Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Alasonic Meetings
Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavem , Mile end-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoria '
road , Deptford , at S . Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , Marquess Tavern , Canonbury ; Bro . R . Lee , Preceptor . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-road , at S ; Comp . AV . West Smith , Preceptor .
SATURDAY , J 17 . Lodge 1185 , Lewis , Nightingale Tavern , AA ' ood Green . Mark Lodge ( 104 ) , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby .
New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . J . Comb , Preceptor . Sp hinx Lodge of Instruction , Stirling Castle , Camber well , at 8 ; Bro . Thomas , P . M ., Preceptor . Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air street , at 8 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor .
TEA ADULTERATION . — The adulterations practised before import are varied and disgusting . They consist in " facing " common tea with deleterious substances , in drying up foreign leaves ( chiefly those of the willow ) along with tea , and in redrying leaves which have already passed through the pots of the celestials , and which are doubtless considered quite good enough for us barbarians . A great trade
has lately sprung up in this branch of industry , and the result is known as " MtiAoo mixture . " It seems that the leaves are industriously collected and spread out to dry in the sun , when they again become shrivelled , and besides being thus , after a little facing , rendered saleable , they form a most excellent resting-place for the pigs and other domestic animals attached to the cottage of the manufacturer . —Food Journal .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassan , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food audits Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar's Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary AA'heat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL IIASSALL , M . D ., London . " - - Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
SirALL-POX , FEVERS , AND SKIN DISEASES . — The predisposition to is prevented by Lamplough ' s Vyrc ^ c Saline . Vitalising and invigorating , its effects arc remarkable in their cure and prevention . Take it as directed . Sold by chemists and thc maker , II . Lamplough , 11 3 , Hol-om-hil ! . —[ Advt . ]
CROSBA '' S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER . — Opiates Narcotics , and Smtills arc too oflcn invoked" to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at thc expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at thc rcjt of the malady , modern science points to Crosby ' s I ' -tlsamic Cough Elixcr , as thctrtie remedy . —Select Testimonial . Dr . Hooke ,
Scarborough , author of the * ' Atm-Linci : ! , ' says : "I have repeatedly observe - VIVAV ver- ' r . v i mUy and invariably il subdued cott ^ h , Pain , and irritation of the client in cases of pulmonary consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for ihis disease . " —This medicine , which is free from opium aud squills , not only allays the local irritation , hut improves digestion and strengthens the
constitution Hence it in tisetl u'i'h thc most signal _ success in Asthmas , lirouchilis , CsnMiinplion , Coughs , Inllueiua , Night Sweat , of Consumption , Quinsy , aud all affections of thc throad and chests Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent . Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . od ., 4 s . 6 d . and us each , and wholesale liy J . M . CKOSHY , Chumi-. ! , Scarborough . * . ** Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise ou " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained vratis of any respectable Chemist . —I Advt . * ;
^_\ teixs . imttirts . Masonic Mote Paper and Envelopes , For Craft , Mark , Royal Arch , Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , Rose Croix , Knights Templar , 30-i Degree , IN BOXES THREE SHILLINGS . WHOLESAl .- AKD RETAIL . BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON .
MASONIC PERFUME , Etnblcmatically Arranged for Craft and Royal Arch , WHOt-BSAl . - ATS- RETML AT THE MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON .
I rfJb THE LONDON SSS&K WARMINGANDVENTILATINGCOMPANY •f ^ r ^ pflb ( LIMITED ) , J $ ? WS FK 23 ' ABINGDON STREET flfft ff {| l }| t ! ™ WESTMINSTER , S . W . I 1 ' 4 M 1 H , I'l Manager , Director , and Secretary , MR , WOODCOCK , 11 I ' M IM j j In ' I I 111 A ] i J ( ' ChnrcViex , Greenhouses , Offices / and Buildings of every description warmea by means of a I I P ll I ii Ml modification of the plans successfully used by Sir Goldsworthy Gurney in both Houses of llf 1 fin ,, ill Parliament . I I 1 i | l ' ' ft'" < p The cost is less , and the effect greater , than tbat of any other known means . 1 I ' ! I ! . . L jt Ihe Horticulturist will ilso hnd an instrument of new and important power . >'!.IrUK>&v*™yx* , I I III I I ' 11 Pi / 'A - £% J * . ' ' ^ pfiP , This Convpam * has warmed St . Paul's Cathedral , A , Ml f' 18 i 'S / r ^— '' Y ^ Ul ' llWYW \ A ' oik Minster , all the principal Cathedrals , and more V---J * \ M I _ JW « - - » '' ffr 7 < 'i ' m I ' Mfil ••HPtlKW _ ---l 5 ? - \ " -- •¦> one- tlicis-ind Churches in England , and A < - ~ Z ~ IK d y A'fi K V ~ iY I \ Y , wM \ W f ! fm n ™™* Cathedrals and Churches in France , be-¦ V-i ,-- * __ i- _ i ^ - $ ' i . ' liii'rl'lF" PiW' ^ H'raUdes Govcrnmentand other Public and Private BuUd" " TT" P " 'W ^ V , " ' ^! ib ' 'lj * i flpfe ^ M -n S ' - - * * crou & t 0 - * * an advertisement . " - -, III '| fcfe'l & " —~ YYr ZZ ~^ ~ fc & Y * ° zS Particulars and'Testimonialsforwardedon - _ ~~ - — * sfls „ - ~ - -. „__ -J-3 M £ - - ' application . French Offices , 12 , BOULEVARD ST . MARTIN , PARIS .
t f- ' HARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , p- ____ -- ^ vo ™ . v _ - » opposite the Royal Exchange , invite attention to the CORN- I Tllhliil j HII . I . SKERRY , as their speciality , puie , elegant and recherche , I mjTOffltnM ? [ I SWBRI ??? 8 and worthy of a place on any gentleman ' s table . UyMuM &^ SWMili J -Tf HE CORK HILL SHERRY , elegant , pale and dry , 30 s . per I /^ V ^^ fi •*¦ dozen . Carriage paid . \ ^ - >\ W * fVi > - ^ I CLARRT 16 s . ejs . = Ss . 3 6 s . 42 s . to Five Guineas . V ^ XjSZ ^ Ut' »>/ SIIHUKY 22 s . 26 s . 30 s . 3 6 s . 42 s . 46 s . to S s . Wi _ K > ' ^ - >_ -V . /_/ PORT = 8 s . 34 s . 4 = * - 48 s . 54 s . to > 2 os . \* Zr r § T N _ 'V CMAMVAC-SK .. 3 6 s . 42 s . 54 s . 60 s . to 84 s . \ ^ r r-o > 4 a A ^ - ^ WHISKEY—the Ben Nevis—C-MKLSS WATSON and Co . ' s Spe- \ ^ C //)]// I ciality , 20 s . per gallon ; thc softest and most fascinating ; Whiskey for \ . _ k /_ A _ V 7 M Toddy in the market . — 30 , Cornhill . Carriage free within 50 miles . \ S ^* **^ ^ ** JJ _ f Sample Hottles may be had . \ ^ ^ _ r •"THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s pc-dozen , carriage ^^ Established 179 S . - " - paid . 30 , Cornhill . Sample bottles may be had . Established 1708 . It "MESSRS . CHARLES WATSON and Co , of 30 , Cornhill , pORNHILL SHERRY . —CHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Corn-•" - forwarded \ ts samples of their ' Cornhill Sherry . ' We have ^* hill ( opposite Royal Exchange ) , request thc favour of a visit to taken the opinion of competent judges and veteran wine consumers these old-established cellars , containing a large stock of the finest old upon its merits , and pronounce it decidedly thc best of the wines at Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the most a similar cost which wc have tasted , and a great many came before critical connoisseurs . Descriptive list free . CW . andCo . appoi . it us du . ing the process of our analysis . "—Medical Press . Agents , with first-class references , in towns where not represented .
fj.aaREDUCTIONOFPRICE. /? , —l ? r-*> = _ i- _^_ rt __= ^^ k- ^ ! rL _ ---C ^ The most simp le SE WING MA CHINES in the ^ --rv y % * r * X Worldfhf ^ W ^ S ^ \ \ 4 (| k The DOMESTIC - £ 2 15 s . ^ K ^ i j ^^^ rall The " Judkins" Lock-Stitch , £ 4 4 s . / ^* ais £ J >< r V mfflii'ld '"PHIS .-if ! mi tabic Machine is the most perfect Hand-\ ' . ' + B _< •' -JlF-iiH Shuttle Machine yet invented . It is so simple that the most inexpfi ^ i ^ S ^ iMS } ' perienced can work it without any previous inlruclion , while it is incapable r " : ' ? -T- "\ --1 _ -. ___ yV- ' J' ^ ia ^ feB . ^ -., of derangement by ordinary use . Anything that can be worn , or reunite " - ? .- - : ; - ; wyV ' - wV rfcVd * s -Y - ^ 'f fp 3 Jfjjjl '"" slitdiing in •_ \ w . tse , tan be executed o \\ this Machine . fc ; S - y * '; ry ' r' -- ^ . > - ';« ... . .. - ^ v . - ^ * yVF _ V ^^ Testimon i als and Samples of work free . Ample Instructions f ^__^ p | p | - ^^ f §^^ P' ^|^^ . _ £ _ - - " •eomp . my each Jllnchine . Good Agents wanted . ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^' f % YSM ^ € - Sole Manufacturer , C . T . JUDKINS , fi ^^^ ^ }^ Mi ^^ W ^ MW 0 ^^ - - ' - l 6 > LUUGATK HILL , CITV , $ 0 ? 0 & 0 ^^ AND INDUSTRIAL COURT , CRYSTAL PALACE .
EveryPersonrequiringanOUTFITshouldsendfor THEOUTFITTER: Which contains Routes , Passenger Rates , Distances , Books , and Travelling Information for thc Military , Naval and Civil Services , the Emigrant , and the Traveller . PUBLISHED AND FORWARDED FREE BV GANN,JONES&Co., WHOLESALEMANUFACTURINGOUTFITTERS. The List is sent by post to the principal Gentry . Clergy , ancl Outfitters at Home , and to the leading Merchants and Wholesale Buyers in Australia , East Indies , China , Japan , Java and the Eastern Archipelago , West Coast of Africa , Cape of Good Hope , West Indies , Canada , South and Central America , & c . Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH STREET . Manufactory , 15 and 16 , BLOMFIl . LD STREET , E . C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Alasonic Meetings
Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavem , Mile end-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoria '
road , Deptford , at S . Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , Marquess Tavern , Canonbury ; Bro . R . Lee , Preceptor . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-road , at S ; Comp . AV . West Smith , Preceptor .
SATURDAY , J 17 . Lodge 1185 , Lewis , Nightingale Tavern , AA ' ood Green . Mark Lodge ( 104 ) , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby .
New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . J . Comb , Preceptor . Sp hinx Lodge of Instruction , Stirling Castle , Camber well , at 8 ; Bro . Thomas , P . M ., Preceptor . Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air street , at 8 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor .
TEA ADULTERATION . — The adulterations practised before import are varied and disgusting . They consist in " facing " common tea with deleterious substances , in drying up foreign leaves ( chiefly those of the willow ) along with tea , and in redrying leaves which have already passed through the pots of the celestials , and which are doubtless considered quite good enough for us barbarians . A great trade
has lately sprung up in this branch of industry , and the result is known as " MtiAoo mixture . " It seems that the leaves are industriously collected and spread out to dry in the sun , when they again become shrivelled , and besides being thus , after a little facing , rendered saleable , they form a most excellent resting-place for the pigs and other domestic animals attached to the cottage of the manufacturer . —Food Journal .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassan , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food audits Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar's Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary AA'heat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL IIASSALL , M . D ., London . " - - Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
SirALL-POX , FEVERS , AND SKIN DISEASES . — The predisposition to is prevented by Lamplough ' s Vyrc ^ c Saline . Vitalising and invigorating , its effects arc remarkable in their cure and prevention . Take it as directed . Sold by chemists and thc maker , II . Lamplough , 11 3 , Hol-om-hil ! . —[ Advt . ]
CROSBA '' S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER . — Opiates Narcotics , and Smtills arc too oflcn invoked" to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at thc expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at thc rcjt of the malady , modern science points to Crosby ' s I ' -tlsamic Cough Elixcr , as thctrtie remedy . —Select Testimonial . Dr . Hooke ,
Scarborough , author of the * ' Atm-Linci : ! , ' says : "I have repeatedly observe - VIVAV ver- ' r . v i mUy and invariably il subdued cott ^ h , Pain , and irritation of the client in cases of pulmonary consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for ihis disease . " —This medicine , which is free from opium aud squills , not only allays the local irritation , hut improves digestion and strengthens the
constitution Hence it in tisetl u'i'h thc most signal _ success in Asthmas , lirouchilis , CsnMiinplion , Coughs , Inllueiua , Night Sweat , of Consumption , Quinsy , aud all affections of thc throad and chests Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent . Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . od ., 4 s . 6 d . and us each , and wholesale liy J . M . CKOSHY , Chumi-. ! , Scarborough . * . ** Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise ou " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained vratis of any respectable Chemist . —I Advt . * ;
^_\ teixs . imttirts . Masonic Mote Paper and Envelopes , For Craft , Mark , Royal Arch , Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , Rose Croix , Knights Templar , 30-i Degree , IN BOXES THREE SHILLINGS . WHOLESAl .- AKD RETAIL . BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON .
MASONIC PERFUME , Etnblcmatically Arranged for Craft and Royal Arch , WHOt-BSAl . - ATS- RETML AT THE MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON .
I rfJb THE LONDON SSS&K WARMINGANDVENTILATINGCOMPANY •f ^ r ^ pflb ( LIMITED ) , J $ ? WS FK 23 ' ABINGDON STREET flfft ff {| l }| t ! ™ WESTMINSTER , S . W . I 1 ' 4 M 1 H , I'l Manager , Director , and Secretary , MR , WOODCOCK , 11 I ' M IM j j In ' I I 111 A ] i J ( ' ChnrcViex , Greenhouses , Offices / and Buildings of every description warmea by means of a I I P ll I ii Ml modification of the plans successfully used by Sir Goldsworthy Gurney in both Houses of llf 1 fin ,, ill Parliament . I I 1 i | l ' ' ft'" < p The cost is less , and the effect greater , than tbat of any other known means . 1 I ' ! I ! . . L jt Ihe Horticulturist will ilso hnd an instrument of new and important power . >'!.IrUK>&v*™yx* , I I III I I ' 11 Pi / 'A - £% J * . ' ' ^ pfiP , This Convpam * has warmed St . Paul's Cathedral , A , Ml f' 18 i 'S / r ^— '' Y ^ Ul ' llWYW \ A ' oik Minster , all the principal Cathedrals , and more V---J * \ M I _ JW « - - » '' ffr 7 < 'i ' m I ' Mfil ••HPtlKW _ ---l 5 ? - \ " -- •¦> one- tlicis-ind Churches in England , and A < - ~ Z ~ IK d y A'fi K V ~ iY I \ Y , wM \ W f ! fm n ™™* Cathedrals and Churches in France , be-¦ V-i ,-- * __ i- _ i ^ - $ ' i . ' liii'rl'lF" PiW' ^ H'raUdes Govcrnmentand other Public and Private BuUd" " TT" P " 'W ^ V , " ' ^! ib ' 'lj * i flpfe ^ M -n S ' - - * * crou & t 0 - * * an advertisement . " - -, III '| fcfe'l & " —~ YYr ZZ ~^ ~ fc & Y * ° zS Particulars and'Testimonialsforwardedon - _ ~~ - — * sfls „ - ~ - -. „__ -J-3 M £ - - ' application . French Offices , 12 , BOULEVARD ST . MARTIN , PARIS .
t f- ' HARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , p- ____ -- ^ vo ™ . v _ - » opposite the Royal Exchange , invite attention to the CORN- I Tllhliil j HII . I . SKERRY , as their speciality , puie , elegant and recherche , I mjTOffltnM ? [ I SWBRI ??? 8 and worthy of a place on any gentleman ' s table . UyMuM &^ SWMili J -Tf HE CORK HILL SHERRY , elegant , pale and dry , 30 s . per I /^ V ^^ fi •*¦ dozen . Carriage paid . \ ^ - >\ W * fVi > - ^ I CLARRT 16 s . ejs . = Ss . 3 6 s . 42 s . to Five Guineas . V ^ XjSZ ^ Ut' »>/ SIIHUKY 22 s . 26 s . 30 s . 3 6 s . 42 s . 46 s . to S s . Wi _ K > ' ^ - >_ -V . /_/ PORT = 8 s . 34 s . 4 = * - 48 s . 54 s . to > 2 os . \* Zr r § T N _ 'V CMAMVAC-SK .. 3 6 s . 42 s . 54 s . 60 s . to 84 s . \ ^ r r-o > 4 a A ^ - ^ WHISKEY—the Ben Nevis—C-MKLSS WATSON and Co . ' s Spe- \ ^ C //)]// I ciality , 20 s . per gallon ; thc softest and most fascinating ; Whiskey for \ . _ k /_ A _ V 7 M Toddy in the market . — 30 , Cornhill . Carriage free within 50 miles . \ S ^* **^ ^ ** JJ _ f Sample Hottles may be had . \ ^ ^ _ r •"THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s pc-dozen , carriage ^^ Established 179 S . - " - paid . 30 , Cornhill . Sample bottles may be had . Established 1708 . It "MESSRS . CHARLES WATSON and Co , of 30 , Cornhill , pORNHILL SHERRY . —CHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Corn-•" - forwarded \ ts samples of their ' Cornhill Sherry . ' We have ^* hill ( opposite Royal Exchange ) , request thc favour of a visit to taken the opinion of competent judges and veteran wine consumers these old-established cellars , containing a large stock of the finest old upon its merits , and pronounce it decidedly thc best of the wines at Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the most a similar cost which wc have tasted , and a great many came before critical connoisseurs . Descriptive list free . CW . andCo . appoi . it us du . ing the process of our analysis . "—Medical Press . Agents , with first-class references , in towns where not represented .
fj.aaREDUCTIONOFPRICE. /? , —l ? r-*> = _ i- _^_ rt __= ^^ k- ^ ! rL _ ---C ^ The most simp le SE WING MA CHINES in the ^ --rv y % * r * X Worldfhf ^ W ^ S ^ \ \ 4 (| k The DOMESTIC - £ 2 15 s . ^ K ^ i j ^^^ rall The " Judkins" Lock-Stitch , £ 4 4 s . / ^* ais £ J >< r V mfflii'ld '"PHIS .-if ! mi tabic Machine is the most perfect Hand-\ ' . ' + B _< •' -JlF-iiH Shuttle Machine yet invented . It is so simple that the most inexpfi ^ i ^ S ^ iMS } ' perienced can work it without any previous inlruclion , while it is incapable r " : ' ? -T- "\ --1 _ -. ___ yV- ' J' ^ ia ^ feB . ^ -., of derangement by ordinary use . Anything that can be worn , or reunite " - ? .- - : ; - ; wyV ' - wV rfcVd * s -Y - ^ 'f fp 3 Jfjjjl '"" slitdiing in •_ \ w . tse , tan be executed o \\ this Machine . fc ; S - y * '; ry ' r' -- ^ . > - ';« ... . .. - ^ v . - ^ * yVF _ V ^^ Testimon i als and Samples of work free . Ample Instructions f ^__^ p | p | - ^^ f §^^ P' ^|^^ . _ £ _ - - " •eomp . my each Jllnchine . Good Agents wanted . ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^' f % YSM ^ € - Sole Manufacturer , C . T . JUDKINS , fi ^^^ ^ }^ Mi ^^ W ^ MW 0 ^^ - - ' - l 6 > LUUGATK HILL , CITV , $ 0 ? 0 & 0 ^^ AND INDUSTRIAL COURT , CRYSTAL PALACE .
EveryPersonrequiringanOUTFITshouldsendfor THEOUTFITTER: Which contains Routes , Passenger Rates , Distances , Books , and Travelling Information for thc Military , Naval and Civil Services , the Emigrant , and the Traveller . PUBLISHED AND FORWARDED FREE BV GANN,JONES&Co., WHOLESALEMANUFACTURINGOUTFITTERS. The List is sent by post to the principal Gentry . Clergy , ancl Outfitters at Home , and to the leading Merchants and Wholesale Buyers in Australia , East Indies , China , Japan , Java and the Eastern Archipelago , West Coast of Africa , Cape of Good Hope , West Indies , Canada , South and Central America , & c . Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH STREET . Manufactory , 15 and 16 , BLOMFIl . LD STREET , E . C ,