby responded to that of " 'The Visitors . " "'The Health of the Initiates" was cordially received , ancl each responded . In proposing "The Ofiicers of the New Cross Lodge , " the W . AI . in a few well chosen sentences requested the brethren to give silent fire , in respectful remembrance of the late J . D ., Bro . Mac"illivray , who met his death ( through an accident arising
from a noble and Alasonic effort in the cause of humanity ) a few days after the last lodge meeting . After a brief interval of silence , Bros . Smith and Cowley , the Wardens , replied for themselves and colleagues . The Tyler's toast was succeeded by harmon } ' of a most agreeable nature , Bros . Whitby , Briant , Wood , ancl Henton principally distinguishing themselves . 'The lodge was in mourning for the late Bro . Alacgillivray , whose loss has been severely felt by a large circle of Alasonic friends .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Affability ( No . 317 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' llall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the ist inst . 'There were present Bros . Alark Vickers , W . AI . ; William Nicholl , S . W . ; Harry Walmsley , J . W . ; John Church , S . D . ; James Wilson , J . D . ; R . Tomlins , Sec ; John Smethurst , P . AI ., 'Treas . ; Jas . Dawson , P . AI .,
Reg . ; John Bladon , P . AI ., P . P . G . D . of C , D . of C ; P . Holmes , l . G . ; Eckersley , Ludwig Oppenheimcr , R . R . Lisenden ( Freemason ) , and J . W . Edwards , Stewards ; J . Sly , Tyler ; John R . Lever , I . P . AI . ; Daniel Donbavand , P . AI . ; Sydney IIenson , P . AI . ; J . Howarth Clark , P . AI . ; S . Titmas , P . M . ; J . Hughes J- ' H . Sillitoe , P . AI ., P . P . G . D . of C ; Chas . fas . Rix , Jas . Cummins , Francis Hilton ,
G . D . Wenhani , and Jas . Goodcn . V isitors : Bros . Alfred Heald , S . W . 1 C 3 ; Alurray Thomson , 163 ; Thos . Robt . Stephens , Sec . 152 ; and J . G . Bromley , S . VV . 1375- . The lodge was opened with prayer at 5 . 45 , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , after which a gentleman was balloted for , and unanimousl y elected a member of the lodge . He was afterwards initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the
W . AI ., who also presented ancl explained the working tools . At this stage the brethren adjourned to tea , and at 7 . 30 resumed labour . Bro . G . D . Wenliam was present , and should have been raised tothe Third Degree , but owing to a sudden indisposition the ceremony was postponed . The lodge having been duly lowered , and " Hearty good wishes" expressed by the visitors , was closed in peace and harmony at S . 45 .
SALMESBURY . —Lodge of United Brethren ( No . 346 ) . — 'The ordinary monthly meeting of the above lodge was held on 'Thursday , thc 25 th ult ., at the Windmill Inn , the special business ofthe meeting being to present to Bro . Edmund Sourbutts , P . M ., Hon . Secretary , a recognition of his valuable services as honorary Secretary for a period of seventeen years . 'The following brethren were
present : Bros . John J . Blackshaw , W . AI . ; John Leaver , S . W . ; 'Thomas Sourbutts , P . AI ., J . W . ; Thomas Pullan , P . AI . ; Edmund Sourbutts , P . AI ., Sec ; John Smalley , P . AI . ; Thomas Whittaker , P . AI . ; Richard Kearsley , P . Al . ; 'Thomas S . Ainsworth , 62 , P . AL 34 " " , P . P . G . R . E . L . ; Richard Greenbank , P . AI . ; Robert Clegg , P . AI . ; Richard Dewhurst , S . D . ; James W . XV . Croukshaw , J . D . ; John Dewhurst , I . G . ; John Cleminson , Robert Illingworth ,
Robert C . Duckworth , I' . M . 345-B y the subscriptions of the brethren a very handsome gold watch ancl Albert chain had been purchased , and after the ordinary business of the lodge bad becn transacted , Bro . 'Thomas Pullan rose , and , addressing the honorary Secretary , stated it was tlie unanimous wish of the brethren that he should present to him the watch
and chain which had becn obtained by the brethren of 34 ( 1 , as a small token of the value they placed in his services as honorary Secretary . Hc had great pleasure in acceding to their wishes . Bro . Pullan then gave a short sketch of Frecmascnry , and stated he had been a Alason fifty-nine years , during which period he had noticed the steadv growth of the Craft . He gave some
interesting details of the pleasure attending Alasonic meetings in byegone days . He also alluded to the difficulty he experienced in attending Provincial meetings before the introduction of railways . Bros . Whittaker and Smalley , Past Alasters of the lodge , added their testimony to the valuable services rendered by Bra . Sourbutts . Afterwards Bro . Sourbutts tendered his thanks to the brethren for this unexpected mark of tlieir esteem . It bad been a pleasure ,
though at times attended with considerable 'self-denial , to act as honorary Secretary for the Lodge of United Brethren . During the seventeen 3 'cars he had been honorary Secretary he bad only missed five meetings | of the lodge . Owing to the illness of the hostess , the business of thc evening being ended , the brethren quitted the lodge at an early hour .
OLDHAM . —Tudor Lodge ( No . 467 ) . —The usual Monthl y meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the K ed Lion Hotel , Alumps , on Alonday , the 22 nd ult ., when
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
there were present Bros . G . Coleman , W . AI . ; W . Ekersley , S . W . ; Chas . Rye , J . W . ; J . Bowden , S . D . ; j . Bottomley , J . D . ; Herbert Andrew , I . G . ; T . Collins , Tyler ; J . Aus" terberg , Clement Barker , J . Collinge , J . Potter , and W . Edwards , Past Masters ; Walter Potts , D . of C ; James Clegg , A . Hardy , H . 'Taylor , VV . Thoncr , J . Palmer , C . Claber , R . XV . Rye , VV . Alutten , James Haslc , Whitworth Alills , S . Horrocks , Allies MilesJas . Dronsfield , James
, Halliwell , John Heywood , Sec . ; Wm . Hulme , Thomas Palmer , Thomas Wilkinson , Hy . Palmer , Benj . Smith , John Lees , and AL Neild . Visitors : Ellis Jones , P . M . 1147 ; VV . Williams , P . AI . 1147 ; Peter Lawton , P . AI . 7 S ; Joseph Burton , 300 ; John Alellon , 300 ; and R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . It will be seen by the above list that for an ordinary meeting there was a large number of members present , but this
is by no means an unusual occurrence . The present meeting place of the lodge affords but scant accommodation to such a rising lodge as this , the number of members already on its books amounting to something over ninety , and there is every sign of this number beingconsiderabl y increased before many months have passed ! We understand , however , that the members will ere long have to shift their quarters , the present locale having been already doomed to
be pulled down by the corporation . 'There is no doubt , therefore , that more commodious premises will be secured by the members , and it is , to our minds , as also to those of a great number of the Fraternity in Oldham , a matter of surprise that in a town numbering something like 113 , 000 inhabitants there are not more lodges than at present existing there , viz ., the Friendship and the 'Tudor , and it is pretty certain . that if tbe matter was taken up with spirit
there would soon be an addition to the roll of lodges . 'The lodge was opened with prayer at 5 . 30 , " and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Two raisings being due , and the candidates both present , the W . AI ., in a highly satisfactory manner raised one of them to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . At the termination of the ceremony Bro . Clement Barker , P . AL , assumed the cbairand raised the other candidate in oraiseworthv style .
being the more commendable from the fact that he was called upon to do so at a very short notice . After the lodge bad been duly lowered some discussion ensued as to " a grant being made towards the East Lancashire Systematic Benevolent Institution , and finally a grant of £ 3 towards the fund was carried unanimously .
" Hearty good wishes" were then expressed by the visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at S . 30 . 'The brethren afterwards sat down to supper , and the manner in which it was served reflected thc highest credit upon the host . 'The usual loyal ancl Alasonic toasts were dul y honoured , and a most enjoyable evening was passed , the brethren separating about 10 . 45 .
COCKERMOUTH . — Skiddaw Lodge ( No . 1002 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the Oth inst ., in the Alasonic Hall , Station-street . 'There were present Bros . T . Bird , W . AI . ; VV . Shilton , P . AL ; W . H . Lewthwaitc , P . AI . and Org . ; VV . 'Taylor , P . AL ; T . C . Robinson ; as S . W . ( Bro . Dykes being abroad ); H . Peacock , J . W . ; R . VV . Robinson , Sec ; T . Alason , J . D . ; XV . F . ' Lamonby , P . AL , as I . G .,
and several others . Bro . 'Iettlcy , from Humber Lodge , No . 57 , Hull , was also present as a visitor . After thc minutes hacl been read and confirmed Bro . Francis Smith was passed to the Degree of F . C . by thc W . AI . in capital style . The working tools were presented by the J . W . Bro . Lamonby , P . AL , gave notice of motion for the alteration of the bye-law relative to the date of the installation , and , after "Hearty good wishes" had becn tendered from Lodges 67 ancl 1073 , the lodge was closed in form .
WESTERHAM . —Amherst Lodge ( No . 1223 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rd inst . at the King ' s Arms Hotel . There were present Bros . VV . C . Banks , W . AI . ; C . J . Dodd , S . VV . ; John Webb , J . W . ; R . Durtnell , Treas . ; S . Smith , S . D . ; T . j . Baker , " J . D . ; A . S . Owen , LC ; H . L . Hall , W . S . ; A . W . Durer , P . AL ; E . J . Dodd , P . AL ; C . E . Birch , D . C ; P . Al .
Hadley , P . AI . ; and W . Cresswell . Visitors : Bros . Rev . J . B . Harrison , ioyG , P . G . C ; B . S-. Wilmot , S 74 , P . G . O . ; VV . A . Dawson , 121 and 176 S , P . AL ; E . W . Allen , W . AI . 173 ; John G . Horsey , W . AI . 1 O 10 ; G . S . Bigley , S . VV . 129 S ; II . Dinham , 105 ; F . XV . Greenville , 243 ; Ii . Smiles , 1491 ; Jas . Andrews , 171 ) 0 ; J . II . Lassett , 4 __; and T . Weldon , 925 . Bro . J . H . Jewell , P . AL , P . P . G . O ., the Secretary , was unfortunately absent through illness .
'The lodge was opened at about four o ' clock p . m . in due form and with solemn prayer . Bro . Dodd , P . AL , acting Secretary pro fern ., then read the minutes of the previous meeting ( which were duly confirmed ) , also several letters from brethren unable to be present . 'The report of the Audit Committee was then agreed to . 'The W . AI . then alluded in feeling terms to the deaths of Bros . Newsome , P . AL , ancl Alortlock , P . AL , and theSecretary was requested
to write letters of condolence to the widows of these departed brethren . The lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , Bro . Chas . John Dodd , the W . AI . elect , was then presented for the benefit of installation . At the conclusion of the first part of the ceremony the lodge was opened in the 'Third Degree ; all below the rank of Installed Alasters were requested to retire , and a Board of Installed Alasters was then opened , when the W . AI . elect was duly
placed in the chair of K . S . Having been saluted , proclaimed , and greeted in the usual manner , he proceeded to invest the Installing Master , Bro . W . C . Banks , as I . P . AI ., and closed the Board . The brethren were then re-admitted , and he was saluted , proclaimed , and greeted in the Three Degrees . The W . AI . then invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . J . Webb , S . W . ; S . Smith , J . W . ; R . Durtncill . Treas .: I . H . Ipwnll . P . M .. ! ¦ > P P . Cl C "„ .. .
T . J . Baker , S . D . ; A . S . Owen , J . D . ; H . L . Hall , I . G . ; ' Ii . H . Gauntlet , 'W . S . ; ancl , C li . Birch , D . C . The Tyler was unanimously re-elected . 'Tlie ancient charges were then delivered to the W . AI ., the Wardens , and brethren , and thc working tools in each Degree explained at length . Bro . W . C . Banks , the
retiring Alaster , rendered the installation ceremony in a most able , careful , and impressive manner , ancl was justly complimented by all the brethren present . Bro . Dodd , P . AI ., having been re-elected a member of thc Charity Committee , and other business transacted , the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards re-assembled at banquet , and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
spent a very enjoyable evening . All tl-. c usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were duly honoured . During the evening the W . AI . rose and said that foremost among the many pleasant duties devolving upon him was the one he had now to perform , viz ., that of presenting to Bro . W . C . Banks , I . P . AL , a very handsome Past Alaster's jewel , voted to him by the brethren of the lodge . He , perhaps , could not do better than refer to thc inscription engraved
thereon , which explained that it was in recognition of the able and efficient services hc had rendered tothe Amherst Lodge during his year of office as its W . AI ., and he hoped he would live long to wear it . He could not sit down withoutoncc more _ congratulating Bro . Banks on his able rendering of the installation ceremony that clay . 'The Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings , and many of the brethren returned to London by the 9 . 37 train from Sevenoaks ,
MANCHESTER . — Truth Lodge ( No 1458 ) . The regular meeting of this lodge was held at their private rooms , Newton Heath , on Saturday afternoon , the 3 rd inst . Present : Bros . J . E . Iliff , W . AI . ; VV . Cox , I . P . AI . ; J . Taylor , S . W . ; Past Alasters Caldwell , P . G . S . B . E . L . ; S . H . Ncedham , and G . H . Needle ; J . Proctor , Treas . ; T . H . Hall , Sec ; AI . Hyam , I . G , ; and several other brethren .
The lodge was opened at 4 . 30 . p . m . with solemn prayer by the W . AI . The ballot was taken for Mr . Wm . Virtue , and proving unanimous , he was introduced and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the VV . M ., who also gave the E . A . charge . Bro . Jackson having answered the usual questions , was trusted with a test of merit and retired . . 'The lodge was then opened in the
Second Degree , when he returned and was duly passed to the F . C . Degree by Bro . Cox , I . P . AI . After the lodge bad been duly lowered , and some ordinary business transacted , thc lodge was closed in due form at 6 p . m ., when the brethren adjourned to tea with a visitor from SS 3 . After the cloth was cleared th , usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were proposed .
MANCHESTER . —Mellon Lodge ( No 1774 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this young lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Guide Bridge , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult . Owing to the elections a great many brethren were necessarily absent , amongst whom was the VV . M ., Bro . Alellon , son of thc Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster . The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 with prayer , and the minutes of the previous
meeting read and confirmed . The following brethren were present : Bros . James Aloriis , P . AL , Sec , acting W . AI . ; thc Rev . J . E . Roberts , W . AI . 12 iS , acting S . W . " ; Chas . Walmsley , J . W . ; Richd . Barker , S . D . ; G . Piatt , J . D . ; A . J . Cox , I . G . ; Henry Heap , Tyler ; and S . P . Bidder , jun . Visitors : Ellis Jones , P . AI . 1147 ; T . Williams , P . AI . 11 . 17 ; Sturmer
1045 ; J . W . Hulley , 1322 ; F . Brain , from India ; and R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . After the reading of the minutes , Bro . William Alexander Tinker was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by the W . AI . in a most satisfactory manner , and at the conclusion Bro . the Rev . J . Ii . Roberts assumed the W . AI . 's chair , ancl raised his son , Bro . Harry Leicester Roberts , to
thc 'Third Degree in such faultless style , that it would be next to impossible to improve upon it , and we can truly say that such work is an exception to the general rule and a perfect treat to witness . Bro . thc Rev . J . li . Roberts afterwards presented the working tools and delivered the charge to both the newly-raised brethren , and after the lodge had been lowered , and " Hearty good wishes" expressed by thc visitors , it was closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 30 .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ST . JAMES'S CHAPTER ( No . 2 ) . — The monthl y meeting of this chapter took place on Thursday , the ist inst ., when Bros . Batley and Ames , both of the Lodge of Antiquity , w-ere exalted by Comp . Aliddlcton , M . E . Z ., into this Sublime Degree . Some needful business having been transacted , the companions adjourned to a very pleasant and harmonious " reunion , " which ended , however , at a comparatively early
hour , being marked specially by much of good fellowship and true fraternal feeling . Perhaps the warm party currents of politics made the companions feel forcibly the peaceful and neutral ground of Freemasonry . Among the companions wc noticed Past Principals Brodie , Wood , Alajor Alolyneux , Lieut .-Col . Creaton , Whichcord , Sampson Pierce , and Bennoch . Among the officers present were Comps . Afiddfeton , AI . E . Z . ;
Woodford , H . ; Aluggeridge , Scribe Ii . ; Davis , Scribe N . ; Hewitt , P . S . ; Batley , and H . Lewis . Among thc visitors were Comps . Sir J . B . Alonckton , P . de Lande Long , Hyde Pullen , W . H . Wilde , of the Irish Constitution , and one or two others . It was a very pleasurable meeting , and the companions were most truly happy to meet , sorry to part , but yet rejoicing in the hope of meeting again .
TWICKENHAM—Francis Burdett Chapter ( No . 1503 ) . —This chapter met at the Albany Hotel on Wednesday , the 24 th ult . In consequence of the recent demise of Comp . C Horsley , the Treasurer , the furniture of the chapter was draped in black , and the companions appeared in mourning . There were present Comps . Ihrupp , P . Z . 233 , acting M . E . Z .: Cama . P . G . S . B .
Aliddx ., H ., M . E . Z . elect ; James Terry , P . Z . 174 , acting J . ; James Stevens , P . Z . 720 , 771 , acting I . P . Z .: W . Taylor , S . N . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . D . C . Midd _ ., P . S . ; Rushworth , ist A . S . ; AV . H . Saunders , acting S . E . ; Dr . Clark , P . Z . 255 ( honorary member ) . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and unanimously confirmed , Comp . Cama , AI . E . Z . elect , was duly presented
by Comp . Stevens to Comp . Thrupp , who had kindly undertaken the onerous duties of Installing Officer , and who most abl y inducted Comp . Cama into the First Principal ' s chair . Coinp . Knaggs , the Second Principal elect , was prevented from attending the chapter in
consequence of indisposition . The installation of Comp . W . 'Taylor as J . having becn successfull y carried out , the following investments were made : Comps . Rushworth , Treasurer and P . S . ; T . C Walls , S . N . ; W . H . Saunders , S . E . and ist A . S . ; Jeffries , 2 nd A . S . ( by deputy ); Harrison , Janitor ( by deputy ) . The bye-laws were then read and adopted item , con : A vote of sympathy with tho