Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article The United and Military Orders of the Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem. Page 1 of 1 Article Cryptic Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
representatives of thc late Comp . Charles Horsley , P . P . G . A . S . Aliddx ., Treasurer , having been recorded , Comp . Thrupp was unanimously elected an honorary member of the chapter , and a vote of thanks given to him for his valuable services as Installing Officer . The resignation of Comp . A . Taylor having been received with regret , the chapter was duly closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet , which was well served . Upon the removal of the cloth the customary toasts were duly proposed and heartily honoured .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TRINITY COLLEGE LODGE ( No . 244 ) . — The second installation meeting of this Alark lodge was held at the Jodge rooms , 61 , VVeymouth-streer , Portlandplace , on the ist inst . In consequence of the unexpected absenceof the W . AI ., whose business engagements had compelled his resignation of membership , the officers of the lodge hacl invited the assistance of the V . W . Bro . James Stevens , P . G . J . O ., and VV . Bro . Thomas Poore , P . G . I . G .,
to perform the necessary ceremonies , and those brethren were ably supported by W . Bro . Croft Alorgan Dew , P . Grand Chancellor of the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland . The lodge members having assembled , Bro . Stevens opened the lodge , and all matters relating to the business of the past year , including audit report and correspondence , were disposed of in due order . Thc resignations of the
W . AI . and Treasurer were received . Bro . Poore then presented the V . W . Bro . Professor Edwin Ai . Lott , L . AIus ., 30 ° , G . AI . O ., the W . AI . elect , and the ceremony of installation was carried through in the perfect "" manner identified with the able working of the distinguished brethren who undertook the duty . 'The newly-installed Alaster installed his officers in the following order , viz . : Bros . H . J . Stark , B . AIus ., L . AIus .,
S . W . ; AI . A . Cuffe , LL . D ., iS' , J . W . ; Rev . H . G . B . Hunt , B . AIus ., L . AIus ., AI . O . and Chap . ; Ii . T . Hoare , S . O . and Sec ; Plant Alartin , J . O . ; J . Gabriel , S . D . and Treas . ; AV . J . Jennings , B . A ., L . A ., j . D . ; Professor J . G . Saunders , D . Alus ., L ' AIus ., l . G . ; A . " XV . S . Hoare , Org . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . After thc delivery of the addresses to Alaster and officers , the W . AI . made grateful acknowledgment of the services rendered by the Installing Officers , and , by the unanimous
vote of the lodge , they were severally elected honorary members , with privileges of subscribing members . 'The W . AI . then requested Bro . James Stevens to accept the collar as acting I . P . AI . for the ensuing year . Bros . Stevens , Poore , and Dew expressed their thanks for the honour which the lodge had conferred on them . Arrangements were suggested for nn early meeting whereat the musical talent of the members might be made available for an exposition of the ceremony of advancement with full musical
service . 'The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren dined together , and at the close of a most harmonious and agreeable evening separatee ] , well pleased with the result of of their unanimous proceedings .
BASINGSTOKE . —Wyndham Lodge ( No . 37 ) . —It will he gratifying to M . M . Alasons to know that this lodge , which for fourteen years was quiescent , has awakened with renewed life , ancl now numbers thirty-five members . The installation of the W . AI ., Bro . the Rev . F . W . Thoyts P . G . Chap ., P . P . G . Chap . Hants and Isle of Wight , took place on the 15 th ult ., the ceremony being impressively performed by AI . W . Bro . VV . VV . Beach , ALP ., P . G . AI . AL .
P . P . G . AI . AI . of Hants and the Isle of Wight , and among the brethren present was the AI . W . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal , P . G . M . AL , the present G . AI . AI . of the above province . After the ofiicers for the ensuing year had been appointed ancl invested , the brethren adjourned ancl sat clown to banquet , under the presidency of tlieir new Alaster . The rapid advance both in England and thc colonies which the M . M . Degree is now making is extremel y gratifying to Alasons .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
MALTA . — Rose of Sharon Rose Croix Chapter . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held at ( he Alasonic Hall , Valetta , on the 31 st . Match . Present : Bros . A . AL Broadley , AI . W . S . ; VV . Kingston 30 , P . AI . W . S . ; G . Segond , P . M . W . S ., 'Treasurer ; Lieut . Coffey , R . A ., ist G . ; Surgeon-AIajor Alackinnon , 2 nd G . ; Captain Blake , R . A ., II . P !; Starkey , Recorder ; Grier , 1 .. ; Walker , D . of C . ; Finch-Noyes , G . AI . ; Alortimer , Herald ;
Alajor I ' . wing , Organist ; and Beck , Guard . 'There was n fair attendance of members , including the Al . VV . S . elect , 111 . Bro . Captain F . R . Beechey , 30 ° . The minutes having been confirmed , a ballot resulted favourably for Bro . the Rev . K . Lethbridgo , P . P . G . C . Cornwall and Alalta , ancl , the candidate being in attendance , was duly perfected by the M . W . S . elect . The accounts of the past year being passed ancl other routine business being disposed of , Bro .
Broadley installed his successor , Bro . Beechey , in due form . The Al . VV . S . then appointed the following officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Captain Blake , II . P . ; Fleet Surgeon Flanagan , ist G . ; Surgeon-AIajor Alackinnon , 2 nd G . ; Starkey , Recorder ; Segond ( elected ) , Treasurer ; Grier , Raphael ; Alortimer , Herald ; Walker , D . of C . ; Finch-Noyes , G . AI . ; Alajor Ewing , Organist ; and Beck ( elected ) , serving brother . The chapter was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Thc R-ivensbourne Chnpter , So . 1601 , will be consecrated at Catford Bridge , on Thursday , thc 22 nd inst . The ceremony will be performed by thc Grand Scribe fi . of England , tbe AI . ) -:. Comp . Sb .-idwel ) IL Clerke . AI . E . Z . ; assisted by Ii . Comps . C .-ipt . N . G . Philips , P . G . N . ; Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C ; anel R . VV . II . Giddy , P . N .
'The Principals designate arc li . Comps . VV . G . Lemon , AI . E . Z .: Rev . W . Taylor Jones , II . ; C . VV . 'Thompson , J . Sir Henry Bulwer , K . C . M . G ., who has resigned the Governorship of Natal , will , we understand , lie offered the Governorship of Trinidad on the return of Sir Henry Irving tci England .
J . p .. SiiAxn & l ' u „ "Fair Trailers , " Rc- >;'^ ter _ l Wine anil Spirit Merchants { I- ' xperts and Valuers ; , 2 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , London , S . VV . Price lists on application . —[ ADVT . ]
The United And Military Orders Of The Temple And Of St. John Of Jerusalem.
The United and Military Orders of the Temple and of St . John of Jerusalem .
HOLY PALESTINE PRECEPTORY . —The April meeting of the above preceptory of the United and Military Orders of the Temple and of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , ancl Alalta , in England , Wales , and Ireland , and the Colonial Dependencies of the British Crown , under the command of H . R . H . tbe Prince of Wales , K . G ., K . P ., & c , Grand Alaster , was held on Wednesday , the 7 t ! i inst ., at the Alasonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square . 'The
Sir Knights present were Eminent Sir Knights Herbert Dicketts , Eminent Preceptor ; Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , Eminent Preceptor elect ; H . C . Levander , P . E . P . ; Lieut .-Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Great Sub-Prior ; XV . Tinkler , Vice-Chancellor ; W . Hyde Pullen , P . E . P . ; Rev . P . Al . Holden , P . E . P . ; Great-Rex , Hammerton , Trendall , Reg . ; T . Cubitt , Hall , Alather , Aloon , Greaves , Rev . Dr . Bent , I . Lewes 'Thomas . Venn . Thiellay , and Edmands , P . E . P .
Visitor : P . Green , Kankakee , Illinois . The minutes of the last preceptory were read and confirmed . Sir Knight Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette was installed Eminent Preceptor in an able manner by his predecessor , Em . Sir Knight Herbert Dicketts . 'The report of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . Thc newly-installed E . P . appointed his officers for the ensuing year . A ballot was taken for Comp . J . Brooksmith , " Al . A ., I . L . B ., Foundation Lodge , No . 82 , Prov .
Grand Treas . Gloucestershire , and being in his favour , he was installed by the newly-appointed Eminent Preceptor , Sir Knight Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , in a faultless and impressive manner , lt may here be noted that the candidate initiated Sir Knight Rev . Dr . Brette into Craft Alasonry nineteen years ago in the Royal Union Lodge , No . 24 ( 1 . The Sir Knights then adjourned to the Cafe Royal , where a sumptuous repast was prepared , which was presided over by Em . Sir Knight Brette .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
BOLTON .- —St . John ' s Council fNo . S ) . —A meeting of this council was held on Saturday , the 20 th ult ., nt 24 , Chancery-lane . There were present Comps . G . P . Brockbank , Th . III . AL . and Grand C . of (' ,. -, 'Thomas Entwistle , Dep . III . AI . ; Thos . Clark , as P . C . of VV . ; Jas . Newton , Recorder ; Arthur Aliddleton , C of G . ; Thos . Alum ' s , Reginald Young , W . J . 'Thomson , and others . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed .
The Four Degrees of this Rite were very ably worked by the Th . III . AL , Dep . III . AL , ancl others . Comp . Thos . Clark was then installed thc Th . HI . AI . by Comps . Brockbank and Entwistle , ancl he appointed Comps . R . Young , thc Dep . 111 . AL ; VV . J . Thomson , P . C . of VV . ; and A . Aliddleton , C . of G . It was afterwards proposed , seconded , ancl resolved , " That the council be held in future at Liverpool . " 'The council was then closed , ancl thc companions adjourned to the Commercial 1 Iotcl .
Obituary .
BRO . G . COPLAND . Many brethren in Liverpool ancl elsewhere will hear with the deepest regret of the sudden death , on Saturday last , of llro . George Copland , superintendent of the Liverpool Fire Police , at his residence , Hatton-garden , Liverpool . I ' or some time Bro . Copland had been complaining of restlessness and inability to sleep , but , though hc was under the care of Bro . Dr . Pugh , he did not apprehend any
immediate danger , ancl he attended to bis arduous duties in his usual indefatigable manner . So recently as the Thursday morning previously he went out on an engine to Great Alercey-street , where a fire had been telegraphed . It was of a trifling character , and was put out in a few minutes , but it is supposed that the sudden exertion , in his delicate state of health , must have hacl a serious effect upon him ,
for lie went to bed immediately upon returning to the station , and Bro . Pugh was sent for . Bro . Copland ' s invariable custom was to attend to the alarm bell immediately at any hour , day or night , ancl he was always ready to jump on an engine as it was leaving the gate . It thus happened that he was always present at the very beginning of operations , acting up to his motto that " 'The first live minutes at a lire is better than the next half hour . " He remained in bed
by the doctor s instructions , ancl on rnday night Bro . Pugh endeavoured to administer morphia to produce sleep . As a preliminary lie was placed slightly under the influence of chloroform , and he seemed to obtain some relief . He never rallied , however , and passed away at thc time stated—in the opinion of the doctor , from heart disease . Bro . Copland was appointed Superintendent of the Fire Department at the end of 1 S 74 , ancl commenced duties in
January , 1 S 75 , when Air . Hancox was promoted from that department to ( he position of Chief Superintendent of Police . At the time of his appointment it was felt that a gentleman skilled in the mechanism of the steam fire engines would Ls a great acquisition to the force , and the choice of the town council and ofthe head constable , Alajor Greig , fell upon Bro . Copland , who had been many years in the service of Alessrs . Alerryweather and Sons , of
Longacre and Lambeth , London , the well-known manufacturers of the steam fire engines supplied to all the great cities of Europe , as well as the principal towns ancl cities of the British islands . For some years before bis Liverpool appointment it was the chief part of his duty to go abroad with the engines of ( he firm and instruct the fire brigades of the various cities on the Continent in their manipulation ancl construction . I le was specially sent for to superintend
operations a ! the time < , f ( he great fire in St . Petersburg , and after the Communists had sot lire : to Paris it was Iiro . Copland who superintended the chief operations there also , and his . services at that juncture were handsomely recognised by the government of AI . 'Thiers , who presented him , among other marks of esteem , with an address amounting
to a national vote of thanks for his services . After his appointment ns Superintendent of the Liverpool Fire Police , Bro . Copland deservedly secured the esteem of all with whom he had business relations , ancl tbe expressions of regret for his untimely death are sincere and widespread . The deceased gentleman was in his thirty-seventh year , and
he leaves a widow ancl two infant children . 'The funeralwhich was a public one , attended by thc representatives of thc several departments of the police force and the salvage corps—took place on Tuesday at Anfield Cemetery .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Bro . Alderman Sir B . S . Phillips entertained His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge at dinner at his residence , Queen ' s Gardens , Brighton , after the review on Easter Alonday . Bro . G . Sims , C . C ., ancl Bro . J . G . Hutchinson were elected churchwardens for St . Botolph Aldersgate on Thursday , thc ist inst . H . R . H . the Duke of Coiinaught , K . G ., has
consented to preside at the festival of the Gardeners Royal Benevolent Institution , to be held on or about July 7 th . Bro . Henry Parker announces three pianoforte recitals , to take place at St . James ' s Hall on the afternoons of April 14 th , 23 rd , ancl Alay 5 th . Prince Leopold presided at a meeting of the Committee of the Royal Windsor Tapestry . Manufactory which was held last week at Windsor Castle .
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master , has appointed Wednesday , the 2 Sth inst ., for the annual Grand Lodge Festival , to be held at Freemasons' I lall . The Right lion . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand . Master , R . W . Prov . G .. M . VVest Lancashire , will preside . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy
Grand Alaster , R . W . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , will preside at the eighty-second festival of thc Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , on Wednesday , 30 th June , 1 SS 0 . In our last issue , under the head " Masonic and General Tidings " Bro . P . Soman was described as proprietor of the "Norwich Guardian . " We should have said " Norwich Argus . "
The Englishman of India announces that a life of tin ? late Sir Louis Cavagnari is to be written , with thc sanction of the family , by Babu Kali Prosoiio Dey . The Queen has appointed the Hon . David Plunket , AI . P ., to be Paymaster-General , in the room of the Right Hon . Sir Stephen Cave , G . C . B ., who retires from Parliament . Mr . VV . Pitman , C . C ., is writing- a paper entitled
the "History ancl Antiquities of thc Ward of I-amngdon Within , " and he is announced to read it at thc next monthly meeting of the London ancl Aliddlesex Arcli .-eologio . l Society . Wc regret to hear of thc serious illness of Bro . Ramey , Editor of the Masonic Eclectic , U . S . A . I am glad to hear that in June Lad y Monckton and Sir Charles Young will produce a play written by Sir
Charlcs at one of the London theatres for the benefit of the Dramatic Fund . This fund , which is well managed , is sorely in want of money in eider to keep up the annual payments to its annuitants . —Truth . The third dramatic performance in aid of the funds of thc Printers' Pension , Almshouse , ancl Orphan Asylum Corporation will be given at the Imperial Theatre , Westminster , on Alonday evening , the iqth inst ., under the
special and distinguished patronage of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge and the Right Hon . the Lord Alayor , Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , Kt . On Wednesday afternoon nearly 5110 ladies .-ind gentlemen connected with thc theatrical profession assembled nt the Lyceum 'Theatre for the purpose of presenting to Bro . Edward Ledger , the proprietor of the Era newspaper , a testimonial for the manner in which , according to
the inscription on thc handsome dessert service of which ( he testimonial consisted , he had defended the interests of the dramatic profession . It will be remembered that Bro . Ledger was recently prosecuted by a Air . Hudson Stanley for an alleged libel published in his newspaper in connection with a so-called dramatic ball given by Air . Stanley at the Cannon-street Hotel . The result of the trial was in favour of Bro . Ledger , and a movement was set on foot to form a
fund to recoup him for tbe expense to which he hacl been put in the matter . Bro . Ledger , however , declined to sanction thc raising of such a fund , and consequently those who had projected it resolved to utilise the subscriptions alread y received in organising the present testimonial . A sum of over £ foct having been subscribed , it was devoted to the purchase of a service of plate , which was exhibited on a table arranged in the centre of the stage . The chair was
occupied by Bro . Henry Irving , who wns accompanied on the stage by Bros . [ . L . Toole , Edward 'Terry , David James , Thorne , 11 . Neville , C Warner , and I'd L . Blanchard . Bro . Irving , in presenting Bro . Ledger with the testimonial in the name of those present , said it was a token which represented their appreciation of Bro . Ledger ' s services to the dramatic profession , as well as an expression of their sympathy with him , nnd a recognition of his
courageous defence of the stage , at a great expense to himself , against an intolerable stigma . They hacl as a body to suffer from thc shortcomings of others , who at dullest were but the dregs of ihcalrical society ; ancl it was quite time tbat nn emphatic protest was made against such a state of things—a protest that must enlist the sympathy of all earnest workers in their calling . Bro . Ledger had not hesitated to make such a protest in a court
of law , and his success was felt by all to remove the stigma that had previously attached to them . Bro . Ledger , who was very cordiall y received , said that the testimonial showed that his friends had recognised the earnest spirit in wbich he worked for what hc deemed the honour ancl welfare of the dramatic profession , and it testified to the propriety of the course he had taken in dealing with a question which seemed to him to affect materially ( he esteem in which
that profession was held by the public . Referring to a friend of his who had beon solicited to assist a man on the ground of his having lic-en for some time a s . <¦ na-shil ' tcr nt Drury-lane , and so " ccnincc-ted with the- drain ... " Bro . Ledger said that lie was sure his hearers would agree with him when he expressed Ihe opinion ( hat with every readiness to recognise the importance of even the smallest wheels
in the complicated machinery of the stage , a dramatic artist wns not to be confounded with n . shifter of scenes or a seller of play hills , ancl any festivity those people might choose to indulge in could not be strictly designated as a dramatic ball or theatrical banquet . Bro . 'Toole also addressed a few words to those assembled , and the proceedings terminated .
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Royal Arch.
representatives of thc late Comp . Charles Horsley , P . P . G . A . S . Aliddx ., Treasurer , having been recorded , Comp . Thrupp was unanimously elected an honorary member of the chapter , and a vote of thanks given to him for his valuable services as Installing Officer . The resignation of Comp . A . Taylor having been received with regret , the chapter was duly closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet , which was well served . Upon the removal of the cloth the customary toasts were duly proposed and heartily honoured .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TRINITY COLLEGE LODGE ( No . 244 ) . — The second installation meeting of this Alark lodge was held at the Jodge rooms , 61 , VVeymouth-streer , Portlandplace , on the ist inst . In consequence of the unexpected absenceof the W . AI ., whose business engagements had compelled his resignation of membership , the officers of the lodge hacl invited the assistance of the V . W . Bro . James Stevens , P . G . J . O ., and VV . Bro . Thomas Poore , P . G . I . G .,
to perform the necessary ceremonies , and those brethren were ably supported by W . Bro . Croft Alorgan Dew , P . Grand Chancellor of the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland . The lodge members having assembled , Bro . Stevens opened the lodge , and all matters relating to the business of the past year , including audit report and correspondence , were disposed of in due order . Thc resignations of the
W . AI . and Treasurer were received . Bro . Poore then presented the V . W . Bro . Professor Edwin Ai . Lott , L . AIus ., 30 ° , G . AI . O ., the W . AI . elect , and the ceremony of installation was carried through in the perfect "" manner identified with the able working of the distinguished brethren who undertook the duty . 'The newly-installed Alaster installed his officers in the following order , viz . : Bros . H . J . Stark , B . AIus ., L . AIus .,
S . W . ; AI . A . Cuffe , LL . D ., iS' , J . W . ; Rev . H . G . B . Hunt , B . AIus ., L . AIus ., AI . O . and Chap . ; Ii . T . Hoare , S . O . and Sec ; Plant Alartin , J . O . ; J . Gabriel , S . D . and Treas . ; AV . J . Jennings , B . A ., L . A ., j . D . ; Professor J . G . Saunders , D . Alus ., L ' AIus ., l . G . ; A . " XV . S . Hoare , Org . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . After thc delivery of the addresses to Alaster and officers , the W . AI . made grateful acknowledgment of the services rendered by the Installing Officers , and , by the unanimous
vote of the lodge , they were severally elected honorary members , with privileges of subscribing members . 'The W . AI . then requested Bro . James Stevens to accept the collar as acting I . P . AI . for the ensuing year . Bros . Stevens , Poore , and Dew expressed their thanks for the honour which the lodge had conferred on them . Arrangements were suggested for nn early meeting whereat the musical talent of the members might be made available for an exposition of the ceremony of advancement with full musical
service . 'The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren dined together , and at the close of a most harmonious and agreeable evening separatee ] , well pleased with the result of of their unanimous proceedings .
BASINGSTOKE . —Wyndham Lodge ( No . 37 ) . —It will he gratifying to M . M . Alasons to know that this lodge , which for fourteen years was quiescent , has awakened with renewed life , ancl now numbers thirty-five members . The installation of the W . AI ., Bro . the Rev . F . W . Thoyts P . G . Chap ., P . P . G . Chap . Hants and Isle of Wight , took place on the 15 th ult ., the ceremony being impressively performed by AI . W . Bro . VV . VV . Beach , ALP ., P . G . AI . AL .
P . P . G . AI . AI . of Hants and the Isle of Wight , and among the brethren present was the AI . W . Bro . Rev . G . R . Portal , P . G . M . AL , the present G . AI . AI . of the above province . After the ofiicers for the ensuing year had been appointed ancl invested , the brethren adjourned ancl sat clown to banquet , under the presidency of tlieir new Alaster . The rapid advance both in England and thc colonies which the M . M . Degree is now making is extremel y gratifying to Alasons .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
MALTA . — Rose of Sharon Rose Croix Chapter . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held at ( he Alasonic Hall , Valetta , on the 31 st . Match . Present : Bros . A . AL Broadley , AI . W . S . ; VV . Kingston 30 , P . AI . W . S . ; G . Segond , P . M . W . S ., 'Treasurer ; Lieut . Coffey , R . A ., ist G . ; Surgeon-AIajor Alackinnon , 2 nd G . ; Captain Blake , R . A ., II . P !; Starkey , Recorder ; Grier , 1 .. ; Walker , D . of C . ; Finch-Noyes , G . AI . ; Alortimer , Herald ;
Alajor I ' . wing , Organist ; and Beck , Guard . 'There was n fair attendance of members , including the Al . VV . S . elect , 111 . Bro . Captain F . R . Beechey , 30 ° . The minutes having been confirmed , a ballot resulted favourably for Bro . the Rev . K . Lethbridgo , P . P . G . C . Cornwall and Alalta , ancl , the candidate being in attendance , was duly perfected by the M . W . S . elect . The accounts of the past year being passed ancl other routine business being disposed of , Bro .
Broadley installed his successor , Bro . Beechey , in due form . The Al . VV . S . then appointed the following officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Captain Blake , II . P . ; Fleet Surgeon Flanagan , ist G . ; Surgeon-AIajor Alackinnon , 2 nd G . ; Starkey , Recorder ; Segond ( elected ) , Treasurer ; Grier , Raphael ; Alortimer , Herald ; Walker , D . of C . ; Finch-Noyes , G . AI . ; Alajor Ewing , Organist ; and Beck ( elected ) , serving brother . The chapter was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Thc R-ivensbourne Chnpter , So . 1601 , will be consecrated at Catford Bridge , on Thursday , thc 22 nd inst . The ceremony will be performed by thc Grand Scribe fi . of England , tbe AI . ) -:. Comp . Sb .-idwel ) IL Clerke . AI . E . Z . ; assisted by Ii . Comps . C .-ipt . N . G . Philips , P . G . N . ; Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C ; anel R . VV . II . Giddy , P . N .
'The Principals designate arc li . Comps . VV . G . Lemon , AI . E . Z .: Rev . W . Taylor Jones , II . ; C . VV . 'Thompson , J . Sir Henry Bulwer , K . C . M . G ., who has resigned the Governorship of Natal , will , we understand , lie offered the Governorship of Trinidad on the return of Sir Henry Irving tci England .
J . p .. SiiAxn & l ' u „ "Fair Trailers , " Rc- >;'^ ter _ l Wine anil Spirit Merchants { I- ' xperts and Valuers ; , 2 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , London , S . VV . Price lists on application . —[ ADVT . ]
The United And Military Orders Of The Temple And Of St. John Of Jerusalem.
The United and Military Orders of the Temple and of St . John of Jerusalem .
HOLY PALESTINE PRECEPTORY . —The April meeting of the above preceptory of the United and Military Orders of the Temple and of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , ancl Alalta , in England , Wales , and Ireland , and the Colonial Dependencies of the British Crown , under the command of H . R . H . tbe Prince of Wales , K . G ., K . P ., & c , Grand Alaster , was held on Wednesday , the 7 t ! i inst ., at the Alasonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square . 'The
Sir Knights present were Eminent Sir Knights Herbert Dicketts , Eminent Preceptor ; Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , Eminent Preceptor elect ; H . C . Levander , P . E . P . ; Lieut .-Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Great Sub-Prior ; XV . Tinkler , Vice-Chancellor ; W . Hyde Pullen , P . E . P . ; Rev . P . Al . Holden , P . E . P . ; Great-Rex , Hammerton , Trendall , Reg . ; T . Cubitt , Hall , Alather , Aloon , Greaves , Rev . Dr . Bent , I . Lewes 'Thomas . Venn . Thiellay , and Edmands , P . E . P .
Visitor : P . Green , Kankakee , Illinois . The minutes of the last preceptory were read and confirmed . Sir Knight Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette was installed Eminent Preceptor in an able manner by his predecessor , Em . Sir Knight Herbert Dicketts . 'The report of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . Thc newly-installed E . P . appointed his officers for the ensuing year . A ballot was taken for Comp . J . Brooksmith , " Al . A ., I . L . B ., Foundation Lodge , No . 82 , Prov .
Grand Treas . Gloucestershire , and being in his favour , he was installed by the newly-appointed Eminent Preceptor , Sir Knight Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , in a faultless and impressive manner , lt may here be noted that the candidate initiated Sir Knight Rev . Dr . Brette into Craft Alasonry nineteen years ago in the Royal Union Lodge , No . 24 ( 1 . The Sir Knights then adjourned to the Cafe Royal , where a sumptuous repast was prepared , which was presided over by Em . Sir Knight Brette .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
BOLTON .- —St . John ' s Council fNo . S ) . —A meeting of this council was held on Saturday , the 20 th ult ., nt 24 , Chancery-lane . There were present Comps . G . P . Brockbank , Th . III . AL . and Grand C . of (' ,. -, 'Thomas Entwistle , Dep . III . AI . ; Thos . Clark , as P . C . of VV . ; Jas . Newton , Recorder ; Arthur Aliddleton , C of G . ; Thos . Alum ' s , Reginald Young , W . J . 'Thomson , and others . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed .
The Four Degrees of this Rite were very ably worked by the Th . III . AL , Dep . III . AL , ancl others . Comp . Thos . Clark was then installed thc Th . HI . AI . by Comps . Brockbank and Entwistle , ancl he appointed Comps . R . Young , thc Dep . 111 . AL ; VV . J . Thomson , P . C . of VV . ; and A . Aliddleton , C . of G . It was afterwards proposed , seconded , ancl resolved , " That the council be held in future at Liverpool . " 'The council was then closed , ancl thc companions adjourned to the Commercial 1 Iotcl .
Obituary .
BRO . G . COPLAND . Many brethren in Liverpool ancl elsewhere will hear with the deepest regret of the sudden death , on Saturday last , of llro . George Copland , superintendent of the Liverpool Fire Police , at his residence , Hatton-garden , Liverpool . I ' or some time Bro . Copland had been complaining of restlessness and inability to sleep , but , though hc was under the care of Bro . Dr . Pugh , he did not apprehend any
immediate danger , ancl he attended to bis arduous duties in his usual indefatigable manner . So recently as the Thursday morning previously he went out on an engine to Great Alercey-street , where a fire had been telegraphed . It was of a trifling character , and was put out in a few minutes , but it is supposed that the sudden exertion , in his delicate state of health , must have hacl a serious effect upon him ,
for lie went to bed immediately upon returning to the station , and Bro . Pugh was sent for . Bro . Copland ' s invariable custom was to attend to the alarm bell immediately at any hour , day or night , ancl he was always ready to jump on an engine as it was leaving the gate . It thus happened that he was always present at the very beginning of operations , acting up to his motto that " 'The first live minutes at a lire is better than the next half hour . " He remained in bed
by the doctor s instructions , ancl on rnday night Bro . Pugh endeavoured to administer morphia to produce sleep . As a preliminary lie was placed slightly under the influence of chloroform , and he seemed to obtain some relief . He never rallied , however , and passed away at thc time stated—in the opinion of the doctor , from heart disease . Bro . Copland was appointed Superintendent of the Fire Department at the end of 1 S 74 , ancl commenced duties in
January , 1 S 75 , when Air . Hancox was promoted from that department to ( he position of Chief Superintendent of Police . At the time of his appointment it was felt that a gentleman skilled in the mechanism of the steam fire engines would Ls a great acquisition to the force , and the choice of the town council and ofthe head constable , Alajor Greig , fell upon Bro . Copland , who had been many years in the service of Alessrs . Alerryweather and Sons , of
Longacre and Lambeth , London , the well-known manufacturers of the steam fire engines supplied to all the great cities of Europe , as well as the principal towns ancl cities of the British islands . For some years before bis Liverpool appointment it was the chief part of his duty to go abroad with the engines of ( he firm and instruct the fire brigades of the various cities on the Continent in their manipulation ancl construction . I le was specially sent for to superintend
operations a ! the time < , f ( he great fire in St . Petersburg , and after the Communists had sot lire : to Paris it was Iiro . Copland who superintended the chief operations there also , and his . services at that juncture were handsomely recognised by the government of AI . 'Thiers , who presented him , among other marks of esteem , with an address amounting
to a national vote of thanks for his services . After his appointment ns Superintendent of the Liverpool Fire Police , Bro . Copland deservedly secured the esteem of all with whom he had business relations , ancl tbe expressions of regret for his untimely death are sincere and widespread . The deceased gentleman was in his thirty-seventh year , and
he leaves a widow ancl two infant children . 'The funeralwhich was a public one , attended by thc representatives of thc several departments of the police force and the salvage corps—took place on Tuesday at Anfield Cemetery .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Bro . Alderman Sir B . S . Phillips entertained His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge at dinner at his residence , Queen ' s Gardens , Brighton , after the review on Easter Alonday . Bro . G . Sims , C . C ., ancl Bro . J . G . Hutchinson were elected churchwardens for St . Botolph Aldersgate on Thursday , thc ist inst . H . R . H . the Duke of Coiinaught , K . G ., has
consented to preside at the festival of the Gardeners Royal Benevolent Institution , to be held on or about July 7 th . Bro . Henry Parker announces three pianoforte recitals , to take place at St . James ' s Hall on the afternoons of April 14 th , 23 rd , ancl Alay 5 th . Prince Leopold presided at a meeting of the Committee of the Royal Windsor Tapestry . Manufactory which was held last week at Windsor Castle .
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master , has appointed Wednesday , the 2 Sth inst ., for the annual Grand Lodge Festival , to be held at Freemasons' I lall . The Right lion . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand . Master , R . W . Prov . G .. M . VVest Lancashire , will preside . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy
Grand Alaster , R . W . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , will preside at the eighty-second festival of thc Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , on Wednesday , 30 th June , 1 SS 0 . In our last issue , under the head " Masonic and General Tidings " Bro . P . Soman was described as proprietor of the "Norwich Guardian . " We should have said " Norwich Argus . "
The Englishman of India announces that a life of tin ? late Sir Louis Cavagnari is to be written , with thc sanction of the family , by Babu Kali Prosoiio Dey . The Queen has appointed the Hon . David Plunket , AI . P ., to be Paymaster-General , in the room of the Right Hon . Sir Stephen Cave , G . C . B ., who retires from Parliament . Mr . VV . Pitman , C . C ., is writing- a paper entitled
the "History ancl Antiquities of thc Ward of I-amngdon Within , " and he is announced to read it at thc next monthly meeting of the London ancl Aliddlesex Arcli .-eologio . l Society . Wc regret to hear of thc serious illness of Bro . Ramey , Editor of the Masonic Eclectic , U . S . A . I am glad to hear that in June Lad y Monckton and Sir Charles Young will produce a play written by Sir
Charlcs at one of the London theatres for the benefit of the Dramatic Fund . This fund , which is well managed , is sorely in want of money in eider to keep up the annual payments to its annuitants . —Truth . The third dramatic performance in aid of the funds of thc Printers' Pension , Almshouse , ancl Orphan Asylum Corporation will be given at the Imperial Theatre , Westminster , on Alonday evening , the iqth inst ., under the
special and distinguished patronage of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge and the Right Hon . the Lord Alayor , Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , Kt . On Wednesday afternoon nearly 5110 ladies .-ind gentlemen connected with thc theatrical profession assembled nt the Lyceum 'Theatre for the purpose of presenting to Bro . Edward Ledger , the proprietor of the Era newspaper , a testimonial for the manner in which , according to
the inscription on thc handsome dessert service of which ( he testimonial consisted , he had defended the interests of the dramatic profession . It will be remembered that Bro . Ledger was recently prosecuted by a Air . Hudson Stanley for an alleged libel published in his newspaper in connection with a so-called dramatic ball given by Air . Stanley at the Cannon-street Hotel . The result of the trial was in favour of Bro . Ledger , and a movement was set on foot to form a
fund to recoup him for tbe expense to which he hacl been put in the matter . Bro . Ledger , however , declined to sanction thc raising of such a fund , and consequently those who had projected it resolved to utilise the subscriptions alread y received in organising the present testimonial . A sum of over £ foct having been subscribed , it was devoted to the purchase of a service of plate , which was exhibited on a table arranged in the centre of the stage . The chair was
occupied by Bro . Henry Irving , who wns accompanied on the stage by Bros . [ . L . Toole , Edward 'Terry , David James , Thorne , 11 . Neville , C Warner , and I'd L . Blanchard . Bro . Irving , in presenting Bro . Ledger with the testimonial in the name of those present , said it was a token which represented their appreciation of Bro . Ledger ' s services to the dramatic profession , as well as an expression of their sympathy with him , nnd a recognition of his
courageous defence of the stage , at a great expense to himself , against an intolerable stigma . They hacl as a body to suffer from thc shortcomings of others , who at dullest were but the dregs of ihcalrical society ; ancl it was quite time tbat nn emphatic protest was made against such a state of things—a protest that must enlist the sympathy of all earnest workers in their calling . Bro . Ledger had not hesitated to make such a protest in a court
of law , and his success was felt by all to remove the stigma that had previously attached to them . Bro . Ledger , who was very cordiall y received , said that the testimonial showed that his friends had recognised the earnest spirit in wbich he worked for what hc deemed the honour ancl welfare of the dramatic profession , and it testified to the propriety of the course he had taken in dealing with a question which seemed to him to affect materially ( he esteem in which
that profession was held by the public . Referring to a friend of his who had beon solicited to assist a man on the ground of his having lic-en for some time a s . <¦ na-shil ' tcr nt Drury-lane , and so " ccnincc-ted with the- drain ... " Bro . Ledger said that lie was sure his hearers would agree with him when he expressed Ihe opinion ( hat with every readiness to recognise the importance of even the smallest wheels
in the complicated machinery of the stage , a dramatic artist wns not to be confounded with n . shifter of scenes or a seller of play hills , ancl any festivity those people might choose to indulge in could not be strictly designated as a dramatic ball or theatrical banquet . Bro . 'Toole also addressed a few words to those assembled , and the proceedings terminated .