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ROYAL MASONICINSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . THE EIGHTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Ol- ' THIS INSTITUTION WILL 15 li HELD AT TIIK FREEMASONS' TJJ'ERX , LOKDOX , On Wednesday , the 14 th A ! ay , i »/ 3 , The Right Honourable the LORD SI ELMERSDALE , P . G-. W ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master for thc V . lera Division of Lancashire , 1 ' - ; THE CHAIR . President of the Board of Sleirard : - COL . BURDETT , R . W . Provincial -J rand JMaster for Middlesex . Ilmi . Treasurer : — W . BRO . J B . AIONCKTON , P . G . Deacon . Dinner on table at six o ' clock . Brethren to appear in full Masonic Craft costume . Tickets , One Guinea each , may be had of the ' . Stewards } or of the Secretary , as under . '? R . WHXTW'ORTH LITTLE , ~ Secretary to the Institution , , Hon . Sec . to Board of Stewards .
THE BIRKBECK Is the onlv Guiklin ^ Socictv whose Annual Receipts exceeds ON K ' AJ I L L I ON ! * Hoiu to Purchate a Hvuse for f-wo Guineas per Month , Willi immediate po > scssion and iw Kent to tuiv . Applv at the Oflkeuf the HlRKUliCK ilUM . DlNt ; SOC 1 KTY , 29 6 c 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Ho-ru to purchase a Pfot uf Land for Fit' * Shillings per Month , With immediate pos . ses . sion , either foi * Bui ) dini ; or ( lanL-nuv . ; purposes , apply at the Chfice of the K / KKKKC 'K 'Siil ' . Ei H . l ) . LAND isOCIIiTY , 21 ) & 30 . Southampton-buildings , C'hat ^\ . rv-Ia » e . H QIU to Ini-fit Money "with safety at £ 4 per cent / nhl . st , Apply to the Ollice nf the IJIKKBHCK HANK . All sums under £$ 0 repayable upon demand , Curreni . crounls opened similar to Ordinary Hankers , Cheque U < . mki •, ^ Ued ,. Ollice liours ftrun JO lilJ 4 il ; ii \ y , on Mondays from ) o tilJ y , and oa Saturdays from 10 till 3 . A Miiall pamphlet , coiitaiiunj ; lull particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent i ' ost-free on application to 1 . VC ) S KAVE . \> CROH ' , Manager ,
Royal Polytechnic . Air . 6 ' coie . e Iluefcianti ' s . \' e \ v I- ' airv Fnlertainmem , The F . NCHANTliD f ' . l . U ^ ; ur , The COALS , The f'AKK and the - CONSKQULNCIiS . Wriiu-u by Ur . Croft . Vocal MuMratiniis hy Mr . George Uurkl . lml , asfistcd ' liv Miss losqihine I ' ulham , . ^ liss : 1 inncyanU . MUsLilic ; I ) artieit . —Sl'lilNG DUDS ; a Lecture lor the tunt ot year , bv Mr . J . I .. Kim ; . —HOW to get 10 VIIiNNA : a - Descri | , liye Lecture , !> y Mr . 11 . Maiden—XKW l- 'HAT . S ol ~ l . l-. CliR . Bl- MAIN , by the African Conjuror , Alexander Osman . I ' vou-ssnv Catdner ' s Lecture on 1-uel ; \\ 1 IAIS 11 ALL IVIi IIUR . N ?— . Many other enteitainmenti . Admission , is . Open tuice Uai'v , 12 10 c . arid 7 . to ro . .. .
'CANDLES , OILS , AND SOAPS . KOliKRT S . MKNDEY , x ( LATk Mill I ' . lltjlMtL A . VII Co . ) •Wax and Tallow Chandler , Oil and Soap Merchant , c . ro 6 , I ' r ; NtMirrrir . siRKj- ; T , E . G . " S ' i'C > n > ' - •' "' dies—Masonic , Church anil Perfumed—in pure Wax , i-arrf ™ " ^ " ! - a"d S , c'ari , ) C » D'PS and Moulds of rchncd . iuj to ' ,,, " t 1 Iow- Sp « m and superior burninB Colza Oil . Dis" •'in lor cash . Own cans deliver lice in London and suburbs . Wliolciale , Retail arid Lxport .
Third Edition , crown 8 vo , 53 , cloth . fHE SCRIPTURAL DOCTRINE OF * ,-,,. , , D 1 ;\ '" •A (' rili , ' : ' ; l-: x . imi . i .- . liun of ilre Intermediate : 5- J 1 " ¦ ' 0 , S "' ' \ " '"'"¦' 1 Hci "K "' '"" " 1 lire De | , arte < l , their " l 1 " !? nl MumlariL- AIIairs , J ' i- „| , aiimi , I' . nv . aKn-v , ll , e Deseent « ' r . lin . M hilt , Hell , I ' reaehin- t „ illu S | . iiilM „ I ' rlvlrr . the Mill .-n-¦ anrn , Hie liani ^ liiilelilof lire Heiil > iilln lire llollomles ^ fit , the j ^ Mun-UKMi of il , e Dead , Ihe Ceiielal ' n . Uln-nl , Ihe ( a ^ liii .. ol M * ' 1 ¦' , c 11 imo ll " - ' 1 -akt' ' » ' l '" ' ""' > he- l- ' inal Ueslirn ol ' all '' •'in . mil . _ wm , ; , „ j . ^ , ,,,. ; ,,,,,, „ , ^ , „ u . ,,, : ) ll . „„ ,,, ; i ilUl . , ii ' ir | " ' <' " . , '" llu ; , ; iij | c ' '' ' -w ' 1 ' rarir . Jatiutr ul I I ' d ., iii . jy . ao . l tl > . \>! lt ^? 1 l ' rouf » ''' at tile [ . recent World was NOT the Sceue . uf 1 " ¦ A IOM-. MI-IXT . I > Ur-,,. the Kev ; ( ItoiK . i , U . den . t , D . iL , D . C . 'l .., „ I ' rincitjal of h ' reshlield College , l . iverjiool . t A inaHcrmeec of tlrorreht and research ;"—Uvapml LM . hv . 1 no true theory . "—;> *« , 1 / 1 J it . Jamu ' i Chronicle . , Minion j LONWIAJW , Outs ; . - , k C ' i /„ wiU ^ U Ug « kwU « g , ft
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Ks < j ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of " I'OSlTIVli ASSURAXCK . The policies being- payable to bearer , rentier assignments , stamps , legacy duties , A . C , unnecessary , arrd they have at all times an immediate purchase-able value . . See detailed prospectus . FJ . KDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
TJRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE •U COMPANY . 4 , Quten-sttect-placc , London , E . C . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL KEPOKT . New business , 2 , iyo policies lor £ 380 , 050 . New annual income , . 111 , 615 177 death claims paid for £ II ) , IJO ^ . 16 claims for matured policies , £ 1 , 502 . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 701 . Laid l , \ la year , £ 41 , 0-13 . In force , 18 , 08 4 policies for £ 3 , 10 9 , 215 . ¦ Annual premium income , . £ . ' 06 , 451 . Paid for death claims in 18 years , under 1 , 366 policies , £ 218 , 965 . V- •'iniulatcd fund increased to £ 314 , 116 . lioi ., i-. . l-. 'clarcd on whole Life Policies £ 3 . per cent . \ V . S . GOVEH , Managing Director .
Norwich and . London . ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . KsTABI . ISIlF . D l 8 , 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against A r o 1 D E NI A L D E A TH , Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OJVICES—ST . GJLKS ' . S STKliET , NOKVVJCH . LONDON : 49 , MOOKGATE-ST . Secretary : CIIAIU . KS K . GII . MAN , list ) . London Manager : Mr . GKOIKJE POWELL .
LOSS OF LI F E OR LIMB , WITH Till ' . CONSEQUENT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , ACCIDENTSHDF 'ALL KINDS 1 'ItoviuKD ion uv A POLICY or THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSIMANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at tile rate of £ G per Week for Injury . £ 725 , 000 have been paid as Compensation , ONE out oi e \ cry Twehe - \ nnual Policy Holders becoming a Claimant EACH YEAK . For particulars apply to the Clerks at thc Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , COItNHILL , and 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . _ V 1 AN ' , Secretary
IVT ONE Y . —LOANS granted immediately Imm ^ " 100 to £ 2 , 000 at z , per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or five Years , on JVrsonal Security and Life Policy effected with tlie WFST OV ENGLAND I . N'SU . RANCE CO ., ( Kstablihliul 1807 . ) A [ jjjl y to the Siujretimeiukul of Agents , J . CRCCKlili , XcviDe Street , Newcastle . Ajjents VVnnted .
GRATEFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which goicrn the operations c f digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa , Mr . E | ps lias provided our breakfast tables with a delicately fiiwiuicd leveiage which may save us many heavy doctois' bills "—Civil Sen ice Gazette . " VVe will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . . James E ' pps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the EusCon-ioad , London . " — Casscll ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EITSci Co ., Ilomcepathic Chemists , London .
rpHE PHILOSOPHY OF DRESS . Shakespeare , who knew all qualities with a learned spirit « f human dealing , rarely omits an opportunity of indicating how thoroughly he understood the Philosophy of Clothing . " The apparel , " he says , " oft proclaims the man . " Though the famous Lord Chesterfield , the author of tire well-known " Letters to his Son , " was not a great genius or a profound philosopher , lie was a singularly slrrewd man of thc world , and was well fitted to pronounce a judgment or to offer advice on this subject . " I confess , " he says , " that I cannot help forming some opinion of a man ' s sense and character from his dress , and I believe most people do so as well as myself . " He g ives excellent instructions to his son , "Take care always , " he says , " that your clothes are well made and fit you , for otherwise they will give you an awkward air . " Thc foregoing remarks on the Philosophy of Diess are admirable , but they require to be supplemented with the advice ! c go to E . MOSES and SON , thc celebrated MERCHANT TAILORS and OUTFITTERS , of the MINORIES arrd ALDGATE , NEW OXFORD-STREKT , and TOTTENHAM-COURT-ROAD , who su ,- ; ' y every description of ClothiHg , ready-made or made to measure , for Adults and Juveniles of all classes , and who offer to their customers the rare combination of excellence in materials and workmanship , the newest , designs , and unparalleled cheapness .
HERALDIC , WRITINGS MONOGRAM ENGRAVING txECU-rED rjpo . v Silver , Gultt , Metals , Gemt , and Stones ( for Sealing ) , U thc very highest sUle of art anil -woirkmatraMp ; also -upon STEEL DIES , for Stamping Note Paper and Envelopes j OFFICIAL SEALS designed , made and fitted into Presses , for Public Companies and Societies ; PERFORATED ( or pierced ) arrd CARVED CRESTS , LETTERS , or MASONIC EMBLEMS made for Book Covers , Ci ^ ar Cases , Albums , & c ; and every branch connected with Engraving , all executed us irtE PREMISES , at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S 9 RATHBONE PLACE , OXFORD-ST ., LONDON , W
COACHMEN'S WIGS ; WHOLESALE and Rr-tail , with all the modern Improvements , supplied by Joshua Taylor , Coachmen's Wig Maker to the Queen , H . K . H . the Prince of Wales and the Royal Family , 2 , Swallow-street , Piccadilly , London .
ELECTION , MAY , IS-JJ . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR AGUD FREEMASON'S . The Vutcn » nd Interest of tire Governors and Subicribsrs » re earnestly » clicitcd on uclralt ol UKO . WILLIAM JOHNSON , P . G . Tyler , N . and L . Ridings Yorkshire . He was initiated in the llunrbf Lodge , Hull , in February , it } t , and has continued a Subscribing Member ever fcince . Hcisaov * above Seventy-one rears of age , « nd is unable to follow any o-cu . nation for a living , having only a small annual income from thc Number Lodtrc r ' urrd . He was ' formerly Steward and Captainof a . Hirer Steamer , and has respectably brought up a large family . Thc case is strongly recommended by the following brethren : — | . V . Dell M . D ., O . P . G . M . N . k E . Yorks ., S . G . D . of Engl «»< ' Hull . Geome Marwood , P . D . P . G . M . N . 8 c E . Yorks , Busby Hall . * C . Wells , I . P . G . W ., N . it E . Yorks ., P . M . JJO , Hull . 1 . Hudson , W . M . 57 , Hull . \ l . Clover , P . M . £ 7 , Hull . Ld . Mason , l' . M . iaj , Richmond . Rev . II . V . Palmer , . U . A ., W . M . aj 6 , York . * 1 . Thompson , W . M . 250 , Hull , \ V . G . Long , W . M . b 43 . Tiler-. G . Rrrssell , W . M . 660 , Mallon . G . I-: . Harding , W . M . 734 , liridlingron Quay . *] . 1 ' - ' jiii-n , M . D ., W . M . lore , Hull . C . S , kcs , . M . P ., P . M . 1040 , Unvueld . John Turner , l ' . M . 10 4 , JJnOield . John Sutclirle , P . M . i 2 g ^ , Grimsby . H . Ucinicii , M . D ., W . Itf . J 344 , Redcar . *! . T . Robinson , Laurel Bank , Steelcs . road , Haventock-lUU , London , 'luc brethren marked thus (*} will be happy to receive Voting Papers : which with any communication or astistancc will b « thankfully received , or votes for exchange , by BKO . JOHN WALKER , P . M . 5 J ; 5 6 , Limn STRUT . I-Ivit . 1 U \ G . Supt . Wks . N . Jc E . Yorkt
W . FIGES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C , MA . NU 1 A . CTURER Ol > THE NEW MGIS UMBRELLA , Combining increased shelter with increased strength , an elegant shape , and a convenient walking length . RIDING AND DRIVING WHIPS , & c
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONICINSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . THE EIGHTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Ol- ' THIS INSTITUTION WILL 15 li HELD AT TIIK FREEMASONS' TJJ'ERX , LOKDOX , On Wednesday , the 14 th A ! ay , i »/ 3 , The Right Honourable the LORD SI ELMERSDALE , P . G-. W ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master for thc V . lera Division of Lancashire , 1 ' - ; THE CHAIR . President of the Board of Sleirard : - COL . BURDETT , R . W . Provincial -J rand JMaster for Middlesex . Ilmi . Treasurer : — W . BRO . J B . AIONCKTON , P . G . Deacon . Dinner on table at six o ' clock . Brethren to appear in full Masonic Craft costume . Tickets , One Guinea each , may be had of the ' . Stewards } or of the Secretary , as under . '? R . WHXTW'ORTH LITTLE , ~ Secretary to the Institution , , Hon . Sec . to Board of Stewards .
THE BIRKBECK Is the onlv Guiklin ^ Socictv whose Annual Receipts exceeds ON K ' AJ I L L I ON ! * Hoiu to Purchate a Hvuse for f-wo Guineas per Month , Willi immediate po > scssion and iw Kent to tuiv . Applv at the Oflkeuf the HlRKUliCK ilUM . DlNt ; SOC 1 KTY , 29 6 c 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Ho-ru to purchase a Pfot uf Land for Fit' * Shillings per Month , With immediate pos . ses . sion , either foi * Bui ) dini ; or ( lanL-nuv . ; purposes , apply at the Chfice of the K / KKKKC 'K 'Siil ' . Ei H . l ) . LAND isOCIIiTY , 21 ) & 30 . Southampton-buildings , C'hat ^\ . rv-Ia » e . H QIU to Ini-fit Money "with safety at £ 4 per cent / nhl . st , Apply to the Ollice nf the IJIKKBHCK HANK . All sums under £$ 0 repayable upon demand , Curreni . crounls opened similar to Ordinary Hankers , Cheque U < . mki •, ^ Ued ,. Ollice liours ftrun JO lilJ 4 il ; ii \ y , on Mondays from ) o tilJ y , and oa Saturdays from 10 till 3 . A Miiall pamphlet , coiitaiiunj ; lull particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent i ' ost-free on application to 1 . VC ) S KAVE . \> CROH ' , Manager ,
Royal Polytechnic . Air . 6 ' coie . e Iluefcianti ' s . \' e \ v I- ' airv Fnlertainmem , The F . NCHANTliD f ' . l . U ^ ; ur , The COALS , The f'AKK and the - CONSKQULNCIiS . Wriiu-u by Ur . Croft . Vocal MuMratiniis hy Mr . George Uurkl . lml , asfistcd ' liv Miss losqihine I ' ulham , . ^ liss : 1 inncyanU . MUsLilic ; I ) artieit . —Sl'lilNG DUDS ; a Lecture lor the tunt ot year , bv Mr . J . I .. Kim ; . —HOW to get 10 VIIiNNA : a - Descri | , liye Lecture , !> y Mr . 11 . Maiden—XKW l- 'HAT . S ol ~ l . l-. CliR . Bl- MAIN , by the African Conjuror , Alexander Osman . I ' vou-ssnv Catdner ' s Lecture on 1-uel ; \\ 1 IAIS 11 ALL IVIi IIUR . N ?— . Many other enteitainmenti . Admission , is . Open tuice Uai'v , 12 10 c . arid 7 . to ro . .. .
'CANDLES , OILS , AND SOAPS . KOliKRT S . MKNDEY , x ( LATk Mill I ' . lltjlMtL A . VII Co . ) •Wax and Tallow Chandler , Oil and Soap Merchant , c . ro 6 , I ' r ; NtMirrrir . siRKj- ; T , E . G . " S ' i'C > n > ' - •' "' dies—Masonic , Church anil Perfumed—in pure Wax , i-arrf ™ " ^ " ! - a"d S , c'ari , ) C » D'PS and Moulds of rchncd . iuj to ' ,,, " t 1 Iow- Sp « m and superior burninB Colza Oil . Dis" •'in lor cash . Own cans deliver lice in London and suburbs . Wliolciale , Retail arid Lxport .
Third Edition , crown 8 vo , 53 , cloth . fHE SCRIPTURAL DOCTRINE OF * ,-,,. , , D 1 ;\ '" •A (' rili , ' : ' ; l-: x . imi . i .- . liun of ilre Intermediate : 5- J 1 " ¦ ' 0 , S "' ' \ " '"'"¦' 1 Hci "K "' '"" " 1 lire De | , arte < l , their " l 1 " !? nl MumlariL- AIIairs , J ' i- „| , aiimi , I' . nv . aKn-v , ll , e Deseent « ' r . lin . M hilt , Hell , I ' reaehin- t „ illu S | . iiilM „ I ' rlvlrr . the Mill .-n-¦ anrn , Hie liani ^ liiilelilof lire Heiil > iilln lire llollomles ^ fit , the j ^ Mun-UKMi of il , e Dead , Ihe Ceiielal ' n . Uln-nl , Ihe ( a ^ liii .. ol M * ' 1 ¦' , c 11 imo ll " - ' 1 -akt' ' » ' l '" ' ""' > he- l- ' inal Ueslirn ol ' all '' •'in . mil . _ wm , ; , „ j . ^ , ,,,. ; ,,,,,, „ , ^ , „ u . ,,, : ) ll . „„ ,,, ; i ilUl . , ii ' ir | " ' <' " . , '" llu ; , ; iij | c ' '' ' -w ' 1 ' rarir . Jatiutr ul I I ' d ., iii . jy . ao . l tl > . \>! lt ^? 1 l ' rouf » ''' at tile [ . recent World was NOT the Sceue . uf 1 " ¦ A IOM-. MI-IXT . I > Ur-,,. the Kev ; ( ItoiK . i , U . den . t , D . iL , D . C . 'l .., „ I ' rincitjal of h ' reshlield College , l . iverjiool . t A inaHcrmeec of tlrorreht and research ;"—Uvapml LM . hv . 1 no true theory . "—;> *« , 1 / 1 J it . Jamu ' i Chronicle . , Minion j LONWIAJW , Outs ; . - , k C ' i /„ wiU ^ U Ug « kwU « g , ft
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Ks < j ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of " I'OSlTIVli ASSURAXCK . The policies being- payable to bearer , rentier assignments , stamps , legacy duties , A . C , unnecessary , arrd they have at all times an immediate purchase-able value . . See detailed prospectus . FJ . KDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
TJRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE •U COMPANY . 4 , Quten-sttect-placc , London , E . C . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL KEPOKT . New business , 2 , iyo policies lor £ 380 , 050 . New annual income , . 111 , 615 177 death claims paid for £ II ) , IJO ^ . 16 claims for matured policies , £ 1 , 502 . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 701 . Laid l , \ la year , £ 41 , 0-13 . In force , 18 , 08 4 policies for £ 3 , 10 9 , 215 . ¦ Annual premium income , . £ . ' 06 , 451 . Paid for death claims in 18 years , under 1 , 366 policies , £ 218 , 965 . V- •'iniulatcd fund increased to £ 314 , 116 . lioi ., i-. . l-. 'clarcd on whole Life Policies £ 3 . per cent . \ V . S . GOVEH , Managing Director .
Norwich and . London . ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . KsTABI . ISIlF . D l 8 , 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against A r o 1 D E NI A L D E A TH , Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OJVICES—ST . GJLKS ' . S STKliET , NOKVVJCH . LONDON : 49 , MOOKGATE-ST . Secretary : CIIAIU . KS K . GII . MAN , list ) . London Manager : Mr . GKOIKJE POWELL .
LOSS OF LI F E OR LIMB , WITH Till ' . CONSEQUENT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY , ACCIDENTSHDF 'ALL KINDS 1 'ItoviuKD ion uv A POLICY or THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSIMANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1 , 000 at Death , or an Allowance at tile rate of £ G per Week for Injury . £ 725 , 000 have been paid as Compensation , ONE out oi e \ cry Twehe - \ nnual Policy Holders becoming a Claimant EACH YEAK . For particulars apply to the Clerks at thc Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , COItNHILL , and 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . _ V 1 AN ' , Secretary
IVT ONE Y . —LOANS granted immediately Imm ^ " 100 to £ 2 , 000 at z , per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or five Years , on JVrsonal Security and Life Policy effected with tlie WFST OV ENGLAND I . N'SU . RANCE CO ., ( Kstablihliul 1807 . ) A [ jjjl y to the Siujretimeiukul of Agents , J . CRCCKlili , XcviDe Street , Newcastle . Ajjents VVnnted .
GRATEFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which goicrn the operations c f digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa , Mr . E | ps lias provided our breakfast tables with a delicately fiiwiuicd leveiage which may save us many heavy doctois' bills "—Civil Sen ice Gazette . " VVe will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . . James E ' pps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the EusCon-ioad , London . " — Casscll ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EITSci Co ., Ilomcepathic Chemists , London .
rpHE PHILOSOPHY OF DRESS . Shakespeare , who knew all qualities with a learned spirit « f human dealing , rarely omits an opportunity of indicating how thoroughly he understood the Philosophy of Clothing . " The apparel , " he says , " oft proclaims the man . " Though the famous Lord Chesterfield , the author of tire well-known " Letters to his Son , " was not a great genius or a profound philosopher , lie was a singularly slrrewd man of thc world , and was well fitted to pronounce a judgment or to offer advice on this subject . " I confess , " he says , " that I cannot help forming some opinion of a man ' s sense and character from his dress , and I believe most people do so as well as myself . " He g ives excellent instructions to his son , "Take care always , " he says , " that your clothes are well made and fit you , for otherwise they will give you an awkward air . " Thc foregoing remarks on the Philosophy of Diess are admirable , but they require to be supplemented with the advice ! c go to E . MOSES and SON , thc celebrated MERCHANT TAILORS and OUTFITTERS , of the MINORIES arrd ALDGATE , NEW OXFORD-STREKT , and TOTTENHAM-COURT-ROAD , who su ,- ; ' y every description of ClothiHg , ready-made or made to measure , for Adults and Juveniles of all classes , and who offer to their customers the rare combination of excellence in materials and workmanship , the newest , designs , and unparalleled cheapness .
HERALDIC , WRITINGS MONOGRAM ENGRAVING txECU-rED rjpo . v Silver , Gultt , Metals , Gemt , and Stones ( for Sealing ) , U thc very highest sUle of art anil -woirkmatraMp ; also -upon STEEL DIES , for Stamping Note Paper and Envelopes j OFFICIAL SEALS designed , made and fitted into Presses , for Public Companies and Societies ; PERFORATED ( or pierced ) arrd CARVED CRESTS , LETTERS , or MASONIC EMBLEMS made for Book Covers , Ci ^ ar Cases , Albums , & c ; and every branch connected with Engraving , all executed us irtE PREMISES , at Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S 9 RATHBONE PLACE , OXFORD-ST ., LONDON , W
COACHMEN'S WIGS ; WHOLESALE and Rr-tail , with all the modern Improvements , supplied by Joshua Taylor , Coachmen's Wig Maker to the Queen , H . K . H . the Prince of Wales and the Royal Family , 2 , Swallow-street , Piccadilly , London .
ELECTION , MAY , IS-JJ . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR AGUD FREEMASON'S . The Vutcn » nd Interest of tire Governors and Subicribsrs » re earnestly » clicitcd on uclralt ol UKO . WILLIAM JOHNSON , P . G . Tyler , N . and L . Ridings Yorkshire . He was initiated in the llunrbf Lodge , Hull , in February , it } t , and has continued a Subscribing Member ever fcince . Hcisaov * above Seventy-one rears of age , « nd is unable to follow any o-cu . nation for a living , having only a small annual income from thc Number Lodtrc r ' urrd . He was ' formerly Steward and Captainof a . Hirer Steamer , and has respectably brought up a large family . Thc case is strongly recommended by the following brethren : — | . V . Dell M . D ., O . P . G . M . N . k E . Yorks ., S . G . D . of Engl «»< ' Hull . Geome Marwood , P . D . P . G . M . N . 8 c E . Yorks , Busby Hall . * C . Wells , I . P . G . W ., N . it E . Yorks ., P . M . JJO , Hull . 1 . Hudson , W . M . 57 , Hull . \ l . Clover , P . M . £ 7 , Hull . Ld . Mason , l' . M . iaj , Richmond . Rev . II . V . Palmer , . U . A ., W . M . aj 6 , York . * 1 . Thompson , W . M . 250 , Hull , \ V . G . Long , W . M . b 43 . Tiler-. G . Rrrssell , W . M . 660 , Mallon . G . I-: . Harding , W . M . 734 , liridlingron Quay . *] . 1 ' - ' jiii-n , M . D ., W . M . lore , Hull . C . S , kcs , . M . P ., P . M . 1040 , Unvueld . John Turner , l ' . M . 10 4 , JJnOield . John Sutclirle , P . M . i 2 g ^ , Grimsby . H . Ucinicii , M . D ., W . Itf . J 344 , Redcar . *! . T . Robinson , Laurel Bank , Steelcs . road , Haventock-lUU , London , 'luc brethren marked thus (*} will be happy to receive Voting Papers : which with any communication or astistancc will b « thankfully received , or votes for exchange , by BKO . JOHN WALKER , P . M . 5 J ; 5 6 , Limn STRUT . I-Ivit . 1 U \ G . Supt . Wks . N . Jc E . Yorkt
W . FIGES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C , MA . NU 1 A . CTURER Ol > THE NEW MGIS UMBRELLA , Combining increased shelter with increased strength , an elegant shape , and a convenient walking length . RIDING AND DRIVING WHIPS , & c