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District Grand Lodge Of Bengal.
gal as a promoter of Freemasonry . The Lodge will be known as the Pioneer , and I have , under the authority of the constitutions , granted them a provisional warrant to meet in anticipation of the receipt of the regular warrant from England , until when it will be known as No . 41 of
Bengal . I regret to say that four lodges are reported to me as in arrears , and that the state of one of these lodges is so unsatisfactory as to have induced me to ask a special committee to investigate its position and to report the result for such orders as may be found necessary .
R . W . Bro . Pitt-Kennedy expressed a fear that his professional avocations would hardly permit him effectually to fulfil the arduous duties of a District Grand Master , but that he would endeavour to perform those duties to the best of his power .
The report of the Committee of General Purposes was read and adopted . The following report of the Grand Committee of the Fund of Benevolence was read : —During the quarter endidg 31 st December , 1872 , the Sub-Committee has had under its consideration
eighteen applications for renewal , of which four were granted for renewal of Rs . 20 for six months each ; one was granted Rs . 10 for six months ; one was granted a donation of Rs . 50 ; and twelve refused with regret . The Committee took into consideration the difficulty under which
they are at present labouring , from having no knowledge of the extent of their public income , and concerning which the District Grand Treasurer reports that he is unable to supply any information . The Committee resolved that the District Grand Treasurer be addressed , with thc view of being informed whether he had carried
out the proposition noted in paragraph t 8 of thc " District Grand Lodge Quarterly Communications , " dated the 27 th day of December , 187 a ; and further , that he be again solicited to submit a statement , showing- what has been the actual annual income for the last five years , or to explain wherein the difficulty lies in affording this information .
The report was adopted . In pursuance of the notice given at the Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge , held on the 27 th December , 1872 , Bro . C . H . Compton , D . G . Organist , proposed , and Wor . Bro . Pitt-Kennedy , seconded . : — " That a
Select Committee be appointed to meet and report on the best scheme to be adopted for obtaining premises , either by building , or on a joint-stock principle , or otherwise , a temple or lodge for Masonic purposes in Calcutta , which was carried unanimously . "
Thc District Grand Master hoped that the plan might succeed , although he had very slight hopes on this subject . He had sat on a committee some thirteen years back to consider a proposition to this end , and that Committee had risen out of the ashes of several previous Committees , all of
which ended in nothing . During his tenure of office as District Grand Master , similar propositions had been frequently made to Grand Lodge , as frequently died a natural death . There was a general unwillingness to invest money in jointstock speculations , that he feared the shares would
not be taken up . Rig ht . Wor . Bro . Pitt-Kennedy addressed the Rig ht Wor . District Grand Master on behalf of the Masonic Fraternity : — " We the Officers of Distiid Grand Ledge of Bengal , on behalf of the brethren of the Craft , working under the
authority of the Grand Lodge of England within thc District of Bengal , respectfully beg permission , before your departure from the principal field of your Masonic labours , to record our sentiments of regard and esteem for your services . The entire Craft feels deep regret at your
departure , knowing , as we do , that 111 you we lose one who has for eleven years held the Hiram in Bengal with judgment , ability , Uwt , anil liberality , and whose post we can hardly expect to sit filled by any other so fitted for the post , We desire to acknowledge our high
appreciation of thc great services you have rendered to Masonry in the East , from the day you joined the brotherhood to the latest hour of your residence in this country ; amongst which scrtiets we especially record the institution of the Bei gal Masonic . Association fur educating Children of Indigent Freemasons , which , muter your
District Grand Lodge Of Bengal.
care and guidance , has already affected much good , and many improvements introduced by you in the management and control of the Fund of Benevolence . For these services you will ever be remembered with the deepest feelings of gratitude by the widows and orphans of departed
Masons , as one who had provided the means of succouring their distresses , relieving their necessities , and giving them comfort in their old age . You have left them to our care , and we can but assure you that in your absence we will watch and guard this legacy as a sacred trust , and
enjoin the same on our successors . We feel , however , that to those who had the good fortune to have sat under your Hiram , as well as to those to whom your name will come down as an honoured tradition , it would be a satisfaction to have before our eyes , in the hours of refreshment ,
the semblance of one whose memory we honour , and we therefore solicit the favour of your permitting your portrait to be painted for the District Grand Lodge of Bengal . As a small tribute of biotherly love , and token of thc high esteem in which you are held by all Masons , from the
Indus to the furthest limits of Burmah , and more especially in the District of Bengal , we beg permission to offer for your acceptance , on behalf of the Masonic Brotherhood , a token which will be delivered to you on your arrival at home . We must now say
farewell . The warmest prayers of the Craft for your happiness and welfare will accompany j-oii wherever you go ; and wc trust that in another hemisphere you will long enjoy the reward of your honoured career here as a public servant , as a man , and as a Mason .
The District Grand Master expressed himself wholly at a loss to reply , in anything like adequate terms , to the very kind and generously worded address which had been read to him he thought that it over-rated his services to Freemasonry , and considered it was in itself an
amply sufficent reward without being supplemented by any testimonial . He resigned his office with feelings of deep and sincere regret , and he felt that it still rested with him as a duty to watch from home , and to the best of his ability , the interests of the Order in the East . As
touching the request that he would have his portrait taken for District Grand Lodge , he would , of course be happy to comply with the wishes of his Masonic Brethren , and follow any instructions he mig ht receive from them on thc subject .
Wor . Bro . J . H . Turner addressed the Right Wor . the District Grand Master on the subject of initiating Hindoo gentlemen , and stated that he had submitted a report , as required from him , at the last Quarterl y Communication for investigation , but had as yet received no re pi v .
The District Grand Secretary explained that references had been made to other districts lor
information regarding the mode adopted in initiating Hindoo gentlemen ; but as he had only that afternoon received a reply , he had not time to lay the matter before the Right Wor . District Grand Master for consideration . A collection was then made fertile Fund of Benevolence , and the amount announced by the District Grand Secretary to be Rs . 156-12 .
There being no further business to be brought forward , thc District Grand Lodge was closed , in due form , at 8 p . m .
It is with great pleasure that we have to announce that His Imperial Majesty the . Emperor of Brazil has conferred a well-merited honour upon our esteeinul brother , James Glaishcr ,
F . R . S ., Senior Grand Deacon of England , and Grand Soj . of Grand Chapter , by nominating him a Knig ht of the Order of the Rose , an order of Brazilian chivalry .
Suwlsa , ! . —Tiro i . nly ; iuaYauli . ' i . 'il owe lav Tu . iUr . u- ' iW .- Tliis extrnnria . . a " . a ; -a h aiis ' i , " niaiw iVu- in i ' ..- cli-il-, . J- .. -,. ' inaiK-ilinti . ' lV . ii .-l , wiii ' iiinl ' iaiiniii-: liu- iis ' . ' i , mill luniv , ii ti-i -, i | , isnry i . tiiiipiir . u . I .-.. .. ' .. la j-. n-i IY-. -.- r ¦ . . jil . 'I 'i ,-i nis . u . i ii . 'I ' m 1111 I ' .-. MI ., mi' ikan . ~ hi ; an-1 i miil ' iii ill--, till .- La III , illi |> . ' ill .- a lialunil leillli-.-s la the- I'll 111- ; , aii ' l ' ; ilL-s IniilislK'l In ill . - ' euaini'l . I ' l'ici- Is . Oil . Tin- Kiiv . v . lii .:. . 'iiltn r , | . ' . ' li ; ii ' . " . l tii'ai .. i . ' , ;; va- 11 . ... I hy h-. T . \ lai .--ly , pins (' - - ¦ fit a | . < ' . ' ' : Mil ' - ' i . ' . liili is .-. , am ! iin | . all ' . a tl . 'li- i"i' ¦ Ii . I .. n » .-.. ' , 1 . 1 il ; , ' I ' . i'alli . i ' lii - is . ml . . ' is , I la . 'ill i-ii ' . 'i . ii-l > an . I jMI ' inis'i a ni-,. 1 In- tli - - ysisvi ' . 'lnr ; , . Mr-si : ' .. '«' . H : KI , . .. III . ' i . M-.- i ; -. I >; i : ii'' < l 'Ji : 1 . list ' s , 7 J , l . iu ! L ; .-. u-ina , iiir ! : u , llailj > --iivi : l , Ciiviimli ^ . i-. i-liiiiiv ; Lundul ) .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held in their Hall , Georgestreet , Edinburgh , on Tuesday , 6 th May , 1873 . There was an unusually large attendance . In the unavoidable absence of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Earl of Rosslyn ,
the throne was occupied by Past Grand Master Bro . John Whyte-Melville , of Bennochy and Strathkinnes , supported by Substitute Grand Master Bro . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , Colonel Campbell of Blythswood , Senior Grand Warden ; Bro . F . A . Barrow , Senior Grand Deacon
Acting Grand Junior Warden ; Bros . Walter Montgomerie of Qiieenshill , P . G . M . of Glasgow j John Laurie , Grand Secretary ; Alexander Hay , Grand Secretary ; John Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; James Ballantine , Grand Bard ; Daniel Robertson , Grand Bible Bearer ; Albert
T . Apthorpe , Acting Chief Grand Marshal ; F . S . Melville , President ; John Haig , of Cameron Bridge , Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards ; Professor Blackie , Representative at Tennessee of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Bros . C . W . M . Midler , Representative of the
Grand Lodge of Saxony ; William Hay , Representative of thc Grand Lodge oC Nova Scotia ; Lindsay Mackersy , Representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada ; William Officer , P . G . D . ; Captain Neil , of Swinridgo Muir , Deputy Grand
Master of Ayreshire ; Captain Gordon , of Craigmyle ; and Captain G . R . Harriott , of Killiemore , D . P . G . M . of Wigtownshire . The Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and several proxy commissions were sustained .
Thanks were voted for presents from the Grand Lodges of France , Prussia , thc Netherlands , Brazil , Chili , Virginia , and Kentucky , after which the minutes of Grand Committee were
read and confirmed . The Grand Secretary reported the demise of Bro . Alexander James Stewart . W . S ., late R . W . Senior Joint Grand Secretary ; as also of Bro . John Hart , late R . W . Prov . Grand Master for South Australia ; and he read , in connection with
thc decease of Bro . Stewart , a letter ol condolence from the Grand Lodge of Ireland . 'These intimations were received , and ordered to be recorded in the minutes , with an expression of regret . An application for the recognition and establishment of fraternal relations with the Grand
Lodge ol Greece was received , and unanimously agreed to . On the nomination of the lodges in the Provinceof Wigtownshire , and the recommendation of the Grand Committee added thereto , Bro . G . R . Harriott was unanimously appointed Prov . Grand Master for that province , and , being present , was duly installed into office , with the
usual honours , by the Acting Grand Master . Petitions for charters to new lodges " Thistle , " New South Wales , and "Myrton , " Port William , Newton-Stewart , were , on thc recommendation of the Grand Committee , complied with . A motion for altering the days of meeting of Grand Lodge was , after sonic discussion , withdrawn .
The Grand Secretary intimated that he had received a communication from the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Rosslyn , enclosing a letter from the Grand Master of { -liiebec , oil the subject of the recognition of that body . At his Lordship ' s request , it was remitted to the Grand Committee .
The-following mot ion , after some disctission , was carried by a majority : —'" 'That the Grand Lodge of Scotland , from and after thc beginning of the Masonic year , be composed entirely of Right Worshi pful Masters , and actual Wardens , and Past Masters . "
A notice of motion fur discussion at the next quarterly communication was , in the following terms , proposed by bro . Captain Neill , seconded by Bro . ll-. ill- - . t-U :- ' - " 'That for the good of I'Yeemasonry in this country , it is expedient that
business meetings of Grand Lodge be held in did " : vent places in Scotland , the suitable lime and p laces for such meetings to be determined by the Grand Committee , or in such a manner ;\ s Grand Lndj'v may ilirict . " Grand Lodge , was tin reaficr 1 los- d in due form , and ihe brethren dispersed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge Of Bengal.
gal as a promoter of Freemasonry . The Lodge will be known as the Pioneer , and I have , under the authority of the constitutions , granted them a provisional warrant to meet in anticipation of the receipt of the regular warrant from England , until when it will be known as No . 41 of
Bengal . I regret to say that four lodges are reported to me as in arrears , and that the state of one of these lodges is so unsatisfactory as to have induced me to ask a special committee to investigate its position and to report the result for such orders as may be found necessary .
R . W . Bro . Pitt-Kennedy expressed a fear that his professional avocations would hardly permit him effectually to fulfil the arduous duties of a District Grand Master , but that he would endeavour to perform those duties to the best of his power .
The report of the Committee of General Purposes was read and adopted . The following report of the Grand Committee of the Fund of Benevolence was read : —During the quarter endidg 31 st December , 1872 , the Sub-Committee has had under its consideration
eighteen applications for renewal , of which four were granted for renewal of Rs . 20 for six months each ; one was granted Rs . 10 for six months ; one was granted a donation of Rs . 50 ; and twelve refused with regret . The Committee took into consideration the difficulty under which
they are at present labouring , from having no knowledge of the extent of their public income , and concerning which the District Grand Treasurer reports that he is unable to supply any information . The Committee resolved that the District Grand Treasurer be addressed , with thc view of being informed whether he had carried
out the proposition noted in paragraph t 8 of thc " District Grand Lodge Quarterly Communications , " dated the 27 th day of December , 187 a ; and further , that he be again solicited to submit a statement , showing- what has been the actual annual income for the last five years , or to explain wherein the difficulty lies in affording this information .
The report was adopted . In pursuance of the notice given at the Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge , held on the 27 th December , 1872 , Bro . C . H . Compton , D . G . Organist , proposed , and Wor . Bro . Pitt-Kennedy , seconded . : — " That a
Select Committee be appointed to meet and report on the best scheme to be adopted for obtaining premises , either by building , or on a joint-stock principle , or otherwise , a temple or lodge for Masonic purposes in Calcutta , which was carried unanimously . "
Thc District Grand Master hoped that the plan might succeed , although he had very slight hopes on this subject . He had sat on a committee some thirteen years back to consider a proposition to this end , and that Committee had risen out of the ashes of several previous Committees , all of
which ended in nothing . During his tenure of office as District Grand Master , similar propositions had been frequently made to Grand Lodge , as frequently died a natural death . There was a general unwillingness to invest money in jointstock speculations , that he feared the shares would
not be taken up . Rig ht . Wor . Bro . Pitt-Kennedy addressed the Rig ht Wor . District Grand Master on behalf of the Masonic Fraternity : — " We the Officers of Distiid Grand Ledge of Bengal , on behalf of the brethren of the Craft , working under the
authority of the Grand Lodge of England within thc District of Bengal , respectfully beg permission , before your departure from the principal field of your Masonic labours , to record our sentiments of regard and esteem for your services . The entire Craft feels deep regret at your
departure , knowing , as we do , that 111 you we lose one who has for eleven years held the Hiram in Bengal with judgment , ability , Uwt , anil liberality , and whose post we can hardly expect to sit filled by any other so fitted for the post , We desire to acknowledge our high
appreciation of thc great services you have rendered to Masonry in the East , from the day you joined the brotherhood to the latest hour of your residence in this country ; amongst which scrtiets we especially record the institution of the Bei gal Masonic . Association fur educating Children of Indigent Freemasons , which , muter your
District Grand Lodge Of Bengal.
care and guidance , has already affected much good , and many improvements introduced by you in the management and control of the Fund of Benevolence . For these services you will ever be remembered with the deepest feelings of gratitude by the widows and orphans of departed
Masons , as one who had provided the means of succouring their distresses , relieving their necessities , and giving them comfort in their old age . You have left them to our care , and we can but assure you that in your absence we will watch and guard this legacy as a sacred trust , and
enjoin the same on our successors . We feel , however , that to those who had the good fortune to have sat under your Hiram , as well as to those to whom your name will come down as an honoured tradition , it would be a satisfaction to have before our eyes , in the hours of refreshment ,
the semblance of one whose memory we honour , and we therefore solicit the favour of your permitting your portrait to be painted for the District Grand Lodge of Bengal . As a small tribute of biotherly love , and token of thc high esteem in which you are held by all Masons , from the
Indus to the furthest limits of Burmah , and more especially in the District of Bengal , we beg permission to offer for your acceptance , on behalf of the Masonic Brotherhood , a token which will be delivered to you on your arrival at home . We must now say
farewell . The warmest prayers of the Craft for your happiness and welfare will accompany j-oii wherever you go ; and wc trust that in another hemisphere you will long enjoy the reward of your honoured career here as a public servant , as a man , and as a Mason .
The District Grand Master expressed himself wholly at a loss to reply , in anything like adequate terms , to the very kind and generously worded address which had been read to him he thought that it over-rated his services to Freemasonry , and considered it was in itself an
amply sufficent reward without being supplemented by any testimonial . He resigned his office with feelings of deep and sincere regret , and he felt that it still rested with him as a duty to watch from home , and to the best of his ability , the interests of the Order in the East . As
touching the request that he would have his portrait taken for District Grand Lodge , he would , of course be happy to comply with the wishes of his Masonic Brethren , and follow any instructions he mig ht receive from them on thc subject .
Wor . Bro . J . H . Turner addressed the Right Wor . the District Grand Master on the subject of initiating Hindoo gentlemen , and stated that he had submitted a report , as required from him , at the last Quarterl y Communication for investigation , but had as yet received no re pi v .
The District Grand Secretary explained that references had been made to other districts lor
information regarding the mode adopted in initiating Hindoo gentlemen ; but as he had only that afternoon received a reply , he had not time to lay the matter before the Right Wor . District Grand Master for consideration . A collection was then made fertile Fund of Benevolence , and the amount announced by the District Grand Secretary to be Rs . 156-12 .
There being no further business to be brought forward , thc District Grand Lodge was closed , in due form , at 8 p . m .
It is with great pleasure that we have to announce that His Imperial Majesty the . Emperor of Brazil has conferred a well-merited honour upon our esteeinul brother , James Glaishcr ,
F . R . S ., Senior Grand Deacon of England , and Grand Soj . of Grand Chapter , by nominating him a Knig ht of the Order of the Rose , an order of Brazilian chivalry .
Suwlsa , ! . —Tiro i . nly ; iuaYauli . ' i . 'il owe lav Tu . iUr . u- ' iW .- Tliis extrnnria . . a " . a ; -a h aiis ' i , " niaiw iVu- in i ' ..- cli-il-, . J- .. -,. ' inaiK-ilinti . ' lV . ii .-l , wiii ' iiinl ' iaiiniii-: liu- iis ' . ' i , mill luniv , ii ti-i -, i | , isnry i . tiiiipiir . u . I .-.. .. ' .. la j-. n-i IY-. -.- r ¦ . . jil . 'I 'i ,-i nis . u . i ii . 'I ' m 1111 I ' .-. MI ., mi' ikan . ~ hi ; an-1 i miil ' iii ill--, till .- La III , illi |> . ' ill .- a lialunil leillli-.-s la the- I'll 111- ; , aii ' l ' ; ilL-s IniilislK'l In ill . - ' euaini'l . I ' l'ici- Is . Oil . Tin- Kiiv . v . lii .:. . 'iiltn r , | . ' . ' li ; ii ' . " . l tii'ai .. i . ' , ;; va- 11 . ... I hy h-. T . \ lai .--ly , pins (' - - ¦ fit a | . < ' . ' ' : Mil ' - ' i . ' . liili is .-. , am ! iin | . all ' . a tl . 'li- i"i' ¦ Ii . I .. n » .-.. ' , 1 . 1 il ; , ' I ' . i'alli . i ' lii - is . ml . . ' is , I la . 'ill i-ii ' . 'i . ii-l > an . I jMI ' inis'i a ni-,. 1 In- tli - - ysisvi ' . 'lnr ; , . Mr-si : ' .. '«' . H : KI , . .. III . ' i . M-.- i ; -. I >; i : ii'' < l 'Ji : 1 . list ' s , 7 J , l . iu ! L ; .-. u-ina , iiir ! : u , llailj > --iivi : l , Ciiviimli ^ . i-. i-liiiiiv ; Lundul ) .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held in their Hall , Georgestreet , Edinburgh , on Tuesday , 6 th May , 1873 . There was an unusually large attendance . In the unavoidable absence of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Earl of Rosslyn ,
the throne was occupied by Past Grand Master Bro . John Whyte-Melville , of Bennochy and Strathkinnes , supported by Substitute Grand Master Bro . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , Colonel Campbell of Blythswood , Senior Grand Warden ; Bro . F . A . Barrow , Senior Grand Deacon
Acting Grand Junior Warden ; Bros . Walter Montgomerie of Qiieenshill , P . G . M . of Glasgow j John Laurie , Grand Secretary ; Alexander Hay , Grand Secretary ; John Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; James Ballantine , Grand Bard ; Daniel Robertson , Grand Bible Bearer ; Albert
T . Apthorpe , Acting Chief Grand Marshal ; F . S . Melville , President ; John Haig , of Cameron Bridge , Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards ; Professor Blackie , Representative at Tennessee of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Bros . C . W . M . Midler , Representative of the
Grand Lodge of Saxony ; William Hay , Representative of thc Grand Lodge oC Nova Scotia ; Lindsay Mackersy , Representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada ; William Officer , P . G . D . ; Captain Neil , of Swinridgo Muir , Deputy Grand
Master of Ayreshire ; Captain Gordon , of Craigmyle ; and Captain G . R . Harriott , of Killiemore , D . P . G . M . of Wigtownshire . The Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and several proxy commissions were sustained .
Thanks were voted for presents from the Grand Lodges of France , Prussia , thc Netherlands , Brazil , Chili , Virginia , and Kentucky , after which the minutes of Grand Committee were
read and confirmed . The Grand Secretary reported the demise of Bro . Alexander James Stewart . W . S ., late R . W . Senior Joint Grand Secretary ; as also of Bro . John Hart , late R . W . Prov . Grand Master for South Australia ; and he read , in connection with
thc decease of Bro . Stewart , a letter ol condolence from the Grand Lodge of Ireland . 'These intimations were received , and ordered to be recorded in the minutes , with an expression of regret . An application for the recognition and establishment of fraternal relations with the Grand
Lodge ol Greece was received , and unanimously agreed to . On the nomination of the lodges in the Provinceof Wigtownshire , and the recommendation of the Grand Committee added thereto , Bro . G . R . Harriott was unanimously appointed Prov . Grand Master for that province , and , being present , was duly installed into office , with the
usual honours , by the Acting Grand Master . Petitions for charters to new lodges " Thistle , " New South Wales , and "Myrton , " Port William , Newton-Stewart , were , on thc recommendation of the Grand Committee , complied with . A motion for altering the days of meeting of Grand Lodge was , after sonic discussion , withdrawn .
The Grand Secretary intimated that he had received a communication from the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Rosslyn , enclosing a letter from the Grand Master of { -liiebec , oil the subject of the recognition of that body . At his Lordship ' s request , it was remitted to the Grand Committee .
The-following mot ion , after some disctission , was carried by a majority : —'" 'That the Grand Lodge of Scotland , from and after thc beginning of the Masonic year , be composed entirely of Right Worshi pful Masters , and actual Wardens , and Past Masters . "
A notice of motion fur discussion at the next quarterly communication was , in the following terms , proposed by bro . Captain Neill , seconded by Bro . ll-. ill- - . t-U :- ' - " 'That for the good of I'Yeemasonry in this country , it is expedient that
business meetings of Grand Lodge be held in did " : vent places in Scotland , the suitable lime and p laces for such meetings to be determined by the Grand Committee , or in such a manner ;\ s Grand Lndj'v may ilirict . " Grand Lodge , was tin reaficr 1 los- d in due form , and ihe brethren dispersed .