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De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 83 VGRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL AT FOUNTAIN'S ABBEY , In aid of the De Grey Scholarships , On Wednesday , the 12 th July , 1871 , npHE next PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE JL having been appointed to be held at RIPON , on the 12 th of of JULA next , the Right Hon . EAKL _ GREY ADD Rir-ON , K . C , M . W . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . AV . Yorks , has , with his usual liberality , [ liven thc Craft the privilege of visiting thc magnificent ruins of FOUNTAINS ABBEY and the adjacent grounds of STUDLEY on that day . A GRAND BANQUET will be held in thc spacious Cloisters ( by special ^ permission ) , and , in order to render thc gathering still more attractive , thc Ladies arc invited to add a charm and grace the festival by their presence . BANQUET TICKET ( admitting to grounds );—Gentleman ' s Ticket , 5 $ . 6 d _; Lady ' s ditto , 5 s . TWO MILITARY BANDS have been engaged for Banquet and Quadrilles . Excursion Trains will run from all parts of Yorkshire . Banquet Tickets may be had of Bro . AY . Harrison , Market-place , !<\ ipon , to whom application must be made on or before ist July next . P . O . O . must accompany ali applications . By order of SAMUEL EVANS , AV . M ., AV . HARRISON , Secretary 8 37 . Town Hall , Ripon , May igth , 1871 .
To Architects . THE Committee of the intended New Masonic Hall , LIVERPOOL , INVITE COMPETITION , PLANS , and ELEVATIONS for a NEW MASONIC HALL . A Premium of £ 100 will be awarded for the best , and £ 50 for the second best , design . Both plans to become the property of the Committee , but should cither of the successful competitors be cmployed in thc erection of thc building , thc premium to merge in his commission , which shall not exceed £ s per cent , on thc proposed outlay . Thc competition will be limited to those Architects who are subscribing members of a Masonic lodge in England . All plans to be deposited , not later than the ist September next sealed and addressed to thc Honorary Secretary of the Committee ' , Masonic Hall , j- * , Hope-street , Liverpool , being marked with a molto or device , and accompanied by a scaled envelope , similarly marked containing the name , address , and number of lodge of its author * but which will not be opened until after the Prizes are awarded . ' Printed particulars and a plan of the site will be furnished to intending competitors by depositing 10 s . ( which will be returned to all parties sending in designs , except the successful competitors ) on application to ROBERT WILSON , Hon . Secretary to thc Committee , 34 . South Castle Strcci , Liverpool .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newl y decorated , liy Bro CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention w ° ' be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by thc new Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND . GENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges " , at iheal-ox-c Hotel . Beds from ss . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s ; Breakfasts from 2 s . ; lablc d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquet-- . A Spacious and Cheerful Cojffee Room overlooking the Thames . IiRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager .
Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd ' s-lane , Brixton . ( Close to Railway Station , L . C . nnd D . R . ) T 5 R . O . TIMEVVELL begs to announce to the Craft 1 J - ' lhat he has enlarged and adapted his house for MASONIC LODGES , & o , and has slill a few evenings disengaged . United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 , meet here every frrulay evening at 7 ; liro . John Thomas , P . M ., _ c . Preceptor .
Beer in Bottle . WHITBREAD and CO . 's London Cooper , Stout and Ales . Sole Agent , ROUT . BAKER . Prices and full particulars can be obtained at the Stores , ! __ -= 77 , CRAY'S INN ROAD , W . C . W - tLLIATTwlNSOR , of 8 , Mil ^ W ^ , m , i . London-bridje , Imports CIGARSofthe very Finest Brands wAw ° S"i ft 0 m ' ! lcCll <> - «> t' ' - '«•'*««*• AVhole-
THE ROBT . WENTWORTH LITTLE TESTIMONIAL . CHAIRMAN . BROTHER COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . CM . for Middlesex , & ° c ., & = c . TREASURER . BROTHER JOHN HERVEY " , GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons' Hall . LIST OF COMMITTEE . Bro . Colonel FRANCIS BURD . ETT , P . G . M . for Middlesex , Chairman . „ Thc Right Honourable EARL BECTIVE , Underlcj-, Kirkby Lonsdale . „ The Right Honourable thc EARL OF JERSEA . ' , Middleton Park , Bicester . „ Sir FREDERICK M . AVILLIAMS , Barfc , M . P ., Goonvrea . „ Sir GILBERT . CAMPBELL , Barfc , 18 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , S . AV . „ JOHN HERVEY , Grand Secretary , Freemasons' Hall . „ Rev . C . J . MARTYN , Grand Chaplain , Long Melford Rcctorj * . Suffolk . „ Rev . G . R . PORTAL , Albury Rector )' , Guildford . „ Major FINNEA ' , AVoburn Chambers , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden . „ JAMES BRETT , Jcwin-crcscent , Cripplegate . „ JOHN BOYD , 98 , Buckingham Palace Road , Pimlico . „ AV . J . HUGHAN , Truro , Cornwall . „ ANGELO LEAVIS , 36 , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . „ MAGNUS OHREN , Lower Sydenham , S . E . „ AV . R , AA'OODMAN , Vittoria Villa , Stoke Newington . „ EDWARD SISSON , 353 , New Cross Road . „ JAMES AVILLING , JUN ., 3 66 , Cray ' s Inn Road . „ EDAVARD CLARK , 10 , Buckingham-street . Strand . „ T . BURDETT YEOMAN , 4 « , Colveston-crcsccnt , St , Martin ' s-squarc , AVest Hackney . „ JOHN AV . BARRETT , Kamsfort-placc , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe . „ CHARLES GOSDEN , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-streefc „ AV . ROEBUCK , 21 , Ellington-street , Arundcl-squarc . „ JAMES AVEAVER , 45 , Howland-strcct . Fitiroy-square . „ S , ROSENTHAL , 2 , Reel Lion Square . „ J . L . THOMAS , 36 , Gloucester-street , Warwick-square . „ EDWIN SILLIFANT , 24 , Old Jewry . „ JAMES STEVENS , Clapham Common . „ GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydcndam . AA'ith power to add to their number . The form of the Testimonial , which must in some measure depend on the amount subscribed , will be carefully considered and made known to thc Subscribers , together with due notice of thc day of presentation . All Subscriptions will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON . In order to ensure success it is hoped lhat every Brother will personally interest himself in the movement . JOHN THOS . MOSS , AV . M . 13213 , P . M . -Co , " J 38 , Graccchurch-strcet , London . ' Hon . H . C . LEVANDER , P . M . 507 , P . M . C , (\ Secys 376 , Wandsworlh-road , S . AV . I
Auction and Estate Oilices . T Have REMOVED from my Offices , 5 , PENTON-— VII . I . K KnAi > , ISI . IHGTOX , to a more central position . No . s < , LONDON AVALL , MOORGATE . STREET * . CITY . W . HENRY WiTTS ,
Remittances to Australia , New South Wales , and Netu Zealand . ROYAL BANK OF IRELAND . LETTERS of CREDIT on Melbourne , Sydney , Adelaide , Auckland , and all the Principal Towns , can be obtained on thc most favourable terms at the office of this Bank , By order . FOSTER PLACE , DUBLIN , March , 1871 .
MUSIO FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDAVIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with thc approval of THE M . AV . G . M . BRO . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , St . A ., to whom it Ls , by his permission , dedicated . POST FISEE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
The Great American Masonic Poem . Now ready , Price Twopence , or sent post-free to any part of Creat Britain or Ireland on receipt of three Penny Postage Stamps , "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC rOEM , By Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , Of New York City . Bros , TWERDELL and S ONS , Cleveland Printimj nnd PiiWishinc Offices and Masonic Depot , 87 , Linthorpe-road , Middlesbrough . London * . GEOKGB KENNING .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS , New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAS T- " AVrittcn by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bio . EDAVIN J . CROW , Fellow of thc College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . LciC and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London and Liverpool ; Post-free 10 stamps .
NOAV READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv Bno . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Frccmasonrv , founded on thc Ancient Charges and Symbol * , and will be found to he eminently practical aud useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from London : GEOKGE K ENNING , » , 3 and 4 , Little Britain . Liverpool : ,. ** , Monument-place , Edinburgh J MitNzir . s , J , Hanover-street . Dublin : CH . UCI . ES HK . OGKI . ONU , 3 ( 3 , Grafton-street . And may be bad of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Fronlisficce . A H .-ind-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket A ' ndt-Mecuni and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected wilh Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed lo be communicable , in accordance with the principles of thc Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Bro . GEO . KE . VNI . VC , 2 , 3 * 4 , Utile Britain , London , E . C .
BRO . REEVES , SON & Co ., Trade Lithographers , Engravers _ - » Die-Sinkers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON , E . C . Bock of Specimen *! and Prices forwarded on receipt of J 4 itampsi
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 83 VGRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL AT FOUNTAIN'S ABBEY , In aid of the De Grey Scholarships , On Wednesday , the 12 th July , 1871 , npHE next PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE JL having been appointed to be held at RIPON , on the 12 th of of JULA next , the Right Hon . EAKL _ GREY ADD Rir-ON , K . C , M . W . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . AV . Yorks , has , with his usual liberality , [ liven thc Craft the privilege of visiting thc magnificent ruins of FOUNTAINS ABBEY and the adjacent grounds of STUDLEY on that day . A GRAND BANQUET will be held in thc spacious Cloisters ( by special ^ permission ) , and , in order to render thc gathering still more attractive , thc Ladies arc invited to add a charm and grace the festival by their presence . BANQUET TICKET ( admitting to grounds );—Gentleman ' s Ticket , 5 $ . 6 d _; Lady ' s ditto , 5 s . TWO MILITARY BANDS have been engaged for Banquet and Quadrilles . Excursion Trains will run from all parts of Yorkshire . Banquet Tickets may be had of Bro . AY . Harrison , Market-place , !<\ ipon , to whom application must be made on or before ist July next . P . O . O . must accompany ali applications . By order of SAMUEL EVANS , AV . M ., AV . HARRISON , Secretary 8 37 . Town Hall , Ripon , May igth , 1871 .
To Architects . THE Committee of the intended New Masonic Hall , LIVERPOOL , INVITE COMPETITION , PLANS , and ELEVATIONS for a NEW MASONIC HALL . A Premium of £ 100 will be awarded for the best , and £ 50 for the second best , design . Both plans to become the property of the Committee , but should cither of the successful competitors be cmployed in thc erection of thc building , thc premium to merge in his commission , which shall not exceed £ s per cent , on thc proposed outlay . Thc competition will be limited to those Architects who are subscribing members of a Masonic lodge in England . All plans to be deposited , not later than the ist September next sealed and addressed to thc Honorary Secretary of the Committee ' , Masonic Hall , j- * , Hope-street , Liverpool , being marked with a molto or device , and accompanied by a scaled envelope , similarly marked containing the name , address , and number of lodge of its author * but which will not be opened until after the Prizes are awarded . ' Printed particulars and a plan of the site will be furnished to intending competitors by depositing 10 s . ( which will be returned to all parties sending in designs , except the successful competitors ) on application to ROBERT WILSON , Hon . Secretary to thc Committee , 34 . South Castle Strcci , Liverpool .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newl y decorated , liy Bro CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention w ° ' be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by thc new Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND . GENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges " , at iheal-ox-c Hotel . Beds from ss . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s ; Breakfasts from 2 s . ; lablc d'Hote 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquet-- . A Spacious and Cheerful Cojffee Room overlooking the Thames . IiRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager .
Duke of Edinburgh , Shepherd ' s-lane , Brixton . ( Close to Railway Station , L . C . nnd D . R . ) T 5 R . O . TIMEVVELL begs to announce to the Craft 1 J - ' lhat he has enlarged and adapted his house for MASONIC LODGES , & o , and has slill a few evenings disengaged . United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 , meet here every frrulay evening at 7 ; liro . John Thomas , P . M ., _ c . Preceptor .
Beer in Bottle . WHITBREAD and CO . 's London Cooper , Stout and Ales . Sole Agent , ROUT . BAKER . Prices and full particulars can be obtained at the Stores , ! __ -= 77 , CRAY'S INN ROAD , W . C . W - tLLIATTwlNSOR , of 8 , Mil ^ W ^ , m , i . London-bridje , Imports CIGARSofthe very Finest Brands wAw ° S"i ft 0 m ' ! lcCll <> - «> t' ' - '«•'*««*• AVhole-
THE ROBT . WENTWORTH LITTLE TESTIMONIAL . CHAIRMAN . BROTHER COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . CM . for Middlesex , & ° c ., & = c . TREASURER . BROTHER JOHN HERVEY " , GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons' Hall . LIST OF COMMITTEE . Bro . Colonel FRANCIS BURD . ETT , P . G . M . for Middlesex , Chairman . „ Thc Right Honourable EARL BECTIVE , Underlcj-, Kirkby Lonsdale . „ The Right Honourable thc EARL OF JERSEA . ' , Middleton Park , Bicester . „ Sir FREDERICK M . AVILLIAMS , Barfc , M . P ., Goonvrea . „ Sir GILBERT . CAMPBELL , Barfc , 18 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , S . AV . „ JOHN HERVEY , Grand Secretary , Freemasons' Hall . „ Rev . C . J . MARTYN , Grand Chaplain , Long Melford Rcctorj * . Suffolk . „ Rev . G . R . PORTAL , Albury Rector )' , Guildford . „ Major FINNEA ' , AVoburn Chambers , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden . „ JAMES BRETT , Jcwin-crcscent , Cripplegate . „ JOHN BOYD , 98 , Buckingham Palace Road , Pimlico . „ AV . J . HUGHAN , Truro , Cornwall . „ ANGELO LEAVIS , 36 , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . „ MAGNUS OHREN , Lower Sydenham , S . E . „ AV . R , AA'OODMAN , Vittoria Villa , Stoke Newington . „ EDWARD SISSON , 353 , New Cross Road . „ JAMES AVILLING , JUN ., 3 66 , Cray ' s Inn Road . „ EDAVARD CLARK , 10 , Buckingham-street . Strand . „ T . BURDETT YEOMAN , 4 « , Colveston-crcsccnt , St , Martin ' s-squarc , AVest Hackney . „ JOHN AV . BARRETT , Kamsfort-placc , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe . „ CHARLES GOSDEN , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-streefc „ AV . ROEBUCK , 21 , Ellington-street , Arundcl-squarc . „ JAMES AVEAVER , 45 , Howland-strcct . Fitiroy-square . „ S , ROSENTHAL , 2 , Reel Lion Square . „ J . L . THOMAS , 36 , Gloucester-street , Warwick-square . „ EDWIN SILLIFANT , 24 , Old Jewry . „ JAMES STEVENS , Clapham Common . „ GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydcndam . AA'ith power to add to their number . The form of the Testimonial , which must in some measure depend on the amount subscribed , will be carefully considered and made known to thc Subscribers , together with due notice of thc day of presentation . All Subscriptions will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON . In order to ensure success it is hoped lhat every Brother will personally interest himself in the movement . JOHN THOS . MOSS , AV . M . 13213 , P . M . -Co , " J 38 , Graccchurch-strcet , London . ' Hon . H . C . LEVANDER , P . M . 507 , P . M . C , (\ Secys 376 , Wandsworlh-road , S . AV . I
Auction and Estate Oilices . T Have REMOVED from my Offices , 5 , PENTON-— VII . I . K KnAi > , ISI . IHGTOX , to a more central position . No . s < , LONDON AVALL , MOORGATE . STREET * . CITY . W . HENRY WiTTS ,
Remittances to Australia , New South Wales , and Netu Zealand . ROYAL BANK OF IRELAND . LETTERS of CREDIT on Melbourne , Sydney , Adelaide , Auckland , and all the Principal Towns , can be obtained on thc most favourable terms at the office of this Bank , By order . FOSTER PLACE , DUBLIN , March , 1871 .
MUSIO FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDAVIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with thc approval of THE M . AV . G . M . BRO . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , St . A ., to whom it Ls , by his permission , dedicated . POST FISEE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
The Great American Masonic Poem . Now ready , Price Twopence , or sent post-free to any part of Creat Britain or Ireland on receipt of three Penny Postage Stamps , "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC rOEM , By Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , Of New York City . Bros , TWERDELL and S ONS , Cleveland Printimj nnd PiiWishinc Offices and Masonic Depot , 87 , Linthorpe-road , Middlesbrough . London * . GEOKGB KENNING .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS , New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAS T- " AVrittcn by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bio . EDAVIN J . CROW , Fellow of thc College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . LciC and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London and Liverpool ; Post-free 10 stamps .
NOAV READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , Bv Bno . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Frccmasonrv , founded on thc Ancient Charges and Symbol * , and will be found to he eminently practical aud useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from London : GEOKGE K ENNING , » , 3 and 4 , Little Britain . Liverpool : ,. ** , Monument-place , Edinburgh J MitNzir . s , J , Hanover-street . Dublin : CH . UCI . ES HK . OGKI . ONU , 3 ( 3 , Grafton-street . And may be bad of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an Emblematical Fronlisficce . A H .-ind-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket A ' ndt-Mecuni and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected wilh Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed lo be communicable , in accordance with the principles of thc Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Bro . GEO . KE . VNI . VC , 2 , 3 * 4 , Utile Britain , London , E . C .
BRO . REEVES , SON & Co ., Trade Lithographers , Engravers _ - » Die-Sinkers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON , E . C . Bock of Specimen *! and Prices forwarded on receipt of J 4 itampsi