Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDER OF MALTA. Page 1 of 1 Article THEATRICAL. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
resolved to have an anniversary summer banquet at the same place , and the W . M ., the P . M . 's , and others gave this arrangement their most cordial approbation and support . So , no doubt , when the appointed day arrives , a good muster of the brethren will be present to carry out this pleasant day ' s excursion into the country . Due notice will be given of the day appointed when all the necessary
preliminaries are completed , and we anticipate another red letter day on that occasion in connexion with this distinguished old prosperous and well-established lodge . Some formal business having been disposed of , the lodge was duly closed and stands adjourned untill the winter session . After business , the brethren adjourned to a superior banquet got up in that superior style for which Brother C .
Gosden is justly lamed . About fifty sat down , and their wants were liberally catered for . Bro . C . Gosden , as is usual with him , was unremitting in his attentions to see all were properly served and made comfortable . The cloth having been removed , the customary toasts were given and responded to . Some good singing and excellent recitations closed the last meeting of the season , and the
brethren separated to enjoy " tired nature ' s sweet repose , balmy sleep . " Crystal Palace Lodge , No . 742 . —The only ceremony at the meeting of this lodge on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., was that of installation , the retiring Master , Bro . Henry Finch , as AV . M ., installing his successor , Bro . George Weeks , with an amount of ability seldom surpassed . The
officers of the year are Bros . Cooper , S . AV . ; Cox , J . AV . ; Acton , Treasurer ; H . T . Thompson , Secretary ; Seymour Smith , Organist ; Steigerwald , S . D . ; Morley , J . D . ; Potter , I . G . ; AV . Bertram , D . C . ; Stevens , AV . S . ; AVoodslock , Tyler . After the ceremony , about seventy brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided by Bros . Bertram and Roberts in one of their charming rooms overlooking the grounds of the Crystal Palace .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Thursday , the Ist inst ., at the Gregorian Arms' Tavern , 96 , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . J . Green , AV . M ., Bro . F . AValters , P . M ., and Secretary , opened the lodge , when ihe minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . T . AV . Avery ,
P . M ., took the chair , and in a masterly manner raised Bro . A . Lewis to the third degree , passed Bro . C . A . Swaine ( 73 ) to the second degree , and initiated a gentleman into Freemasonry—the AV . M ., Bro . J . Green , having relinquished his position through indisposition . The work was beautifully performed , the officers being well able to render their parts , which made all the ceremonies pass off
in a superior manner . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Notice of removal of the lodge ( by desire of the landlord , Bro . G . Drapper ) was given by Bro . F . AA'alters , P . M . and Sec ., after which the lodge was closed . There were present besides those named : Bros . F . II . Ehswoifh , P . M . and Treas . ; G . J .
Grace , S . AA ' . ; J . AV . Dudley , J . AV . ; J . II . Fudge , J . D . ; T . AV . Cox , I . G . ; ]" . Ruse , AV . S . ; G . Drapper , G . Free , J . A . Axtell , P . Fry , G . Mabbs , AV . May , L . Ashton , H . Bartlett , T . Jones , J . Woolton , G . A . Claeys , & c . A'isitors : Bros . E . H . Tipton , AV . M . 49 ; T . Angel and C . A . Swaine , 73 ; & e . A good banquet was served , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Star Lodge , No . 1275 . —This young and well-established lodge held its regular meeting on Fiiday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross . The lodge was opened hy the W . M ., Bro . W . Ough , P . G . P ., who was supported by the following brethren : — C . T . Hogg , P . G . S ., S . AV . ; II . Keeble , J . AV . ; J . Smith , P . G . P . and I . P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . * , S . Homewood ,
as S . D . ; 11 . Crabtree , J . D . ; G . Pymm , P . M ., I . G . ; T . R . Darke , D . C ; J . J . Limebeer , AV . Okcy , AV . Bull , G . F . Guest , A . Stevens , AV . F . AVctten , J . Davis , AV . Kipps , AV . B . Tustin , J . Finch . R . F . Duff , T . Hobson , 11 . J . Clare , G . S . Elliott , and others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . T . Perridge ( l' . M . 79 ) . J . R . Dttssce ( 79 ) , Henry Potter ( P . M . it ) , AV . Bourne ( P . M .
749 ) . K . Sisson ( P . M . 901 ) , G . R . Lomax ( 913 ) , AV . H . Waghorn ( S . D . 946 ) , & c . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ami confirmed . Ballots were taken and proved unanimous in favour of Messrs . R . F . Duff , C . K . Share , J . Davis , J . Finch , and AA ' . Kipps as candidates for initiation , ami of Bro . George Samuel Elliott ( 749 ) as a joining member . The work gone through was raising
Bros . AV . II . I ramplcasure , J . J . Limebeer , and a visiting brother ; passing liro . Bull ; and initiating Messrs . Duff , Davis , Finch , and Kipps . The candidates were introduced separately , thus enabling each to give an undivided attention to thc ceremonies , which were all performed by the AV . M . in a faultless manner . The by-laws were read , and the brethren then proceeded to the election of a AA' . M ,
for the ensuing year , the result being unaimous in favour of the S . AV ., Bro . Hogg . The Treasurer and the Tyler ( Bro . J . Gilbert ) were unanimously re-elected to their respective offices . Thc Audit Committee was appointed , and an arrangement was made , for the convenience of the Secretary , to hold their meetings in town . It was also unanimously resolved that a ten-guinea testimonial he
presented from the lodge funds to lir . Ough , in slight recognition of his valuable and efficient services to the lodge as its second AV . M . ; the form of the testimonial to be left to the choice of that esteemed brother . —Bro . Ough , in a feeling speech thanked the brethren for the high compliment paid him . —The Treasurer then announced that his exertions as the lodge ' s Steward at the recent festival of the Girl ' s School , resulted ( in a joint list wilh some other
Stewards ) in the realization of over ^ 160 . J le would wish the lodge to send a Steward every year to , at least , one of thc festivals of thc great Masonic charities , ami hoped every brother who was installed as AV . M . of the lodge would also be a Steward to represent them on one of those occasions . —Acting on this suggestion , Bro . Hogg , the AV . M .-elect , gave in his name as the Steward to represent the lodge at the festival of the Royal Masonic
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Benevolent Institution in January next . —Several joining members and candidates for initiation having been proposed , it was arranged that emergency meetings should be held for the purpose of clearing off all work previous to the installation meeting , and thus leave the ceremony of
installation alone for that occasion ; and as a large number of visitors are expected , it was determined to hold the installation banquet at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet . The lodge was closed , banquet followed , and the usual happy evening was spent .
PROVINCIAL . CREWKERNE . —Parrel and Axe Lodi ; c , No . 814 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 25 th ultimo , the AV . M ., Bro . Straw-son , in the chair . 'Ihe lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , after which Bros . John AVright and R . S . Horsey were raised to the sublime degree of M . M .,
and the working tools were presented by Bro . P . M . Galpm . The lodge was then closed in form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AV . M ., on behalf of the lodge , presented the I . P . M ., Bro . Galpin , with a handsome gold P . M . 's jewel , bearing the following inscription ;—"Presented to Bro . Galpin , P . M ., P G . D . C . Somerset , by the brethren of the Parrel and Axe Lodge , 814 , in
acknowledgment of his valuable Masonic services . May , 1871 . " In doing so , the AV . M . spoke highly of the uniform efficiency , liberality , and courtesy of his Immediate P . M . during his two years' Mastership . Bro . Galpin acknowledged the compliment paid to him in feeling and appropriate terms . The jewel was supplied by Bro . George Kenning , Little Britain , London . The Tyler ' s toast brought amostagreeable evening to a pleasant termination .
PLUMSTEAD , KENT .- Pattison Lodge , A o . 913 . — The installation of liro . C . A . Ellis , P . M ., as AA'orshipftil Master of the Pattison Lodge , one of the finest lodges in the province of Kent , took place on Thursday , the Ist inst ., at the Lord Raglan Hall , Plumstead . The installation ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . J . Graydon , P . M . and P . P . G . S . Deacon of Kent , and the
AV . M . then invested his officers in their several degrees as follows : Bros . S . H . Pain , S . AV . ; T . AV . Knight , J . AA' . ; E . Denton , P . M . and P . P . S . Purs . Kent , Secretary ; A . Jessup , Treasurer ; G . M . Tapp , S . D . ; J . M'Dougall , J . D . ; and A . Tenfold , I . G . Subsequently an elegant banquet was served by Bro . Raymond . The AV . M . presided , and there were also present : The R . AA ' . Bro . F .
Pattison , Past Grand Warden of England , and founder of this lodge ; liros . C . Coupland , thc I . P . M . ; G . Tongue , P . M . and P . P . G . J . AVarden of Kent ; Graydon , J . Henderson , and AV . Norman , P . M . 's of this lodge ; together with al ! theofiicers and the following members : Bros . J . AVidgery , E . Hughes , R . Lister , T . AV . Davis , AV . AVatts , AV . Farnfield . G . AV . Smith , E . Palmer , E . Biddick , AV .
B . Lloyd , J . Raymond , J . Griffiths , G . Cay , R . Lonergan , F . F . Thorne , AA' . T . Vincent , T . D . Hayes , F . Barnett , AV . Canty , AV . II . Pinkey , AV . Lock , & c . The visitors present included Bros . Dr . Prescott , K . A ., P . M . 706 ; Felling , S . AV . 706 ; Sydney Clarke , j . AV . 706 ; [ . Miles , AA' . M . 293 ; AV . D . May , AV . M . 700 ; AV . J . Graham , AA ' . M .-elect 700 ; G . Ii . Davies , AV . M . 13 ; Marshall ,
S . D . 1308 ; Hastings , 1056 ; Pownall , 13 and 1089 ; & c . The whole proceedings of the day were of the most interesting character . Bro . Pattison responded to the toast of "The Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers , " and Bro . Graydon for "Lord Holmesdale and the Province of Kent . " But for urgent parliamentary duties , his lordship would have been present .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . CALCUTTA . —Koyal Kent Encampment . —A regular meeting of this encampment was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , 55 , Benlinck-sti-ct , Calcutta , on April 29 th , 1 S 71 . Present : K . Sir Kts . J . L . Taylor , P . E . C . ; G . II . Daly , P . E . C . and officiating Prelate ; Sir Kts . I ) . M . Hunt , Hit Captain ; G . M . Ooodrickc , 2 nd Captain ; J . R . Alex .
D Cruz , Registrar ; D . Ji'Gregor , Expert ; A . Friedeman , 1 st Herald ; AV . E . Jellicoe , 2 nd Herald ; AA . F . Westfield , Captain of the Lines ; Frater G . Alexander , Equerry . Members : Sir Kts . Friedeman and Girling . A'isitors : Sir Kts . A \' . II . M'Gowan , II . Compton , antl Captain G . G . Nelson . The encampment having been opened in due antl ancient form at 8 p . m ., the minutes
of ihe last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Thc ballot was prepared for Comp . Stephen Lawry . of Royal Arch Chapter Kilwinning in the East , No . 6 4 , of Scotland , proposed by E . Sir Kt . J . L . Taylor , and seconded by Sir Kt . J . R . Alex . D ' Cruz , and which , on being taken , proved favourable . Comp . Stephen Lawry was then admitted in due form , and installed a Knight
Companion of thc Order . Sir Kt . George Michael Goodrickc having been elected as Eminent Commander ol the encampment at thc last regular meeting , was called up , and duly installed into the chair . The Sir Knights , members of the encampment , were then admitted , and paitl due homage to the newly-installed Eminent Commander , who then made the following appointments * . —Sir Kts .
AVilliam Berry Fair , 1 st Captain ; David M'Grcgor , 2 nd Captain ; / . li . Alex , M'Cruz , Registrar ; \ V . F . AVestfield , Prelate ; AV . E . Jellicoe , Expert ; Adolph Frldeman , Almoner ; AVhitmore Girling , Captain of the Lines ; J . L . Taylor , Treasurer ; Frater G . Alexander , Equerry . A'i apology was recorded from the P . E . C . E . Sir Kt .
AVilliam Osmond Alexander for non-attendance in consequence of important business having compelled him to leave town . There being nothing further before the meeting , it was closed in solemn form , and the Sir Knights adjourned lo partake of the " Bread of Plenty " and "Cup of Cheerfulness , "
Order Of Malta.
GIBRALTAR . —A priory of this distinguished Order was opened in the rooms of the Calpe i ' . ncampment on the 23 rd ult . by the Eminent Prior Sir Kt . J . Balfour Cockburn , for ihe purpose of conferring the degree on Comps . Price , 30 , Andrews , antl Roche . There was a goodly muster of the Knights of St . John , and the
ceremony was conducted throughout in a most impressive manner , and with a very strict and cartful attention to details : AA ' orthy Sir Kt . Ellison acting as Mareschal . ' This was the first occasion the priory was worked with banners instead of veils , and the change was universally hailed as a most sensible improvement 01 the old system . Thc following knights guarded the banners : —The white
banner , Sir Kt . St . Leger ; the red banner . Sir Kt . AUfrey ; the black banner , Sir Kt . Dantez ; the purple banner , Sir Kt . Morgan ; the gold-coloured banner , Sir Kt . Marin . Thanks to the artistic skill and great lieraldio knowledge of the Captain-General , Sir Kt . St . Leger , the Calpe Encampment , though not possessing a suite of rooms of any very great size , may fairly boast of the internal decorations of ihe same , in the shape of
banners , standards , and devices , being second to no other encampment . AA ' e strongly counsel all wandering knights who may pass through Gibraltar not to fail to see this charming little priory , which may really he regarded as one of the "lions" of the place . Such a visit , we may safely add , will be most cordially received and as heartily responded to by the Eminent Prior , whose ability and courtesy are so well known .
ST . J AMES ' S THEATRE . —This ashionable theatre has crowded houses to witness the ever-popular burlesque " Poll and Partner Joe , " which is described by contemporaries as ' •one of the best burlesques that the best English burlesque writer has ever written , " and " unqualified success , " and
to which we can add great and genuine success , well merited and richly deserved . Mrs . John AA ' ood as Mary Maybud introduces her famous ballad , " My Love he is a Saillettr Boy , " and sings " His Heart was true to Poll , '' and to quote from The Observer , " her fresh , funny rendering of the
chorus is ringing in our ears as we write . Every one must hear that song . " Then , " Black Brandon's sensation header through the port side of the ship is quite equal in impressiveness to thc goblin monk's fall from Notre Dame . " —The Graphic . The burlesque is sustained
by Miss Caroline Parkes , Partner Joe ; Harry Halyard , Miss Emma Chambers ; Mr . Lionel Brough , Black Brandon ; Dame Tiller , Mr . Harry Cox ; Watchful AA ' axend , Mr . Alfred Young—all of whom well performed their parts . The comedy in two acts by Planchc , " Secret Service . " Mr .
AVilliam Farren in his father ' s famous role . "Those who remember the first AVilliam Farren and his many Haymarket triumphs will be glad to revive their stage traditions , and see almost the . old favorite actor again tnhis habit as he lived . "—The Daily Teletrraph . This performance is given first , then
the burlesque , and terminating with H . B . Farnie ' s new farce " Rival Romeos . " At Mrs . John AV'ood ' s benefit on Friday , May 26 th , during the benefit performances , she was literally presented with " a bag of gold . " A purse containing one hundred
guineas , subscribed by the ladies and gentlemen connected with her management , was placed in her hands by Mr . Sothcrn , who , in a neat impromptu speech , assured thc fair manageress that she was as " good as gold , " and that he could say for all concerned that " their hearts were true to Poll . "
ROVAL COURT THEATRE ( Sloanc-square ) . —The successful comedy oi " Randall ' s Thumb , " which has been performed for more than one hundred nights , was on Whit Monday replaced by a dramatised version of Charles Dickens ' s celebrated novel of " Great Expectations . " It is in three acts , witha
prologue . It is thus placed on the stage . Prologue-Exterior of Joe Gargery ' s Forge adjoining Churchyard . Act 1—Interior of Joe Gargery ' s Forge . Act 2—Pips's Chambers in Barnard's Inn . Act 3 , scene 1—Mr . Jaggcrs' Office in Little Britain ; scene 2—Thc old Sluice House near the Lime-kiln .
It is well put on the stage , and is likely to have a great run . The successful musical fairy tale , "Creatures ofImpulse , " tcrminatcsthc performances , which is commenced with a farce by thc late Mr . T . Robertson , entitled " Not at all Jealous . " It is with great pleasure we noticed no fees of any kind
are allowed to be taken here , and no doubt in time that wholesome rule will be carried out in all p laces of amusement as well as at the theatres . There was a full house on the night of our attendance , composed of a fashionable audience . Repeated calls before the curtain of the principal
performers in "Great Expectations , " at the end of eich act , proved how well this drama is likely to please the patrons of this well-managed theatre . It is a genuine success . AA'e nay add that the principal characters in the new melodrama are sustained
by Mesdames M . Brennan , Kate Bishop , k . Manor , and Eleanor Bufton , and Messieurs E . Righton , J . C . Cowper , AV . Belford , and John Clayton , to whom all praise is due for thc great success that has been obtained ,
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
resolved to have an anniversary summer banquet at the same place , and the W . M ., the P . M . 's , and others gave this arrangement their most cordial approbation and support . So , no doubt , when the appointed day arrives , a good muster of the brethren will be present to carry out this pleasant day ' s excursion into the country . Due notice will be given of the day appointed when all the necessary
preliminaries are completed , and we anticipate another red letter day on that occasion in connexion with this distinguished old prosperous and well-established lodge . Some formal business having been disposed of , the lodge was duly closed and stands adjourned untill the winter session . After business , the brethren adjourned to a superior banquet got up in that superior style for which Brother C .
Gosden is justly lamed . About fifty sat down , and their wants were liberally catered for . Bro . C . Gosden , as is usual with him , was unremitting in his attentions to see all were properly served and made comfortable . The cloth having been removed , the customary toasts were given and responded to . Some good singing and excellent recitations closed the last meeting of the season , and the
brethren separated to enjoy " tired nature ' s sweet repose , balmy sleep . " Crystal Palace Lodge , No . 742 . —The only ceremony at the meeting of this lodge on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., was that of installation , the retiring Master , Bro . Henry Finch , as AV . M ., installing his successor , Bro . George Weeks , with an amount of ability seldom surpassed . The
officers of the year are Bros . Cooper , S . AV . ; Cox , J . AV . ; Acton , Treasurer ; H . T . Thompson , Secretary ; Seymour Smith , Organist ; Steigerwald , S . D . ; Morley , J . D . ; Potter , I . G . ; AV . Bertram , D . C . ; Stevens , AV . S . ; AVoodslock , Tyler . After the ceremony , about seventy brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided by Bros . Bertram and Roberts in one of their charming rooms overlooking the grounds of the Crystal Palace .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Thursday , the Ist inst ., at the Gregorian Arms' Tavern , 96 , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . J . Green , AV . M ., Bro . F . AValters , P . M ., and Secretary , opened the lodge , when ihe minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . T . AV . Avery ,
P . M ., took the chair , and in a masterly manner raised Bro . A . Lewis to the third degree , passed Bro . C . A . Swaine ( 73 ) to the second degree , and initiated a gentleman into Freemasonry—the AV . M ., Bro . J . Green , having relinquished his position through indisposition . The work was beautifully performed , the officers being well able to render their parts , which made all the ceremonies pass off
in a superior manner . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Notice of removal of the lodge ( by desire of the landlord , Bro . G . Drapper ) was given by Bro . F . AA'alters , P . M . and Sec ., after which the lodge was closed . There were present besides those named : Bros . F . II . Ehswoifh , P . M . and Treas . ; G . J .
Grace , S . AA ' . ; J . AV . Dudley , J . AV . ; J . II . Fudge , J . D . ; T . AV . Cox , I . G . ; ]" . Ruse , AV . S . ; G . Drapper , G . Free , J . A . Axtell , P . Fry , G . Mabbs , AV . May , L . Ashton , H . Bartlett , T . Jones , J . Woolton , G . A . Claeys , & c . A'isitors : Bros . E . H . Tipton , AV . M . 49 ; T . Angel and C . A . Swaine , 73 ; & e . A good banquet was served , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Star Lodge , No . 1275 . —This young and well-established lodge held its regular meeting on Fiiday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross . The lodge was opened hy the W . M ., Bro . W . Ough , P . G . P ., who was supported by the following brethren : — C . T . Hogg , P . G . S ., S . AV . ; II . Keeble , J . AV . ; J . Smith , P . G . P . and I . P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . * , S . Homewood ,
as S . D . ; 11 . Crabtree , J . D . ; G . Pymm , P . M ., I . G . ; T . R . Darke , D . C ; J . J . Limebeer , AV . Okcy , AV . Bull , G . F . Guest , A . Stevens , AV . F . AVctten , J . Davis , AV . Kipps , AV . B . Tustin , J . Finch . R . F . Duff , T . Hobson , 11 . J . Clare , G . S . Elliott , and others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . T . Perridge ( l' . M . 79 ) . J . R . Dttssce ( 79 ) , Henry Potter ( P . M . it ) , AV . Bourne ( P . M .
749 ) . K . Sisson ( P . M . 901 ) , G . R . Lomax ( 913 ) , AV . H . Waghorn ( S . D . 946 ) , & c . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ami confirmed . Ballots were taken and proved unanimous in favour of Messrs . R . F . Duff , C . K . Share , J . Davis , J . Finch , and AA ' . Kipps as candidates for initiation , ami of Bro . George Samuel Elliott ( 749 ) as a joining member . The work gone through was raising
Bros . AV . II . I ramplcasure , J . J . Limebeer , and a visiting brother ; passing liro . Bull ; and initiating Messrs . Duff , Davis , Finch , and Kipps . The candidates were introduced separately , thus enabling each to give an undivided attention to thc ceremonies , which were all performed by the AV . M . in a faultless manner . The by-laws were read , and the brethren then proceeded to the election of a AA' . M ,
for the ensuing year , the result being unaimous in favour of the S . AV ., Bro . Hogg . The Treasurer and the Tyler ( Bro . J . Gilbert ) were unanimously re-elected to their respective offices . Thc Audit Committee was appointed , and an arrangement was made , for the convenience of the Secretary , to hold their meetings in town . It was also unanimously resolved that a ten-guinea testimonial he
presented from the lodge funds to lir . Ough , in slight recognition of his valuable and efficient services to the lodge as its second AV . M . ; the form of the testimonial to be left to the choice of that esteemed brother . —Bro . Ough , in a feeling speech thanked the brethren for the high compliment paid him . —The Treasurer then announced that his exertions as the lodge ' s Steward at the recent festival of the Girl ' s School , resulted ( in a joint list wilh some other
Stewards ) in the realization of over ^ 160 . J le would wish the lodge to send a Steward every year to , at least , one of thc festivals of thc great Masonic charities , ami hoped every brother who was installed as AV . M . of the lodge would also be a Steward to represent them on one of those occasions . —Acting on this suggestion , Bro . Hogg , the AV . M .-elect , gave in his name as the Steward to represent the lodge at the festival of the Royal Masonic
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Benevolent Institution in January next . —Several joining members and candidates for initiation having been proposed , it was arranged that emergency meetings should be held for the purpose of clearing off all work previous to the installation meeting , and thus leave the ceremony of
installation alone for that occasion ; and as a large number of visitors are expected , it was determined to hold the installation banquet at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet . The lodge was closed , banquet followed , and the usual happy evening was spent .
PROVINCIAL . CREWKERNE . —Parrel and Axe Lodi ; c , No . 814 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 25 th ultimo , the AV . M ., Bro . Straw-son , in the chair . 'Ihe lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , after which Bros . John AVright and R . S . Horsey were raised to the sublime degree of M . M .,
and the working tools were presented by Bro . P . M . Galpm . The lodge was then closed in form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AV . M ., on behalf of the lodge , presented the I . P . M ., Bro . Galpin , with a handsome gold P . M . 's jewel , bearing the following inscription ;—"Presented to Bro . Galpin , P . M ., P G . D . C . Somerset , by the brethren of the Parrel and Axe Lodge , 814 , in
acknowledgment of his valuable Masonic services . May , 1871 . " In doing so , the AV . M . spoke highly of the uniform efficiency , liberality , and courtesy of his Immediate P . M . during his two years' Mastership . Bro . Galpin acknowledged the compliment paid to him in feeling and appropriate terms . The jewel was supplied by Bro . George Kenning , Little Britain , London . The Tyler ' s toast brought amostagreeable evening to a pleasant termination .
PLUMSTEAD , KENT .- Pattison Lodge , A o . 913 . — The installation of liro . C . A . Ellis , P . M ., as AA'orshipftil Master of the Pattison Lodge , one of the finest lodges in the province of Kent , took place on Thursday , the Ist inst ., at the Lord Raglan Hall , Plumstead . The installation ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . J . Graydon , P . M . and P . P . G . S . Deacon of Kent , and the
AV . M . then invested his officers in their several degrees as follows : Bros . S . H . Pain , S . AV . ; T . AV . Knight , J . AA' . ; E . Denton , P . M . and P . P . S . Purs . Kent , Secretary ; A . Jessup , Treasurer ; G . M . Tapp , S . D . ; J . M'Dougall , J . D . ; and A . Tenfold , I . G . Subsequently an elegant banquet was served by Bro . Raymond . The AV . M . presided , and there were also present : The R . AA ' . Bro . F .
Pattison , Past Grand Warden of England , and founder of this lodge ; liros . C . Coupland , thc I . P . M . ; G . Tongue , P . M . and P . P . G . J . AVarden of Kent ; Graydon , J . Henderson , and AV . Norman , P . M . 's of this lodge ; together with al ! theofiicers and the following members : Bros . J . AVidgery , E . Hughes , R . Lister , T . AV . Davis , AV . AVatts , AV . Farnfield . G . AV . Smith , E . Palmer , E . Biddick , AV .
B . Lloyd , J . Raymond , J . Griffiths , G . Cay , R . Lonergan , F . F . Thorne , AA' . T . Vincent , T . D . Hayes , F . Barnett , AV . Canty , AV . II . Pinkey , AV . Lock , & c . The visitors present included Bros . Dr . Prescott , K . A ., P . M . 706 ; Felling , S . AV . 706 ; Sydney Clarke , j . AV . 706 ; [ . Miles , AA' . M . 293 ; AV . D . May , AV . M . 700 ; AV . J . Graham , AA ' . M .-elect 700 ; G . Ii . Davies , AV . M . 13 ; Marshall ,
S . D . 1308 ; Hastings , 1056 ; Pownall , 13 and 1089 ; & c . The whole proceedings of the day were of the most interesting character . Bro . Pattison responded to the toast of "The Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers , " and Bro . Graydon for "Lord Holmesdale and the Province of Kent . " But for urgent parliamentary duties , his lordship would have been present .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . CALCUTTA . —Koyal Kent Encampment . —A regular meeting of this encampment was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , 55 , Benlinck-sti-ct , Calcutta , on April 29 th , 1 S 71 . Present : K . Sir Kts . J . L . Taylor , P . E . C . ; G . II . Daly , P . E . C . and officiating Prelate ; Sir Kts . I ) . M . Hunt , Hit Captain ; G . M . Ooodrickc , 2 nd Captain ; J . R . Alex .
D Cruz , Registrar ; D . Ji'Gregor , Expert ; A . Friedeman , 1 st Herald ; AV . E . Jellicoe , 2 nd Herald ; AA . F . Westfield , Captain of the Lines ; Frater G . Alexander , Equerry . Members : Sir Kts . Friedeman and Girling . A'isitors : Sir Kts . A \' . II . M'Gowan , II . Compton , antl Captain G . G . Nelson . The encampment having been opened in due antl ancient form at 8 p . m ., the minutes
of ihe last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Thc ballot was prepared for Comp . Stephen Lawry . of Royal Arch Chapter Kilwinning in the East , No . 6 4 , of Scotland , proposed by E . Sir Kt . J . L . Taylor , and seconded by Sir Kt . J . R . Alex . D ' Cruz , and which , on being taken , proved favourable . Comp . Stephen Lawry was then admitted in due form , and installed a Knight
Companion of thc Order . Sir Kt . George Michael Goodrickc having been elected as Eminent Commander ol the encampment at thc last regular meeting , was called up , and duly installed into the chair . The Sir Knights , members of the encampment , were then admitted , and paitl due homage to the newly-installed Eminent Commander , who then made the following appointments * . —Sir Kts .
AVilliam Berry Fair , 1 st Captain ; David M'Grcgor , 2 nd Captain ; / . li . Alex , M'Cruz , Registrar ; \ V . F . AVestfield , Prelate ; AV . E . Jellicoe , Expert ; Adolph Frldeman , Almoner ; AVhitmore Girling , Captain of the Lines ; J . L . Taylor , Treasurer ; Frater G . Alexander , Equerry . A'i apology was recorded from the P . E . C . E . Sir Kt .
AVilliam Osmond Alexander for non-attendance in consequence of important business having compelled him to leave town . There being nothing further before the meeting , it was closed in solemn form , and the Sir Knights adjourned lo partake of the " Bread of Plenty " and "Cup of Cheerfulness , "
Order Of Malta.
GIBRALTAR . —A priory of this distinguished Order was opened in the rooms of the Calpe i ' . ncampment on the 23 rd ult . by the Eminent Prior Sir Kt . J . Balfour Cockburn , for ihe purpose of conferring the degree on Comps . Price , 30 , Andrews , antl Roche . There was a goodly muster of the Knights of St . John , and the
ceremony was conducted throughout in a most impressive manner , and with a very strict and cartful attention to details : AA ' orthy Sir Kt . Ellison acting as Mareschal . ' This was the first occasion the priory was worked with banners instead of veils , and the change was universally hailed as a most sensible improvement 01 the old system . Thc following knights guarded the banners : —The white
banner , Sir Kt . St . Leger ; the red banner . Sir Kt . AUfrey ; the black banner , Sir Kt . Dantez ; the purple banner , Sir Kt . Morgan ; the gold-coloured banner , Sir Kt . Marin . Thanks to the artistic skill and great lieraldio knowledge of the Captain-General , Sir Kt . St . Leger , the Calpe Encampment , though not possessing a suite of rooms of any very great size , may fairly boast of the internal decorations of ihe same , in the shape of
banners , standards , and devices , being second to no other encampment . AA ' e strongly counsel all wandering knights who may pass through Gibraltar not to fail to see this charming little priory , which may really he regarded as one of the "lions" of the place . Such a visit , we may safely add , will be most cordially received and as heartily responded to by the Eminent Prior , whose ability and courtesy are so well known .
ST . J AMES ' S THEATRE . —This ashionable theatre has crowded houses to witness the ever-popular burlesque " Poll and Partner Joe , " which is described by contemporaries as ' •one of the best burlesques that the best English burlesque writer has ever written , " and " unqualified success , " and
to which we can add great and genuine success , well merited and richly deserved . Mrs . John AA ' ood as Mary Maybud introduces her famous ballad , " My Love he is a Saillettr Boy , " and sings " His Heart was true to Poll , '' and to quote from The Observer , " her fresh , funny rendering of the
chorus is ringing in our ears as we write . Every one must hear that song . " Then , " Black Brandon's sensation header through the port side of the ship is quite equal in impressiveness to thc goblin monk's fall from Notre Dame . " —The Graphic . The burlesque is sustained
by Miss Caroline Parkes , Partner Joe ; Harry Halyard , Miss Emma Chambers ; Mr . Lionel Brough , Black Brandon ; Dame Tiller , Mr . Harry Cox ; Watchful AA ' axend , Mr . Alfred Young—all of whom well performed their parts . The comedy in two acts by Planchc , " Secret Service . " Mr .
AVilliam Farren in his father ' s famous role . "Those who remember the first AVilliam Farren and his many Haymarket triumphs will be glad to revive their stage traditions , and see almost the . old favorite actor again tnhis habit as he lived . "—The Daily Teletrraph . This performance is given first , then
the burlesque , and terminating with H . B . Farnie ' s new farce " Rival Romeos . " At Mrs . John AV'ood ' s benefit on Friday , May 26 th , during the benefit performances , she was literally presented with " a bag of gold . " A purse containing one hundred
guineas , subscribed by the ladies and gentlemen connected with her management , was placed in her hands by Mr . Sothcrn , who , in a neat impromptu speech , assured thc fair manageress that she was as " good as gold , " and that he could say for all concerned that " their hearts were true to Poll . "
ROVAL COURT THEATRE ( Sloanc-square ) . —The successful comedy oi " Randall ' s Thumb , " which has been performed for more than one hundred nights , was on Whit Monday replaced by a dramatised version of Charles Dickens ' s celebrated novel of " Great Expectations . " It is in three acts , witha
prologue . It is thus placed on the stage . Prologue-Exterior of Joe Gargery ' s Forge adjoining Churchyard . Act 1—Interior of Joe Gargery ' s Forge . Act 2—Pips's Chambers in Barnard's Inn . Act 3 , scene 1—Mr . Jaggcrs' Office in Little Britain ; scene 2—Thc old Sluice House near the Lime-kiln .
It is well put on the stage , and is likely to have a great run . The successful musical fairy tale , "Creatures ofImpulse , " tcrminatcsthc performances , which is commenced with a farce by thc late Mr . T . Robertson , entitled " Not at all Jealous . " It is with great pleasure we noticed no fees of any kind
are allowed to be taken here , and no doubt in time that wholesome rule will be carried out in all p laces of amusement as well as at the theatres . There was a full house on the night of our attendance , composed of a fashionable audience . Repeated calls before the curtain of the principal
performers in "Great Expectations , " at the end of eich act , proved how well this drama is likely to please the patrons of this well-managed theatre . It is a genuine success . AA'e nay add that the principal characters in the new melodrama are sustained
by Mesdames M . Brennan , Kate Bishop , k . Manor , and Eleanor Bufton , and Messieurs E . Righton , J . C . Cowper , AV . Belford , and John Clayton , to whom all praise is due for thc great success that has been obtained ,