Article Untitled ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF EAST LANCNSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF KENT. Page 1 of 2 →
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OUR esteemed contemporary Bro . J W . BROWN , Editor of the Voice of Masonry , does not , and never intends to accept the " American doctrine " relative to the formation and recognition of new Grand Lodges , and we are very pleased to greet him as an able champion of the minority , in the new country , with Bro . HUGHAN , in the " old . " He takes a thorough common
sense view of the matter , being most willing to do all in his power to promote the institution of new Grand Lodges in districts and countries where such combinations of lodges are desirable ; but he is a consistent and constant advocate of the rights of the minorities , as well as of the privileges and duties of the majorities ; hence he declines to recognise any new Grand
Lodge as absolutely Sovereign until such a body has secured the adherence of all the lodges within its jurisdiction . Until then he advocates patience , perseverance , and true Masonic feeling , so that the minority may be won over by fairness and friendly argument . For these reasons he would
recognise the Grand Lodge of South Australia , without any reservation , as a Sovereign Body , with exclusive jurisdiction within its precincts ; but would decline so to acknowledge the Grand Lodge of Quebec , because , in the one case , all the lodges have united to form the Grand Lodge , whereas , in the other instance , three still decline so to do .
# £ * PENDING the adhesion of all the lodges concerned , the Grand Lodge of the majority would continue to exercise concurrent jurisdiction ; but absolute sovereignty being impossible , whilst any lodges prefer isolation , and
recognition in full being denied such a Grand Lodge ad interim , matters would go on much as they now do in a Colony in which several Grand Lodges exercise jurisdiction—as say in New Zealand—the difficulties of co-operation under such circumstances being mainly imaginary .
* * * WE are sorry to note that the Australian Freemason for January ioth , 1 SS 6 , misrepresents Bro . BROWN , doubtless unintentionally , but the evil of such a course is none the less , by declaring that " one of the fiercest opponents of the claims of the Grand Lodge of Quebec to supreme jurisdiction
in its territory has given way . We allude to Bro . BROWN , the learned editor of the Voice of Masonry a journal excellently conducted and altogether well put forth . " Bro . BROWN replies in the April number of his magazine , "We have not said anything that justifies such an idea . We still insist that without unanimityof lodges there is no Grand Lodge . . . . .
We are firmer than ever for unanimity . In speaking of the " Canada Templar Imbroglio , " Bro . BROWN observes" Unity in Masonry and Knighthood is what commands the blessing , and it should prevail , not . by compulsion , but by fraternal choice and love . " For such advocacy the editor of the " Voice " has been dubbed " the leading worker after the smiles of the
Grand Lodge of England , " which is a very ungracious and unwarrantable reflection and charge , for what possibly can Bro . BROWN gain Irom this country , by seeking to swim against the strong American tide of exclusive Grand Lodge majority jurisdiction ? Bro . BROWN replies most appropriately , and with becoming dignity , " We are a worker for Masonic truth
and right , " and we believe him . He says again " We are a worker for the inalienable and indefeasible right of lodges to choose for themselves whether they will , or will not , join a proposed now body , and for the doctrine that unanimity of lodges is essential to the formation of a Sovereign Grand Lodge . By that we intend to stand , no matter who opposes us . " Bravo ! Bro . BROWN .
* * * WE are very pleased to find that Bro . J LANE has taken our advice , and reduced the subscription from two guineas to one guinea per copy for his " Masonic Records , " by enlarging the edition . We feel assured that this boon will be warmly appreciated by several students of the literature
of the Craft , and be the means of extending a knowledge of the valuable work over a much wider area than originally contemplated by the author . We beg to draw attention to the advertisement in another part of the Freemason , and we trust that our readers will not be slow to avail themselves of this special offer , prior to publication , the " Masonic Records " being novi
in the press ; and the printed list of subscribers to accompany the volume , will necessarily only contain the names of such brethren as forward their applications for copies prior to the advent of the work , which will be alike worthy of its dedication ( by permission ) to our Royal Grand Master , and of the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons .
* # * A HANDSOME , and at the same time appropriate little gift has been made to Grand Lodge . Bro . LENNOX BROWNE , Secretary of the Empire Lodge ,
No . 2108 , having presented it with a saltcellar , and so completed the set of consecrating vessels which are used at the solemn consecration of a new lodge . We are sure the Craft generally , as well as Grand Lodge , will appreciate such an act of attention as this .
* * * THERE is plenty of quiet , but effective , work done by our brethren in Ireland . We , unfortunately , hear but little of it in this part of the United Kingdom , for somehow Irish lodges , though newsof their official and festive gatherings often finds its way into the columns of the local press , seem to fight shy of
anything like publicity by means of a Masonic journal . They will no doubt forgive us , however , for suggesting that a paper like the Freemason is often in a position to render most important services , especially in connection with meetings held to promote some Masonic Charitable purpose .
The more the announcement that a such gathering is to take place in a certain locality , on a certain day is noised abroad , the greater the chance of its proving a success . The more people hear of it , the more are likely to attend ; and the more attend , the greater the chance of the proceeds to be devoted to charitable purposes being consider-
able . Thus it cannot be otherwise than profitable that our readers should know that our brethren of the province of Antrim intend holding a Masonic Conversazione in the Exhibition and Conservatory Buildings of the Botanic Gardens , Belfast , on Friday next , the 16 th inst . The object is to assist the funds of the two Belfast Masonic Charities , viz ., the one available for the
relief of widows and orphans of Masons , " and known as the Widows' Fundi and the other , or Charity Fund , which is appropriated to the relief of poor and distressed brethren or their families . Excellent arrangements have been madeforthemeeting . There will be a military band in attendance , thebrethren of the different branches of the Order will appear in all the piory of full
regalia , and visitors will have much to entertain them , not the least attractive being the programme of vocal and instrumental music which is announced . Last , but not least , the hall will be nicely decorated , and the
needs of the guests , as regards refreshment , will be carefully attended toby . 1 known firm of caterers , Messrs . CHARLES THOMPSON and Co ., of Belfast . Considering the success that has attended similar gatherings in previous years , we trust the meeting of Friday next will be as brilliant .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of East Lancnshire.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of East Lancashire was held on Wednesday , the 31 st ult ., in the parade room at the Salford Town Hall . Bro . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Grand Superintendent , presided , and there were also present about 150 members of the Order , including representatives of Grand Chapter , and of the Provincial Chapters of West Yorkshire , Derbyshire , and Cheshire . The roll of chapters was called , and it appeared that all were represented save
one . After a report , showing that the Order was making satisfactory progress in theprovince , had been presented by Comp . C . R . N . Beswick-Royds , H ., the financial statement was read , which stated that there was a substantial balance in the hands of the Treasurer . The accounts were adopted , and a vote of thanks was passed to the Auditors . Upon the motion of Comp . B . Taylor , seconded by Comp . C . W . Godby , Comp . Ellis Jones ( Salford ) was elected P . G . Treasurer .
Comp . Colonel Starkie invested the office-bearers for the ensuing year as follows : — Comp . J . H . Sillitoe , 45 ... ... ... Prov . G . H . „ W . O . Walker , 42 ... ... ... Prov . G . J . „ J . Chadwick , 152 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ J . J . Meakin , 935 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . N .
„ G . W . Wilson ... ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ T . Jackson , 274 ... ... ... Prov . G . 1 st A . S . „ J . T . Richardson , 581 ... ... ... Prov . G . 2 nd A . S . „ Ellis Jones , 325 ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas . „ James E . Wright , 286 ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg .
„ N . Nicholson , 221 ... ... ... Prov . G . Swd . B . „ James Townsend , 116 ... ... ... Prov . G . Std . B . „ VV . VV . Dawson , 204 ... ... ... Prov . G . D . C . „ O . Startup , 344 ... ... ... Prov . G . A . D . C . „ W . Dumville , 935 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ T . Higson , 34 8 ... ... ... Prov . G . Janitor .
Auditors for the ensuing year were appointed , and a new code of byelaws were read and adopted . Upon the motion of Comp . W . BROCKBANK , seconded by Comp . SILLITOE , the sum of £ ia was voted from the funds of the Provincial
Grand Chapter to the East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution . The Provincial Grand Chapter was then closed . In the evening the members of the Order dined together in the Salford Town Hall , Colonel . Starkie presiding .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Kent.
CONSECRATION OF GORDON LODGE , No . 3 6 4 . An emergency meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Kent was held at the New Falcon Hotel , Gravesend , on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., to consider certain alterations in the bye-laws of the province , rendered necessary to bring them into harmony with the recentl y revised Book of Constitutions . The R . W . the Prov . G , M . M ., Bro . the Rev . T . Robinson ,
M . A ., presided , supported by the D . P . G . M . M ., V . W . Bro . Rev . Hayman Cummings , G . Chap . England ; Bros . E . Bowyer , Prov . G . O . Middx . and Surrey ; F . Binckes , G . Sec . ; J . G . Podevin , Prov . G . Sec , P . D . P . G . M . ; C . F . Matier , P . G . W . ; and others ; and the following Prov . Grand Officers , present and past : Bros . H . Ward , G . S . W . ; Rev . B . Harrison , G . Chap . ; C .
Coupland , P . G . W . ; H . Penfold , P . G . W . ; Abel Penfold , P . G . M . O . ; F . Wood , G . M . O . ; J . S . Eastes , G . S . O . ; VV . Kipps , G . R . of Marks ; J . G . Ker , P . P . G . D . ; S . H . White , G . I . G . ; Dr . Watson , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; T . S . Warne , P . G . W . ; G . Kennedy , G . A . Sec . ; J . C . Phillips , P . G . D .
Gibraltar ; Cousins , P . G . Org . ; F . G . Nichols , P . G . Org . ; W . Hills , P . M . 6 ; A . H . Bateman , W . M . 309 ; S . Vauer , W . Weiss , Weddell , Jones , Barlow , Brown , Mitchell , Carpenter , and Cobham , all of 322 ; and many other brethren from the different lodges in the province .
Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and the report of the Committee of General Purposes was read ,. embodying the suggested alterations in the bye-laws , which having been adopted , Provincial Grand Lodge was closed .
After a brief interval , the PROV . G . M . M . announced that a warrant had been issued for a new lodge to be known as the Gordon Lodge , No . 364 , and , after some appropriate and congratulatory remarks , stated that prior to the consecration , ballot and advancement cou'd take place under the warrant .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
OUR esteemed contemporary Bro . J W . BROWN , Editor of the Voice of Masonry , does not , and never intends to accept the " American doctrine " relative to the formation and recognition of new Grand Lodges , and we are very pleased to greet him as an able champion of the minority , in the new country , with Bro . HUGHAN , in the " old . " He takes a thorough common
sense view of the matter , being most willing to do all in his power to promote the institution of new Grand Lodges in districts and countries where such combinations of lodges are desirable ; but he is a consistent and constant advocate of the rights of the minorities , as well as of the privileges and duties of the majorities ; hence he declines to recognise any new Grand
Lodge as absolutely Sovereign until such a body has secured the adherence of all the lodges within its jurisdiction . Until then he advocates patience , perseverance , and true Masonic feeling , so that the minority may be won over by fairness and friendly argument . For these reasons he would
recognise the Grand Lodge of South Australia , without any reservation , as a Sovereign Body , with exclusive jurisdiction within its precincts ; but would decline so to acknowledge the Grand Lodge of Quebec , because , in the one case , all the lodges have united to form the Grand Lodge , whereas , in the other instance , three still decline so to do .
# £ * PENDING the adhesion of all the lodges concerned , the Grand Lodge of the majority would continue to exercise concurrent jurisdiction ; but absolute sovereignty being impossible , whilst any lodges prefer isolation , and
recognition in full being denied such a Grand Lodge ad interim , matters would go on much as they now do in a Colony in which several Grand Lodges exercise jurisdiction—as say in New Zealand—the difficulties of co-operation under such circumstances being mainly imaginary .
* * * WE are sorry to note that the Australian Freemason for January ioth , 1 SS 6 , misrepresents Bro . BROWN , doubtless unintentionally , but the evil of such a course is none the less , by declaring that " one of the fiercest opponents of the claims of the Grand Lodge of Quebec to supreme jurisdiction
in its territory has given way . We allude to Bro . BROWN , the learned editor of the Voice of Masonry a journal excellently conducted and altogether well put forth . " Bro . BROWN replies in the April number of his magazine , "We have not said anything that justifies such an idea . We still insist that without unanimityof lodges there is no Grand Lodge . . . . .
We are firmer than ever for unanimity . In speaking of the " Canada Templar Imbroglio , " Bro . BROWN observes" Unity in Masonry and Knighthood is what commands the blessing , and it should prevail , not . by compulsion , but by fraternal choice and love . " For such advocacy the editor of the " Voice " has been dubbed " the leading worker after the smiles of the
Grand Lodge of England , " which is a very ungracious and unwarrantable reflection and charge , for what possibly can Bro . BROWN gain Irom this country , by seeking to swim against the strong American tide of exclusive Grand Lodge majority jurisdiction ? Bro . BROWN replies most appropriately , and with becoming dignity , " We are a worker for Masonic truth
and right , " and we believe him . He says again " We are a worker for the inalienable and indefeasible right of lodges to choose for themselves whether they will , or will not , join a proposed now body , and for the doctrine that unanimity of lodges is essential to the formation of a Sovereign Grand Lodge . By that we intend to stand , no matter who opposes us . " Bravo ! Bro . BROWN .
* * * WE are very pleased to find that Bro . J LANE has taken our advice , and reduced the subscription from two guineas to one guinea per copy for his " Masonic Records , " by enlarging the edition . We feel assured that this boon will be warmly appreciated by several students of the literature
of the Craft , and be the means of extending a knowledge of the valuable work over a much wider area than originally contemplated by the author . We beg to draw attention to the advertisement in another part of the Freemason , and we trust that our readers will not be slow to avail themselves of this special offer , prior to publication , the " Masonic Records " being novi
in the press ; and the printed list of subscribers to accompany the volume , will necessarily only contain the names of such brethren as forward their applications for copies prior to the advent of the work , which will be alike worthy of its dedication ( by permission ) to our Royal Grand Master , and of the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons .
* # * A HANDSOME , and at the same time appropriate little gift has been made to Grand Lodge . Bro . LENNOX BROWNE , Secretary of the Empire Lodge ,
No . 2108 , having presented it with a saltcellar , and so completed the set of consecrating vessels which are used at the solemn consecration of a new lodge . We are sure the Craft generally , as well as Grand Lodge , will appreciate such an act of attention as this .
* * * THERE is plenty of quiet , but effective , work done by our brethren in Ireland . We , unfortunately , hear but little of it in this part of the United Kingdom , for somehow Irish lodges , though newsof their official and festive gatherings often finds its way into the columns of the local press , seem to fight shy of
anything like publicity by means of a Masonic journal . They will no doubt forgive us , however , for suggesting that a paper like the Freemason is often in a position to render most important services , especially in connection with meetings held to promote some Masonic Charitable purpose .
The more the announcement that a such gathering is to take place in a certain locality , on a certain day is noised abroad , the greater the chance of its proving a success . The more people hear of it , the more are likely to attend ; and the more attend , the greater the chance of the proceeds to be devoted to charitable purposes being consider-
able . Thus it cannot be otherwise than profitable that our readers should know that our brethren of the province of Antrim intend holding a Masonic Conversazione in the Exhibition and Conservatory Buildings of the Botanic Gardens , Belfast , on Friday next , the 16 th inst . The object is to assist the funds of the two Belfast Masonic Charities , viz ., the one available for the
relief of widows and orphans of Masons , " and known as the Widows' Fundi and the other , or Charity Fund , which is appropriated to the relief of poor and distressed brethren or their families . Excellent arrangements have been madeforthemeeting . There will be a military band in attendance , thebrethren of the different branches of the Order will appear in all the piory of full
regalia , and visitors will have much to entertain them , not the least attractive being the programme of vocal and instrumental music which is announced . Last , but not least , the hall will be nicely decorated , and the
needs of the guests , as regards refreshment , will be carefully attended toby . 1 known firm of caterers , Messrs . CHARLES THOMPSON and Co ., of Belfast . Considering the success that has attended similar gatherings in previous years , we trust the meeting of Friday next will be as brilliant .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of East Lancnshire.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of East Lancashire was held on Wednesday , the 31 st ult ., in the parade room at the Salford Town Hall . Bro . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Grand Superintendent , presided , and there were also present about 150 members of the Order , including representatives of Grand Chapter , and of the Provincial Chapters of West Yorkshire , Derbyshire , and Cheshire . The roll of chapters was called , and it appeared that all were represented save
one . After a report , showing that the Order was making satisfactory progress in theprovince , had been presented by Comp . C . R . N . Beswick-Royds , H ., the financial statement was read , which stated that there was a substantial balance in the hands of the Treasurer . The accounts were adopted , and a vote of thanks was passed to the Auditors . Upon the motion of Comp . B . Taylor , seconded by Comp . C . W . Godby , Comp . Ellis Jones ( Salford ) was elected P . G . Treasurer .
Comp . Colonel Starkie invested the office-bearers for the ensuing year as follows : — Comp . J . H . Sillitoe , 45 ... ... ... Prov . G . H . „ W . O . Walker , 42 ... ... ... Prov . G . J . „ J . Chadwick , 152 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ J . J . Meakin , 935 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . N .
„ G . W . Wilson ... ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ T . Jackson , 274 ... ... ... Prov . G . 1 st A . S . „ J . T . Richardson , 581 ... ... ... Prov . G . 2 nd A . S . „ Ellis Jones , 325 ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas . „ James E . Wright , 286 ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg .
„ N . Nicholson , 221 ... ... ... Prov . G . Swd . B . „ James Townsend , 116 ... ... ... Prov . G . Std . B . „ VV . VV . Dawson , 204 ... ... ... Prov . G . D . C . „ O . Startup , 344 ... ... ... Prov . G . A . D . C . „ W . Dumville , 935 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ T . Higson , 34 8 ... ... ... Prov . G . Janitor .
Auditors for the ensuing year were appointed , and a new code of byelaws were read and adopted . Upon the motion of Comp . W . BROCKBANK , seconded by Comp . SILLITOE , the sum of £ ia was voted from the funds of the Provincial
Grand Chapter to the East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution . The Provincial Grand Chapter was then closed . In the evening the members of the Order dined together in the Salford Town Hall , Colonel . Starkie presiding .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Kent.
CONSECRATION OF GORDON LODGE , No . 3 6 4 . An emergency meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Kent was held at the New Falcon Hotel , Gravesend , on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., to consider certain alterations in the bye-laws of the province , rendered necessary to bring them into harmony with the recentl y revised Book of Constitutions . The R . W . the Prov . G , M . M ., Bro . the Rev . T . Robinson ,
M . A ., presided , supported by the D . P . G . M . M ., V . W . Bro . Rev . Hayman Cummings , G . Chap . England ; Bros . E . Bowyer , Prov . G . O . Middx . and Surrey ; F . Binckes , G . Sec . ; J . G . Podevin , Prov . G . Sec , P . D . P . G . M . ; C . F . Matier , P . G . W . ; and others ; and the following Prov . Grand Officers , present and past : Bros . H . Ward , G . S . W . ; Rev . B . Harrison , G . Chap . ; C .
Coupland , P . G . W . ; H . Penfold , P . G . W . ; Abel Penfold , P . G . M . O . ; F . Wood , G . M . O . ; J . S . Eastes , G . S . O . ; VV . Kipps , G . R . of Marks ; J . G . Ker , P . P . G . D . ; S . H . White , G . I . G . ; Dr . Watson , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; T . S . Warne , P . G . W . ; G . Kennedy , G . A . Sec . ; J . C . Phillips , P . G . D .
Gibraltar ; Cousins , P . G . Org . ; F . G . Nichols , P . G . Org . ; W . Hills , P . M . 6 ; A . H . Bateman , W . M . 309 ; S . Vauer , W . Weiss , Weddell , Jones , Barlow , Brown , Mitchell , Carpenter , and Cobham , all of 322 ; and many other brethren from the different lodges in the province .
Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and the report of the Committee of General Purposes was read ,. embodying the suggested alterations in the bye-laws , which having been adopted , Provincial Grand Lodge was closed .
After a brief interval , the PROV . G . M . M . announced that a warrant had been issued for a new lodge to be known as the Gordon Lodge , No . 364 , and , after some appropriate and congratulatory remarks , stated that prior to the consecration , ballot and advancement cou'd take place under the warrant .