Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Great City Lodge, No. 1426.
for what they had done , but he wished to tell them that in consequence of the alteration which had taken place in retaining the boys in the school until they were i 6 years of age , there would be no vacancies for any others either in October or April , which was a matter
he was sure would receive their serious consideration . There were 41 unsuccessful candidates after the last election , and other candidates were coming forward week by week and month after month , and they must enlarge their school if they continued to send these candidates to them .
Letthem ' not blame him , but if they continued to send these applications , they must find space to provide for them . He thanked them for what they had done in the past , and he relied with confidence upon their exertions for the future .
Bro . Little returned thanks on behalf of the Girls' School . Bro . Terry also returned thanks on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , trusting that the festival for the Girls' School would be liberally responded to .
The Tyler ' s toast wasgiven , which brought tin proceedings to a close . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Hook , of 186 , assisted by Bros , Chubb , T . G . Smith , J . H . Cozens , and Bro . Frank Toole , P . G . S . W . Essex , most efficiently acted as Toast Master .
We understand that the first meeting ol this lodge for work will be . held this ( Saturday ) afternoon , at the Cannon-street Hotel , at three o ' clock precisely , notices containing a long list of joining members and candidates for initiation having been issued immediately after the closing of the lodge . Brethren of other lodges will receive a hearty welcome .
Consecration Of The Seville Lodge, St. Ann's Bay, Jamacia.
Wednesday , April 2 , 1873 , will long be remembered by the good folks of Saint Ann ' s Bay . A scene of the greatest interest , never before witnessed in that place , presented itself to the inhabitants . From a very early hour , the galloping of horses and rolling of carriages ,
with the fair sex from the adjoining parishes , fore ' told that it was to be a gala day . At a quarter to one o ' clock , the Masonic Brotherhood began to assemble at the Court House , when the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Hoyes , arranged the order of procession .
Arriving at the door of thc church , thc procession halted , and opened out on each side . The Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Masu-v entering the church , followed by the . Prov . Grand Chaplain and members , thc Prov . Grand Master and officers taking the seats reserved for them before the Communion Table , Divine Service
was held , and a suitable and appropriate address delivered by Bro . the Rev . N . L . Ellis , illustrating the blessed triumphs of Faith , Hope ami Charity , which was attentively listened to by the hundreds of persons who filled the church , as well as by those outside , who could not obtain seats . A collection was afterwards made on
behalf of the poor of the parish . Service being ended the brethren reformed in procession , and the band striking up the Masonic March , proceeded to the new lodge-room . The Provincial Grand Master entered , followed by his officers and the members of the Seville
Lodge , the Grand Organist playing an anthem prescribed by the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , The ceremony of consecration was then proceeded with , the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master strewing corn , wine and oil upon the lodge , and the Pmv .
Grand Chaplain rehearsing several appropriate passages of Scripture suitable on such occasions . The ceremony of dedication being ended , the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master culled on Bro . John Hoyes , Grand Director of Ceremonies , to read the Proclamation constitiitintr
the lodge . The Prov . Grand Master afterwards installed the following officers : —Bros . Michael Solomon , Worshipful Master ; Alexander Lake , Depute Master ; Edmund Hart , Senior Warden ; Carvalho , Junior Warden ; Abraham Xo . ih , Treasurer ; Albert J . Mart , Secretary ; George Roe , Senior Deacon ; A . N . Sutherland , Junior
Consecration Of The Seville Lodge, St. Ann's Bay, Jamacia.
Deacon ; W . R . Phillips , Inner Guard ; and Edward Hall , Tyler . •^ The officers severally returned thanks , and the lodge closed in the usual way . At half past 7 , p . m ., the brethren re-assembled at the Court House , where a grand display of all
the good things of this life was exibited , to which ample justice was done . A platform , erected on the south side of the building , was graced with the presence of the ladies , who seemed delighted throughout the whole ceremony . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were
proposed by thc newly installed Master , Michael Solomon Esqr ., the band playing the air appropriate to each toast . Among the assembled guest were noticed—the Hon . Charles Royes , Gustos and member of the hon . Legislative
Council ; the Revd . Josias Cork , Rector ; E . G . Barret , Esq , ; Charles Fletcher , Esq . ; E . 1 > . Lynch , Est ] ., ami several of the magistrates ami influential gentlemen of the parish . The Worshipful Master proposed " The I lealth
of the Provincial Grand Master , the R . W . Sanil . Constantine Burke , " who had at great inconvenience attended for the purpose of consecrating the lodge . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master returned thanks in an eloquent speech . "The Health of the Provincial Grand Master
for East Jamaica , R . W . Dr . Hamilton , was then drunk . The Provincial Grand Master then proposed " The Health of the Wor . Michael Solomon , the Master Fleet , " ami congratulated the Seville Lodge upon the choice of a gentlemen who possessed the respect and esteem of his fellow parishioners .
The Wor . Master having replied , the following toasts were proposed and drank with
enthus-: — " His Excellency Sir John Peter Grant and the Legislative Council of Jamaica , " proposed by the Provincial Grand Master , and responded to by the Hon . Charles Royes . "The Bishop and Clergy , and Ministers of all
Religious Denominations" by the Master , responded to by the Rev . | osias Cork , Rector , and Rev . N . L . Luis . "The Gustos and Magistrates of St . Ann , " by E . 11 . Lynch , Esq . Responded to by the Gustos and Charles Fletcher , Esq .
"The Sister Lodges , " by the Senior Warden . Responded to by the Worshipful D . DeSouza , of the Athcl I ' nion Lodge , Falmouth . " The Visiting Brethren and Visitors , "
proposed hy the I unior Warden , and responded to by Bros . Fray ami K . G . Barrett , Est ] . " 'The Argicuhural Interest" by Bro . Abraham \" o : i ' . P . i ^ ponded to b y a member of the Seville Lodoe .
" The Ladies , " by Bro . A . X . Sutherland . Responded to by Dr . Saund TS . Bro . Samuel 11 . Wat :, on , proposed "The Health of all Distressed Masons , and Willows
and Orphans of Masons throughout the world . " which was drunk enthusiastically ; after which the band struck up " God save the Queen , " and thus ended one of the best days that has been witnessed in Saint Ann ' s Bay for the last halfcentury .
" home months since , my wife was suffering with a bad cough and severe pains in the chest , and totally unable to attend to her ordinary duties . She was advised lot'y your Pain Killer , and altera lew do-es of it u . is restored to perfect health , which she still cnims . 1 also use it for
Tiles , from whi < -li 1 have long suffered , ami OIK dose taken intern .: ! I y hiiariaiii y gives me entire relief . — | . \ s . !; : < . w > sii . \ w . "
I | MU . < HV . \ I \ ( !¦ .: !> : T : ' e hen I ' icfe -nr U ^ ian-. av lurried hi-. alVal . 1 I ,, t ¦ - ..- leiiei it Ininian m . lilies he ' •'It Inat hi , eaaliw in . an . , inii .-t be eiini ] iL , ent la timrtintilily pmiu t . it sy li in a :, well a * t > iaal UJI it * Miles , lie- Knew Mat nnini-i ; , ; | M Can this ilauiile sanicuv ; n lion wnul . l .-.. it ; iv i ,. e pui . lie in eiii'd , himself , i i „\ ' v
Ui ' . iy i . e aecimipli i . cl ' , -..:.-. jmi JJI , is , is kn v , n ( non-hunt I e tvDil'l . Ilia t ) , hlim : it j . s u :,,:- iiii :: eir .:: ~ l } y n i-rl ( or ¦ 111 , lain ; . ; ' Kiy-iiu- ] I-.. , i . lalli .-. in-. ill niliiiatiiul nl a slighter ¦ a-. li .-r , | iiiii | ile-., | . nil > , Sm . iy !¦ ., r . i ; it im- ; anil the- hiisi uf ii . l . e-itik- s ' an cuiii |) l . i ; i , ! -. Th .- ¦ eni .-r . il iiekrunvle-ilgeiue-ni 1 || - he ii .--. i-l 1 ¦ . ¦ p . i .-. ea i .- . c' ilcqianrl mere ma . i ' - -
aaa ; s . v . e-.. i : ii . i . ni . ia :-, li-tulas , eai aui . elis aril lll )' -Ce-:,:-t-s , is w . llii'liiiilv elit ill Ciili \ illcilly eel lilicntes from nil inins of the winlil . —AIAT .
District Grand Lodge Of Bengal.
The Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was held at Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , 011 Friday , the 21 st March , 187 , 3 . There were present : —R . W . Hugh David
Sandeman , District Grand Master ; W . Bros . J . Pitt-Kennedy , as Deputy District Grand Master ; PI . II . Locke , P . D . D . G . M . ; G . H . Daly , P . D . D . G . M . ; I . L . Taylor , D . G . S . W . ; J . B . Knight , as D . G . J . W . ; D . J . Zemin , D . G . R . j W . B . MacTavish . as D . G . Treas . ; Capt . R . G .
Smyth , D . G . Sec ; Capt . A . J . Filgate , as D . G . S . D . ; W . T . Amos , D . G . J . D . ; J . C . Parker , D . G . D . C ; W . H . J ones , D . G . A . D . C ; J , Lindley , D . G . S . B . ; E . F . Longley , as D . G . S . B . ; C . H . Compton , D . G . O . ; J . IT . E . Beer , as D . G . P . j Bros . W . 11 . Ayres , A . j . Hughes , J . M Evans , C . G . Stewards ; and Alexander , Tyler .
There were also present representatives from lodges , Star in the East , 67 ; Industry and Perseverance , j 00 ; True Friendship , 218 : Humility with Fortitude , 229 ; Marine , 2 , 52 ; Anchor and Hope , 2 ) 4 ; St . John , 4 86 ; Excelsior , S 52 ;
temperance ami . benevolence , 1 160 ; and Sandeman , 1274 . Several visitors were also present . The District Grand Lodge was opened in due form at 7 p . m . The District Grand Secretary reported the receipt of apologies from the several brethren for
non-attendance . The minutes of the Quarterl y Communication of the 27 th December , 1872 , having been printed and circulated , were , on the motion of the District Grand Master , taken as read , and , on being put to the vote , were confirmed .
The Worshi pful the District Grand Master then delivered a : i address , from which we make the followintr extracts - . —
In the absence of the Deputy District Grand Master , the duty will devolve upon the immediate Past Deputy , Bro . J . Pitt Kennedy , and I resign my command accordingly into his hands from this evening . 1 need scarcely ask you to
give linn that fuff support which you have given me for the past eleven years , so that when the time comes for him to give way to his successor , he may tlo so , as I now do , with a feeling of great sorrow and regret .
I have observed , and I am sorry to be obliged to say , not infrequently , that Masons have seceded from a lodge from a mere feeling of disappointment ; sometimes at themselves not recch ing that advancement to which they have thought themselves entitled , sometimes at seeing
their lodge pass under the rule of a Master to whom they would have preferred another . Need I say , that such brethren are not acting up to the spirit which should govern Freemasons . Hear what the ancient charges say on this point : — ' None should discover envy at the prosperity
of a brother , nor supplant him , nor put him out of his work , if he be capable to finish the same , ' and ' all Masons employed shall weekl y receive their wages without murmuring or mutiny , and not desert the Master till the work be finished . ' These brief sentences conclusively show that
brethren are bound to stand by the award of their lodge , and to recognise and support their Master and his officers , although they might prefer seeing others in their place . A very liberal donation of r 00 rupees hail been made to the funds of the Bengal Masonic
Association by Rae Luelmiecpiit Singh Baliadoor , of Baloochnr , in the Moorshedabail district . 'This handsome , gift was purely spontaneous , and he would venUite to commend the act of liberal beneiiceiice , 011 the part of one who is not a Freemason , as a good and worthy example to
members of our Craft . 'The warrant for Lodge lleauehamp at Roorkcc had been rcceivi . d from England , and forwarded to its destination . 'The number of the lodge is 1422 . I have received a petition addressed to the
Oram ) Lodge iA' Ln / 'lam ! l , y Bro . Wnfter liourne and others , praying for a warrant of constitution to empower them tonxvtas a regular lodge ;; L A , se ; i : >; e , a ~ -liUiu : i w . i the lino of thc / , a . t -n . i ' . e . ij Railway , on the- s . cu . id 'Tuesday of each mouth , uuiier the Mastership of Bro . Bourne , who lias been i ' ov long known in Ben-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Great City Lodge, No. 1426.
for what they had done , but he wished to tell them that in consequence of the alteration which had taken place in retaining the boys in the school until they were i 6 years of age , there would be no vacancies for any others either in October or April , which was a matter
he was sure would receive their serious consideration . There were 41 unsuccessful candidates after the last election , and other candidates were coming forward week by week and month after month , and they must enlarge their school if they continued to send these candidates to them .
Letthem ' not blame him , but if they continued to send these applications , they must find space to provide for them . He thanked them for what they had done in the past , and he relied with confidence upon their exertions for the future .
Bro . Little returned thanks on behalf of the Girls' School . Bro . Terry also returned thanks on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , trusting that the festival for the Girls' School would be liberally responded to .
The Tyler ' s toast wasgiven , which brought tin proceedings to a close . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Hook , of 186 , assisted by Bros , Chubb , T . G . Smith , J . H . Cozens , and Bro . Frank Toole , P . G . S . W . Essex , most efficiently acted as Toast Master .
We understand that the first meeting ol this lodge for work will be . held this ( Saturday ) afternoon , at the Cannon-street Hotel , at three o ' clock precisely , notices containing a long list of joining members and candidates for initiation having been issued immediately after the closing of the lodge . Brethren of other lodges will receive a hearty welcome .
Consecration Of The Seville Lodge, St. Ann's Bay, Jamacia.
Wednesday , April 2 , 1873 , will long be remembered by the good folks of Saint Ann ' s Bay . A scene of the greatest interest , never before witnessed in that place , presented itself to the inhabitants . From a very early hour , the galloping of horses and rolling of carriages ,
with the fair sex from the adjoining parishes , fore ' told that it was to be a gala day . At a quarter to one o ' clock , the Masonic Brotherhood began to assemble at the Court House , when the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Hoyes , arranged the order of procession .
Arriving at the door of thc church , thc procession halted , and opened out on each side . The Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Masu-v entering the church , followed by the . Prov . Grand Chaplain and members , thc Prov . Grand Master and officers taking the seats reserved for them before the Communion Table , Divine Service
was held , and a suitable and appropriate address delivered by Bro . the Rev . N . L . Ellis , illustrating the blessed triumphs of Faith , Hope ami Charity , which was attentively listened to by the hundreds of persons who filled the church , as well as by those outside , who could not obtain seats . A collection was afterwards made on
behalf of the poor of the parish . Service being ended the brethren reformed in procession , and the band striking up the Masonic March , proceeded to the new lodge-room . The Provincial Grand Master entered , followed by his officers and the members of the Seville
Lodge , the Grand Organist playing an anthem prescribed by the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , The ceremony of consecration was then proceeded with , the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master strewing corn , wine and oil upon the lodge , and the Pmv .
Grand Chaplain rehearsing several appropriate passages of Scripture suitable on such occasions . The ceremony of dedication being ended , the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master culled on Bro . John Hoyes , Grand Director of Ceremonies , to read the Proclamation constitiitintr
the lodge . The Prov . Grand Master afterwards installed the following officers : —Bros . Michael Solomon , Worshipful Master ; Alexander Lake , Depute Master ; Edmund Hart , Senior Warden ; Carvalho , Junior Warden ; Abraham Xo . ih , Treasurer ; Albert J . Mart , Secretary ; George Roe , Senior Deacon ; A . N . Sutherland , Junior
Consecration Of The Seville Lodge, St. Ann's Bay, Jamacia.
Deacon ; W . R . Phillips , Inner Guard ; and Edward Hall , Tyler . •^ The officers severally returned thanks , and the lodge closed in the usual way . At half past 7 , p . m ., the brethren re-assembled at the Court House , where a grand display of all
the good things of this life was exibited , to which ample justice was done . A platform , erected on the south side of the building , was graced with the presence of the ladies , who seemed delighted throughout the whole ceremony . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were
proposed by thc newly installed Master , Michael Solomon Esqr ., the band playing the air appropriate to each toast . Among the assembled guest were noticed—the Hon . Charles Royes , Gustos and member of the hon . Legislative
Council ; the Revd . Josias Cork , Rector ; E . G . Barret , Esq , ; Charles Fletcher , Esq . ; E . 1 > . Lynch , Est ] ., ami several of the magistrates ami influential gentlemen of the parish . The Worshipful Master proposed " The I lealth
of the Provincial Grand Master , the R . W . Sanil . Constantine Burke , " who had at great inconvenience attended for the purpose of consecrating the lodge . The R . W . Provincial Grand Master returned thanks in an eloquent speech . "The Health of the Provincial Grand Master
for East Jamaica , R . W . Dr . Hamilton , was then drunk . The Provincial Grand Master then proposed " The Health of the Wor . Michael Solomon , the Master Fleet , " ami congratulated the Seville Lodge upon the choice of a gentlemen who possessed the respect and esteem of his fellow parishioners .
The Wor . Master having replied , the following toasts were proposed and drank with
enthus-: — " His Excellency Sir John Peter Grant and the Legislative Council of Jamaica , " proposed by the Provincial Grand Master , and responded to by the Hon . Charles Royes . "The Bishop and Clergy , and Ministers of all
Religious Denominations" by the Master , responded to by the Rev . | osias Cork , Rector , and Rev . N . L . Luis . "The Gustos and Magistrates of St . Ann , " by E . 11 . Lynch , Esq . Responded to by the Gustos and Charles Fletcher , Esq .
"The Sister Lodges , " by the Senior Warden . Responded to by the Worshipful D . DeSouza , of the Athcl I ' nion Lodge , Falmouth . " The Visiting Brethren and Visitors , "
proposed hy the I unior Warden , and responded to by Bros . Fray ami K . G . Barrett , Est ] . " 'The Argicuhural Interest" by Bro . Abraham \" o : i ' . P . i ^ ponded to b y a member of the Seville Lodoe .
" The Ladies , " by Bro . A . X . Sutherland . Responded to by Dr . Saund TS . Bro . Samuel 11 . Wat :, on , proposed "The Health of all Distressed Masons , and Willows
and Orphans of Masons throughout the world . " which was drunk enthusiastically ; after which the band struck up " God save the Queen , " and thus ended one of the best days that has been witnessed in Saint Ann ' s Bay for the last halfcentury .
" home months since , my wife was suffering with a bad cough and severe pains in the chest , and totally unable to attend to her ordinary duties . She was advised lot'y your Pain Killer , and altera lew do-es of it u . is restored to perfect health , which she still cnims . 1 also use it for
Tiles , from whi < -li 1 have long suffered , ami OIK dose taken intern .: ! I y hiiariaiii y gives me entire relief . — | . \ s . !; : < . w > sii . \ w . "
I | MU . < HV . \ I \ ( !¦ .: !> : T : ' e hen I ' icfe -nr U ^ ian-. av lurried hi-. alVal . 1 I ,, t ¦ - ..- leiiei it Ininian m . lilies he ' •'It Inat hi , eaaliw in . an . , inii .-t be eiini ] iL , ent la timrtintilily pmiu t . it sy li in a :, well a * t > iaal UJI it * Miles , lie- Knew Mat nnini-i ; , ; | M Can this ilauiile sanicuv ; n lion wnul . l .-.. it ; iv i ,. e pui . lie in eiii'd , himself , i i „\ ' v
Ui ' . iy i . e aecimipli i . cl ' , -..:.-. jmi JJI , is , is kn v , n ( non-hunt I e tvDil'l . Ilia t ) , hlim : it j . s u :,,:- iiii :: eir .:: ~ l } y n i-rl ( or ¦ 111 , lain ; . ; ' Kiy-iiu- ] I-.. , i . lalli .-. in-. ill niliiiatiiul nl a slighter ¦ a-. li .-r , | iiiii | ile-., | . nil > , Sm . iy !¦ ., r . i ; it im- ; anil the- hiisi uf ii . l . e-itik- s ' an cuiii |) l . i ; i , ! -. Th .- ¦ eni .-r . il iiekrunvle-ilgeiue-ni 1 || - he ii .--. i-l 1 ¦ . ¦ p . i .-. ea i .- . c' ilcqianrl mere ma . i ' - -
aaa ; s . v . e-.. i : ii . i . ni . ia :-, li-tulas , eai aui . elis aril lll )' -Ce-:,:-t-s , is w . llii'liiiilv elit ill Ciili \ illcilly eel lilicntes from nil inins of the winlil . —AIAT .
District Grand Lodge Of Bengal.
The Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was held at Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , 011 Friday , the 21 st March , 187 , 3 . There were present : —R . W . Hugh David
Sandeman , District Grand Master ; W . Bros . J . Pitt-Kennedy , as Deputy District Grand Master ; PI . II . Locke , P . D . D . G . M . ; G . H . Daly , P . D . D . G . M . ; I . L . Taylor , D . G . S . W . ; J . B . Knight , as D . G . J . W . ; D . J . Zemin , D . G . R . j W . B . MacTavish . as D . G . Treas . ; Capt . R . G .
Smyth , D . G . Sec ; Capt . A . J . Filgate , as D . G . S . D . ; W . T . Amos , D . G . J . D . ; J . C . Parker , D . G . D . C ; W . H . J ones , D . G . A . D . C ; J , Lindley , D . G . S . B . ; E . F . Longley , as D . G . S . B . ; C . H . Compton , D . G . O . ; J . IT . E . Beer , as D . G . P . j Bros . W . 11 . Ayres , A . j . Hughes , J . M Evans , C . G . Stewards ; and Alexander , Tyler .
There were also present representatives from lodges , Star in the East , 67 ; Industry and Perseverance , j 00 ; True Friendship , 218 : Humility with Fortitude , 229 ; Marine , 2 , 52 ; Anchor and Hope , 2 ) 4 ; St . John , 4 86 ; Excelsior , S 52 ;
temperance ami . benevolence , 1 160 ; and Sandeman , 1274 . Several visitors were also present . The District Grand Lodge was opened in due form at 7 p . m . The District Grand Secretary reported the receipt of apologies from the several brethren for
non-attendance . The minutes of the Quarterl y Communication of the 27 th December , 1872 , having been printed and circulated , were , on the motion of the District Grand Master , taken as read , and , on being put to the vote , were confirmed .
The Worshi pful the District Grand Master then delivered a : i address , from which we make the followintr extracts - . —
In the absence of the Deputy District Grand Master , the duty will devolve upon the immediate Past Deputy , Bro . J . Pitt Kennedy , and I resign my command accordingly into his hands from this evening . 1 need scarcely ask you to
give linn that fuff support which you have given me for the past eleven years , so that when the time comes for him to give way to his successor , he may tlo so , as I now do , with a feeling of great sorrow and regret .
I have observed , and I am sorry to be obliged to say , not infrequently , that Masons have seceded from a lodge from a mere feeling of disappointment ; sometimes at themselves not recch ing that advancement to which they have thought themselves entitled , sometimes at seeing
their lodge pass under the rule of a Master to whom they would have preferred another . Need I say , that such brethren are not acting up to the spirit which should govern Freemasons . Hear what the ancient charges say on this point : — ' None should discover envy at the prosperity
of a brother , nor supplant him , nor put him out of his work , if he be capable to finish the same , ' and ' all Masons employed shall weekl y receive their wages without murmuring or mutiny , and not desert the Master till the work be finished . ' These brief sentences conclusively show that
brethren are bound to stand by the award of their lodge , and to recognise and support their Master and his officers , although they might prefer seeing others in their place . A very liberal donation of r 00 rupees hail been made to the funds of the Bengal Masonic
Association by Rae Luelmiecpiit Singh Baliadoor , of Baloochnr , in the Moorshedabail district . 'This handsome , gift was purely spontaneous , and he would venUite to commend the act of liberal beneiiceiice , 011 the part of one who is not a Freemason , as a good and worthy example to
members of our Craft . 'The warrant for Lodge lleauehamp at Roorkcc had been rcceivi . d from England , and forwarded to its destination . 'The number of the lodge is 1422 . I have received a petition addressed to the
Oram ) Lodge iA' Ln / 'lam ! l , y Bro . Wnfter liourne and others , praying for a warrant of constitution to empower them tonxvtas a regular lodge ;; L A , se ; i : >; e , a ~ -liUiu : i w . i the lino of thc / , a . t -n . i ' . e . ij Railway , on the- s . cu . id 'Tuesday of each mouth , uuiier the Mastership of Bro . Bourne , who lias been i ' ov long known in Ben-