Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE GREAT CITY LODGE, No. 1426. Page 1 of 4 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 305 Mark Masonry ^ 305 Knights Templar 305 Ancient anil Accepted Rite 305 Consecration of the Great City Lodge 305 Consecration of thc Seville Lodrre , St . Ann ' s Bay
Jamacia 3 ° S District Grand Lodge of Bengal 308 Grand Lodge of Scotland 309 The New Grand Officers 310 Masonic Notes and Queries 310 Death of the Rail of Zetland , Past M . W . G . M . / 311 Roskrucian Society of ling \ and 311 Grand Festival 312
Consecration of a Masonic Hall at Bailarat 313 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Order of the Temple 314 Provincial Grand Lodges 314 Grand Orient of Greece : 314 Consecration of the H yde Park Lodge No . 1423 314 Reviews 3 r 5 Lodge Meetings for next week 315 Advertisements 303 304 316 317 ^ 18
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
- «» Cvaft Uftsonvfi .
OXFORD . —Alfred Lodge ( No . , 340 ) . —The annual festival of this , the senior lodge in the Province of Oxfordshire , was held at the Masonie Hall , Alfred-street , on Friday , the 2 5 th of April , when Bro . G . T . Prior , who had been previously elected , was duly Installed Worshipful Master
of the Alfred Lodge for thc ensuing year , Bro . C . Park , W . M ., performing the very impressive ceremony of the Installation . The Worshipful Master then appointed and invested the following brethren' as his officers : ¦— -Bro . C . Park , P . M . ; Bro . Walter Thompson , S . W . ; Bro . W .
Park , J . W . ; Bro . Rev . W . C . Holliwell , Chaplain ; Bro . H . Houghton , P . M ., Treasurer ; Bro . R . H . Ilobbs , Secretary ; Bro . J . Pratt , S . D .: Bro . W . Seeley , J . D . ; Bro . W . G . Emberlin , P . M ., S . M . Cer . ; Bro . F . W . Ansell , J . M . Cer . ; Bro . H . Deane , l . G . ; Bro . f . Chapman ,
Organist ; Bro . E . Horn , S . Steward ; Bro . S . Harris , J . Steward ; Bro . W . Stephens , Tyler ; Bro . G . Norwood , A . Tyler . The lodge then being duly closed , the brethren retired to a recherche banquet , at which a considerable
number of Past Masters were present , and a very pleasant evening was spent . The Worshipful Master presided , and his conspicuous y . eal and ability augur well for the success and prosperity of the Alfred Lodge during the year 1873 .
ALDERSIIOT . —Aldershtil Cam / i Lodge ( No . 1 , 3 . 3 1 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , oil the f . st inst ., the W . M ., Captain Richardson , R . E ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and was supported by the following officers : —Bros . C . Carnegie , P . Prov . Grand
Purst . Hants , as I . P . M . ; A . MacKenzie , S . W . : R . White , J . W . ; R . Bennett , S . D . ; F . Anderson , J . D . ; Usher Lucas , Secretary ; R . Phillips , as I . G . j E . Harper , as O . G . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed .
A ballot was taken for Sergt . MacKenny , 19 th Hussars , and Sergt . Carter , 16 th Regt ., candidates for initiation , which was unanimous in both cases . The candidates having been properly prepared , were regularl y initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry ; the W . M .
also presenting the working tools , and giving the charge pertaining to the degree . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Sergeant Olphcrd , R . E ., a candidate for the M . M . degree , was questioned respecting his knowledge of the previous degree , which proving satisfactory , he
was entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Olpherd was raised to that sublime degree . The lodge was closed down to the second and first degrees . A loan of ten pounds was granted to a brother of the lodge . Bro . Drew signed his Grand Lodge certificate , which was then presented to
him b y the W . M . There being no provincial candidates Tor the Aged Freemasons , the votes of the lodge ( eight ) were , on the proposition of Bro . C . Carnegie , P . Prov . Grand Supt . of Works , Essex , given to Bro . Coppin , 433 . Bro . Carnegie then brought to the notice of the brethren the loss which the lodge had had sustained by the death of the late Bro . Osmond , P . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and moved a resolution recording the loss which the lodge had sustained by his removal from among them , and their opinion of his many and valuable services . The motion was seconded by the W . M . in words replete with earnest feeling
and sympathy , and passed unanimously . The widow of the late Bro . Probart deposited her late husband ' s Grand Lodge certificate with the lodge . Some other business having been transacted , the lodge closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love , about nine p . m .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ALNWICK . —Hotspur Lodge ( No . 135 ) . —At a meeting of this promising young lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , Alnwick , on Wednesday , 16 th ult ., Bro . Edward Thew Tumbull , S . W . and Treas . ( P . P . G . I . G . Northumberland and Durham ) , was installed Worship ful Master for the ensuing year . Bro . the Rev . E . L . Marrett , ALA .
Vicar of Lesbury , I . P . M . ( P . G . J . W . Northumberland and Durham ) , acted at installing officer . Bro . Tumbull invested the following gentleman as his officers : —Bros , the Rev . E . L . Marrett , I . P . M . and Treas . ; William Burn , S . W . ; Thomas Robson , J . W . ; the Rev . G . S .
Thomson , Rector of Acklington , Chaplain ; Capt . Chas . Gaudy , M . O . ; George Busby ( Deputy Coroner , N . Northumberland ) , S . O . ; George Simpson , J . O . ; James Davison , Reg . Marks ; H . H . Blair , Sec . ; H . S . Johnson , S . D . ; J . G . Youth , J . D . ; James Heatly , D . C . ; M .
Armstrong , I . G . ; W . Walters , Tyler ; G . Challoner , S . S . ; J . W . Thorpe , J . S . Four brethren were advanced to this ancient degree . The brethren afterwards ( according to usual custom ) adjourned to a banquet at the Queen ' s Head Hotel , where , under the presidency of the W . M ., a pleasant and genial evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
LIVERPOOL . —J / pttss Preceptor // . —The regular meeting of this preceptor ) ' was held on the 30 th nit ., at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool . Sir Knt . H . S . Alpass , Preceptor , occupied his accustomed seat , and the officers present were Sir Knts . J . E . Jackson , Prelate j T . Clark , tst Capt . ; W .
Doyle , 2 nd Capt . ; M . Mawson , Reg . ; J . Lloyd , Ex . ; W . Buhner , 1 st . Herald ; J . Kenyon , and . Herald ; and P . Ball , Kquerry . The visitors present were : —Sir Knts : A . C . Mott , Grand S . B . ; T . Berry , P . G . S . B ., P . E . C ., & c . ;
J . Wood , William De la More , Enc . ; and C . II . Hill , Jacques de Molay . Bros . W . Shortis , J . Chisnall , and J . Gallagher , were installed Knights of the Order . A most sumptuous banquet , at which viands and wines were of first class quality , was subsequently served .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
IPSWICH . —f / ie J ' tcloria Sovereign Chapter , Rose Croi . r , met at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday , 24 th April , when there were present—111 . Bros ' . Major Shadwell Clarke , 33 ; the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , 30 : and Emra Holmes , 31 .
M . E . Bros . W . T . Westgate , M . W . S . ; and C . T . Townsend , P . M . W . S ., Recorder ; Ex . Bros , the Rev . T . G . Beaumont , Dr . Beaumont , R . N . ; F . C . Ord , R . A . ; C . Chadwick , 7 th Dragoon Guards , and others . It had been announced in the summons that there would be an official
inspection on the part of the Supreme Council ; but no members of the executive were present but the gallant and courteous Major , the latest member of the governing body . Bro . the Rev . A . W . G . Moore was installed and perfected a Sovereign Prince Rose Croix ; and the Rev . T . G .
Beaumont , Rector of Chelmondiston , was installed as M . W . S . for the ensuing year , the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , ? , o ° , performing the ceremonies with his usual ability . Bro . Sanderson is , without doubt , the most learned and able Mason in Suffolk , and probably the only Ritualist
who is equally master of all the degrees in Masonry which are practised in Ipswich . In Craft or Royal Arch he is well known as an experienced Preceptor , and in the Mark , Knights Templar , Kni g hts of Malta , and Rose Croix degrees , he has no equal . If the Masons of Ipswich , or we may say of Sullblk , were asked
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
to point out a brother worthy of the distinctive honours of Grand Lodge , we believe they would with one accord single out our reverend and and learned brother for that distinction . Grand Lodge however however does not set much store
by Provincial Masons , but the Supreme Council 33 ° has of late years gained a character for distributing its favours with considerable judgment , and we venture to suggest the name of Bro . Sanderson as one in everyway worthy of advancement in the A . and A . Rite . But we are
digressing . Bro . Beaumont , whose elevation to the chair of the chapter we gladly welcome as a sign of better days for the 18 in Ipswich , appointed the following officers for the ensuing year : —111 . Bro . R . N . Sanderson , 30 , Prelate j
E . Bro . M , P . Mills , M . D ., xst . Gen . ; E . T . Robertson , 2 nd . Gen . ; C . T . Townsend , Rec . j G . Cresswell , Marshall ; P . Cornell Raphael j Rev . A . W . G . Moore , Capt . of Guard j C . Spalding , Janitor . The brethren afterward $ banquetted together .
Consecration Of The Great City Lodge, No. 1426.
Few events which have occured for some time past in the proceedings of Freemasonry have excited so much attention amongst the members of the Craft as the inauguration of the new
" Great City Lodge , " which was consecrated on Saturday last , | and which no doubt forms an important link in that great fraternal chain which is now of such immense length and power and extendintr over the whole of the civilised world .
The reasons which led to the establishment of this new lodge are somewhat peculiar , for in the petition which was presented to the Grand Master , asking for a warrant to open a new lodge in the City of London , it was stated that there were
many merchants and others engaged in the City whose time was so taken up with their business engagements during the week that they had no opportunity of joining a Masonic Lodge , however desirous they might be to do so , unless they could have that advantage near to the places of their
ordinary occupation . They also desired that the meetings of the lodge should take place on Saturday afternoons , inasmuch , by common consent , that is a settled half-holiday in the City , when they would have an opportunity of becoming members of an Order to which
they had long washed to belong . These reasons were considered to be sound , the warrant prayed for was granted by the Grand Master , and Saturday last was the day appointed for its consecration , which drew together one if not the very greatest assemblage of Masons ever brought together in the City of London .
The Marquess of Ripon , the Most Worshipful Grand Master , had deputed Bro . JohnHervey Grand Secretary , to be the Consecrating Officer , and he was assisted by Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain , and Rector of St .
Clement Danes ; Bro . John Savage , P . G . D . j Thomas Fenn , P . A . G . D . C . j John Boyd , P . G . P . j R . W . Little , P . G . Sec . for Middlesex ; H . G . Buss , P . G . Treas . for Middlesex , & c , and
amongst the brethren were the following : —V . W . John Hervey , G . Sec . j W . Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C . ; John Savage , P . G . D . j Thomas Fenn , P . A . G . D . C . ; John Boyd , P . G . P . j W . S . Gover , R . G . S . j ( No . I ) J Thomas Meggy , P . G . S . ( 21 ) j C . J . Hogg , P . G . S .
(<; 8 ) P . M . ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treas . Middlesex ; H . C . Levander , P . P . G . S . D . Wilts ; R . Wentworth Little , Prov . G . Sec . Middlesex j George Kenning , P . G . D . Middlesex ; F . Binckes , Secretary Boys' School j J . Terry , Secretary Girls' Benevolent Institution j James Stevens ,
P . M . 720 , 1216 , W . M . Designate ; N . B . Ilea don , S . W . Designate ; J . Hamilton Townend , J . W . Designate ; J . Freeman , 1287 ; Edward Moody , P . M ., 1287 ; John Leex , W . M ., 186 j Richard Stanway , 1287 ; J . H . Wisby , 1329 ; George Blackie ; W . H . Catchpole , 1287 j J . H .
Guyton , 1287 ; Charles Hutton , P . M ., 96 j F . V . Toole , P . S . G . Warden , Essex ; E . Girdham , W . M ., 96 ; R . W . Townend , P . M ., 22 ; Edwd . Grisbrook , W . M ., 771 ; W . S . Cantrell , 771 j John Fuller , P . M ., 771 ; W . Hatch , 771 A . N . Wall , P . M ., 771 j D . Cereake , 142 ; W . H .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 305 Mark Masonry ^ 305 Knights Templar 305 Ancient anil Accepted Rite 305 Consecration of the Great City Lodge 305 Consecration of thc Seville Lodrre , St . Ann ' s Bay
Jamacia 3 ° S District Grand Lodge of Bengal 308 Grand Lodge of Scotland 309 The New Grand Officers 310 Masonic Notes and Queries 310 Death of the Rail of Zetland , Past M . W . G . M . / 311 Roskrucian Society of ling \ and 311 Grand Festival 312
Consecration of a Masonic Hall at Bailarat 313 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Order of the Temple 314 Provincial Grand Lodges 314 Grand Orient of Greece : 314 Consecration of the H yde Park Lodge No . 1423 314 Reviews 3 r 5 Lodge Meetings for next week 315 Advertisements 303 304 316 317 ^ 18
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
- «» Cvaft Uftsonvfi .
OXFORD . —Alfred Lodge ( No . , 340 ) . —The annual festival of this , the senior lodge in the Province of Oxfordshire , was held at the Masonie Hall , Alfred-street , on Friday , the 2 5 th of April , when Bro . G . T . Prior , who had been previously elected , was duly Installed Worshipful Master
of the Alfred Lodge for thc ensuing year , Bro . C . Park , W . M ., performing the very impressive ceremony of the Installation . The Worshipful Master then appointed and invested the following brethren' as his officers : ¦— -Bro . C . Park , P . M . ; Bro . Walter Thompson , S . W . ; Bro . W .
Park , J . W . ; Bro . Rev . W . C . Holliwell , Chaplain ; Bro . H . Houghton , P . M ., Treasurer ; Bro . R . H . Ilobbs , Secretary ; Bro . J . Pratt , S . D .: Bro . W . Seeley , J . D . ; Bro . W . G . Emberlin , P . M ., S . M . Cer . ; Bro . F . W . Ansell , J . M . Cer . ; Bro . H . Deane , l . G . ; Bro . f . Chapman ,
Organist ; Bro . E . Horn , S . Steward ; Bro . S . Harris , J . Steward ; Bro . W . Stephens , Tyler ; Bro . G . Norwood , A . Tyler . The lodge then being duly closed , the brethren retired to a recherche banquet , at which a considerable
number of Past Masters were present , and a very pleasant evening was spent . The Worshipful Master presided , and his conspicuous y . eal and ability augur well for the success and prosperity of the Alfred Lodge during the year 1873 .
ALDERSIIOT . —Aldershtil Cam / i Lodge ( No . 1 , 3 . 3 1 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , oil the f . st inst ., the W . M ., Captain Richardson , R . E ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and was supported by the following officers : —Bros . C . Carnegie , P . Prov . Grand
Purst . Hants , as I . P . M . ; A . MacKenzie , S . W . : R . White , J . W . ; R . Bennett , S . D . ; F . Anderson , J . D . ; Usher Lucas , Secretary ; R . Phillips , as I . G . j E . Harper , as O . G . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed .
A ballot was taken for Sergt . MacKenny , 19 th Hussars , and Sergt . Carter , 16 th Regt ., candidates for initiation , which was unanimous in both cases . The candidates having been properly prepared , were regularl y initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry ; the W . M .
also presenting the working tools , and giving the charge pertaining to the degree . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Sergeant Olphcrd , R . E ., a candidate for the M . M . degree , was questioned respecting his knowledge of the previous degree , which proving satisfactory , he
was entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Olpherd was raised to that sublime degree . The lodge was closed down to the second and first degrees . A loan of ten pounds was granted to a brother of the lodge . Bro . Drew signed his Grand Lodge certificate , which was then presented to
him b y the W . M . There being no provincial candidates Tor the Aged Freemasons , the votes of the lodge ( eight ) were , on the proposition of Bro . C . Carnegie , P . Prov . Grand Supt . of Works , Essex , given to Bro . Coppin , 433 . Bro . Carnegie then brought to the notice of the brethren the loss which the lodge had had sustained by the death of the late Bro . Osmond , P . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and moved a resolution recording the loss which the lodge had sustained by his removal from among them , and their opinion of his many and valuable services . The motion was seconded by the W . M . in words replete with earnest feeling
and sympathy , and passed unanimously . The widow of the late Bro . Probart deposited her late husband ' s Grand Lodge certificate with the lodge . Some other business having been transacted , the lodge closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love , about nine p . m .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ALNWICK . —Hotspur Lodge ( No . 135 ) . —At a meeting of this promising young lodge , held at the Masonic Hall , Alnwick , on Wednesday , 16 th ult ., Bro . Edward Thew Tumbull , S . W . and Treas . ( P . P . G . I . G . Northumberland and Durham ) , was installed Worship ful Master for the ensuing year . Bro . the Rev . E . L . Marrett , ALA .
Vicar of Lesbury , I . P . M . ( P . G . J . W . Northumberland and Durham ) , acted at installing officer . Bro . Tumbull invested the following gentleman as his officers : —Bros , the Rev . E . L . Marrett , I . P . M . and Treas . ; William Burn , S . W . ; Thomas Robson , J . W . ; the Rev . G . S .
Thomson , Rector of Acklington , Chaplain ; Capt . Chas . Gaudy , M . O . ; George Busby ( Deputy Coroner , N . Northumberland ) , S . O . ; George Simpson , J . O . ; James Davison , Reg . Marks ; H . H . Blair , Sec . ; H . S . Johnson , S . D . ; J . G . Youth , J . D . ; James Heatly , D . C . ; M .
Armstrong , I . G . ; W . Walters , Tyler ; G . Challoner , S . S . ; J . W . Thorpe , J . S . Four brethren were advanced to this ancient degree . The brethren afterwards ( according to usual custom ) adjourned to a banquet at the Queen ' s Head Hotel , where , under the presidency of the W . M ., a pleasant and genial evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
LIVERPOOL . —J / pttss Preceptor // . —The regular meeting of this preceptor ) ' was held on the 30 th nit ., at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool . Sir Knt . H . S . Alpass , Preceptor , occupied his accustomed seat , and the officers present were Sir Knts . J . E . Jackson , Prelate j T . Clark , tst Capt . ; W .
Doyle , 2 nd Capt . ; M . Mawson , Reg . ; J . Lloyd , Ex . ; W . Buhner , 1 st . Herald ; J . Kenyon , and . Herald ; and P . Ball , Kquerry . The visitors present were : —Sir Knts : A . C . Mott , Grand S . B . ; T . Berry , P . G . S . B ., P . E . C ., & c . ;
J . Wood , William De la More , Enc . ; and C . II . Hill , Jacques de Molay . Bros . W . Shortis , J . Chisnall , and J . Gallagher , were installed Knights of the Order . A most sumptuous banquet , at which viands and wines were of first class quality , was subsequently served .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
IPSWICH . —f / ie J ' tcloria Sovereign Chapter , Rose Croi . r , met at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday , 24 th April , when there were present—111 . Bros ' . Major Shadwell Clarke , 33 ; the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , 30 : and Emra Holmes , 31 .
M . E . Bros . W . T . Westgate , M . W . S . ; and C . T . Townsend , P . M . W . S ., Recorder ; Ex . Bros , the Rev . T . G . Beaumont , Dr . Beaumont , R . N . ; F . C . Ord , R . A . ; C . Chadwick , 7 th Dragoon Guards , and others . It had been announced in the summons that there would be an official
inspection on the part of the Supreme Council ; but no members of the executive were present but the gallant and courteous Major , the latest member of the governing body . Bro . the Rev . A . W . G . Moore was installed and perfected a Sovereign Prince Rose Croix ; and the Rev . T . G .
Beaumont , Rector of Chelmondiston , was installed as M . W . S . for the ensuing year , the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , ? , o ° , performing the ceremonies with his usual ability . Bro . Sanderson is , without doubt , the most learned and able Mason in Suffolk , and probably the only Ritualist
who is equally master of all the degrees in Masonry which are practised in Ipswich . In Craft or Royal Arch he is well known as an experienced Preceptor , and in the Mark , Knights Templar , Kni g hts of Malta , and Rose Croix degrees , he has no equal . If the Masons of Ipswich , or we may say of Sullblk , were asked
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
to point out a brother worthy of the distinctive honours of Grand Lodge , we believe they would with one accord single out our reverend and and learned brother for that distinction . Grand Lodge however however does not set much store
by Provincial Masons , but the Supreme Council 33 ° has of late years gained a character for distributing its favours with considerable judgment , and we venture to suggest the name of Bro . Sanderson as one in everyway worthy of advancement in the A . and A . Rite . But we are
digressing . Bro . Beaumont , whose elevation to the chair of the chapter we gladly welcome as a sign of better days for the 18 in Ipswich , appointed the following officers for the ensuing year : —111 . Bro . R . N . Sanderson , 30 , Prelate j
E . Bro . M , P . Mills , M . D ., xst . Gen . ; E . T . Robertson , 2 nd . Gen . ; C . T . Townsend , Rec . j G . Cresswell , Marshall ; P . Cornell Raphael j Rev . A . W . G . Moore , Capt . of Guard j C . Spalding , Janitor . The brethren afterward $ banquetted together .
Consecration Of The Great City Lodge, No. 1426.
Few events which have occured for some time past in the proceedings of Freemasonry have excited so much attention amongst the members of the Craft as the inauguration of the new
" Great City Lodge , " which was consecrated on Saturday last , | and which no doubt forms an important link in that great fraternal chain which is now of such immense length and power and extendintr over the whole of the civilised world .
The reasons which led to the establishment of this new lodge are somewhat peculiar , for in the petition which was presented to the Grand Master , asking for a warrant to open a new lodge in the City of London , it was stated that there were
many merchants and others engaged in the City whose time was so taken up with their business engagements during the week that they had no opportunity of joining a Masonic Lodge , however desirous they might be to do so , unless they could have that advantage near to the places of their
ordinary occupation . They also desired that the meetings of the lodge should take place on Saturday afternoons , inasmuch , by common consent , that is a settled half-holiday in the City , when they would have an opportunity of becoming members of an Order to which
they had long washed to belong . These reasons were considered to be sound , the warrant prayed for was granted by the Grand Master , and Saturday last was the day appointed for its consecration , which drew together one if not the very greatest assemblage of Masons ever brought together in the City of London .
The Marquess of Ripon , the Most Worshipful Grand Master , had deputed Bro . JohnHervey Grand Secretary , to be the Consecrating Officer , and he was assisted by Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain , and Rector of St .
Clement Danes ; Bro . John Savage , P . G . D . j Thomas Fenn , P . A . G . D . C . j John Boyd , P . G . P . j R . W . Little , P . G . Sec . for Middlesex ; H . G . Buss , P . G . Treas . for Middlesex , & c , and
amongst the brethren were the following : —V . W . John Hervey , G . Sec . j W . Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C . ; John Savage , P . G . D . j Thomas Fenn , P . A . G . D . C . ; John Boyd , P . G . P . j W . S . Gover , R . G . S . j ( No . I ) J Thomas Meggy , P . G . S . ( 21 ) j C . J . Hogg , P . G . S .
(<; 8 ) P . M . ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treas . Middlesex ; H . C . Levander , P . P . G . S . D . Wilts ; R . Wentworth Little , Prov . G . Sec . Middlesex j George Kenning , P . G . D . Middlesex ; F . Binckes , Secretary Boys' School j J . Terry , Secretary Girls' Benevolent Institution j James Stevens ,
P . M . 720 , 1216 , W . M . Designate ; N . B . Ilea don , S . W . Designate ; J . Hamilton Townend , J . W . Designate ; J . Freeman , 1287 ; Edward Moody , P . M ., 1287 ; John Leex , W . M ., 186 j Richard Stanway , 1287 ; J . H . Wisby , 1329 ; George Blackie ; W . H . Catchpole , 1287 j J . H .
Guyton , 1287 ; Charles Hutton , P . M ., 96 j F . V . Toole , P . S . G . Warden , Essex ; E . Girdham , W . M ., 96 ; R . W . Townend , P . M ., 22 ; Edwd . Grisbrook , W . M ., 771 ; W . S . Cantrell , 771 j John Fuller , P . M ., 771 ; W . Hatch , 771 A . N . Wall , P . M ., 771 j D . Cereake , 142 ; W . H .