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Retail Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST . Wholesale and Commission , 21 , BURY-ST ., LONDON , E . C
CLOTHING . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . make ; : * St-class Suits in Diagonals , Tweeds , and Scutch Tweeds > at 40 / 50 / and 60 / per Suit . DRESS SUITS . —As Tailors , Gann , -Jones & Co . supply Black Superfine Frock or Dress Suits at 58 / 63 / 68 / and 75 / per Suit .
OVERCOATS . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . make warm and durable Garments , in Frock and Chesterfield Styles , in Witneys , Beavers , Irish Frieze , & c ; at all prices . TROUSERS . —As Tailors , Gann , Tones & Co . have
always in stock a capital assortment of shrunk Tweeds , Angolas , and Cheviots in three qualities , the fit and wear guaranteed . A quality , 15 / 6 per pair ; B quality , 1 7 / 6 per pair ; C quality , Li 9 / per pair . Also a . variety of goods at other prices .
SHIRTS . —As Shirt Manufacturers , Gann , Jones & Co . keep ready made in all sizes , or make to measure , their perfect-fitting- " Imperial" Long-cloth Shirts in six qualities . No . 1 , Six for 27 /; No . 2 , Sii for 30 / ; No . 3 , Six for 33 / ; No . 4 , Six for 36 / ; No . 5 , Six for 39 / ; No . 6 , Six for 43 / . The fit , wear , and work of every shirt guaanteed .
FLANNEL SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones & Co . supply , at following prices , Flannel Shirts , warranted thoroughly shrunk . Quality A , Three for 24 /; quality B , Three for 27 /; quality C , Three for 30 / ; other makes and qualities at 5 / 6 6 / 6 and 7 / 6 each .
DRESS SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones & Co . have always in stock very choice designs at 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 and 10 / 6 each , and in addition keep a good and select variety of French Embroidered Fronts , Sic , and make Dress or ordinary Shirts to order at one day's notice , when
necessary . UNDERCLOTHING . —As Hosiers , Gann , Jones & Co . supply Lamb ' s Wool Pants and Drawers at 2 / 9 3 / 6 and 4 / 6 per pair . Lambswool Vests , White and Shetland , 2 / 9 3 / 6 and 4 / 6 each . Warm Merino Pants , 3 I 6 4 / 6 and c / 6 per pair .
Warm Merino Vests , 3 / 6 4 / 6 and 5 / 6 each . Stout and Strong Cotton Pants and Drawers , 3 / 6 4 / 6 5 / 6 and 6 / 6 per pair . Warm and Serviceable Lambswool Half Hose , 1 / 1 / 3 and 1 / 6 per pair . Ditto Merino ditto , if 1 / 3 and 1 / 6 per pair . Stout . Cotton ditto , od . 1 / 1 / 3 per pair .
Silk Hosiery , Fleecy Hosiery , Children's Hosiery , Football Suits . Clubs supplied at Wholesale Rates . COLLARS AND WRISTSBANDS—As Collar
Manufacturers , Gann , Jones & Co . can supply really good Lirren Collars at 6 / 6 7 / 6 and S / 6 per doz . Linen Fronts with Collars , J / each ; Linen Wristbands , rjd . and // per pair .
OUTFITS , —As Outfitters , Gann Jones & Co . supply Outfits for all climates from £ 3 . For full particulars of Outfits for all classes , see the " Outfitter , " published by Gann , Jones & Co ., and forwarded on application . POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS . —Prices 6 d . gd . j [ . Silk ditto , 3 / 3 / 6 and 4 / each .
BRACES . —Prices 1 / 1 / 6 and 2 / per pair . SCARFS . —Prices 2 / and 2 / 6 . All Shapes . GLOVES . —Gann , Jones & Co . keep Ladies ' , Gentlemen ' s , and Children ' s Gloves , in Kid , Cloth , Driving , & c all sizes . RUGS . —Prices 6 / 6 to 45 / . Ditto Mauds , 17 / 6 to 50 / , TRUNKS . —Prices 6 / 6 to 80 / ; all Varieties .
MAY ELECTION , JS 73 . DOYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FORAGED FREEMASONS . Tire Vote * and lnrcrcsts ol' the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution arecanrestiv solicited orr bcliali" of ' BRO . JOHN I . I . EW'IIEI . I . IN , T . M ., Pembroke-Dock , AGED 66 vcars . Tllirf worthy Urotlicr was Initiateif , Passed , and Raiseil in tlie St . David ' s Lodge , No . 366 , iu lire year 1841 . He joined lire Loyal Welsh Lodge , No , 378 , irr 1849 , and to which lie has been a subscribing member 10 the present rime . Ilelilled Ihe situnlion of Warden and the ollice ol Master ol' ihe latter Lodge with credit to himselfand advantage to the t ' raft ; being , at nil times when iu prosperous circumstances , ready to contribute liberally , arid to relieve distress wherever lound . He is now dependent on ; i siual ] ; o ; cncy for support , and has neither child rior relative to assist him w ben incapacitated by age and increasing intiilnity . 'Ibis Case is stronglv recommended bv Ihe following Ibethlell : — Sirl'rvse I'rvse , Hart ' ., K . W . l ' . G . M ., \ V . D ., South Wales . Major | . A . l . luvdl'li ' iirrps . D . r . ci . M .. dilto . 'I ' . C . Mcvrick , ' lis . / ., M . l ' ., l' . l ' . D . G . M ., ditto . Geo . I'arrV . Ex | ., W . M . i ; S , I ' . I ' . S . l I . W ., ditto . * Thos . I'lril ' lips , r . M .. -, ; S , jijii , I ' . S . G . W ., nittn . Dr . Geo . Giillilbs , P . M . joo , lM' . S . G . W ., ditto . T . Rule Owen , EM ] ., P . M . 474 , I ' . G . K . ditto . William Notl , Esq ., P . M . titu . P . G . R . Wilts . Allen Lone ,, P . M . y , S , P . P . G . K . W D ., South Wales , Hcurv Williams , l' . M . jb 6 , P . G . T . . lino . Geo . T . Smith , l ' . M . 1072 , P . G . S ., ditto . * M . Nicholson , P . M . - , 7 s , P . P . S . G . D .. ditto . William Hu // ev , P . M .. l 7 S , P . P „ S . G . J > , ditto . ( ieorge Phipps . ' P . M . IJCJO , P . P . I . G . D ., mlto . * W . G . Phillips , P . M . 990 , P . P . G . D . C .. ditto . * A . Everett , l ' . M . 35 ! , l' . l ' , C ; . Su | . t . of Works , ditto . ' | . ScrilcbJev , P . M . gijn , P . G . S . Works . dilto . , Robert W ' ailow , 17 S , P . G . S . P .., ditto . W . L . Harding , P ' M . 474 . P . G . O ., ditto . N . Hoyle , | . W . 37 S , P . G . P ., ditto . Dr . H . D . ' KC-VBOIIIS . S . W . 37 S ' , P . G . > ., ditto . Sidney Webb , P . M . 37 S , P . G . S ., dilto . lames Gaddavn , P . M . rjijo , l \( j . S ., George Brace , P . M . 37 S . And the Ofbccr . s utul Picthivu ni Xos . 306 , 37 K , 474 . ai ^ d 900 . Proxies will be tbanklulb iccchcd ! - \ the iiielbren marked thus * .
^ HE L O N D O N M 1 R R O R Publi ; . hL * tl every S : iiui < lay ; price ^ d . The object ol" this journal is to s-el forth the t'l ; iinis of tin : many Religious , Kilncitional , BeneioJeia , anil Prudential in > titutions of thc United Kingdom , and week by week to report theii ¦ prm-eedin ^ s , vibether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or ICleetious , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Oflicc , 59 , Southampton-row , Ku & sell-suiiare , Loinlon , W . C ,
T ' H ] HD " KD 1 T 10 N . —JUST lU-ADV . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : Oil , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium Jl'tth an Einlhmalical Frontispiece . A lland-liook of tire Principles of Freemasonry , ,-md Pocket Vade Mecunj and Cjuide to the \ aiious Ceremonies " connected with Craft Masonry , so far as tlic same are allowed to be communicable , in accordance with the principles of thc Order . Price One Shilling , i ' uil-jh-e fur Thirteen Stamps . Sold by Bro . GEO . KF . SNISO , IIJS , r'lect-Mrcct , London , E . C ;
OUTFITS FOR INDIA . rpME attention o £ thc Nobilit \ ' . 'm < l Gi-iHrv - * " about to visit Inili . i anil the CoLmics . iKo those aui \ in ^ i in linylantl , is luspfitiullv diifctcil to s . s . n o w , ( t'KOM STOMi ' s , OX 1 '( JUll-ST ) , , Riding Belt , Elastic Stocking nnd Knee-Cap Manufacturer , 20 a , Hyde Park Place , W . ( . NEAR TIIK MARBI . H \ U ( .: il ) . j Kelts made to measure or pattern in a very superior mauiivi
I THE COSMOPOLITAN . I AN INTERNATIONAL NEIVSPAPL'R OF j NEWS POLITICS , COMMERCE . LITERATURE , ! ART , AND SOCIETY . ONE POUND A VKAK . : THE ONLY NKWSPAPKR IN EUROPE OWNED AND EDITED HV AN AMEKICAN . FIRST-CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER . , PUBLISHED IN LONDON , PARIS , AND NEW YORK . Si ; Ai , v : ur AuvEivi'isv . Mvs rs : — Single Advertisements is . per line . Thirteen Insert ions ami upwards fnl . per line . All Advertisements must arrive at thc London Oilice before One o ' clock on the Wednesday jneeedini ; the day ot' Publii ation . For sini ; lj insertions payment must he made in advance , for ; which pusiat ; e stamps niav lie sent at thc rale of thirteen to the i Shilling . * ! All Advertisements pmahle alter First Insertion . I Cheques run ! lWt () l \\ , \ - ( JVIKTS ( Suui . 'i ^ l-lim ^ c ) to he made j payahle to II . I'LI . U . H , . NO . U I , strand , \\' . (" . THE COSMOPOLITAN Is independent of Partv , Sect , and Nation . Oil v . Ii ., , ¦;„ -,, i „ , :,, „ -, „ WOKI . D WIDK , and cliiellv arnuni ; lire highest classes— -: ; ites- [ men , dip omalists , bnr . kevs , vlul , ~ , l iotels , fee . OXEKH'A'UAVEAH . SINOLK COPY FOUKPEN'CK . i A . N li W V O L U iM li . j VOLUME XV . of Tllli COSMOPOLITAN commenced on the 3 rd October , iS ; 2 . SUBSCKll'TlON ONK POUND ¦ A YKAH , Postage ( Penny ) incluileil . . J Jandsojncly Hound Volumes for Sale at 20 s . each . Ojc cTosmopolitoir . : "It is , 1 newspaper in every sense of the word , selecting from its daily conienipoiaries nearly e \ eryihintj that is of interest to the ¦ general reader , and supplying what is really wanted in this country ' —a thoroughly inn- ' . 'niJ . ' iJ reJie . v of public opinion . " —SiiiKd > ird , " The editor is a gentleman well-know n to the readers of i- ' ruur ' i . . \/^ j'i ; / , c , as well as to the Transatlantic world , and wields a '' ready , "lacetol , and llnent pen . "— Mot flirty Vvit . ; •' I ( ji i , ' , ( ijiin ^ ' i ^ rea ! pi . ii-e IJCJC Worn h * [ horoiighn JndeiJcnJeiu ' tone . " —lio-.-i 7 Chior . itIt ' . OMi L'OUND A YEAR .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by ' rp DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 8 7 , * Fairi : ] yikm- > t ., K . C . South London Brnrieh , 4 id , Wandsworth-ro . nrl , S . W cijjht ilcors from the London Chatham and l ) o \ erl ! ail \ va \ Station . Wltole . sale I'ubli .-licr to tlie 1 ' iade .
j CJTY . ! I 30 TTLE . S ; SOX , 14 ami 1 ^ , Koyal Exchange , City . A ^ ciitt- for ; "THE FREEMASON " j AM ) "The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , pi ice 2 s . 0 d .
DUBLIN . Bro . CHARLES HEDCELONG , Ni ; W ;\ . \ D SKCOSn . llAilD BOOKSELLER I 26 , GKAI ¦ ¦ STRKKT , DUBLIN . ; AGENT FOR " THE FREEMASON . " j SWANSEA I Agent for the Freemason . T ) RO . CMAS , MAGGS . 25 , George-st ., Swansea , A 1 ,-irtfc stock u ( Ajrrons , Jewel ? , Clothing ' , and every requisite for all Decrees of l- ' tecmtisoiuy . Agent for Kenniny ' s Masonic is ' ole l ' ajjer , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , \ r . I AUveitisemeiUs re « VeJ for "Tins Freemason . " : |
: F < n Cheap JFatchcs , Clocks , Gold Chains and : Jewellery , go to \ KIBBLES ' , i a 2 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . 1 Gold Watches £ 2 15 s . j Silver Watches £ 1 5 s . Timepieces from 5 s . Od . Every article warranted . Plate , Watches , and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free .
| WELLINGTON HOUSE , [ 12 , COMMUTATION ROW , ( 'Opposite Wellington Mon . umon . tL LIVERPOOL . I * ' - o . I- ABRAHAMS , Proprietor . THE CELEBRATED 10 / 6 TROUSERS , Ready-made or to Measure . Blue and Black Frock Coats , 25 s ., the best value in town . Black Dress Suits from 50 s . Fancy Silk Vests , 5 s . 6 d . IN'Sl'KCTIO . V INVITED .
T ) l > : LONDON RESTAURANT , NEXT TO PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE , LIVERPOOL . BREAKFASTS , LUN'CHEOIVS , DINNERS , TEAS , SUPPERS , Sec . Wines , Liqueurs , S p irits , & c . CHARLKS GOSDEX , Proprietor . Also of Masons' Hall Tavern , London , E . C .
COLLINS AND CAPELL HOSIERS AND OUTFITTERS . French , and Brussels Glove Importers , j SHIRT AXD COLLAR MA . VUFACTURERS , Rugs , Portmanteaus , Umbrellas , SCARF AND TIE EMPORIUM . 6 , THE QUADRANT , LIME-STREET LIVERPOOL , Near the Washington Hotel . ! J- ' rimcil and l ' ulilislicd bylbc rro ]) rii : tur , lirutlicr ( Jtonuij KENNING , at Lis Olliccs lys l '' lect-st ! eet , uml 2 , 2 , in ' ! 4 . Uule Britain ; in Tire I'ily of l . umion ; and 2 , . Mmiuim . 'nt-i >! aLT , Li \ cr ^ e © l , in tltc Comity ol l . ancancr , —SATCRSAV , MAY 11 , 1 $ - ]} . |
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Retail Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST . Wholesale and Commission , 21 , BURY-ST ., LONDON , E . C
CLOTHING . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . make ; : * St-class Suits in Diagonals , Tweeds , and Scutch Tweeds > at 40 / 50 / and 60 / per Suit . DRESS SUITS . —As Tailors , Gann , -Jones & Co . supply Black Superfine Frock or Dress Suits at 58 / 63 / 68 / and 75 / per Suit .
OVERCOATS . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . make warm and durable Garments , in Frock and Chesterfield Styles , in Witneys , Beavers , Irish Frieze , & c ; at all prices . TROUSERS . —As Tailors , Gann , Tones & Co . have
always in stock a capital assortment of shrunk Tweeds , Angolas , and Cheviots in three qualities , the fit and wear guaranteed . A quality , 15 / 6 per pair ; B quality , 1 7 / 6 per pair ; C quality , Li 9 / per pair . Also a . variety of goods at other prices .
SHIRTS . —As Shirt Manufacturers , Gann , Jones & Co . keep ready made in all sizes , or make to measure , their perfect-fitting- " Imperial" Long-cloth Shirts in six qualities . No . 1 , Six for 27 /; No . 2 , Sii for 30 / ; No . 3 , Six for 33 / ; No . 4 , Six for 36 / ; No . 5 , Six for 39 / ; No . 6 , Six for 43 / . The fit , wear , and work of every shirt guaanteed .
FLANNEL SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones & Co . supply , at following prices , Flannel Shirts , warranted thoroughly shrunk . Quality A , Three for 24 /; quality B , Three for 27 /; quality C , Three for 30 / ; other makes and qualities at 5 / 6 6 / 6 and 7 / 6 each .
DRESS SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones & Co . have always in stock very choice designs at 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 and 10 / 6 each , and in addition keep a good and select variety of French Embroidered Fronts , Sic , and make Dress or ordinary Shirts to order at one day's notice , when
necessary . UNDERCLOTHING . —As Hosiers , Gann , Jones & Co . supply Lamb ' s Wool Pants and Drawers at 2 / 9 3 / 6 and 4 / 6 per pair . Lambswool Vests , White and Shetland , 2 / 9 3 / 6 and 4 / 6 each . Warm Merino Pants , 3 I 6 4 / 6 and c / 6 per pair .
Warm Merino Vests , 3 / 6 4 / 6 and 5 / 6 each . Stout and Strong Cotton Pants and Drawers , 3 / 6 4 / 6 5 / 6 and 6 / 6 per pair . Warm and Serviceable Lambswool Half Hose , 1 / 1 / 3 and 1 / 6 per pair . Ditto Merino ditto , if 1 / 3 and 1 / 6 per pair . Stout . Cotton ditto , od . 1 / 1 / 3 per pair .
Silk Hosiery , Fleecy Hosiery , Children's Hosiery , Football Suits . Clubs supplied at Wholesale Rates . COLLARS AND WRISTSBANDS—As Collar
Manufacturers , Gann , Jones & Co . can supply really good Lirren Collars at 6 / 6 7 / 6 and S / 6 per doz . Linen Fronts with Collars , J / each ; Linen Wristbands , rjd . and // per pair .
OUTFITS , —As Outfitters , Gann Jones & Co . supply Outfits for all climates from £ 3 . For full particulars of Outfits for all classes , see the " Outfitter , " published by Gann , Jones & Co ., and forwarded on application . POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS . —Prices 6 d . gd . j [ . Silk ditto , 3 / 3 / 6 and 4 / each .
BRACES . —Prices 1 / 1 / 6 and 2 / per pair . SCARFS . —Prices 2 / and 2 / 6 . All Shapes . GLOVES . —Gann , Jones & Co . keep Ladies ' , Gentlemen ' s , and Children ' s Gloves , in Kid , Cloth , Driving , & c all sizes . RUGS . —Prices 6 / 6 to 45 / . Ditto Mauds , 17 / 6 to 50 / , TRUNKS . —Prices 6 / 6 to 80 / ; all Varieties .
MAY ELECTION , JS 73 . DOYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FORAGED FREEMASONS . Tire Vote * and lnrcrcsts ol' the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution arecanrestiv solicited orr bcliali" of ' BRO . JOHN I . I . EW'IIEI . I . IN , T . M ., Pembroke-Dock , AGED 66 vcars . Tllirf worthy Urotlicr was Initiateif , Passed , and Raiseil in tlie St . David ' s Lodge , No . 366 , iu lire year 1841 . He joined lire Loyal Welsh Lodge , No , 378 , irr 1849 , and to which lie has been a subscribing member 10 the present rime . Ilelilled Ihe situnlion of Warden and the ollice ol Master ol' ihe latter Lodge with credit to himselfand advantage to the t ' raft ; being , at nil times when iu prosperous circumstances , ready to contribute liberally , arid to relieve distress wherever lound . He is now dependent on ; i siual ] ; o ; cncy for support , and has neither child rior relative to assist him w ben incapacitated by age and increasing intiilnity . 'Ibis Case is stronglv recommended bv Ihe following Ibethlell : — Sirl'rvse I'rvse , Hart ' ., K . W . l ' . G . M ., \ V . D ., South Wales . Major | . A . l . luvdl'li ' iirrps . D . r . ci . M .. dilto . 'I ' . C . Mcvrick , ' lis . / ., M . l ' ., l' . l ' . D . G . M ., ditto . Geo . I'arrV . Ex | ., W . M . i ; S , I ' . I ' . S . l I . W ., ditto . * Thos . I'lril ' lips , r . M .. -, ; S , jijii , I ' . S . G . W ., nittn . Dr . Geo . Giillilbs , P . M . joo , lM' . S . G . W ., ditto . T . Rule Owen , EM ] ., P . M . 474 , I ' . G . K . ditto . William Notl , Esq ., P . M . titu . P . G . R . Wilts . Allen Lone ,, P . M . y , S , P . P . G . K . W D ., South Wales , Hcurv Williams , l' . M . jb 6 , P . G . T . . lino . Geo . T . Smith , l ' . M . 1072 , P . G . S ., ditto . * M . Nicholson , P . M . - , 7 s , P . P . S . G . D .. ditto . William Hu // ev , P . M .. l 7 S , P . P „ S . G . J > , ditto . ( ieorge Phipps . ' P . M . IJCJO , P . P . I . G . D ., mlto . * W . G . Phillips , P . M . 990 , P . P . G . D . C .. ditto . * A . Everett , l ' . M . 35 ! , l' . l ' , C ; . Su | . t . of Works , ditto . ' | . ScrilcbJev , P . M . gijn , P . G . S . Works . dilto . , Robert W ' ailow , 17 S , P . G . S . P .., ditto . W . L . Harding , P ' M . 474 . P . G . O ., ditto . N . Hoyle , | . W . 37 S , P . G . P ., ditto . Dr . H . D . ' KC-VBOIIIS . S . W . 37 S ' , P . G . > ., ditto . Sidney Webb , P . M . 37 S , P . G . S ., dilto . lames Gaddavn , P . M . rjijo , l \( j . S ., George Brace , P . M . 37 S . And the Ofbccr . s utul Picthivu ni Xos . 306 , 37 K , 474 . ai ^ d 900 . Proxies will be tbanklulb iccchcd ! - \ the iiielbren marked thus * .
^ HE L O N D O N M 1 R R O R Publi ; . hL * tl every S : iiui < lay ; price ^ d . The object ol" this journal is to s-el forth the t'l ; iinis of tin : many Religious , Kilncitional , BeneioJeia , anil Prudential in > titutions of thc United Kingdom , and week by week to report theii ¦ prm-eedin ^ s , vibether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or ICleetious , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Oflicc , 59 , Southampton-row , Ku & sell-suiiare , Loinlon , W . C ,
T ' H ] HD " KD 1 T 10 N . —JUST lU-ADV . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : Oil , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium Jl'tth an Einlhmalical Frontispiece . A lland-liook of tire Principles of Freemasonry , ,-md Pocket Vade Mecunj and Cjuide to the \ aiious Ceremonies " connected with Craft Masonry , so far as tlic same are allowed to be communicable , in accordance with the principles of thc Order . Price One Shilling , i ' uil-jh-e fur Thirteen Stamps . Sold by Bro . GEO . KF . SNISO , IIJS , r'lect-Mrcct , London , E . C ;
OUTFITS FOR INDIA . rpME attention o £ thc Nobilit \ ' . 'm < l Gi-iHrv - * " about to visit Inili . i anil the CoLmics . iKo those aui \ in ^ i in linylantl , is luspfitiullv diifctcil to s . s . n o w , ( t'KOM STOMi ' s , OX 1 '( JUll-ST ) , , Riding Belt , Elastic Stocking nnd Knee-Cap Manufacturer , 20 a , Hyde Park Place , W . ( . NEAR TIIK MARBI . H \ U ( .: il ) . j Kelts made to measure or pattern in a very superior mauiivi
I THE COSMOPOLITAN . I AN INTERNATIONAL NEIVSPAPL'R OF j NEWS POLITICS , COMMERCE . LITERATURE , ! ART , AND SOCIETY . ONE POUND A VKAK . : THE ONLY NKWSPAPKR IN EUROPE OWNED AND EDITED HV AN AMEKICAN . FIRST-CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER . , PUBLISHED IN LONDON , PARIS , AND NEW YORK . Si ; Ai , v : ur AuvEivi'isv . Mvs rs : — Single Advertisements is . per line . Thirteen Insert ions ami upwards fnl . per line . All Advertisements must arrive at thc London Oilice before One o ' clock on the Wednesday jneeedini ; the day ot' Publii ation . For sini ; lj insertions payment must he made in advance , for ; which pusiat ; e stamps niav lie sent at thc rale of thirteen to the i Shilling . * ! All Advertisements pmahle alter First Insertion . I Cheques run ! lWt () l \\ , \ - ( JVIKTS ( Suui . 'i ^ l-lim ^ c ) to he made j payahle to II . I'LI . U . H , . NO . U I , strand , \\' . (" . THE COSMOPOLITAN Is independent of Partv , Sect , and Nation . Oil v . Ii ., , ¦;„ -,, i „ , :,, „ -, „ WOKI . D WIDK , and cliiellv arnuni ; lire highest classes— -: ; ites- [ men , dip omalists , bnr . kevs , vlul , ~ , l iotels , fee . OXEKH'A'UAVEAH . SINOLK COPY FOUKPEN'CK . i A . N li W V O L U iM li . j VOLUME XV . of Tllli COSMOPOLITAN commenced on the 3 rd October , iS ; 2 . SUBSCKll'TlON ONK POUND ¦ A YKAH , Postage ( Penny ) incluileil . . J Jandsojncly Hound Volumes for Sale at 20 s . each . Ojc cTosmopolitoir . : "It is , 1 newspaper in every sense of the word , selecting from its daily conienipoiaries nearly e \ eryihintj that is of interest to the ¦ general reader , and supplying what is really wanted in this country ' —a thoroughly inn- ' . 'niJ . ' iJ reJie . v of public opinion . " —SiiiKd > ird , " The editor is a gentleman well-know n to the readers of i- ' ruur ' i . . \/^ j'i ; / , c , as well as to the Transatlantic world , and wields a '' ready , "lacetol , and llnent pen . "— Mot flirty Vvit . ; •' I ( ji i , ' , ( ijiin ^ ' i ^ rea ! pi . ii-e IJCJC Worn h * [ horoiighn JndeiJcnJeiu ' tone . " —lio-.-i 7 Chior . itIt ' . OMi L'OUND A YEAR .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by ' rp DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 8 7 , * Fairi : ] yikm- > t ., K . C . South London Brnrieh , 4 id , Wandsworth-ro . nrl , S . W cijjht ilcors from the London Chatham and l ) o \ erl ! ail \ va \ Station . Wltole . sale I'ubli .-licr to tlie 1 ' iade .
j CJTY . ! I 30 TTLE . S ; SOX , 14 ami 1 ^ , Koyal Exchange , City . A ^ ciitt- for ; "THE FREEMASON " j AM ) "The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , pi ice 2 s . 0 d .
DUBLIN . Bro . CHARLES HEDCELONG , Ni ; W ;\ . \ D SKCOSn . llAilD BOOKSELLER I 26 , GKAI ¦ ¦ STRKKT , DUBLIN . ; AGENT FOR " THE FREEMASON . " j SWANSEA I Agent for the Freemason . T ) RO . CMAS , MAGGS . 25 , George-st ., Swansea , A 1 ,-irtfc stock u ( Ajrrons , Jewel ? , Clothing ' , and every requisite for all Decrees of l- ' tecmtisoiuy . Agent for Kenniny ' s Masonic is ' ole l ' ajjer , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , \ r . I AUveitisemeiUs re « VeJ for "Tins Freemason . " : |
: F < n Cheap JFatchcs , Clocks , Gold Chains and : Jewellery , go to \ KIBBLES ' , i a 2 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . 1 Gold Watches £ 2 15 s . j Silver Watches £ 1 5 s . Timepieces from 5 s . Od . Every article warranted . Plate , Watches , and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free .
| WELLINGTON HOUSE , [ 12 , COMMUTATION ROW , ( 'Opposite Wellington Mon . umon . tL LIVERPOOL . I * ' - o . I- ABRAHAMS , Proprietor . THE CELEBRATED 10 / 6 TROUSERS , Ready-made or to Measure . Blue and Black Frock Coats , 25 s ., the best value in town . Black Dress Suits from 50 s . Fancy Silk Vests , 5 s . 6 d . IN'Sl'KCTIO . V INVITED .
T ) l > : LONDON RESTAURANT , NEXT TO PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE , LIVERPOOL . BREAKFASTS , LUN'CHEOIVS , DINNERS , TEAS , SUPPERS , Sec . Wines , Liqueurs , S p irits , & c . CHARLKS GOSDEX , Proprietor . Also of Masons' Hall Tavern , London , E . C .
COLLINS AND CAPELL HOSIERS AND OUTFITTERS . French , and Brussels Glove Importers , j SHIRT AXD COLLAR MA . VUFACTURERS , Rugs , Portmanteaus , Umbrellas , SCARF AND TIE EMPORIUM . 6 , THE QUADRANT , LIME-STREET LIVERPOOL , Near the Washington Hotel . ! J- ' rimcil and l ' ulilislicd bylbc rro ]) rii : tur , lirutlicr ( Jtonuij KENNING , at Lis Olliccs lys l '' lect-st ! eet , uml 2 , 2 , in ' ! 4 . Uule Britain ; in Tire I'ily of l . umion ; and 2 , . Mmiuim . 'nt-i >! aLT , Li \ cr ^ e © l , in tltc Comity ol l . ancancr , —SATCRSAV , MAY 11 , 1 $ - ]} . |